dancevracha · 2 years
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▪︎1733 Words
▪︎Original on Wattpad "Stray kids smuts(f x m)" - NamJi-youngskz8
It is my account so it not copyright right?
She was so tired that it got to the point that she will just starve herself. But thankfully she lost alot of weight she doesn't need to do that anymore. 
Every member knows about this and have told her to stop so now she does it sneakily. Her and Chan are ...... friends with benefits 😏
The members didn't know until well you will see. So they been having sex secretly and it very hard since they are all close.
Y/N has been practice all day with out a break, when it was around 12:00am she decided to go to the recording room to practice her vocals. It was around 2:15 when she decided to go home.
As I entered the dorm I went to check on everyone. But no one was there.
I checked 3 room before deciding they must have gone to the other dorm. On my way to my room to take a shower I walked pass Chans room his door was cracked open.
And he was watching a sexy edit of me while thrusting up and down on his member I dropped my towel thankfully it was quiet but when I got back up from picking it up I had to hit my head and fall.
As I heard t he edit music stop I stood up and ran but then.............. I stub my toe. Then I just had to scream "Aish shit" I heard the door open but thankfully I made it to the bathroom in time
*Time skip*
As the water run down my face I think of what had just happen "Came home, everyone gone, saw Chan, MASTURBATTING TO A SEXY EDIT OF ME" I said in my head slapping my self out of my thoughts as I started to fell horny but me and Chan had sex two days ago and my neck was still sore from him choking me.
I felt the need to touch me but I knew Chan doesn't like when I do it with out his permission. So I just got out. I'm wearing lee knows oversize shirt with only underwear. I went to the kitchen to grab some water.
*Chans POV*
I saw Y/N in the hallway as I was masterbating to one of Stays sexy edits of her. And let's just say it turned me. " Aish she probably mad at me she doesn't like it when I touch myself" I said head back to my room I waited for her to get out to apologize but I was to inpatient so I head to the kitchen because I wanted a burguar *in a australian accent *
When I finished eating I was a little thirst so I grab a cup of wutua. Then I saw Y/N.
I saw Chan and I freaked out I frozen then I realized he was in front of me. He just looked I'm my eye's and man this guy was so fucking hot. He eye's scream lust, pleasure, SEX !
He grabbed my face and started to kiss me. I love when he makes the first move. As soon as the kiss deepend we parted to catch our  breath he sat me down on the counter and took off my shirt. He kissed my neck making sure to leave marks. Then made his way down to my chest. We had sex so many times that he was a pro at this point. He then unclip my bra skillfully. He parted way from my chest
" Chan I'm to tired to be mad at you, you take the lead today you punishment will be tomorrow " I said catching my
"Are you sure you will even be able to stand tomorrow " he said chuckled as I rolled my eyes.
He then went back to my chest and started to suck on it making me a moaning mess.
"We haven't even started and your wet"
As soon as I heard that I realized his hand was over my clothed pussy making me more wet. He then pinch my nipple while pulling it making me whine. Soon his hand was inside of me.his hand was so cold making me wet. He then inserted a finger I moan at the felling. I push my hip up to his cock making him groan.
"Ahh baby girl not now ... be patient " as he whisper the last part in my ear making me tighten my pussy. As soon as he felt that he added another finger as I moan. He then trusts his finger in and out of me. Soon he takes of my panties to have more room. And they were soaked with my liquid leaving a string of my liquid between me and my underwear. I then hear Chan moan at the sight he then adds another finger now three thick long fingers inside of my tight hole I lay down on the counter of the feeling.
"No baby girl your back Is going to hurt even more tomorrow" he picks me up my legs are wrapped around his waist. We then head to my bedroom which is the last one. My back on the door.
"Open the door" he says in between the kisses.
I open the door, "Good girl". He takes me to the bed while he sits in the chair. I look at him confused. "strip" I smirk while crawling off the bed. I strip slowly teasing him.
