#n riley. n also...... frog pile
eimagines · 7 years
what are you afraid of? // kai anderson
pairing: kai anderson x reader genres: smut summary: you decide to spend the day at the anderson’s to watch the final presidential debate. when kai flips out and ends up getting voilent with one of winter’s other friends, and you have no way home, you spend a little time with the blue haired male instead. warnings: i mean... unprotected smut? dirty talk because I imagine kai to be a talker. also mentions of sexual harassment. word count: 4600
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“Are you sure it’s okay to come around? I don’t want to intrude if you’re with other friends.” You spoke to Winter through the phone that was balanced between your face and shoulder as you fiddled with the keys to your beat up old rustic car, attempting desperately to keep hold of the bottle of wine you’d just bought.
“Of course it’s fine! You can’t come all the way out here and not come see me, I miss you!” Winter complained. “Fine, fine! Text me your address and I’ll be over soon!” “Bring wine!” Winter laughed. “Already on it.” You smirked. After you turned on the car ignition and input Winter’s address into your phone, you started on your short lived journey to the Anderson’s, smiling as you reminisced the first time you and Winter had spoken.
During the first week of your first semester at college, you’d secured yourself a job in a local bakery, and was tasked with the job of handing out promotional leaflets around campus. After successfully giving out only around ten flyers, a group of students decided it would be great fun to smack the pile of papers out of your hands, sending them flying across the ground. The wind carried them off all over the place as they shared laughter. The only person who stopped to help you as you got onto the cold concrete floor to collect the few remaining flyers was Winter. 
She bought you a coffee after that, and convinced you to skip work the next day to join her for wine and pizza; you didn't turn it down. You were fired a week later, but it was all worth it. Winter had become one of your best friends at college and since you were around her current area and knew just how into the election she was, you thought it could be fun to hang out for a while.
After your car came to a bumpy halt along the sidewalk of the Anderson household, you grabbed the wine and made your way towards the front door; the lawn sporting both right and left wing flags making you slightly more interested in the politics battle currently going on inside. 
You only had to knock twice before Winter answered, swooping you up into a hug.
“Thank god you’re here, the debate is just about to start.” Winter explained as she led you down into what you could only assume was the basement. 
Truthfully, you weren't all that interested in politics, and, although you knew who you were putting your vote in for, you really only came along to support Winter as you were very familiar with how seriously she took this election.
Once you’d been completely enveloped in the darkness of the basement Winter introduced you to her two friends who were happily nestled on the large couch, and her brother, Kai, who was typing away furiously at his keyboard.
Winter had mentioned her brother a couple of times but you’d never pictured him to look the way he did. Blue hair long in front of his deep almost black eyes. He looked strong and broad and his facial structure looked very shard and pristine despite having only the light from his laptop shining up from underneath his chin. Truth be told, Kai Anderson was hot.
Kai had watched you as you walked down the stairs to the basement, his eyes tracing every inch of your body from tip toe to thigh to waist to face. He’d not recognised you, and so he was immediately interested, not really acting as though he was paying much attention to the things you said or the way you said them, but in actuality, only focussing on them as his eyes bore holes into his computer screen.
The debate hadn’t long started and the group of girls were in fits of giggles as Trump spewed out more and more word junk. You stayed silent, choosing to do so as you felt slightly out of place and uninformed on the subject as a whole. You were actually paying a lot more attention to the blue haired man sitting in the chair across the room.
“I wonder if this is how black people felt when Obama became president.” Winter said meaningfully, to which you held back a snicker at the ridiculousness of the statement. Kai could almost feel you hold back a laugh as he slyly peered over into the conversation.
“I think Hilary is even more important that Obama.” One of Winter’s friends stated. You held back your eye-roll as her droned out voice attacked your ears. She continued to go on about Women’s rights as you stood up and walked across the room to pour yourself some wine, standing at the table Kai was so persistently typing away at. 
Kai watched you saunter over from the corner of his eye, watching the way your hips moved and hands fell delicately at your sides. The girls broke out into laughter as the two candidates threw insults back and forth and you could almost feel the annoyance radiating off of Kai. 
Winter began to speak as you finally unscrewed your wine and poured yourself a glass, “This is going to be the biggest loss in electoral history.” 
“Wanna bet?” Kai finally spoke challengingly, his eyes not leaving his laptop screen and his deep slightly raspy voice adding to the cold mysterious shroud he had himself wrapped in.
“I’ll bet!” Winter’s short haired friend spoke up, amused, “If Trump wins you can fuck all four of us!”
