#nanowrimo wrap-up
druidx · 2 years
The Ruby Falls - NaNoWriMo 2022 Debrief
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What was I aiming for?
To finish the first draft of this story.
So how did I do?
I did it! I finished the first draft of The Ruby Falls on day 21, which coincidentally was the same day I "won" Nano. I even had some time to do a bit of rewriting... However I may have to revisit that because I'm not sure of it's quality.
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Total writing time (h): 53:38:30 Total writing time (D): 2.24 Average writing time per day (h): 01:46:47 Wordiest day: 2nd, 9520 w/c Words per hour (avg): 1,042 Average Session Duration: 00:19:38 Final word count for NaNoWriMo: 53,473 Current word count for the Document: 181,884
How does this compare to previous years?
About average I think. It wasn't terrible, and it wasn't great. The words came in a consistent trickle, and I felt okay most of the month with this.
I only started recording timed stats for 2019, so I don't have enough data to say for sure, but I think 1,042w/h is a little lower than my mean. I know getting ill and then the subsequent exhaustion that followed was not great for my words/hour rate, and in the latter part of the month I rarely went over 700w/h.
I'm not terribly upset about this years performance - it was more important to me that I finish the story than I beat my 4-day record. So while this year was mediocre, I'm okay with that.
What’s Next?
Rewrite and editing (my detested); then beta-read (my never-done-before); final edit pass and posted.
Last year I rather naively said that I would have The Ruby Falls posted by the end of Oct this year, because I was assuming I'd do Camp Nano and finish it then. I'm now considering if the same timeframe would be enough for the rewrite etc in 2023. IDK, we'll see.
At this point I'm just "We'll get there when we get there" 😆
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duskyashe · 1 year
[First] [Previous] [Next] [AO3]
Duke watched Phantom pace around the rooftop in growing bemusement. The kid was going over the notes he'd taken in his little pocket notebook over the course of his and Dick's Q&As with a rather deep furrow between his brows, muttering under his breath all the while. Duke chanced a glance at his oldest brother from where he sat as straight-backed as possible on his stool of shadows. Though Dick was fully masked and in character, Duke could read the older man like a book. His casual perch on top of the roof access shed held a shade of wariness and the set of his shoulders belayed his concern.
He fully understood, from what Steph and Jason had said, Phantom knew pretty much instantly exactly what both of them were as soon as he'd finished questioning them. He hadn't had to ask them more than ten questions total before he just knew. With Dick, however, he'd asked almost twenty five questions, and Duke was asked almost forty before Phantom had started up his pacing and muttering.
Right as Duke's anxiety started acting up, started whispering poisonous words about how he was a fake and a failure, that Phantom was going to declare him nothing more than a freakishly over powered meta and his family would turn him out on the streets over it, the kid abruptly stopped pacing and, without even looking up from his little notebook, asked the two of them, "So did you guys know you were both light deities before you came up here, or is that just a huge freaking coincidence? Because I've cross-checked the facts and crunched all the numbers, and you two are both minor deities of light, among other things."
Dick rolled his head dramatically to the side door a moment before asking in his raspy Raven voice, "Among other thingsssss?"
Phantom looked up from his notes with a blank startled look before understanding flashed across his expression. "Ahh, yes. Raven, you're a minor guardian trickster deity of light, your domains are pranks and tomfoolery, light, and protection. Signal, you're a minor guardian deity of light and shadows, your domains are both light and shadows, as well as protection. Basically, your domains are things that empower you and that you can manipulate and control with training. Eventually, you'll even be able to bless people within your clan's territory with any of your domains, such as blessing someone to find safety within the light of street lamps. Raven, as a trickster, you'll be drawn to areas and people full of mischief, and even feel the urge to start mischief, yourself," he explained. "As both of you are also guardians, you're inherently connected to the general wellbeing of the inhabitants of your territory. When someone is in danger within the city limits, you'll be able to tell. With practice, you'll even be able to hone in on the location."
