#n1 chr rambles
tulipsnflowers · 28 days
ramble ask game: Hilda!
This has been sitting in my inbox until I decided I was in the mood- like right now, because I'm in a ghost mood and Hilda is the closest I'll fricking get
Unsure Nexomon spoilers
So. Hilda. The Overseer of the Phantom Citadel which - You have to wonder. Since the ghosts are a new thing it's kinda funny it was called the Phantom citadel regardless
I digress
So! She steals Deena. Which, she HAS to have known Deena is Nara.
Because Khan knee of Ventra so she would I assume-
It's kinda funny she yoinks her along anyway, and I have to assume Deena and her either knew each other or just shook hands
Because Deena immediately helps along with her show, she probably convinced Deena that was for the best.
And then they stay behind! Which I think is probably pretty good for them both-
As Hilda said dangerous things were ahead and Deena was kind of essential (points at the whole Omnicron controls nexomon thing) so better she stay safe maybe?
But they had time to hang out! Probably become friends!
Then she helps with Grunda by waking us all up from what I'm assuming are pretty nasty concussions. Thanks Grunda.
And then everyone is in the boss rush and so is she! She helps us once again with Ventra. She is definitely on our side and her and Khan both are against Ventra more so than the rest
Oh and I can't believe I forgot, but she made everyone a ghost. Why? So they wouldn't be killed by Omnicron. It's certainly something that requires a LOT of power so I think Hilda is pretty strong in that regard.
She was also Khan's apprentice and they worked together throughout the game.
.. Look I have throughts about Hilda but I don't know how to word them. Deena and her are friends. Her and Khan are friends, her and Blue are friends. Hilda is great. Except when there's a certain cat around
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tulipsnflowers · 15 days
I don't think I asked this yet - Merida for the ramble ask game!
Merida!! Alright, let's try I'm feeling in the mood to be absolutely wrong
Nexomon spoilers, and a bit of Nexomon:Extinction spoilers
Merida, Champion of Water also known as Arqua of the Bottomless Oceans (iirc), Prisoner to Darine
Merida! I feel like if I were to rang the CoO in how much they tolerate humanity, (Deena dominates the top chart, but) Merida would be near the top as well
She's the world's worst volleyball player, and she even had fans! That's a human sport, and to get into tournaments you need a team, of 6 players. And you know I don't see her family loving volleyball all that much, right?
Even then 6 means she'd need to revive Grunda to have 6
So she obviously, at the very least, plays Volleyball with humans, like on the same team (and she needs to play in a game to cheat, so if they accused her of cheating she played in at least one game)
Now as someone who sucks absolutely ass at Volleyball (don't ask me to catch something you throw at me,), I'd think weather one likes it or not. Playing matches with someone (even if with a "higher than thou" mentality, which all of them have towards humanity), ya gotta at least respect them. Does anyone wanna bet a human had to (try to) help her with volleyball at someone point because she was uh... Not the best
I don't think JV thought that far ahead when he made it volleyball but I have, bastard.
She also has a fake persona, of like a cute volleyball girl(.. Merida, Merida please watch yours horns,) which lasts until you kick her bum
Still, her having one-
And then after your volleyball she leaves you alone because James called, and then she tries to drown you!
.. Because you're trying to stop the reveal of Grunda to be fair, but still tries to stop you!
Then we skip the tower entirely (she does say we have no idea what we're going up against)
Then it's nightmare time! It's weird, while everyone does have humans in their dreams (Nadine doesn't count because she's unconscious on the floor currently), Zetta bullies them, Fenrir makes a riot kinda, Grunda is the protector (Also screaming at the Nara thing) but aside from him, Merida is the only one who's civil
Or I'm assuming she is, hard to tell with how little we saw. But we can assume she was probably just having the time of her life playing actual good volleyball
Which is something to say the least, considering she's actually enjoying human activities - unlike the rest who are doing their own thing
And then n2!!!
