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Noctis switches to a long sleeve jacket when he sees clouds so when it rains he can let Prompto borrow it .
Its'd the only smooth thing he's ever done .
Look at my boy go...smooth as a fish.
For real tho that’s cute as hell. Noct didn’t think he was up for romance until he met Prom and realized he got very happy about the idea of giving his boyfriend his jacket. It is a very gay realization and it is very sweet of him. Prom gets to snuggle in his boyfriend’s jacket and it smells like him.
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10 Movie tag game
rules: choose 10 movies you love, don’t name them, just use gifs, and tag 10 others to do the same
Tagged by @fvriva uwu thank u
Yeah 10 people is a lot to tag lol I'm just gonna do @nananasonatra @gokugf @echo-cos @dilfsisko @freckled-dysaniac and anyone else who wants to!
#chesca u were right this IS hard#i couldn't remember what movies i like pff#then on the last 3 I thought of like 12#ask game
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Those to would totally be to nervous to ask eachother to school dances and would go as "friends" .They totally end up skipping half way and going to the arcade. Its thier little tradition
Okay okay listen school dances SUCK and the only thing that ever made them better was 1) going with someone fun and 2) leaving. I once left homecoming and went with a group of people to laser tag. In our fancy dresses. Those two would definitely do laser tag in their nice suits (and Prom fucking kills it in there). They spend a stupid amount of time and money at the arcade, go to some shitty diner at 1 am, and crash at Noct’s place. Bonus if there’s a confession in there somewhere <3
#YEAHHH#I need this someone write this#I can't keep writing all the dates pls#promptis#ask#nananasonatra#answered
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I come to bug you ..Soulmates Au but they both die when one of them does. Everything goes as canon but in the final battle Prom dies as Noct does.
this ask made me homophobic I’m sad now
If we’re going with the line of them already knowing that they’re soulmates...ah man...the horrible thought...Noctis accepted his own fate, that he was going to have to die in that final battle. But it’s so, so much tougher to come to terms with the fact that he’s going to be dragging Prompto along with him. Prompto doesn’t deserve that in any capacity. It gets to the point where Noctis is almost considering not going just to spare him, but Prompto finds out and they sit down and have a talk about it.
It goes a little bit like: Prompto explains to Noctis that it’s okay, if he has to make that sacrifice, then he’s going to be okay with sharing in that burden with him. It sucks, they both agree, but it’s what has to be done. Some convincing is needed to get Noctis to relent, but in the end he knows what he has to do. That doesn’t stop him from breaking down and holding Prompto so tightly, crying and telling him how sorry he is about it all. Gods, how he wishes they could have lived differently, and together. Before everything goes down and before the last camp scene where they all share in their goodbyes, the two of them spend a lot of time together doing dumb, fun things that they know that they’ll never get to experience ever again. It’s one of their most bittersweet days.
But...man. If they didn’t know beforehand. Noctis has a feeling that, because of his ultimate fate, the gods didn’t give him a soulmate. He grew to be okay with that, and now, he’s actually sort of glad that there’s nobody that has to suffer for his own sacrifices but himself. The other guys are grieving already outside, waiting for it to happen, when suddenly Prompto drops to the ground. Everything about the moment intensifies, and the quartet is down to a duo just like that. They weren’t expecting it, and that may make the whole thing even more heartbreaking.
However, with that ending, Noctis is greeted in the afterlife by the love that he thought he’d left behind. He had considered the possibility of them being soulmates, but he didn’t think it could be actually true. Prompto is...shocked, to say the least, but there’s not really much to do about it, now. He’s just happy to see Noctis again.
Anyway they’re each other’s final fantasy, thank you for coming to my ted talk
#we're replacing that last shot with him and luna to Noct and Prom#thank u#character death tw#promptis#ask#nananasonatra#answered
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So when is Noctis bullying hour , I'm asking for a friend .
you can make it all hours that Prompto isn’t watching
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Let's go with the classics. Date nights turn into late night drives in the Regalia across Insomnia visiting 24/7 diners and night markets then driving to the cities version of make-out point to gaze at the shimmering city while sharing milkshake flavored kisses.
What indie soundtrack goes with this-
But yeah that sounds sweet. Long night adventure (of keeping Noctis awake somehow), lots of stops and many laughs. They can pull of the classics lol
#I don't quite have a lot to say on this but sounds like a good time#promptis#ask#nananasonatra#answered
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How about Promptis go on their first ever date at an arcade or a fair and they're both nervous at first. They relax after a nice chat and some junk food and Noct notices a giant chocobo plush at a stall/prize counter and tries to win it for Prompto
nananasonatra: Noctis taking Prom on a summer carnival date. They both act like teenagers in love and at the end of the night they ride the Ferris wheel .Noctis bribes the operator to make them stop ontop .Sorry my heads fried in this heat lol
yes this is exactly what I need. You two have galaxy brains. So I will combine them: first date to the fair complete with shitty carnival games and a ferris wheel extravaganza
They are both very obnoxiously awkward. Prompto can’t stop talking even when he desperately wants to shut up. Noctis is having a hard time speaking at all. They went to the fair because hey, it’s in town! Surely that’s gotta be cheesy and fun. Thing is, both of them are too shy to admit that they love cheesy things (even tho they literally...are going on a date there. They’re doing their best). It’s the way there and the getting tickets where they’re still acting the nervous couple bit, but once they feel the adrenaline of a rollercoaster and stock up on junk food (a horrible choice before going on more rides), they start to loosen up and laugh off the nerves.