" don't tease me baby"
"don't forget about your punishment chan " I gasped as I realized I used his name.
" ha now you said my name, you get a punishment" as he says the last part in his deep voice.
"come here right now and pleasure me" he says knowing I don't like blow job because the taste then having to swallow it was to boring. I get in-between him pulling down his pants along with his boxers.
"make me cum at least three times" he says softly knowing I hate this.
I make my hand on his member going up and down slowly increasing my speed. he starts groaning. "put.. your.. mouth.. on it already" he says groaning I give him baby kisses on his angry red tip.
After two kisses he grabs a fist full of my hair and pulled my head down as I gaged. A tear drop rolled down my cheek and my saliva on his dick going to his balls. He does that for about 6-7 time as gag on his large length. He came in my mouth he close my mouth telling me to swallow it. I gulp it down as I make a disgusted face.
He chuckled at my face "cute" he grabs my face by my chin.
"Go on the bed and spread out" he says his head still back.
I crawl to the bed. I'm on my back on my elbows. When he get to the bed he goes in-between my legs and looks at me.
"this is you punishment" he spits on my clit making me flinch.
"remember I'm daddy" he rubs his thumb on my wet wall. I moan at the feeling throwing my head back now on my back fully. He kisses it teasing me.
"ahhh chan plea-" I stop and I feel a finger in me pushing in and out of me fast then his tongue on the very top of my clit. As I start to feel a not in my lower stomach I close my legs but chan push them to separate. I moan louder telling him I'm coming. But then he pulls out.
"tsk" I say sucking my teeth
"you said chan. What's my name baby girl?" he says angrily. At that point I got mad I push him off and onto his back.
"Now I'm mad at you. Why did you do that?~" I say the last part in a baby winey voice. but all he does is chuckle.
I git me so mad that I grab his croch and put it at my entrance and push down I moan at the feeling of being stretched out. He places one hand on my left ass cheek and the other on my right thigh. He helps he move back and forth. Soon after moaning, me cumming, and me calling him daddy I push his hands off and move up and down at a unbelievable speed he then grabs my boobs an squeeze's them and the pulls my head back.
He comes inside of me making me moan the loudest out of the night he then puts me on my back, thrust in my tight pussy while chocking me.
"ahh fuck your so tight" he says groaning in my neck.
"d-d-daddy I- feel s- good ahhh" I moan "I'm.. coming dadd-dy"
"cum with me" he says give me marks on my neck.
*Hans POV*
We entered the dorm late maybe around 3:58 and we hear what sounds like screams where were at. Hyunjin freaks out and trys to run to Y/N room but changbin knows that those aren't screams and that those are moans.
*Changbins POV*
Me knowing that those are moans and are Y/N moans (don't ask how I know) I try to stop Hyunjin but the Han runs to the door
we hurry and get dress chan didn't have enough time to put on a shirt but he's always like that. And I didn't have enough time to put on pants but I was under the covers when they came in.
" Y/N ARE YOU O-" Han said.
"yeah why?"
" Are YOU okay?" chan said. Changbin gave me a weird look but I just ignore him. After that me and Chan talk like normal and when we thought everyone went to sleep chan had gave me a goodnight hug and kiss
I hope you guys like this it is my first time I don't have many ideas so please give me some don't be lazy you horny ass just playing love you
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haewon-th · 6 years
▲ for an instagram picture
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daichi-th · 6 years
👽 ever seen a ufo? / ☂ rainy or sunny? / 🎹 play any instruments?
👽 ever seen a ufo? 
O Noah quando acorda conta como uma espécie de alienígena? Se não, nops.
 ☂ rainy or sunny? 
Sol, provavelmente, pelo menos dá pra sair de casa sem sentir que o mundo te odeia. 
🎹 play any instruments?
Piano, violão e bateria, mas nem nego que tenho vontade de aprender violino também, quem sabe um dia.