You slightly choked on the wine you were sipping at as Winter protested in disgust. 
“It’s never gunna happen.” 
“You guys don’t get it. Precious Obummer has shielded you from whats really going on out there.” Kai had stopped typing.
“Right. Economic anxiety, aka, racism.” Winter replied.
“People hate her,” Kai started, “She’s weak. Remember what happened a few weeks ago at the 9/11 memorial ceremony? She had to be carried to her car. Everyone knows its early on-set Parkinson's.” 
Winter rolled her eyes as Kai continued, “They hate the sound of her voice, they hate the fact she cant satisfy her husband.” This caused you to hold back a laugh to which you earned a rather nasty glare from Winter’s friends. “The world isn't this progressive happy place you think it is, okay? People tolerated the black guy but nobody wants a women president. Not even other women.”
“Who told you that? Your 4chan pepe frog fucking buddies?” Again you held back a laugh, taking a seat in your original spot to watch whatever sort of argument was currently commencing. 
Kai and Riley continued to argue over the ‘passion of the angry white man’ until Kai slammed his hands onto the table, standing up and delivering a very angry rant on voting for Trump.
“It is all about shame and humiliation for you assholes,” Riley got into Kai’s face, your heart began to race as you could clearly see Kai’s anger bubbling up from within him, “Y’know we should start some sort of government programme to get you all laid so you’ll shut up.”
Kai’s eyebrows started to knit together, his rage towering over him and you could almost see it. You stayed quiet, out the picture, sipping your wine, you weren’t involved in this and you didn't need to be. 
“Y’know you probably wouldn't even need to get fucked, just some pretty girl, smiling at you, telling you how important you are. Have you ever noticed how all the alt-righters are young men? And non of them have girlfriends?”
“Isn’t that enough now? I think you both made your points, Riley.” You interrupted, not to defend Kai just to maybe help calm down the very intense situation. 
Riley didn’t listen, only sending you a snarl over the laughter as she continued, “Hey Winter, uh, get me some lotion I’m gunna give your brother a handy so-”
Kai hand came hurtling down against Riley’s face so fast you almost felt it yourself, like a loud crack of a gunshot through thick crisp air. The silence that followed was astounding and you wished you’d have just left before this debate even happened. Kai instantly regretted his violent outburst as he attempted to correct his mistake, fawning over Riley only to be threatened with charges and receiving a harsh word from Winter. 
The three girls left to what you assumed was to take Riley home, leaving you alone with Kai, who was clearly distressed and regretful. 
“You like wine?” You asked, attempting to break the uncomfortable silence, standing up and walking over to the table to the opened bottle and glasses. Kai looked at you confused as you sat next to him on the couch, passing him a glass, “Here. Have this.”
“You’re not gunna run off or scream at me?” Kai asked, confusion etched on his face.
“I mean, I think she was being a bitch, unrightfully, but you maybe could have handled it a bit better.” You said, a small smile creeping onto your face, “I’m [Y/N] by the way.”
Kai stayed silent as he gulped down his wine and you attempted to search for your car keys. After a good solid five minutes of searching, worry started to set in as your keys were still lost, undetectable within your rubbish bin of a handbag.
“Looking for something?” Kai asked, his interest still peaked at this stranger fumbling around his room, unfased by his violent outburst. 
You sighed, “My keys, I don’t know where I’ve put them.”
“You drive here?” He asked.
“Yeah. If I can’t find my keys I don’t know how I’m getting home. Plus my roommates are all away right now so I’m living alone.” You ran your fingers through your hair and over your face in slight despair. 
“You could always stay here. I mean, the house is big enough and I’m sure Winter will be back soon.” Kai stood up from the couch to retake his position on the rounded coffee table in front of his computer, closing the lid over and adverting his attention to you.
You looked at him as you stood across the room, tossing your bag back onto the couch, finally giving up on your endless key search.
“Only if that’s okay with you and Winter? I don’t want to intrude or overstay my welcome or anything.” 
“You aren't overstaying your welcome at all. You're always welcome. And I’m fine with you staying, you don’t need Winter’s permission.” Kai explained, giving you a smile, “Come sit with me.”
You didn't even question his command, just thankful you’d have a place to stay for the night, and followed his words. You sat facing him on the rounded dimly lit coffee table. He leaned forward, his elbow on the table.
“I wanna try something,” Kai said outstretching his pinky towards you, “You in?”
