#nah man wonho you are something else
psycho-slytherin · 4 years
Strangers ch. 45
Your fun night with BTS is interrupted by some familiar faces.
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Actress!Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Genre: fluff, angst, idk
Warnings: Strong language, bit o’ trauma
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You knock at the door, your heart hammering in your chest. You were extra careful getting here – the paparazzi can’t know you’re still going back to the group’s apartment after the ‘breakup.’ 
Hoseok opens the door and lets you in, his usually wide grin somewhat muted. “Y/n-ie! We’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you too, Hos-oof!” You half-laugh, half-wheeze when Jungkook comes barreling out of nowhere and crushes you in a bear hug. “Hey, Kookie!”
“Guys!” Jungkook calls elatedly, his long bangs falling in his eyes. “Y/n’s here!”
Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin join you in the hallway. Looking around, you notice someone’s missing.
“Where’s…” You blink, snapping your mouth shut. You won’t ask. You don’t care.
“Seokjin hyung is in the kitchen,” Jimin supplies helpfully.
“Ah, okay.” You check the time– 8:30. “Is dinner ready? Can I help?”
There’s a chorus of protests, with the boys insisting you settle in the living room. You’re about to race for Yoongi’s favorite chair, but – argh. Why would you, when he’s not there for you to annoy? 
“I’m sorry. You don’t understand. I can’t.”
You snort. Hasn’t he always asked you to be honest? Hypocrite.
“Y/n-ie?” Hoseok sits next to you on the couch, speaking quietly enough that the others can’t hear him. “Do you want to take your coat off?”
“No, I’m–” cold. “Fine. I’m fine.”
“Look, Y/n…” Hoseok reaches out and places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry about Yoongi hyung.”
You muster up a smile. “It’s fine, dude. Like I said, it wasn’t real.”
“Nah, just because you weren’t really dating doesn’t mean it wasn’t real. I don’t know exactly who this new girl of his is – seriously, all of us woke up surprised, including PD-nim. But something’s up with hyung. He never comes out of his studio anymore and doesn’t say anything during rehearsals.”
You stay silent. You don’t want to talk about Yoongi.
“Anyways, I was wondering if you were okay? With… you know.” Hoseok gestures down at your left leg, and you flinch automatically.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Hyung told me about that night you got hurt by some sasaeng.” Hobi looks deep into your eyes, his brows knit together. “We all care about you, Y/n. You got hurt because of us, and that’s not okay. I know Yoongi hurt you too, but I hope you remember the rest of us are still your friends. And we’re all here if you need us.”
You smile, knowing it won’t reach your eyes. “Thanks, Hobi.”
Hoseok nods seriously before scooting back. “By the way, is that what you’re wearing?”
You look down at your jeans and sweater. “Yeah…?”
“Girl, didn’t I tell you we were going out tonight? Taehyung!”
Tae pops out from the kitchen. “Wassup?”
Hoseok waves at you and your outfit. “Fix our girl, please.”
Taehyung’s eyes alight. “Ooh, yes.”
“I- what- but I’m cold!” You protest as Taehyung drags you down the hall.
“We can accommodate that. Come on, Y/n, it’s been ages since I’ve styled anyone!”
But what if I get cold? Seoyeon could hurt me. Lisa could disappear. Next time it could be my head, not my leg. I could die. I can’t be cold. I can’t. I can’t.
“Y/n-ie?” You snap to attention, realizing Taehyung is staring at you with concern etched in his pretty eyes. 
“I– yeah, sorry. Go ahead.” 
Taehyung leads you into his and Namjoon’s room. You realize with a start you’ve never seen it. The walls are covered in posters, photos, and scribbled notes. Unsurprisingly, Taehyung’s closet is gigantic, and you see him rummage through it with intense focus.
“Okay, so. You’re cold all the time. No dresses, then? No shorts or skirts?”
You shiver, remembering the outfits you wore for the commercial with Wonho and for the lipstick photoshoot. “No, thanks.”
“Hm… We could try…” You hear Taehyung’s voice change. “It would be good publicity… I’d have to ask producer-nim.”
“Ah,” Tae withdraws from the closet, his cheeks blooming red. “Well… the public isn’t supposed to know yet. But I’m, er…” He scratches his head sheepishly. “I’m releasing a fashion line. We created a lot of demo outfits to pitch investors. And there’s something I want you to wear.”
You muffle a laugh. “Tae! Really? That’s so cool!” For a moment, your worries are numbed in support of your friend. “Let me see!”
“I don’t know if it’ll fit you, but…” Taehyung pulls out a box printed with KTH in cursive font. “And, for some heat…” he hands you a cropped black fur coat. “Try them on.”
You take a deep breath as you walk into the hall bathroom, nervous to peel off your layers of warmth. You open the box, and- “Woah.”
As you reach to try on the outfit, your phone buzzes.
Wonho: Hey, the commercial aired! Was wondering if u wanted to do smth to celebrate? Hope you’re doing ok. W.
You quickly text back saying you have plans with friends and place your phone facedown on the counter. 
Ten minutes later, you can’t help but stare at yourself in the mirror. You feel… “Y/n?” Taehyung knocks at the door, his voice nervous. “Does it fit?”
“Come out, let me see! I want-”
You unlock the door and step into the hall. Taehyung stops mid sentence, his jaw falling slack. “Holy… I don’t care what PD-nim says, you’re wearing this to the club tonight! Guys!” He pulls you into the living room. “Check her out!”
The other five members file in, Jin pulling off an apron. When he catches sight of you, he laughs in surprise. “Our Y/n-ie, all grown up!”
And you look grown up – Taehyung has dressed you in a black leather bodysuit to go perfectly with your black boots. It’s tight, but not suffocating, and most importantly, it’s warm. The long sleeves and legs feel protective. The only skin you’re showing is the adventurously deep neckline. The fur coat goes perfectly with the outfit, and you feel yourself standing up straighter as the guys express their admiration.
“Shut up,” you smile as Hoseok pretends to faint. “It’s Tae’s handiwork.”
“You look gorgeous, Y/n darling,” Jin hums. “Now, if the rest of you could start drooling over the soup instead of Y/n, that would be great.”
“D, remember how you said these fangirls have like, backup accounts? Shit under a different name?”
“Yeah, why?”
Yoongi chews on his fingernail. It’s a habit his managers always scolded him for when he was still a trainee. “What about Lisa? Does she have any?”
D clicks his tongue. It’s the first time Yoongi’s seen him in person for years, but he couldn’t be at the apartment knowing that Y/n would be there with the others. “Shit, man, maybe. I’ll find out.”
“Yo, did you see that commercial with your girl?”
Yoongi rubs his temples. Thinking about Y/n hurts. “No. What?”
“Nah, I’m asking cause she looks fire. She’s all over this guy. What are they even selling, right?” D slides over his laptop, Fierce’s new commercial already pulled up. It shows Yoongi’s old friend Wonho, shirtless, muscles bulging. When it cuts to a new scene, Yoongi nearly chokes. It’s Y/n as he’s never seen her; terrifyingly perfect and irresistibly seductive. He can’t tear his eyes away as she strides past Wonho. In the commercial, Wonho lifts the bottle of cologne and raises his eyebrows at Y/n, who stops with interest. 
The next scene leaves something hot burning in Yoongi’s chest: Y/n sits on Wonho’s lap, pressed against his shirtless chest, and the camera zooms in on her mouth as she leans in to brush her red lips against Wonho’s cheek. Almost unconsciously, Yoongi clenches his fist, nails digging into his palm. It’s just a commercial, just a job. He wonders if guys like Wonho are Y/n’s type. Not like it matters anymore, Yoongi thinks. Fucking Lisa. Fucking Seoyeon. “Fuck!”
D jumps. “Gloss! What was that?”
“I forgot – Seoyeon. I’m late.”
“Who cares, man? She’s insane.”
“I care. She wants to go to a club, maybe she’ll tell me where Lisa is if her guard is down. Or give me the names of anyone else she’s working with.”
“Ooh, sneaky. Okay, I’ll be online all night if you wanna text. Let me know if you find out anything.”
“I will,” Yoongi replies, throwing on his suit jacket. “And D, keep an eye on my location. She’s dangerous. I’ll keep a bodyguard with me, but just in case…”
“I gotchu, man. 
Yoongi takes a deep breath. His driver is waiting outside. Y/n is having dinner with the guys. And the image of her draped over Wonho is seared into his memory.
Back into the fray.
“I’m surprised we’re not driving in a van or something,” You say, peering around the limousine’s interior in awe.
“Some perks of being celebrities,” Namjoon says with a grin. The guys all look amazing, decked out in dressy but effortless outfits. Back in your ARMY days, you would have been swooning. Even now, their good looks are a welcome distraction. 
“It’s been so long since we’ve gone out,” Jimin bounces excitedly. He’s wearing a purple silk shirt that flutters with the movement. “Since Yoongi-hyung started filming and doing his new mixtape, and with Tae-ssi’s clothing line, our schedule has been lenient.”
“Speaking of schedules…” Jungkook turns to you. “I heard yours is gonna be busier lately! You’ve signed with FYP, right?”
You smile, shoving down your guilt. You need to move on. “Yep, they said they’d email me the contract today.” Now that you think about it, it’s past ten. When are they going to send it to you? You’re sure you haven’t received any work-related emails since coming out of your meeting with Mr. Park.
“Ah, almost there!” Hoseok hands out glasses from a minibar. “Soju bombs, everyone!”
You swallow determinedly. You’re moving past Lisa; Yoongi can’t hurt you anymore; Seoyeon… well, she may have won. But that doesn’t mean I’ve lost.
You’re going clubbing with BTS, wearing an outfit designed by Kim Taehyung. Nothing can go wrong tonight. “Cheers!”
And together with the members, you gulp down your drink as the limo slows to a stop in front of Club Xyon. 
Immediately, you’re ushered by stoic men and women in black suits to the front of a line of people who look more famous than you can ever imagine. “Oh my gosh,” you hiss to Hoseok, “I think I recognize her from that movie! And why are we skipping the line?” 
Hoseok laughs. “Y/n, I know to you we’re just friends, but to everyone else, we are global superstars.”
You swallow. Right. In a place like this… “Should I be seen with you guys?”
“C’mon, we pay good money for security to keep paparazzi away from this place. You’re safe.” 
The seven of you file in: music is blaring, people are dancing, and you’re absolutely starstruck. You’re quickly led to a private room stocked with alcohol. Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok stay on their feet while Seokjin and Namjoon rush for the liquor. Taehyung sprawls on the luxurious couch.
“We’re gonna go dancing. Y/n, wanna come?” 
You nod, blinking through the sensory overload. So much is going on, so much to think about.
“Wait, wait.” Namjoon pours you a shot. “To Y/n, well and truly on her way to stardom!”
You laugh, accepting the shot. Thank goodness for your friends, thank goodness you didn’t lose them as well as Yoongi. The liquor burns your throat, and you relish in the feeling.
“Come on, Y/n-ie!” Hoseok tugs on your hand. You toss your coat onto the couch next to Taehyung and follow the dancers out, listening to their excited chatter. The dance floor is big, and multicolored lights flash everywhere. You swear you’ve seen the DJ featured in some magazine. Every person in Club Xyon is almost inhumanely beautiful, and you suddenly feel a nervous shiver making its way down your back. Almost as if they can sense it, the three men flank you. 
“Hey, you belong here as much as anyone, okay?” Hoseok whispers. 
You look down at the bodysuit, and think of how much power you felt when you tried it on. “Yeah. Let’s dance.”
Jungkook whoops, and Jimin bounces on his heels. Hoseok merely winks and leads you into the mass of flawless bodies; so many of them have clearly been trained in dance, moving with such fluidity that you do endless double takes.
“Exactly what you need, I think,” Hoseok murmurs into your ear as you begin to move to the music.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shoot back playfully.
Jimin and Jungkook appear to be having a dance battle. Their fame and the intensity of their movement has created a hubbub among the stars present, and they form a circle around the two. The crowd’s movement jostles you, and you lose track of Hoseok. 
“Hobi! Hob- ah, sorry!” You say quickly, having bumped into someone as you’re pushed to the edge of the dance floor. “My b- wait, Wonho?” 
Wonho grins. “I thought it was you! Funny, I texted earlier because I wanted to invite you here. Who beat me to it?”
“I’m here with BTS,” you reply. Then, seeing Wonho’s confusion, you correct yourself. “Some of the members of BTS. As friends.”
“I see. I’m sorry about Yoongi, I didn’t know he had it in him to act like that.”
You clench your jaw. You don’t know the half of it. “It’s in the past.”
“Well, if you don’t have plans for the next song, want to dance?”
“Sure.” Wonho is cute, and he was kind to you when you worked together. The black mesh shirt he’s wearing certainly helps. 
“Did you see the commercial?” He yells over the heavy bass as you dance. Over his shoulder, you see Taehyung talking to the DJ. 
“No, I’ve been busy,” You shout in reply.
“My agent sent it to me. It turned out well – you looked great!”
Your cheeks flush. Wonho is one of those men who just looks physically perfect, and muscles like his don’t usually come with such a thoughtful demeanor. To receive praise from someone like him gives your ego a boost. “Thanks, I’m sure you did too.”
The song ends, but you still find yourself full of adrenaline. Wonho is an amazing dancer, and you’re finally beginning to relax. 
“I’m gonna get a drink, want anything?” Wonho shouts as another song comes on. With their popularity, you’re surprised you haven’t heard any BTS songs yet.
“I’ll come with you.” You do want something to drink, but you know better than to let someone you barely know bring you something. Wonho nods and leads you to the sleek bar, staffed by skilled mixologists – they add bottle tricks to every order.
“Whiskey, please,” Wonho says when a mixologist turns to him. “And whatever she wants.”
You raise a brow. “You don’t have to pay.”
“C’mon, let me be nice!” 
You laugh. “Fine. A raspberry cosmopolitan.” You keep your eye on the mixologist as they make your drink. “Thanks, Wonho.”
“Hey, I’m just glad I got to run into you. You were definitely one of the more human actresses I’ve worked with.”
“How so?”
Wonho shrugs. “You guys pretend to be other people for a living. It’s nice to meet someone who feels so genuine.”
You nearly choke on the drink the mixologist has just handed to you. “Oh my god,” you say, shaking with laughter. “That’s… thanks, man.”
“What’s so funny?”
“Nah, just – first time in a while I’ve been called genuine.” It’s a nice change.
“I can’t believe that. You seem really cool, Y/n–?” You’re taking a long draw of your drink, so all you hear is his voice suddenly changing your name into a question. When you lower your glass, you see him staring in surprise behind you. “What are you doing here?”
“The same thing as you, Lee.” His voice is hard and cool, so uncharacteristic that it takes you a sentence to register. When you do, you swing around, almost unconsciously backing closer to Wonho. “Y-Yoongi?”
“Oh my gosh, look who it is!” Your blood suddenly turns to ice and you grip Wonho’s sleeve like a lifeline. No. No. No.
“Y/n, sweetie!” Kang Seoyeon says, blood-red lipstick matching her hair. Her hand rests lightly on Yoongi’s shoulder. “It’s been so long!”
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kpop---scenarios · 6 years
I’m obsessed with jealous Monsta X pleaaaaaaaasssseee can you write more?
I've written this like 4 times since I lost it as I was looking for the last gif last night 😭
Your boyfriend had brought you to a pool party with his members and some other famous guys. You were wearing a very cute and new bikini, and shit did you look good. Everyone else at the party knew it too.
The moment he saw Bobby talking to you as you were getting a drink, he knew nothing good was going to come of it. He didn't want to hover over you but he kept an eye on the two of you so he could intervene if neccessary.
You turned your head away for a second and when turning back, Shownu noticed Bobby licking his lips. Like he was going to try and kiss you. Shownu stormed over to the two of you, pulled you into him and gave you a peck on the cheek.
"Oh hey Bobby, I see you've had the pleasure of meeting my girlfriend"
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You had been dancing with a few of the o members girlfriends at the party. Wonho was just sitting back and enjoying the show. No one but him was seeing the little glances and winks you were sending to him as you moved your hips to the beat.
His jaw went tense when he saw Chanyeol eyeing you up and Kai hyping him up to go talk to you. He couldn't help but glare at the two, never relaxing his body.
He watched Chanyeol make his way to you and introduce himself with a handshake. Wonho laughed. He got up and stalked over to the two of you chatting. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulls you in for a very passionate kiss, biting your lower lip before pulling away. "Hi baby" he says with a smile.
"Oh hey Chanyeol. Didn't see you there. Have you met my girlfriend?"
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You were floating in the pool, sipping on your drink and enjoying the nice weather. You hadn't realized that someone swam up to the side of your float until you looked over. Standing there was Jhope, with a bright smile on his face. "Well hello beautiful" he says with a wink. You speak with him a little but you weren't entirely interested in the conversation.
Minhyuk's eyes could have popped out of his head when he saw Jhope talking to you. He knew he was a player and only wanted to get in your pants. But you were his.
"Hey baby, why don't you come get something to eat" Minhyuk says to you from the edge of the pool. Agreeing you get out and he places a kiss on your lips, sending a glare to Jhope.
"Leave my girlfriend alone. Why don't you try to find someone who is single?"
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You walked away from him to go to the bathroom and had gotten a little lost in the giant house. You ran into S.Coups on your adventure to the bathroom and he had stopped you to talk.
He was very clearly eyeing you up and down, biting his lip, showing all the signs he wanted you. You weren't paying attention to any of it because you just had to go to the bathroom.
"So are you here alone?" He asked you, moving a little closer to you. Before you could answer, someone else did for you.
"Nah, she's here with me" Kihyun says. "Hi baby" he finishes with a kiss on your lips.
"Thanks for keeping my girlfriend company, but I've got it from here"
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You'd wandered to the kitchen to make Hyungwon and yourself another drink. Head deep in the refrigerator, you finally find what you were looking for. Continuing to make the drinks, you hadn't noticed the person sitting at the island infront of you.
"Wow you're really good at that" he laughed. When you looked up you saw Yugyeom from Got7 sitting there. You give him a little smile and continue working on the drinks.
"Were you a bartender ever?" He asked. You laughed and shook your head.
"Well two drinks, are you double fisting or can I have one?" He asks with a wink, right as Hyungwon walked in. He placed a kiss on your forehead before wrapping an arm around you.
"Actually that ones mine. Thanks for keeping my girlfriend entertained, but I got it from here."
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There was a stage for anyone who wanted to perform. Of course Joohoney was roaring to go whenever he got the chance. You of course were in the front watching him, enjoying the show. When someone approached you. Looking over you saw Sehun standing beside you.
"He's really talented" he says to you, you nod your head in agreeance. "What's a pretty girl like you watching this alone?" He asks.
