#naillhoran fanfiction simplyperfect
kimmie1311 · 7 years
Simply Perfect
This is my first story i’m posting here on tumblr. Not my first story written. Want more let me know..
Thanks for @slow-handed for beta reading this. ****************************************************************************************
Getting ready for Christmas is one of my favorite things to do. My boyfriend asked me not to do too much this year. Last year I went overboard with the decoration. It was fun but so much work and also taking it all down took so much time! So now Ive only done the inside and 1 big tree. I was counting down the hours till he was finally coming home after being on tour in the US. When I am hanging the last Christmas ball on the tree, my phone rings. “Hello friend.” I answer “Friend? It hasn’t been that long.” He says. “It’s been too long babe. Did you have a nice flight?” “It was alright. I need a good cuddle and sleep.” “Come home quick than.” “Car is almost here so Ill be there as soon as I can.” “I will try to clean this place up. Ive got the tree up already.” “Can’t wait to see it. Bye love.” “Bye.” I hang up and start to clean up.   Naill and I stay inside for 1 week straight. We had to make up for the time we weren’t together. And with Christmas coming up we weren’t alone much because we are with his family. And that’s okay but for now we are alone, so we are taking our time.   The day before we were flying to Ireland we pack our bags and now I am relaxing on the couch writing on my novel when the door rings. “Will you get that?” Naill yells from the bathroom. I get up and walk to the door and before I open it up I check the mirror to see if I look decent. “Um… Hello, can I help you?” There is a guy holding a box. “Well I’m here to make a meal.” “Meal? What’s happening? Naill! “ I shout in the house. “It’s alright.” Naill comes running down the stairs. “He is here to make us dinner, love.” The guy passes us and walks into the kitchen. “But wh.…” “I wanted to surprise you. The chef is number one. Here is your second.” He gives me the box the chef had in his hand when I opened the door. “But I want you to open it upstairs. After you take a nice bath.” “Naill..” He stops me by kissing me on the lips. “Please enjoy this. Go.” He slaps me lightly on the butt and walks into the kitchen.   Walking into the bedroom I was surprised again. Some candles were on and also I could see candles burning in the bathroom. I walk into it and see the bath is full. I settle the box on the bed and open it even though he told me to do it after my bath. I couldn’t wait. When I open it I see a note, ‘You opened it up before you bath. I knew it! I know you so well.. Well look at what I got you and then take your bath. Before it gets cold or I take it myself! ;) x ‘   I smile at the note and place it on the bed, looking in the box i see something black. I pick it up and see a beautiful dress. Normally I’m not into dresses but it is a simple dress. I hang it up and take my bath. After ten minutes of relaxing Naill knocks on the door. “Can I come in?” He asks before opening the door. “Hi.” I smile at him. “I have something to drink for you.” He hands me a glass of red wine. “What is all of this?” “Pampering my girl.” “I see that but why? You didn’t have to do all this. I’m happy with us on the couch cuddling up under a blanket watching Netflix. “We haven’t been able to spend much time together in a long time. And I want to make tonight special. So relax, enjoy it. There is more to come.” “When is dinner ready?” “Enjoy your wine and when you’re finished let me know by sending me a text. I will get you to come downstairs.” “Okay.” Is all I say. He gives me a simple kiss before leaving me alone.   After another 30 minutes I finish my glass of wine and get out of the bath to get ready. I send Naill a selfie of me wearing only a towel, hoping he gets the message that I was getting myself ready. I dry my hair and put on the dress, walking to my bed side table to get my favorite necklace and bracelet. When I open it I see another note and a black velvet box. ‘Again I know you so well! *proud face*. Hope you will wear this as your favorite. x’ It is a simple necklace with a small heart hanger. I have a new favorite necklace.   