badmovieihave · 10 months
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Bad movie I have Swamp Thing 1982
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glamourbarbiie · 2 years
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wetslug · 10 months
my grandma is going to australia this xmas to spend time with her mother...how lovely is it to be 80 y/o and still have your mother
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myoldsox · 30 days
Swamp Thing (1982) - IMDb
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ghelgheli · 6 months
Well in that case we can also argue that ''trans woman" fonctions as an umbrella gender characterized by a particular adversarial and oppositional relationship to patriarchy: transmisogyny produces trans womanhood, and afab trans women are certainly this.
''Trans woman'' is also an essentialist archetype that some trans women fail to met (e.g those born with a vulva, those who can bear children).
The social reality of the afab transfem can be similar to the one of (conventional) transfemininity if the afab person is perceived (and thus treated) as a transfem..so what about those people ? Aren't they functionally transfem ? Their lived material experience isn't transfem? However similarity can also arises from interesections between racialization, misogyny, or lesbianism, intersexuality, detransition etc, creating experiences that are functionally like or adjacent to trans womanhood. Some afabs can also be ''women by dint of being less than women'' and thus are transfems, this is not exclusive to amab transfems.
the crux of your problem is this sentence: "the social reality of the afab transfem can be similar to the one of (conventional) transfemininity if the afab person is perceived (and thus treated) as a trans fem"
this is the main justification I see being used for claims of transfemininity/trans womanhood/being tma by people who were cafab: people keep mistaking me for a tranny, and that makes me a tranny! this rests on a complete misunderstanding of the systemic nature of transmisogyny. being mistaken for a trans woman, even on the regular, does not put someone in the same totalizing relationship to hegemonic gender, for the simple reason that (as I have now said multiple times) the logic of transmisogyny operates thru birth assignment. the corrective violence of transmisogyny is applied specifically because betraying coercive assignment as male puts a person in a unique degenerate position as far as cisheteropatriarchy is concerned. someone who was cafab will always have their birth assignment as a shield against this, even if there are instances of mistaken identity where it cannot be used in time.
you may retort that sometimes the violence against someone who was cafab proceeds apace despite disclosure of this assignment—perhaps in the case of the cafab butch lesbian facing street violence (thinking of nearby versions of hannah gadsby's story in nannette), or the working class transmasc on T running up against discrimination at the workplace, or, famously, the case of woman athletes, generally Black and sometimes intersex as in the case of Caster Semenya, being banned from sports competitions (I imagine this is one of the examples you're alluding to when you mention intersections). but to equivocate this to transfemininity is itself violent erasure. you would be neglecting that in every case there is a difference between the person under discussion and someone against whom transmisogyny has set its whole machinery.
there are tma masc lesbians, there are working class transfems on T, there are Black trans women for whom participation in sport is yet more complicated. the realities of navigating the legal-medical-social apparatus of gender is multiplied in impossibility for all of them, because birth assignment is the charge laid by transmisogyny to condemn the trans woman. whatever intersection your "afab transfem" sits at, there will always be this difference between them and transfemininity. this is a difference that will be leveraged against the latter, not the former.
if you think you can reskin my argument as you have in this ask and maintain its fit to reality, then you understand neither misogyny nor transmisogyny. transmisogyny against the "afab transfem" is a mistake by the lights of hegemonic gender itself, to be amended (not necessarily into something harmless, but certainly into something different) upon the revelation of birth assignment. meanwhile the misogyny experienced by trans women (including closeted trans women, including the trans girl who does not even know why she is being treated thus!) does not happen by accident, but as part of the logic of (trans)misogyny itself, because trans women fail to be men despite their birth assignment and this demands punishment. there is not an escape-by-disclosure here. in other words, misogyny deliberately makes trans women women! there is no defense the trans woman can mount on the basis of birth assignment, because that is the very event against which her existence is measured.
this is not true of your imagined afab transfem, nor is any further punishment systemically levelled against the "afab transfem" because of their failing to meet the "essentialist archetype" of trans womanhood. on the contrary, the "afab transfem" remains asymmetrically empowered to use transmisogyny against the transfeminine. yes, cafab ppl are not exempt from violent transphobia, but this is not a violence predicated on the same gender-betrayal the transfeminine person embodies. the political distinction between these experiences remains.