Joohoney had been watching Sehun watch you from the beginning of the night. Everywhere you went, his eyes followed. But apparently he still wasn't aware you were taken. So when he saw Sehun talking to you while he was performing, he got pissed.
Standing at the edge of the stage, he kneels down and pauses before starting his next song.
"This next one is dedicated to the love of my life and my inspiration and rock. I love you" he says pointing and winking at you. Sehun got the message loud and clear.
"You're light of my life baby"
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You were standing there talking to some girls while Changkyun was off doing his own thing. You said bye to them, as they were taking off for the night. Rubbing your arms, it was starting to get a little cold as the sun went down. You had your shorts on but weren't sure where Changkyun put your shirt.
"Hey beautiful, you look cold" someone states. Turning around you see Junhoe from Ikon standing there.
You mention that it's just getting a little chilly out but you were fine. "Nonsense. A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be cold at all" he says with a wink.
"I agree" a voice says. You look and see your boyfriend Changkyun. "Thanks for being concerned about my girlfriend man, but I got it from here." He says, wrapping his arms around you. "Hi baby" he whispers. Junhoe stands there for another second, not moving.
"Dude you can go now."
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thenamesseven · 5 years
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Warnings: None! ^^
Sitting in Wonho's car, you and the guys watched the crowd that was outside. Girls dressed in tight dresses or really short skirts that matched the high heels they were wearing, guys with a drink in their hand showing off their car as they tried to take one girl home.
It was as if you were in a Fast & Furious movie.
It had been Wonho's idea to come to the illegal race that was being organized by other people that worked for your boss, usually I.M. was the one who came to this type of places to try out new cars he stole or bought. However, Wonho was the one who wanted to drive which ended up with a bored Hyungwon and I.M. sitting on the back seats while you occupied the passenger seat.
“Do you think they will be around?”
Hyungwon's question picked your intereste. You had told them about Jooheon and his friends as soon as the lights came back in the club the night you met him.
At first, some of them didn't believed you. They thought you were just making it up to spice things up that night but since you had insisted so much in looking for them everywhere you went, they kind of started to accept the fact that not only one but more people had managed to break into the club and had the guts to have a chat with you.
“I hope so” You replied quietly, your eyes on the front glass as you searched for them in the crowd.
“Yeah, I'll put a bullet in their heads for what they did the other day” Wonho scoffed, what Jooheon and his friends did felt like they were mocking him.
“This is not the place nor time to do that” Hyungwon lifted his eyes from his phone in a lazy way, looking at Wonho's through the rearview mirror
“So do we just let them do whatever the fuck they want? Take our place, maybe? Do our deals?” Wonho asked turning around on his seat “He clearly told her they came looking for a job”
“Actually he said maybe, maybe not” I.M. intervened, remembering the details of your conversation with Jooheon
“He looked challenging but I don't think they're trying to steal work from us” You frowned softly, confused with your own thoughts “I mean wouldn't it have been better if we hadn't known anything about them? Why would he talk to me if he wanted to do that?”
“Because he's a cocky asshole and wanted to be a stupid brat, mocking us without truly knowing with what kind of people they're dealing here” Wonho huffed
“Nah” You and Hyungwon replied at the same time “It sounded more like an invitation” You shrugged
“Well invitation rejected, we're good as we are” I.M. muttered, typing something on his phone
“We don't need new people” Wonho added
“Yeah” Hyungwon agreed, leaning back against his seat “Plus we don't know much about them anyways, I would just tell them to fuck off and get out of here before things get ugly for them”
"That's what I'm fucking talking about!" Wonho said with a smile
“The boss said he had a huge job for us, what if we need some backup?” Three pair of eyes moved up to you, feeling your muscles tense you just kept your eyes on the crowd avoiding their interrogating gazes.
“Why do you want to meet them so badly? Do you have a crush on that guy or something?” Wonho's question was filled with quiet accusations and if you didn't know the huge playboy he was you would even dare to say he was jealous. “I mean did something else happened in the club that we don't know about?”
You didn't need to look back to notice Hyungwon and I.M. were starting to feel a little uncomfortable thanks to the direction the conversation was taking. You turned your head enough for your eyes to meet Wonho's, a scowl on your face.
“Do you seriously think I have time to be crushing on people Wonho?” You asked a little irritated.
“Well I also know you've never got laid before, maybe he was hot and stuff happened” He shrugged as if what he said truly made sense.
“This is our cue to go” I.M. announced opening the back door so him and Hyungwon could get out of the car before things got even worse between Wonho and you.
“No” You cut Hyungwon and I.M. “I'll walk around for a little and see if I can find people that actually respect me”
“(Y/N) wa-” Too late, you slammed the door of the car shut so hard that for a moment it wouldn't have impressed you if you had broke it.
You walked away in your high heels, slightly fast in case one of the guys decided to follow after you to apologize for Wonho's awful behaviour. You knew the guy had trust issues and that he didn't like new people, specially the type that play tricks like Jooheon and his friends were doing but that didn't give him the right to talk to you that way. In fact, if the other two guys hadn't been around you would have left the palm of your hand printed on his pale cheek.
The red mark would have definitely matched the red brand new pair of Nike trainers he was wearing.
On the other side of the crowd Shownu, Minhyuk, Kihyun and Jooheon leaned back against Minhyuk's brand new car. All of them with their arms casually folded on their chests as their eyes scanned the place looking for you. It had been fairly difficult to get the location of the race but after mentioning your name a couple of times, claiming that they were acquaintances with you, the location was quickly revealed.
“Are you sure she's going to be here?” Shownu asked sitting on the hood of the car, his eyes trailing after some girls that walked by
“The event isn't organized by them so it wouldn't be weird if they didn't show up, after all” Minhyuk sighed looking down at his shoes.
“She will just be patient” Jooheon scolded his mates
“Stop being egocentric and admit she wasn't interested in you, Jooheon, we'll find another way to catch her attention” Kihyun said sitting inside the car, his hands on the steering wheel.
“She was interested, I told you she tried to stop me from going away”
“Probably because she wanted to shoot you, we kind of fucked up breaking in their territory like that, didn’t we?” Minhyuk asked, winking at some girls that were checking him out
Shownu slapped the back of his head sighing “Behave man, we’re working”
“Shut up and let me have some fun dude, I forgot how girls look at you when you’re not wearing a plain ass uniform” Minhyuk defended himself
“Is that her?”
The guys forgot their own names as soon as their eyes landed on you. The dress you were wearing wasn’t as flashy as the other girls’ but it hugged your curves tight enough to let their imagination wonder. Your legs looked longer thanks to the high heels, your long hair bouncing gently with each step you took.
“No way she’s interested on you, Jooheon” Minhyuk said, making Kihyun chuckle
“Shut up, bet you 100 bucks she comes here as soon as she spots me” Jooheon said, his eyes moving away from you so you wouldn’t catch him staring.
“She didn’t even see us” Kihyun muttered right before you pointed towards their direction, making them freeze.
"Is she telling those guys to kick us out?" Kihyun asked tense
"I don't think so" Shownu frowned softly
"Let's get in the car just in case" Minhyuk proposed but froze on his spot as soon as he saw Jooheon's glare.
What they didn’t know was that you were literally using them as an excuse to avoid talking with more clients. You had spot them as soon as you walked into the crowded alleyway but had wanted to watch them for a little while before approaching, specially since the guys weren’t around and you were absolutely alone this time.
“Fuck she’s coming” Shownu muttered nervously, sliding his hands inside his pockets to act as if he was just chilling.
Jooheon moved his eyes away from his phone and back up to you. Your eyes met immediately, starting a small battle for dominance between you two that you simply let him win to give him some confidence. Also you wanted to try memorizing his friends faces’, if they were going to be around you needed to know all of them.
“Hi guys! Enjoying the event?” You asked standing in front all of them, a business smile pulling up your lips “I knew you were going to be around”
“Ah, is she the one you were talking about Jooheon?” Minhyuk asked, he looked as if he truly didn’t care about you “You should improve the security in your club, it was pretty easy to break in” Jooheon smirked looking down, he was such a brat when he wanted to "Just a piece of advice"
Your eyes lingered on him for a bit longer, you didn’t know his name but you were burning the image of his face into your mind “You should watch your words, not the right place or time to talk about this, is it? As far as I know you still are in my streets” You replied still smiling, watching him shift uncomfortably on his place “Are you guys going to participate on the race?”
“Mhm, maybe” Shownu shrugged
“Why though? Money is not something we need” Kihyun leaned back against the leather seat, looking as bored as he could
“Are you participating?” Jooheon asked smiling, that same tempting smile he wore during your whole conversation in the club.
“Driving is not my thing, one of my friends is though” You shrugged looking at them, their eyes watching your every move.
“You are alone this time, where are your friends?” Jooheon said out of nowhere, catching your nervous fidgeting.
You were confident about yourself but it was a bit weird to talk with somebody whose intentions were unknown without the guys around
“I don’t need them following me everywhere”
“I sense trouble in paradise” Kihyun said in a mocking tone, quickly noticing the reason why your group and you weren’t together
“Race with me” Jooheon proposed out of nowhere, earning confused looks from his friends and you “Come on, it’s not like I’m going to kidnap you or something, I want to keep living”
“Why?” You asked frowning, not rejecting the idea but not accepting it either
“You want to kick you friend’s ass and I want to help you do it” He shrugged casually “I’m sure he was an asshole” Jooheon pushed himself away from the car motioning Shownu to get off of it. “Kihyun lend me the car man, let’s make the lady happy”
You couldn’t help but smile when he called you lady again “But you said you didn’t want money, you weren’t interested in the race five minutes ago, Jooheon”
“Well I want something else” Looking at your incredulous face he smirked confidently “Your trust”
“My trust is not something you earn with a race” You scoffed slightly offended, who did he think he was?
“Then your number so we can start talking about business, my men and I are getting bored here without any jobs to do” He sighed looking frustrated “We miss the adrenaline, the fun...We thought you could...Have some errands for us you know?”
“Might have one, need to talk with somebody first” You shrugged, looking at their faces quietly “I will need your names and surnames, maybe your numbers”
“Smooth” Shownu smirked, you rolled your eyes
“Background check, idiot” Kihyun chuckled at your words
“I like her, she recognizes retarded people quickly”
“Not really, she didn’t recognize you” Kihyun replied, you found yourself laughing at his comment
You were about to say something when a car honked right behind you, making the five of you jump slightly surprised at the sudden interruption. You turned around just to find Wonho gripping the steering wheel, motioning for you to get in the car next to him. Hyungwon and I.M. weren’t there anymore which told you they had probably got into another argument.
“Boyfriend?” Kihyun asked not judging, simply curiously
“Asshole” You replied shaking your head at Wonho “Ready to drive?” You asked looking at Jooheon
“Who are they?” Wonho shouted, poking his head out of the window. His eyes scanning each face until he finally realize they were the guys you have been telling them about. "(Y/N), get in the car"
Jooheon smirked at him, successfully catching the keys Kihyun had threw him as he walked out of the car “Sorry buddy but she’s driving with me tonight"
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mininky · 6 years
The Water Cooler
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Summary: Life works in mysterious ways. Really shitty ways too, might you add. After a series of unexpected incidents you find yourself living with your office enemy.
Pairing: Office Worker!Kihyun x Reader
Genre: Fluff, crack/comedy, romance
Warnings: Cussing, some sexual mentions but no graphic scenes, drunk Minhyuk loves to pole dance, Changkyun hates hikers, cheating
Word Count: 9.9K
     There are a lot of ways that you could describe Yoo Kihyun. Obnoxious. Nagging. Uptight. Know it all. Arrogant. Self-serving. Pretentious. Annoying. Loathsome. Short with an even shorter temper. Smug. Cocky. An insufferable pain in the neck. God how you wanted to just break his fucking neck. You aren’t sure how exactly your disdain for the tiny man started, but you did know that he’s currently testing the one last nerve you have before you snap and murder him and have Minhyuk help you hide the body. Hyungwon would probably help too as long as he didn’t have to expel any energy on that matter, at the very least he would root the two of you on.
 You can feel the vein in your forehead pop and throb as he continues to talk about his oh-so-perfect reports that will probably land him a promotion. You’d bet your measly savings that Yoo Kihyun was also a former teacher’s pet. “You know what Kihyun, I hope you do get a promotion.” Everyone in the breakroom turns to look at you with confusion. Wonho almost chokes on his coffee before shouting about it burning. Hyungwon actually stops chewing his bagel to give a look of pure horror at you.
 “Really, thanks (y/n). You know I always knew-” Kihyun is giving a pompous smile at you as he speaks and you feel that last nerve snap like a twig.
 “And I just really hope that it involves a transfer to the middle of nowhere so I never have to deal with your Napoleon complex ever again.” Minhyuk is giving a high pitched wheezing laugh, he’s doubled over in the back shaking as he tries to squeeze out an unintelligible sentence in reply to you.
 “Na-napoleon complex?! I’m not even that short! I’m average height!” Kihyun is crushing the water bottle in his hands and you feel your headache abate at the rage you’ve inflicted on him. Serves his smug ass right.
 “And so was Napoleon for his time. For someone who deems himself all knowing you would think that you would have already known that. Well anyways, as pleasant as it was listening to you kiss your own ass for thirty minutes I have some papers to work on. Oh and Kihyun, don’t let the door smack you on the way out to that promotion.” You pick up your fresh cup of coffee and blow a kiss at him as you walk back to your cubicle and laugh under your breath as you begin sifting through the spreadsheet from hell you’re currently working on.
 Working in a painfully boring office was not how you imagined your life, it’s certainly not how you intended to use your degree in psychology but considering that you only have a bachelors the best use that you have for it is as an overpriced decoration in your cubicle that collects a copious amount of dust for the sake of making Kihyun shudder each time he sees it. Thank god for that minor in accounting or it really would be completely worthless. Life is just that way, sometimes things just don’t work out as you planned. Still, it could be worse. At the very least you have a decent paying job and for the most part, you enjoy the people you work with (the main exception being Kihyun although when Minhyuk goes full dolphin mode he too is in the doghouse with you) and your boss Shownu was one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met.
 All in all, things weren’t that bad. Boring, monotonous, a bit like groundhogs day sure. But at the same time, you had bills to pay and adult things to do like pay said bills. Oh, how the capitalist system sucks for everyone but the filthy rich. But once again, on days like today when your temper has flown out the window, you can’t help but wonder how you got here. In a long-term relationship with a guy who you live with who still looks at you like a deer in headlights the moment anyone brings up the word marriage, committed to a job where you deal with numbers and papers and other tedious tasks every day. This certainly isn’t the fabulous life of jet-setting and hanging out with hot cabana boys that feed you grapes that you’ve envisioned for your life.
 The rest of the day goes by painfully slow and unfortunately, it’s just as dull as you figured it would be. The most interesting part of the day had been your earlier tussle with Kihyun and watching Hyungwon almost unhinge his jaw as he tried to fit the largest burger you’ve ever seen into his mouth because Jooheon dared him to do it. But it’s Friday, and that means that you can be out of this humdrum hell for two days so when the clock hits five you’re quick to save your work and get the hell out of dodge.
 Changkyun is already standing in the elevator when you fly into it. “'Sup (y/n). Got any plans for the weekend?”
 “Nah, not unless binge-watching Netflix in my underwear counts. You?”
 “Sexy. Eh, I’ve got a date with this chick from tinder but I dunno man. She’s into nature and shit and those hiking people usually give me hives you know. Its like, calm down man you can see all that shit on Instagram why be so active? Plus they get all holy about it, they act like your couch is a den of evil. But she’s pretty hot so I’m willing to risk it.”
 “Well, I hope the risk is rewarding for you. Best of luck kid.” You spring out of the elevator and out of the building with more energy then you’ve displayed all week. It’s true, you don’t really have any plans for this weekend except for meeting up your boyfriend for dinner right now but my god, you get to sleep in and isn’t that all that really matters?
 You’re contemplating picking up the glass of wine you’re clutching to and hurling it into Matt’s face. Or maybe you’ll take the steak knife and drive it through his heart. Or take the candle sitting on the table and light him on a tiny fire before cramming it up his ass. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you right. Did you just say you want to break up with me?”
 “Listen (y/n), it’s not me it’s you.”
 “I’m pretty sure that it’s supposed to be the other way around.” You grit out the words with venom. God, what did you ever see in this loser?
 “Oh, yeah right. I always forget how that goes. My bad. Listen, it’s just you know I need something else in my life and well things have just gotten kind of boring. Like, I’m glad you finally let me try anal and all but you know I just think it’s time we go our separate ways. We’ve had a good six years and all, but you know I mean…I think we’ve pretty much done everything now. You’re a great girl, I’m sure you’ll find someone decent. And we’re still young I mean we’re not thirty yet! Anyways, listen I’ve already packed up most of your things for you so-”
 “You’ve packed up my shit? Let me get this right you’re breaking up with me and you want the apartment?” You can feel the entire restaurant turn to watch as you raise your voice but you couldn’t care less. Your life is already crumbling before you so why not give a few spectators a free show to it?
 “Yeah, well you know I mean it’s just so close to my work and it’s really hard to find a place with so much natural lighting for my garden.” Seriously, you slept with this guy for six years? This guy? This was the guy you were actually thinking about settling down with? Good god, you needed to see a shrink because clearly, your measly bachelor’s degree in psychology didn’t cover your own neurosis.
 “You have a succulent garden, they actually don’t do well under direct-no you know what. Fucking fine, I’ll figure something out.”
 “Great, great. Well, now that that’s settled I’m just going to see myself out. You know (y/n) I just want to say-”
 “Save whatever you’re going to say and shove it up your fucking ass Matt.” You glare at him as he gulps uncomfortably, his hand sticking out awkwardly as if to give you a consolation handshake before he finally runs his hand through his hair and walks out of the restaurant. Indignation and bitterness consume your thoughts as you chug down your wine and grab the glass he didn’t even touch before chugging that one down too. The food hasn’t even arrived yet and you know that soon you’ll be feeling the effects of the alcohol but really, right now you need to be a bit drunk to get through all of this.
 An exasperated sigh leaves you as you see someone slide into the seat where Matt just was. You slowly look up to see Yoo fucking Kihyun in all his glory having the audacity to look concerned. “The fuck do you want?”
 “Hey, woah, calm down. I just…well I saw how that whole thing played out and I was wondering if you’re okay.” You take a moment to glare at him. His hair is slightly disheveled after the long day at work, white button-up sleeves rolled up but still buttoned all the way to the top, his eyes scream ‘I pity you, you sad sack of shit.’ Of course one of those people who had to watch everything burn just had to be him. Why not also have Matt come back to tell you that your dog died too? (You didn’t actually have a dog, but somehow it would be fitting.) What more could possibly be added to this? God, when will this day end? “Ouch, listen I mean I get that you don’t want anyone to see that. I know I wouldn’t but I mean, you look like you need someone to talk to and I’m here for you. I mean it, I’m just trying to help.”