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hoshiko-th-blog · 6 years
📂 for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
"Não pergunte de onde vem tanta má sorte, mas Hoshiko já quase-morreu mais de uma vez. Como se não bastasse ir internada por reação alérgica, também quase morreu afogada um dia em que estava aprendendo a nadar e um peixe a assustou. Como foi um motivo muito besta, tem vergonha de contar sobre e ninguém sabe além de seus pais e um dos poucos amigos que tinha na escola da época."
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namu-th · 6 years
🌋- A memory about their first heartbreak / 🐺- A memory about being alone
a memory about their first heartbreak.
Eu só tive meu coração partido duas vezes até hoje, o que é até admirável, se considerarmos minha idade. Mas a primeira vez foi quando minha única namorada até o presente dia acabou por falecer. Ela era muito novinha, ainda, estudava comigo na universidade, mas tinha um câncer terminal, e é essa a história. 
a memory about being alone.
Desde que me mudei para Seul, me sinto muito sozinho. É algo que não mudou com os anos, mesmo após ter formado tantas amizades. A memória que mais me marca em relação à solidão é de quando eu costumava tocar violão em casa, sozinho, para mim mesmo. Costumava virar as noites, preocupado que meus sonhos nunca passariam daqueles momentos deprimentes.
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ohharu-th · 6 years
coast: do you like staying in hotels? / sand: would you ever shave your head?
coast: do you like staying in hotels?
Eu amo ficar hospedado em hotéis, o cafe da manhã é excelente e a cama sem fica arrumada. 
sand: would you ever shave your head?
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seulgi-th · 6 years
cove: do you have a special place that you go? / atlantic: what is your favorite song of all time? / coral: do you like nicknames?
do you have a special place that you go?
Eu gosto de ficar sozinho, então tenho alguns lugares que reservo só para mim. Entre eles, a casa da minha avó, meu apartamento, praias desertas e parques. Também gosto muito de nadar, pra clarear a mente.
what is your favorite song of all time? 
Valse sentimentale, do Tchaikovsky, mas não no violino. Gosto da versão no violoncelo, com acompanhamento do piano.
do you like nicknames?
Depende. Gosto quando pessoas próximas me chamam por apelidos, se forem outras acaba parecendo condescendente. 
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miram-th · 6 years
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        ✧*:・゚✫ Supernova’s demônia line moodboard
@haewon-th @namji-th
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alaska-th-blog · 6 years
     amar animais era característica marcante de todos os hong, mas, principalmente, de alaska. conhecida nos tempos de trainee por quando salvou um cachorro de se afogar em uma correnteza, sua rede social provava o quão ativa era em causas do direito animal. então, claro, com esse seu amor infinito as vezes a artista tinha ideias bem... peculiares quanto aos seus passeios com os bichinhos de estimação. estar com jimin em um parque mais reservado com mingau poderia soar normal para qualquer pessoa que não soubesse que mingau é seu gato, e não um cachorro como deveria ser o usual. com o bichano nos braços bem aconchegado e a roupa típica de caminhada, o humor da mais velha parecia estar muito bom. afinal, só porque era a primeira vez que passeava com o gato, isso não significava que as coisas poderiam dar extremamente errado, pelo contrário. e assim esperava que fosse, pelo seu bem, pelo bem de mingau e pelo bem de @namji-th, a quem havia educadamente pedido para lhe acompanhar.  ———— mingau 'tá parecendo muito tranquilo, eu espero que dê pelo menos ‘pra brincar com a bolinha. ———— comentou, dando uma risadinha em seguida.  ———— ... ou talvez ele vá só rasgar a nossa cara e tentar matar algum passarinho caçando comida. nunca se sabe.
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byul-th-blog · 6 years
✿ for a snapchat
postado aqui!
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haewon-th · 6 years
( ✉ → sms ) soooo, in your opinion, what are some of my best qualities? i need help writing my tinder bio.
[ ✉️ ⇋ 지밍 ] ?????
[ ✉️ ⇋ 지밍 ] Tinder?