After hesitating and not fully understanding what you’re supposed to do or what Kai even wanted, he explained, “When me and Winter were kids, we’d link pinkies. Once that small physical contact had been initiated we’d speak with nothing but honesty.”
You gave Kai a look of confusion as he willed you into linking pinkies, “What are you afraid of?” 
“Not you or your pinky thats for sure.” You smirk, linking your smaller pinky finger with his. He smiled at this. He wanted to know you. He wanted to know your darkest secret, your fears, your hobbies, you enemies and your friends. He wanted to know what made you, you. 
“Complete and utter truth from here on out.” Kai said with a devious smile on his face, “What are you afraid of?”
You paused to think on the question for a moment. “I don’t like bugs, but thats a dumb answer. If I’m afraid of anything, I’m afraid of myself.” 
Kai seemed pleased with your answer and pressed further, “Why yourself?”
You sighed, “Why do you wanna know?”
“Just answer the question.” Kai demanded with a look of disapproval. You realised quickly that Kai did not like to be challenged. It made you uneasy and Kai could see it.
“Are you afraid of me?”
“No. I’m afraid of myself I told you already.”
“So explain.”
You bit your lip, “I often find myself in situations that are dark or dangerous and the only reason for it is because I think chaos is sort of fun. I’m attracted to things I shouldn’t be attracted to. I’m scared that one day I’m going to take it too far, end up hurting something or someone.”
Kai smiled evilly and you knew that right now you’d done exactly the thing you’d admitted to being afraid of; gotten yourself into a dark situation with somebody who clearly wasn’t right in the head, yet, you found it thrilling.
“Like, murder?”
“Who knows, maybe. I just don’t see myself taking a liking to becoming dark and dangerous myself.”
“Why wouldn’t you like you?” Kai pressed further, “If you’re so attracted to the thought of things that aren't looked at in society as acceptable, why wouldn’t you want a piece of it for yourself?”
You knew Kai was the manipulative type. It was almost as if he was trying to get you to break, trying to turn you into the monster you were afraid of becoming. “Why would you be afraid of becoming something you find so appealing?” You kept telling yourself ‘because its not right’ but something in Kai’s dark eyes and smirk told you otherwise.
“What was your most embarrassing moment?” Kai asked, changing the subject before you could think on challenging him more.
“There’s plenty to chose from,” You sighed, “I guess the most embarrassing was in high-school. I’d been seeing this guy for a while. We’d gone to his house to ‘study’ and I’d fallen asleep. Whilst I was asleep he’d taken photos of me, photos that weren’t necessarily the most PG.”
“Asshole.” Kai commented as he listened to you intently.
“He sent them to all of his friends. And then they sent them to everyone else.”
“How did it feel?”
“It felt like everyone in the whole world was laughing at me. I was heartbroken. I was humiliated. It felt like I was all alone in this shitty shitty world.”
“Do you want them dead?”
You hesitated, looking towards the coffee table and letting out a sigh, “In the moment, I thought about it, but right now I don’t.” 
“Why not? Who are they to humiliate you and expect no justice?”
“Who am I to decide who gets to live and who doesn’t? Granted, they’re shitty people and I hope shitty things happen to them, but I don’t want that on my shoulders. Why would I want to become as bad as those who hurt me?” Kai simply only became more and more interested in you as you continued, watching every word pour out your mouth intently.
“Who do you want to win the presidential election?” Kai asked, changing the subject once again as he had received all the information he needed in your direct honest answers. Kai was slowly starting to feel as if he understood your personality.
“I’m voting Hilary, but I like Trump, in a weird way. I think he’s great at making the public angry. Do you know how much good shit has came from that?” Kai shook his head as he listened, “Did you know, since Trump has been forced into the public eye activism is motivating the masses? Pussy hats, protest signs, and weekend marches are the new normal and the arts and crafts industry is killing it! Planned parenthood has never seen so many donations. The women’s health nonprofit has been on the bubble of Congressional cuts for years, but public fury over the restrictive efforts by Trump and Mike Pence resulted in 400,000 private donations.” You ranted after having to stay so quiet around the girls earlier, finally allowing you to get everything off your chest. Kai stayed quiet, soaking in your words like a sponge to water, “Y’know people are realising affordable health care is a human right and not a wealthy privilege. Women are pursuing political office in record numbers and SNL has so much new good content. In a way, I think this country needed an asshole like Trump to scare them into getting shit done.”
“You speak with such power and passion.” Kai started, his voice quiet as he leaned forward a little more, “It’s inspiring.”