She's apparently in Palmaya but she's currently in Frozen watching over the tower (James please this is like your area™ where are you.), and aside from a small memory thing with Atlas, she seems to be better
So do the rest of them, honestly, it was so good to see the Omni kids tolerating humanity in various degrees
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
if you don't mind another one:
Nexomon character: Fenrir
tumblr ATE THIS ONE AKSNHRIEKS I didn't get a notification!
Massive Nexomon spoilers ahead
Also I may or may not have missed the mark a lil bit... Whoopsies. Also if these takes are rancid, er, it was written at 3am as my defense
Before I begin, I'd like to say, I have a friend who dislikes(jokingly) Fenrir personally. Our nickname to him is matchstick fire show pony👍 (That's an entirely different story and a lot of my inside jokes are from a play through with this friend)
Fenrir!!!... Fenrir. God. (Runs hand through hair) I never have any sane thoughts about any of Omnicron's children.
So to start off with the basics, Fenrir aka Fona is Omnicron's 3rd child. Undying Fire, and we don't fight him until the actual Nexolord tower(which is a trait he shares with Zetta). Presumably, he hasn't transformed in a while till that point and for some God forsaken reason he isn't in Ignitia.
In n2 he is in Ignitia of course, and yada yada fire powers.
Now to start off with the insanity (clears throat)
He is, more of an introvert than I am and it hurts. (Frick, I should point out, in n2 me and my friend spent like 45 mins chatting in the room because we felt kinda bad leaving)
As a simple why I like him: A) He is in omnicron's family it gives him automatic insanity points, B) He is a very interesting character to me, and a bastard
In n1 we meet him with Ivan and he essentially let's us go to not get his hands dirty, and also, It took me 4 play throughs, but I finally pieced together he was the one who burned that house down. I'm a really quick thinker guys
Then his next interaction is in Royalle(excluding vision), where he WANTED to transform, but Ulzar spooked him off(you can get him Fen cmon), and tried to use his aura on our nexomon (something I need to go into a seperate rant about), didn't work (which.. Deena was either trailing us(my belief), or, Ulzar wasn't the friendliest with his nexomon from the get go)
Then it's in Lateria where he lets us through after we kick his butt, aura not working again and he leaves(coming here later. He, is he suspecting Deena here, is that why he let us go? Or is it because he believed Grunda would use us as toothpicks) , and then Grunda and yada yada
Then it's frozen which is mostly us fighting him and telling Glacia to get lost
So! Out of all of Omnicron's kids, he's the one who let's us go the most. Merida was gonna kick our butt but Zetta fetched her, Zetta had Royalle, Granda tried to eat us, Nadine tried and somehow failed to push us off a tree..
But Fenrir? He had the capacity to keep going at all the times minus Royalle where he was going to transform(📌), but he just kinda let us be, not his problem.
He is also the one who we meet the most, granted, but still.
One could say he just cared about Omnicron, I suppose. So heck, this random child probably won't do much. Maybe. But that then excludes Royalle.
He says in the tower it's been a while since anyone's been worthy of seeing his human form(he beats Remus, Ivan and their teams without it after all!), and thus fight. Warriors, fire, so on.
So then.. I think, a reaction to his aura not fricking working. Which is an issue immediately, because that's how they stayed atop. With that. So he must've thought that if that didn't work, then heck, let's kill the kid and get it over with
Cuz I don't think we're quite worthy of it yet ya know
... Then Ulzar steps in. I don't think he was as scared of Ulzar. Well yes, he may not have been wanting to fight him but it was also an Oh. Well, that bastard is there, and if he's doing it then it's fine. Cuz that's a reason and that's something also not his issue(Hi Ziegler), and that can be dealt with.
.. In Solus( the desert), it happens yet again. And there's no Ulzar this time so there's a real chance he just left you to get eaten by Grunda, or, as I said before Deena. If it was Nara, then that's still an issue, but hey, that one they can at least deal with
Am I missing the subject of the ask? Probably. I can't tell. But it's a ramble and if you didn't come for that then whoops.
