#nahomie’s writing
iusedtohavesixtoes · 4 hours
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Happy birthday, Byleth!
Here’s a mini story under the cut I wrote to celebrate. Forgive any spelling errors.
Seteth had overslept.
He had planned this whole thing out in his mind, waking early, getting the gift wrapped neatly, finding the Professor with her father in the Captain’s office like she usually was in the early mornings before training.
Instead, he had gasped awake from a nightmare of his daughter lying bloodless on the floor, ran to check on Flayn, caught her trying to manage her curls in her nightdress, was kicked out of her room, and left in the hall with mind, and heart, racing.
The Professor would have already moved on to train. He rubbed his eyes, ran fingers through his own hair and noted he too needed to brush.
Seteth got himself ready, tucking his gift gently against his chest and set out to the grounds.
Only to be stopped by not one, but two, students who wished to transfer to the Professor’s class. “Just before the Battle of the Eagle and Lion?” he asked, exasperated.
Linhardt nodded. “Hanneman wants me on the front lines and that’s a no from me.”
“I saw how good she can fight, and I know she’ll make me even stronger!” Caspar added, pumping a fist in the air.
“Right now?” With enthusiastic nods, he sighed. “Follow me to my office.”
With things signed and students moved, he finally was able to get to the training grounds. He opened the doors to see no one there.
And as he turned, knowing she could not have gotten far to the bathhouses to freshen up, he realized he had left the gift on his desk.
With the morning scrapped, he went to grab breakfast.
“Oh, brother!” Flayn greeted him, hair brushed through and no more sleepy ire in her tone. “How did she like it?”
“I haven’t had a moment to give it to her.” Seteth sat with a frown. “I have forgotten it in my office.”
His daughter giggled and he could only shake his head.
The morning rushed by in a flurry of meetings and guidance before he realized he hadn’t found the Professor yet. With his gift in hand, he knew the students and teachers would be let out for lunch soon, and it would be the best time to give it to her.
Of course, it was also the best time for a wyvern to become suddenly hostile. “I apologize, Seteth!” The stablemaster said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You always handle them so easily.”
“Better to calm him down than to have anyone’s arm bitten off.” With another weary sigh he held the gift against him as he quickly followed the man out to the stables.
Lunch time ended and classes began again by the time Seteth was done.
And he was covered in mud. There was no easy fix, he would need to go bathe before he met with the Eastern Church representative from Leicester Alliance. The stablemaster thanked him again, Seteth would never dare to show his frustration at something not under their control, so he accepted the gratitude then moved back to his apartments.
Freshened up, meeting done, and it was time for tea with Rhea. “How are the wyverns?” she asked with a small bit of amusement in her voice he didn’t appreciate.
“Just fine,” he sniffed, then took a slow sip of tea.
Dinner rolled around quicker than he expected. Flayn was eating with her new class, so Seteth decided it was best for him to not interrupt and take his meal in his office.
Just as he sat at his desk, he remembered he had left his gift in the stables. With a gasp, he nearly spilled his water as he stood up to go retrieve it.
Seteth swung open the door to see the Professor. “Oh!” He blinked, she raised a brow. “Professor!”
“Yes, ah, my apologies but I have forgotten—”
“This?” Seteth sighed as she held up the neatly wrapped present. He accepted it as she added, “I bumped into the stablemaster and he wanted me to give it to you.”
They stared at the gift Seteth wondering when exactly this day went wrong. “I thank you. Um.” He awkwardly held it out to her. “It’s actually for you.”
Byleth looked down. “Oh.”
“Yes, ah. It’s your birthday.” Seteth could feel his cheeks burn at his fumbled message. “I mean to say, it is your birthday.”
Byleth’s mouth quirked up as he took a hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Goddess—Happy birthday, Byleth.”
“Thank you.” And somehow he didn’t melt when her fingers lingered on his as she took the gift back from him. “I appreciate it.”
“It’s no, um, problem. After everything you have done for me this month. I…well, I hope you find it useful.” Seteth placed his hands behind his back, willing himself not to mess up this next sentence. “Have you eaten dinner? I can share.”
“I have.” For a strange reason he felt himself deflate, but then nearly blushed when Byleth smiled up at him again. “But would you like some company?”
“I would.” Seteth stepped aside and let her walk into his office.
And when the months grew frigid and the wind had everyone bundling up, Seteth saw Byleth wearing the white scarf in the distance and hid his smile in his own.
