#nakura : oh yay
nakura-lizard-kumoi · 5 years
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thetoffeefox · 7 years
Rebirth Chapter 2: Abdicate
Aslaug, February, Areona, Astrid, and Slatesdale(slate) belongs to me and is only to be used by me. No one has permission to use them unless otherwise stated by me. Nakura, Hiroshi, Trampas, Shepherdstone and Moskau belongs to @teatimewithsentinel  any and all questions about them must go through to them.
The quaint peaceful night was mocking him... all of them. How many nights in a row that he hasn’t got sleep? It didn’t matter, nothing seemed to matter anymore. Nakura felt himself slip off the rock he was perched on as memories flooded him. Memories of nothing but joy and happiness.
            He grunts flopping on her cause her to squeal and squirm to get out from under him, but she wasn't prevailing. He wasn't trying to be mean, he just didn't want to hear the disgusting sound of crunching bugs.
           “Nakuraaaa!!” She cried out squirming more.
           “No, eat some of that deer I caught it will go to waste otherwise.” He states.
           “I did so now I'm trying to have dessert!” She chirps happily.
          Seriously what is so good about bugs, yes he eats one or two in his time but they get caught in his teeth and stuck to the roof of his mouth. It's anything but a pleasant experience to eat a bug. Great now she's whining even more!! Then again she was quite cute when she was worked up and huffing and puffing. He doesn't know what came over him but he turned and softly licked her muzzle making her go still and quiet all of a sudden. Huh...she looks even cuter blushing.
      The memory fades away as he feels pain and anger flood up inside of him again. This is his fault, this is all Shepherstone’s fault. While thinking this he freezes in his tracks seeing the last person he wanted to see in the last place he should be. Didn't Slate and February promise to keep him away from her? She deserved a peaceful eternity, not to have it disrupted by him! He growls as Shepherdstone looks at him and slowly takes a step off the walking platform of the shrine wincing. He is still in a great deal of pain. Good, he is going to make him hurt a hell of a lot more.  Surprisingly Shepherdstone walks by him as if he was nothing but air, of course, he has nothing to say! Grabbing his arm he gets shaken of, son of a bitch!! He grabs him again whirling him around and rearing his fist back and landing a swift punch to his face.
  “This is all your fault, you did this to her!! You don't deserve to walk away from this!” He yells at him
   It's not right, it's not fair. Why did he live? Why did she have to die? She was so kind and beautiful and strong. He was twisted and dark and selfish so why?! WHY?! Panting he stops the assault he rained down on him. Exhaustion screaming in his arms, but he didn't want to stop he just wanted to keep going, he wanted him to physically feel what was running through him emotionally, but even then that wasn't going to be enough of what he deserved. That's when he feels three strong pairs of arms pull him back kicking and fighting he is able to see it's Slate, Trampas, and Hiroshi.
       “Mate we want him dead as much as you do but we both know she wouldn't want it” Trampas yelled out.
        “Nakura, please...stop.” Hiroshi pleaded out tightening his hold around his waist.
      He tenses trying to find better footing to try and shake them off, but they all halt when Shepherdstone slowly but unsteadily gets up blood running down his face. That's when he spots it...he’s….no that's not right...why would he...Shepherdstone is crying. He feels the threes hold on him go slack in shock. Nakura can't even feel his feet it's like they're a part of the ground.
“Hey Nakura, close your eyes!!!” Aslaug shouts at him her hands behind her back.
Oh boy now what did she have in store for him? The other day it was traveling the whole market which had made his feet absolutely sore, they didn’t even take a minute!! How the young vixen in front of him had so much energy was beyond him. It was like a switch you just turned on and off. He leans to the side trying to get a peek at what was behind her but she moves to where he gets no such luxury...Really? She’s gonna make him close his eyes? Gulping worried that she might pull a fast one like Trampas did with a watermelon one time he looks up at her only to make her frown. Again he gulps and complies, sometimes she would get this deadly look in her eyes when it came to him not doing what she asked. It was a double edge sword, it was scary but the man in him found it highly exciting as well… He then feels something catching in his hair and being shifted on his head. OWCH!! What the hell just poked his ear!! Opening his eyes he pulls back while his brow twitches in irritation at her. She simply smiles down at him though waiting for a response. His hand gently trails along….whatever it is that she put on his head. That’s when he notices the familiar smell of Peonies…Did she just put a flower crown on his head?... He feels his cheeks heat up and his tail lightly start to wag.
“Yay!! You like it!!” She yipped out bouncing on her toes while clapping her hands much like a child.
None of it is making sense, why is he crying? Why did she want to save him in the first place? They weren't close at all even when he was starting semi rub on the others so why?.......Did...they...No, he didn't want to think of that conclusion. He didn't want to even remotely think it was possible, but it was there the evidence of her knowing him and he her before she lost her memories were there. It would make sense as to why he was chasing after her so desperately and why he hated Nakura with what seemed to be a burning passion. It would explain why she saved him….it was possible she remembered something in that moment…..He feels his resolve break as he processes everything. He can't hurt him….not because he doesn't want to but because she wouldn't want him to.
He pulls her into him causing her to cough and sputter. Why?! Why would she protect him?! He wasn’t worth it!! He looks her over noting the through and through wounds in her abdomen chest and various other parts of her body from the rouge plants that Slate’s brother had used. He barely notes the intense fight that breaks out between the two brothers. February manages to pry Aslaug from his arms and starts to attempt to heal her.
“...St..op...Sheph..erd..help..him.” He hears her gasp out making rage swell up in him and grab her.
“Fuck him your more important stop being stubborn!!” He barks out feeling tears prick his eyes.
“Na..kura...please..for me.” She whimpers looking him dead in the eyes. “I can hold on a bit longer I swear..”
A lie...She is lying. The more he sits there in that moment the more the logical part of him realizes why she is insistent upon Shepherd. February can’t heal this type of extensive damage, there is nothing that can be done for her. Even if Areona was here with them nothing could be done….This isn’t happening, this can’t be happening. He lets out a frustrated growl as the tears that he was trying to hold back drip down onto her. She manages to lift her hand up wiping them away giving him her best smile. Oh, how he loved her smile even now it made warmth spread throughout him and butterflies flutter in his stomach. He remembers the first time he saw that smile it was a casual run in nothing more. He was in her village to see a friend of his and they had quite literally had ran into each other. After she had managed to get up off of him and the ground she apologized and flashed him smile and with that took off in a hurry. He had stayed there since then to attempt to win her over but at the time it seemed like someone had already beat him to the punch. She goes limp in his arms and he freezes from the feeling of it, he shakes her crying out her name. No no this can't be they were supposed to find her memories and….He lets out a pained howl.
Both of them look into each other's eyes searching looking for anything that might determine on where they stand now, on what they will do next. He then notes February and Areona coming upon them questioning what was going on, but neither refuses to look away from the other. It’s then they notice they aren’t waiting for the other to turn their back to strike they are simply staying in a defensive position clearly out of necessity for survival. Evidently, the beating Nakura had given him knocked some sense back into him and now he wasn’t going to let him use him as a punching bag. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, this has to end, this vicious cycle of hate and violence has to end because he knows that is what she would want.  He goes to take a step towards him, but a voice he thought he would never hear again rings through him and brings confusion not only to him but to everyone else making him turn to the source.
         “Nakura...everybody...what's going on?”
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