a final point: you are correct that some cafabs can be "woman by dint of being less than woman" but I never claimed that this was a unique trait of transfemininity! in fact I made it clear that this is a common condition for many women (ableism, fatphobia, classism, etc. can all degender a woman). what is unique is the role the logic of transmisogyny plays in defining transfemininity, and the specific manner in which it underclasses the transfeminine subject—makes her the kind of person for whom only a certain, highly peripheralized form of existence is permissible.
if you are interested in describing the way the world is (hopefully with intent to change it) then this is not the way to go about that. any careful analysis of the power relations that cisheteropatriarchy uses to facilitate gender-classing in service of the division of labour will make this clear. you can argue whatever you want! you can also be wrong.
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thetruthaboutplastic · 7 months
Nannette Hammond
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orbot5 · 2 months
THEREWILL BE A MUPPETS ROMEO AND JULIET MOVIE.PLEASE.guys in the 2011 gnomeo and Juliet movie there’s a scene when nannette is getting a outfit for Juliet to sneak out in and there’s a KERMIT shirt.GUYS. and also in the scene were gnomeo and Juliet meet for the first time the song hello hello by Elton John and this one lyrric mentions PUPPETS.like idk puppets on a string or something. this PROVES that there will be a muppet movie where they do there own spin on Romeo and Juliet.im not insane feeling a bit better btw^_^
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toxinellebug · 9 months
Shadybug/ClawNoir supporting character Headcanons
Jagged Stone? More like Jared Smith. He wanted to be a rockin musician, but his type of music is banned by the Supreme so his career never took off. Instead, he ended up marrying his girlfriend, Nannette Couffaine, after accidentally knocking her up with twins, released his pet crocodile into the Seine, got an apartment, and works a regular job that he HATES. But, he secretly still tries to record music and sells it on the black market where it has become somewhat popular in the indie underground, but if he were caught he would go to prison for sure. It’s not a happy marriage but he does what he has to. His kids last names are hyphenated Couffaine-Smith.
No houseboat, and without Royalties from music labels, neither Juleka or Luka could afford to go to Francois Dupont
Penny works as an assistant for Bob Roth and HATES IT. The man is a sexist slave driver, but this business is brutal.
Nadja Chamack is not a news anchor. You can’t be a single mother AND have a career that takes up so much of your time. As a result, Marinette has never had to babysit Manon.
Lila wants to challenge Chloe’s position as queen of the school, but there are no lies about charity work, only lies of what powerful and famous connections she has.
Adrien is not interested in being friendly with Lila, and definitely not going to help her with schoolwork. But he is still the ultimate trophy and key to winning popularity in Lila’s eyes, so she is determined to “win him over”, even though he finds her almost as annoying as Chloe, but Chloe he is stuck with due to her mom’s working relationship with his dad.
Gabriel doesn’t trust Lila one bit.
The sad and negative emotions he is forced to sense due to the power of the Butterfly brooch cause him distress, and he often has to excuse himself due to “headaches” from overworking, as a creative’s work is never done… But he is always listening for the emotions of people crying out for justice, for help, for people who wish they had the power to help.
Andre Glacier is still the Sweetheart’s ice-cream maker, but Sweetheart’s ice-cream is just a special menu item that you can request. Otherwise he has a scheduled route and serves the ice-cream that customers ask for.
Alya’s dad wishes the zoo could focus more on animal enrichment and larger enclosures but they don’t have the budget for such “unnecessary extravagences”.
Mr. Haprel hopes to make it as a famous Mime one day so he can be rich enough to afford to send his daughter, Mylene, to the school he works at as a janitor.
Everyone avoids Ivan.
Thomas Astruc never made it as a famous director, rather, the Supreme favored his University Rival, Andre Bourgeois, who also owns the Le Grande Paris Hotel.
Gina and Roland Dupain are not divorced/separated per say… Gina was sent to prison for civil disobedience. That’s why Tom is a doormat and just goes along with whatever discipline Sabine decides on because he doesn’t want his precious little girl to end up a criminal like her grandmother.
Sabine does not teach an inkpainting class on the weekend or practice tai chi or feng shui.
The walls of Marinette’s home are not pink, they are a boring beige that she hates.