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meetsapphicteens · 6 years
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Hi all I’m Nahomy ( pronounced Naomi). I’m 16 and I’m looking for some friends uh I really like the 1975, Rex Orange County,Bruno major, lany, and Harry styles. I like to write on occasion but yeah I live in Georgia and I’m bi but I’m really into girls. I also really like watching vine compilations titled “vines that cured my depression”
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undeniablycandycane · 7 years
@andrea-nahomy should I write the thing
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nahomiart · 7 years
undertale au:
Hola, bueno ultimamente eh estado escribiendo y diseñando un universo alterno de undertale, lo eh tenido en la cabeza durante bastante y por fin tengo una idea clara de la historia, aun esta en proceso, pero ya llevo la mayoria del trabajo hecho.
Como dije sigue en proceso, por lo que podria llevarme aun mas tiempo de lo esperado mostrarlo al publico, tambien si alguien esta interesado en colaborar con este proyecto es completamente bienvenido, ya que no soy muy buena con la gramatica y planeo hacerlo en 2 idiomas: ingles y español
Si quieres colaborar solo mandame un mensaje privado y te hare saber los detalles.
En este universo alterno hay una variante muy importante....
No solo existen las almas de mountruo y las humanas, en este au se derivan un nuevo tipo de almas, tienen como caracteristica especial la habilidad de "mutar" y solo aparecen en ciertas circunstancias.
Estas almas juegan un papel muy importante en la historia, y hasta ahora solo existen 2 almas de este tipo y ambas representan cosas diferentes.
Los personajes con estas almas son: frisk y chara.
Explicare un poco la histria de frisk y chara:
Tiene alrededor de 16 años por su aspecto, pero no se sabe realmente su edad, no tiene ningun recuerdo de su pasado hasta entes de caer.Aveces tiene pesadillas por las noches, de sucesos realmente traumaticos, aunque no sabemos si son recuerdos o algo mas.ES UNA CHICA y puede hablar perfectamente, la razon de su caida es desconocida.
ES UN CHICO, al igual que en la historia original odia a los humanos, aunque no sabemos la razon del por que, en cierto punto de la historia ya no diferencia entre mountruos o humanos, fue el primer humano en caer, por alguna razon el sigue VIVO pero tiene la misma apariencia desde que estaba con los dremur. Es el villano de la historia, y debo decir que no tiene ninguna clase de sentimientos como compasion o algo parecido.(es completamente un sadico al que le encanta hacer sufrir a TODOS.)
Para aclarar, sus almas son totalmente opuestas.
es todo lo que dire por ahora, y de nuevo si alguien esta interesado en colaborar, puede mandarme un mensaje personal, ademas tambien dejare un link para contactarme en otros lugares.
http://nahomiart.deviantart.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Nahomi-898677333527421/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4XVw3Yq31a3GUZSCVmi03g
English version:
Hi, well lately I've been writing and designing an alternative universe of fairy tale, I've had it in my head for quite some time and I finally have a clear idea of ​​the story, it's still in process, but I already have most of the work done .
As I said it is still in process, so it could take me longer than expected to show it to the public, also if someone is interested in collaborating with this project is completely welcome, since I am not very good with grammar and I think Do it in 2 languages : English and Spanish
If you want to collaborate just send me a private message and I'll let you know the details.
In this alternative universe there is a very important variant ....
Not only exist the souls of the monster and human beings, in this au a new type of souls are derived, they have as special characteristic the ability to "mutate" and only appear in certain circumstances.
These souls play a very important role in history, and so far there are only 2 souls of this type and both represent different things.
The characters with these souls are: frisk and chara.
I will explain a little the story of frisk and chara:
She is about 16 years old by his appearance, but his age she does not really know, she does not remember his past until after he falls. Sometimes it has nightmares in the night, of really traumatic events, although we do not know if they are memories or something more. She is a girl and can speak perfectly, the reason for her fall is unknown.
IS A CHILD, as in the original story that hates humans, although we do not know the reason why at some point in history no longer differentiates between monsters or humans, was the first human to fall, for some reason I still live but it looks the same since I was with the dremur. He is the villain of history, and I must say that he does not have any feelings like compassion or anything like that. (He is completely a sadist who loves to make suffer ALL.)
To clarify, their souls are totally opposite.