Also I can just...picture that scene. So vividly.
The sky was growing darker by the minute, which was only accentuated by the carnival lights dotting the view. Most of the rickety rides had been conquered, though not without a fair share of screaming on the couple’s part, so the tired boys decided to take a break for snacks before taking on the rest of the event.
Okay, maybe calling them “snacks” was a bit of an understatement. Two orders of fried oreos, an entire funnel cake, some wildly-oversized corndogs, and a large lemonade. They might have forgotten to grab dinner before the fair in their nervous endeavors, and nothing was healthy at the fair.
Sitting on that bench, laughing and munching on their food, any hint of awkwardness or fear was left behind in some gross seat of a rollercoaster car. Well and truly, this was a real date.
There was only a bit left of the funnel cake in the end. Prompto heaved a sigh, shoving the plate onto Noctis’ lap while his head flopped onto his shoulder. “You eat it,” he murmured.
Noctis pouted. “No, you.” The plate was passed back.
“Noooo, I’m so done, dude,” Prompto whined. “Just take one for the team.”
That earned a snort from Noctis. “What team? And why do we have to finish it?” he questioned.
Prompto paused, then sat up straight again. “I dunno. Feels wrong to just throw it away?” he reasoned. Especially considering that Noctis was the one who paid for all of it. He would feel bad, prince or not.
Noctis lightly bumped him with his shoulder. “It’s not that big of a deal. It’s the last thing we have, and I’d rather toss it than have either one of us get sick before our date is over.”
He couldn’t lie, Prompto’s stomach still erupted with butterflies at legitimately hearing Noctis say they were on a date. He’d been dreaming of this for so long that he’d chalked up his hopes to wishful thinking. But no, they were here, and they were having a good time. It was enough to make him grin. “Fine, fine. Throw it away, and we can walk around for a while before hitting something that could make us lose all that food we just ate,” he conceded.
The two of them hauled their trash to the nearest trash can, and Prompto had to laugh at just how much powdered sugar had attached itself to Noctis’ all-black clothing. “Y’know, I applaud your choices to start wearing white,” he teased, making Noctis look down at his shirt.
“Oh, come on,” Noctis grumbled.
Prompto ran his hands along the worst parts. “No worries, I got you.” It only took a few seconds more for him to note how low the powder had gotten. “Um...”
Noctis huffed a laugh, getting the rest off. “You’ve got some on you, too.”
“I do?” Prompto asked with a confused expression. “Could’ve sworn I dusted myself off, already. Where’s it at?” he rambled, hoping he didn’t look like a mess.
“Hm, right here.” Suddenly, Noctis’ hand was on his cheek, his warm lips pressed gently to Prompto’s in a kiss that lasted all of three seconds. Nonetheless, his cheeks were absolutely burning afterwards.
When they parted, it appeared that he wasn’t the only one. Noctis’ cheeks were dusted a soft shade of pink, though it was hard to see under the harsh lighting around them.
It took a moment for either of them to say anything. “Did...you get it off?”
Noctis’ lips turned up in a faint smile. “Think so.”
Now it was Prompto’s turn to smile. “Cool. Thanks. What would I do without you?” he joked.
“Dunno. Have powdered sugar all over your face?” Noctis returned teasingly.
“All over? You saying I’ve got more on me?”
Noctis hummed in thought, once again brushing his fingers along Prompto’s cheek. “Nope, got it all,” he confirmed.
An eye-roll from Prompto. “Dork. Let’s move away from the trash can, yeah?”
The two headed back into the bustle of the fair, hand in hand without Prompto even realizing they'd reached for each other. It made him giddy all over again.
Before long, they stopped. A long row of carnie games sprawled out before them, vendors shouting for patrons to step up and take their chances. Stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes were presented along every surface, and it was a safe bet to assume they’d been waiting to be claimed for far longer than necessary.
Prompto looked over to his date. “Got something in your sights?” he questioned.
That got Noctis tugging him towards a nearby stall. “Does a giant chocobo sound good? I’ll try to win it for you,” he stated, all the determination in the world lighting up his eyes. It was rare to see Noctis this enthusiastic about something. Gods, it was cute.
Still, Prompto couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. The thing Noctis had pointed out was giant, which also meant that it was going to be near impossible to get. “I mean, it sounds great, Noct,” he started, leaning against Noctis’ shoulder. “But I’m not gonna get my hopes up.”
Noctis knocked his head against Prompto’s. “What, don’t believe in me?” he returned in mock-offense.
“Oh, c’mon, you know these things are rigged,” Prompto reasoned. “Plus, this is a shooting game. One, that’s even more rigged. Two, we should both know by now that I'm the better marksman out of the two of us."