Cass watched from her spot draped across a crouching Tim's shoulders as Phantom gently smacked his forehead with his little notebook. He'd just finished questioning her and seemed to be having a small mental breakdown. She watched him for a little longer before softly whistling a question to her little brother in the family's secret conlang, Is he okay? Tim's chirped answer, I'm not sure, was followed by Phantom taking a deep breath and looking back up at them.
"Sorry about that, I wasn't expecting your clan to have so many minor deities in it. Ibis, you're definitely a kitsune, though I have no idea how many tails you have yet or what they can do, so we'll have to figure that out next time. BlackBat, you're a minor guardian deity of darkness and shadows, your domains are darkness, shadows, and protection. Like I told Raven and Signal, your domains are things that empower you. You and Signal share the domain of shadows, but as you also possess the domain of darkness itself, you'll be able to do things with shadows that he likely never will, no matter how much he trains his shadow domain," Phantom said before letting out a gust of breath and drawing his feet up to sit in midair. He ran a hand through his bright white hair, his entire frame screaming to her his astonishment and wariness. "Ancients, your clan is seriously OP. Batman is most likely a major deity since he has three minor deities under him, then there's the three of you minor deities. Condor's a Phoenix, Starling is a banshee, you're a kitsune with who knows how many tails, Ibis—" he pulled his hand from his hair and ran it down his face instead.
Tim and Cass glanced at each other at his words. Were clans... Not supposed to be like theirs? It felt entirely natural to her, especially since her family had started taking lessons from Phantom. She couldn't imagine her clan being anything other than exactly as it was.
Phantom must have caught the motion of their heads as he hurried to explain. "Most clans are made up of similar, if not the same, species. Your clan not only has a wider variety of species than normal, a lot of you are rare species that either have difficulties getting along with certain species also counted among your number, or aren't usually found in clans at all. Deities, major and minor, either form pantheons, which are different from clans, with other deities local to their territory or fiercely guard their territory from other deities and remain solo their entire existence. The fact that you have a deity in your clan, let alone three or more, is—is unheard of."
Tim froze in her grasp as he immediately began absorbing, analyzing, and extrapolating the new information they'd been given, but Cass barely noticed. No, what drew her attention more than the truly ground shaking information, was the beginnings of real, fragile hope began to show themselves in Phantom's body language. Where before, both the first time she met Phantom and just earlier that very night, he'd exhibited signs of relief and safety, this was perhaps the first time she'd seen him express hope. Cass wondered what he'd seen, what he'd experienced, that had led to him losing his hope in the first place, then she decided that, whatever it was, she wanted to punish the ones behind all of it for taking that hope away.
AHHH I DID IT. I FINALLY FINISHED WRITING CHAPTER THREE. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ This took forever, and I apologize for that. I had to start writing this chapter five different times before I finally figured out how the heck I even wanted to begin. Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and all the lore drops. Cass's POV kinda got away from me and I'm not entirely sure where half the stuff I put in there came from, but it works! I hope y'all enjoyed it! I'm hoping to get back into the swing of writing and posting nearly every day for the rest of the month, but we'll just have to see, won't we (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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author-a-holmes · 10 months
Nanowrimo 2023 Wrap Up...
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So, I didn't make my 75k or break any personal records, but I'm really not mad about that. I don't know why I thought November was the nano event to try that in, November nano's are almost always a disaster for me. In fact, this is only the second time I've ever hit 50k in November.
But hit it, I did! Final count at 1-minute-to-midnight on November 30th was 51,841 words, which has brought my Darkling Manuscript up to 92,696. That's almost doubled the words I've written throughout the rest of 2023 which is incredible, and I'm so happy.
It also means that it looks like I'm still on track to complete the manuscript by January, which was really my main goal. All in all, I'd call this Nanowrimo a resounding success.
If you're interested in some of my other statistics, I've got some more numbers beneath the cut...
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Number of Sprints in November: 132 Sprints Time Spent Writing in November: 43 hours, 45 minutes Estimated Remaining: 20-25k words or 7-10 Chapters.