Kai knew you were smart, respectful and unpredictable. He could see you were wrathful, powerful, ambitious and knowing. He knew you would make a great alias, a great partner. Someone worth having around. He thought the way you spoke honestly was beautiful, as if he had finally found someone who could almost be his equal despite difference in views. He wanted to tap into that dark place in your mind, fully unleash you. He liked you. A lot.
Kai continued to question you from trivial things like family and studies to questions like “What is the most intense physical pain you’ve ever been in?” forcing you to delve into dark parts of your past you hadn’t thought of ever sharing with your closest friend, let alone a complete stranger. You realised Kai was manipulative from the first time Winter had spoken about him, but it wasn’t until you’d linked pinkies with the man you had understood just how deeply charming Kai could be to get information or get you to trust him completely. 
Within such a short amount of time, Kai had managed to break down any wall you had put up around yourself and your life. He already had you wrapped up in his world; trapped in the palm of his hand and he was ready to play you like a doll and use you up and yet you were fully willing. The thrill of chaos had always been there for you and when you looked at Kai you saw a hurt man. A man who was completely enveloped in darkness and for some unbeknownst reason that darkness made you weak at the knees.
Kai wanted to ask what you thought of him, whether you trusted him or not, whether you liked him or not. He decided against this, feeling he often made every situation about himself and he certainly was not going to make this one about him. He wanted to know you. All of you.
“Are you a virgin?” Kai asked out of the blue, causing you to snicker. You shook your head, “Use your words.”
“Why?” You asked.
“Because. Your words own more power and meaning than simply gestures alone, and your voice is filled with power and beauty.”
“Fine,” You smiled, “No, I’m not a virgin. Happy?”
“I mean, I guess.” Kai laughed quietly. “Did it hurt?”
“No.” You answered immediately. 
“How many guys have you been with?” Kai asked immediately back.
“Same time?”
“Ever done anal?”
“What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try during sex?”
“I mean, I guess it’s always on a bed and beds are kinda boring. Too soft. Always the same. Theres not an infinite amount of things you can do on a bed.”  
“You’d be surprised, maybe you’ve just been with the wrong guys.” 
Silence had all too quickly invaded the room, a feeling of uncertainty washed over you as you finally spoke up, looking at Kai’s face intently, “Why are you asking me all of this Kai?”
Kai’s pinky tightened slightly as your [Y/E/C] eyes challenged his own, his dark rings clouding with lust as he traced his gaze over your lips. The image of your legs and thighs walking down the stairs to the basement earlier played on his mind, his thoughts wondering to how soft your skin would feel on his, a tent growing in his pants hidden by the coffee table.
“I just want to know you.” Kai let go of your pinky and stood up from his chair, “All of you.”
You weren't stood up too, afraid you’d said something wrong and now weren't welcome, but before you could speak up you were surprisingly met with Kai’s large hands grabbing at your face and pulling you in towards his own as he backed your body up against the round coffee table. His lips latched onto yours delicately, something you would not have expected from Kai. His hands ran through your hair, one staying at the back of your neck and the other positioned on your waist as your hands found their way into his blue mop of hair. You kissed him back desperately, the closeness of his body against yours as he forced his tongue into your mouth causing you to moan slightly, the kiss deepening and the tent in his pants rubbing against you.
Kai broke the kiss, your foreheads pressed against one another as his eyes intensely looked into yours. His hands found their way to your thighs, gripping onto them as he commanded you to jump. You did as you were told, Kai lifting you onto the coffee table, his body positioned between your legs as he started to place kisses along your neck.
“You’re so much more than those stupid bitches.” He sucked a deep purple spot on your neck, you throwing your head back at the feeling, his bulge still rubbing against you teasingly, “More beautiful. More ambitious. More smart. More brave. More powerful.” He continued to kiss and suck and bite at your neck in between every compliment, “Do you have any idea how hot that is?”
Kai’s hands found their way underneath your shirt, lifting it off of you with ease and discarding it to the floor. His came off too and you ran your hand over his chest in awe. Not long after your bare skin beneath was exposed to the air was he pushing you down, your back against the table, the cold hard wood beneath making you shiver. Kai’s lips explored every section of skin they could leaving small purple bruises in their wake. The feel of his skin on yours elesiting another moan from your lips.
“I could listen to you moan all day.” Kai continued, closing his eyes in sheer bliss at your sounds, leaning up straight and stopping his path of love bites to fumble with your jean buttons, “as soon as I saw you walk down those stairs I wanted to take these off, bend you over and fuck you.” Kai admitted as you lifted your ass off the table, allowing him to pull off your jeans agonisingly slowly. 