 “How much of that did I say out loud?”
 “'Of course one of those people who had to watch everything burn down just had to be me.’ That part. You know, I’m just going to take this, I think you’ve had enough.” Kihyun reaches for your glass but you guzzle back the remnants before giving him a childish smirk. “Or not…” You watch him chew on his bottom lip for a moment before he speaks again slowly as if afraid he’s speaking to a wounded territorial animal. “Do you…do you have anywhere to go? Any friends or family in town?”
 “Nope, I moved here to the city last year for Matt’s transfer.” God seriously, what were you going to do for a place. If you walked back into your apartment you’ll be wearing an orange jumpsuit for the rest of your life and buying protection from a woman named Bertha so clearly that isn’t an option right now.
 “Yeah I don’t know about that Bertha part, but I mean I don’t think murder is the solution.”
 Great you spoke out loud again unless… “Are you a mind reader? Nah…nah if you could read my mind then you would know that Hyungwon and I have entertained the notion of giving you those awful diet aka laxative teas before.”
 “I…I’m never going to drink anything you ever give me. Or Hyungwon for that matter.” You relish in the sheer horror that runs through his face. Yes, you’re petty and yes for whatever reason the office hamster is trying to be kind but really you just want to bludgeon your head on this table in peace and away from prying eyes that might report your mental instability to HR.
 “Wise choice little man. But we still have our ways.”
 “Back onto more pressing matters…so you don’t have anywhere that you can go?”
 “Does sleeping under my desk count?”
 “Of course not!”
 “Then no.”
 Kihyun looks like he’s in physical pain as he wrestles with some internal monologue that he’s unfortunately too sober to say out loud unlike you. With a weary sigh, he looks up at you. “My roommate just moved out yesterday, and I don’t have anyone else lined up. You can stay at my place until you figure something out.”
 “Why on god’s green earth would I do that? Are you trying to get me to kill myself? Is it not bad enough that I was just broken up with publicly but now you want me to live with you?”
 You watch his eye twitch before he gives a deep breath to calm down. “Do you want to be homeless?”
 “Good point. Fine, I’ll do it. Save me Kihyun! Oh, my knight in shining armor! Oh, my tiny tiny savior!”
 “What are you doing?”
 “Getting your food to go and hoping that I don’t regret my life choices more than I already do.” You tamp down on any snarky remarks and just look at him instead, the wine allowing you to do so with no shame. You hate to admit it, but Kihyun is attractive. From the small nose, tiny pout to his lips, flawless skin, meticulously groomed eyebrows. It’s a shame really, that he has to be such a complete and total stickler because otherwise maybe you’d-nope, gross that’s totally never going to happen. Ever. EVER. You watch the waiter scurry over and nod as Kihyun speaks before pulling out a check and handing it over before running back away.
 “Here.” You fish out a handful of cash and wave it when he just gives you a pointed look.
 “Listen, you’ve dealt with enough crap tonight. Just let me get the food. Besides, I’m eating whatever that asshat ordered.” Kihyun pulls out his card and places it back just as the waiter runs back over with a bag of your food. It only takes another two minutes before you’re stumbling out the door with Kihyun gripping at your elbow. Drinking two large glasses of red wine on an empty stomach was clearly not the smartest of decisions, and by the slight acidic churn you’re feeling you’re sure that you’ll regret it more than you already do soon enough. You’re grateful that Kihyun allows you to make the trip back to his apartment in silence, leading you slowly on the short trip with a steady arm. The only thing he says is that he doesn’t live very far and it’s just a short walking distance away.
 By the time you reach his apartment you’re already feeling a wee bit more sober, and now you’re not sure if that’s a good thing because it just makes the weight of everything come crashing down. You feel like a complete and total fool, and you feel like a major bitch for how you treated Kihyun for trying to be decent, but most of all you just feel like a failure. Nothing in life can ever seem to go the way that you planned. Your eyes are glued to Kihyuns feet as he pads through his apartment and starts setting down the food at his coffee table.
 Not surprisingly his apartment is immaculate. Everything seems to have its own place and you’re pretty sure that you could safely eat off the floor. Various photographs, ones that look professional more than personal, line the walls. His furniture is leather and looks lived in but still in great shape. Clearly, he has a knack for decorating by the way everything is perfectly color coordinated in the room. There are pops of navy blue floating around the living room found in pillows, throw blankets, rugs, and candles. HGTV worthy in a way that you could only dream of but never be able to fully recreate. Seem’s like the office maid is also a mini Martha Stewart.
 “Are you gonna come eat or not?” Kihyun is gesturing over to your food before he starts cutting into his steak.
 Slowly and cautiously you make your way through the room and stare down at your fettucini alfredo for a minute before twirling it around your plastic fork. “Thank you…Kihyun…” Your words come out small, wobbly, uneasy before you shove a too large forkful of noddle into your mouth and try to blink away the tears threatening to form.
 Kihyun stops chewing for a moment, and you hate that he gives you a heartwarming smile. Its a smile that says, ‘of course I’ll help you, you big pathetic buffoon, someone has to do it.’ He chews slowly, head tilted slightly as he gazes at you and while normally you would shrink away from someone staring at you so intently and obviously analyzing from you instead you just let him. You’ve been through enough tonight and exhaustion has stripped you of your defenses. “What did you ever see in that guy?”
 “I’d like to know that too. You know, I really thought that maybe he and I would get married someday? We met in college and I knew he wasn’t everything I wanted but I think I just settled anyways. And the older we got the less of a chance to find anything better than each other. It was stupid, we should have broken up a long time ago, but I was too afraid.  I don’t think I’ve been in love with him for a long time if I’m honest.” You don’t even look up at Kihyun as you speak, shoving another pile of pasta into your mouth and chewing quickly before you continue. “I’d like to lie to you and say he wasn’t always this bad, but he pretty much always has been. He never grew out of his douchey frat boy phase like I hoped he would. And then I just started getting scared you know? Who would want me? I didn’t feel good enough for more than him so I figured, fuck it I’ll make it work. But neither of us were really happy. I’m actually not even mad about the breakup, relieved really. I’m just mad about the way how he did everything.”
 “Yeah, telling you he’s taking the apartment is a supreme dick move.” You shoot a smile at Kihyun before breaking into a fit of giggles.
 “You know, you know he seriously thanked me for letting him try anal? Like that was his consolation to me. ‘Sorry I’m breaking up with you but thanks for letting me do your butt but now there’s really nothing else for us.’ Like what even?” Kihyun is roaring with laughter after he chokes down his steak.
 “Oh my god, who the fuck does that? Seriously?? Wow. You know, a woman like you can get a hundred guys better than him! No-don’t give me that look, I’m serious (y/n)! That guy will just be something you laugh at in the future. One of those ‘why did I ever think I needed to settle on that idiot’ moments. You’ll find someone else, someone better. And if you ever try to settle for a dick like him again I’ll tell you that he’s not worth your time. I can go all angry dad mode on him for you and be like ‘excuse me sir but I’m not afraid to go back to prison for my little girl.’” You know he’s trying to make you laugh again, but instead, you feel tears starting to spring to your eyes. Kihyun, the man you torment on a daily basis, is being genuinely kind and is just trying to help you get through this. He’s a better person than you, that’s for sure. Surprisingly Kihyun just lets you cry, he doesn’t try to stop you. He does occasionally pat your head and rub soothing circles on your back, but other than that he makes no mention of your clearly crumbling pride.
 He flicks on his TV and settles on pulling up Friends and after a couple of episodes and consuming nearly your weight in carbs you’re starting to feel a bit better. You’d make sure to pay Kihyun back for all of this. Quietly, of course. In a way that wouldn’t be grandiose or hurt your rapidly shrinking pride. After the third episode, Kihyun is suddenly up on his feet and silently walking around the apartment. You can hear doors opening and shutting, rustling echoing through the otherwise silent apartment before he comes back with a few things in his hand.
 “Here, you’ll need something to sleep in.” He almost looks timid, bashful you might say, as he places the clothing next to you on the couch.
 “Thank you.” The words come out just a whisper as you pick up the t-shirt and sweatpants and hold the soft material in your hands tightly. Where would you be right now had it not been for Kihyun? Some shitty motel with a cheap bottle of wine for your sole company? Maybe crying loudly at the table at the restaurant still? “Thank you.”
 Kihyun just gives a soft smile at you, scratching his head for a moment before nodding his acknowledgment. “No problem. So the bathroom is the first door on the left and your bedroom is right next to it. I’m going to go ahead and get to bed, but if you need anything just let me know. Feel free to watch whatever you want on Netflix.”
 You listen to his footsteps walk away, misty eyes still glued to the white t-shirt your clutching. “Good night Kihyun.” You’re almost certain you spoke too softly to be heard, but you hear Kihyun stop for a moment.
 “Good night (y/n). Get some rest.”
 You wake up with the feeling of your skull trying to split itself away from your brain, the headache dulling your senses. You stared up at the white ceiling as the panic sets in until the crashing realization of why you weren’t home settled in. You’d really have to thank Kihyun, especially for the extra toothbrush and toothpaste he’d set out for you along with an entire arsenal of luxury skincare. With a groan, you rolled yourself out of bed and looked over at your phone. At least you always carried a charger in your purse, but you’d have to go back to your apartment today to start picking up everything that the idiot (you refuse to even think of his name) had packed for you. Slowly you made your way through the apartment, following the dulcet noise of what had to be Kihyun singing.
 You found him singing into the spatula like a microphone over the omelets he just placed on two separate plates. Clearly, by the sheer enthusiasm and volume, he hadn’t yet noticed you. His face was scrunched up in concentration, little dimples under his eyes showing as he finished off the song. “You have a great voice.” You watched the spatula fly out of his hand and clatter into the sink as he jumped a few feet in the air.
 “You scared the shit out of me!”
 “Okay, Jooheon.” He glared at you, mumbling something about how he wasn’t ‘that bad’ before opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of Gatorade for you.
 “Drink this, I’m sure you’ll need it.” You stare dubiously at the drink before slowly opening it and taking a swig.
 “Why are you being so nice to me?” You slowly make your way over to the stool at the kitchen bar, hungrily looking at the cheese covered eggs before sinking into it.
 “Because I’m actually a nice person?”
 “Unlikely. Based off of all the calculations I’ve done on you in the last year that doesn’t match up.” Kihyun shoots a pointed look at you as he sits down next to you.
 “Well, your calculations were wrong. Besides, even if you don’t think I’m nice, which I am, by the way, I’m not some heartless monster who would watch a friend…albeit a bitchy one…get her heart stomped on and just leave her there to fend for herself. And don’t even pull that tiny savior shit again, it’s too early for that crap.”
 You snort but hold your tongue for a minute. “Friend huh?”
 “Yeah. I mean, sure we don’t hang out outside of work and we’re usually at each other’s throats but I mean, we’re friends, right? I mean, you never did actually give me that laxative tea so that’s gotta count for something.”
 “I can’t tell if you’re just really sweet or really naive.”
 “Probably both.” There’s a bitter note to the words, and it makes you want to force him to elaborate but you sense that it’s something he’s trying to keep covered up.
 “Yeah, but that’s not so bad. It’s better than being a bitch who was stuck in a shit relationship for six years to a complete moron out of fear. You might be sweet and naive, but I’m just bitter and tired and afraid.”
 “You know if you combine us we might make a decent dark chocolate recipe.” You can’t help but laugh, guzzling down the rest of your food in comfortable silence before picking up your plate and washing it.
 “Well, I suppose I should head out to my apartment in a bit. Do you have a copy of the key by any chance so I can just let myself in?”
 “Oh, yeah.” Kihyun grabs a key off a hook on the wall and tosses is it over to you. Unfortunately, he misses and it falls somewhere in between the fridge and the cabinet. “Fuck, I am so sorry. I need to get better aim.”
 “It’s okay, I suck at catching anyways.” You start rooting around on the floor, blindly searching for the keys before finally fishing them up. God, even the crack in between his fridge was spotless. What does he do, move the fridge to clean it once a week? Probably. Oh lord, how you pray he doesn’t make you clean that much.
 “Hey, if you want I can go with. I have a car anyway, so it’ll help make the move easier.”
 “You have a car?”
 “You live right by the station though! Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just take the subway to work every day?”
 “Probably, but I enjoy having a car. It’s nice to be able to just go when I want to go without relying on some form of public transportation. So, what do you say? Want me to come with?”
 You fiddle with the key in your hand for a moment. “I don’t want to interrupt any plans you have.”
 “Nah, I was just planning on cleaning and shopping today so no worries about that.” You blink up at Kihyun, twirling the key around before finally nodding.
 “'Kay. Well, let me just take a shower first and then we can head out.”
 The drive to your apartment…former apartment…has your stomach in knots. Anxiety has consumed you and twisted you into a nervous mess. You probably should have texted the idiot but fuck it, who cares if you’re ruining his plans? He can deal with your intrusion and kiss your ass if he doesn’t like it. Oh god, oh god what are you going to do?
 “Hey, calm down. It’s going to be okay.” Kihyun gives a small pat to your head and you fight off tears at the soothing touch. To think Yoo Kihyun would be of comfort to you. The world is a cruel, sad, obscure shit show of a place.
 Your hands tremble for just a second as he pulls into a parking spot in front of your apartment before your willing yourself to move. It’ll be fine, it’ll be totally fine. After all, what more could possibly go wrong? You take a deep breath as you stand in front of the door of the apartment and knock rather timidly before Kihyun just gives one sharp wrap after you. The two of you wait in silence for a minute before Kihyun’s impatience gets the better of him and he tries the door handle. “You brought your keys right?”
 “Yeah, give me a second.” You fish around the bottom of your purse through a sea of papers, loose lipglosses that fell out of your makeup bag ages ago, and a handful of pens you’ve swiped from the office before you finally find your keys. You look up to see Kihyun staring at your purse dubiously before you shrug and open up your apartment. The first thing you notice is the two sets of shoes sitting at the entrance. One of the shoes you recognize as the idiots. The second set is clearly a female’s with ridiculously small feet and a penchant for pain judging by the wafer-thin stilleto. You’re not sure what hits you first whether it’s nausea or rage but it’s clear that animosity takes a hold of you the most once you start moving again.
 You step through the apartment swiftly, the sound of the idiot and the unknown woman are drowned out by the blood rushing through your ears as you kick open the bedroom door. She’s pretty and young and she’s also the intern you’ve met at his company Christmas party last year. “Really? Really? This bitch?” Your voice comes lashing out in thick dark waves growing in decibel.
 “What the fuck? What are you doing here?” The idiot is scrambling under the bed sheets, the girl is staring at you with terrified doe eyes.
 “Picking up my shit you nit-wit!” Kihyun rounds the corner at this exact moment, a low whistle coming out as he takes in the sight.
 “You were fucking someone else?” Matt, no wait the cheating idiot (he no longer deserves a name), has the audacity to bawk at the sight of Kihyun and it’s around that time that you almost black out in rage.
 “You think you have the right to say that to me? I never fucking cheated unlike you, he’s my friend you lying sack of shit!” You throw the painfully expensive flat screen onto the floor before going through his closet and grabbing a fist full of ties that you toss into the toilet. In the midst of all your chaos, everyone is standing (well Kihyun is standing the two idiots are still laying in bed) stock still when you stand back in the center of the room panting. “Fucking help me Kihyun!”
 “Right!” Kihyun looks around the room before dashing out to the living room where you hear multiple loud crashes that sound suspiciously like the breaking of electronics and glass followed by a few manic cackles.
 “Kihyun, I meant grabbing my boxes!”
 “WHAT?” You hear his footsteps before he turns back into the room, she who will not be named and the cheating idiot are still unmoving in a state of shock as you hand Kihyun two of the boxes you found in the closet.
 “What did you do with all of my makeup?” The idiot points to a box sitting by the bathroom door that you swiftly grab before adding that he hasn’t had time to pack up any of your books. He watches nervously as the two of you make trips back and forth to the front door with more boxes until you’ve gathered just about everything. She who will not be named tries to slink into the bathroom as you grab the last box.
 “And you! You can do so much better than this cheating sack of shit! Don’t waste your time on him. And you, you complete fucking moron,” You turn on your heal to see the idiot shrinking under the blankets like a small child trying to hide from the monster in the closet “it’s not fucking normal to cum that fucking fast all the time! That’s right, for six years I fucking lied because I’m a nice fucking person but let me tell you cumming after entering is only normal for fucking virgins!” With that, you stomp out of the apartment with Kihyun chasing after you.
 The two of you organize everything in the trunk before making a drive back that’s nearly silent with the exception being Kihyun humming. Normally his humming at the office makes you want to strangle him, but for once it’s nice. There’s no pressure to discuss any of whatever it was that just transpired back there, and it’s almost soothing to listen to his voice melt with the road noise. It takes a minute to register that you’ve finally parked, both of you still sitting in the car without a word.
 “Um, Kihyun, thanks…you know for helping. Also, good work on destroying the x-box and coffee table.”
 “The coffee table was an accident. I told you, I have bad aim. You don’t think he’s going to call the cops on us, do you?”
 “Nah. He’s a lot of things, but not a narc.”
 “Oh thank god. I got all caught up in the moment, it was just so addictive!”
 “You wanted to clean everything up right after didn’t you?”
 “You need help.” You shoot a smile at Kihyun, ruffling his hair before stepping out of the car to grab your boxes. Had you stayed a moment longer you might have seen his lips twitch into a grin as his hands touched his hair.
 The weekend was spent with you unpacking the necessities and watching Netflix with Kihyun. There’s a lot that you’ve learned about him over the two days. For one, he sings constantly. And you wouldn’t complain about it if it weren’t for the fact that it gets stuck in your head every damn time. Another thing that you’ve learned is that he cleans constantly while grumbling the entire time. He’s also a damn good cook. And you’re happy to say that unlike at work, he’s pretty chill at home. He’s not constantly bragging or boasting, and he’s a bit of a couch potato like you. He’s also kind enough to not bring up the breakup for the rest of the weekend, and when you break down randomly he just hands you random sweets and a blanket. You’re pretty sure you’ve wiped out his entire candy stash at this point.
 By the time Monday rolls back around you’re actually excited to get to work, something mundane and normal. As you settle into your cubicle with a fresh cup of coffee Minhyuk is swiftly spinning his chair over to you. “How was your weekend?”
 My entire life is falling apart. The man I thought I was going to marry not only broke up with me but he was also cheating on me. Oh and I now have to live with Yoo fucking Kihyun and I’m actually starting to think he’s not that bad of a roommate. What little bit of sanity I have is being glued together by coffee. “Boring.” There you go, a lie is so much easier to spit out. Also, you won’t be chucked in a looney bin.
