#naomi (n) would have him crying on his knees by book 3
blinkvlink · 1 year
Adam is lucky he got Helena in my gameplay because my other detectives wouldn't take that level of clowing.
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nicka-nell · 4 years
Friend with the enemy - Chapter 3: An unfortunate reunion
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Chapter 2 - Smile for me     |     Masterlist    | Chapter 4 - You belong to me
Chapter: 3/4 | Oikawa x reader
Words: 2.194 
Warning: angst, mention of blood
Your trembling voice is still loud in his ears. Your trembling body is right in front of his eyes. But it gets smaller and smaller until it finally disappears completely. Like petrified he still stands at this point where he has grasped at your wrist. “Oikawa, is everything all right, sweetie?” Bring him back the voice of the woman who destroyed everything. No... He had destroyed everything, and he has now become aware of it. “I’m not your sweetie.” he just hisses. “What? What’s wrong with you?” she asks him sadly. “Listen, Naomi, I made a mistake... It has nothing to do with you, but that kiss just shouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry if you got your hopes up but I have no feelings for you. Please let me through. I want to go to my apartment... alone.” He answers seriously, and before he can get past her, she runs away and calls him what an idiot he is. “Yes, an idiot...” he sighs sadly and opens the door. Powerless, he sinks to the ground. With one arm on his knee he looks to the ceiling. He thought he wasn’t sure that he had feelings for you. He didn’t want to bind himself to you, and at the end he found out that you don’t fit together. He knew exactly he was going to lose you not just as a girlfriend, but as a friend. He thought if he went out with another woman, maybe he could forget his feelings for you and at least keep you as a friend. But all day long, all he had to think about was you. Naomi began to laugh, and he immediately had to think of your laughter, how beautiful it was. No matter what she told him, he always had to think of you and your angelic voice. In front of his apartment he wanted to kiss her to finally get you out of his heart, but he only had to think of you when kissing her, and then he heard your voice... To see you so sad and disappointed, his heart was torn to pieces. Hearing from your mouth not Tooru but Oikawa brought up a painful feeling in him. Hesitantly he pulls out his cell phone and looks at his display with a painful face. As his background, he has a photo of you. You wanted to meet together in the park, but Oikawa was a little longer at practice and had written to you that he was coming later. Since you just got out of school, you had taken a reading out of your pocket that you are treating in English. When Oikawa arrived in the park, he saw you sitting on a bench under a cherry tree. Your hair was blown backwards by the wind, and completely absorbed and focused you had read a book. He couldn’t help but take a picture of you. You looked so peaceful and unbelievably breathtaking to him at that moment. He could have looked at you like that for hours. Now he pinches his eyes and bites his lower lip. “Shit....” he hisses desperately and a tear runs down his cheek. He breathes deeply and then chooses a number that he called far too often when he had problems. “Oikawa? Have you looked at the clock? I want to sleep, you idiot!” The voice from the other line growls into Oikawas ear. “Oikawa?” the voice now asks a little more calmly. “Iwa-chan... I made a pretty big mistake...” Oikawa sighs sadly. “Ah? Did you forget to study for the test tomorrow...? I’m not helping you anymore! I want to sleep.” Iwaizumi responds, but Oikawa sighs again. “You’re right, I’m sorry if I woke you.” he quietly returns, but then he hears Iwaizumis voice. “What's up? You got a minute.”, “Listen Iwa-chan... Can you remember the manager of Shiratorizawa?” Again, it’s all quiet. “Yes of course. She’s a real sight for sore eyes." Iwaizumi laughs embarrassed. “Yeah, that’s her... and how can I say that... We met, and she asked me if I could imagine a relationship with her.” With his last words he swallows and does not know exactly how to continue talking. “Yeah, but... This is a good thing.”, “Yes, no, so... I was afraid of breaking up our friendship if we didn’t fit together. I thought... When I meet someone else... another woman... then my feelings for her disappear and I could at least keep her as a buddy or something. Well... Anyway, in the end, it was like I kissed that Naomi from our stage and (y/n) saw it. She doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore...." his voice sounds almost fragile. “You got what, huh? You’re such an idiot, Oikawa!” Iwaizumi shouts at him. “I know that myself! You better tell me what to do... I... I can’t think clearly... I know I fucking made a mistake but... damn it!” With his words he notices how his voice gives in more and more, and he starts to cry like a little child. “Oikawa?” a little unsettled Iwaizumi calls for him, but he does not answer. “Oikawa?” again no answer. “I’ll be right with you..." All night long, Iwaizumi tries to calm Oikawa down. In vain. - “Here you have your water bottles.” You say as you approach Semi and Tendou. They thank you joyfully and you return their thanks with a smile. “Oh look! Here come the guys from Aobajohsai!” Tendou suddenly calls and looks past you. Right... Today you have another training match against Aobajohsai. It’s been two weeks since you tried to forget Oikawa. You haven’t talked to him or seen him for two weeks. He didn’t write to you either. Looks like he’s forgotten you faster than you have. Because you used to sit in the living room with Ushijima and throw yourself in his arms in silence and were crying. He still doesn’t know that Oikawa is the one who hurt you so much. “(y/n)? Is everything all right?” Ushijimas voice brings you back to reality. “Hm? Yes...” you answered