workaholicsgc · 2 years
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nakji’s love for anime
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omnicpng · 9 months
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Zen-Nakji 🐙🍥
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hazeism · 3 months
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rkanahi · 2 years
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Poseidon! Ramattra and little 🐙 Zen
This is so random =)) I don't know why I draw it 🤣
My twitter
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hestiashand · 1 year
top 5 food and why you like them (texture, taste etc) :>
1. poutine 😭😭 srry most canadian thing of me ig but it’s so yummy to meee !!!! its v easy to make as well which also would add to the ease of being able to enjoy it. if i order it somewhere i like to have cheese curds but at home i just use shredded cheese. also for any canadians out there i think my fave fast food places to get it is either harveys or mary browns. they are both sooo good.
2. chicken korma omggggg its so soft and tender…….. makes my mouth water just thinking about it… it’s always such a treat for me when i order it because it just tastes SO good and ik i already said but it’s so tender… i could cry even 😭😭
3. korean style fried rice— there’s obv so many ways to make smth like this but i personally like it with spam and egg the best :DD sometimes i use chicken too but mainly spam…. i like kimchi friend rice too but without kimchi i prefer more bc altho i like kimchi i’m not a fan of the texture of cabbage kimchi !! i haven’t tried radish kimchi but i think i’d like that more :p but anyways yea back to fried rice, must have looooots of gochujang bc i love spicy food c: i make it all the time i rlly can’t get enough of it— it’s very fun and very easy to make too
4. japanese beef or chicken curry…. i rlly like the golden curry brand to make at home !! i’m actually planning to make some hopefully this week lol. it tastes so good and once again i like the spicier ones cc: i love all curries in general tho they make me… so happy. i could eat curry every single day frfr. curry and rice is my best friend <3
5. crab legsss omg…. not even a specific style of them just in general i love all crab legs. i haven’t had these in yearssssss 😭😭 way too expensive to afford but !! omg i adore them….. they’re soo much fun to get into for me hehe… so the process of eating them is fun PLUS they taste so good to me… augh i forever adore crab legs…
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bleuberrygliscor · 2 years
i had a whole entire post i'd written up about my friends splatoon ocs and the sick nasty team we were in but tumblr ate it and im not writing it over again....
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theriverbeyond · 2 months
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Black Irises in the Sunshine by imalwaysstraight/@nooomagnus
art by @rhywhitefang, @nakji, cosplay by @aborsenkatiel, cover art by @nakji
Nova & Co Private Investigations is the best damn detective agency this side of the River—and strictly a one-woman operation. But when Harrow gets shot (again) while working to expose corruption at City Hall, her so-called friend Palamedes goes behind her back to hire her some muscle. The good news: Harrow only has to work with Gideon until she’s cracked the case. Once she’s busted this thing wide open, they never have to see each other again….right?
Fandom: The Locked Tomb
Pairing: Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus
Title font: Betty Noir
Body font: Garamond
Pages: 256
Size: Quarto letter
Case: Cover art by Nakji (computer paper + Krylon crystal clear), back is Arrestox Bookcloth Black, spine is Skivertex Imitation Leather (with hand embossed gold foil + red copic marker)
This fantastic fic has been on my to-bind list since before it was even posted on AO3, and I'm so excited to finally share it! I tried a lot of new things with this, especially the cover. This is the third and final bind I finished for @renegadeguild's Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day event!
Progress pics/process rambling under the cut!
MASSIVE massive thank you to @nakji for the INCREDIBLE cover art, and for so graciously allowing me to slap text over it. I was really going for the aesthetic of those pulpy noir detective novels, and I think it turned out really good! This is the first time I ever tried an art cover. I basically formatted it in photoshop, then printed it in black and white a couple times to make sure I had sized the image right for what I wanted before taking it to fedex to print in color.
It is printed in color on normal paper, and then I sprayed the shit out of it with Krylon Crystal Clear. I also bumped the saturation a bit before printing, which I think worked well because in my experience coor printers often desaturate/fade out color prints
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I then put the case together as normal. I used gold foil for the spine, and then used a marker to color it red because I didn't want to buy red foil just for this, and honestly it worked out great, 10/10 money saving method!
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I really adore how this came out and I'm excited at my new art cover powers... I will be using this in the future!!