His boasting earned him a scoff from Noctis. "While I might cave and admit that, it doesn't mean that I'm bad at it. Have a little faith," he requested, giving Prompto's hand a light squeeze. Without waiting for a response, he was off towards the unattainable holy grail of stuffed animals. Oh, to be the carnie that got to proctor this little event in history.
Watching with an air of amusement, Prompto leaned on his elbows over the counter. "Heya! What's the requirements for getting that Behemoth up there?" he asked, gesturing to the comically large bird in question.
The carnie's polished grin focused on him. "Well, buddy, it's fairly simple!" he chirped. "All you've gotta do is shoot at those little targets that are moving across the planks." He made a grand gesture towards the back wall, which sported plenty of painted wooden ducks with red and white targets on their sides meandering in a single file. "Each duckie has a different number on the back. Shoot as many as you can before the time runs out, and your score will be tallied afterwards. Get over fifty points, and the chocobo is all yours. But watch out! Some of the ducks are hiding negative numbers that will reduce your score. So, care to test your skills?"
His speech had sounded so trained and NPC-like, Prompto had to laugh. "No, not me. But this guy wants to give it a go." He tugged on Noctis' sleeve, a grin of pride bright on his face. Noctis, on the other hand, had lost some of that brazen confidence in his expression.
It was always funny to watch people's eyes go wide. "O-Oh, Prince Noctis! Er, that is you, isn't it?"
"Nah, but I get that a lot," Noctis replied nonchalantly, rolling his shoulders in preparation. "Just a guy trying to win a chocobo for his boyfriend. Can I start?"
The man, seemingly recovered, nodded with his previous vigor. "Of course! Here is your weapon, good sir." After ducking down to grab one of the dingy guns from under the counter, he handed it over. "The timer starts when you first shoot."
Prompto cast a smirk at his boyfriend. "Let's see what you got, sharpshooter," he teased.
Noctis took aim. "Oh, hush. I'm doing this for you."
After a quick "Good luck!" from the man behind the counter, Noctis started the timer with a pop from the toy gun. One duck down, who knew how many more to go.
"Wohoo, got one!" Prompto exclaimed, beaming at a smug-looking Noctis. "Think you can keep it up?"
Still keeping his eyes on the targets, Noctis gave a little nod. "You bet I will. I've got someone to impress," he replied before knocking another off of the shelf.
Prompto snorted, slumping more over the counter. "You say that like you're on a date," he continued.
Another duck toppled. "And what if I am?"
That earned a dramatized gasp from Prompto. "Are you, now? Didn't know you had it in you to snatch a date. Always thought you were too shy." The mocking edge to his words were light, and he couldn't hide the slight giggling that followed. The next few shots hit the wall. He poked Noctis in the shoulder before wrapping an arm around his middle. "Trying to win him something?"
Noctis gave him a knowing glance. "I would be, if he wasn't doing stuff to distract me. Don't be disappointed when I can't get the prize for you," he warned, getting another target down.
Prompto leaned in to press a kiss to Noctis' cheek. "A good marksman should be able to work well under pressure." Still, deciding that he'd messed with him enough, Prompto let go and returned to being an encouraging spectator.
As the timer drew nearer to zero and the little duckies came crashing down, Prompto did have to admit that he was impressed. Especially considering the hindrance that was a rickety carnival gun, the sizeable amount of targets Noctis had managed to hit was most likely more than the average. Though he hadn't expected much of a reward from this mess, part of him was thinking he might be going home with a giant stuffed chocobo.
When the timer sounded, the carnie bounced back to life. "Aaalrighty, let's see how you did!" he said in his merry speech. He collected the last few fallen ducks, then laid them face up on the counter in front of them.
"Sweet, let's count 'em up!" Prompto was grinning as he began to turn over the targets. "Noct, count with me. This one's five," he stated, "and then eight, and…damn, negative six." Oh well, there were plenty more to bring the score up.
Noctis continued flipping over the next few. "Hey, got a fifteen," he boasted, shoving it over to the counted pile.
"Aw, so proud."
The scores varied for the rest of the ducks, some on the smaller or negative sides, presumably to keep the prizes from all being taken. Still, Noctis had gotten a few of the higher numbered ones. With one left to check, he had reached a whopping forty-five. Prompto was tingling with excitement; that chocobo was as good as won.
The last one stared them down with its chipped paint and bright, ducky smile. "You want to do the last one?" Noctis offered.
With a nod and bated breath, Prompto turned over the last one to add the number….
"Negative twenty?" he cried. "Why is that even in here!" Noctis groaned as well, and the two boys slumped against each other in defeat.
The man behind the counter drew up an apologetic smile. "Sorry, fellas, luck of the duck. But you still get to choose from one of the smaller prizes!"
He gestured to the side wall that sported the rest of this booth's treasures. They were way smaller than the grand prizes, more hug-to-your-chest size, but they were still something.
Noctis nudged Prompto's shoulder. "Go ahead and pick one."
