#nᴏ ᴄᴀᴋᴇs ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ. (ooc)
maliignant · 3 months
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when julie benz is your aunts client and you call her randomly only to learn that she was having a face to face conversation with julie and that's why she couldn't pick up your call ( *insert cry emoji here* )
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maliignant · 10 months
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not me & @oneyedchicklet coming up with some of the most brilliant & hilarious scenarios that both adds to lore, head canons, etc. glory giving drusilla the champion's amulet, glory being trapped inside of giles, drusilla maintaining a sense of devotion to glory all the while. dru & glory just being wholesome besties is giving me so much life right now.
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maliignant · 8 months
*hides behind a ginormous Undead Frenchman * Thank you for answering my ask. I appreciate the coaxing out of. How magical of you.
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thank you for sending the ask in the first place, lovely! you reached out & that is always the first big step, isn't it? not a lot of people have the guts to do that so you're already well off on the right path. i'm proud of you, love. & again, appreciate the compliment(s), i'm so happy you love my portrayal of this beautiful creature.
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maliignant · 9 months
Your Dru is absolute perfection. I am equal parts in awe of her and terrified of her as are my muses. Also your writing style is simply beautiful.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH, LOVELY! & i'm adoring whatever mess of a relationship this is between dru & amy, the toxicity of it all has been adoringly fun to play with. feel free to throw any of your muses at my baby girl, she'd love to torment all of them.
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maliignant · 8 months
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@madxcaptain asked for an oracle card.
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THE STRAIT WAISTCOAT ;; (Element: Spirit)
The element of Spirit is present in all things, and is the divine force behind everything. The cards in this suit lead you directly into the depths of yourself, asking you to attend to issues from your past that may be limiting your spiritual development, and opening your heart to love and wholeness.
questioning boundaries, taking responsibility
The Strait Waistcoat asks you to consider the ways in which you may be limiting yourself. We often go through our lives believing that the boundaries we exist within have been set by others, never realising that the Waistcoat we are wearing has in fact been willingly donned and tied very, very tightly by ourselves. Perhaps you found that your self expression was not appreciated, and so you folded your arms so you could no longer create. Perhaps your potential was intimidating to another, and so you bound yourself so as not to upset them. Or perhaps you wrapped your arms around yourself and tied them there in the mistaken belief that it would keep you safe. But, if you journey back to where your limiting thoughts, beliefs, and fears originated, you will find that the very same fingers that tied the knot can also untie it.
Taking responsibility for your boundaries should not make you feel shame or blame, for you did the best you could at the time. Instead, it means that you are empowered to tear those sleeves right off, for it is never too late to stretch your arms, spread your wings, and live your absolutely unlimited life!
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maliignant · 8 months
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@ulfhrafnx asked for an oracle card.
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THE RAT ;; (Element: Earth)
intelligence, curiosity, allegiance, a brave and open heart
The nocturnal Rat, once committed to a project, is obsessively focused and will not be deterred, working tirelessly to achieve his aim. He swears allegiance to those he loves, both creatures and causes, and fights fearlessly on their behalves. Free of preconceived notions, the inquisitive Rat is full of questions, and approaches the world with an open heart. He learns quickly, hoarding both knowledge and objects that he thinks may prove useful someday, and is eager to co-operate with others to achieve a greater good for all.
The Rat scurries to you now, standing on his hind legs at your feet. You see the love in his sparkling black eyes, and you greet him, calling him by his name. He asks you how he can serve you today, and you tell him what you need. He asks you for a few more details and you elaborate, knowing that he will understand. You pick up the Rat, and he nuzzles your cheek, tickling your neck with his whiskers. You thank him for his help, then set him down gently. He bows to you, then scurries away, leaving you confident that you have someone on your side who is working to help you, even as you sleep.
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maliignant · 2 years
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A REMINDER! I do Oracle card readings for those who ask. Feel free to request one at any time ; daily, weekly, or monthly. Just never more than once in the same day. All you have to do, is ask nicely. 
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maliignant · 10 months
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@sadauroras asked for an oracle card.
