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the-unending-journey · 10 months ago
Gonna post this here too - another WoL/OC question
So if your WoL/OC were ever asked about anything that they could talk forever about, what would it be?
And as always my answer under here
If you ever manage to get her to trust you enough to even open up more about herself, Kiyo would happily talk your ear off about the various flora she studies in her travels. She really loves studying plants and all their various properties (which is definitely a trait carried over from her Azem self), but she also just really enjoys flowers and gardening in general as well.
She's also extremely invested in the properties and study of aether, ESPECIALLY after the events of Endwalker and the whole thing surrounding Dynamis. That's something she specifically does more research on and trying to find more ways to tap into and study it beyond what's known about it already
Also after dealing with various things involving the other shards and going to places outside of the star, Kiyo becomes really enamored with the idea of what else lies beyond the reaches of Etheirys. She's more than happy to share whatever theories and speculations to anyone that's willing to listen to her about this
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
A lot of it is ingrained in quite a number of my OC's
If I remember right I always associate the lotus with her first. Yes it is a symbol of purity and that's definitely true for Kiyo's overall spirit, but it also carries another meaning that's extremely important to her and her journey - overcoming adversity. Lotuses can grow even in the murkiest of waters, and the flowers growing up and OUT of the nastiness is kinda how Kiyo's life started out and the journey she went on as the star's savior. They also symbolize rebirth and spiritual transcendence which I'd say is pretty true for being the WoL all around, especially after Endwalker
The next flower I associate with her is the Daffodil which, just like the lotus, can be another symbol of rebirth and also new beginnings. These pretty little flowers do herald in the first signs of spring afterall. The Daffodil is definitely a good one to associate with Kiyo after everything in Endwalker - she's beginning a new chapter in her life and she's been "reborn" as a bright-eyed adventurer again
Another big one for her is the red Spider Lily, though this is more in relation to her birth mother and her trauma in dealing with that. Most people know what these flowers stand for - death, bad memories, abandonment, final goodbyes... Some pretty heavy meanings for this little flower and it symbolizes how Kiyo struggled with losing her mother at such a young age and going many years without getting any sort of closure over such a devastating loss (she does eventually, don't worry)
Indirectly linked to her is the Mallow flower. I say indirectly, because this one actually symbolizes her Azem, Panacea. While the Mallow is a symbol of love and Panacea certainly has no end to that, it's also a flower meant to represent health and protection. And since Panacea was a healer before she was Azem, this flower suits her the best
Even some of Kiyo's ships have flower symbolism
Her Oboro ship is literally called "Moonflower", though it's mainly due to him sometimes being called "Oboro Moonrise" or "Oboro of the Moonlight". And Kiyo's love is the "flower" that blooms within this moonlight. Though also, a Moonflower can represent love, dreaminess, nighttime... All things that can be associated with this pair
Her Erichthonios ship (and someone who will be redacted here for spoiler reasons) is called "amarantos", which is Ancient Greek for "immortal/unfading". You know what flower partly takes after this word? The Amaranth, which is known for its blossoms being very slow to wilt, thus being associate with unfading and everlasting love. I can't go into much more detail without spoilers, but those who know should see the symbolism here
WoL QotD: Do you relate/associate any flower any flower with your WoL and if so, what does it symbolize if anything?
Follow up: What made you pick the flower?
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the-unending-journey · 9 months ago
Having lots of Thoughts(tm) about what if we didn't stop Meteion in time and had to take our moonship off into the cosmos to run from her? What if the whole of Etheirys had to adapt to living a life just drifting among the stars and learning to explore what lie beyond their little worldview, while running from that looming threat of doom
This is definitely an AU idea of mine that I want to explore for sure. Putting a bit more of the sci-fi aspect into the fantasy
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
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Leofard knew the risks Kiyo had to take due to her status of the star's champion. He knew what he was getting into when he decided to pursue her. Even still, he wasn't happy about what was practically a suicide mission; one that would take her completely out of his reach should anything happen
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"...Come back to me", was all he had said while his silent gesture spoke volumes to Kiyo; an incredibly powerful promise to see this through
And if there was one thing she always made sure of...