"Mh-hm." Prompto's eyes flitted over the options: stuffed dogs and coeurls, moogles, various fruits for some reason, and a mini version of that giant chocobo above their heads. "Not to be predictable, but I do want the chocobo," he decided. So what if he consistently chose them? They were his favorites!
As it was being retrieved, Prompto turned to Noctis with a bright smile. "By the way, good job, dude."
Noctis shrugged, a light mix of embarrassment and pride in his face. "I would've won if it had just been about knocking them over," he reasoned.
Prompto chuckled. "Sure would've. They weren't ready for you," he teased.
"Here you are, sir." Holding it in his hands, Prompto decided that this was officially the best first date ever. How cool was it that his boyfriend won him something at a shitty carnival game?
They ventured back into the crowds, a bit dissuaded from trying any of the other booths for now. The chocobo plush was held securely with one arm while his other hand held fast to Noctis'. Now there was just the matter of deciding what else to do before calling it a night.
"Got any ideas what to do next?" Prompto questioned.
Noctis pursed his lips, doing a quick glance around. "Well, I think we already went on all of the rollercoasters, and you're not putting me back on that drop thing," he said definitively.
That drew a laugh from Prompto. "I half expected you to warp right off of that thing, by the way," he commented. "But fine, something else. How about…." He trailed off, rubbing his thumb along Noctis' hand. "Oh! We haven't done the ferris wheel yet."
What other way was there to end a night at the fair than being sappy while overlooking part of the city from the top of a rickety ferris wheel? Prompto hoped he wasn't coming across as too sappy, though; it was embarrassing, but he really did enjoy those dumb romantic fantasies. Even after being asked out, he was still worried that Noctis might laugh at him for wanting to do cheesy romantic things. Noctis just didn't seem like the type to enjoy that. He knew he was probably being ridiculous, but that didn't dispel the doubt in the back of his mind.
Thankfully, Noctis gave a casual shrug and nodded. "Sounds good to me. We can hit the ferris wheel and then head out for the night," he said.
Relief flooded back into Prompto's lungs, and before long, they were speeding up towards bright lights of the their last ride. Giggling, the two kept it up until they were running and dodging people in the crowd to get there first. Nevermind that they were still holding hands.
The pair stumbled to a breathless halt at the entrance gates, turning to each other with a full-out laugh. Prompto still had his chocobo clasped tightly between his arm and chest.
"After you," Noctis said, finally letting go of his hand to gesture to the open gate.
Prompto landed a playful punch to Noctis' shoulder as he walked past. "Really acting like a prince today, huh?"
"What, I don't normally?"
"Gonna have to give a no to that one, bud."
The worker got them situated in the seat, Prompto first. Noctis lagged behind slightly, turning to the lady in charge before climbing in next to his boyfriend.
Once they were snugly hip to hip, Noctis sighed. "How old do you think this ride even is?" he asked.
Prompto looked up. "Proooobably pretty old," he reasoned. "But I'm sure it's fine. They have, like, inspections and stuff, right?"
Noctis huffed a little laugh. "Hope so. If something does happen, I'll just grab you and warp off of this thing."
"My hero," Prompto teased. Though, as they began their ascent up and around the ferris wheel, the idea that it might break down did start to creep into his mind. A jarring bump halfway there didn't help one bit.
He pressed closer to Noctis' side just as he did the same. Prompto took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting the feeling of being close to him soothe him. The warmth they shared was a nice defense against the cold winds, too.
A tiny smile formed on his face when he felt Noctis nuzzle slightly into his hair. "Sorry I couldn't get you the giant chocobo," he heard him murmur.
Prompto gave a slight shake of his head. "Nah, don't worry about it. This one's just as cute. And it's travel sized." He gave the toy a squeeze. Honestly, he was thrilled to have a gift from him in the first place. It was a silly little thing, but it made his heart swell in a way he thought he'd never feel.
As they completed the first rotation of the wheel, Prompto decided to look around more at the fair below. By now the sky was completely dark, making the colorful lights shine brighter. Laughter and shrieks of children reached even where they were up high. He even saw someone drop their cotton candy in a puddle, which he pointed out to Noctis so they could both grimace at the sight.
All of a sudden, they were stuttered to a halt at the top of the wheel. Prompto swung his leg a bit and laughed. "Welp, looks like we're up here forever," he joked.
Noctis snorted. "We'd better not be. I'm not sleeping on a ferris wheel."
"That's your problem with it?" Prompto laughed, making the seat sway slightly.
"There's other issues with living on a ferris wheel for the rest of my life. That one just came to mind first," Noctis said in his defense.
Prompto's laughter continued while he squeezed the stuffed chocobo to keep from dropping it. "Yeah, okay. Sleep is always your first thought."
"Don't judge."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Being stuck at the top really wasn't so bad. They could see everything, and it was just the two of them, despite there being hundreds of people around. It was as if they'd been brought up just to be alone for a few minutes.
A hand rested atop his thigh, and Prompto turned to face his date. And gods, did he look so good with the lights of the city behind him. Noctis' dark hair made him a silhouette, though his features were close enough to make out. His cool gray eyes had a soft shine to them, and he was looking at Prompto in a way that stole his breath. He had to be the luckiest guy in Eos right now.