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months
Can you please tell us more about Neo4. What's their background.
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“I need your help.”
Thing is -- I dont exactly own that character! Hes owned by @pastille-pain ... I asked them abt his deets, so here it is under the readmore!
His recruitment by 3 is also under the readmore :) (+more notes abt pre-sploon3)
(From my pal)
My Precious Soy Sauz
Aka croissant
Where he comes from is inkopolis
Lived there his whole life actually. A very sheltered kid due to being raised by grandparents that were in Octaria at one point. So they wanted to make sure nothing really happened to him
An only child but he had his cousin (Nakji, Takoyaki) of the three, he'd be the middle child with Nakji and the youngest.
He's got two friends (three if we count malachite -- the smallfrt) outside of the platoon. Dulce, and (unfortunately) Scara
He dating Melon (oc of mine), we know this
Kinda funny it started as her just battling with him cause he was good but then it turned something more
His time before the platoon was mostly
"Hey are you related to that Sauz idol?" Or "hey, you related to that Sauz wrestler?" It got annoying very quickly so he started introducing himself as croissant and nothing else
Aside from that, if he wasn't turfing he was at home reading or watching shows. Guys a very boring person
He's a pretty big OTH fan...
All this above is still the same even while being apart of the platoon minus the constant questions about his relatives and adding college into the mix
He can do some really cool shit when he's focused (like absolutely demolish competition in turf) but he's also easily distracted so I think you can imagine how that goes
His stress relief is shopping (mostly window shopping, very rarely does he actually buy anything)
He never gets too mad but we know the face if he does
Fun fact, you will never catch this man in pants
Short and anything else
Not pants
The only time he's ever seen wearing pants is in his agent gear and that's cause it's what was given to him.
Heres a bonus too, of 3s recruitment of him!
It was a turfing match, and theyve been watching the krak-on user the whole round. They took note of how he responded to stress, to bad calls, and how he acted on his own following calls he had judged as bad. Once it was over, they followed the team into the lobby.
They stand tall against the doorframe theyre leaning against, presence as cold and as commanding as ever.
(Nevermind that Croissant is taller AND older than them, that squid is intimidating as FUCK)
A whistle, calling the team over.
"|May I have a word?|" they sign, "|Ive been watching your team turf for the last few rounds.|"
Scara, the team captain, spits a "Who the FUCK are you."
3s eyebrows raise in surprise. But they should expect it... casual turfers dont usually know their name.
They went to the smaller leagues for a reason. If something happened to a big name in the scene, and its found that they had something to do with it-
No. No. They mentally shake their head. They are NOT picking this person because they are going to be fucking canon fodder.
"|Who I am is not important. Not much, anyway.
I am... interested in one of your teammates.|"
a nod towards Croissant. "|As a krak-on user myself, his performance has impressed me.|"
"Has he now. You seen our losses?? Are you making fun of us??"
"|He has great potential.|" they sign, ignoring the outburst. "|I would like to...|" theres a slight pause. "|...train with him.|"
"I can train my team perfectly, all by myself. Get lost."
They give a cold stare back. "|Im sure that has worked very well for you thus far.|"
The captain didnt seem to want to back down. 3 continues, ear twitching.
"|This request was not aimed towards you, anyway. Im asking him.|"
"|I want to hear HIS answer.|"
A test. 3 saw that Scara was pushing him around and the only reason they won the match was bc Croissant decided to go his own way. Will he go his own way now?
"Well I know he'll choose to stick with me-"
"Oh I'd love to train with you I like helping others :D"
"You weren't supposed to say that."
3 nods. "|It begins now. Come. We have much to discuss. And as for you.|"
They clack their beak. "|Captain to captain. You need to listen to your teammates more.|"
Once they are in a more private space...
"|Training is only one part of the deal.
I apologize for not being upfront. This is a matter of national security, and I cannot mention much about it beyond base.|"
I suppose Croissant hasnt heard...or at least, isnt into much of the so-called Hero of Inkadia thats plastered everywhere in Inkopolis? If he was, hed at least start thinking of all that being like... "wait all that media was based on something real???"
(3 mentioning national security and a base may also inspire thoughts of "wow this squid's a fucking nerd...")
"|You are free to reject my request if you feel unfit for the task at hand. But where are my manners? I have yet to formally introduce myself.