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THE PIT ;; (Element: Earth)
a new beginning, hard work rewarded, the courage to live the life you want
You know of the Death Cart's nightly rounds, so when you see the shovel lying on the barren ground, you feel rather uneasy. But something draws you towards the splintered object, and you lift it, feeling its weight, studying its still sharp point. Then, a voice speaks to you from deep within the ground. 'Dig', it says. You feel you must obey, and so you sink the shovel into the earth and begin to dig. After a moment, you pause and ask what you are digging for. From the earth below you comes the voice again. 'Dig', it says. Without knowing why, you dig deeper and deeper until your arms are burning, and when you can no longer lift the shovel, you stop and look down into the Pit you have created. It seems impossibly deep now, and you are suddenly terrified of falling in. But even more shocking is what you see at the bottom, shining up at you — it is the thing you have been afraid to try, the leap you have been afraid to take, the dream you have longed to make real but didn't dare. You begin to back away, but the voice comes again, and you realize that the voice is your own. 'Jump', you say. And then... you do.
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maliignant · 10 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to tag 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
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salem by genus ordinis dei
gods & gold by aesthetic perfection
daze by poets of the fall
deadly nightshade by blackbriar
this house by hazen
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maliignant · 10 months
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@ulfhrafnx asked for an oracle card.
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THE ROSEMARY ;; (Element: Earth)
memory, loyalty, devotion, invigoration
Rosemary has long represented memory, as referenced famously by Ophelia in her mad scene ('There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember...') Its invigorating odor stirs the intellect and clears the mind, encouraging sharp visions of the past to manifest. And while the past can often seem a place we wish to escape from, we can choose to look back, spot the treasures amongst the dirt, and replant those memories at the forefront of our personal histories. The sprig of Rosemary is in your hand now. You rub the spiky leaves between your fingers and release the stimulating green scent into the air. Hold the rosemary to your nose and inhale deeply. Then, ask the Rosemary to show you someone from your past, human or animal, who taught you something that helped to make you who you are. A mist unfurls from within the leaves, and an image of this being takes shape. Meditate on what you have learned from them, and how you could pass on this knowledge to another. Feel the gratitude rise within you until it is beaming from every pore, then thank your teacher, and, in loyal devotion, lay the sprig of Rosemary at their feet.
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maliignant · 9 months
HI I'M JUST FLYING IN HERE TO SAY: the way you write Drusilla is *chef's kiss* you understand her on such a deep level and your love and passion for her as a character shines through in your writing and I get really excited to see you on my dash. 🖤 
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please insert buddy the elf gif of 'i love you, i love you, i love youuuuu' here because it's true. you've honestly helped bring my drusilla muse back to life with glory & i get so excited when we chat about & dive further into the relationship these two should've, could've had on the show, but didn't. like, they're so toxic & chaotic, i love it with every fiber of my being. it's that beautiful mixture of friendship with a slice of terror. my babe needs a friend so thank you for giving her one!
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maliignant · 2 years
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@pryceism​​ asked for an oracle card
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THE BUN ;; (Element: Earth)
More nourishing than the biscuit, the Bun provides hearty sustenance, often being the saving grace of the starving who would go against their honest natures and steal this humble bit of bread as their hunger threatens them painfully.
In fact, the symbol of bread stolen by a decent soul in order to feed themselves or their family, and the punishment they endure as a result, is an oft used trope in literature, and for good reason: It shows an admirable will to live or to save the life of another, whilst casting a critical eye upon a society in which any person would be branded criminal simply for obeying the most basic survival instinct - the drive to eat.
Where in your life are you undernourished, either physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Are there people who could assist, but whom you have been afraid to ask for help? Are there others whom you could provide nourishment to?
If we share our resources, there truly is enough to go around. And never, ever feel guilty for needing what you need.
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maliignant · 2 years
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i’m going to elaborate on this a bit more later in a full post but I just wanted to put this down as a note (mostly for myself as a reminder to type out the actual headcanon) : because Spike was a poet of sorts in his human life, Dru encouraged him to continue writing even though he himself didn't feel like his poetry was very good. But he would write poems for Dru and she still has them to this day. More to come about this later. 
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maliignant · 2 years
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Daddy’s mad at me ( @perfectanguish​​ ) cuz I wanna tear out his nipple piercing during a torture / play session & I don’t understand why I can’t. 
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maliignant · 2 years
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I was never really gone, but yes, Drusilla has been very loud in my head as of late. I'm still bouncing around several of my blogs and getting some of them fixed up. Good to know I was missed xoxo
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maliignant · 2 years
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i’m watching juliet landau’s film, A PLACE AMONG THE DEAD and just... holy shit. i love her & her precious soul so much. her acting is superb. everything about her just screams all the feels. also watching her Q&A. 
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