Noctis quirked a small smile. "Is it…too cheesy if I ask for a kiss right now?"
Prompto paused, then cracked a smile as well. "Very cheesy. Do it," he replied.
"Then can I kiss you at the top of the ferris wheel?"
Without speaking, Prompto slid a hand along the side of Noctis' neck and pulled him in. His lips were tinged with slight cold, but they felt soft as they touched Prompto's. And just like that, they were sharing one of those dumb movie kisses on their first date at the fair. The thought made Prompto's smile grow as he leaned in more.
Once they pulled away, there were a few moments of silence between them. Then the ride began to move again, starting through one more loop before they would be let off.
Prompto couldn't hold back another little laugh. "Good way to end that?"
"Definitely," Noctis said, looking equally relieved and happy. "Now we can't say anything else for the rest of the time so we don't ruin it."
That earned a shoulder punch from Prompto. "Oh, shut up."
"See, like that."
Prompto grinned, taking Noctis' hand in his. "Too bad you're stuck with me, then," he retorted.
Noctis smiled back. "What a shame."
#I finally finished it lakfjagahgkjdk#this took me forever I am sorry#y'all be like: give me the tooth rotting fluff#and I try to provide#promptis#ask#thedarkrose17#nananasonatra#answered
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For some reason I think that the first time they went into battle together .Noct spent half the fight trying to protect Prom and almost wiped out because of it. Causing Prom to feel like Noct doesnt trust him enough to protect Noct
I can absolutely see things happening along that line.
Prom joined the crownsguard so he could be by Noct’s side and protect him, show him that he’s all in and he wants his best friend to be okay. He went through all that just so he could do his part and show that he cares.
So it hurts when they start their journey and go into action just for all of his actions to be stifled by Noct’s reckless abandon. At first he thinks that Noct is simply trying to go a little too hard in the battle, trying to prove himself or whatnot, but it becomes apparent pretty quickly that every hit he takes is to bar Prompto from the same fate. And it really isn’t fair that the one he’s trying to protect so much is refusing to let him do the job he’s worked so hard to do.
Actually you know what lemme just—
It hadn’t been long since their first encounter with a daemon. They were travelling at night, pushing forward in the Regalia on the prince’s insistence that they find a more suitable shelter for the night than a tent, when the huge beast had reared its ugly head to effectively block their path.
The ensuing battle was somewhat of a rude awakening for most of the group. Prompto, however, was geared up and ready for his first real shot at proving that he could protect the prince, that he wasn’t just dead weight on this trip; he wanted to prove that he was useful.
But that opportunity was continually snatched away from him. Every time Prompto took aim, Noctis warped forward and plunged a sword into the target. Every time he stood his ground to parry an attack, Noctis was right there to knock him aside and deal with it himself.
At first, Prompto assumed that Noctis was feeling the same way as him; he probably just wanted to show his skills in the real event. The thing was, his method was way too reckless, which Prompto thought would earn them a lecture from Ignis and Gladio about team dynamics. That thought helped to stifle Prompto’s frustration in the beginning. He didn’t want to believe that his best friend would intentionally bar him from playing his part.
It was when Noctis collapsed from a nasty hit that Prompto began to have other ideas.
Immediately after the beast fell, the other three were beside him, pulling out curatives and tending to the fallen prince. Prompto had shoved himself between Noctis and the ground, holding him partway in his lap while Ignis broke a potion over him.
Prompto thanked the gods that it seemed to do the trick. Even still, Noctis appeared ready to collapse again at any given moment. He supposed curatives could only do so much.
“Let’s continue to our destination. He’ll be better after a good night’s rest,” Ignis stated, already beginning to direct everyone back to the Regalia.
Gladio helped Noctis to his feet with not as much care as Prompto would’ve hoped. Noctis made a soft groan in response, and Prompto bit his lip before rushing back to his side. “I got you, buddy,” he whispered, one arm anchored firmly around his best friend’s back.
The rest of the car ride hadn’t been nearly as eventful. Prompto rode in the back with Noctis nearly asleep against him, Ignis and Gladio took up the front seats, and there was virtually no talking. It made Prompto very aware of the lump in his throat.
Now they were finally checked into a small motel, and still, few words had been exchanged. Everyone looked tired, especially Noctis.
All the while, Prompto’s mind had been racing with thoughts of what to say about the events that had just transpired. He knew that it hadn’t been an accident—Noctis had intentionally taken that hit in his place. Why? Sure, he was okay in the end, but what if he hadn’t been? This wasn’t the way things were supposed to go.
Ignis and Gladio took one room while Prompto and Noctis took the other. Prompto trudged inside, ready to fall straight into bed, but Noctis beat him to it. He sighed, opting to sit on the edge instead. They would probably take a bit to relax before showering.
The itchy fabric of the blanket under him had a few snagged threads near Prompto’s thigh. They felt like a good place to steer his attention, so he busied himself toying with them.
That is, until he was finally called out.