The Agreste Manor is not a sterile, black and white modern decor dungeon. It is a prism of color, function, form, beauty and nature with nods to antiquity and the whimsical. Adrien HATES it. All color and light left this world when his mother died. The art in his house mocks his pain.
There is no school blog for Nathaniel to post his art on… But Marc ended up in that class instead of Marinette. (So did Mireille) He’s still too shy to admit he’s a writer. And even more shy to admit he has a crush on Nathaniel, so all he can do is watch the boy quietly. Rose thinks it’s a romantic tragedy and wants to play matchmaker. Alex thinks it’d be a disaster waiting to happen.
There is no Prince Ali who gives toys to sick kids in hospitals.
There is nothing as frivolous as videogame tournaments, so Max devotes all his spare time to his hobby of robotics and developing an AI… but developing an artificial intelligence is frowned upon. Luckily, Alya can keep a secret… that is, if Max is willing to spare some of his time to helping her havkninto the dark web to research conspiracy theories.
Wayhem is obseesed with Adrien, who can’t stand crazy fanatics and won’t lose any sleep if the Gorilla tackles the scrawny boy to the ground.
After much convincing, bullsh**ing, and bribes, Gabriel is able to host his derby hat design competition at Francois Dupont, (and hopefully, modelling his classmate’s creations will be a bonding point for Adrien to make a new friend) Rose sees it as an opportunity to tries to get Marc and Nathaniel to work with her to create a hat, hoping sparks will fly between them.
Even if Marinette WANTED to enter a stupid contest involving that spoiled, stuck-up Agreste boy, which she DOESN’T, her mother won’t allow it because sewing and doodling outfits is a distraction from her schoolwork.
Chloe still cheats.
But Shadybug discreetly sabotages the fashion show the winning hat is supposed to feature in.
Nathalie never became Gabriel’s assistant or even acquaintance. Instead, she is in charge of the department of the Louvre that archives and locks away all “banned” art and artifacts (aka anything related to Miraculous holders)
Alex thinks she’s creepy and hates how she coldly bosses around her dad.
Audrey is the same as ever, with the exception that she recognizes that her younger daughter Zoe has some talent, and wants Andre to find a movie part for her to play, and ignores Chloe’s bitter jealousy which causes her to lash out at others even nastier than in Ladybug and Cat Noir’s universe.
Nino is treated rudely and ignored by Adrien. Adrien would never agree to play a role in Nino’s movie and even accuses Nino of trying to use Adrien’s celebrity status to give himself an unfair advantage in the student movie competition.
Adrien doesn’t have time for stupid group projects or after school activities. But not because he has a full schedule since this Universe’s Gabriel is a decent father who does not demand perfection and give a 14 year old a burdensome schedule… It’s because outside of fencing and modeling, Adrien plans to spend his time planning out which sections of the city he’s going to take his anger out on that night.
Gabriel never forgot his roots as the son of a fry-cook, and occasionally tries to cook comfort food (NOT PANCAKES) for Adrien, who insists he’s not hungry or that junk is bad for his skin/weight, which has Gavriel worried about Adrien developing body dysphoria and eating disorders… These worries are put to rest when he finds out Adrien has suddenly developed a sweet tooth for baked goods. Therefore he has no qualms about his son frequenting the local bakery so often because a growing boy needs to eat and a treat is good for the spirit.
He wishes he could be more honest with Adrien, but he knows that it would destroy his son if he ever found out that the sickness that took his mother’s life was caused by his creation… He’s also not sure what kind of trauma Adrien would have to the fact he’s not human.
Gabriel also doesn’t want Adrien in danger. Gabriel wants to create a better world for his son to live in, a world where he and everyone else can be free! Where people can throve without stepping over others, and the poor don’t have to suffer. Where people have rights to love freely and express opinions without fear. A world where people help one another.
Gabriel would never use the rings to control Adrien, instead, he keeps them locked away in a safe, and plans to give them to Adrien someday when he is an adult and less likrly to misplace them because if they were to fall into the wrong hands, Gabriel shudders to think of what would become of Adrien.
Audrey still has a low key crush on Gabriel which makes him cringe but he still acts polite to keep up working relations, and he also pities his friend Andre, trapped in a one-sided marriage and bullied by his daughter and his wife.