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thewordworrier · 2 months
July 2024 Writing Wrap Up
Words Written: 24,260 / 21,700 words. A Camp month means a slightly higher total - I was aiming for 700 words a day, which was 21,700 words in total. I hit this count every day, because, naturally. But there were some days where it was really, really hard. And honestly? That's okay. Things I’ve worked on: ~ the Supernatural Beings AU ~ the newest re-write ~ NormalAU thoughts ~ Popstar!Shelly AU thoughts ~ a brief tattoo shop AU thought, for giggles Things Published: Nothing 😬 I am working on things though.
August Plans! ~ back to 500 a day. Ya girl is tired, and it's hot a lot at the moment so I could do with using less brain power. ~ finish up the newest rewrite so I can post it! this is nearly there. I need a title more than anything. And to tweak the chapter breaks.
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lexosaurus · 2 years
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Wow holy FUCK!
I can't believe I actually did it. I literally went into this going, "If I write 20k this month I will be happy!"
And then I wrote the full 50k. Fuck, man. What a year this month has been.
I'm so so glad I did this. The progress I made on both WIPs is so much more than I thought I was going to make. I have SO MUCH EDITING to do this month, but I am veryyyy excited to have the month off from writing (sparing little oneshots I'll likely write here and there...)
Anyway, definitely recommend NaNo to anyone who's thinking about it for next year! It's a lot but this was definitely worth it!
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niccage · 2 years
Ope almost forgot to do this. Nanowrimo Day 2 Log:
Word Count: 12,259 (+1600 added)
Random Line:
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kayedium-writes · 2 years
First Week of NaNo - Wrap-Up!
So, the day is officially almost over, though I'll be writing for a while longer tonight. Daily updates just aren't feasible for me during NaNo due to how my schedule works out, but I'm planning to do this wrap-up every Saturday before my weekly update on Sundays! So, here we go!
Let's go over my projects, shall we?
Friends of the Bride & Groom: 3906 Words Added
All's Fair in Love and Politics: 495 Words Added
Neon Dreams: 1221 Words Added
The Favor: 1060 Words Added
Total for the Week: 6682
My Thoughts on the Week:
It's been a while since I've wrote every single day, so getting back into the groove has been a bit of a challenge. On top of that, I've had life happen this week but that's to be expected. Surprisingly, I didn't plan to work on Friends at all and it ended up with most of my attention. I'm slightly behind schedule but that's okay. Giving myself some grace and celebrating the fact I did work on something every day! New projects have been started, new chapters are being drafted, more things have been planned, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the month!
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
What is nanowrimo?
NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month, and it's an annual challenge in which people try to write a complete first draft of a novel in the month of November. The traditional word-count goal is 50k. I'm not participating this year, but it can be a very fun opportunity to write with people around the world and it provides excellent motivation to get words on the page!
Here's a link to their official website!
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sssquiddles · 10 months
and thus, the first part of this story has come to an end...
...and it is time for me to take a break and work on how i want the second half to go :)
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yuliares · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022
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[ID: Screenshot of NaNoWriMo Progess Bar - 39,808 total, with 29,808 written and 10k from art bounties]
This year was my first NaNoWriMo! I didn’t want to completely abandon drawing for writing, so I gave myself a 1k bounty for all art drawn during the month, regardless of quality.
I’m super happy with how it went - it pushed me to just jump all in and commit to just making stuff.
Worked on 15 different stories and finished 7 of them
Learned I can’t not double back and edit as I go
Drew 10 different art pieces
Finally updated my avatar from a random, stolen internet photo
Tapped 10 fandoms (including OFMD, Old Guard, Good Omens, BBC Sherlock, and my first dip into Inception and Marvel!)
Shout out to the CSH NaNo crew for keeping the energy going throughout the month, and the Art Guard for the fantastic monthly prompt of drawing art for fics we’ve enjoyed!