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It was to keep her promises
Rarepair Week Day 5 - Promise
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
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So I've gotten quite a few compliments on Kiyo's eyes and I wanted to say thank you! That's honestly one of my favorite parts of her design <33
I also want to explain why they are the way they are
First off is the color, which isn't a really common one for typical eye colors (yeah I know it's a fantasy game and she's from a race of weird lizard people). That's because it's the same color eyes her Azem had and I just liked that idea. Plus, she's derived from my very first OC that has this particular color
Why Kiyo's eyes are so strange - it's because her body has entirely too much aether for one person and it leaks through, giving her eyes an aetheric glow and a "pupiless" look to them
Why does she have all this aether? Well, that's because her mother was trying to make her into a vessel to house their town's guardian deity to drive out the Garleans that had occupied it. So basically to turn her own daughter into a Primal. This aether came from the followers that were loyal to Kiyo's mother, who sacrificed themselves to be placed into a conduit (white auracite), which she then embedded into Kiyo's body to hopefully make the transformation easier
So yeah... Kiyo is basically full of ghosts and that's why her eyes are spooky
For the ooc reason - 1) it's cool and 2) it's a callback to my Blood and Night Elf characters I had on WoW and I miss dearly (fuck Blizzard tho)
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
So fun fact about Kiyo - Panacea's (her Azem's) will to live so she could help others was so strong, some little sliver of her still managed to exist as herself within Kiyo's soul. She can actually manifest as an apparition of sorts around Kiyo, but only those that are sensitive to aether and souls can really see her (other than Kiyo of course). She can't really exist in that state for too terribly long, but it's enough to where Kiyo can speak to her. Little Kiyo simple thought this was just an imaginary friend
I'm still trying to hammer out the details of this particular lore, so I'm afraid there isn't much. I will say Panacea's manifestations and even her existence in Kiyo's little mind palace became stronger after fusing with Ardbert
A WoL question for the day, since I'm home sick and feeling awful:
How much does your WoL know about their Azem (or their ancient if they weren't Azem)? Have they unlocked the memories in the memory shard? How do they feel about their past self? Gimme your lore.
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the-unending-journey · 1 year ago
Send 🌿 for a screenshot associated with plants or nature. + Kiyo and Panacea please! I love them very much!
Some things just never truly change
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
XIVRarepair Week Master Post
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Here's all the prompts in one nice little list
And I just wanted to say thank you all for enjoying my screens for these and all the sweet comments! You're all awesome <333
Day 1 - Meetcute
Day 2 - Opposites Attract
Day 3 - Vacation
Day 4 - Conflict
Day 5 - Promise
Day 6 - Domestic
Day 7 - A New Adventure (free day)
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
If you were to be entirely indulgent and give your character(s) a good ending, where everything happened they way they wanted, what would it look like? On the flip-side, what would a bad ending look like?
Well, the thing with me is that I always make sure my characters have good endings in their main canon. I don't mind angst and I definitely won't deny that I put them through The Horrors(tm), but I honestly can't stand the thought of a character's life never getting better after it all
Kiyo's good ending is fairly simple for her - she's free from her duties as the champion of the star and isn't constantly relied on to solve everyone's problems. While her life would never be completely the same after it all, she starts getting it back piece by piece and finally living for herself again. She starts rediscovering who she was before all the hero business
She's also able to heal from all the trauma she was put through, even from since she was a child, and learning to find her own voice again and not be terrified to use it. And of course with the various ships I have with her, she builds a family of her own like she always wanted
Speaking of family, a really important part of this ending is that she finally works up the courage to return to her own home and let go of the specter of her mother that constantly haunted her (figuratively and even literally). She gains the closure she had needed for years and her heart finally finds peace with it
Now bad endings? Even though a good ending is always going to be the main canon, I have a "what if" bad ending scenario or two. One of them deals with The Incident(tm) that happens in ShB that we all know, so I won't get into that one too much. HOWEVER, I do have a bad ending specific to her - she ends up becoming her town's "guardian diety" thanks to her mother's plan to drive the Garleans from it
This is Primal!Kiyo, also known as Otohime. While Kiyo's mother had good intentions, using one's child as a means to call forth a twisted version of their patron kami really isn't the way to go about it. It all unfortunately backfires with Kiyo destroying not only their oppressors, but the entirety of the town itself, with any who survived the onslaught becoming tempered and bound to her (including her own mother). And thus she's doomed to live as a corrupt being of uncontrolled power, until souls strong and brave enough put her out of such a miserable life. One of these ends up being her own brother
There's a little more detail on Otohime I wrote here (as well as her sineater form) -> bad end au forms
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
trips and falls as several images of Panacea falls out of my pockets
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ANYWAY yeah, this is Kiyo's ancient who would actually end up becoming Azem after Venat. Her real name was Panacea and she originally worked for Halmarut, and studied the various flora and fauna of the star associated with them. Panacea specifically studied and worked on creating new healing techniques and medicines; one can attribute the white magicks we know today and Morbols to her (though her original plan for those didn't work out so well...)
