#n i'll probably get in trouble again bc then my mother will see how much hair is actually missing oops!
ok i am actually annoyed with myself bc like my hair is in such a bad state n i also cant tell if it's like deliberate or not
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
Radar Love
summary: when you have some car trouble you run into the hottest mechanic in hawkins w/c: 1,653 warnings: pet name (princess) a/n: i'm sure i'm not alone in my thirst for car mechanic eddie, i also know nothing about cars so i mostly just pulled all of this out of thin air, well i did see a video about the main issue but the rest is just me making whatever i want up bc i can
if you like this please reblog, leave a comment. even just a keysmash it really helps me out.
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(moodboard by me)
It had been your idea to move back home. You’d left after high school and gone to college just how you were supposed to, but it just hadn’t been working out. 
When the earthquakes happened it seemed like the right time to leave. To go home. Figure out what you actually wanted to do. 
So you told your faculty advisor, your tutors, everyone that you needed some time to go back home and help your parents pick up the pieces. As it turned out you weren't the only one who'd thought the same, you'd run into more old friends and classmates around Hawkins now than you'd ever done before. People who had stayed, people who had left and come back for one reason or another. 
It almost felt like Hawkins had some sort of gravitational pull that no matter where you went or what you did Hawkins would always pull you back into its orbit. Like there was something, not natural, going on. It wouldn't be the first time people brought up the strange happenings in town and attributed it to something unnatural. Though people like that were usually seen as nothing more than crackpots and conspiracy theorists, like that guy Murray your dad had told you about who lived outside of town. 
It was strange being back in Hawkins but also as if you'd never left, you'd expected things to have changed somewhat in the year since you'd been gone but apart from some more stores that had closed downtown apparently threatened by the new mall being built outside of town, new since the company that had owned Starcourt went out of business after the fire (something about asbestos was the rumour) but all the money had since been diverted to “help Hawkins heal”, which seemed to be the bullshir campaign the mayor was running on to try and get re elected. According to your dad however, it wasn’t gonna work.
You'd been lost in thought and almost didn't see the boy who ran out into the street in front of your car, you just about had time to slam on the brakes before you added to the Hawkins Death Toll. What was strange however was that instead of coming to a dead stop your car seemed to want to go left towards the curb.
You could see the boy's mother coming out into the street and chastising her son, obviously she'd turned her back for two seconds and the boy had just forgotten all about basic road safety,
"I am so sorry about him, is your car ok? Did you hit the curb?" the woman asked, "Johnny! Apologise to the lady, you probably scared her half to death!" 
Johnny didn't seem to understand what he'd done wrong and was instead gawking at his mother with large wet tears forming in his eyes, 
"I'm ok, the car probably just needs to go to the shop. It's due for a check up" you told the woman, you had no desire to stick around and wait for Johnny to start crying and screaming. So you bid the woman goodbye and headed off home again. Your car was already full of groceries and you didn't want anything to spoil.
After unloading the car and the groceries you told your Dad about what had happened, 
"That's definitely not good, you really should get that checked out. I'll take a look"
"No you will not" your mum warned, brandishing a spatula as a weapon, "you aren't a mechanic and you don't know half as much about cars as you think you do" 
"I was just gonna take a look" 
"Take it to Randy's on Elm, they'll take a look at it for you" your mum brandished her spatula at your dad again, "if you want something to do then I've got a hundred jobs you could be doing" 
You took your mother's advice and left the house again. Watching as your dad slumped back towards the house, he was a man with a lot of opinions. It was true but those opinions didn't always equate to professional knowledge. 
You made it to Randy's without incident and pulled your car up into the forecourt, you couldn't see anyone around and thinking maybe they were in the back or on lunch you headed into the office. The door made a ringing noise as you opened it and you could hear someone calling out from behind the counter, 
"Be with ya in just a sec" the male voice called, the voice sounded vaguely familiar and so you wondered if perhaps another old friend was working behind the counter these days. 
When a curly headed man popped up from behind the counter you had to dig your keys into the palm of your hand, Eddie Munson looked different than you remembered but he still had the same effect. He had scars on his face and what looked like a ligature mark around his neck, you remembered hearing about the escaped Serial Killer Henry Creel and what he'd done to the kids who'd been his victims and to Eddie but you hadn't expected Eddie to still be in Hawkins, 
"How can I help you Princess?" he asked with a slow grin, "having car trouble?" 
You swallowed hard and relayed your troubles to Eddie and that you'd been told to come here specifically to get the car checked out,
"Um I don't know what's wrong but I guess it's my brakes?" you said shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other, "i don't know anything about cars" 
"Well don't you worry Princess that's what we're here for. Why don't you leave the car with me for a couple hours and I'll see what I can do" 
You nodded and moved towards the counter to fill in the paperwork Eddie placed on top and handed him your keys. He laughed at the little keychains you'd attached to the main keyring and you felt all the blood rush to your face, 
"Um, should I wait here or?" 
"It'll take me a little while and I wouldn't want you waiting around for me" Eddie told you, "why don't you go home and i'll call you when we're all set" 
You nodded and left the office. How you were going to get home was another question entirely but right now you needed someone to vent your feelings to.
Twenty minutes later you were sitting in Benny's with your best friend Maria and relaying the whole interaction to her,
"He looks even better than he did in school Maria, how is that fair?" 
