#n yea that part of the puzzle got more safety stuff around it after that
frozenflmes · 1 year
Hey there! Hope you’ve had a nice one. Got any stories you’ve been dying to tell but haven’t had an excuse to?
i could talk abt that time w the klink, but idk if a maybe almost dying things what ppl want 2 hear abt. ummmm
ok so i did some shadowing w drayden 4 a while before i got 2 this point in the process 2 b a gym leader. n that was complicated bc hes a dragon specialist n ive got dracophobia, but i also kinda have 2 b able 2 handle it at least enough 2 b around dragons a lil bit wo panicking. n also theres a lot more 2 gym leader duties than just battling n thats what most of the shadowing was 4 but im getting distracted.
it was kinda late n the gym was closed. n this was rite around new trainer season, so drayden was going through some paperwork 2 make sure everyone got registered properly.
there was suddenly this rly loud crashing sound from the back of the gym. drayden got up n took off his glasses, n he said i could come w him 2 figure out what happened.
we found the problem p quick. an audino thatd wandered in earlier had gotten stuck in a part of the gym puzzle n was thrashing around trying 2 free itself. it was clearly panicking, n it wasnt a situation where itd b safe 2 just approach it.
drayden n i started talking abt how 2 calm it down, in that kinda way where ur talking 2 the pokémon in a reassuring voice while ur actually trying 2 figure out what 2 do. his pokémon were tired out from the long day of work, so he couldnt send anyone in 2 help. but i had crystal n it was doing fine, so we agreed having it try was probably the best idea.
i had crystal use acid armor before it approached 2 protect it, but it turned out it didnt even need 2. it just floated up n gently wrapped its chains around the audino n made a noise that seemed 2 calm it down rly quickly. n with that help, it was rly easy 2 get audino unstuck n get it over 2 the pokémon center 4 treatment.
id always known crystal was gentle n stuff but before that i hadnt realized how far that went n how reassuring it could b 2 a pokémon that terrified. n obvs drayden was proud of her 2 ^v^
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