Koihana Bakumeiroku Suitor Profiles, Lite Ver. (All 8 Suitors)
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↳ Taken from the official site x ↳ I've included links to the wiki pages of the real-life people they're based on (in case you're as oblivious as I am) ↳ Translations may not be completely accurate, and may be totally off in some places
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HAJIME SAITO (CV. Shugo Nakamura) 冷徹 ⨉ 純愛 Level-Headed ⨉ Pure Love "That sword-stance... Are you from Aizu? No wonder you've got such strong eyes."
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TAKAYOSHI KIDO (CV. Ryouta Suzuki) 人たらし ⨉ 知略 Smooth-Talker ⨉ Ingenuity
"'Kogoro the Runaway' you say? Why, I take that as a compliment. You can't do a thing if you're dead, after all."
*Kogoro was Takayoshi's birthname. "Kogoro the Runaway" is supposedly a nickname the IRL Takayoshi received for his knack for escaping in pinch (using disguises, deceit, etc.), though apparently this hasn't been historically verified? You may be familiar with his story from other media/games. (dubious(?) sources 1 2 3)
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TAKAMORI SAIGO (CV. Ryouhei Kimura) 勇壮 ⨉ 包容力 Heroic ⨉ Broad-Mindedness
"I've got too many precious things on my hands. And that's why I don't have a second to waste."
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TOSHIZO HIJIKATA (CV. Makoto Furukawa) カリスマ ⨉ 大人色気 Charisma ⨉ Adult Sex-Appeal
"In the end, the only thing we can do is follow the path we believe in. That goes for me―and that goes for you."
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TAKEAKI ENOMOTO (CV. Kazuyuki Okitsu) 博愛 ⨉ 探求者 Philanthropy ⨉ Seeker
"Now that I've survived to this era... perhaps there's something for me to be doing."
*博愛 has a swathe of meanings that generally align with things like fraternity, charity, love of humanity etc. *seeker in the sense that he is searching for something. Perhaps a purpose?
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KAISHU KATSU (CV. Youhei Azakami) 野心家 ⨉ 独立独歩 Ambitious ⨉ Self-Reliant
"We may share a common front, but I don't trust you. Well, the feeling's mutual, isn't it?"
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NAOSUKE II (CV. Masaya Matsukaze) 絶対規律 ⨉ 鬼畜 Absolute Discipline ⨉ Demonic
"I am the law here and my word is absolute. If you don't obey, I'll kill you. Is that clear?"
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TOSHIAKI KIRINO (CV. Shogo Sakata) 忠実 ⨉ エキセントリック Loyal ⨉ Eccentric
"You're a surprisingly good person, aren't you! Let's do our best for Saigo-san together!"
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Meiji Government: Hajime, Takayoshi, Kaishu and Enomoto New Tokugawa Shogunate: Naosuke and Hijikata ???: Saigo and Kirino
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