#naaklasolus’s random thing
tanadidreamer · 1 year
Me, long time Spider-Man fan: Oh this movie looks great.
Me, seeing how fans are with Miguel:
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fruitbatgaygoth · 5 years
21 Questions Tag
Tagged by @bellpeppermustachehero
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better.
Nickname: I guess Becky is kinda a nickname because my official name is Rebecca but actual nickname is boo
Zodiac: I'm a cancer
Height: 5'4
Hogwarts House: Slytherin (I think that's how you spell it)
Last thing I googled: it's really boring but when the post office closed
Favourite Musician: idk don't make me choose a favourite
Stuck in my head: Istanbul not Constantinople by They Might be Giants
Following: 495
Followers: 375
Do you get asks: nah
Amount of sleep: anywhere between 5 hours and 12 hours mates
Favourite number: can't say I have a favourite number
Wearing: black tank top underneath a black lace peasant top thing??? Grey hoodie, blue jeans and trainers. It's a Look to wear to my lecture
Dream job: either experimental archaeologist or paid just to live my best life
Dream trip: probably somewhere in Scandinavia. I desire to be cold
Instruments: ha you think I can play an instrument? Nah I never stuck to anything. Like I had lessons to learn how to play the drums and the violin but I didn't stick with it
Languages: only English I'm afraid
Favourite songs: again don't really have favourites when it comes to music. I'm gonna say I particularly love dancing queen by abba and uptown girl by Billy Joel
Random fact: I was writing this while walking to my lecture because I'm dedicated clearly... also I held a human skull last week in my human bones module and it was weird
Aesthetic: I've been described by my friends as lesbian cat lady
I'm tagging @naaklasolus @gingeredfreckles @redbullracingrenault @redweddingsandbowties @anyone else you wants to do it
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avatarpabu97 · 5 years
Avatar: The Legendary Defender
 ‘When I was boy my Pop Pop Wimbleton told me the story of how he and Avatar Ozar ended the great war between the Nations and Spirits. Together they repurposed the desolate grounds of the final battle into The Untied Nations. A society where benders and non benders from across the world could live in peace. While Pop Pop Wimbleton would help established the capital known as Republic city and help fix the relations between the Nations, Avatar Ozar would travel the world to calm the spirits and fix the relationship between humans and spirits. Until one day he vanished within the spirit wilds. No one knew what happened to Ozar not even Pop Pop Wimbleton.’
“UM, Coran, Great Grandfather was seen a few times thirty years ago. Traveling between the North and South; Helping both Father and Auntie Honerva after their Ascension to chief hood. 
“Well, Yes Princess but-”
“And he was present twenty years ago when Allura and I we’re born and stayed until we we’re about three.”
“That's true Prince Lotor but-”
“Why are we even in class right now? All the other teachers canceled classes for armistice month.”  Lance Yawned as he stretched in his spot. This seemed annoyed the eccentric history professor.
“All right Everyone! I was trying to set the mood for today’s lesson!” 
Coran’s out burst caused Hunk to flinch a bit as he watched a grumbling Coran head over to a table covered with random items.
“Since we’ve began the Armistice Celebration, I’ve decided to replicate the process which each nation use to find the Avatar. Once found they wait till their sixteen birthday to announce their the Avatar.”
“By using a bunch of garbage?”  Hunk heard Pidge scoff beside him.
“Now, Every one you will have four squares on your designated areas. Each representing one of the four nations. You will take each item and palce it in the correct square where that test belong.”
Gesturing to the four tables he continued.
“Table one is filled with toys, you will take four, each one from a different nation. Table two has tea pots, cups and leaves. You will pick a tea set and a tea box and brew it. Table Three will have Jewelry, you will pick two pieces. And Finally Table four has multiple boxes, you will pick one box and take one item from it. Please be carful some of these items are antiques and are on loan from their owners. Now all you off you go and have fun but not to much er just don break anything.” 
Everyone gets up to begin to do the task. Hunk hears a lot of grumbling and moaning as they went to the tables. Hunk was nervous and rubbing his hands together. Repeating the mantra don't break any thing in his head. 
At Table one Hunk takes a clay turtle, a pull string propeller, a wooden hog monkey and a wooden hand drum. He felt a strange when he picked the toys. He just shrugged it off and placed them on the Air symbol.
At Table two Hunk begins to fiddle at his fingers. He see’s so many tea set and unmarked tea boxes he gets a little overwhelmed. The pots and cups range from plain to extremely detailed and is nervous to pick one. He doesn't even no which tea leaf to pick. Eventually he recognized a tea set. 