“Same. Oh, but man listen to this. So Wonho and I went out to that new gay bar and we scored like 10 free drinks from this totally cool bear because Wonho took off his shirt. You should come with us the next time we go out! Oh and get this-” You glaze over, nodding randomly as Minhyuk continues to speak a million words a minute before Shownu finally comes out of his office to politely remind Minhyuk that he has three different projects he’s behind on.
The rest of the week tends to amble on much the same way as Monday, monotonous and tedious. And you’re starting to itch with each repetitive conversation. You need something different, you need something to change. Granted, you’ve had a lot of change in the last week. But it’s opened up your eyes to something, the realization that you were just living for the sake of living. Wake up, shower, eat, brush your teeth, go to work, commute home, watch TV, go to sleep. Really what was even the point anymore? You’re beyond apathetic. Too old for this emo shit, too cynical to fall for the hippie-dippie idea of just ‘do what you love.’ Now you’re stuck somewhere in between. Rather lost and craving something, anything, to make you feel alive again. As long as that anything won’t be too expensive. Or too dangerous. Or too annoying. Or too physically exhausting. Which is exactly why when the entire team went out for drinks on Friday you decided to join for once.
You should have known that it was a terrible idea from previous horror stories Hyungwon has told you. He comes solely to watch the world burn as his coworkers all turn into drunk mutants. Everything had seemed fine until you reached the second bar of the night. At this point, Jooheon is speaking only in English and is constantly trying to find ways to rhyme orange. Wonho has lost his shirt or tore it on the dance floor, you aren’t really sure what exactly happened. Minhyuk has been dancing on a column as if it’s a pole and Hyungwon has been discretely pocketing the money that keeps being randomly thrown in Minhyuk’s general direction. Shownu has been in various competitions with strangers, all of them varying in degrees of physical difficulty including the longest headstands that promptly got you kicked out and sent to the third bar.
You’ve lost Changkyun somewhere in the madness, and you’ve been screaming for him as if he’s your lost child until you finally find him hitting on a poster (you’d like to add that the poster was of some foreign film with no people in it) with only one shoe on. Wonho is now clinging onto Kihyun as he sobs about ramen with so much strength you’re afraid Kihyun might not be getting any air. Jooheon has been playing Gucci Gang on repeat while Minhyuk has been trying to blast The Internet over it until the noises have morphed together into some unintelligible and painful to listen to concoction. Hyungwon has somehow found his way behind the bar and is now making drinks for people, none of the other bartenders have noticed that he’s infiltrated yet.
You have a raging headache and your feet are in blisters from all the running around you did to find Changkyun. You feel vaguely out of body as you begin to start screaming for everyone to stop at around the time that Minhyuk starts trying to give lap dances. (You have to admit, he was in the wrong career field. Boy could make a killing off of being a stripper.) Unfortunately, all of them are too far gone to pay attention with the exception of the also painfully sober Kihyun who looks like he’s going to stab Wonho if he doesn’t let go of him.
It just takes Kihyun mouthing ‘help me’ for you to finally make your break. “This rounds on me guys!” You slam down a couple of twenties and use the diversion to grab Kihyun and run out of the bar. Sweet, sweet freedom is obtained at last.
“Thank you! Oh my god, I thought that Wonho was going to smother me!”
“You know, a lot of gals and guys would die happily that way. So, where to now? Do you just want to go home?” You start looking around for some cabs as you speak, wandering down the street slowly now that you’re far enough away from the bar to not be caught.
“Eh, I mean, the night is still young. Besides, I was too afraid to join their league of mutiny to even drink. I know this bar right across from my place. We’re just a couple of blocks away from it right now. What do you say?”
The blisters on your feet say no. The thought of possibly convincing Kihyun to do a couple of shots has you saying, “Sure, why not?” Perhaps you could get him drunk enough to give you an arsenal of secrets to use at your disposal. Then again, you’ve both survived war this evening so by the time you’re finally sitting at the bar with a strong cranberry vodka in your hand you decide to give him a break. (You will never, ever tell Minhyuk and Hyungwon know of this momentary lapse of kindness though.)
“I’d like to lie to you and say that the guys aren’t always this way when we all go out, but…honestly, I’ve seen things get even crazier. It was really nice though to not be the only sober-”
“Kihyun?” Both of you switch your attention over to the woman staring at Kihyun. You see a flash of shock morph into a bitter rage as his jaw clenches. You’d bet your measly savings that the girl was an ex. And a bitch. But the last part is personal conjecture. You want to blame the alcohol for what you do next, but you don’t have enough liqueur in you for it to be the real cause.
“Kihyun, baby, who’s this?” You wrap your arm around Kihyun’s shoulder and give a pointed glare at the other woman.
“Baby? You’ve already moved on? It’s only been, like, three fucking weeks.”
“Well, at least I didn’t move on by cheating on you with my roommate.” Kihyun’s words are angry, and suddenly things start falling into place. That’s why he needed a roommate. That’s why he had been so good at comforting you. That’s why a few weeks ago for the first time he had been late. (Not that you pay that close of attention to him. Nope. You just so happened to notice, and you just so happened to remember.)
“Wow. Wow. You’re such a-”
“I’d step off bitch before I break this glass over your head. Come on baby, let’s go home.” You tug on Kihyun’s hand and leave the bar with her still shouting insults at the two of you. You make the trek back to the apartment in silence, and it isn’t until you actually step through the doors that you realize you’re still holding hands. “Um, sorry about that. I know I just kind of inserted myself in there, but I mean…I get how it feels. We’ve…been through basically the same thing at around the same time. And I just-”
“Thank you.” Kihyun ruffles your hair before suddenly stopping and stepping in closer to you. “I…” His words die out, choked up in his throat with emotions you can’t quite pinpoint swirling just beneath the surface.
“No worries, that’s what friends do right?” You’re not sure if you’re saying that to him or more as a reminder to yourself. He’s just a friend. Right? Right?? His face almost seems to fall for a moment, but it must have been your imagination because suddenly he’s smiling and nodding back at you. Awkward silence ensues and you’re not sure why but you feel a need to break the moment by pulling him into a tight hug and then stepping back. “You know, if you ever want to talk to me about anything, I’m here for you.”
Kihyun nods silently again and gives another small pat to the top of your head before he takes off for his room. Well, that was odd. Then again, that was probably the most normal thing you’ve witnessed all night. Note to self, never go out with the guys ever again.
Months go by and you’ve fallen into a comfortable routine at Kihyun’s. At first, you tried looking for other places, but rent in the city is painfully expensive and well if you’re honest…living with Kihyun isn’t that bad. In fact, it’s wonderful. And much to Minhyuk and Hyungwon’s dissatisfaction, your new friendship with Kihyun has stopped you from pulling as many pranks on the office hamster. It’s not that you don’t still, it’s just that you’re not out for blood anymore.
You’ve learned a lot about Kihyun. About the type of music he listens to. About how he’s a perfectionist even when he plays games. And how his skin care routine is at an almost religious level. And how when he cleans he mutters the entire time to himself until you join in. And how he’s a dog enthusiast who melts any time there’s one nearby. But there’s still one thing you don’t know much about and for some reason, it constantly plays in the back of your head. Why did that girl cheat on him? How could she not see how good of a guy Kihyun is? And why isn’t he trying to get back out there? A catch like him doesn’t come around every dynasty.
You’ve come to understand why your relationship with the idiot failed. You know that he was horribly wrong for cheating and that he should have left and just said he wasn’t happy a long time ago. But you’ve also come to the conclusion that you hadn’t been working on your own happiness in the relationship enough. You had just at some point stopped trying at almost everything. But Kihyun? Well, he’s certainly not that type. Sure he goes between being either really hard on himself or thinking too highly of himself, but he’s got a heart of gold. He knows his worth, and he treats women like queens. (At least if his interactions with his mother over the phone are anything to go by.)
You’re pulled back out of your thoughts by Kihyun walking back into the apartment and the smell of food wafting over. “Ooh, takeout! Did you get me anything?”
“At first I was going to torture you and get something for just myself, but then I realized that my meal would be ruined by you complaining loudly the entire time. I got you some curry.”
“Awesome, thanks babe!” Both you and Kihyun freeze at the nickname. Perhaps you’ve gotten too comfortable once again. Yep, that’s all this is. An innocent mistake caused by being comfortable. Yup. Nothing to see here folks. Nothing at all. “Uhh, I’m not sure why I said that…I’m uh…”
“Nah it’s uh, it’s all good. Babe.” Kihyun cackles loudly before you see him disappear below the kitchen counter. You’ve noticed that when he’s embarrassed he just kind of…runs out of eyesight. It’s endearing, but right now you’re too mortified by your slip of the tongue to even laugh with him. Babe? Really, babe? God, you needed to get out there before you start seeing Kihyun as a possible interest. Nope, never ever going to happen. Absolutely not. It was just a mistake. It meant absolutely nothing.
Dinner goes by quietly after that, the two of you making awkward small talk while pretending to pay attention to some show in the background. By the time dinner is over you’re taking a deep breath and finally setting up a tinder account. Clearly, you need to start moving on, doing something more with your life. You deserve better than that shit show of an ex, and you also deserve some fun. Life has become too routine, and you refuse to turn into a spinster cat lady with a hamster as a roommate.
A week later and you’re meeting up with a guy you met on tinder, praying you aren’t going to get murdered by some psycho. You’ve never used dating apps, and while you were kind of leery about the situation the conversations you’ve had with him have seemed pretty normal. Albeit boring, but you were never the best at making small talk so you’ll take some of the blame for that. He’s good-looking, you’ll give him that. But as the night wears on it becomes painfully apparent that that’s all he is. He’s good looking and he’s got a stable job, but the best way to describe his personality is monotone.
“Yes, so anyway, enough about the bank. What is it that you do again?” You take a large gulp of your wine before speaking, and you don’t miss the way he cocks his eyebrow as if to say ‘are you really going to drink like that?’
“Oh, nothing special. I’m an accountant for a salon and spa software company.”
“Does that make good money? If you’re an accountant we could actually use someone like you on our team and I’m sure it would be better pay…” Blah blah blah, your eyes glaze over as he keeps talking. What’s this guys name again? God, you can’t even remember. You forgot after six years of being with the same guy how boring dates could be. Well, to call all dates boring isn’t exactly fair. You’re sure that not every guy would be this boring, or hell, turn into some sort of weird job offer. Kihyun would be a lot more interesting. You’d probably be out doing shots and karaoke by now. Or maybe you’d go to a cooking class with him. Or you might be out at that fried chicken place he swears is heavenly. Or maybe he’d be animatedly discussing the best cleaning products with you. Okay, so that would suck, but you’re pretty sure he would never discuss that on a date. Unless it was with a maid or cleaning lady. Wait, why are you thinking about Kihyun right now? Oh…oh fuck. Fuck almighty, you like Kihyun.
You try to pay attention to the one-sided conversation, but really he’s so busy talking about himself he doesn’t even notice you zoning out. How long have you liked Kihyun? Probably longer than you care to admit. Maybe the first time you met him. Maybe that’s why you always found a way to poke fun at him. You always were shit at being honest with yourself. How pathetic though. You keep saying you’ve grown after a terrible six-year relationship, but you’re still just as pathetic at being honest with your own emotions. Blunt sure, but honest? Well…honesty requires vulnerability and courage. A potent mixture that you can barely handle. And that’s why you stayed around some dude you weren’t that interested in. But what about now? Will you be honest? Will you go for it?
You grab your phone as it buzzes, just some app unfortunately and not a getaway ticket. But your date doesn’t know that. “I’m so sorry, but it looks like my cat just went into labor and I think she really needs my support.” You pull out some cash and slap it on the table before he can respond and try your best to run out of there. You’re pretty sure he’s saying something to you as you leave, but you’re moving too quickly to hear him for long. Cat going into labor? And she needs your support? Jesus, you need to get better at lying.
By the time you’ve finally reached your apartment, you’re in near hysterical giggles. Of all the things you could have said to get away from the date, I mean that’ll go down in history as the strangest lie you’ve said. It’s at least entertaining enough to keep the sinking realization that you like Kihyun at bay. Until you finally step foot in the apartment and come face to face with him that is. He’s lounging on the couch, reading a book. His hair is still slightly damp from a shower and the scent of his body wash lingers in the air.
“Oh hey, I was going to…” Kihyun looks up and stops speaking as he analyzes you. His jaw tightens slightly before he gulps and continues speaking, “I was going to ask you to pick up some food but I wasn’t sure what you were doing.”
“Trying to flee a really awful date actually.” You fling yourself onto the chair next to him and kick up your feet on the coffee table, ignoring the look of disdain he gives you at your action.
“That bad?” You don’t miss the way his words sound a little clipped, slightly agitated.
“Bad enough that I told him my cat went into labor and then ran away.” You can’t help but join him as he starts to laugh, his annoyance melting away. It feels so nice to be home with him. It feels so normal and so right. But it kind of hurts, your heartaches and stomach drops as you gaze fondly at him. Kihyun has been such a good guy to you, and you’re pining after him. And you didn’t even notice it until you went out with some schmuck from tinder. How lame could you get?
“How bad could the date possibly have been that you went with that half-baked lie?” He wasn’t you. It’s just that simple, that’s why I gave him that half-baked lie.
“Well, …he was a banker. I think that’s enough said, right? At least he wasn’t a lawyer though. You know the weirdest part about the date though was that all he did was talk about work, and when I explained that I work in accounting he tried to offer me a job. It felt more like I was at an interview than a date. And here I thought tinder was for random flings.” You hate the way your heart flutters at the smile he sends your way as he ruffles your hair in consolation for your bad date. You hate the way that his touch feels so right, so natural. But you mostly hate the way that you can’t stop dwelling on it and how you know that you’re being a coward by not coming clean. But what exactly were you supposed to say? Hey Kihyun, being roommates isn’t enough anymore I’d like to hold your hand and tell you that you’re super cute and maybe screw your brains out? Yeah, probably not going to go down well. Both of you just got out of relationships. You work together. You live together. The last thing you need is to make things awkward.
At the same time though, you know you like him. You’re both grown adults. If things don’t work out then you’ll move on. But if you just allow these feelings to keep festering it’ll become unbearable. So you take in a deep breath and you finally say it before you can chicken out. “You know, Kihyun that isn’t actually the real reason why I left the date though. I mean, I’ve been on worse ones I could’ve stuck it out till the end but I didn’t exactly give him a fair chance. You see, I kind of already like someone.” You can’t make eye contact with him as you speak, but you can hear him shift on the couch presumably to move closer to you. It’s now or never. “Maybe I’m a complete idiot to not realize it sooner, but the entire time I was on that date I kept comparing him to you. And I kept thinking about what we would’ve done on a date, and how you wouldn’t have taken me to some pretentious French place only to talk my ear off about something as lame as work. And how you definitely would’ve called me out for saying some lame excuse. And I…”
“You like me?” You’re staring pointedly at the ground, still too afraid to look up. Your bravery can only go so far, and actually seeing his reaction might just kill what little of your fragile ego you have left in you. “You…like…me?”  There’s a pregnant pause before you suddenly see him in your line of vision, crouched down in front of you and his hands cup your cheeks gently. “You don’t know how happy that makes me. I really really like you (y/n). I mean I think I have from the moment you first sassed off to me. I actually got into a fight with my ex once because when I first started working with you I kept talking about you.”
“What? You didn’t hate me? I was a total bitch to you!” God, what kind of masochistic shit is this? You always knew he had a few screws loose, but I mean, is this his version of some kind of a sick joke? You’re pretty sure it’s not based on his expression. He’s looking at you so fondly, so happily. It’s the same face he makes when he sees dogs, pure joy.
“Well, sure. But it was funny the way how everything I did set you off. And it was awesome how you didn’t back down. I mean you never took my shit, you always threw it back at me. But it was never malicious. It was always very honest. Blunt and to the point. I think the thing I appreciate most about you is that you always say what’s on your mind. I don’t have to guess with you, you just come right out and say it. And it’s refreshing. And then when we moved in and I started to see the softer sides of you I knew I was a goner. I knew you had me wrapped around your little finger. I’ve just been hoping that maybe, somehow, you’d like me as much as I like you.” Silence fills the room, but it’s not uncomfortable. The two of you are just gazing at each other, basking in warm serenity.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Kiss me already you fool.” You love the way he laughs, it sets off butterflies in a frenzy before he finally pulls you into a soft kiss. His beauty routine clearly extends to exfoliating his lips because wow, they’re so soft. So perfect, so warm. At first, it’s feather light, but when your hands cup his face it moves into something deeper. His tongue swipes your lower lip and you taste a hint of peach as they tangle together.  His hands weave into your hair and push the two of you closer until finally, you fall in a pile of tangled limbs on the floor, both of you refuse to break the kiss as hands roam each other in a greedy frenzy before he finally pulls back slightly sheepish.
“Sorry, I got a little carried away there. I guess before I do anything else I should probably officially ask you to be my girlfriend shouldn’t I?”
“God, you’re such a dork. But I guess you’re my dork now aren’t you?” Your breath hitches slightly at the grin he gives you as he moves your hair out of your face gently. He’s so beautiful. His cute little mole, flawless skin, sharp jawline. You trace over his features silently as your brain tries to wrap around everything. He’s yours. You're his. And it just feels right. If a few months ago someone would’ve told you that you’d be hopelessly in love with the office hamster you would’ve laughed in their face. But the world works in mysterious ways, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
There’s a lot of ways that you’d describe Yoo Kihyun. An insufferable nag. Confident. Handsome. Great singer. Pretty good cook. A bit of a Napoleon complex. Ridiculously kind. A total softy. A fantastic kisser. The love of your life. Yeah, that’s Yoo Kihyun for you.
A/N: I know the ending is kind of rushed, sorry about that. I’ve actually had this in my WIPs for a couple of months now and I just really wanted to share it. I hope that you enjoyed it! This was a lot of fun to write.
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ims-monbebe · 7 years
White Sugar.
Author’s note: Ya girlll is back with part 3 of my Kiho fic. I’ve had this done for actually a few weeks but have been too lazy to post it... So here ya go finally to the few that read it! Thank you for being patient.
Warning: Idk if I should do a trigger warning for this chapter b/c something happens (When you read it you’ll know) I personally tried to write it more as a job and task if anything, so I’ll just leave this warning here in case someone needs it so read at your own risk. (This is a shitty trigger warning but I’m trying so hard not to spoil things wow) Okay whatever let’s get to it. This is kind of a short chapter but I hope you enjoy. Feed back is always welcomed :)
Chapter 3: Promise?
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Wonho's pov
  My eyes flicker open as the sun peeks in front of them. I look around and see that I'm still in Jooheon's loft. I hear the sound of pots and pans clanking and slowly push my body off the couch. I continue to walk forward and find his roommate Changkyun in the kitchen.
  "Morning man, rough night?" 