She was childhood friends with Venat and would later befriend even Emet's grumpy self, to the point where they were almost like siblings to one another. It was through him that she met the man she would eventually fall for and end up marrying, Hythlodaeus and the two of them were nearly inseparable. She even managed to make a bit of a connection with Hermes whenever she would visit him and discuss Concepts
This woman could be described as sunlight personified, and she was just as gentle and caring as her shard
hm? oh is it wol question time?
who is your wol/oc's ancient?
is it Azem, or someone else? what's their name? what was their relationship to the ancients we know (Venat, Emet Selch, Hythodeus, etc.)? do you have a picture of them?
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
2, 16, and 25 for Panacea and Hyth, but also Kiyo and Erichthonios please 🥺👉👈💜
(sorry it took me so long to answer these, brain is getting fried tonight)
2 - Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
Man this was a tough one for both of these. I'd say Panacea and Hyth are Sickeningly Sweethearts for sure. Being around those two would give anyone cavities. And they're probably the whole "first love" trope as well.
But Kiyo and Erich? That's a harder one to pinpoint. I guess maybe the whole thing with two traumatized and touch-starved people healing each other? Also reincarnated lover and the one that finds them again
16 - What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
Sometimes Panacea would drag Hyth (when he actually had a break) on her little errands for Halmarut. I dunno how domestic it is to go around gathering and cataloguing plants, but it was one of their favorite bonding activities
I don't think I can really answer this for Erich, since you know... the whole Sundering thing
25 - What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting?
This one was hard to think of too... I do wanna say that Panacea and Hyth were planning on getting a nice little home outside of the main city at some point, but then the Final Days happened :')
This is another one I can't really answer for Erich, I'm sorry orz
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
7)Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
20)When would they say “I love you?” Do they say it first? Do they say it often, or is it reserved for special moments?
34)Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
For Erich and Kiyo please! :)
Kiyo? Pursuing someone? LOL This girl couldn't do any of that listed, even if her life depended on it. No, Erich was the one that chased after her affections, though he struggled to even do so himself. He was probably extremely awkward about it, though he at least wasn't alone in that boat. And Kiyo was super understanding and patient (and extremely flustered)
Honestly, probably when the research into Pandaemonium was starting to come to a head. Perhaps when it was during Athena's first appearance and after everything that went down after that, Kiyo and Erich spent some time to themselves together and emotions were high after his rescue. Erich just... blurted it out and made Kiyo bluescreen for a brief moment. And after that, while the two of them struggle to just outright say it, it's spoken in hushed tones in quieter moments... and away from others
When either one is in any sort of danger for sure, but also specifically for Kiyo, it was with Athena and how she pretty much treated her son like nothing but a tool for her own ends. Lahabrea was on thin ice with her too, but at least he had some care for his own child. Erich also didn't appreciate his dad threatening to lock Kiyo away into Pandaemonium if she didn't leave
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
1)What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
3)By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
31)What little thing do they find incredibly (though harmlessly) annoying about their partner?
For Panacea and Hyth please pretty please :)
Hyth fell in love with Panacea's smile and how her eyes would just light up with it. And speaking of her eyes, they were absolutely gorgeous to him (and maybe he was biased since they're similar in color to his lol). But what made him soft for her? It was the endless amounts of patience she had for Hades. He was not an easy man to deal with and just seeing Panacea not back down from his biting remarks made Hyth go "yep, she's the one"
As for Panacea, well... Hyth is a very pretty man. There's really no denying that. But also just how clever he truly was, even if it's something he tried to hide. Her adoration for him came from his outright kindness and rather humble side to him, even despite the talent he had
Hyth would sometimes get irked by Panacea overloading herself with Concept ideas, because then she would just get burnt out and he hated seeing her in that state
Sometimes Panacea would scold Hyth for being a little too snide with people every so often (he couldn't help that people were annoying him with shark concept #245436)
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
Here's Kiyo and her Azem, Panacea!
