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clochanamarch · 9 months ago
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she's been staring through the tiny window for 17 minutes. at least, according to the digital panel beside said mirror. there are other windows, and much bigger ones, of course, but this one is the closest to the tardis. closest to a hasty retreat in case something goes wrong. @n1nth told her the name and a hearty heap of facts about the planet beyond the window, and yet... they're all erased from her memory at the sight of the pale blue sand, gleaming orange sun, a sunflower-yellow sky that sweeps far beyond their humble gaze. it takes every last one of those sev-- oh. eighteen minutes, to come up with something to say. her first words are filled with enough awe and wonder to hopefully account for the simple question. " have you been here before? " / S.C.
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badstepsmoving · 9 months ago
"i got so tired of discussing my future, i started avoid the people i love. evenings of silence and mornings of nausea."
lyric starter ft. @n1nth & skunk. nausea by jeff rosenstock.
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yes7erdays-archive · 9 months ago
good, i hate long waits.
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save for the two of them, and the security-bot steve, the museum at the edge of the universe is empty.
it is not really at the edge of the universe — claire knows that much. dozens of galaxies lie beyond their borders, but the empire doesn't like to publicize the fact they don't actually encompass the entire known universe. so they smudge the edges, and dictate to mapmakers and historians what to write, and as far as everyone knows, the edge of the universe and the empire are one and the same. and, claire, well... there is a reason why after graduating she got sent to an unimportant museum while her friends got positions in the capital.
❛⠀ one more minute and we will — no, wait, wait a second!⠀ ❜ ⠀claire lifts her wrist, tapping on the buzzing screen. ⠀❛⠀ look at that, right on time. well, it seems it is just going to be the two of us today. welcome to the museum at the edge of the universe, i'm claire ravenwood and i'll be your tour guide in this amazing, one-of-a-kind journey! ⠀ ❜
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publicabsent · 1 year ago
@n1nth. / continued.
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just because she doesn't believe what this man says doesn't mean she's going to go out there -- she can most certainly hear something, & she's not a complete fool. the diminutive brunette crosses her arms, a not-at-all stern frown on freckled features. (he really could be a bit more delicate with her mother's cookware.) "pl - pleas-se don-n't dem - dem-mol-lish-sh the k-k-kit-tchen? pl - leas-se."
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nightmdic · 5 months ago
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❛  watch out!  ❜
"Watch out for - !"
She's quick to notice the strange being after his warning, swift to duck behind the wall just in time to miss being shot by - was that. . .some sort of blaster?!
Why does she feel as though she's suddenly in a sci-fi film?
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"What the hell is going on?!"
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nursc · 8 months ago
with a half-backed plan, and only her smile as back-up, christine knew she was playing with fire. there was no back-up. no starfleet to beam-down at the last second, with an escape plan and pike's patented worried look. if she mucked this up -- which, she wasn't going to do, because she had no other option but to act her best, it was on her, and her only to get herself out of this.
except... he seemed familiar. christine never forgot a face. a name? perhaps, but not often, she was good with keeping those things locked up in her mind. only, the closer she looked, trying to appear uninterested and only half-succeeding, blue eyes peaking out from behind the newspaper far too many times, the farther away his name seemed, like an actor she'd seen as an extra in a movie. familiar, only he had done nothing to win that familiarity except appear at the screen for more than five seconds.
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❛⠀ sorry,⠀ ❜⠀ she said, setting the newspaper down by her coffee-cup, switching over to sit next to him on the other couch, their hosts, who had been locked in a fight at the end of the room for the better half of the past hour not sparing her a glance.⠀ ❛⠀ sorry to bother you, but you look so familiar. have we met? or, no, wait, don't tell me, you're famous. that's why they are being so hush-hush with your name?⠀ ❜
┊ ┊ starter call. ☆ @n1nth
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faegfx · 9 months ago
hello! i was just wondering if you were going to be opening your commissions soon? i'm interested in commissioning an icon border as i love your work !
hello! i absolutely want to open my commissions, but i'm kind of stuck in a financial situation at the moment where i'm trying to make rent for next month lmao. and since i usually have to purchase specific assets for commissions, i'm not really in a position to do that at the moment. i'm waiting on a new job to start though, so as soon as i get my finances in order, i will hopefully work towards finally opening commissions. please keep checking back though! hopefully it won't be too much longer of a wait.
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cosmicangsts · 1 year ago
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      it's odd, like his legs just gave out on him; he's giving them the command to run, to move, but it's like the input isn't travelling down his nerves, so he just . . . can't. and the answer is soon made apparent— a tranquilizer dart! sticking out of the left thigh of his trousers. that'll do it. what an inconvenience. his expression is apologetic as he leans on his counterpart for support, stumbling along as best he can to lighten the load.
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          ❝ nah, no need— i can walk well enough. ( ? ) we should be able to make it to the TARDIS. merely a lucky shot; i don't think those things can actually make us out anymore. ❞ onward they press! and that numbness is slowly spreading further up the blonde's body, but he keeps it pushing with the other doctor's help, gritting his teeth.