  I sit down on the table and nod. "You can say something like that."
  "What did you guys do?"
  "The usual. Club, bottle service."
  "I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I had to stay longer at the company last night. Some shit about a meeting."
  "It's okay dude don't even worry about it. Jooheon swore you were with some girl you met."
  He laughs as he finds the right pot he's been searching for. "My pussy ratio is the same as yours, zero."
  I stick out my tongue. "Stop saying pussy, that's a gross word."
  "Pussy pussy pussy." He opens the fridge. "Puuuussy."
  "Fine! I get it. Gosh Changkyun you're so gross."
  He shrugs as he pores himself a glass of orange juice. "Do you want breakfast or not?" 
  "What are you making?"
  He shrugs. "Probably just rice and kimichi... or we can go out and get something."
  "That sounds like a better idea." I get up from the table. "I'm gonna go get Jooheon up."
  "Okay, hurry his ass up. I'm gonna get dressed real quick." 
  I run off too Jooheon's room and slowly peek my head inside. I see him sprawled out on the bed snorting quietly. I walk further inside and shake him slightly. "Joohoney 1hunnit..." I laugh slightly. "Lee Jooheon. Joooheooon." I keep shaking him as I start to see his eyes open slightly. He turns his head and sees me and groans.
  "Want to get breakfast with Changkyun and me?"
  "No." He turns on his side. "Goodnight." 
  "Fine." I begin to walk away. "And it's 1 in the afternoon dumb ass." I see him flip me off as I close the door. I walk back to the living room and see Changkyun fully dressed on the couch tying his shoe laces together
  . "What did he say?"
  "He's not coming. Just us two."
  "Fine with me. Let's go.”
 We step outside the loft and walk to the elevator. "What are you in the mood for?" Changkyun asks as he pushes the button to the lobby.
  "Hmm. Crepes kind of."
  He nods. "I know this good cafe that serves amazing crepes. Some girl I had a one night stand with took me there." 
  I roll my eyes. "You and Jooheon are the same."
  "I don't see what's wrong with it. We don't have girlfriends."
  "Don't you want one?"
   “Nah." He shakes his head. "Not right now at least. I like living with Jooheon, I don't really want that to change for now."
"What if Jooheon gets a girlfriend?"
  His face retorts as the elevator comes to a stop. "Well she better get used to me being there all the time. I'm not moving out."
"You're lowkey gay for him." 
 "Go fuck yourself Hoseok." 
  I laugh as we step outside into the fresh air. "I'm kidding. Lead the way to breakfast then." ----- Kihyun's POV
  I quickly sit up and see Minhyuk sleeping on his side. I groan as I throw myself off the bed. I look at the night stan in his room to see his alarm clock read 9:30 am. 
  "Minhyuk." I slightly shake him. His eyes instantly open and he smiles. 
  "It's 9:30...." 
  His eyes widen as he sits up. We both jump out of his bed and fling the door open to his room and quickly run out. We run out the long dim lit passage and run to the front of the building. I stop at the double doors and look through the little window. I gulp as I see Shownu behind the bar. Minhyuk gives me a terrified look and I just nod my head in encouragement. He opens the door and walks in, me following closely behind. Shownu instantly shoots his head up in our direction, the most pissed off look rests on his face. 
  "Minhyuk, Kihyun... what day is it today?"
  I look at Minhyuk and see his eyes on the floor. He gulps and looks at me. "S-Saturday." He says above a whisper.
  "I can't hear you, what day is it Minhyuk?"
 "Saturday." I respond back to Shownu.
  Shownu looks over at me. "I wasn't talking to you. I was asking Minhyuk." He clears his throat. "It's Saturday sir."
  "That's right, and what are you dumb fucks supposed to do every Saturday morning?" He looks at the both of us. "Things haven't changed. Every Saturday morning at 8 am what are you supposed to do?" 
  I gulp. "Shownu, please." I plead. "Anything, anything but that. My body can't take it anymore."
  He walks over to me, his finger tips brushing over my cheek. "You and Minhyuk are the best guys we have. You know what needs to be done. These men pay a lot of money for you. Maybe if you weren’t such a fucking cock slut these men wouldn’t want you."
  I shudder at the thought. "Shownu plea-"
  I feel my body hitting the ground without warning. I look up and see Shownu towering over me. His fist in a ball as my mouth throbs in pain. I look over at Minhyuk who's eyes are wide, he looks over at Shownu who doesn't acknowledge his eyes. "Are you talking back to me? You two are in deep shit for being late. How do you think that makes me look?" 
  I cough as I taste the blood inside my mouth. "I-I'll go alone. Please let Minhyuk stay here. I'll take his place today." 
  Minhyuk mouths a "what are you doing?" As I get off the ground. "I know what the Russians pay you Shownu. I'll take Minhyuk's place for today. Just let him go." 
  Shownu looks at me and to Minhyuk. "Fine. I don't care. As long as one of you goes in there. Just don't let this ever happen again. You no good pieces of shit are even worthless when it comes to this." He pushes past us. My eyes are glued to the floor for a few seconds.
  "I guess I should get back there then."
  I look at Minhyuk. "Kihyun... you don't have to do this."
  I smile at him. "Think of it as a thank you for being there for me last night." I begin to walk towards my designated room. I hear Minhyuk pleading for me to go back but I keep walking forward regardless. I'm face to face with a velvet curtain and push past it. I walk into a small room that's lightly lit. 
  "There's only one of you today?" The man speaks, his accent is thick and the smell of vodka lingers around the room.
  I shrug. "Yes. How are you today?" 
  "Hard, now are we going to do this or are we going to keep this small talk bullshit up?"
  Jesus Christ. "What did you pay for today?"
  "More than the half ass blow jobs I usually get here, that's for sure." I shake my head, my body feeling cold. "Got it." 
  I begin to awkwardly remove my clothes from the previous night and the fat slob in front of me begins to do the same. I get on my hands and knees on the couch and feel my chest tighten as it does every morning on this specific day. I hope he makes this as quick as he's able to scarf down a fucking cheese burger. I feel him abruptly push his harden member at my entrance and I bite my bottom lip, the tears forming in my eyes as pain takes over my body. "You're so tight boy." The man whispers in my ear, his voice sending shivers of fear down my spine.  
  I look up at the ceiling as his actions continue. I feel my eyes becoming more watery as the man behind me keeps thrusting and muttering slurs out. I look down and feel my chest send ripples out of my body. At least Minhyuk is okay and isn't enduring this. My mind wanders to last night. The warm smile of the man that came here randomly. My body begins to tighten as I grasp fully what's happening. 
  Wonho would never want a guy like me. Someone who's forced to get fucked for someone else's money. I look over my shoulder again as the man's thrusting becomes faster and sloppier. "I'm gonna cum." He whispers loudly.
  I continue to look down at the cheap leather sofa as the room gets filled with his loud moans. After what feels like eternity I feel the man pull himself out of me. I hear him putting his clothes on and leaving the room without saying a single word. I collapse onto my side and look up at the celling. The tears falling from my eyes at a rapid pace. "Why did things turn into this? Why do I let myself continue to do this?" I whisper to myself. I feel my body shaking as my crying continues. After moments I sit up and put on my clothes on once again. I slowly walk out of the room and back to front room. 
  I look over at the glass door and sigh. Maybe someday I'll be free from here, but for now I'm trapped in here. I slowly make my way back to Minhyuk's room. The tears can't stop from falling out of my eyes. I find myself in front of his door and open it without a warning. I see Minhyuk who's sitting on his bed. His eyes meet mine and he instantly gets up and pulls me into his arms. 
  "Are you okay?" He whispers.
  I just shake my head. "No, but I'm fine."
  "I told you, you didn't have to go. Please Kihyun never do that again." I feel the tears fall from my eyes more. "Minhyuk, can we promise each other one thing?"
  He nods, tears now falling from his eyes. "Of course. Anything you want."
  "Whoever gets out of here first, let's not forget each other."
  "I'd never leave you here alone Kihyun, I'd comeback."
  I smile as I wipe my eyes. "It's settled then. Whoever leaves first we gotta get the other one out soon after."
  Minhyuk nods and holds out his pinky for me. "Promise."
  I link our pinkies together. "Promise."
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dontkyeom · 7 years
Monsta X: Beautiful in San Francisco - Fan Experience
ayooo i was asked to post about the monsta x concert i just went to (and also i want a record of what happened before i forget) so here it is!! under the cut are my pre, during, and post-show experiences/thoughts!!
okay so my friend and i planned to get boba from boba guys and fries from super duper for dinner
me being me, i planned for us to meet at 5 so we had enough time to eat and digest for the show
i leave my house around 3:45 bc i was gonna bus over while my friend was gonna get dropped off at boba guys
in the end we ended up getting sharetea and meeting at super duper an hour later than when we were supposed to meet for the following reasons:
i got to the area before my friend
the line for boba guys was out the door and down the block so i was like girl… we gotta yeet
i left to get sharetea but my friend for some reason thought we were still gonna meet at boba guys so she had to walk down to the mall
she ended up getting lost and going to chinatown
meanwhile i was trying to find sharetea bc i didnt even know they had one in the mall
ended up ordering for both of us and agreeing to meet at super duper
also i saw some monbebes in the mall while i was waiting for my drinks hehe i peeped ur shirts
we got to the warfield at 7 when the doors were supposed to open and y’all the line was so long that it like wrapped around the block and the end was right by the entrance
i got gnarly cramps in both of my legs within five minutes of each other and they hurt like a damn bitch let me tell you
i felt really bad bc i like fell to the floor in the middle of the line and some of the people behind us were like omg are you okay and i was like yes pls just go around me i’ll be okay
and then the cramp went away and the people held our spots for us!! such kind people ily if you’re reading this
we got in right at 8 when the show was supposed to start (but they ended up starting later which im just assuming was so that everyone could get in)
y’all everyone kept screaming even tho the boys weren’t on stage yet and it hella freaked out my friend and i when we left to get water
we literally rushed back and my friend tripped up the stairs but it’s fine we made it back in time
anyway their energy is just off the charts like i was hyped as hell from beginning to end. they really know how to bring a crowd up and their stage presence is amazing. no awkward moments whatsoever and very smooth transitions from one stage to the next i was actually really impressed
and they said the bay had the realest energy and i was ready to NUT
my heart cried when they left a mic stand for hyungwon for ex girl, i really love how thoughtful the boys are when a member is missing. they take ohana to a new level it’s just endearing to see how much they truly care for one another
i would also like to have a moment of appreciation bc they didn’t say san fran at all?? i was lowkey expecting them to but they didn’t :’) (pls never say san fran it’s a big no from me)
wonho lowkey tried to throw chocolate to the upper balcony i saw him aiming a bit higher and i appreciate his effort so much
also as a former tech crew member in high school, a moment of appreciation for all the tech effects, they really added to the whole experience of the show and i thoroughly enjoyed the different effects and the timing of everything
appreciation for the stage hands who brought the bench on stage, i hope y’all heard me cheer for you bc i know what that’s like
also… i really loved seeing all the spike tape on the stage for whatever reason
anyway back to the boys
minhyuk jooheon kihyun and i.m came out and they asked us who was the most romantic (i said kihyun bc that boy was smooth as shit in that one video) and a lot of people said minhyuk so they made him do aegyo and OMFG MINHYUK’S AEGYO HAHAHAHA THAT SHIT WAS SO FUNNY all he said was “san francisco… oh my god” and then he kept repeating oh my god and OMG and he and jooheon were switching off and their voices were getting lower and i.m was like “yo this is not cute this is just weird” i got it on video if anyone wants to see it lmao
and then wonho and shownu came out like “…what kind of weird things were you guys talking about”
speaking of videos, all the videos i have of their songs are shaky af bc i was bopping at the same time but if anyone still wants to see them i can send a google drive link your way hehe
from zero was the cutest shit ever. im still really sad hyungwon couldnt make it but the sub did a great job in his place!!
i needa take a moment to just talk about wonho bc that man can go from cocky daddy to a total sweetie. like… he totally knows he’s a walking sex god (a small moment of silence for when kihyun just like pulled wonho’s jacket down to try to expose his arms during his intro) but then he’ll talk about how he tried to perform extra well to make up for hyungwon not being there and he’s trying to put on a better show and you can really tell how much he cares about us and ugh 
i popped the FUCK off at the 24k magic cover oh my god y’all i love bruno and i got so excited when shownu minhyuk and i.m covered it, and it was so damn lit. like i was a lil bummed when i found out they werent gonna do the second verse bc it’s my fav part of the song but i.m’s rap was AMAZING and fit really well and oh my god don’t even get me started on the dance breaks omfffff
their outfits were cute as shit too
also appreciation for i.m’s voice. i just really like his voice im such a slut for deep voices ok this is why he’s my wrecker
jooheon and kihyun are just something else when they come together, i love what they’re able to offer to each other and able to create as a unit it’s just really cool to see :’)
also i must say… seeing jooheon’s deep ass dimples and kihyun’s nice ass cheekbones are such a blessing
i almost cried when broken heart came on, such a beautiful song AND THEY LEFT A SPACE IN THE MIDDLE FOR HYUNGWON UGH MY HEART
blind, trespass, and rush were arguably the most hype songs of the night, like ive never went so hard in my life
also a moment to talk about shownu bc like… idk i’ve noticed he’s a lot more quiet than other leaders of idol groups so i wasn’t really sure what to expect but i gained so much respect for him?? he has great stage presence and is really well-spoken and charismatic damn gemini AND HE’S JUST SO TALENTED
omg there was this one part where wonho said “hyungwon actually made a recovery earlier than expected” and like the way he said it made it seem like hyungwon was gonna make a surprise appearance but nah
but it’s okay bc they all said they wanna come back to the bay asap and y’all can BET i’ll be there
i appreciated their english speaking, like during their intros and goodbyes it was heartwarming to see their efforts to communicate w us
surprisingly they didnt really talk much about how it was their 800 days?? idk i was kinda expecting them to address it but they didnt
omg their bows were adorable, they like held hands and moved across the stage in a line to bow to different parts of the venue it was so cute to watch
my friend and i waited in the merch line that moved pretty quickly actually?? but there were only stickers left and i thought it was more important for my friend to get something bc it was her first concert and she really wanted something to remember it by so i passed (also stickers were $25 what even)
but it’s cool bc she let me have a hyungwon sticker (and a cute lil logo bc there were two of them)!! theyre probably gonna live in my phone case bc i have a clear one so y’all BET im taking my mans everywhere w me
she really enjoyed herself which i was really happy to see!! being there for someone’s first concert is magical 10/10 would recommend
i also enjoyed myself in case i didnt make that clear lmao. despite the rough pre-concert experience, seeing those boys do their thing made everything worth it and i’m so glad i got to experience their first world tour :’) also ive never let loose to the extent that i did sober tonight so props to monsta x for bringing out my bay area hyphy lmaooo
i just wanna say thank you to monsta x for coming to sf, putting on a good show, and making us feel loved and appreciated. i was hella surprised when an sf show was announced considering most groups usually just go to LA, so thanks for giving the bay a chance and showing us such a fun time!!
and shoutout to the monbebes for being such a cute crowd. i loved seeing everyone waving their light sticks and arms and just having a good time, and cheering so hard for these talented and hardworking men
also seeing everyone come out of hi-touch all happy and smiley and starstruck was the cutest thing, so if you got to experience that i’m so happy for you and i hope you enjoyed seeing those boys up close!! would’ve done it myself but im an unemployed college kid so anything over $100 wasn’t an option for me
((another also, im v sorry to everyone behind me if my aggressive arm waving got in the way of your view i was enjoying myself way too much))
all in all, my first kpop concert was a huge success!! came in not knowing what to expect (it’s a bit different from the other shows/concerts ive been to in the past, but a good different!!), but still had a lit ass night :)
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httpdabi · 7 years
More then friends?
Word count: 6.5k
Characters: Shin Hoseok x Reader 
Genres: Smut, fluff, comedy, romance.
He was my best friend and  I was pretty sure that it will stay like that forever. Untill that one day..
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,,Move your fucking ass’’  I yelled and tried to make more space for me, since Wonho was laying there comfortable like he owned that sofa. He just looked at me and made a derp face giving me a clear sign that he doesn’t give a shit. Instead of giving me more space, he just placed his one leg on me and turned his head to Tv, ignoring my irritated screams.
,, Can you be quiet a little bit, I’m trying to watch the movie’’ he said and somehow he managed to punch me with his leg. Sometimes, I was really questioning myself why were we friends.
,, Mommmm tell him to move, I can’t even breath’’ I screamed trying to push him away. But once he heard me screaming, he made a mad face and punched me with a decorating pillow. Even tho he was annoying as fuck sometimes, I can easily say that I got used to it. We definitely  never watched a movie in piece. Not even home, or cinema. Every time something like this would happen, or one of us will fall asleep. God only knows how many photos and videos of me sleeping, does he have. What’s even worse, he doesn’t hesitate at all, he just post it on instagram and facebook.
But of course, not like I don’t know what a revenge is. Since he was naturally handsome, he got every girl in the city just in one blink, someone had to show his true self. If those girls thought that he looks so handsome at home, I had to disappoint them. I also had tons of his ugly photos, when he wakes up or while he is eating, yawning and so. So, when he posts my photo, I post something from my collection too and that’s how the fight starts.
He was 4 years older then me, but we never felt that age difference. Since we are childhood friends, we just grew up really close and it just never changed. Our parents are somehow best friends, squad, so it naturally happened to us too.  When we were kids, he was my only friend. Even tho my mother wanted me to make friends beside him, since she was afraid what future will bring to us. He is older, not everyone is willing to have a same person beside whole life. She was afraid that he would change, find new friends and that it will break me. But that actually never happened.
We both always had our group of friends, but beside them we were best friends.  He can be all time with his friends, but at the end of the day he will come to me or call me and gossip about what happened, who got on his nerves and so. The same was with me. I had many friends, but Wonho was my number one. I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without him, he was definitely part of it.
But hey, I can clearly say that he was a bully when we were little. When his parents come to visit, once they will send us up to play, he would beat the shit out of me if I do something he didn’t want me to. Everything had to be on his way, and some things never changed. If he decides something, it will be so. I can’t change his mind and I can disagree, but he doesn’t give a fuck.
,, We are going on bbq, you two wanna come ?’’ my mother asked while we were watching Split. Well, at least I was trying to watch it, I was more complaining because of him.
,, Nah, but bring some meat home please’’ I said and continued to watch the movie.
,, Wonho will you sleep over ?’’ my mom asked while wearing her shoes. Wonho simply said yes and politely said goodbye to my parents.
Even tho he was a boy, my parents trusted him. They knew him their whole life so they never minded when he was there. We were more looking like family actually. He comes over when he wants, I go to him when I want. He is even the only person that I went to sleepover. Sometimes, we just recklessly do it, he feels sleepy or he doesn’t feel like going home, so he decides to sleep at my place. Same goes with me. We even have our bedclothes at each other places, since we often do it.