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NaNoWriMo 2022 Wrap-Up
Nanowrimo is over! I got a new job at the end of the month, and so I didn’t have as much time to write at the end of the month. However, I did write a lot for the event, and ended up really loving my story. I wanted to finish up the first part of it during the event, and while I technically did write the ending, there’s a lot of things I want to add between one section of the draft and the…
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iamthepulta · 2 years
So excited~
I have conceptualized the ending of the Liztlie AU. Literally have not had an ending this entire time 111k into writing it. Kept changing the damn thing. I wrote it all out and I've pieced together the climax. Now I just have to write it. :')
At least five chapters to the climax, then maybe three chapters wrapping everything up.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Day twenty-two of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon.
Kon makes the softest little sound Tim has ever heard and kisses him back. His mouth doesn’t give like it should–at least, not like a fully human mouth would–but Tim doesn’t know if that’s the TTK or the Kryptonian physiology coming in. He really can’t figure it out right now, though, because his every single synapse is busy being obsessed with Kon in close and warm and kissing him so softly, and maybe that’s just because he has super-strength and doesn’t want to bruise the civilian but it feels . . . 
Tim doesn’t even have a sentence there. It just feels. 
Kon’s lips aren’t any more chapped than his hands were. His mouth feels like velvet over steel, like satin wrapped around a weapon, and the dichotomy is really, really doing it for Tim. 
So is literally everything about Kon right now, of course. 
Tim, clinically, wonders what TTK feels like. If that’s the soft velvet-satin sensation he’s feeling, or . . . 
Maybe Kon let his TTK down for this, he thinks, and then nearly burns alive at the thought. Maybe Kon trusted him enough to kiss him without it in the way, though: his strongest defense, his best trick, that whole sense. 
Kon leans back just enough to separate their lips, and Tim exhales raggedly. He thinks he can feel the shape of Kon’s smile against his mouth when the other takes a breath of his own. 
“You can take some pictures, if you want,” Kon murmurs lowly. Tim, again, nearly falls off the bench. “If you’re into that.” 
Tim actually does not even have the words for how “into that” he is, honestly. Like not even slightly. Not even a little bit. 
“Maybe a couple,” he manages. His voice is a little strangled, but more or less coherent, so he figures that’s–fine. Yeah. It’s fine. 
“Cool,” Kon hums, then presses one last chaste little peck to his lips before straightening back up and flicking open the button of his pants. “But close your eyes for a sec first, okay?” 
Tim considers spontaneously combusting, but just puts a hand over his eyes instead. Sure. Why not. He’s already doomed; might as well really commit. 
He hears Kon’s zipper go down. 
Christ on a cracker, he thinks only a little bit hysterically. This was not in any way whatsoever in the plan. Not even a little bit was this in the plan. Ever. At all. Ever. 
He should stop him. He doesn't even know what Kon's doing, but he should definitely stop him.
He does not. 
He hears Kon moving. Hears fabric rustle. Feels a lot of things, including the terrible and mortifying realization that actually the shopping bag currently in his lap is probably doing jack all for him because Kon has TTK and therefore doesn't actually need to see him to know that he's getting–
Never mind. 
Fuck, Tim is in so far over his head. He's definitely in over his head. He is in over his head and wearing cement shoes and the water level is rising. 
“Hey,” Kon says after a few more moments of rustling fabric, and Tim can hear the grin in the bastard's voice as clear as he heard that goddamn zipper. “Look what I found.” 
Tim opens his eyes with thrilled dread and horrified delight, bracing himself for the worst. 
It turns out to be worse than that. 
“Fuck,” Tim says, staring dumbfounded at Kon, whose cheeks are flushed and mouth is smirking and pose is casually merciless and . . . and oh fucking hell. 
Tim has no idea when, where, or how, but Kon has somehow dug up the tiniest pair of denim shorts he has ever seen in real life and a stretchy, loose-fit crop top T-shirt with a big bright S-shield that fits implausibly tightly across his pecs and exposes every inch of his abs and way too much of his Adonis belt and oh, okay, yeah, Tim was in no way braced enough. No way whatsoever. Not even slightly.  
He is suddenly mortifyingly aware of Kon having thighs. Like, he's noticed Kon's arms before–it would be physically impossible not to have, even through the leather jacket–but somehow he never noticed his thighs. 