Topside, I am known as FOR3VRFRSH. Here, I am the Captain of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
I suppose youve heard of such a force...? No?|
|Just know that we keep Inkadia more or less safe from nation-destroying threats.|"
He accepts the offer... but he also wasn't thinking too hard on it cause he saw an opportunity to step away from Scara and took it immediately.
3 nods, beckoning him towards the sewer line. As they walked backwards into base, they signed to him. "|From this point onwards, you will be referred to as Agent...Four.|"
Theres a very slight waver of their hand as they signed the number.
"|You show much promise, from what Ive observed in turf. Dont disappoint me.|"
"The only person I disappoint is that guy, but he's just very critical-"*
Theres a glint in 3s eye, a look of amusement... "|...Overly critical is putting it lightly.|"
"I promise to do my best still."
3 introduces him as the new Agent 4 and I feel Marie just scrunches her nose a bit. Then sees the look in 3s eye...
To the folks from the regions around 3s home (Callie, Marie, Cuttlefish), theyre not subtle about missing her.
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nooomagnus · 1 year
black irises in the sunshine (a noir au)
a @tlt-big-resurrection fic! ft. art by @rhywhitefang @nakji and @ellevenstar and cosplay by @abhorsenkatiel!
Nova & Co Private Investigations is the best damn detective agency in all of New Canaan—and strictly a one-woman operation. No one can match Harrowhark’s sleuthing instincts, commitment to uncovering the truth, gritty aesthetic, or willingness to sleep in the office every night. But when Harrow gets shot (again) while working to expose corruption at City Hall, her friend Palamedes goes behind her back to hire her some muscle. The person who shows up on her doorstep is mouthy, annoying as hell, and distractingly attractive: exactly the opposite of what Harrow needs. But when an heiress with a mysterious corpse and a hefty purse takes a liking to her new bodyguard, Harrow is forced to keep Gideon Nav around. The good news: Harrow only has to work with Gideon until she’s cracked the case. Once she’s busted this thing wide open, they never have to see each other again….right?
coming this friday (8/4) to an ao3 near you!
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abhorsenkatiel · 1 year
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My cosplay for the @tlt-big-resurrection event inspired by @nooomagnus 's fic Black Irises in the Sunshine. I had such a good time playing the Femme Fatale for their fantastic detective noir AU 🖤
Make sure you check out the art from the rest of the team!
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Chigasaki Itaru - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Chikage: I didn’t see that one coming. If anything, I thought you were going to wear my suit.
Itaru: Honestly, I thought of that. But it kinda felt like I was running away, so I decided against it. Re-evaluate yourself as objectively as you can and thank me.
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Chikage: Hm… I shall certainly see.
Itaru: Alright, I’m starting. “I’m home. I got souvenirs. Have some, all of you.” “English homework? Sure, I’ll check it in the morning.”
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Chikage: (I suppose he’s starting off with me when I arrive home?)
Itaru: “All of them are so cute.” “I’m home. …Chigasaki left his clothes all over the place again. They’re in the way.”
Chikage: (And this is me when I return to our room?) (Well, I guess do I usually use my feet to move things out of the way like that.)
Itaru: “This? This is tonight’s late-night snack.” “Green curry, Szechuan-style mapo tofu bowl, nakji bokkeum, jambalaya…” “Tastes great. This could use a little more spice though. For this one… it has more kick to it than I thought. Maybe I’ll note this one down.”
Chikage: (I might record my impressions of the things I eat that way too.)
Itaru: “It doesn’t matter how much you frown at me, rest assured, I’m not going to give you any, Chigasaki.” …And scene. That’s been Chigasaki Itaru playing Utsuki Chikage. Thank you very much.
Chikage: I’ll say, that wasn’t bad.
Itaru: Well, thanks.
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Chikage: However, do I spout things like calling everyone cute, or talk about my impressions after I take each bite?
Itaru: That was a dramatization. You might not realize it yourself, but even if you don’t say it out loud, it shows on your face.
Chikage: …Does it really now?
Itaru: You don’t look very convinced. Guess you need more than that. Allow me to elaborate for you. First of all, you’re soft with the other members, especially the younger ones. But you’re strict and harsh to Hisoka and I. And on that note, your face at the office is totally different too. Your attitude changes depending on the other person.