He hadn’t even noticed the shift on the bed until Noctis was sitting beside and a little behind him. Prompto was hoping they could brush off this conversation this time and go to bed, but Noctis was already prodding at his shoulder.
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked. The usual impartial tone he sported was gone, replaced with the gentle concern he only really used when the two of them were alone.
Prompto bit his lip and stopped fiddling with the threads. After a brief debate about how he should answer, he spoke up quietly. “It’s...what happened earlier.”
A familiar warmth pressed close to his back, and soon Noctis’ head was on Prompto’s shoulder. He tried not to think about how they shouldn't be this close. “I’m fine, now. Promise. You don’t need to worry about me,” Noctis said.
It was supposed to sound reassuring, but Prompto’s irritation only began to bubble up. “That’s not what I’m trying to say. I mean, of course I’m glad you’re okay, but I just...” The tension in his shoulders wasn’t going away. “I’m upset,” he hissed.
Noctis lifted his head, though he didn’t move away. “Oh. I think I get what you’re saying.” A long sigh fell from his lips, his hand rubbing along Prompto’s arm.
“You know, nobody is gonna fault you for going back home. It’s okay if you changed your mind about all this.”
Prompto all but fell off the bed. "What?" he exclaimed, whipping around to face Noctis with wide eyes. "You're joking, right?"
There was nothing but seriousness in Noctis' expression. "No, I'm not. I'm telling you right now that you still have an out. We can turn back around and drop you off at the wall. Hell, I'd even be up for renting chocobos if you want to ride back together. One last fun thing before…everything else." The way he spoke…he really was being serious.
Despite himself, Prompto felt his chest begin to constrict with short, mirthless laughs. "Oh, gods," he mumbled, burying his face in his palm for a few long moments. "So that's it. I was right. You see me as some kind of weak joke. That's really great news." He turned away. The lump in his throat was almost unbearable now.
"What are you talking about?" A hand fell on his shoulder, dragging his attention back to Noctis, whose eyes had narrowed.
Prompto shrugged off the touch. "What do you mean, 'what am I talking about?' You took every hit for me out there. You wouldn't let me do my job, and you got hurt in the process. That's not okay, Noct! You're too important for that," he stressed.
Irritation that had been building up since the fight was rushing through Prompto's head, making him want to pull his hair out. Instead, he got to his feet and began pacing at the foot of the bed. Noctis had started to stumble for words, but Prompto cut him off. "I'm not done," he stated firmly. "Before we left for this trip, I took a vow to protect you. I trained, and I worked so stupid hard to get here, to stay by your side when you needed it. And I know you had some reservations about that. But this is what I wanted, so you eventually let it go. But…" His shoes scuffed the ground as he stopped pacing. "But you didn't let it go, did you? You're still trying to get rid of me."
"That's really not what's going on here," Noctis countered. By now he was standing, too.
"No? Then why wouldn't you let me protect you today? Why is it that every time I try to help you out, you feel the need to stop me? Why did you jump at the chance to tell me I should leave?" Feeling the pressure build up behind his eyes, Prompto gripped the end of the bed until his knuckles went white. "You don't have to answer. I know why." He finally met Noctis' eyes again, and that's when the tears began to fall. "You don't trust me," he said quietly.
Finally, Noctis had his chance to speak, but he didn't right away. He looked shocked, and he obviously didn't know what to say. Prompto sniffled a bit and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. This was so pathetic. After giving that whole speech about not wanting to be perceived as a weakling, he was crying. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm too weak for this and I'll just slow you guys down. Is that why you're doing this?" he murmured.
Noctis took a tentative step forward. When Prompto didn't react, he took another. "It…it's not that I don't trust you. I don't want you to think that," he choked out. He sounded as pathetic as Prompto felt.
It took a moment, but Prompto pressed forward again. "Then why are you doing things that make me feel that way?" His words were less irritated before, but just as hurt. "I know we had to break things off because of you and Luna, and I won't pretend it doesn't still hurt. Do you think I'm gonna try and sabotage the wedding or something? B-Because I made a promise, Noct, that even if I couldn't be with you, I would do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy because—"
The stern tone of Noctis' words shut him up. The prince's hands were on his burning cheeks before he could process, forcing him to keep eye contact. He didn't want to admit it, but this direct connection, the first they'd shared in a while, was sending Prompto's poor heart into a frenzy.
Once he'd visually calmed down, Noctis went on. "Okay, you got me. Yes, I did all of that today to keep you out of it as much as possible," he admitted. Teeth scraped his bottom lip briefly before he spoke again. "But it's not because I don't trust you to protect me; I've seen your skills in action, and I know you're capable. It's that I don't want you to."
This time it was Prompto who wore the confusion. "Wh…what? Why?" His question was tinged with hurt.
The thumb on Prompto's cheek gently brushed along his skin. It felt nice. "Really? You can't tell what's going on here?" Noctis asked. Prompto was just glad he didn't sound accusatory.
When he didn't receive an answer, Noctis sighed. "Prom, I trust you. I value you more than anything, and I know you'll do whatever it takes to get this done. That's the reason I was trying to make you go home. You're too damn determined to protect me."