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blairefrances · 16 days
So recently my friend online has seen Gnomeo and Juliet (Including Sherlock Gnomes) and I decided to do this!
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Cast, Crew, and Credits:
Gnomeo: Iris (Pink Corruption)
Juliet: Pentellow (Pink Corruption)
Shroom: Proyhas Warrior (Mighty Magiswords)
Nannette: Suketoudara (Puyo Puyo)
Benny: Cube (Pink Corruption)
Paris: Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Featherstone: Nova (Here for Sweetheats)
Shakespeare: Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Lady Bluebury: Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Lord Redbrick: Sundrop (Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach)
"Call Me" Doll: Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Race Announcing Gnome: Announcer (Battle for Dream Island)
Theatre Announcing Gnome: Announcer (Shovelware Brain Game)
Stone Fish: Max (Max Design Pro)
Tybalt: Ajaceare (Pink Corruption)
Fawn: Vasilis Deerlington (Blackout Hospital)
The Bulldog: Pochita (Chainsaw Man)
Mrs. Montague: Ethiw (The Gray Garden)
Mr. Capulet: Kcalb (The Gray Garden)
Sherlock Gnomes: Almond Cookie (Cookie Run)
Gnome Watson: Walnut Cookie (Cookie Run)
Irene: Teagan (Dandy's World)
Moriarity: Harry (Harry & Bunnie)
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twostepsfromtemerant · 10 months
Nannette was right we need more spaces for the quiet gays. I’m hella queer and nonbinary, but the way I best express myself is when I’m wearing hand knit sweaters or t-shirts from old navy with pelicans on them. And I wear earplugs to drag shows. I’m having a great time and I want to be there, but I’m not as visibly queer as the person wearing more transgressive clothing, or with drag king make up on
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shilohsylvanian · 19 days
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William and Nannette Nettlefield, goat twins Source
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beezonia · 3 months
How are the Specialists families and how are they as fathers?
lets start with Sky and Erendor, they aren’t on the best of terms in my rewrite
Erendor keeps choosing what sky should and shouldn’t do, who he can be around because of his royal blood
Sky hates it and has continuously tried to get his dad to stop, the last straw was definitely erendor picking out Diaspro to marry sky when he finishes his studies at red fountain (I’ll explain that later)
Sky and Samara are similar since Samara values what happens to the kingdom more then how her son actually feels
but they do have conversations about the future and she does believe that Sky should get to choose someone he loves to marry (she regrets marrying erendor)
Brandon lives with his mother and siblings (older sister two younger and a younger brother)
his parents are divorced but their on good terms
his dad Alfie is a blacksmith and his mother Carmen is samara’s personal knight (hence why he’s quite close with Sky)
Alfie is a good dad, her tries so hard to be their for his kids and Carmen even though they aren’t together anymore
he usually takes his children to the forest and catches up with them there
carmen is a bit strict but she’s does it because she wants her kids to grow up strong and polite (even if they do get potty mouths)
they all love to cook with each other though!
(Carmen has a girlfriend named Maya btw she’s also part of this family)
Riven’s dad wasn’t a good dad, nor was his mother
His mother, Cassiopeia was a strong witch and was heavily using her magic for darkness (surging the last surviving cult for the ancestral witches)
She taught him how to fight and how to be extremely rude to those around you (this is where he gets his bitch attitude from)
Riven’s dad, Lukas told him at a young age showing emotion was a weakness, who just made riven angry
so riven gains his mother’s temper and starts lashing out and so she leaves them after a big argument with her son and husband
Riven @ age 16/17 manages to get into red fountain on a scholarship and leave his very bad parental figure
Nabu’s father is dead unfortunately, his mother Linari is alive and well
they have a tense relationship but she wants what’s best for her son even if it means partnering him up with the princess of andros
so they have a lot of arguments about what’s right and what’s the best thing to do
But they do deeply love each other and will fight for each other if needed
linari is duchess of a small land called Castalia and nabu is set to inherit that land after graduation
Timmy has two moms! Clarisse and Nannette, also the sperm donor Terrance who’s Tim’s father
Clarisse is nice, but tends to push timmy away because she’s always working on projects that are bigger then her and take up most of her time
She’s a strict mother, always wanting him to succeed but pushing him too hard sometimes
but Clarisse will always let Timmy knows she loves him and she doesn’t mean to push him away (she’s just needs to prioritise her family more)
Nannette bakes Timmy cookies for when he gets back home, she loves sitting with him and watching crappy movies with him
they are the ultimate duo tbh
Timmy’s moms are cool
Helia’s dad is out of the picture, he went missing a few years back
Helia’s mother Chang’e and Saladins daughter lives in melody atm as that was where her husband was last seen and she’s been searching for him
so helia’s parents aren’t around often
saladin is like his dad at this point
yeah there are all the specialists parents!!