Chikage: I don’t want to be told that by you who has an unshakable outer image.
Itaru: Yep. That’s the only similarity we have, you and I. I can be my natural self more in this room than anywhere else. That’s why I acted like you while you’re in our room, which I thought might be closer to your true self too.
Chikage: …I see.
Itaru: You look like you’re all neat and tidy, but you’re unexpectedly crude. You eat a lot, your eating habits are awful, and also… Your thoughts surprisingly show on your face. You didn’t realize that about yourself, did you?
Chikage: …Well, you might be right.
Itaru: So thank me and re-evaluate yourself.
Chikage: Alright. As thanks, I’ll treat you to Szechuan food tonight.
Itaru: As much as I appreciate the offer, I’ll have to pass. Anyways, I have to take the polaroid picture.
Chikage: Running away, I see?
Itaru: If we don’t submit one to Director-san, then our mission won’t be cleared. I’ll leave it to you.
Chikage: My, my…
Itaru: How about this sort of pose?
Chikage: Looks good to me. I’m taking it.
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Itaru: Oh look, it’s basically you.
Chikage: It feels off though.
Itaru: It’s not close enough?
Chikage: That’s not what I meant. It feels way too unnerving seeing you in front of me with my clothes on.
Itaru: Well, I can’t argue with that. Ah, right, I forgot to use those.
Chikage: Those?
Itaru: New, super spicy chips I saw at the supermarket. I bought them thinking I’d use them for my role study. ‘Cept I gave up after literally 1 chip. Wanna try?
Chikage: Of course. …They taste great like usual.
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Itaru: Says the guy with inhuman taste buds.
Chikage: Don’t talk about me like I’m some kind of monster.
Itaru: You can have those for a late-night snack if you want.
Chikage: Sure. I would be happy to take them off your hands.
Itaru: By the way… was I right about what I said?
Chikage: My thoughts on the snack?
Itaru: No, not that… That you’re the closest to your true self when you’re in our room. On a scale of 100, how many points would you give me?
Chikage: …Maybe around 76?
Itaru: Press X to doubt.
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omnicpng · 11 months
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Bugs when you lift up their rock
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ickynights · 1 year
Sketchy Seafood
"Doyun, are you sure about this place? I mean, it looks a bit sketchy," Daniel hesitated, peering through the restaurant's dimly lit entrance. He couldn't help but feel a wave of uncertainty wash over him as he watched the worn-out sign and flickering neon lights.
  Doyun couldn't help but roll his eyes at his boyfriend's overdramatic response. "Can you just trust me for once?" he retorted, as he grabbed Daniel's hand and began to pull him toward the entrance. "I know it might look a bit dingy, but the Yelp reviews are incredible, and my cousin said it's the best Korean food in town. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, babe."
  Daniel nodded reluctantly but he knew Doyun was right. Perhaps the owners just used all their resources on the quality of the food instead of their restaurants aesthetics. It didn't really matter to him how the decor was set up, as long as the food was authentic and tasted well, he could ignore just about anything.
  As they settled into their seats, Doyun couldn't help but notice the lingering fishy aroma in the restaurant. It wasn't entirely unexpected, given that a majority of the dishes listed on the menu were seafood-based. Still, the pungent scent had an unsettling effect on his stomach, making it churn with a hint of discomfort.
  But he wasn't going to let some scent get in the way of his date. So what if the scent was bad, the neighboring tables seemed to be devouring their dishes just fine.
  The food arrived at their table surprisingly quickly. Daniel chose to stick with his go-to favorite, Galbi-jjim (braised short ribs), not wanting to take any risks in a place he still considered somewhat suspicious.
  Doyun, on the other hand, decided to step out of his comfort zone and ordered Nakji Bokkeum, a spicy stir-fried squid dish he had never tried before. Normally, he was quite cautious about trying new things considering his testy stomach, but he loved eating squid plain and it had never been a source of concern for him, so he figured it was a safe bet.
  As Doyun took the first bite of his meal, he couldn't help but notice that something didn't taste right. The squid, while tender and cooked to perfection, carried an unfavorable flavor that made his taste buds cringe. It was a unusual flavor that he couldn't quite place. He was no stranger to plain squid but perhaps the sauce was making it taste bad? Whatever it was, it surely didn't taste well at all.