Tower time towered, I think that one was pretty clear, then his Nightmare which,
Frick. I genuinely can't remember what he says. One can look it up later. I remember it being with Matthew and I remember what Ogroon says more than I do him. And fire powers, that too.
N2! N:E. Well, there he's convinced by Deena to give us Fire powers because Redemption. (And she is his younger sister I myself am guilty of not being able to say no on a couple occasions)
Epic fight with a cool transformation
Then he gives them to us(and in a dialogue branch says "Go without fear, (). You'll do fine. " or something to those lines which, Fenrir is a great uncle)
.. THEN it's a bit with us at the observatory, then I think that's all of his dialogue..? Minus the revival one.
I realize I missed the mark and just rambled about a bunch of different things but, hey. You're here to watch me go insane not be not insane, so.
I just like Fenrir. He's great. That's it go home everyone
(Also, note here: He genuinely comes off as the most uncaring which, no you're not. I have 3 siblings one of them may not be the most expensive but Frick, ya know they care at the end of the day. He certainly does.)
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
nexomon character: Atlas!
Atlas! I promise this won't be nearly as long as my Deena one, spoiled just in case
(Welp, this might be an unpopular one)
So. Atlas is our 4th wall breaking protagonist in n1, and we all love him right?
He's definitely a lot more... I wouldn't say judgmental but judgemental than Coco is. While Coco also judges you sometimes (such as telling you to not spin pft), Atlas is worse in that regard
Cuz with Coco, you can tell he does care, with Atlas, you think he does, the game is never really clear on it
Especially with the jokes about Arqua eating you instead, and all the little "it's almost like someone thinks you're bad at this", which, I get is the game layer of telling a joke
But similar to Coco, as you mentioned, he does stick around, except here it's kinda unclear until way later if he does or doesn't do it for you, if it makes sense?
He first comes cuz he owes you for saving him, then he does to be in a race with Ellie and why not, then he's with you to save Ellie.
And I'm saying this as someone who loves Atlas, to clear. And I do truly think he does care but he could stand to show it more
He is a little bit better at the tower, iirc, I never focused on HIS dialogue for that place I had a bluer problem
But from what I recall there he is at least nicer, now that Ellie is a-ok
I do think the protag knows he cares too, but it's a bit blurry at a specific point, but it does clear up
Not that I think it's intentional from his side. He just likes being the Best Sidekick ™, and then wants to hurry and save Ellie and is a bit snarky, and it's obvious you don't necessarily feel offended by it too
I guess the difference between Coco and Atlas (and why Coco is the better sidekick sorry 'bot), is that Coco does seem to care more, sticks around, stuff like that. Atlas does care the same, but is more showing it through snark
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
down the wardens! Titan
Down we go~
Nexomon 1 and postgame spoilers !
Titan! He's Grunda's Warden. Probably the worst pick for his Warden I'm sorry dude
He tries, but he's like, actually confused when he just goes and thanks snaps Nightmare Remus out of existence and doesn't get why Grunda isn't happy cuz, he did just want to fight him, so what did he do wrong?
He tries, he's great, but he doesn't get this whole thing at all. He tries to not let anyone disturb the nightmare, but he like, takes it a notch too far. Obv attacking us was the right play, but not nightmare Ulrich, ya know?
And in n2 he apparently guides the gates between netherworld and real world, so maybe that'll go better
But I dunno, I'm just bias with him for some reason
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
nexomon character: Hilda
Hilda! As the resident ghost type expert I sure hope I don't disappoint about the ghost lady
Hi, so.
Hilda is the 5th Overseer we see, Ivan, Remus, Ira, Khan, Hilda
Everyone in the ghost town seems scared of her because she turned them into ghosts (Recently, if reactions are to be trusted), and she kidnaps Deena and stuff but then she turns out to be- very nice
She turned people into ghosts to protect them, and such, and she helps you speak with Ulzar.
