holy-prophet-man · 2 years
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doobdles from today . someone give me something to draw i’m out of ideas
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holy-prophet-man · 2 years
kate’s muck up matinee notes!!
i am so sorry this is such a mess of a post but here is a collection of all the cool and fun things i noticed on the last performance of the covid cast of the west end mormons!!!!! the goofiness was amped up x1000 and i saw SO MUCH!!! i’m really sorry again i’ve never been very good at explaining things but i tried my best :S
kevin price (played by stephen rolley) had a toblerone. it was passed around between everyone, but he was wielding a toblerone.
jed hoyle, playing who i presume is kevin’s sister, took a selfie on-stage with his phone with all of kevin’s family. i would kill to see that photo and i’m 60% sure i was in the background of one of them
myles hart playing the doctor was fucking crazy. every scene he was caressing a different woman. it was totally on purpose too. he would be holding one woman gently as if she was his wife one scene, and the next would be kissing another on the forehead it was wild.
in the time passing between hasa diga eebowai and the conversation between naba, price and cunningham (where they all finish dancing and run off stage) he GRABBED one of the girls by the back and air-fucked her. really quite the sight you should have been there.
in man up, when darth vader comes on stage, he wasn’t wearing the vader mask!! it was akmed just chilling unmasked it was very funny
georgia (one of the people who were leaving) in the scene where the general enters the village, was being held by one of the girls (i cannot remember for the life of me who) with a death grip she could not escape from. she was being held hostage and she was CLEARLY trying to break free but couldn’t it was very funny
the mission president was having his face caressed so gently by jesus’ wiener it was such a surreal experience to watch
at the very end of the performance they THREW THE SHIT FABRIC AT THE FRONT ROW. THEY GOT SHIT ON IT WAS WILD (the conductor ended up grabbing it and stuffing it down below him though haha)
at the end of the musical where they scare away the general and nabulungi and arnold apologise to one another, instead of just hugging for a second like they normally do, arnold shoved his face in the crook of nabus neck (can only imagine there was a kiss in there too) for quite some time… good lord
not sure if it’s something rolley does as price since it was my first performance of his, but he grabbed mckinley’s neck and pulled him a little close when he got the idea to go to the mission president which was definitely something
OH and arnold also grabbed nabulungi’s neck in their little section in i am africa , and considering i’ve seen that man perform about 15 times before believe me when i say he has NEVER done that (same goes for that little neck thing at the end too)
Uh oh there was a fuck up
steven webb as mckinley broke character. you could probably take this as a mcpriceley thing because of the context.
basically in the scene where kevin storms in covered in blood, he storms out of the building shouting: “i’m not wasting the most important two years of my life!!” . then arnold tries to run after him, but is stopped by mckinley shouting: “elder cunningham! do you also want to break rule number 23!?” buuuut for some reason he slipped up and ended up shouting “elder price!!” at cunningham instead.
he didn’t try to style it out or anything, he shook his head and totally froze up but the audience had noticed the mistake and everyone just cheered him instead lolol. but as a result of that arnold skipped his “this is like a matrix logic trick!” line and just left without saying anything.. it was really cute he just laughed about it and everyone cheered :)) he clearly had price on his mind
ANYWAY THE SHOW WAS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL TO WATCH. At the end in tomorrow is a latter day when the mormons have their little song and dance and the villagers are stood behind them, everyone was hugging each-other and it was just so nice. they were all smiling the whole show long, and they were even laughing at some serious / quiet bits . it was very obvious they were enjoying themselves and it made me very very happy :]]
if you were at the show then pplleease tell me if i got anything wrong or you saw something i didn’t :] i was at a weird angle so probably missed some stuff!!
and thank you @chaoticunorigionalstranger for telling me that a muck up matinee is a thing i am forever in your debt
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holy-prophet-man · 2 years
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i am so good at procrastinating because i just draw arnold not even doing anything because anything else requires too much brain power
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