  He glanced over at Daniel, who was thoroughly enjoying his food, and hesitated for a moment, debating whether to voice his concerns or not. Maybe he just let his boyfriend's words get to his head. It wasn't fair to consider something off tasting if he hadn't actually tried it before.
  "You were right, baby, this stuff is amazing," Daniel said with a warm smile, taking another bite of his Galbi-jjim. "How's your food? The spice isn't upsetting your stomach, is it?" Daniel asked, noticing the younger had barely touched his plate.
  "My food is good too, I think I'm still a little full from lunch though." Doyun awkwardly replied, trying to lie his way out of being wrong.
Daniel noticed a hint of discomfort on the younger's face but decided to ignore it for now. "Your mom really did make a lot of food earlier. I'm surprised she even let us eat out tonight; I thought she was gonna cook for us this whole trip. Honestly I wouldn't mind if she-"
Doyun struggled to concentrate on Daniel's
conversation as the all-too-familiar unsettling sensation continued to bubble in his belly. The
combination of the unfamiliar dish and the rice porridge he ate earlier churned uncomfortably within him. Despite having eaten only a quarter of his meal, Doyun feared that if he took another bite, his stomach might not be able to hold back, and an unpleasant outcome might be inevitable.
Doyun discreetly pushed his plate aside, his appetite vanishing under the weight of his discomfort. He didn't want to draw attention to his growing nausea, especially not in a place he had chosen for their date night. Instead, he focused on listening to Daniel's blabbering, hoping that the queasy feeling in his stomach would eventually subside soon enough.
The night went on for what felt like forever in Doyun's opinion. Daniel insisted on getting desert, even somehow coaxing Doyun into trying some. The banana flavored ice cream was delicious but even just a spoonful was enough to set his stomach off.
As they settled into the backseat of the taxi, Daniel couldn't help but notice how bloated Doyun's stomach had become. Even though he was wearing Daniel's oversized hoodie, a subtle curve was unmistakably poking through the fabric. A pang of guilt washed over him as he realized that he should have paid more attention to the warning signs earlier in the evening.
"Are you feeling alright, love?" Daniel asked, his voice a gentle whisper, not wanting to draw attention towards themselves.
Doyun replied in a hushed and somewhat uneasy tone, "Not really, I don't think my food was made right. I thought it was just the spice, but I'm feeling pretty nauseous now."
Daniel frowned and reached out to hold Doyun's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Just try to relax for now, love. When we get back to your mom's place, I'll make you some tea." he murmured, his thumb gently caressing Doyun's hand. "Hopefully that'll help settle whatever's going on in there."
Doyun offered a weak but appreciative smile. "Thank you, babe," he whispered, leaning his head on Daniel's shoulder as they continued their way home.
The moment they arrived home, Daniel took charge, gently guiding Doyun to the guest room. He gave him a reassuring smile and said, "Why don't you put on your comfiest PJs, and pick whatever tv show you want to binge-watch tonight? I'll make that tea for you, and you can just relax and take it easy."
  Doyun nodded and wasted no time in getting ready for bed. He threw on the first pair of pajamas he could find, and settled into the bed, putting on a random variety show that he knew him and Daniel loved watching.
  Daniel returned to the guest room with a mug of tea and a pack of pills. He sat them down on the bedside table and explained, "Your mom says these pills should help calm your stomach if you aren't already feeling super sick." Careful not to jostle Doyun's stomach, he gently climbed onto the bed, sitting close to his partner.  "She also said the restaurant we went to is known for bad seafood so you probably have some form of food poisoning. I guess your cousin must have gotten lucky when she went."
  Doyun wanted to puke at the mention of bad seafood, "Never let me pick a restaurant again." Doyun groaned and curled into himself; the memory of the unsettling dinner was still too fresh in his mind, and he wished he could erase the experience entirely.
  "Just make sure to do more research next time," he teased, before wrapping his arms around Doyun's waist and pulling him closer. He planted a soft kiss on Doyun's forehead and continued, "Don't dwell too much on it, baby. We still have a week left here, and I'm sure we'll find much better places to eat. Besides, it's the time we spend together that matters most, even if that time is me making sure you don't fall asleep on the toilet again."