,, Move, I want to make a coffee’’ I said and tried to push him away once more. But once again, it was totally useless.
,, Nah, I’m comfortable like this. We can go out and drink a coffee when the movies ends’’ he said and changed his position placing his other leg on my lap.
The movie was good, but I couldn’t wait till it ends since I really wanted to drink a coffee. It was around 6 Pm, so I didn’t want to go out when it really gets dark outside. Once the movie was done, I disappointedly went to change into something better. I was irritated by the end of the movie. WHAT KIND OF ENDING WAS THAT
I wore my high waisted black shorts, black short crop hoodie with ‘’princess’’ on it and I put my hair in messy bun. I already had a little make up, even tho it didn’t really help, I kindly looked like a little piece of shit, but whatevs.
,, I’m done, let’s go.’’ I said as I placed my wallet in my bag. Wonho lazily stood up and made his way toward the door to wear his shoes. He was wearing a casual black shirt and jeans.
Most of the people thought that we were a couple, since we were 24/7 together and we had similar style. We are always going to shopping together, sometimes we even buy the same clothes, but not because we want to look like a couple, it’s just because we both like it. For example, we always wear our black adidas superstars. We are both in love with them and yeah. Sometimes when we both like the same shirt or hoodie, only he buys it and then he let’s me wear it whenever I want. When I sleep at his place, I don’t even need my clothes, I have some of my jeans there already and I always wear his clothes. It was understandable that people would mistake us as couple, but we really didn’t care since we were really just friends.
Once I locked the door, we made our way to the city. The weather was so nice, it was incredible. I was regretting wearing a hoodie instead of just a shirt, since it was really warm outside. We were walking and he was blabbing some random shit, I always found it amusing how much nonsense gets out of his mouth. Like that guy always had to say something, but it was funny, so I never minded it anyway.
I wasn’t surprised that the city was full of people, since the weather was incredible, everyone was out. It’s a well known fact that Hoseok is a very popular guy here, so most of people were greeting us, every fucking second we had to stop walking so he can have a really small chit-chat with someone. Well, I know that he was annoyed by it, but yeah, he couldn’t just tell everyone to fuck off.
,, Come on, faster, I really want a coffee, you know how I feel without it’’ I said hoping that no one familiar will get in our way.
,, Yeah I know, depresso’’ he said and laughed at his own stupid joke. Well, I laughed a bit too, even if it was really stupid, but that him. He is stupid so yeah
,, Oh shit, come here’’ he said fast and grabbed my arm pulling me closer to him, then he placed his arm around me, making me totally confused.
,, What’s going on?’’ I asked confused.
,, You remember that girl I told you about, that doesn’t accept the fact that I don’t like her?’’ he asked me and he looked at me.
,, Yeah?’’
,, Well she’s there. Act natural until we pass her!’’ he said and laughed lightly. What the fuck? I didn’t actually know who that girl is, since he had tons of them. But what else could I do then help him out in saving his own ass.
,, No wonder people mistake us as couple, it’s all your fault asshole’’ I said rolling my eyes at him.
,, Hey, it’s not only because of it. You always wear my clothes, so please’’ he said and he tickled me with his arm that was around me. With that move I almost flied away from him what made him laugh since I was kindly embarrassing myself in public.
Once we finally arrived, we sat on terrace under the shadow, I took the cigarettes out of my bag and placed them on the table. While Wonho was greeting some of his friends.  I didn’t want to go with him, since I didn’t really know them. Well, almost everyone knows me as a Wonho’s best friend, but still I am not so good with everyone. When he saw that the waiter was there, he made his way back to me.
We ordered our usual drinks and just started to blab about everything again. I loved the fact that we always had some topic to talk about. Even tho we had a really stupid topics, like for example, Trump and others. But at least we didn’t watch our phones all the time like other people these days. Plus, I loved to gossip others with him, he always had such a great comments that could make me laugh out loud.
That’s why I loved him so much, no matter what, he was the only person who could make me laugh easily. When I’m sad or depressed, he can even sneeze and I’ll be laughing my ass off. People were coming and going, but we were still sitting there and blabbing about everything. Even tho it could be weird to some people, but usually when we go out to drink a coffee, we don’t stay there half or one hour, we stay around 2-3 hours always blabbing about random shit.
,, Let’s go take a walk around park, my ass hurts’’ he said and stretched his hands. I just nodded my head and packed my stuff while he went to pay our drinks. What I hated about him was that he never let me pay anything. It’s just a habit since we were kids I guess. Once when I was annoyed with it, I secretly paid our drinks and God was he pissed off. He was so pissed off like I killed his whole family, he even took the money and placed it in my hand with so much frustration. It was so what the fuck. Since then, I didn’t do it again, if he likes it so, then I just let him be.
,, I can’t believe that Kihyun finally got a girlfriend, I was so surprised when he told me’’ Hoseok said while slowly walking beside me. The sun was already down, so the weather was really pretty. Not to cold, but not to warm, just perfect.
,, Well, he is pretty, why would you be surprised?’’ I asked him. Kihyun is actually really pretty. He has everything. Okay, not really everything, he doesn’t have a great height, but yeah nevermind.
,, Did you hear his pick up lines? They are so horrible ‘’ he said laughing lightly. Well true dat.
,, Let’s go to playground’’ I said and went there running, not giving a shit if he agreed or not. In just a second I was already on a swing, while he was slowly taking his time going toward me.
,, You will never grow up’’ he said and started to swung me. When we were kids, he always used to do that, so hard until I was so scared to that point that I would start crying and screaming.  Then he would beg me to shut the fuck up and don’t tell his mother. But at the end I would always say it, because I was such a little asshole.
Of course this time he did it slowly, just as I wanted.
,, We didn’t go out for such a long time’’ he said pushing the swing lightly. Oh how I loved to go out with him, we were always such a party maniacs. If there was some party, people knew that we would be there together. Even if we go out with different squad sometimes, we end up together at the end. Because we really can’t party without each other, that’s just a no-no.
,, Hyunwoo is making a house party on Saturday, should we go?’’ he asked me.
,, Of course, why not’’ I said and I hopped from the swing going to the nearest bench, while he just followed me.  We were sitting there watching people passing by, none of us did talk so much, but neither did we mind.
,, um hi’’ some guy stopped in front of our bench awkwardly. We greeted him randomly even tho we were a little bit confused. Since it was really suddenly.
,, What’s upp?’’ Hoseok asked him when he saw that the guy is a little bit weird. He looked like he was about to freak out but at the same time he was looking so shy, while his friend was whispering something on his ear.
,, Um, I wanted to ask for your permission to ask (Y/N) out’’ the boy asked while rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. It wasn’t the first time that things like this happened. I was a little bit upset because of it, but I think guys did it because I was always with Hoseok. One half was thinking we are in relationship, while the other one will ask for permission. How weird is that? I started to caught a little bit giving him a sign that I’m not interested in the guy.
,, I’m sorry, but you don’t have my permission’’ he said with a huge smile formed on his face.
,, Why not ?’’ guy asked not giving up at all. This was some stubborn little guy .
,, She is already taken, now shush’’ he said as he placed his one hand around my shoulders making me blush a little bit.
,, Okay, I understand. Sorry’’ the guy said and sadly smiled at me. When Hoseok noticed that he just pulled me closer to him, giving a sign to the guy that he can leave now. I felt sorry for him a little bit, but what could I do? I didn’t want to go out with someone out of pitty.
,, Thanks’’ I said when the guy went away.
,, I swear if one more fucking person comes to me to ask for permission to ask you out. I will fucking kiss you in front of them’’ he said while his arm was still placed around my shoulders. I froze for a moment because of his words, but then I didn’t want him to notice that so I tried to shake the feeling away. So I just jumped from the bench and told him that it’s time to go.
It’s not like I felt uncomfortable, but best friends don’t say something like that. Or ? Maybe I just overreacted, I don’t know.
Once we were home, my parents were already there, sitting in the living room and drinking coffee.
,, There is meat in the kitchen’’ my father said not even bothering to look at us.
,, Yeah hello to you too’’ I said and made my way toward my room, while Wonho went to take a meat and then he followed me upstairs.
I changed into my pj and took my makeup off.
,, I’m gonna bring some snack and you can find some movie on internet’’ I said and went downstairs again. I took banana juice, chaka-laka chips and some chocolate. When I went back he was already lying in my bed comfortably and waiting for me.
We always spend our time like this, even if I don’t have king sized bed, somehow we both fit on it and just like that watch movies and talk until we both fall asleep. Of course he could just sleep in guest room, but he almost never did.
,, What did you find?’’ I asked him while hopping beside him and placing all the snacks between us.
,, Oculus’’ he said and started eating some meat. I just nodded my head and took some meat too. We didn’t talk so much because he was totally into movie, while I couldn’t even fucking concentrate on it. All I could concentrate was Hoseok. I couldn’t stop thinking about what he said, did he joke?
He probably was joking, not giving a fuck if I was feeling uncomfortable. After all we are that close that he doesn’t have to think twice before saying something. But I would lie if I say that it didn’t have any effect on me. If he was some ugly ass guy I would just laugh it off, but everyfuckingone knows how handsome Hoseok is. I tried to concentrate on the movie, but it was so hard. My eyes were on his face all the time.
,, You know you can lean on me if you don’t feel comfortable like that’’ he said and looked at me. I always used to do that, every time we would watch a movie like this. But this time, I decided to make a little bit distance.
,, I am a little bit tired , I will try to sleep, you can finish the movie’’ I said and turned my beck to him trying to push all my thoughts to side and sleep.
,, Good night and sleep well’’ he said rubbing my back lightly. He knew how much I love that, but that wasn’t a good idea now. Not at all. I just wished him a sweet dreams too and pushed away.
I couldn’t fall asleep at all, but at least I could act it. After some time, I heard him yawning and turning the laptop off before placing all snacks on the floor. Then he went closer to me and hugged me from behind, making his self more comfortable. Even tho that was something he usually did all the time, I felt so fucking uneasy. My breathing got heavy and I was only hoping that he didn’t notice that. I wasn’t sure when did he fall asleep, but that was a long ass night for me.
After that day, I tried to distance myself from Hoseok a little bit. I didn’t want to do or say something stupid that can fuck up our friendship. So I was kindly ignoring him and every time he would ask me to come over I said that I’m busy, studying or something. That was probably stupid of me, but what could I do? If someone ever told me that one fucking sentence could make me feel like this, I would laugh in his face. But yeah. I didn’t want to ignore his messages or something, because he could suspect something and I honestly didn’t want or need that.  
Everything was going so well until Friday came. I was sitting home and reading some shit on Facebook and then my phone kindly blocked because someone was calling me. Of course, that someone was Hoseok.
,, Yes ?’’ I asked trying to seem totally causal. I lowered the sound on my tv and waited for his respond.
,, Hey, I wanted to ask you are you still up for that party tonight? ‘’ he asked me and I could hear some laughs on the other line.  I totally forgot about Hyunwoo’s party and that I said that I want to go.
,, Ah, I would love to but I can’t, I have to study’’ I said lying to him. I couldn’t think of anything else. I couldn’t say that I’m sick because he would come to me immediately to take care of me, since he knows that my parents are always on work. He would be such a  great boyfriend, his future girlfriend should be lucky. Once he stops fucking around and once he find the girl he really loves, she can call herself the most lucky girl on this world.
,, Ah don’t do this to me now. You can study tomorrow, don’t be like that’’ I heard him whining like a little baby.
,, I can’t really, sorry bro’’ I said hoping that it will just stay like that. But I guess that luck wasn’t on my side.
,, I don’t care. You are going, be ready at 9 Pm, we are going to pick you up’’ and then he just hang up. Shin Hoseok, everyone. Once he said something, it will be so. I punched myself in frustration, wanting to scream out loud so badly.
What if I do something stupid? What if I say something stupid? Now when he said that I’m going, he will fucking push me out of the house, doesn’t matter if I’m ready or not. That won’t be his problem.
The whole fucking day I was nervous, the only thing that was on my mind was getting drunk and that’s all. It would be better if I just get drunk till I feel like a dead person and die on toilet trying to throw up, then facing Hoseok again. I just need some time, but yeah.
The time flied fast as usual and I was already sitting in front of the mirror doing my makeup. I straightened my hair and wore my olive green shirt dress with black fishnet tights. Since I was already planning to get drunk I decided to wear my timberlands instead of high heels. Once I was totally done, I placed my stuff inside my bag, took my bomber jacket and waited outside. Since they weren’t there, I took one cigarette and put my earphones in.
After short time, I saw a car parking near my house giving me sign with the lights that it’s them. I turned my cigarette down, since I didn’t know can I smoke in the car and made my way toward them. When I was there, Wonho went out and hugged me before opening the door for me.
,, Hi’’ I greeted both Hoseok and Hyungwon in car. The whole ride I was quiet as fuck while they were blabbing all the time. Sometimes I said something, because I didn’t want them to notice that something is different.
The ride was actually really short, but to me it was so fucking long. Once we arrived I jumped out of the car not waiting for him to open the door for me. So I just walked in front of them  a little faster.
,, Wait’’ I heard Hoseok’s voice from behind, so I immediately stopped and turned around. Hyungwon was greeting some people on the parking while Hoseok made his way toward me.
,, You look good tonight’’ He said smiling at me. Damn how good he looked. He wore simple black shirt, ripped jeans and of course bomber jacket, just like me.
,, Thanks, you too’’ I simply said and forced a smile back at him. Once Hyungwon was done with greeting the people, we made our way in.
There were a lot of people and somehow I liked that. That was only bigger possibility for me to get lost. While people were greeting us, I greeted them fast as possible and made my way toward the room with drinks. I didn’t want to waste my time, I wanted to get drunk as fast as possible.
I took tequila, grabbed the lemon from the table and put a little salt on my hand. I licked the salt fast, drank the tequila and ate the lemon, making a derp face hoping no one will see it. When I was about to drink another shot, but I felt a hand on my back.
,, Already drinking ? ‘’ Hoseok asked me and I just nodded my head before I took the second shot. He laughed and just took a shot him self.
I expected people to come to Wonho all the time, usually I would be annoyed, but this time I was kinda grateful for that. While he was talking with people, I noticed familiar figure standing in the corner and dancing. It was my friend Yura with her cousins. Without thinking twice, I took one small glass of tequila and made my way toward Yura.
She wasn’t surprised to see me at all of course, but she was glad that I came to them, since she was kind bored. Her cousins weren’t the party type like she is, so I was more then happy to get all hyped with her. We cheered and started to drink immediately, while the girls were looking at us shocked. I guess they didn’t get used to it at all.
The music was more then good and after those shots I already wanted to jump around and dance like some freak. Even tho the alcohol already got me a bit, I didn’t want to stop drinking. So we just continued to drink our shots and dance. When the song Or Nah came, from The Weeked, we couldn’t control ourselves at all, we were dancing and rapping like crazy.  I felt a hand around my waist but I couldn’t care any less since I was already almost drunk.
,, Why did you run away?’’ I heard his voice whispering on my ear, but it was loud enough for me to hear. I froze just for a moment, but drunk like that I didn’t give a fuck honestly.
,, I didn’t ‘’ I said and take another shot with Yura. While I was licking the salt of my hand, I could feel Hoseok staring at me, but all I cared about was alcohol. This time we didn’t just stop by one, so we decided to drink another shot immediately and Hoseok joined us.
That’s why I wanted to get drunk so badly, once I’m drunk all I care about is alcohol and having fun. We were dancing and drinking all the time, but all of sudden some drunk guy passed by pushing me a little bit with his shoulder. Since I was drunk, I turned around ready to fight.
,,Watch out you little piece of shit’’ I yelled pissed off. Wonho grabbed my arm and pushed me aside when the guy turned around, he just smiled apologetically.
,, Watch out your girlfriend man’’ he said and Wonho just nodded his head. Since I was drunk as fuck I ignored the girlfriend part, while Yura was totally shocked.
,, Look, you are like Chihuahua, your fucking small, but think you’re a Doberman. You gotta stop because I can’t beat everyone’s ass up’’ he said pulling me closer to him. I just ignored him and continued to dance and drink.
,, How much did you drink? ‘’ Hoseok asked me when I was about to drink another shot.
,, I don’t know’’ I said and drank it fast before he could stop me. I couldn’t even stand clearly, so first time in that night I was thankful that Hoseok was there so I could lean on him.
,, I think we should go home now’’ he said grabbing my arm lightly.
,, No, I don’t want to go now’’ I whined. You know when you are so drunk and when you just want to dance and drink some more. That’s how I felt.
,, No, we are going’’ he said placing his arm around me, so I couldn’t run away. He said to Yura that we are going and she hugged me and said that she will go soon anyway. Once we found Hyungwon, we took our jackets and made our way out. This time Hoseok didn’t bother to greet anyone back, since he had to deal with drunk me, but Hyungwon in other hand did take his time, so Hoseok just took his keys and went out.
I didn’t even realize how much I needed the fresh air once I was out. Thanks God Hoseok’s hand was around me, because even if I wasn’t in heels, I would probably end up kissing the ground. He unlocked the car, pushed me inside somehow and sat in the back with me. Probably afraid that I will throw up or something.
,, Jeez you are so fucking drunk (Y/N)’’ he said while I was just lying there in the car totally lost. In a short time Hyungwon came, to him it was a funny to see Hoseok dealing with drunk me. So he was just laughing lightly while I was acting like dead person there.
,, You are lucky that Jesus loves you (Y/N)’’ Hyungwon said driving looking on the road and laughing lightly.
,, What do you mean Jesus loves me ? Did he say something to you? Oh my god tell me his exact words’’ I said all of sudden totally hyped up.
,, Shut up, you are drunk’’ Hoseok said pushing me back to the seat while Hyungwon was laughing his ass off.
,, Drive us to my place’’ Hoseok said to him and he just nodded his head.  I wanted to protest at first, but after all, just thinking about dealing with my parents drunk like this was already freaking me out. My parents always stay up till late when it’s weekend.
Once we arrived, Hoseok greeted Hyungwon and helped me get out of the car. I didn’t know how much time it was, but I was pretty sure that it was totally late.
,, Listen, I have some family as guests, so you have to be really quiet.’’ He said and I just nodded my head. He unlocked the door and placed his arm around me again to help me walk. I kept my mouth shut even if it was pretty hard for me. I was really giving my best to walk normally, but it was so fucking hard.
Once we were in his room, I fall on his bed immediately. I was drunk so much that didn’t even want to change or take my makeup off, all I wanted to do is just lay there and sleep. Wonho didn’t turn the lights on, he just closed the door and turned the tv on. He wasn’t drunk as I was, he did drink some shots, but he could deal with alcohol.