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⋆ @n1nth — continued from here //
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lghtyear · 1 year ago
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⁽ ᴿᴼᴳᴱᴿ ⁾       . . .     ‘    requested by @n1nth :       still accepting !    ⁽ ᴼᵁᵀ ⁾
" i'm terribly sorry , i'm . . . quite new around here . " refugee scientist , an age old story . well educated and well bred just to be without home or title . man finds work where he can . but as the universe slowly ticks towards its end , he's rather sad to admit he finds work incredibly easily . " i believe the main office is that way , but i can't make any promises . " hand lifted to point in the direction man had asked , sonic device extending the trajectory . " i'd take you there myself , but i've had a bit of a breakthrough . i must focus while i still have the right mindset . "
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clochanamarch · 5 months ago
it's like the place wants to calm her down. nothing has changed, of course. the mountain is still the same height, the rocks as jagged, the silence as deafening. she has to snap her fingers next to her ear every so often, just to see if it's the planet or her own senses. it's always the former. though... today, as she begins the climb, it's as though vormir wants to lend her some comfort. a breeze void of temperature rushes over her skin. the slope evens out into a regular interval of plateaus. halfway up, it's as though someone wants to bring her gifts. a flask of cool water. a blanket. patches of flowers that peek from the grey void surrounding her.
it's when she reaches the top, mercifully void of companion, that the silence fades somehow. like someone's covering her ears gently, granting her a less isolating peace with which to make her next decision. only, it's a decision she's already made. step forward. lose her mortality. be destined for the path that the soul stone carved for itself an eternity ago. it's the best option. the only option. she's just made the first step when a shadow flickers behind her, and she turns just as his hand gently catches hers.
" it's the only way. " she tries to make @n1nth understand. she's resigned herself to this, guarded it from the squad, the kids, her dads... there really was only one person who might have been able to see through it all. and now he's holding her hand before she can get close enough to the edge to see it through. " you would do the exact same thing. we both know it. i mean, what's to stop another lunatic from coming up here and doing the same thing thanos did?! what's to stop me from failing? this is a guarantee that nobody can destroy. i step over, the planet is destroyed, and i... well, i become what fate wanted me to be all along. we both know it's the only way, so just let me-- "
❗❗❗ (Send " ❗❗❗ " for your muse to suddenly and unexpectedly kiss mine. ACCEPTING!)
and his lips capture hers, and his hand cups her face, and she leans in and gives in with such a jarring lack of resistance that she wonders if he even had a counter-argument ready in the first place. he kisses her like the universe might be remade anew by the touch alone. the kiss burns into her soul, and she opens her mouth against his, drinking in that dazzling force of him, eyes closing as her other hand lifts up to caress the side of his neck. he smells like leather and dust and stars, and she wonders if it's possible to just stay like this until time runs out and there are no more choices to make.
and that's exactly why she has to do it.
her hands flatten, ending the kiss as they divide their lips and cover his mouth. " it's happening. i love you. please try to understand. just... go back inside, get off the planet, and come back to collect me once it's all over. okay? but vormir has seen her final death. no more will be killed to possess this power. "
when she turns and steps forward, and a plunge becomes her rising up above the void, arms outstretched as a mortal soul ends and an immortal one begins, she can still taste that kiss searing through her soul.
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tmechld · 1 year ago
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" - How fast can you run?"
She doesn't wait for his response, hand swift to reach for his own in a swift grasp, ready to start dashing.
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aercnaut · 1 year ago
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" YOU SPOOKED MY sheep, friend, " he's been to other worlds, seen far more than any other mortal man, loved, lost, & became a father all in span of a few months. or was it weeks? how could he keep track at this point? the sight of the blue box confused him, sure, but the only reaction it got after materializing on his land was a look of mild interest exchanged between him & his faithful hare daemon, hester. at least life was staying interesting. he hasn't even gotten off his horse, even as the unfamiliar figure stepped out. notably, they have no daemon. that should scare lee, but all it gets is a grimace of mild disgust. they might as well not have skin, but again, seldom bothers lee anymore.
" you got about ten seconds to identify yourself, " under normal circumstances, he wouldn't resort to threats -- he's a talker by nature -- but he has his kid to think about these days.
@n1nth // icon starter call // 222
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publicabsent · 1 year ago
@n1nth: you can consider me a friend. or not. it's your choice. / accepting.
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one could call her expression incredulous. he's practically a stranger; all she can confidently say about him is he wants her to call him the doctor & he's seemingly unphased by aliens. "i-i -- i ha - hardl-ly kn-n-now y-y-you, s-sir --" friend is a large word. she does trust him, unsure of many other options, but friendship is a lot to ask.
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florencc · 8 months ago
@n1nth liked for a starter (still accepting).
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"is it always like this? your life, i mean?"
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badstepsmoving · 9 months ago
── little things about the mun !
i'm over 5'5 ( i'm 5'10!! ) / i wear glasses or contacts ( i wear glasses every day. contacts do not agree with my eyes ) / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or more piercings / i have at least one or more tattoos / i have blue eyes ( i have green/hazel eyes! ) / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces ( i had braces for about five years! ) / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face ( i do not have rbf, but i do have resting sad face. my fiance says my resting face is one of a sad victorian child ) / i play sports / i play an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / i’ve never dated anyone / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years ( my best friend and i have known each other for 20+ years! ) / i am an only child
tagged by: @solarisgod ( thank you my lovely wonderful friends! ) tagging: @foundinthevoid, @pariskim, @n1nth, @butnobodyhome, @4heroes, @quirkthieves & anyone else who wants to do it!
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couldfight · 9 months ago
i think it’s about time i let this blog go. what with the shows writers being shitty, the main actors being shitty…. i have loved writing el, she has been my comfort character since the show first aired but it’s time to move on. thank you everyone for making my time here so enjoyable. you can catch me on my other blogs @startold, @n1nth <3
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