Prompto's brow furrowed. "Isn't that a good thing?"
"In theory, yeah," Noctis said, "but we can't predict this situation. If you see me as more important, then you're going to put your life on the line for me if something happens. When I saw that daemon lunge for you, all I could see were images of you dying in my place, and it scared me so much. I just…I can't have that. I'm not worth more than you." His hands were still on Prompto's cheeks. Neither of them made a move to stop it yet.
"But you kind of are," Prompto whispered. "You're important to the whole world. You have so much you're going to do. That's more than I'm destined for, for sure."
Noctis' hold finally relaxed, and his hands dropped to Prompto's shoulders. That sad, serious look never left him. "Not to me. You're everything to me," he muttered. "You've been so focused on making sure I'm happy, you aren't letting me do the same for you. I know you want things, there's no way you can—"
"I want you, Noct," Prompto interrupted. "But I can't have you. And I have to accept that. So please, don't make this harder than it already is. I can hardly bear it." Another tear trailed down his cheek. He placed a hand over Noctis'. "Let me protect you until I can't. That's the next best thing for me. Please, Noct," he finished. He wanted this to be final. He wanted so much, but right now, he wanted Noctis to settle for this option.
He heard Noctis' breath hitch, saw the hesitation in the twitch of his lips. This wasn't easy for either of them. "I don't want to lose you," he finally said with a tremble in his voice.
The tiniest smile touched Prompto's lips. "I'm right here, aren't I? But I don't want to lose you, either. That means no more throwing yourself in front of me like you kept doing today," he warned.
Noctis' shoulders sagged. "You can't tell me that if you plan on doing the same thing later."
"Well…" He wanted to argue, but that had sort of been his plan from the beginning. "We could go back and forth on this all night. I have my stance, and you have yours," he stated. It didn't matter what Noctis thought; one of their lives was more valuable in the grand scheme of things.
The grip on his shoulder tightened slightly. "So I should just settle for yours?" Noctis returned.
Prompto nodded. "I think you should. Because just this once, I'm taking a stand. I'm not settling for yours."
There was another tense pause. Noctis seemed to physically deflate as his hands fell to his sides once more. "I'm sorry. I still don't think I should be putting you through this. Not after you already gave up so much." A short huff passed his lips. "Why did you have to be so damn stubborn?"
Somehow, Prompto managed another quiet laugh. "Guess you chose a terrible best friend," he commented with a slight wave of his hand.
With a slight shake of his head, Noctis cast his gaze to the floor. "No, I chose the most amazing one. And I let go of the best boyfriend," he murmured.
Prompto bit the inside of his cheek, the fun moment fading. "Noct…we talked about this before the trip. It's okay," he spoke softly, though he couldn't contain the slight crack in his voice as he said it. None of this way okay. It was necessary. The situation was out of their hands; just a bad hand that was dealt to them.
They probably shouldn't have shared a room, after all, but they had been too tired to think that through. Because when Noctis took Prompto's hand right there, standing in this dingy motel, Prompto felt the pain in his heart cry out.
"Can we sit back down?" Noctis asked.
After a silent nod from Prompto, the pair returned to the edge of the bed. They sat side by side, still holding onto each other's hand like a lifeline between them. Both of them had their heads down.
"I'm just gonna say it. I don't think I can go through with this."
It was Prompto who looked to Noctis first. "What?"
Noctis rubbed his thumb along the other's hand. "My marriage with Luna. I can't do it," he reiterated.
Prompto's mouth fell dumbly open for a few moments before he shook it off. "B-But…don't you have to? You can't just throw all of that away, can you?" Of course, with the drastic change of plans that were seemingly everywhere, maybe that wasn't the case anymore.
"I can try," Noctis continued. "We were supposed to be married for the sake of peace, but the Niffs already don't seem to be treating that pact seriously. If I just stop this mess, get through to the end." He closed his eyes and inhaled slowly. "Our countries can find some other way to bridge the gap and mend all of this. But I have to call off the wedding," he stated.
"Wait a second," Prompto interjected. "Don't go that far until you've thought it through. What about all the good that could come from being with her? There's all those political advantages, and-and she's really pretty, and I'll bet she likes you a lot."
His heart was racing all the way up in his throat. Noctis couldn't possibly be considering giving up everything for him. He hated to admit it, but Prompto had known since they first started dating that he was eventually going to lose Noctis to someone of actual importance. Especially now, with the world in the state that it was in, that was what the country needed. Someone smart and capable to stand by the king and rule alongside him. Not Prompto Argentum. He couldn't bring himself to admit those feelings, though, so maybe he could convince Noctis to make the right choice in other ways.
He only now realized that Noctis had gone quiet again. Prompto squeezed his hand. "Please don't throw away what's important," he said, just above a whisper.
Noctis looked up. There was the faintest hint of tears brimming in his eyes. "I'm trying not to. That's what I'm doing right now. Don't treat me like they do, Prom, like I'm some pawn that can be tossed around for political reasons. If you're really so concerned about my happiness, then give me this," he practically begged. "Let me fight for us. You're what keeps me going through everything, and I don't want that to stop."