Its a gray tea pot and cup with beige swirls on the pot and cups. He takes it and random box. Opening the box he sees a flower, tea leaves and instructions on how to brew. After brewing the tea he places the hot pot and empty cups on the fire symbol. Hopeing it came out decent. Brewing tea in the traditional way is not his strong suite. 
At table three he picked up two necklaces one with a blue stone with what looked like carved bone surrounding it. He thinks its called a chocker. The second one was made of wood and had two red tassels with a big circle pendant that the air symbol on it.  Picking them up he felt a great wave of sadness and tears up a bit. One of the students Ryan Kinkade he thinks, was part of one of the Princes's group looked at him with some concern. Quickly wiping his face he carefully takes them and place the items on the water symbol.
Finally Table four, Hunk looked at all the boxes. Like the teapots they ranged from simple to ornate. It took him awhile to make his desicion, sweating from his own nervousness and the fact that everyone was waiting on him. He finally settled on a box that was made of a black rock. Obsidian if he would have to guess.  It had simple carving of  vines and leaves on the edges. Reaching in he took out a head piece. It had two prongs that looked like the fire nation symbol and a pin that went with it.
Turing around he heard gasps.  Prince James looked applaud and while prince Lotor was glaring at Coran.
Coran ignored them stroking his mustache and reminded them that ‘all the items we’re on loan’.
Hunk scurried over to his area at the end of the line. Ignoring the great weight that the head piece had as he carried it and placed on the earth symbol.
“Well so much of any easy A.” Lance huffed. 
“This entire lesson was pointless.” Pidge grumbled.
“Well I thought it was fun and its a great insight what other nations used to find the Avatar.”
“Come on, Hunk. Do you really think the Avatar is still around?” 
Hunk was shocked at what Lance had implied.
 “What do you mean? If they die, their reborn into the next life.”
“Hunk, he means that the Avatar doesn't even exist anymore. The current Avatar would have to be almost two hundred years old by now and even if he did died there no sign of a new one.”
Pidge let out a sigh before she continued.
“So the world may no longer need an Avatar.”
Hunk didn't know how to respond he just sat their and listen to Pidge and Lance Bicker over something. Eventually Coran began to make his way towards his end.
Noticing how Coran was drinking each student tea he began to pour it. Listing to some of his comments on everyone's tea.
‘Wonderful, Allura!’ 
‘You've improved on your tea skills Romelle!’ 
‘Exquisite Blend Matt!’ 
‘Oooh, Your Water seems to be a little too hot Nadia.’ 
‘Ryan and Ina just the right amount of tea leaves.’ 
‘Axca your tea is little strong but that may be your personal preference.’
‘Ezor and Zethrid  I may have provided bad leaves for the both of you but I wont count that against you.’
‘James, Lotor stop glaring at me I already told you it was a approved loan!’
‘Narti a little too cold’
‘Keith Interesting blend.’
“Of course Mullet has an interesting Blend.” Lance grumbled at Coran’s compliment.
Hunk was slightly panicking as Coran approach. Hearing ‘Too strong, Pidge’ and ‘This taste just like my mother made it Lance.’ Lance noticing Hunk’s slightly panicked state he began to brag to distract Coran so Hunk can calm down a bit.
Taking a swig of his tea Hunk felt instantly calm and felt safe and light. Coran stepped in front of Hunk’s station. Before Coran could have a sip, Professor Wren came in.
“Professor Symthe, why are these students still here? Your Class ended twenty minutes ago.”
“Oh sorry Adam my boy we lost track of time. Everyone grab your things, Your all dismiss.”
Professor Wren just shook his head and called out to Keith head towards their HoltMobile. Hunk and his room mates grabbed their things and bolted towards their dorm so they can rest before tonight's celebrations. 
Coran watched as everyone leaved before checking his clip board.
Allura 4/4
Romelle 4/4
Matt 4/4
Nadia 4/4
Ina 4/4
Ryan 4/4
James 4/4
Lotor 4/4
Ezor 4/4
Acxa 4/4
Zethrid 4/4
Narti 4/4
Keith 4/4
Pidge 4/4
Lance 4/4
Coran looks up at hunks station and is surprised by what he sees. He only saw Hunk when he had the Head Piece but not the other items.
“How peculiar?” He reached down for the tea and poor himself a cup.
“MMMM, Jasmine. Very peculiar indeed.”