While I was lying there like a dead cat, he took one of his shirts and threw it on me. Then at my surprise he started to change in front of me. Not like I never saw him without a shirt, but drunk like that I couldn’t control my thoughts. God, whatta nice body he always had. No wonder that all those girls were after him. All of sudden I started to think how does he kiss. I always wanted to know if he is a good kisser. I wanted to see was that a reason too why he had all those girls under his spell.
,, Take a picture, it will last longer’’ he said with a smirk on his face, making me blush and look away immediately. He was just in his shorts and he had a shirt in his hand.
,, Are you shy all of sudden?’’ he asked me coming closer to me. In just a second he was standing in front of me, while I was half lying on his bed. He gave me his hand making me confused. I wanted to act it off, so I have him my hand and all of sudden he pushed me up, pulling me close to his body. His arm was strong around me, not letting me lost my balance and fall back on his bed.
,, Why don’t you stop acting for a change?’’ he asked me, looking me directly in my eyes, making me shake a little bit.
,, Do you think that I didn’t notice how much you want me ?’’ he whispered quietly into my ear. I honestly didn’t have any comment. My mind was blocking like never before.
,, Do you think that I didn’t realize how heavy your breathing got last Saturday when I hugged you from behind?’’ he asked me once again. So he did notice. I was so fucking shocked that I couldn’t even say a word.
,, I-‘’
,, It’s okay babe. I really didn’t have this in my plan for tonight, but with you watching me like that, do you really think I can control myself’’ he said slowly kissing my neck. Damn, I didn’t even realize how much I wanted it, until it really happened. Without even noticing, I pushed my head to the side, giving him more place. He was kissing my neck leaving wet love bites, while his hands were holding my hips strong.
,, Only God knows how much I wanted this’’ he said and kissed me roughly, pushing me back on the bed and hovering over me. In just once second I felt his hands all over my body, pulling my shirt dress over my head. But he didn’t stop touching or kissing me, even just for a second.
,, You look so fucking beautiful’’ he said when he stood up, just to take a good look at me, only in my black underwear and black fishnet tights. Then at my very surprise he grabbed my tights and ripped them off, pulling my black panties down with ruined tights, just in second he grabbed my legs and speared them apart, making enough space for him to place his head between. I almost screamed out loud when I felt his tongue on my clit. He was eating me out like there was no tomorrow and all I could do is try to be quiet as possible.
Then all of sudden, he placed his two fingers inside my core. I opened my mouth and tried started to breath heavily, because I couldn’t moan. It was too risky.
,, So wet for me’’ he said and started to move his fingers in incredible speed. I didn’t moan,, but my breaths were so fucking deep. When I was so close to orgasm, he pulled his fingers out of me and stood up on his knees.
,, How tasty you are’’ he said while placing his fingers in his mouth and looking me directly in my eyes. I was so frustrated because he didn’t finish what he started, so I just tried to calm myself down and catch my breath. He didn’t want to lose his time, so he just took off my bra and started playing with my breasts immediately, squeezing them and sucking them.
,, You were good girl for now, but you will have to be really quiet’’ he said and I just nodded my head in agreement because I couldn’t wait anymore.He took of his shorts and threw it somewhere in the room, hovering on top of me again.
,, Now tell me babe, to whom you belong ?’’ he asked me rubbing his dick against my clit. My I couldn’t control my breathing at all, so it was really hard for me to speak up.
,, Tell me’’ he said again, a little bit more harshly.
,, To you Hoseok’’ I spoke up hoping that he will continue the game he began.
,, Tell me what do you want babe’’ he said with a smirk placed on his face, while still rubbing his dick against me.
,, I want you to fuck me Hoseok, please’’ I said almost crying. I fucking needed him inside and I couldn’t take it anymore.
When he heard that he slammed his dick inside me without waiting any second, making me moan quietly. He didn’t wait till I will get used to his size, he started to fuck me hard immediately. His thrusting was becoming faster and harder with every move. But I didn’t mind it at all, in fact I loved it.  At the beginning it did hurt a little bit, but soon the pain turned into unbelievable pleasure.  
,, So fucking tight’’ he said with heavy breaths following his words.
Then all of sudden, he stopped, he started to fuck me slowly but hard. Pulling his dick out slowly and slamming it back hard and fast. He cut my breath every time he slammed it back. I couldn’t control myself anymore and I started to moan quietly. Then at my surprise he flipped me over, pulled my ass up and slammed his dick inside again. He placed his one hand on my mouth and started to move incredibly fast and hard.
While his one hand was on my mouth, his another one found it’s way toward my clit. I couldn’t control myself at all, I wanted to scream and moan in pleasure so hard, but I couldn’t do that. When he started to rub my clit, I couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling his hot breath on my neck, his dick inside me and hand on my clit was too much for me.
,, Cum for me baby’’ he whispered on my ear, I guess that he felt my walls tighten around his dick. Since he started to move even faster, harder and deeper as before. With every move I could feel him hitting my g-spot and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I finally had my orgasm, oon after it, Hoseok reached his own too.
We were both breathing heavily lying there.
,, You know, you could just tell me, not avoid me the whole week’’ he said and he took the shirt from the floor he gave to me before. I wore it and I took my panties from the floor, wearing them fast too.
,, Sorry.’’ I simply said and made my way toward the bathroom to take off my makeup. I couldn’t believe what just happened. After all this, I was totally sober again.
When I came back, he was already in bed, with his clothes on. I just hopped in and he placed his arm around me again.
,, You know, we should do this more often from now on’’ he said and kissed my cheek slowly.
,, Hoseok, I don’t want to be one of those girls you fuck around’’ I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. Even if it was dark, I could see him smiling at me.
,, No, you will be my girlfriend. Everyone thinks that we are in relationship anyway, so we’ll make it true’’ he said and kissed me softly.
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ch-hyngwn · 7 years
here’s my experience at the concert fyi it’s extremely long, sorry >.<
i don’t think i’m gonna go into depth of the setlist and all that cause you’ll find them on youtube, i did record some videos of my own but i haven’t put them on the laptop yet and i’m just generally that lazy lol.
i had P1 tickets so i was in the pit and got the hi touch and photo op experience. first of all, okay i’m 4′10 and so many fans were so tall??? like how? so i didn’t bother with being close to the stage since i didn’t want to get shoved and strain my neck while looking at the stage, so i decided to be in the back of the pit, which was fine. the concert didn’t start til about 8:45, there was a medical issue and they didn’t give any information about it (but i heard a fan got hurt outside while coming in :( hope they’re alright) so staff put a hold on the other fans from coming in for the that fan’s safety (i’m assuming).
it was so funny at one point while waiting for the concert to start/venue to fill up, there were staff coming from backstage still setting things up and fans starting screeeeeeeaaammingg like it was one of the members but nah it was just staff LOL (not gonna lie i did too only because why not, get that shit staff man). so once venue starting filling up, and when the time came the lights just goes out and the vcr recording starts playing and everyone starts losing their shit. then you see the members walking onto the stage and i’m like :O (they are so beautiful like wow words cannot describe)
they go right into beautiful and shit is super hype (remember i’m in the back of the pit, it’s super roomy, i was walking around) so i wanted to get a closer view because like once they started performing freaking phones are out!!! like so many!!!!!!! and it blocked the view for a lot of people :/ so i got a little closer where my cousin was (lucky her, she’s taller) and i guess someone got so excited that they dropped? spilled their smoothie? chocolate milkshake? i don’t know but it splattered all over the floor, i thought it was vomit until i seen the cup, pretty gross and you weren’t even suppose to bring in food or drinks (side eyeing you fan).
so once they performed some songs, they get to the talk/ment and sometimes it was hard to hear what they were saying because fans were still screaming, even when the translator was too but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ shownu went “hello ladies and gentlemen, i’m shownu!” SO CUTE I MELTED, everyone else introduced themselves normally, except fucking wonho he took his chance to start stripping and shit but whats new and of course!! they mentioned hyungwon :’(((( and how regretful it was that he wasn’t there :’(((
all the stages were so good, all six of the members gave it 100 and everything was spot on, even though i was totally bummed hyungwon couldn’t make it (but health comes first guys) they made sure that nothing lacks or was off. i brought my boyfriend along and he’s not a fan (now he is, aayyeee) and went “if i hadn’t of known hyungwon was in the group (cause he’s my bias and of course he’s gonna know who hyungwon is) i would’ve thought it was just six of them. broken heart totally broke my heart though! i was on the verge of crying when hyungwon’s part came up and they left that space for him and minhyuk made a hand motion to where he was suppose to be and the little spark effect came in that blank spot and i was so TT-TT
after they performed no exit they exited the stage (har har) and the venue was pitch dark, the only things that lit up was the monbongs and we all started chanting “monsta x” we actually chanted that twice and then after that the whole venue start chanting “hyungwon” it was so beautiful i was in tears, like yaaasss my boy, we miss and love you so much. they come back up on stage and did their closing speech and shownu spoke some cute english again and said he was “touch-ED” LOL he’s so flipping cute. and they went on and performed last page and it was bittersweet and beautiful with all the confetti falling.
so skipping to the hi touch, it went by SO FAST first was jooheon, he’s so unbelievably handsome with his dimples and all that ugh, then minhyuk the freaking sun, then shownu HIS EYE SMILE, then changkyun so adorableee, then wonho HE GOT SO DAMN BEEFY LIKE HOT DAMN, and kihyun was last and he had the tightest and longest grip. i made eye contact with all of them and i didn’t really know what to say to them as i went through so i just said their names? lol i don’t know i feel stupid now thinking about it but oh well. all i remember was that jooheon, minhyuk, changkyun, wonho, and kihyun said hi back but shownu was the only one to stay quiet and just smiled lol.
SO for the photo op, i was the first one in line for my group to stand in the photo, there was 20 per photo (i’m gonna assume because of the delay) and the staff guy that was standing next to me goes “so who are you gonna stand next to?” and i was like “WHAT I GET TO CHOOSE?!” and he’s all “i don’t see why not you’re the first one” and so i turned around to my cousin and boyfriend and made a last minute decision and was all “JOOHEON!! I’M STANDING NEXT TO HIM”. (they’re still in the same order as the hi touch btw) and so i’m walking down and the other staff member is like “c’mon let’s keep it moving” and i looked at him and asked “i have to walk all the way down????” and he said “yup please keep going” and so i looked over to jooheon and pouted. JOOHEON AND MINHYUK POUTED BACK AT ME LOL but it was no big deal i didn’t really get a good glimpse of shownu or changkyun at that point but then here’s wonho and he grabs my hand and says “hiiiiiiiii” in a very deep voice LIKE WYD and you got kihyun over there at the end telling me “c’mon!” and motioned me down next to him.
y’all they’re standing on this platform, so they’re higher than they should be, i’m 4′10 and these other fans are just so tall so i asked the staff lady if i could stand on the platform too since i’m short and she hesitated for a moment and it looked like she was going to say yes but ended up saying no, guess she didn’t want to bend the rules for me. so it’s getting full from the other fans and i remember saying “i’m gonna get blocked” and kihyun did this hand gesture for me to get onto the platform next to him and i was thinking ummmm okay sure why not. and come to find out he had hovered his arm around me for quite some time because my boyfriend thought he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder but i said nah he was hovering cause i didn’t feel any physical touching lmfao. so i get up there and we all pose and the photo is done. the members are saying their thank you’s and goodbye’s to the fans and i turn to kihyun, he’s literally only a couple of inches away from me and he takes my hands and like we’re HOLDING HANDS and i started talking to him i told him thank you for coming, i hope you can come back again, and bring hyungwon next time please. you know just basic english on something he would understand and the whole time we had eye contact and he was smiling and nodding and saying yeah. and when i brought up hyungwon he made this very sad/worried face and nodded and said yeah, okay. at one point he let go one of his hands and notice my cousin next to me and shook her hand with that one LOL but omg i don’t know how i did it but yeah i fucking spoke to kihyun and we had the longest eye contact and held hands throughout the entire thing while a staff memeber was telling me to get off the platform and i was just so into kihyun i didn’t hear any of it until my boyfriend told me LOL.
all i have to say is the members are all so sweet and their hands! their hands are so soft! going to this concert literally revived my love for them and yeah i know it’s sad to say but i’ve just had a lot going on and this concert literally help with destressing and it was such a great experience.
[ps] i have footage and still debating if i wanna upload that but i seen so many fancams already :T
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kihyunswrath · 7 years
Look I know you love them but
If the only things that we can come up with are “bear”, “daddy”, “awkward” and “big muscles” whenever we think about Shownu, we’re not looking hard enough.
If the only things we can come up with are “sexy”, “ramyeon lover” or “hot big brother bunny” whenever we think about Wonho, we’re not looking hard enough.
If the only things we can come up with are “girly”, “scrawny”, “way too hyper” or “crazy” whenever we think about Minhyuk, we’re not looking hard enough.
If the only things we can come up with are “mommy”, “hamster”, “man with a lisp”, “sassy” or any equivalent of a word “small/short” whenever we think about Kihyun, we’re not looking hard enough.
If the only things we can come up with are “model”, “meme”, “leg goals” or “sleepy” whenever we think about Hyungwon, we’re not looking hard enough.
If the only things we can come up with are “scaredy-cat”, “dimple boy” or “honey thigh/bee” whenever we think about Jooheon, we’re not looking hard enough.
If the only things we can come up with are “weird 4D/12D personality”, “baby maknae” or “puppy” whenever we think about Changkyun, we’re not looking hard enough.
If every small interaction between particular members is somehow romantic/sexual inside our head, and the reason we’re shipping them is because to us, they’re somehow each others’ opposites (tiny/huge, quiet/super social) we’re not looking hard enough. If we decide they must be gays because of this and that factor in their behavior, we’re not looking hard enough.
They’re indeed hired idols who want to impress us by their looks, but they’re also artists who want us to focus on their performance. They’re indeed hired actors to give us content we want to see, but they’re also real people who work their asses off and give all their time to us, even though they might just as well do something else.
Give them more credit. Don’t stay on this half-assed level. Dig deeper if you want to really respect them. And I know you do, because you’re their fan and you love them. 
When we tag or list the personality/appearance traits of Monsta X members with each post we make, if 90% of that content is based on jokes, memes and stereotypes MX members or fans once created to recognize the members better, we’re not giving them enough space. We’re not looking deep enough to see what else is in there. We’re shrinking them into quotes and jokes, even though they are very much real, breathing people with complex, changing personalities. And since we don’t know them personally, we must work even harder to spread diverse narrative about them. 
Whenever we’re listing these features, we’re also comparing them to each other. Whenever we call Kihyun or Minhyuk with feminine/”emasculated” terms, we’re also implying that the other members are much more masculine than them, and no matter how hard we’d like them to embrace such identities, we don’t actually know their personal thoughts about it. We should know by now, though, that in Korean idol industry, traditionally viewed masculinity is a thing many idols strive for, and if we look hard enough, we can see moments where both members have been uncomfortable after being referred to as “tiny” or “cutie”. We also aren’t technically just pointing out that there’s a difference in their appearance, we make it sound it’s something super “cute” and extraordinary, even though that just emphasizes the differences in an unhealthy way. When you give too much attention to Hyungwon’s legs, you’re implying there’s something wrong with Kihyun’s legs. When you give too much attention to Wonho’s chest, you’re implying there’s something wrong with Changkyun’s chest. When you pay too much attention to Kihyun being tiny, he thinks that’s all (aside from his singing) there’s to see in him. 
Whenever we’re calling some members as parents and the others as children, we’re not only defining what kind of behavior is considered childish/mother-like and what’s not (even though by definition, parenthood is mostly about custodial relationship with no necessary connotations), we’re also ignoring half of the interaction that’s completely unfitting for this setting and just continue to pay attention to what fits into our narrative. Changkyun acting like a caring friend equal to his older members? Nah, he’s a maknae, he can’t really break out of his baby boy role. Kihyun not giving a fuck about the other members? It’s not about him being a normal young man who’s tired of the tight schedule, it’s about him being a “mean hamster mom”. 
Whenever we’re giving extra attention to these stereotypes and thus constantly reinforcing them, we’re also either making certain features more valuable than others, or then blatantly fetishizing things these idols KNOW aren’t empowering to them. A lisp shouldn’t have connotations, for example, but we do know they have been linked to gays (in a negative manner), childish/girly behavior and sillyness in general. Just watch Minhyuk act a girl in a Kpop Planet radio show in 2015, and you’ll see Kihyun asking him since when he had had a lisp. Minhyuk chose to have it, because it apparently made him sound more girly. Us constantly pointing out Wonho’s and Kihyun’s lisps is not doing a favor to them even if we call it cute - it just gives them extra attention to features we shouldn’t even notice. But of course we do, because it’s not conventionally attractive and it’s not traditionally masculine.
If we look hard enough, we can also see that 80% of the times they are given nicknames or stereotypical features, that’s actually editors, translators and MCs at work, not the members themselves. That’s called marketing, and since they still keep pushing those stereotypes long after they were first mentioned as a passing joke, it means we as fans are accepting them. 
Jokes are jokes, but they’re not definitions. Fics and fanservice are fics and fanservice, but they’re not the whole picture. 
If we give chance to different narratives, we’re going to see more of them. We can choose to reinforce those that change them into caricatures, or then we can give space for multiple narratives. They will keep doing whatever they think we want to see, but that’s not necessarily the things they wanted to show us in the first place. It’s psychologically proven that if you assume that someone is like something, it’s a prediction fulfilling itself and they will start acting more and more like that, in good and bad. However, if you are ready to broaden your viewpoint and try to learn what else is there, they’ll show more of themselves too. It will let you see more genuine interaction, but also it lets them express themselves in a way THEY wanted, not just the way imaginary audience wanted it. With imaginary audience I mean the people the editors, directors and coordinators are picturing in front of the MX group. It’s not real audience, just their expectations based on the experience they have of us. We can change their expectations, but first we must stop accepting the over-simplifying ideas they are feeding us and start demanding more.
Here’s some answers to questions you might have:
1) Can’t we have fun at all? It’s just innocent joking. 
It’s less about what jokes you tell and more about how many times you tell them. If this stereotyping content makes more than half of the discourse we have in the fandom, it’s having too much space, because it alters the way we think about them and how they think about themselves. It’s also about the implications. Giving Shownu a dad nickname is in itself completely innocent and is not harming him (I mean, a masculine person with father-like features, isn’t that ideal?), but when we make Kihyun the mom, we’re comparing them to each other and deciding which actions they take are traditionally feminine / a part of straight-couple-dynamic and which are not, even though they are both men and haven’t expressed they want to present themselves as something else. It’s a part of heteronormative discourse to assume certain actions/looks are inherently feminine.
2) They’re not going to see what I post here in Tumblr.