Hilda are- are we not gonna talk about the people who talked about your maze like they died in it? no? alright,
I really like her because she's very nice and yeah, wisps are bad, but she would have revented it if not for a certain psychic cat, or so I choose to believe
She does actually help both Blue/whoever and Sols, and I love her for it
Oh! She's also Khan's apprentice, might I add. Which is always neat, and I love how Khan and her stick together like how Eliza and her Kinda do for Bolzen.
In n2 she plays a role much later on and still maintains that "oh crap she's going to hurt me- oh nvm she's great" and I love her for it
(Also I wonder if part of the reason why Hilda had to die, other than killing psychics, is so that ghosts would stick around, who knows)
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
Nexomon character: Tikala. Why not.
This one is complicated (down the wardens~)
Spoilers for n1 postgame and nexomon: extinction
In n1 tikala had nothing, because Deena wasn't dead.
Ulzar still had one for Deena so I assume Tikala existed, but the issue here is, as Hexia beautifully pointed out, they need prisoners to survive
So, what the heck is up with Tikala? Considering Deena was very much alive and trying to get us out if Deena and Ulzar are to be believed
That... I don't have an answer to so, something something Omnicron something.
Afterwards he's casually in n2 as an actual tyrant which. I think it's the same dude, there's no way
I just assume we and Deena convinced him to come on the light side with cookies, or something
My question of a prisoner still remains but this time I'm willing to say Deena did something as the new appointed tyrant of life(she just had the forest title in n1. Heck maybe that's how she got it?)
And then he helps us! Which is very nice of him. I'm kind of shocked Ziegler says nothing in canon, honestly.
But he's genuinely a good person now, trying to be better all that. I mean he helps us, so..
He probably does care about Deena like genuinely, not in the way the other wardens did (especially Hexia.) So, just a good dude in general
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
nexomon character: Hexia! (no I don't have an agenda why would you think this)
Hexia? Aight bet
Nexomon 1(and vague postgame) spoilers:
I think she's bastard, need I explain?
But yeah she's the Warden of Nadine's and one of the wardens in general, we only see her talk in n1 iirc
.. She's a bastard. Heck, even if I don't blame the Madrass on her, she's still not great ™
See at least with Ogroon, even if he's a bit you won't ever escape yada yada and he fights Fenrir he is at least CIVIL about it.
Even Krowr, while he does allow us to beat Zetta up(he probably found it entertaining,) he still like, fought to make us leave.
HEXIA. Is a bastard and an outlier. First of all, she made Nadine faint because she drained her of all of her power, the frick.
Even ULZAR says "hey that's not something you should er, do" and that's saying something
And then she doesn't fight us to make us leave, oh no no no, she fights us to make us STAY. Because she already got Nadine, but surely she can get something Better/More
Nadine does say that credit where credit is due Hexia did fool her the whole time, so she had to have had SOME sort of a nightmare, but how long it lasted is dubious, because I mean, (points to Nadine on the floor)
Now, Nadine isn't dead, like actually soul not gone, so I'm assuming Hexia didn't actually use ALL of her power, cuz I don't imagine Hexia to have a backup plan but more of a thing of that Nadine is hers in a sense. She doesn't get to leave.
... Yeah, I don't like Hexia. Cool to write, but a massive bitc-
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tulipsnflowers · 9 days
n1 character ramble: Glacia
(couldn't remember who I'd done, I hope I'm not repeating myself)
Okay I'll just rip the bandage off.
Nexomon 1 +post game spoilers
... Glacia, the official overseer of the Frozen Tundra
She also seems to be the ONLY one to know about the CoO being... Well, the Children of Omnicron. She out right says: "Why... Omnicron's children are such curious beings! I've never seen them so excited about a silly fight"
It's a weird case, because nobody else knows this. The Nexoguard doesn't, it's dubious weather Remus knows, but like, Jack obviously didn't, among others
So like, for her to know, it's very interesting. And it's not like they were SLY, for sure, but for the most part they kept it secret for obvious reasons.