I was ready when Naill walked in the room. He showered as well and looks really nice in his black suit and white shirt. “Wow. Look at you.” He says, smiling as he walks over. “Thank you for everything. It’s…” “Beautiful.” He almost whispers. “Ready to come done for dinner?” He hands out his hand. “I’m ready.” I take his hand and walk with him downstairs where there is softly music playing and the living room decorated with a low light setting. There is a table set and Naill helps me with my chair. “When is this going to stop?” I joke. “After dinner it will be all over and we go back to before. You getting me a beer while I watch a game of soccer or golf.” He jokes and again I smile. It is different. We have our little dinners and dates when we can but this is different. “I’m going to get us the first course. Wait here.” He gives me a kiss on the cheek and heads into the kitchen. I look around and notice the picture frames have new pictures of us. All from our last little get away. A few minutes later he comes back with two plates and I see him shaking putting my plate down. “Are you alright? You’re shaking.” “I’m great.” “This isn’t you. Don’t get me wrong I’m impressed but this isn’t you. What’s going on?” “Like I said before. I missed you and wanted to do something special.” “Sorry. It’s special and I’m enjoying this very much, Niall.” I reach for his hand. “Good now let’s eat.” We start our dinner.   It was all good. I guess Naill gave the chef my favorite meals because this was good. “Ready for dessert or are you full?” He takes a sip from his wine. “Depends on what we’re having?” I say with a cheeky smile. “Let me say goodbye to the chef first. Take your wine to the couch and make yourself comfortable.” We stand up. “I will help you clean the table and say thanks to the chef.” I pick up the plates and walk in front of Naill into the kitchen. “Hi again.” I say. “Hello, how was dinner?” He cleans his hands. “It’s was a very good meal. Thank you for making my favorite things.” “You’re very welcome.” He smiles. “I’ll get everything and leave then.” He looks at Naill. “Yes. Dessert is in the fridge I guess.” I walked to up the fridge but Naill stops me. “What? I want to know what we’re having.” “You. Go sit on the couch with your wine. I’ll be there in a minute or two.” “Two minutes?” I look at him with a look asking what is going on. “Thanks again for using our kitchen.” “I will help you carrying the box to your car.” Naill helps him while I make myself comfortable on the couch.   Naill walks back inside, takes off his jacket and picks up his wine joining me on the couch. “Comfortable?” He asks. “Almost.” I smile shyly. He picks up my feet and places them on his lap. “Now I am. Thank you.” I touch his hair lightly. “So now what?” I ask when I saw him close his eyes. “I will fall asleep if you keep going.” “Well don’t. I want my dessert.” I move my hand to his cheek. “There is something else first.” He gets off the couch and gets his phone to change the music. He places it back on the table before grabbing my hand and pulls me off the couch. He places his other hand on my back and presses mine to his chest. I place my head on his shoulder and smell his cologne. My favorite on him. “You are so special to me.” He whispers. “You make me feel me. Safe and happy. That’s all I want.” I lookup and find his eyes. “Naill…” Again he stops me by kissing me. “Can you shut up for once and just listen to me?” He jokes. We stop dancing suddenly when I see his hand moving to his right front pocket. “Y/N. All I want for Christmas and beyond is you.” He kneels down on his right knee. “Please say yes and marry me.” He holds up a velvet box with a simple white gold ring with a small diamond. Now I am speechless. I look up and down from his eyes back to the ring. “You can speak now.” He says and I smile. “Yes.” I say softly and I feel my eyes water. He gets up and places the ring on my finger. Again a simple ring but so much emotion attached to it. “I can’t believe it you really asked.” I say looking back into his eyes. I see he is tearing up as well. “I can’t believe it myself. I was nervous the whole time. And when you noticed at dinner earlier I thought you knew.” “I had no idea. Yes, it was odd that you did all this. Don’t get me wrong. Normally we do ‘normal’ things but this was all wonderful and I enjoyed it very much and now you’ve asked me to be your wife.” “Wife. Sounds nice doesn’t it?” He places his arms around my waist to pull me closer for a good kiss. “What about dessert?” I try to say between kisses. “Think I’m having it right now.” He picks me up like a newlywed couple do. “Well this goes well.” And walks upstairs into the bedroom.
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