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dnpsuck · 2 years
If you could recommend Dan any comedians (or media) to study who/what would you choose? Like things that might help him improve his craft? Not in a mean way just in a honing his skills type of way. A little homework as a treat.
you have no idea how much you're indulging me with this right now, but let's fucking gooooo
i honestly think dan is well-versed in comedy and having the experience he's currently having with touring his comedy material is only gonna help him (even if it's mainly to an audience that already likes him), so in general i think he's on the right track, so the things i say here are way more for people who are interested in comedy in general than about what i think dan should do, but i will mention some stuff related to him just to further contextualize his comedy.
what i would recommend anyone that is interested in comedy (not only as a career path but as a genre, a study subject, etc) would be getting into theory to understand some of the whys and hows of comedy.
i wrote my undergraduate thesis on comedy (and i got an 100% score 🤓) and as torturous as writing a thesis can be, reading and learning more about comedy through an academic lens was extremely exciting, which is why i recommend diving into the different theories and theorists and how comedy is perceived in different historical contexts.
under the cut i put some more thoughts and recommendations to learn more about comedy:
There are several theories that try to explain what is comedy, humor, why we laugh, etc. but I try to narrow it down to 3 main ones: Incongruity, Superiority and Relief.
Although I have not read ALL of them ENTIRELY (some of these I've only read the bits that helped my thesis), for pure theory I recommend some of the work I used for my own research:
• Poetics by Aristotle
• Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic by Henri Bergson
• Humour by Terry Eagleton
• Essays on Poetry and Music by James Beattie
• Humor by Sigmund Freud (Yup. That guy)
• Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious by Sigmund Freud
• Human Nature by Thomas Hobbes
• Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
• On Humor by Luigi Pirandello
• Histoire du rire et de la dérision by Georges Minois (I couldn't find an English version of this book online, but it's available in French and Portuguese)
Another way to be exposed to some theory without a lot of effort is by watching Nannette by Hannah Gadsby because she quite directly addresses Incongruity and Relief in that special. I also think it's a good experience overall, so even if you don't wanna learn about comedy, go ahead and watch Nannette.
When it comes to comedy as a tool for social change (which I see as an important aspect of comedy, and I believe that is also a goal for Dan's journey with comedy) I recommend the following (especially the first one):
• A funny matter: toward a framework for understanding the function of comedy in social change by Caty Borum Chattoo
• Storytelling for Social Change: leveraging documentary and comedy for public engagement in global poverty by Caty Borum Chattoo & Lauren Feldman
• Why stand-up matters by Sophie Quirk
When it comes to mental health, a big topic in Dan's comedy, needless to say Bo Burnham is a great source for that kind of material, but the truth is many comedians (big names and beginners) are talking mental health nowadays in their work, so there is a lot of work to explore out there. But I recommend watching Laughing Matters, a short documentary featuring several comedians talking about their mental health and their careers in comedy, and John Mulaney's part on Netflix's The Hall: Honoring the Greats of Stand-Up where he talks about Robin Williams. These works help demystify that terrible myth that in order to be a comedian or seek comedy you have to be some sort of tortured soul, that whole idea of "my trauma made me funny", etc. Still kinda on that line of mental health but a bit more, like, autobiographical, which is kind of the line where Dan is going, I feel like Nannette, as previously mentioned, is a good one and so is Rothaniel by Jerrod Carmichael (HBO Max). Although most comedians will do kind of autobiographical work, I think these two just kind of hit closer to where Dan is aiming.