    As the night wore on, Doyun and Daniel found themselves growing drowsy in each other's arms. The soothing embrace and the comforting ambiance of the Doyun's childhood room made it easy to for the two to succumb to sleep. They drifted off together, tangled in each other's warmth.
  Doyun, however, was growing increasingly restless as the night progressed. His stomach seemed to have a mind of its own, gurgling loudly, and the cramps he experienced became more frequent and painful with each passing moment. The few sips of tea he had managed to drink earlier offered no relief, and only upset his tummy further.
  The constant turning and the increasingly loud noises coming from Doyun's direction, eventually stirred the older out of his sleep. He blinked his eyes open and, with a concerned frown, noticed Doyun's discomfort, "Love, are you okay? Your stomach sounds really upset." he asked, gently reaching his hand out to touch Doyun's shoulder.
  Doyun turned to face Daniel, eyes welling up with tears, "Feels like I'm gonna puke." Doyun whined, digging his head into the crook of Daniel's neck.
"My poor baby," Daniel whispered, he slid his hand under Doyun's shirt, fingers lightly tracing circles on his belly in a soothing, caressing motion. "You wanna try going to the bathroom, love?" Daniel suggested, "Maybe getting it all up will bring you some relief."
  Doyun nodded weakly and slowly sat up, allowing Daniel to guide him towards the hallway bathroom. With each step he took, Doyun could feel the contents of his stomach slosh dangerously, as if it was threatening to come up any second.
The moment they entered the bathroom, Doyun's stomach had reached its breaking point. As he sat in front of the toilet, a loud belch escaped him, a precursor to the discomfort that was about to unfold. Then, without warning, a thick stream of vomit erupted from Doyun's mouth, splashing into the bowl below. He barely had a second to catch his breath before a second wave of nausea overtook him, sending him retching into the toilet once more.
  "It's okay, love. I'm right here," Daniel murmured, his voice a steady and calming presence. He was used to taking care of Doyun but something about the unfamiliar surroundings was making him feel uncomfortable. He had no time to feel uncomfortable, as his boyfriend was seconds away from collapsing into the toilet.
  After what felt like hours, Doyun's belly finally decided to give him a break. Completely exhausted and drained, Doyun allowed himself to fall back into Daniel's embrace, "I think m' done." Doyun mumbled, snuggling into Daniel's shoulder.
   Daniel held Doyun even closer, his arms wrapping protectively around him as he whispered soothingly, "It's okay, love. You're done for now." He pressed a gentle kiss to Doyun's forehead.
   With Doyun nestled in his embrace, Daniel gently stroked his partner's tummy. Doyun's shallow breaths gradually deepened as he started to relax, his body beginning to recover from the physical strain.
  "You think you're ready to go back to bed, baby."
  Doyun nodded weakly still too exhausted to form any real response. Daniel scooped Doyun into his arms and carried them to their room, making sure not to jostle the younger's stomach. 
  Once they were back in the comfort of their room, Daniel gently settled Doyun onto the bed, making sure his partner was comfortable. They cuddled closely together, and Daniel's touch became a soothing presence as he rubbed gentle circles onto Doyun's lower belly.
  "Try to get some sleep, love." Daniel whispered softly, his voice filled with tenderness. With his free hand, he gently stroked Doyun's hair, a comforting gesture that had always had a calming effect on him.
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mrjadeleech · 10 months
What's your second favorite food?
Good day, dear anon.
Is there perhaps a list where you are putting together my rankings? I suppose I do enjoy San-nakji, considering how well it compliments white grape soju.
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Hey folks, the time has finally come. This is my submission for The Locked Tomb Big Resurrection Event. @ambiguouswren Created art and cosplay for it, and held my sanity together towards the end. @nakji also created art, and provided awesome medical guidance. @PrioritiesSorted did a great job betaing, and getting me over the finish lines. Cheers to @nightworldlove and @sminnow.tumblr.com and @ambiguouswren for co-ordinating the whole shebang. https://archiveofourown.org/works/49135996/chapters/123972127
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seraphim-adina · 3 months
ok ok, I'll ask you a nicer question this time. what is your favorite earthly dish? maybe what type of cuisine do you prefer the most?
It is a hard choice between cuy and san-nakji~
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