Hunk 4/4 A?-
@thesunshine-hunk @naaklasolus @armageddeon-generation @legendary-defender-of-fandoms
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Tag  Game
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
I tag: @thebisexualmandalorian @naaklasolus and @avatarpabu97 . It’s totally fair game to whoever wants to do it though! Everyone else I would’ve tagged was hit by Pinkie.
Tagged by: @pinkieperil
Nickname: Eli, Poland, “Stop thinking with your imaginary dick”, Tony
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5′ 6.5″ and I will fight for that half an inch. 
Last movie I Saw: The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Last thing Googled: I think the Mando’a dictionary or the Ryl one. 
Favorite Musician: Taylor Swift. Second place is a toss up between like 500 different singers and bands. But, number one in my heart is my girl and her reputation album.
Song Stuck in my Head: Pop/Stars by K/DA. It’s super fucking catchy, okay?
Other Blogs: I don’t have any. I post shitpost on main for everyone to see. If I did start one it’d probably be for fanfics specifically or something. 
Do I get Asks: Usually for memes. Anons don’t really bother with me. I’m all kinds of fun though. 
Following: 308. 
Amount of Sleep: It’s either like 12 or 5. I can’t control it and it drives me insane. 
Lucky Number: 3 or 17. 
What I’m Wearing: House socks that have “May the Force” and “Be with you” split between the bottoms, black leggings with a black sequined strip down the outer seam on each leg, and a Millennium Falcon specs shirt. 
Dream Job: I want to be a novelist that’s good enough for Lucasarts to let me at the Star Wars canon or maybe get to write a limited run comic for them. I’d also love to actually get to go to Cons and talk about my works and geek out with my fans. Maybe run a podcast or youtube channel too. 
Dream Trip: A tour of Europe with a focus on the Nordic country and getting to see some symphonic metal shows while I’m there. Also, Greece.
Favorite Food: Greek. Hands down it will always be Greek with like a more general Mediterranean as the follow up. 
Play any Instruments: Once upon I was getting pretty good at playing flute. I could probably pick it back up with some serious practice.
languages: English and like a very limited understanding of Dutch.
Random Fact: I took part in something called “The Hentai Olympics” at an anime con where I was on stage in cheap Sailor Mercury lingerie and a short blue wig.
Describe Yourself as Aesthetic Things: Leather bound Notebooks, Inky Black Hair, Corvids, Barn Owls, Blood Red Lipstick, Leather Coats, Black Boots, Flannel Shirts, Old Books, Vanilla, Candles, Black and White Photography, Orange, Racing Thoughts at 3 AM, Fine Point Pens, Watercolor Artworks, Mandalorian Things.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Alright, I will admit, I was absent for a while but I was working two jobs and attending school full-time. Y'all's favorite gremlin got her Associate's degree in Information Technology and almost has her Bachelor's. I finally have some breathing room so catching up a bit.
If you want to send new asks for anything that isn't creepy, feel free.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
I really outta finish doing the SWTOR oc ad a companion thing.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Until further notice, some ocs have been shelved since they no longer fit plot so they may fin new timeline homes.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Really outta clear out my drafts and such sooner or later.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Please keep in mind that there will be Helluva Boss spoilers here. I know there are people who dislike Viziepop but I really do enjoy the series.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
This was likely from an old meme thing I never finished but enjoy;
1. Who is the most affectionate?
They’re both equally affectionate, but Reaper’s far more physically affectionate
2. Big Spoon/Little Spoon?
Reaper’s Big Spoon while Jysella’s Little Spoon, they just really enjoy cuddling with each other.
3. Most Common Argument?
During Krell’s reign, it’s over who Reaper’s loyalty lies.
After Krell’s reign, Jysella’s need to constantly be active in the Clone Wars, despite having Aryn to worry about too. It’s also over Jysella convincing people she’s casting a spell on them, Reaper knows it’s funny but they have to be professional.
4. Favorite Non-Sexual Activity?
They both tend to watch holofilms when off-duty a lot, and occasionally go planet side when on Coruscant to eat out or something.
5. Who is most likely to carry who?
Defiantly Reaper, since his little Jedi tends to get in more fights than necessary.
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Jysella loves Reaper’s sense of humor and the way he smiles when he gets away with something. As well as how his white hair mixes with the black.
Reaper loves Jysella’s fiesty attitude, he hadn’t been expecting the shy little Padawan to be so much trouble. He also loves the way her her tribal tattoos and dark auburn hair contrast with her overall pale complexion and how warm her icy blue eyes.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for each other?