Most likely not, but the other fans do. They’re going to reconsider their thoughts about each idol, and some of them are for real going to see MX members in real life. And even if not, some of them are young, some of them very much premature - your way of speaking about these idols DOES affect on how they view the world afterwards. If you sexualize/romanticize/fetishize or characterize them in an unhealthy way, some people are going to think it’s okay. If you know them better than just that, show it. The fact that they’re idols and exist to look pretty and appealing for you doesn’t change the fact that they’re real people, not anime characters.
3) They’re joking about animal nicknames / sexy bodies / mom-dad -relationships themselves.
Yes, but they do know each other in real life and they know where the limit goes. You do not. It’s a different thing to laugh about something they said once, than make it completely canon like there’s nothing else to see in that person other than the nickname he was once given. Also it’s not completely impossible that the members wrong their friends, too. In Monsta X’s case, the members have been quite respectful towards each other, but it has definitely happened in some other groups. Idols have bullied their group members because of their weight/skin color/jaw shape/whatever factor, and it was tolerated by fans because “hey, they’re friends”, it’s “Korean culture”, their “appearance is the most important thing anyway” and “we agree with them haha”. 
4) This/something similar is happening in other groups/fandoms too, though?
Yes, that’s true, and it’s not less of a problem there either. I’m pointing this out because Monsta X is important to me right now. I think all groups are being treated more or less the same, maybe because of the young audience or some cultural aspects or whatever. I still want to be one of those people who are changing this. We need to demand more representation, genuine personalities, diverse narrative, everything. In the end, it doesn’t only help the idols themselves, but us too. So if you are a fan of several groups, it definitely does no harm to try and apply this to whatever tropes/age-old jokes they have in other fandoms as well. 
5) Why do you care so much?
 Because I’ve been following kpop and other parts of Korean culture for 10 years approximately, and I’m fed up with the fact how idols are treated, exploited, sexualized, idolized etc etc. in the industry. Beautiful, charismatic and hard-working idols in itself shouldn’t equal mistreatment, oppression or manufactured clone culture. We can and we should want more than just that. I know kpop industry in and of itself is oppressive, belittling, over-competitive, sexist, fatshaming, ableist, racist etc., but we as fans can be there to change at least some of it. One of the easiest steps would be ceasing to treat them as memes/jokes/quotes/three-point personality lists who always act the same. Idk.
Also even if we don’t have such huge world-changing goals in mind, I have to say I wouldn’t like it if I was given an animal nickname or just one descriptive factor based on something arbitrary on my body/face/personality and then literally everything I ever did was somehow reflected in that. I have a friend who was called a basketball player because she was so tall. I have another friend whose face reminded some people of a horse, so then she was a horse. Shocking, at first time she heard it, funny the second, third and fourth times, not funny anymore after that. I know several friends who were “sluts” just because they had big breasts and most likely big cleavage. I know several men who were “gays” just because of how they walked or talked. You know them, too. You know the story. You know what I’m talking about.
People are not animals, people don’t have just one or two roles among their friends, people are not just their bodies or their voices. So. Please. Challenge the ways you talk, think and write about them. Every time you make a moodboard/list/member reaction/fic/incorrect quote etc., you’re also creating fanfiction, you’re also either reinforcing old ideas or reimagining new ones. Choose your words wisely, think twice. I have to do the same, I can’t talk myself out of it, either. It’s not an easy process. 
I love Monsta X and I know you all do, too. And jokes are fun, sometimes. Fics/scenarios are fun to read and write, too, and they don’t have to be truthful to the members’ personalities. But real Monsta X members are not characters. They’re not animal stickers with two-word personalities attached to them. They’re not memes, nor just different body types, one for everyones’ taste. Jooheon, Changkyun, Hoseok, Hyunwoo, Kihyun, Minhyuk and Hyungwon are lovely people full of colourful details, some of them changing, some of them contradicting each other, some of them positive, some of them negative. And even if we will never see it all, it doesn’t serve them right to settle down with less, instead of fighting through our own prejudices and assumptions and try to see more. They deserve it. So... let’s be careful, let’s be respectful and let’s end those stereotypes that are or might be harmful to the members. Our entitlement to laugh at something is never more important as someone’s right to have good, diverse representation.
 - Love xoxo, Kihyun fan
P.S. This wasn’t an attack to any specific post any of you have made, nor was it a demand to remove any fan material that already exists. 
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Confession (Wonho/Reader)
By: Admin Dreamer
Genre: Fluff, a little angsty?, bartender!Wonho
Warnings: None
You decided to drink your problems away after a embarrassingly bad confession, only to find out that your bartender for the night was your crush that you tried to forget about.
“That was terrible.” Your friend whispered as you left your last class of the day with her, your shoulders slightly hunched over in embarrassment and fully aware of the jocks who were laughing about what happened between you and Wonho earlier that day.
“Yeah, don’t remind me.”
“Hey, at least he was nice about it and you didn’t make a total fool of yourself.”
With a scoff, you looked at her incredulously, “Are you kidding, Celia? I totally made myself look like an idiot out there. I’m not the most good-looking person out there, what would he think of me after this?”
“Okay first off, you need to have more confidence in yourself. Secondly, Wonho is a nice guy even though he is part of the swim team. If anything I would rather you date him than anyone else, they’re all douchebags.”
“Thanks, friend.” You mused sarcastically, squinting in the sunlight.
“Hey, I’m going to be having a get-together tonight at the bar downtown, you want to come with?”
“And homework is not going to be an excuse this time.”
“Celia, I don’t like bars and drunk people.”
“Well you won’t have to be dealing with drunk people if you’re the one getting drunk!”
“Wow, peer pressure much?”
“Just think of it as me looking out for your well-being. You can’t sit here and mope around forever.”
“It literally happened two hours ago, the wound is still open.” You whimpered, wishing your friend wasn’t so persistent on you trying to forget the crush you built up over two years all in a single night.
It was honestly a mistake, how the two of you met.
You were an assistant for the women’s lacrosse team coach, and while you were rushing around on your daily errands one day you accidentally missed the athletic’s office and ran into the boy’s locker room of the swimming pool to find a nearly naked Wonho (save for a towel wrapped around his bottom half, thank God)
The memory was as clear as day, as if it happened yesterday.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I--”
“Hey, umm, you’re fine. You looking for the athletic’s office?”
“H-How did you know?” He offered what seemed to be a kind smile, but you didn’t want to take it at face value because you knew how people like him were.
“Ah, people always come in here looking for the athletics office to be honest. Though you’re pretty lucky, some people have caught us in more... compromising positions before.” You gulped as you tried not to imagine what exactly he would be referring to.
He noticed how nervous you were and scratched the back of his neck, peering over at you curiously through his lashes. “I’m Wonho by the way, what’s your name?”
“[Y/N]... well, although we didn’t meet at the best times, it was nice meeting you.” He smiled again, but you were still hung up on the past tense that he used. Did that mean he didn’t want to talk to you again?
You couldn’t really blame him if that was the case, you weren’t the type of girl that he would go after anyway.
You always could see him with a lithe, beautiful yet aggressively outgoing cheerleader from the football team, but it was odd because while you saw his teammates constantly around them, Wonho was nowhere to be found.
Maybe he already had a girlfriend.
“Is everything okay? You look a little down...” 
“There’s no one else here.” He chuckled at you, finding your embarrassment and subsequent flush to your face cute.
Squeaking out a, “S-Sorry, I’ll be, umm, g-going now. It was nice to meet you too!” you dashed off to the athletic office, where the secretary asked if you were sick because of your flaming red cheeks.
After that day, you saw him around campus, sometimes with his teammates and other times alone and absorbed in his studies. Whenever the two of you did talk, it never went past the formalities. But you being a fool in love with the idea of the handsome man, didn’t mind. If you could see his face in your classes almost daily it was enough for you.
Sometimes you wondered if Wonho thought that meeting you was a mistake too.
Little did you know, Wonho’s thoughts weren’t far from yours.
Unlike you, he hadn’t started paying attention to you when you accidentally barged into the locker room that day. He saw you even before then, when you were taking an English class with him during freshman year. He noticed how serious you were in your classes, how you were constantly studying and typing away at your laptop.
Then he started to notice your appearance. You weren’t really one to care much for your appearance while you were in class, but he liked that about you. He liked that you seemed to be comfortable about yourself that you didn’t feel the need to change yourself for anyone.
You seemed to be so different from the people that he was forced to hang around with his teammates, but he never got to prove the theory for himself because you appeared to be scared of him, so he didn’t push himself onto you.
When you had confessed to him today when he was around his teammates, he was flustered, a little embarrassed, but was happy. But he couldn’t say anything, even after he saw you defeated and talking to your friend. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he did.
And he felt terrible.
“Dude, you coming over tonight? There’s this awesome party and it’s the party of the year!”
“Nah, I have work tonight.”
“At the bar? You’re on scholarship, why are you working at a bar?”
“Extra pocket money.” He replied simply, cutting off the conversation as he walked off to his dorm to get ready for work.
You didn’t want to be here right now.
As you sat and watched your friend chatting up a group of strangers, you sat at the counter, the drink in front of you and wondering why you were so shy to begin with and why you thought it was a good idea to confess to him in the first place.
He obviously wasn’t interested in someone like you anyway.
As you swirled the alcohol in the glass and listened to the tinkle of the ice hitting the sides of the glass, you were suddenly aware of a presence in front of you. As you looked up, you were shocked to see Wonho standing in front of you, dressed in a black button up dress shirt (with top two buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to his elbow of course) and black dress pants and shoes.
He seemed to be equally as shocked to see you here, because he started off with a, “What are you doing here?”
“Just... hanging out with a friend, but she’s busy doing shots with a bunch of people.”
“Ah, got it.” He nodded, unsure of how he was supposed to continue this conversation. You were stunning to him right now, and he was much more flustered than he wished he was.
Thankfully, you continued with a, “Well, I do have to ask what you’re doing here too, right?”
“I work here during the weekends, just for extra pocket money.”
“That must be fun.”
“Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. A job’s a job to be honest.” 
“That’s true I suppose.” You replied, looking down at the untouched drink, the ice now fully melted.
“You want something else? I can get you a soda if you want. You don’t seem really keen on drinking that.”
“Please.” He smiled at your urgency, placing a tall glass of the bubbly drink in front of you. Instead of leaving however, he stayed to keep you company, resting his elbows on the counter as he peered at you intently.
“You know, this is probably the most conversation that we had ever.”
“That’s true, but now that I’m here I guess you have all the time in the world right?”
He nodded with a grin, “That’s right.” 
The rest of the night was spent talking and laughing with Wonho about many things, and the two of you were surprised by how much you had in common. You almost forgot about the confession, but it still lingered on your mind.
As the two of you stopped laughing over something, you fell silent, looking down your empty glass with the same expression Wonho had seen you with earlier that day.
“What’s wrong?”
“I just wanted to apologize, you know. For embarrassing you in front of your friends yesterday in class. It’s okay if you don’t like me, I just wanted to get it off my chest because I didn’t know how long I could stand pining over you without knowing your true feelings like a creep. If you don’t--”
“Hey...” He interjected quietly, a hand covering yours. You looked up at him shocked, his eyes staring intently at you with a steady gaze. “Wonho?”
“I should be the one who’s sorry.”
“You? But, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
He laughed drily in reply, “Well, that’s where you’re wrong.”
“I, uh, I like you a lot. Probably for a lot longer than you have. I didn’t know how to confess to you because every time we made conversation you seemed scared of me and I didn’t want to push you to talk to me, so I tried to avoid you for a while. When you confessed to me out of the blue yesterday I was shocked that you actually had the courage to do it and I didn’t know what to say. If that looked like me rejecting you I’m really sorry. I just want you to know that I do like you a lot.” He rambled, ears turning red at his confession.
You sat there for a minute, shocked at how you hadn’t noticed it before he did. But before you could catch yourself you said, “If I was drunk I would definitely kiss you right now.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten you that soda.” He laughed as you smacked his upper arm, a flush dusting your cheeks.
“Hey, umm, if you don’t mind, we can go get coffee after my shift? If you aren’t busy of course.”
“Wonho, are you asking me out on a date?”
“Of course, what else would it be?” He teased, tapping your nose lightly and letting go of your hand to tend to other customers.
As you caught his eye and received a wide smile in return, you thought that maybe confessing wasn’t so bad after all.
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ims-monbebe · 7 years
White Sugar.
Heeey guys. Depending how much feedback i get on this I'll post chapter two tonight or later. But as promised  I’m starting my kiho fan fic so enjoy 💓
Chapter 1: Boogie Nights 
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Wonho's pov.
The air around me is hot and heavy, the music in the place I'm in is bumping to the point where I could barley here my own thoughts. Girls are grinding on my lap but I have no type of interest.
"Man, what's gotten into you?"
I hear my friend Jooheon say from beside me who has two girls on his lap. I just shrug. "I'm not interested right now."
He shakes his head as he grabs the girls hand that's in front of me. "Why don't you come with me then?"
The girl immediately does as he tells her and jumps off my lap. I shrug as I push my body off the couch. The only reason why we have so much girls all over us is is because we're in the VIP section. "I'm gonna get a drink, do you want anything?" I yell at Jooheon.
"Nah man we got bottles here. I'm good."
I exit the back of where we're at and begin pushing past people on the dance floor. My eyes are met with someone who's dancing with a group of guys. I can't take my eyes off him as I make my way to the bar. I see from the corner of my eyes the male following me and I can't help but smile to myself as I approach the bartender. "A Long Island ice tea please."
"Anything else handsome?" She smiles at me.
"That's it." I take a $100 from my wallet and hand it to her. "Keep the change."
"Thank you so much. I'll have your drink coming right up."
I only nod as I turn to my left and see the body that I spotted on my way here. "Following me now?"
"Maybe, that's if you got enough $100's to be wasting like that."
I laugh as I take a sip of my drink. "Maybe, but not for you."
I push past my way through the crowd again and step outside. What a fucking weirdo. I laugh slightly as the cool November air pasts through my body. I'm sure Jooheon won't notice I'm gone anyways. Not that he cares much when he's most likely gonna have a three some. I'll text him tomorrow. I look across the street at another joint in neon lights. My eyebrow arches as I begin to cross the street, curiosity sucking me in like a wave in the ocean. I open the entrance door and step inside. The atmosphere is a little warmer. Music is playing loudly and I continue to walk more inside.
I see men walking around everywhere in this place. I rub my chin as I notice that they're wearing short shorts, some are dancing on poles, others are severing drinks. I laugh to myself. I think I've just walked into a male strip club. I continue to walk forward anyways and sit down on a couch. I take out my phone and check to see if Jooheon texted me. Nothing. Time, 1:30 A.M. "Hey handsome, want a dance?"
"Depends." I put my phone away and look up at whoever'a speaking to me. "How much?"
"20$?" I raise my eyebrow. "Don't you think you're worth a little more then that?"
"Depends how much you think I'm worth." He smiles a sly smile at me.
I pull out my wallet and take out another $100. "Is this worth your while?"
He smiles and points to his back packet. I slip the money in his golden shorts and he begins to straddle my waist. "What's your name?" I ask.
"Asking for my name will be more costly." He says as he begins grinding his hips down on my crouch. I bite my lip before handing him another bill. "Yoo Kihyun."
"Kihyun? That's a nice name." He continues dancing on me.
"What brings you here?" He turns on me and continues to swing his hips around my body. I place my hands on the sides of his body.
"Nothing in particular. I was bored across the street."
"Uninteresting girls all over you shaking their half decent ass on you?"
I nod. "Yup, the life."
He grabs a hold of my tie and pulls me closer to him. His lips are to my ear and I can feel his cool breath run down my neck. "Well I think you deserve to have someone more interesting."
"Oh yeah? Like who?"
He sits back down on my lap, his grip still on my tie. "Me."
I feel a harsh hand grab onto my shoulder and push me up. Kihyun instantly crashes onto the floor. "That's enough dances for you." The bouncer demands.
I look at Kihyun, his eyes are full of terror. "I gave him a $200, that's worth at least ten dances."
"Oh yeah? Prove it!" He shoves me backwards.
I stumble slightly but bend down to grab the money from the back of his shorts. I crumple the bills into a ball and throw it at the bouncers face. "Proof enough for ya?"
He grabs me by the collar of my shirt but Kihyun instantly stops him. "It's cool, he's with me. I was gonna take him to the back for some private time. He did pay after all."
The bouncer only nods. "Fine, but if he does anything stupid he's out of here."
He grabs me by the hand and starts dragging me forward. "Trust me, I don't think he will."  
We continue to walk past these doors that enter a hallway full of rooms. Kihyun picks one to enter and he opens it slightly, turning on the light. The room itself isn't much all there's in it is a large sofa. He smiles as we both walk in and he shuts the door, locking it in the process. We both sit on the couch and I turn to him. "So what's your name?"
"Mine? I'll tell you, but I gotta charge you for that."
He laughs. "There's no fees here. Come on. What's your name?"
"Hoseok. But everyone calls me Wonho."
"Oh I see, am I special enough to call you Wonho?"
I smile. "If you want to be special. Why are you working in a place like this?"
"It's a long, complicated story." He sighs. "Times are hard, and I'm fucked up. So here I am."
I rest my head on my chin. "I'm pretty sure you don't bring guys here to talk about your life story huh?"
He shakes his head. "No, but this is nice. I like this. Thanks. No one ever asks about me."
"I'll ask you anything if it means I get to see your pretty smile for the next hour."
He smiles at me. "Well, I'm happy you just didn't bombard me with sex. I get that a lot."
"I'm not that kind of guy. I'd actually prefer a date first."
"A date? Wow, I've never been on one of those."
My face is surprised as I stare at him, I can't tell if he's kidding or not. "Are you... serious?"
He laughs. "Yeah, it's kind of a dumb thing though. Never mind."
I smile at the sight of him. "What if... we go on a date. Not like a date where everything is fancy. Just something simple. Like friends hanging out or something?"
He smiles. "Yeah, that actually sounds like it would be nice."
I smile back at him and we both hear a knock coming from the door. Kihyun goes to open it. Another small framed boy comes in but suddenly stops as he notices my presence, a red takes his cheeks before he speaks up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."
"It's okay Minhyuk." Kihyun assures. "What's up?"
"Shownu wanted to see you, that's all."
"Shit." Kihyun grumbles. He turns back to me. "I gotta go. But if you were serious about what you were saying, come back here Friday at 6 pm. I'll be waiting for you." He disappears through the door before I could say anything.
I smile as I lean back into the sofa. Minhyuk is still in the room, his eyes on the floor. "I swear, if you do anything to hurt that boy more than he's already been through. I'll kill you." He slams the door shut and I'm left alone on the sofa.
I lightly chuckle to myself before getting up again. "I wouldn't dream of it." I whisper to myself as I exit the cold empty room.
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