Terrible oversight on his part, there. 
Tim swallows. 
“Oh, so you, uh . . . remember that conversation, huh,” he manages weakly, and Kon's smirk goes sly again and he makes a point of shifting into a stupid come-hither teen-zine pose that has Tim silently praying for mercy.
“I definitely remember that conversation,” Kon says. 
Tim honestly did not expect him to. Like . . . why would Kon remember that conversation? Just flirting around a little shouldn’t necessitate . . . 
It occurs to Tim that Kon might’ve remembered that conversation because he’d made the effort to. That he might’ve tried to. Tim had said there was something he’d like to see him in, and Kon had made it a point to remember that. And then a point to go and find it. 
Fuck, Tim thinks in near-hysteria, and only doesn’t burst into literal flames of mortification by the mercy of the multiverse. He told Kon he was into something and Kon went to the effort to make it happen for him. Because Kon . . . wants to do that, apparently. Wants to do things Tim is into. 
“Oh,” Tim croaks, and Kon bites his lip around a wider smirk and then just sort of steps back into his space a little and then . . . 
Then he plucks up the shopping bag in Tim’s lap by the handles, sets it aside, and replaces it. 
Replaces it with himself, to be clear. 
Tim blinks, very slowly, and every fucking drop of blood in his brain abandons ship to fly south for the summer. Kon’s arms are braced against the wall on either side of Tim’s head and Kon’s thighs are on either side of Tim’s thighs, and Kon is kneeling over Tim’s lap. Tim’s actual literal lap.
If there was any chance of Tim coming up with something coherent to say about that, the way Kon leans down into “close enough to kiss” territory would absolutely and entirely vaporize it. 
“Does it look as good as you thought it would?” Kon asks, his eyes warm and heated and bluer than anything and his voice a low and shameless purr. Tim continues to lack a coherent vocabulary to answer him with. “Tim?” 
“Asdfghjk,” Tim manages, which might be sort of like words or might just be the verbal equivalent of a literal keyboard smash, maybe, and then does the stupidest possible thing he could do, which is grab Kon’s hips and kiss him again. Kon makes that same soft little sound into it, going loose and liquid in his lap, and then wraps his arms around his neck and tries to eat him alive. 
Tim is in no way complaining about that, for the record. 
Bragging, maybe. Maybe he’s technically more bragging, in this scenario. In his defense, Kon is filling up his entire lap with an infinite expanse of smooth muscle and bare skin and a fucking S-shield crop top, which Tim would really have expected people to have more respect for Superman than to make and sell commercially but really should’ve known better than to, in fact, expect people to have more respect for Superman than to make and sell commercially. 
"Kon–" he chokes out unthinkingly as Kon drops his mouth down behind his ear to kiss him there, brain all fried out on Kon's weight pressing down into his lap and Kon's body against his body and Kon's mouth high up his throat, on Kon's bare thighs and exposed stomach and the stretch of fabric across his muscles and his–and then he very abruptly remembers that Kon never actually told "Tim Drake" his name and his eyes flare in alarm and he panics and Kon–
"Wow, you really did do your research," he observes in amusement, leaning back just enough to grin down at him. 
Tim is the luckiest son of a bitch alive. 
Also the stupidest, but that goes without saying. 
"Um," he says weakly. "Sorry?" 
"It's cool, babe, I'm starting to think scary stalker tendencies are just a Gotham thing at this point," Kon teases with another easy laugh, squeezing his arms around Tim's neck. They are unspeakably nice arms and Tim frankly does not deserve their presence. "To say nothing of the control freak stuff. I dunno, is there something in the water around here, or does it all just mean 'I like you' in Gothamite?" 
"So sorry," Tim stresses feebly, and Kon just smiles at him. 
"It's cool," he repeats quietly, ducking his head a little. "Seriously. I actually kinda like hearing you say my name. Or . . . okay, I really like it. It's still pretty new, to be honest, so I don't really hear it all that much. Shoulda told you it to begin with, I just . . . haven't had many people to tell, I guess.  But it's not like it's a secret or anything." 