[ ✉️ ⇋ 지밍 ] Tá procurando namorado no Tinder??
[ ✉️ ⇋ 지밍 ] Mas hm.. Posso te mandar por escrito ou estilo power point, qual você prefere?
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ambeann · 5 years
1THE9 - Blah (속삭여) Lyrics
1THE9 - Blah (속삭여) Lyrics
[EP] Blah Blah Artist: 원더나인 (1THE9) Genre: Dance Release Date: 2019.10.17 Lyricist: 프라임보이 (Primeboi), 전도염, 정진성, 김태우, 신예찬, 정택현, 유용하, 박성원, 이승환, 김준서 Composer: 프라임보이 (Primeboi), th!nk, whyminsu, 전도염, 정진성, 김태우, 신예찬, 정택현, 유용하, 박성원, 이승환, 김준서 Arranger: 프라임보이 (Primeboi)
Romanization Blah blah soksangnyeo daeul su eomneun mal gidarime jichyeo hanbeon deo geu areumdaume chwihae hanbeon deo geureom dasi soksangnyeo neoreul tto nae soneul jabajwo neutgi jeon nan haru jongil neoreul soksangnyeo neol nochil su eopseo I don’t wanna stay (here) I’ll fall in you nega naege dachi ana no way l’ll fall in you (you!) l’ll fall in you (you!) nega naege dachi anado dwae soksangnyeojwo breaking my heart Breaking my dasi neoui soksagime chwihae chajeul su eopseo neo ttaemune nananana eoduun bame neoran bureul kine soksangnyeo (you want me like I want you) Woah (heeonal su eopge) soksangnyeo soksangnyeojwo ne sumgyeoreul naege soksangnyeojwo mudae wie jomyeongi kkeojyeodo ojik neoman saenggakae Everyday every night neoege nuneul tteji mothae nan neoman boneun babo morachyeo neoran pado honja suyeonghae neoui sesangeul heoujeokdae baego pado nun gameumyeon neoui geu hyanggiga nae gyeoteul geotdone geu deoge maeiri geotteunhae We can only learn to love by loving geuljeogimyeo mal georeo bollae meotjjeokseure <![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ]]> I don’t wanna stay (here) I’ll fall in you nega naege dachi ana no way l’ll fall in you (you!) l’ll fall in you (you!) nega naege dachi anado dwae soksangnyeojwo Breaking my heart Breaking my dasi neoui soksagime chwihae chajeul su eopseo neo ttaemune nananana eoduun bame neoran bureul kine soksangnyeo (you want me like I want you) Woah (heeonal su eopge) soksangnyeo soksangnyeojwo ne sumgyeoreul naege soksangnyeojwo tteonajwo nae gieok sogeseo gajyeoga nal apeuge hajana da pillyo eopseo da gajyeogajwo naega miryeon namji antorok du nuneul gamado du gwireul magado yeojeonhi nae gyeoteul maemdoneun neoui moksori soksangnyeojwo geureom dasi neoui soksagime chwihae chajeul su eopseo neo ttaemune nananana sae hayan bame neoran saegeul chilhae soksangnyeo (you want me like I want you) Woah (dorikil su eopge) soksangnyeo soksangnyeojwo ne sumgyeoreul dasi soksangnyeojwo Hangeul Blah blah 속삭여 닿을 수 없는 말 기다림에 지쳐 한번 더 그 아름다움에 취해 한번 더 그럼 다시 속삭여 너를 또 내 손을 잡아줘 늦기 전 난 하루 종일 너를 속삭여 널 놓칠 수 없어 I don’t wanna stay (here) I’ll fall in you 네가 내게 닿지 않아 no way l’ll fall in you (you!) l’ll fall in you (you!) 네가 내게 닿지 않아도 돼 속삭여줘 breaking my heart Breaking my 다시 너의 속삭임에 취해 찾을 수 없어 너 때문에 nananana 어두운 밤에 너란 불을 키네 속삭여 (you want me like I want you) Woah (헤어날 수 없게) 속삭여 속삭여줘 네 숨결을 내게 속삭여줘 무대 위에 조명이 꺼져도 오직 너만 생각해 Everyday every night 너에게 눈을 떼지 못해 난 너만 보는 바보 몰아쳐 너란 파도 혼자 수영해 너의 세상을 허우적대 배고 파도 눈 감으면 너의 그 향기가 내 곁을 겉도네 그 덕에 매일이 거뜬해 We can only learn to love by loving 긁적이며 말 걸어 볼래 멋쩍스레 I don’t wanna stay (here) I’ll fall in you 네가 내게 닿지 않아 no way l’ll fall in you (you!) l’ll fall in you (you!) 