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They really don't have any physical similarities other than their eye color, though personality-wise? They're both very friendly and gentle healer sorts that just want to do good in the world and help others
Though, Panacea was definitely a lot more bubbly and upbeat than her very shy and reserved shard... and certainly more talkative.
Another similarity is that they have an affinity for plants and creating remedies from them. Panacea worked as a Word of Halmarut before taking the seat of Azem and was praised for her work with the flora of the star, as well as the breakthroughs she made in healing magicks and medicines. The white mage abilities exist because of her
...though the Morbol Concept she created wasn't really her best work
Share something about your WOL's Azem. I want to hold everyone's Azems gently like hamburger.
Here's Seren and her Azem.
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Seren's Azem is Antheia, who shares a few traits with her, but they are still separate people with different goals and personalities. They share the same eyes, a love for flowers, and taking care of those close to them. Personality wise, they are very different, where Antheia is more of a pacifist while Seren prefers solving problems with stabbing.
Edit: Extra things to add about Antheia and Seren!
Antheia is lady-like in that she is polite and knows how to talk her way out of problems. An optimist, Antheia believes that there is good in everyone and is adept in magic. She has a mischievous streak and often comes up with unorthodox ways to resolve problems. Her biggest regret was not being more proactive about preventing the Final Days and for being too weak to protect her lover at their last moment. She is a scholar/summoner.
In contrast, Seren developed a cynical approach to people and is wary to newcomers until they prove themselves. It took time for her to accept that she could not bring back the people she had lost, including her biological family. Raised by hyuran parents, Seren places high value in her adopted family and close friends. She developed an unhealthy obsession with fighting stronger opponents to cope with the lost of her many comrades during her journey. Unlike Antheia, she has poor control over magic and prefers being a physical attacker. Seren is a bard/dragoon, although she started dabbling into warrior.
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
For Panacea please 💜
🍧 SHAVED ICE - much like her shard, Panacea also has a beloved stuffed toy that her mother had given to her. It's some sort of birdlike creature that looks suspiciously like a Chocobo and it's pretty worn. While Panacea could probably renew it with creation magicks, it's the fact that it's been worn down over the years with love is what makes it truly special. It's pretty important to her and she would be absolutely devastated if she lost it
💐 BOUQUET - well, the Mallow (or Malva) flower of course, since that's the main one I associate with her, because it's mostly associated with healing and love. Carnations would be another one, because they can stand for love, devotion, fascination... a lot of things that can pertain to Panacea as well. More specifically, red carnations for their love symbolism, but purple as well for her adventurous spirit and sudden impulses. And of course Elpis flowers, which are very much her favorites
OC Emoji Asks
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the-unending-journey · 2 years ago
I am probably late so don’t feel obligated but:
💘💝💬🌟 for Panacea and Hyth please
( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
Sorry for the late reply, I was just going to bed when you sent this orz
What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it? There's so many things Panacea does - giving Hyth encouragement when he feels he's not really all that great compared to people like Venat and Hades, making him concoctions for his health from her experiments (they're safe, don't worry!), visiting him at work whenever she's able to, inviting him on her shorter journeys... There's a reason he calls her his personal sun sometimes
Does my muse like Valentine’s Day? Did the Ancients even have anything like this? Maybe something more archaic if it did exist and you best believe Panacea would be all over something like that. A day solely dedicated to showing how much she loves her husband and all her friends and family? Sign her up. Everyone is going to be drowning in her favorite flowers
When did my muse go on their first date? Believe it or not, it was Panacea that asked Hyth to go out with her. She had a little spot out in the world that she often liked to visit to just clear her head and just simply enjoy existing without any obligations for a time. No one else knew about this spot, but then Hyth got that privilege. Also, it absolutely exists in the sundered world and it may be a spot that Kiyo frequents
What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation? Panacea is bisexual as hell, but not nearly the awkward disaster that her shard Kiyo is lol
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