him a little lost in your thoughts. Your opponents are entering the gym and welcoming you all. You all also warmly welcomes them. All this time, you try not to pay attention to Oikawa. Not looking him in the eye. But when the game starts, you can’t help looking at him. Only now do you realize how bad he actually looks. Anything but rested. Dark circles make his beautiful chestnut-brown eyes look colorless and dull. Not only has his appearance changed. But he also seems different. He is not really at the game and blames all his fellow players for his own mistakes. He shouts at everyone, and he is irritated at the slightest question. Iwaizumi tries to calm him down again and again and tells him to concentrate on the game. However, he does not really succeed. You win the first set and in the second you are on the verge of winning it too. All you need is one more point, and Ushijima will make a massive quick attack. But the ball does not hit the ground. The ball hits Oikawa with a loud bang exactly to the temple and his body sinks without tension to the ground. Iwaizumi wants to catch him, however, he does not make it in time and Oikawas head already hits the bench in front of him. Now he's lying bleeding on the ground. A loud humming is heard in your ears. You see people running in slow motion and their lips moving, but no sounds come out of them. In shock, you get up from your bench and without knowing it, you scream for Oikawa. Your legs are moving and you want to walk to the motionless body that is bleeding heavily on the head as Ushijimas strong arms hold you back. “It's nothing for your eyes, (y/n).” He tries to explain as calmly as possible. Their coach has already called the emergency doctor and it does not take long until he comes to the hall and takes Oikawa with him. Iwaizumi also leaves the hall and accompanies the emergency doctors to the hospital. You still stand there with shaky legs, completely dissolved and are only held up by Ushijimas strong arms. You may have won the game, but nobody can really be happy right now. “Come... I’ll drive you to the hospital.” Ushijimas voice will bring you back. A barely visible nod is enough for him to walk with you towards the exit. He says goodbye to everyone with a nod and goes out with you. Arriving in his car, you’re still looking out the window. “I didn’t know Oikawa was your acquaintance, who made you so sad...” Ushijima says calmly, but continues to look at the street in front of him. “How... do you know it’s Tooru?” You ask, still looking out the window. “Your sad face already gave me a clue when I told you the Aobajohsai team would be here soon. And your reaction to his accident confirmed my theory." He replies in a calm voice. Of course, he knew... After all, it’s Ushijima. He can read you like an open book. “Hm... He should come to Shiratorizawa... Not only because he can play me the balls, he could also watch you for hours.” Ushijima grins and tries to cheer you up with his words. “Well... I don’t think he’d be watching me for hours. After all, he kissed another woman a short time after I told him that I could imagine more than just friendship." You sigh with a cool undertone and now look at Ushijima, who looks at you with big eyes. A hesitant “Oh...” slips away, and he thinks about what to say to you. “Maybe it was a misunderstanding... Maybe you should talk to him...?" Wondering about his own words, he looks at you brooding as he stops at a red light. “I don’t want a man to hurt you. I want you to be happy... And I’ll do everything I can to make sure Oikawa doesn’t hurt you again. But you won’t get over him if you don’t deal with this problem with him. Obviously, you still have feelings for him. So you should confront him. Let him explain everything to you and then you can still think about what’s best for you. But I promise you, I won’t let him near you unless you want him to." His voice is full of power, but not loud. "Thank you, Wakatoshi." You answered him with a smile. “We are there. Go in, I’ll wait for you down here.” Now he also smiles and you get out of his car. At the hospital, you are about to see a doctor when Iwaizumi meets you. He tells you that everything is fine and that Oikawa only had a slight concussion and a laceration that was stitched. Relieved, you thank him for the information and ask him if he can give you Oikawas room number. Without hesitation, he gives you these and tells you how to get there. Just as you’re leaving, he calls for you again. “Wait! Listen... Oikawa really screwed up. I don’t want to talk about what he did, either, but he’s been in really bad shape these past few weeks. Did you fucking see him today? He looked like fucking hell. Please talk to him again... I think you’re the only one who can still get through to him." Thoughtfully he looks into your eyes. “See you (l/n)." He adds and walks out of the hospital with his hands in his pockets. Arriving in Oikawas hospital room, you see that he is still sleeping deeply and firmly. Quietly you sit down on a vacant spot from the bed and look at him. He looks really terrible... Without realizing it, you reach for his hand and hold it subconsciously in your hands. Sadly, you look at him as you feel his hand squeezing your hand. You look at him and notice how he slowly opens his eyes and looks at you for a moment. He quickly lowers his head and turns it aside. “You of all people have to see me like this... What are you even doing here?" he moans coldly. You let go of his hand and your chest is tightening up again. “I’m here because... everyone was worried about you. Nothing more. Now that you’re okay, I can go back." You lie and get up from his bed. “Wait!" he calls after you. “Can... can we talk?” He looks at you with a desperate look. “When you are out of the hospital...” you answer a little sad because you’re afraid of this conversation. Without turning to him again, you leave the room and go home with Ushijima.
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