So... It's curious GLACIA knows
I've said it, but I don't think she knew about James being Metta. For the sole reason, of I don't think she'd keep that quiet from Juliet
But still. That means one of them(, or more likely,) James trusted her enough to be like "So, hey-"
Otherwise, we hate Glacia here. Not HATE her, but I don't like her as s character
I think she's sister to Juliet, and she got everything she didn't. She's even closer to James than she is
I think she's doing this to be closer to James, I don't think she gives a flip about Omnicron
... Then... Post game
So here's the thing. It's the netherworld. Excluding the whole catches the wardens thing it's...
Well, there's one way to get into the netherworld if you don't have a portal. I don't think I need to spell it out for you
And there's one reason she would even go down there. James. That would be the whole reason.
Look, I don't like them as a couple, I don't think James likes her, but - It's - It's something. James might have actually cared like, platonically. Because to do THAT to maybe help a person who wasn't even that much into you...
... Well, I dislike her, but.
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tulipsnflowers · 12 days
character ramble: Juliet!
Juliet! Please... Get better tastes/lh
Nexomon 1 spoilers as always
So... Juliet.
I know someone. (Glares at one of my friends) thinks otherwise but Glacia and her are sisters to me. 0 reason. They just are. Please and thanks
... And they both want the same position and the same guy.
Well, Juliet is at least the nicer of the two! I don't think she knew that Metta was... Metta. I don't think Glacia knew.
Glacia knew his siblings are, but he didn't know HE was one. Otherwise I do think she would've spilled, if only to jab
Regardless, she's very nice! Aside from the whole probably reads twilight thing
I... Actually really dislike we don't see her period. Like, after the tower? Even inside? Nowhere to be seen (Things I Am Fixing)
But she seemed genuinely against Ulzar's "Nexomon are evil actually" thing, and that's like, the only character that does aside from Deena
The rest are in this whole "Humans v Nexomon thing" But aside from Fenrir, Deena and Juliet, nobody even mentions that. Despite it being the main point. The connection. The rose tinted glasses on both sides.
It's why she's in my oneshot folder. Look! A nexomon character being upset at the idea nexomon are bad!
She got so so so many brownie points from like 2 lines of dialogue
... But yeah, she's nice.
Also I agree with your ship, her and Ira are now Aster's lesbiab aunts
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
For the nexomon ask game what about overseer remus?
Bet, also to answer your questions glitch, you don't need to ask 2 characters it's separate ask games c:
Any who, one of my favorite Overseers
"You said that for a few of them-" Yes all are my favorite but Spencer, anyway
Remus! He lives in Mountain town and he helps us throughout the story up until the very end
He even gets a cameo in n2!
He is clearly strong - both team wise and physically - and he shows both within meeting him, and it gives Nadine more flair when she kicks his butt.
He has a strong team of Nexomon - He has to, being the previous Nexolord (minus the un evolved ones). I honestly don't know why James(aka the Nexolord) kept him around. They clearly have different views
.. Unless he thinks they don't, well, different enough for him to stop him anywho
This belongs more in a Children of Omnicron rant, but:
The Omnikids are fricking dumbasses. They fight for nexomon, yet they fail to see the Human-Nexomon connection (my main thing I write about), and they can also pull Nexomon under Omnicron's influence, properly making them turn against you.
No nexomon likes that. There's probably like a Torrex or something that cussed Merida out with every swear word ever invented. Nexomon got angry, but they are so so blind to it.
So Remus, is a stoic character. They still care, as well all know, but the Omnikids don't.
I have to wonder if anything would've been just a little different if Remus did care about his Nexomon more openly, especially when James was fighting him. To care about them when he's actively loosing I- Don't know if it would've been enough, but it at least would've told him something.