To understand more comedy from the POV of comedians themselves I recommend any podcast on comedy like Comedy Bang Bang, You Made It Weird, Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend, etc. and listening to episodes featuring comedians you like. I think having a favorite comedian and watching anything by them where they talk about their journey with comedy can make this easier. Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee is also this great window into this world of comedy and the way these comedians see their craft and their journeys (fair warning about this show and, honestly, getting into comedians in general: many people here are talented but suck ass as people. Consume their work at your discretion).
For me, I love John Mulaney as a comedian, so I tend to favor his views on comedy and I find that his interview with Larry King in 2018 is quite a great way to see his understanding of performing comedy and his own role in it. I also like Robin Williams, Bill Hicks, Julio Torres, George Carlin, Patti Harrison, Maria Bamford, Jerrod Carmichael, Joel Kim Booster, and many more. But honestly, my main reference is John Mulaney, and most of my comedy knowledge comes from the US comedy, so I do think having a niche helps.
You may like British comedy better, or maybe you enjoy comedy from your country better, or maybe you just don't get physical comedy at all, or you can only feel alive when you consume cringe comedy, etc. I like comedy a lot but I'm not into every kind of comedy in the same way. But I would say that being exposed to as many different kinds of comedy, formats and comedians as possible can be very positive because there's so much to learn from any well-done joke, y'know?
For me, one type of comedy that feels indispensable to any performer is improv comedy. The "yes, and..." mentality is essential to anyone going on stage and facing an audience. And to anyone writing comedy, being given a random situation and not escaping from it but learning to expand it is essential. And, honestly? Just regular living can be improved with some improv. So, obviously: Whose Lines Is It Anyway? is a good way to start there (I favor the older ones but that's because I ferociously consumed every 90s-2000s episode of the US WLIIA when I was a teenager). If you're Brazilian, Improvável by Barbixas is a great way to start as well with almost endless content to explore.
And, honestly? Any video essay on comedy, comedians or comedy media you enjoy. We all love a good video essay. I like:
• How Nathan Fielder Undresses People by Nerdwriter1
• The Power of Storytelling: John Mulaney by PhilosoFun
• The Hidden Formula Behind Almost Every Joke on Late Night by Slate
• Efficiency in Comedy: The Office vs. Friends by Drew Gooden
• The Death of Laugh Tracks by Drew Gooden
• Is SNL Even Funny? by Drew Gooden
• I watched one SNL episode from every season by Drew Gooden
(What I mean here is that Drew Gooden needs to make more video essays on comedy, please.)
Oh, another thing that is really important is delivery. I will, once again, bring up John Mulaney because I think his delivery is phenomenal. The Salt and Pepper Diner is a masterclass on comic delivery, I believe. I mentally quote "Hey, November Rain is over! ... No, it's not. There's more." all the time. Which brings me to another point, listen to stand-up albums. I love watching a good stand-up special but audio makes you really appreciate the delivery of the joke. The comedian has to convince you they're worth of your time with their ability to get a joke out of their brain into the world with no help of visuals. It helps you understand that comedian's comic voice. And I think John Mulaney does that really well.
Of course there is a variety of different comics with different deliveries to also be impressed by: Dan Mintz and Nathan Fielder have kind of similar styles of voices but their humor is kind of different. Leslie Jones, Pete Davidson, Conan O'Brien, Katt Williams, Bo Burnham, Julio Torres, Daniel Sloss, Ali Wong, Katherine Ryan, Hannah Gadsby, Wanda Sykes, Tig Notaro, Chris Rock, etc, they all have different ways to speak, but they know how to work their rhythm well enough to land their jokes the right way. You gotta find your own rhythm.
And I think a final thought is: authenticity. Not that you have to give 100% of yourself all of the time. You can tweak stories, enhance certain situations, hide things, not tell the full truth, you can even straight up LIE, and all that. but you gotta make it believable. An audience that senses a lack of authenticity, won't be entertained for long. If you're not explicitly coming in with a fictional character, your audience will be seeking your essence. Your comedy is a reflection of you. So whatever you say, whatever part of your life you decide to expose, whatever vision you share, your audience is associating that to you. You're not just a medium from where the jokes come from, you are it. Which is why you can't just tell a joke because you think it will be funny, you gotta tell it because it's honest to you, to your beliefs, it resonates with you. You have to understand that the audience will see that joke as an expression of yourself.