“God, you look so good like this baby,” He spoke again, his eyes raking across your whole body as he unbuckled his belt and left his pants to fall to his ankles, his erection large and visibly throbbing through his underwear causing you to wriggle in anticipation. You attempted to create some friction by rubbing your thighs together but Kai only laughed at your neediness, spreading you thighs apart forcefully and trapping you underneath him; your legs either side of his waist, his arms either side of your head, his eyes staring deeply into yours. At this point you were desperate for any kind of friction or stimulation or touch and Kai loved seeing you so weak for him. 
“Shhh, I’m going to give you exactly what you want,” Kai cooed, moving one of his hands down towards your south, the part of you that needed attention, delicately grazing his finger over your clothed warmth causing you to mewl. “What kind of man would I be if, after everything you just shared with me, I couldn’t give you anything back?” Kai pulled your underwear to the side, slipping a finger inside of you with ease, proud of how wet you were already, your back arching off of the hard table as he watched your face contort in pleasure.
“I’m going to give everything you want.” Kai whispered, pressing his lips to yours, sucking at your bottom lip and adding a second finger into you, coaxing another sweet moan from your mouth. “Tell me what you want. Use your words.”
You opened your mouth to speak but couldn’t say a word, your head rolling back in pleasure as Kai used his thumb to rub circles on your clit. Kai used his free hand to grab at your chin roughly.
“Look at me and tell me what you want.” Kai demanded, his dominant voice going straight to your core.
“I want you.” You said shakily, your eyes now watching him play with you.
“What do you want?” Kai repeated again, removing his fingers from you and standing up fully, palming his member and removing it from its confinements. It stood fully erect; hard with pre-cum spilling from the head.
“Fuck me. I want you to fuck me.” You replied pathetically, your cheeks heating up slightly at the words that tumbled from your desperate mouth.
Kai grabbed at your already spread thighs, dragging your whole body closer to the edge of the table. He lined his length up with you, not letting you prepare at all before he slammed his full length into you. You both moaned loudly at the much needed connection.
“Fuck,” Kai bit his lip as he pulled out and slammed back into you again, “You’re so tight, God, you feel amazing!” 
Kai’s thrusts started out slow, but they were hard and deep. His hands grabbed at your waist harshly as his pace built up, his thrusts becoming faster, the sound of skin slapping against skin, moans and cusses filled the room, his thumbs digging into your skin hard enough to leave bruises.
The mere sight of sweat dripping off Kai, his long hair stuck to his forehead as he pounded into you over and over again had you a moaning mess. You sat up on your elbows to get a better look at him, the change in position angling his thrusts all the more deeper into you, both of you throwing your heads back in pleasure.
Kai could feel you tightening around his length, the ball of pleasure within you building up quickly. “Does it feel good to have me fucking you, huh? Pounding you into this table? Fuck,” Kai attempted to help send you over the edge, leaning closer to you, chests pressed together as he started kissing and biting at your neck, desperate to be closer to one another and whispering into your ear, “God you feel so good around my cock.”
Your moans continued to increase in pitch and volume. Kai reached down to stimulate your clit, rubbing in fast circles whilst still slamming his entire length into you hard, “Cum for me [Y/N]!”
You screamed out Kai’s name as his deep demanding voice and groans, the feel of him completely controlling your body, and sounds of a hard fuck sent you over the edge, coming undone with your fingers pulling at his hair and tears brimming in your eyes as he fucked you through your orgasm. The sound of his name tumbling out of your lips, the feeling of your walls convulsing against his throbbing length, the look on your face as your orgasm washed over you sent him into complete ecstasy, releasing inside of you and grabbing your hips hard, grinding his hips into yours as he rode out his own high. He groaned your name over and over until he finally pulled out, letting his head lol against your shoulder, your legs still wrapped around him and his arms finding there way around your waist tightly, both of you attempting to get your breath back.
You opened your mouth to speak, but instead, Winter’s voice boomed from upstairs, “Couldn’t you two have fucked in a bedroom at least?”
“Nah, beds are boring.” Kai called back.
A/N: I am British and know very little about the Presidential election so please forgive if I don’t make any sense, I got all my info online! Also if the cult timeline doesn't make sense as I don’t know whether this was before the cult started please forgive! First time writing smut lmao, feedback would be appreciated! I’m also open to requests!
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sugarstardusted · 8 years
hi i’m star i’m tired n gay and fulla loooooooove
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