Mini rant over, anywho, Nadine isn't sly, there's no way Remus didn't know exactly why Nadine is.
That's probably why he told us to run in hindsight. He knows all the children enough to call them by their names, so he's at least somewhat researched in this (unlike Atlas)
So.. Yeah, cool dude.
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
ramble ask game: Ellie. how have I not asked this yet.
Ellie! If only JV wasn't mean you deserve more screentime
By that I mean he very clearly said he dislikes Ellie. Rude.
Also I realized I tend to talk about character's actions rather than their personality but this just.. Comes a lot easier to me. But it's a ramble nothing is off limits
Right! Ellie, I love Ellie. She's your best friend and she gives you Atlas and half the game's plot is us saving her
She is such a chaotic but smart person. Definitely smartest on our team(Or in general, sorry Malk(not really), sorry James), but would definitely throw a wrench at someone, she's great, I love her
We needed- actually, we in general need more scenes of reunion JV sucks at those. Let Atlas and Blue talk in n2. Let Deena and Blue share a moment in n2, let Ellie and Blue have a cool scene together after she turns out to be safe because that is our best friend gosh darn it one more cut scene won't kill anyone.
But we need to be actually talking with Ellie more, cuz she does have a personality, I mean she made Atlas yeet a grunt to outer space. Because of course she would
I'm kinda sad she didn't get a cameo in n2, but what can you do, really. She should've come with Blue and Remus if only to give support about kicking Vados' butt. But also to talk to Atlas. JV, please-
She's a great friend and she deserves more screen time. She definitely messed with Malk the most she could and you know it. Spencer, too.
(Though sending us a message wouldn't have hurt Ellie)
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
hm. ramble ask game: n1 protagonist?
Nexomon spoilers for both games!!
Thing is, n1 protagonist didn't get a personality till n2, but I'll try
N1 protag didn't even wake up being ready to save the world. This Sort Of Just Happened. I should point that out, they might have golden nexo traps, but they have no nexomon. Also all of my friends agree their parents suck for like 0 reason so that's there too.
And then they go to meet their bestie, Ellie, and then they push off a grunt and then they get Nexomon by pure coincidence. Like, James was just like "Eh. I'll revive Omnicron in like 2 days anyway why not" which, again. I. James. Why.
Like dude, your whole thing is human rats and yada yada nexomon yada yada, if you think nexomon are slaves, why did you give us one-
Anyway! Then Ellie gets kidnapped and they end up saving the world. As like a TTDR, and also they think humans and nexomon should be together, and then they're dumb enough to go fight Omnicron round 2 without Overseers(see how they're all out of the nightmare? Means we went in without them on our real attempt)
I wonder if they thought that they should do it themselves, or if they were worried of Omnicron's influence since there wasn't a 100% guarantee-
Then they're a ghost, which, should be pointed out,
Male protagonist SPECIFICALLY,
Tumblr media
Why do you have James' jacket. Where did you get that. Genuinely. What the tuck. This is not a James post but how the actual-
Anyway! And then in n2 they're feeling pretty guilty for killing Omnicron, despite.. Not having any choice, really. I don't think they fully understand how little choice they had in the matter
They(as a child), should have known better, Omnicron even warned bad things would happen, so they blame themselves for it. They are then proud of Solus for doing what they couldn't
They're an.. Interesting character, but what am I-
OH they also kill Venefelis after she kills Hilda. They somehow- bind her- to the woods?
... My joke about them being a psychic is seeming more likely by the day lol
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
oh I never asked this did I-
nexomon character: Krowr!
All good!
Nexomon 1 postgame spoilers ahead!