"Ah," Tim says, his gut twisting with totally, totally inappropriate heat. 
"Wanna say it again, maybe?" Kon asks softly, leaning back in with just the faintest trace of glitter and warmth in his eyes. "Wanna say it all the time?" 
Tim definitely wants to do that, yes. 
"Kon-El," he says, and Kon smiles.
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thewordworrier · 10 months
November 2023 Writing Wrap Up
Words Written: 56,261 words. Hell yeah. Things I’ve worked on: Aside from two of the three things I posted this month, I also worked on: ~ Normal AU situations [lots of these] ~ other Taylor fic bits ~ something i've helpfully titled :P [I mean, I know what this is but you won't until I post it] ~ the Reverse Vampire AU ~ an AU with the wife ~ the refleshening ~ the tamarin situation Oh! Actually I did work on the 3rd published thing a little - I added a few paragraphs of an ending. Things Published: I'm honestly surprised that I managed to post anything this month. ~ A Shot In The Darkest Dark [My usual, new piece inspired by Taylor's new music kinda deal.] ~ If You Look In The Mirror And Don’t Like What You See [I'm not sure where this came from but hey, we ran with it.] ~ This Place Is Too Crowded - Too Many Cool Kids [Though I will admit I didn't write the majority of this one this month, I wrote it some time ago but decided that it would be fine as a stand alone.]
December Plans! ~ we are going back to the 500 words a day for my sanity. I love NaNoWriMo and I love the progress it helps me make, because I don't cheat - none of this, fully writing out contractions, or adding in extra words that I'll delete later, or whatever BS for me. But. My god is it tiring sometimes. I actually found this year's really hard. Which probably just means I need to plan a little better for next year, as I know I wasn't as prepared as I have been in the past.
~ maybe we can finish off the refleshing It's not too far off to be fair. I'm not sure how to end it. My outline didn't get that far.
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kaihuntrr · 1 month
Baby, you'll never find a love like mine. <3 (The Sea Prince; art and updates as of August)
what's this? pearleo content? for the majorwood fanfic? yep! just had the motivation to do this piece, and it's been a while since I updated y'all with art and the goings on, especially as act one wraps up soon!
anyway, to new peeps i'll leave the link to the fic below the pic, and i'll have some updates down below if interested! thank you for your time, have the slow slowburn that is pearleo <3
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hooo boy, its been a while! i'll keep this update short and sweet since, if i say anything more, it might be a spoiler? i still want to keep things all nice and quiet for a few things coming up ;>
first and foremost, act one is coming to a close this october 18th! i know this since i plotted it out + i do want it to end on my birthday, ehe! act two is steadily working away (currently writing up chapter 6, hoping to get into gear for writing when nanowrimo hits + during my break from college, which is right now!) with current plans of it being either mid-november to early january for its scheduled release. its exciting!
and as act two is making its progress, i do want to have another call for beta readers! the ones that served me for act one have been great, but i do ask for more consistent and easy to communicate ones- i don't want to name anyone, but i don't like getting ghosted for months on end, aha-!
my good co-writer/editor @mewhoismyself and i are doing our best to give y'all the quality <3 its been really fun, and i hope to continue improving my craft as act one reaches its high point, and for act two to set the scene for another year-long journey <3
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thank you all so much for all the wonderful reception act one has been, and here's to its ending and for act two prepares its arrival!
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greenconverses · 10 months
nanowrimo wrap up: i have 25,000 words of a historical romance that i didn't have at the beginning of the month, whooooooo
i'm mostly really happy that i made myself write almost every day and i didn't hit the oh god everything is trash where's the quit button in the middle of the month like i usually do. having a smaller goal helped and made actually hitting big word count days feel super productive vs slogging to always hit 1,667
anyway, i'll keep plunking away at this project, but i'll take some time away from it to finish that epilogue and write a paper for finals (UGH) in the next week or two. hopefully i can end the year with around 40K overall for it!
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