A beat later, he went on. "I shouldn't have tried to keep you away. I'm sorry. But if you want it, then I'm asking for you to stay with me through this, and forever after that. Please." He lifted Prompto's hand, and he felt his genuine longing in the way his lips pressed to his knuckles. "Let me try. These last few weeks have been shit. I know I couldn't handle more of not being with you," he murmured.
Prompto was near trembling. Noctis' cool eyes bore into his widened ones, waiting for an answer from the stricken man. Finally, after swallowing the lump in his throat, he spoke. "It's gonna be hard."
"I know."
"And being with me is gonna make so many people unhappy."
"I know."
"Noct, are you sure?"
The conviction in his voice sent a shiver down Prompto's spine. For a moment, everything was going to be okay. He let that fantasy take hold of his thoughts.
When Prompto didn't speak right away, Noctis took it upon himself and brought his other hand up to hold. "You and I can do this. You protect me, and I'll protect you. That's what I'm suggesting. And I trust you to make it there with me," he said.
Fresh tears spilled down Prompto's cheeks, and he nodded with a sniffle. "Okay. I can deal with that," he murmured.
Once again, Prompto found a warm hand on his cheek, only this time he leaned into it instantly. Then they were so close that their foreheads touched. "Great. Now you're stuck with me. Probably for life," Noctis gently teased.
Prompto laughed a little more outright. "Gods, and you called me stubborn? Moron."
"I guess I won't deny that." Noctis closed the distance and pressed their lips together, making Prompto's cheeks flare up with heat as if they were on their first date again. "And you're still a flustered mess. Nice to know."
That earned Noctis a shove, and Prompto covered his red cheeks with a pout. "Watch it," he warned. Moments later, they were both laughing.
He'd missed this, and he knew Noctis did as well. If that stubborn dork could really fight for this, and they could pull through together…well, Prompto wouldn't call that a bad deal. For the first time in a while, he felt a tinge of hope blooming in his chest.
Prompto cupped the other's cheek and leaned in for another kiss. He let it linger, pulling back slowly and staying close even after. "I love you. Thanks for letting me come along," he whispered.
Noctis gave a tiny nod. "I love you, too. Thanks for always protecting me."
A genuine smile tugged at Prompto's lips. "Anytime. Now, I think we both need a shower," he pointed out. They were still a bit gross, and tomorrow would probably prove to be a long day as well. They needed this while they could have it.
Noctis stood up and stretched. "Good idea. But I think a better idea would be showering together," he argued.
That got a snort in response. "Did I suggest anything else?"
They shared another laugh and began to get undressed. There was a long road ahead for them, both in the near and distant future, but that was okay. Prompto felt confident that they could get through it all. But for now, they had this night to enjoy being in each other's arms with the hope that they could spend every other night in the same way. And he was okay with that, too.
So sorry this took so long! I also added a few extra little plot points, but I hope you like it :)
#this took me entirely too long to answer I am So sorry#but I kinda like how it turned out?#I promised myself I would finish it today before sleeping and now it's past 2 am#I'm so tired lmao I hope I didn't make any mistakes#bc I wrote half of this in one sitting#promptis#fanfiction#ask#nananasonatra#answered#mine
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Do you ever think about towards the end of the game where Prom tries to tell Noct something then cuts himself off .I always wonder what he would have told him .
I can’t recall the exact scene right now (haven’t played the ending in over 2 years oop) but I think I know what you’re talking about?
There are so many things he probably wanted to say to Noct before the end, honestly. It could’ve been a thank-you for being his first and closest friend, for being there and letting Prom do the same for him. Could’ve been a question about how he feels about what’s to come. Hell, maybe he was even thinking of telling him about his feelings. But, ultimately, it seems he decided to not take Noct’s focus away or burden him with more feelings.
I just. I just want them to talk.
#there is a reason just about all of my fics have them communicating#they need. to talk#promptis#ask#nananasonatra#answered
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🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻CONGRATS LOVE YOU DESERVE IT !!!!🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
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Promptois the person who absolutely dresses up his doggos and does photoshoots with them
Oh gods yes. He takes the dog to the pet store so they can “pick their own outfits” and has a whole day doing a photoshoot with them. They are cute enough to make any passersby in the park tear up. Bonus if a little kid runs over and asks to be in it, so he gets some shots with his pup playing with a happy kid.
I also totally see him getting outfits to match the dog’s lol. He’s gonna have a theme and by god he is going to stick to it. And is he going to frame these pictures and put some on the walls? Yes, of course.
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was asked if I was gonna work on my fic over spring break by @nananasonatra and I think I physically did this
#I forgot#about break and about writing#my brain is nothing but school and hedgehog and naps#frankie ily#make me write okay das ur task#not promptis
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Hedgehog has become e-girl, or as @nananasonatra and I now call it, e-hog
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@nananasonatra i wound up streaming xv all day LOL
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@nananasonatra is a beautiful and wonderful person and can’t do anything about me posting this
take THAT
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