It's all I'm going to say for now, and again if anyone is interested in collaborating, you can send me a personal message, I'll also leave a link to contact me in other places.
http://nahomiart.deviantart.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Nahomi-898677333527421/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4XVw3Yq31a3GUZSCVmi03g
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talaverakinse · 6 years
US Embassy Consular Outreach in Puntarenas (Jaco and Quepos), March 27-28
The Consular Section at U.S. Embassy San Jose announced Consular outreach events in Jaco and Quepos in the coming weeks. Embassy staff will be available to accept adult passport renewals, perform notarial services, and take inquiries on federal benefits and voting. Consular staff will be on hand to hear your inquiries and concerns. Jaco: WHEN: Wednesday, March 27, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. WHERE: Centro Civico, 700 metros oeste calle ancha del Maxipali Quepos: WHEN: Thursday, March 28, 9:30 a.m. –11:30 a.m. WHERE: Marina Pez Vela, sala Nahomi RSVP: For passport renewals, notarial services, voting and federal benefits inquiries, write...
The post US Embassy Consular Outreach in Puntarenas (Jaco and Quepos), March 27-28 appeared first on Costa Rica Star News.
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junker-town · 7 years
Nahomi Kawasumi and the Seattle Reign suddenly look excellent
Seattle makes a statement with a four assist, one goal performance from Naho and a massive win against Washington.
The Reign had spent two consecutive seasons as the dominant team in the NWSL, but about this time last year it became clear that Seattle wasn’t that team anymore. Forget about running away with the league like they’d done in 2014, or pretty much running away with it again in 2015. This was the new look Reign, a shell of whatever it was Laura Harvey had spent so much time building not that long ago.
The inaugural NWSL season was not kind to the Reign, and after finishing that season seventh in an eight team league, Harvey went to work. When Seattle took the field to start the 2014 season, it was immediately clear that the Reign’s eventful offseason would pay off, and it did. A year after finishing with a 5-3-14 and not winning a single game until the end of June, Seattle looked unstoppable. The Reign didn’t lose a game until mid-July, and then lost only once more, finishing the season 13 points clear of second place FC Kansas City and claiming the NWSL Shield.
The following season, 2015, Seattle was again the team to beat. The Reign didn’t have quite as dominant a season, but your perspective can get a little skewed when the comparison is something almost-perfect. Seattle lost just three times in 2015, claiming a second consecutive NWSL Shield and eventually another trip to the championship game. Of course, Seattle would go on to lose the title game, the one piece of hardware that had eluded them in 2014 slipping away again. Still, the Reign was one this young league’s first truly great teams, and there was no reason to think that Seattle wouldn’t be back in that spot again, taking another crack at it next year.
Except they weren’t.
By most standards, what Seattle did in 2016 wouldn’t be considered bad. Perpetual bad luck, or just, you know, bad teams — the Bostons and Houstons and new kids Orlando would have loved to have the season the Reign did. And if Boston or Houston or Orlando had had that season — a fifth place finish and an 8-6-6 record — it’d be impressive. Admirable, even. But for Seattle, that finish, not making the playoffs, not getting another chance at the championship trophy, was a major letdown.
What made Seattle’s 2016 even more confusing was that not really that much had changed from the years before. Most of the key pieces were still there, Harvey was still in charge. The one major loss for Seattle was Jess Fishlock, who fractured her tibia in the second game of the season. The impact of Fishlock’s absence, beyond bringing a less confusing hair situation to the midfield, was massive and immediate — Seattle lost two of the four games she missed.
Fishlock wasn’t the only player the Reign got back midway through the 2016 season though. Nahomi Kawasumi, who’d been an integral part of the Reign’s attack while on loan to the club in 2014, signed a contract that brought her back to Seattle full time. Kawasumi had returned to Japan at the end of her loan, missing the entire 2015 NWSL season, and though the Reign got along just fine without her, Naho’s return brought another dimension back to Seattle’s game.
This season, that Kawasumi is still around is even more important. Unlike in 2015, when the difference was hard to pin down, this year’s version of the Reign is definitely, glaringly, missing one big piece.
That, of course, is Kim Little, Seattle’s all-time leading scorer (and the league’s all-time leading scorer until two weeks ago, when Jess McDonald took over that particular honor). Little had been one of the players Harvey brought to Seattle during the great rebuilding of 2014 and for three seasons, she’d help run the Reign’s attack. But ahead of this season, Little returned to Arsenal, ending, at least for now, her NWSL career.
