#namelist... pls. pls. pls. pls. pls.🙏🙏
riacte · 4 months
So conspiracy theory time:
-SOS just ended for several of its members, and I have to mention that Joel, Lizzie and Jimmy all ended it pretty suddenly (with a literal bang)
-No life series members streaming right now
-Both Cleo and Scott raided Martyn earlier today, and I remember thinking Scott was streaming pretty early for what he usually does
-Martyn and Jimmy were streaming together and mentioned that they have to run off and that they had stuff to do (they made it sound like they BOTH had to do smth TOGETHER honestly)
-Impulse stopped streaming a bit after them
You know what I am thinking. The only thinking making me doubt is that Impulse mentioned that he is gonna take a bit of a break with family in the next week or so, apart from a GIGS stream tomorrow, but 1 I am pretty sure he has an editor and 2 life series often are kind of a break from hermitcraft sooooo.
I haven´t seen Scott or Cleo or other life series member change their skin though, but I think there are ways of hiding that stuff? Idk honestly, but yh i m being paranoid right now
Soon.... even if they're not recording I think it's Soon... we'll be watching NameMC like hawks haha
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