네가 내게 닿지 않아도 돼 속삭여줘 Breaking my heart Breaking my 다시 너의 속삭임에 취해 찾을 수 없어 너 때문에 nananana 어두운 밤에 너란 불을 키네 속삭여 (you want me like I want you) Woah (헤어날 수 없게) 속삭여 속삭여줘 네 숨결을 내게 속삭여줘 떠나줘 내 기억 속에서 가져가 날 아프게 하잖아 다 필요 없어 다 가져가줘 내가 미련 남지 않도록 두 눈을 감아도 두 귀를 막아도 여전히 내 곁을 맴도는 너의 목소리 속삭여줘 그럼 다시 너의 속삭임에 취해 찾을 수 없어 너 때문에 nananana 새 하얀 밤에 너란 색을 칠해 속삭여 (you want me like I want you) Woah (돌이킬 수 없게) 속삭여 속삭여줘 네 숨결을 다시 속삭여줘 English Translation N/A Hangeul and Info by Genie Music Romanized by K-Lyrics For You English Translation by N/A K-Lyrics For You Lyrics, Korean Song, Kpop Song, Kpops Lyrics, Korean Lyrics from 1THE9 - Blah (속삭여) Lyrics http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2019/10/1the9-blah-lyrics.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea 1THE9 - Blah (속삭여) Lyrics http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2019/10/1the9-blah-lyrics.html
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chinhae-th-blog · 6 years
atlantic: what is your favorite song of all time? / sand: would you ever shave your head? / ray: do you believe in ghosts?
atlantic: what is your favorite song of all time? 
Todos os tempos? Ah que isso é difícil? Acho que se é pra escolher uma… vou ficar com Come Together dos Beatles. Eu tenho uma memória boa dessa música por ser algo que minha mãe ama, sabe? Me lembra ela. 
sand: would you ever shave your head? 
Ah, eu deveria? Eu não gosto muito da minha aparência, então imagina sem cabelo?
ray: do you believe in ghosts?
Acredito, mas não da forma de terror, sabe? Acho que toda alma tem um caminho, mas que algumas ficam aqui na terra por um tempo até se encontrarem. Mas não acho que elas são ruins, sabe?
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ohharu-th · 6 years
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing. / 26: Talk about things you do when you're sick. / 17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with. 
Não consigo pensar em ninguém específico no momento.
26: Talk about things you do when you're sick. 
Eu apenas coloco uma roupa bem confortável e quentinha, deito na minha cama e espero a morte vir me buscar.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
Eu gostaria muito de parar dormir tarde, isso sempre atrapalha meu próximo dia.
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seulgi-th · 6 years
[ text ]: I just googled ‘Rarest Pepe’ and I’m crying.
[ text ⇌ namji ] por que eu fui googlar isso
[ text ⇌ namji ] eu to rindo até agora
[ text ⇌ namji ] espero que esteja feliz por estragar minha reputação de emo, gótico, seja lá o que for
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miram-th · 6 years
[ text ]: The Devil has a British accent.
[text]: Oh! você conheceu meu pai?
[text]: Diga a ele que eu, @namji-th e @haewon-th estamos com saudades.
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