Between the loss of Little and that Seattle, aside from the 2014 season, has historically been a team that’s started seasons slow, that the Reign was 1-1-2 coming into Saturday’s meeting with the Spirit wasn't exactly surprising.
The Reign had started to show flashes of the kind of stuff that had once made them one of the league’s most dominant teams when they beat Houston 5-1 in week 2, but then it was also easy to write off that win as at least halfway Houston’s fault — the Dash, through both bizarre roster decisions from Randy Waldrum and some comically bad defending, had played themselves out of that game as much as Seattle had outplayed them.
And that the Reign came out the following week and lost 3-0 to Boston only furthered those suspicions — that Seattle just isn’t the team it once was, and the previous week’s win was as much about how bad the Dash looked as how good the Reign maybe could be.
After this weekend’s performance though, it’s harder to jump to that same conclusion. Seattle beat Washington 6-2, and though it’s again, at least in part, another case of one of the big teams beating up on the little guy — Washington’s struggled quite a bit defensively all season — it’s also hard to ignore just how good Seattle looked on Saturday.
The biggest part of Saturday’s win, which vaulted Seattle into second, was of course Kawasumi, who put up one of the most impressive individual performances in NWSL history. Naho was responsible for five of Seattle’s six goals, scoring one and registering assists on the other four. The only goal of Seattle’s six that Kawasumi isn't on the scoresheet for was a 79th minute tally from Megan Rapinoe, and even that one came from a sequence that Kawasumi started.
Naho’s never been the flashiest player — in her first season with the Reign she’d been second on the team in scoring, though she was rarely the first person you’d mention when talking about Seattle. Saturday though, it was hard to ignore Naho.
Seattle’s first goal against the Spirit, which gave the Reign a 1-0 lead just 20 minutes into the game, came from a sequence started by Kawasumi intercepting the ball and carrying it back into the Spirit box before laying it off to Beverly Yanez. From there, Naho continues toward goal, gets the ball back from Yanez, tries to turn her defender, realizes she doesn’t have the angle and again lays the ball off, this time to Christine Nairn, who puts the shot away. All this happens within eight seconds, the Reign, with Kawasumi as the center point, completely baffling the Spirit defense.
Seattle’s second goal, in the 35th minute, again featured the trio of Naho, Yanez and Nairn. This time, it’s Kawasumi who gets open out wide and then sends a fairly harmless looking low cross back towards goal for Yanez to deflect in. Again, the sequence is so quick that the Spirit defense is left mostly to watch.
The third goal, the one Kawasumi scored, is actually the least impressive. She’s just making a run at the far post, and left unmarked able to redirect the ball in. The fourth goal is again mostly the result of some flat-footed defending from Washington, with Rapinoe and Kawasumi going 2-v-1 and just kind of playing monkey in the middle until Rapinoe gets the shot off. The fifth goal, the only one Kawasumi doesn’t get some kind of official credit for, starts again with her carrying the ball into the box and just kind of rolling a low cross that Katlyn Johnson redirects for Rapinoe to again put away. Before the first of these three goals, the game is still close at 2-1. In less than ten minutes, Seattle has a 5-1 lead.
The last Seattle goal again come from Kawasumi, who’s again somehow wide open at the back post. Kawasumi volleys a long cross back into the center of the box, this time for Lindsay Elston, who only has to turn to one-touch the ball into the net.
In 2014, Kawasumi finished the season with five assists in 20 games. On Saturday alone, she picked up four. Along with the goal, they’re the first points Naho’s registered all season.
This win, while a big one and certainly the best Seattle’s looked all season, does have a little of the feeling the one against Houston did a few weeks ago, of course. Washington hasn’t been good defensively all season, repeatedly relying heavily on Stephanie Labbe to keep things close. Still, the way Seattle was moving the ball on the some of the goals, it’s hard to see how any team — especially with the early season struggles that have infected just about everyone — could defend against them. And running up scores against much weaker opponents isn’t something entirely new in the league, either. We saw the Flash do it against Boston last season, and things worked out pretty well for Western NY in 2016.
Before Saturday, Kawasumi had been having a relatively quiet season. Now though, it looks like the Reign, thanks in large part to Naho, is starting to turn things around. They’ll take on the Pride next weekend in Seattle, and though the Pride did beat North Carolina on Sunday, Orlando’s been having a tough time defensively so far this season. All of that is more good news for Seattle, and if the Reign can get a result again against the Pride, things could suddenly get a lot more interesting at the top of the table.