K.. Krowr. (Insert war flashbacks) That's uh, one nightmare I dislike, but I'll go on
Krowr is the Warden of Zetta's who seemingly just allowed to do... Whatever he wanted, really. Like everything is wreckt, people are scared, the whole Spencer thing, but Zetta is having fun and isn't noticing it's a nightmare so it's whatever
Then we come along and we start kicking butt and we get to Zetta and unlike Darine he sees us being Zetta up and probably goes "Yeah. Yeah he deserves that one", and in result he only tells us to go once we've beaten him up, he goes something like " Aight you've had your fun, now get out" does not care we beat Zetta up
Which, if I had to be in that nightmare I wouldn't either, but Darine and Titan tried to protect their respective prisoners, Ogoon didn't but he was also fighting Fenrir at the time, which is why the first two are better
Once we show we want to get him out does he take issue but he seems to genuinely allow Zetta to do whatever as long as he doesn't have any doubts (and probably enjoyed someone kicking him to the curb)
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
What are your thoughts on Zetta/Luxa?
Hi there! Alright so going through Zetta..
Spoilers for Nexomon and Nexomon:Extinction
Again, first with the basics, he's Omnicron's sixth child, second youngest. He's Luxa of the Blasting Lighting, and if we exclude Ignita we meet him for the actual first time with Bryce(who gets his arse kicked) and then an actual thing with him in Royalle, after which the next time is Frozen Tundra and the Tower™
His nightmare made me, uncomfortable, and then in n2 he's the president of Cadium... Somehow. I don't think anyone ever tells how he even got appointed to that one.
So... Zetta. That man is the equivalent of a chaos serpent, also he actually bigger than Omnicron if Sprite sizes are to be followed.
In both games he's equally awesome (I'm gonna pretend his nightmare is not a thing), especially when he argues with Merida
I have siblings, I have siblings who I don't act sibling-like with, so I can get their other ones , but that interaction is the most "annoying younger brother" thing in the world. 10/10, absolutely nailed it. They are siblings your honor
Then in Royalle he shows of his lighting copies thingy and kinda yoinks Ellie. He also leaves Spencer behind which is an excellent decision (I am ignoring the nightmare)
And then tower things, and in n2 he's president of all things. He has to be trying, otherwise Lord knows that thing would've sunk, but I think he's been a ghost for long enough he genuinely forgot about needing Oxygen. Like an honest mistake and not that much being negligence. Also everyone who headcanons him powering Cadium is Absolutely Correct, thank you.
... And YEAH I GUESS his nightmare shows us as far as view on humans goes he's on Nadine's level in n1 which is Not Great. But in n2 he's a lot better so I'm counting that one
Overall I think he's neat. He's definitely the most chaotic one but when you are the one that's representing Thunder maybe you have to be
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
(suddenly realised I hadn't sent another nexomon character) Nadine
I was looking for this ask for like 5 minutes, finally found it, anyhow.
Nadine!! (Spoilers)
Again, 0 sane thoughts for Omnicron's children. Double it for James and Deena if you will,
But Nadine! Omnicron's second child, aka Ventra of the Almighty Tempest.... I love her a lot
We meet her in Mountain, Jungle, Tower in n1, and her shrine and with Eurus revival in n2.
She tries to kill us twice, which is more than other CoO, and she fails twice(how did you fail on the tree? Khan couldn't have been that quick-). She has, rivaling Zetta, the lowest view of humanity as a whole, she calls us rats while she's supposed to be in disguise, even. Great going Nadine
We do eventually prove ourselves to her, she calls us a true warrior after all C:! That moment genuinely got to me the first time okay.
And in n2, she's calls us 'dear' once and I think my heart melted audibly.
She yeets Xanders off the cliffs for being rude to us, even. Bonus points he sucks arse.
She also has the worst warden being Hexia, and we don't talk to her because Hexia sucks. I mean, we do before Ulzar cuts in, and I think she says something like 'good luck you're going to need it' regarding Omnicron, but it's not super clear rn
I love her so because she's still well, herself, but you can definitely see how she changed between games and I love it for her. Part of that was likely because of us in n2, and I'm glad for that
She even carried on a message from Lydia to us! (To meet at the orphanage) and - yeah I love her
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