See why Dan's joke about not washing his feet back-fired? He either picked something unauthentic to him - according to him he just chose a random example - or he did pick something authentic to him but, like many comedians do, backed out once he got called out. He had the choice of running with it, owning the joke but he backed out. And if he's honest when he says he just chose a random example, then he made the mistake of not being authentic to his own beliefs when telling a joke.
In the endddd, my favorite way to learn about comedy is by watching comedians talk about comedy. And comedy is too rich of a field to be explored only through the academic angle, or one theorist's point of view so having people who live and breathe comedy talk about it is a great source of knowledge. That's one of the reasons why in my thesis, when I explained the theories of comedy, I didn't just quote theorists, I also quoted comedians.
Final thoughts: just, y'know, be yourself. Have fun. Don't joke about not washing your feet if you don't want people to think you don't wash your feet, etc. And most importantly, punching up will always be the best way to use your craft for the better.
If you read until here, why the fuck would you do that? But thankssss. <3
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enelea · 1 month
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Newhaven university has been established 😄small and intimate campus. Having fun💗
We have some distant offspring and relations to premades here, like Clement Broke ... Mortimer Goth.... Gunni Grunt and Nannette Lothario ( with her Nina-like red hair)... Wonder who they could be related to?!🤣
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sheplayswithlifee · 1 year
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Breanna agreed to let Royce and River live with Ronen for now. Nothing permanent, a “test trial” were her exact words. Both of them are getting bad grades. River has been caught smoking a few times. It’s apparent that Breanna can’t quite handle them.
This was their first day at school living with him. The girl with the red braids is Ivee’s half sister. Her name is Nannette, apparently her and River are close friends.
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flawedsnark · 6 months
A Painful Request
[I knew that @ofpetalsnash was worried about how I was going to react to all of the changes going on in our lives at the moment. The best thing I could do was to offer to help around the house with my siblings, all four of them. When we got to Grandma’s house, I quickly ran inside to grab her bag. When I got back in the truck, Kenny was watching me.
“Are you our bubba now?”
I smiled and turned around to face both kids shrugging my shoulders.]
I’ve always been your bubba.
[Ellie laughed and shook her head.
“Yeah, but he means is it for real now, DJ?”
I nodded slowly not sure how either one of them would take this news.]
Yes, it seems that way to me. Are you guys okay with that?
[Ellie was the first to answer my question and it broke my heart.
“I’m glad because I don’t like my house anymore. Your house is clean.”
It was Kenny that broke me in half.
“I’ve missed you and Mommy. I don’t hate you like Daddy seems to.”
I wasn’t expecting Ellie to speak up more, but she did.
“I miss Papi a lot, DJ.”
I glanced at my phone and put in a video call to @ofsnarknflames. She answered on the first ring and I smiled.]
Hey, Tia, is he awake? I have a little lady here who’s missin’ him a lot.
[I watched @ofsnarknflames walk over to the couch and sit next to Esai.
“He is, where are you, DJ? Your mom said you were headed this way.”
I chuckled and looked at Ellie.]
Ellie, can you see my phone? Who is Titi with?
[I should have planned this better, but the damn joy on Ellie’s face made it so worth it.
“DJ, that’s Papi! Papi! DJ HOW?”
I chuckled as Papa smiled and winked at Ellie. The bastard was as charming as ever.
“Hey, Ellie! Hey, Kenny! Mijo, are they behaving?”
I nodded and turned to face the phone.]
Yeah, Papa, they are and yes, Tia I am headed there, but I had to stop at Grandma’s. I also want to swing by the storage unit and pick up some stuff. Hey, Mama! Mama!
[I cracked up when Papa smacked @biteofchaos on her ass.
“Our son is calling you, Nannette!”
I watched my godmother look confused as shit before she realized I was on the phone. My uncle @ofmayanchaos and I are too much alike because I could hear him laughing so hard that he was coughing.
“It was not that funny, Pedro! Hi, baby what do you need?”
I hated asking this of her, but I knew that Mom and Dad couldn’t do it.]
Could you get a team together to get the room at the end of the hall ready for a certain little girl?
[I watched @biteofchaos bite her lip before she nodded.
“Of course I can.”
I thanked her and ended the call before I lost it. Taking apart Grace’s room hurt, but unfortunately, we didn’t have a choice anymore.]
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