Week 5 scores
Houston Dash 1 - 3 Sky Blue FC
Seattle Reign FC 6 - 2 Washington Spirit
FC Kansas City 0 - 0 Portland Thorns FC
Orlando Pride 3 - 1 North Carolina Courage
Chicago Red Stars 1 - 1 Boston Breakers
You can find highlights of all games here, on NWSL’s website.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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How long did he sit there rocking, he wasn't sure, but a gentle touch to his arm snapped him straight with a burrowing gasp. Through the blur of his vision he made out Byleth, a profound sadness woven into her frown. A broken sob left from his throat as he turned his body away from her, ashamed of his reaction.
Instead, he could feel her hand on his back, soothing a small circle between his shoulder blades. With another hitched breath, he blindly reached back for her. No small task, and one that made him feel weak, like a child looking for comfort.
But Byleth took hold of him without any coddling, no admonishing at all. She brought his arm back around to his front, placing her face into his back.
Wyvern Moon: Identity.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 month
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A heart to heart between father and daughter, in chapter two of Flicker.
Still working on it, but I love them.
A snippet under the cut.
Jeralt’s voice steadily became thick, memories clogging up the breath in his lungs. He even had to clear his throat as he held her gaze. “Her small gasps when a cat chose her to run his side on. The way she hummed when I brought her a flower or some small thing from a mission. Her relief when she would see me again after being away.” He sighed.
These stories would end sadly by death and a fire, then slowly turn into an old man’s tale. Byleth could tell Jeralt was getting too sentimental even for himself. The way he wrapped his hand around his mug let her know he was ready to knock the alcohol back and possibly get something stronger to chase it. So before he could drown, she placed her hand over his. Her father looked over at her, brow raised in a sort of sad amusement. She let herself smile again, small, and he still looked surprised when she did. Like he had never seen it before.
Though she had to remind herself that this was a new version of herself. She leaned in close, and Jeralt followed. “It’s okay to miss her,” she said into the din.
And though this wasn’t like Byleth at all, not in the last twenty years, Jeralt didn’t pull away. He laid his other hand on top, fingers pulling her own together with his. Calluses against calluses. He breathed in deep and let it out. “I know.”
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 2 months
WIP Wednesday!
For the 5th Anniversary event next week, day five.
I couldn’t exactly figure out what sneak peek to post, so heres several rough paragraphs from the beginning start of the story. (You’re welcome maybe??)
For @kimikaami for (very lightly) peer pressuring me into writing some Seteth shenanigans.
Now wish me luck on getting this completed and edited next week.
. . .
There was light, healing, a blast of white magic. It soothed the burns from the dark spell in this moment of the fall, but not in his chest. Cichol hit the ground, the world turning black.
Let him lay in darkness. Let this war consume him whole.
Let his wife welcome him to the heavens with open arms. Beyond the stars, the visages of his mother and father amid those lost decades before. Maybe Sothis—oh, if she were there!—would bless him in the afterlife, and wouldn't let his sacrifice be for naught.
Cethleann’s face was not among the dead. Cichol awakened with a gasp.
Macuil and Indech were on either side of him in the grass, the stench of decay swarming around them. The memory of violet fire twisting around his body did not keep him from trying to sit up, stomach heaving at the flickering ache. Indech moved a hand to his chest to steady him. “Do not move, little brother,” he said softly, a frown twisting onto his face as a tear left his eye. With the scorching burn eating away at his side, Cichol grasped the arm keeping him tethered.
Ceara, mother, father. “Cethleann, I did not see her—did she, is she alive?” The thought of his only child ran through near where her mother lay dead. It choked him, left him drowning.
There was a grunt that had both looking down at their sibling. “She sleeps.” Macuil wrote another sigil with a finger, casting a chilled white spell over Cichol’s ravaged body. It licked the fire to ice before the spark of pain hastened forth afresh on his leg. Cichol flinched, but didn’t look away. Macuil lifted his face to him, and suddenly he knew. The sting of salt rose to his eyes as fingers tightened still around Indech’s wrist.
Macuil repeated the words, relieving and shattering his hope in the same instance, “she sleeps, Cichol. It is a wonder, maybe a curse, either of you survived.” The fate of his daughter had been sealed.