Aside from Reaper being promoted to a commander, nothing much. Their relationship went from close friends to being inolved with each other.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they orignate?
Jysella tends to call Reaper “her Commander” or “her Captain” in a way that’s more in line with flirting than professional. As well as calling him Reap, which is an old nickname used by all the Hellions.
Reaper tends to call Jysella by ‘Sella or Ella, which he thinks just sounds nicer for her. He also tends to say her name with his Umbaran accent, which gives a rather pretty twist to it.
9. Who worries the most?
They both do, which comes from the fact they served under Krell.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Neither, they both aren’t picky at all and order different things every time.
11. Who Tops?
It really depends on who’s in the mood to top.
12. Who initiates kisses?
Both of them. Reaper tends to go for a forehead kiss or lean down to peck Jysella on the cheek or for a quick peck on the lips. Due her height disadvantage, Jysella usually as to pull Reaper down by his collar or pounce on him to kiss him on the cheek or the lips.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Reaper, he likes to make sure Jysella isn’t getting herself in trouble or just needs support.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Depends, but it can and will result in somebody ending up against the wall or a piece of furniture, or escalate into something else.
15. Who wakes up first?
Reaper, he has an internal clock so sleeping in isn’t much use.
16. Who wants to stay in bed a little longer?
Both, although it depends on the night/day. Reaper rather just stay in bed and cuddle with Jysella (and Aryn if she’s having issues sleeping) instead of having to deal with another long day.
Jysella usually wants to stay in bed after long missions or days where she has meetings with the Jedi Council, plus Reaper’s warm and Aryn’s using her mama as a pillow.
17. Who says “I love you” first?
Reaper, he just kinda blurted it out during a stressful situation.
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch? (Bonus: What does it usually say?)
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship?
It’s balantly obvious to all the Hellions and Captain Maze. Jysella ends up telling Arligan Zey after Aryn’s born.
20. What do their friends/family think of the relationship?
The Hellions and Jysella’s “Jedi” family of sorts all support it, even if Zey’s a bit worried about the consequences if the Council finds out.
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Jysella, simply because she loves catching him offguard.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Jysella tends to cook more and is a better cook than Reaper, who’s perfectly happy with rations.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick-up lines?
Defiantly Reaper, he has a very playful sense of humor and loves making Jysella laugh.
24. Who whispers inppropriate things into the other’s ear during inapproriate times?
They both do it, just to see how far they can push each other or embarrass each other, Reaper usually wins, mostly due to his helmet.
25. Who needs the most reassurance?
They both do. They served under Krell and that alone had a lasting effect on both. 
26. What could be their theme song?
Parachute  by Cheryl Cole
27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Both would actually, but Aryn and the twins are picky on who.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Continue on with work as normal, unless it’s one of the AUs where Reaper’s recondtioned.
If it’s during an active battlefield, then they’ll worry about each other.
29. One headcanon about this OPT that breaks your heart
In some AUs, Reaper ends up being reconditioned, which results in him forgetting everything, including Jysella. Or other AUs, Reaper ends up widowed (apparently).
30. One headcanon about this OPT that mends it
Regardless of the AUs, the two always have a happy ending with their kids. 
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Given the small amount of people I actually talk to on Discord, the temptation to leave servers is there.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Downside to ADHD sometimes is how self-destructive you can be when you’re upset or things build up overtime.
This includes wanting to destroy things, isolating yourself, wanting to delete all the written projects and assignments you have and it’s honestly nobody’s fault. Your brain is just not being cooperative and considering consequences, and processing the necessary information that wouldn’t be impulsive.
You just need to find the right outlet to push everything towards,
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Being a content creator is hard. Some like your content, others don’t.
Honestly when you try to share it with somebody, it comes to the point that every time you try to share, you already know nobody will be interested and are shocked when people do.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Sometimes, it’s a wild experience living in Maine pre tourism time. People doll up all the towns to welcome summer residents home and tourists in.
Friendly reminder to anybody coming up to Maine:
You. Are. Not. Entitled. To. Anything! You are a guest in this state and please be aware that most residents here aren’t seasonal and have appointments and jobs to get to, please be mindful of traffic laws and please do not slam on your breaks in the middle of bridges to snap pictures when there is traffic, this is illegal and ignorant. Also don’t be rude towards locals unless they started it.
Thank you.
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tanadidreamer · 1 year
Important PSA for my followers who are fellow Americans!
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tanadidreamer · 2 years
I’d just like to say that @roguescarlett is an inspiration and there may be more Tarre Vizsla personal headcanons/lore soon.
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