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maakemag · 6 years ago
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Tonight! Join us this evening for the launch party @crushcuratorial in Chelsea! Crush is one of our Artist-Run features, along with @gasdotgallery and @leftfieldgallery The first ten visitors will receive a free issue of the mag! Stay tuned for more info and interviews with all of the artists and artist-run projects coming soon. Spotlight artists include Sarah Slappey @sslappey Ivan Forde @workdaily and Nancy Y. Kim @nancyjjigae Our Conversations artist is Rachel Eulena Williams @rae_eulena Thank you @hein_koh for curating the Featured Artists: Chris Bogia @chrisbogia Nick Doyle @nickdoyle333 Josh Sperling @joshsperling Andrew Sexton @sextonstudios Mike Nudelman @mikenudelman Linda Friedman Schmidt @lindafriedmanschmidt Shona McAndrew @shona_mcandrew Benjamin Cabral @benjamincabral Jeff Chester @jeff_chester_artist Anjuli Rathod @gooanjuli Larysa Myers @larysamyers Lindsay Burke @lindsay.m.burke Serpil Mavi @smavi Eliot Greenwald @bbest_ffriend JJ Manford @jjmanford Joani Tremblay @joanitremblay Jonah Jacobs @jonahjacobsart David Aipperspach @daippers Adrian Wong @adrianadrianwong KC Maddux @kccrowmaddux #maakemag #issue9 #artistrun #DavidAipperspach #ChrisBogia #LindsayBurke #BenjaminCabral #JeffChester #NickDoyle #EliotGreenwald #JonahJacobs #KCMaddux #JJManford #SerpilMavi #ShonaMcAndrew #LarysaMyers #MikeNudelman #AnjuliRathod #LindaFriedmanSchmidt #AndrewSexton #JoshSperling #JoaniTremblay #AdrianWong #IvanForde #SarahSlappey #NancyYKim #RachelEulenaWilliams #CrushCuratorial #GasLA #LeftField (at CRUSH Curatorial) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQvgyrFsPF/?igshid=s50swky6nj4j
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maakemag · 6 years ago
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Issue 9 is here! Join us Friday June 28th for the launch party @crushcuratorial in Chelsea! Crush is one of our Artist-Run features, along with @gasdotgallery and @leftfieldgallery The first ten visitors will receive a free issue of the mag! Stay tuned for more info and interviews with all of the artists and artist-run projects coming soon. Spotlight artists include Sarah Slappey @sslappey Ivan Forde @workdaily and Nancy Y. Kim @nancyjjigae Our Conversations artist is Rachel Eulena Williams @rae_eulena Thank you @hein_koh for curating the Featured Artists: Chris Bogia @chrisbogia Nick Doyle @nickdoyle333 Josh Sperling @joshsperling Andrew Sexton @sextonstudios Mike Nudelman @mikenudelman Linda Friedman Schmidt @lindafriedmanschmidt Shona McAndrew @shona_mcandrew Benjamin Cabral @benjamincabral Jeff Chester @jeff_chester_artist Anjuli Rathod @gooanjuli Larysa Myers @larysamyers Lindsay Burke @lindsay.m.burke Serpil Mavi @smavi Eliot Greenwald @bbest_ffriend JJ Manford @jjmanford Joani Tremblay @joanitremblay Jonah Jacobs @jonahjacobsart David Aipperspach @daippers Adrian Wong @adrianadrianwong KC Maddux @kccrowmaddux #maakemag #issue9 #artistrun #DavidAipperspach #ChrisBogia #LindsayBurke #BenjaminCabral #JeffChester #NickDoyle #EliotGreenwald #JonahJacobs #KCMaddux #JJManford #SerpilMavi #ShonaMcAndrew #LarysaMyers #MikeNudelman #AnjuliRathod #LindaFriedmanSchmidt #AndrewSexton #JoshSperling #JoaniTremblay #AdrianWong #IvanForde #SarahSlappey #NancyYKim #RachelEulenaWilliams #CrushCuratorial #GasLA #LeftField (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byz6t3Ilqwz/?igshid=1tiqhbk7180q3
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