“And you need a healer.” Indech’s hand firmly pressed into his chest. Cichol’s breath stuttered, catching on a wail. “Macuil.”
“Sleep.” He said once more, but not for Cethleann. Cichol’s eyes closed.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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Work in progress, Saturday edition.
A snippet:
The Professor turned to him fully, pulling one leg under her thigh in order to do so. She then lifted her hands up towards him. Seteth watched her warily. After a moment of stillness she motioned for him to come to her. “Would you like a hug?”
“I would not.” Though she still kept her hands up at his rejection.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 10 months
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There might have been a couple of stories I missed drawing a scene from this year. Here is February’s story, Pegasus Moon: Different.
An excerpt under the cut.
Nearly two moons later, and they had only grown closer. Every moment Seteth could find he was at her side, helping her in any task, training with her, sharing meals and drinking tea.
Though only a week of that, he thought it was too much, that he was being inconsiderate of her time. When he had mentioned it one quiet evening, she had vehemently shook her head. “It’s comforting,” she said with a frown, and suddenly he had the inclination that maybe she was only getting through her days like a wire pulled taut. He was entranced when her fingers roved over his hand before she removed it entirely. “I don’t know if that’s right, if I’m naming the right feeling, but it helps me stay grounded. Please…don’t stop.”
So he did not.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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“You know, there’s room for more under that cloak.”
And though Felix was tired from the war, the chaos of the march and fight, and had no patience left from the Boar’s restlessness, he found he couldn’t argue with Annette’s trying-to-cheer-him-up logic from ringing true.
He cherished her small gasp and giggle when he wrapped himself around her. “Sure, ‘Nette.”
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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A drawing of a scene taken from the very first Seteth and Byleth story I ever wrote, Letter to the Goddess. I do still love this fic so much.
A snippet under. And if you’d like to read it, you can find it here.
(Buy me a Ko-Fi if you’d like!)
Byleth smiled and folded her hands in front of her, head bowed, and eyes closed. The cloak Seteth had given her wrapped itself around her fully as she leaned over, leaving just her clasped hands poking out. She took in a small breath. "Dear Sothis—"
Another fit of laughter and covered coughing interrupted her. "Are you writing a letter to the heavens?" he asked.
She shushed him, peeking one eye open. "The Goddess looks down upon those who disturb a person in prayer," she said, though sure that wasn't really a rule or anything at all. She waited until she saw Seteth try to hold in his smile and nod once more.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 23 days
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Chapter two is here! Filled with a little of everything. Happiness, wonder, angst. Enjoy!
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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In the sands of Sreng. For the June prompt.
“I can only think of one time I saw that happen, the ceasing of the itch.” Macuil stretched out into the sand, Seteth leaning down to sit next to one clawed hand. “You were in Enbarr, but one of our elders had lost his partner unexpectedly.” Seteth could not think clearly of that time, his life so wrapped up into his own life and church.
Macuil leaned his head down, and Seteth could see the pain that always lingered when his brother’s mind went to all they had lost. A pain he shared. “You know that when we lose our other half, it can drive a Child to death itself.” Macuil laughed bitterly, his one golden eye turning to his brother next to him. “Somehow we have lingered through it all, Cichol.”
“Yes, somehow.”
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 1 year
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I decided to color it and give you a snippet of the last story I am currently writing for August.
It was getting harder to breath, and a warm wetness trailed down his cheek, knowing at once he was cut. As he tried to clear his lungs and senses, he saw a dark cloaked man. He watched, as if in slow motion, as their enemy wrapped one white hand around his sister’s arm.
A cold rush swam through him, spurning him to action. It was happening again, just like that night so long ago. They would tear her apart, use her blood for fiendish magic. He had to stop them, had to get off the ground.
His shout seemed muffled. Movements too slow. He managed to pull himself to his feet, hands moving forward to clasp air, coughing as he tried his voice once again.
The mage moved steadily, though did turn after a few steps. He watched as the man smirked, and then began to whisper. A deep and heavy magic surrounded him, burned through his clothes, though left no singe.
He couldn’t move. A spell had bound him to stand.
As the mage dragged his sister away from him, there came tears that dove down his cheeks, salt stinging the wound left on his face. His voice tore through in a scream. “You leave her alone!”
(There’s a reason Seteth is calling Flayn sister that I cannot reveal. When will I be satisfied with this story? Who knows. I need to actually sit down and edit, I guess. That’s all that’s left to do!)
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