Maria who'd known all about your crush on Eddie in High School and had listened to you talk about him for hours just laughed,
"Girl you were in college, didn't you find any nice college boys to get over this crush?" 
"I thought I did but … ugh" you hit your head lightly off the table, "he was wearing coveralls and he had his hair up, I'm only human!" 
Maria just shook her head at you and stole another one of your fries. She knew there was nothing she could say or do in this situation, you just needed to get it out,
"Would it be entirely unethical to just ruin my car if it means he'll be the one fixing it?" you asked from your spot on the table, "like I'm sure I could find something in the library that would tell me which parts i could pull out to make it still run but need looking over" 
Maria opened her mouth but then cut herself off with a grin, she had spotted a familiar mass of curly hair not too far away from where you were currently lamenting,
"I think maybe that's a little extreme babe" she said, "eat your burger, we'll go get your car when we're done. I'll be your emotional support" 
Maria was true to her word and she drove both of you back to Randy's to pick up your car, or at least to see if it was ready, 
"Well well what have we got here. Miss me that much Princess?" Eddie's voice rang out across the forecourt as he came into view again. His coveralls were tied at his waist and there was what you assumed to be engine oil on his white t-shirt, arms and a smear across his face. You could tell he'd built some more muscle since high school, probably from working in the Garage and his arms were much more toned than you remembered, 
"Is the car ready?" Maria asked, since apparently you had lost the ability to speak,
"Yeah she's ready to go. Why don't you come in the office with me Princess and we'll get this all squared away?" 
You nodded dumbly and followed Eddie into the office, he jumped the counter and fumbled around looking for the right paperwork. You could see Maria outside giving you an encouraging smile and thumbs up, 
"Um, what do I owe you?" you finally found your voice as Eddie turned back around, you'd brought your Dad's credit card with you knowing you wouldn't have enough to pay for this outright,
"How about we call it $150 and a date?" Eddie grinned at you again, "and you promise you won't ruin the poor car just to see little old me?" 
"Oh my god you heard that?" you wanted nothing more but the ground to open up and swallow you whole, "i'm so sorry" 
"What's to be sorry about?" Eddie laughed, "it just gave me the little push the guys said I needed to ask you out. So what do you say?" 
"Absolutely. Yes" 
Eddie made a little fist pumping motion and you couldn't help but laugh. Turns out you wouldn't need to ruin your car for a date with the hot mechanic after all. 
Maybe coming back to Hawkins was the best thing you'd ever done. 
Taglist: @pillow-titties @munsonology @thegirlblogstuff @boomhauer @prettyboyeddiemunson @hellfireeddie6 @that-lame-ghoul9000 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @anxiousstark @ruinedbythehobbit @winnifredburkleismyhero @manda-panda-monium @insertcoolnameherethanks @aftermidnightwriting
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Allies, Pt. 12
The Siege of the North, Part Two
Pairing: Sokka x F Reader Warnings: Implications of Death, I think that's all? Word Count: 3,286 Summary: With the Fire Nation waging war on the Northern Water Tribe, you didn't expect things of the past to be brought up, but, when do you expect anything at this point.
Note: And here we have, the final part of Allies :') But don't worry- the story will continue in a sequel 👀 Phew I did not mean for this to take so long, but I was having a really hard time with the end and ended up having to change where the reader was towards the end for me to... actually be able to write the chapter. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed the story thus far! It means the world to me, really. It's crazy to think about how I've been working on this for four months! I hope you guys will stick with me for the months to come while I write the sequel :') I'll be carrying over the taglist to the sequel since it's the... same story just a different name heh. Let me know if you want to be added or taken off! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and that you all have a great day! <3 Also hi sorry bringing this poll back up bc the results are currently tied!!!
-Navigation- | -Atla Masterlist- -Last Part- | -Allies Masterlist- | -Next Part-
Taglist: @boomeraangin | @brokennerdalert
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Eyes blinking open, Y/n slowly came too. Her vision was blurry, and her head was pounding. Faintly, she could hear someone talking, but her head was too fuzzy to make out who it was and what they were saying. Her vision clearing, she could see a rocky ceiling, which seemed… odd. Was she in a cave?
When she tried to sit up, she found that she couldn’t move. Her arms were trapped against her sides, and her legs were bound together. Groaning quietly, Y/n twisted onto her side. Aang was on the ground a few feet away from her, hands bound behind his back. He didn’t seem… present.
Observing the situation more, she noted the figure that stood at the entrance to what she was assuming was a cave. They were still talking, and her head was finally clear enough to make out what they were saying.
“I don’t need luck though, I don’t want it. I’ve always had to struggle and fight and that’s made me strong. It’s made me who I am.”
Struggling weakly against her bindings, Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together. “..Zuko..?”
His head turned to the side slightly, an acknowledgement that she was awake, but he didn’t turn to face her. “Don’t bother trying to get free, I’ll just knock you out again.” He paused for a short moment. “Sorry about that, I just.. I knew you wouldn’t give up. You never have.”
Zuko had… taken her too. Why…?
Grunting, she continued to struggle against the rope, stopping only when Zuko rested his hand on her arm. “What did I just say? Did I knock you in the head that hard?” Sighing, Zuko settled on the ground next to her. “I’d prefer if you didn’t make me knock you out again. You probably think otherwise but I don’t want to hurt you.”
Opting to stay silent, she shuffled in place. He watched her carefully, before awkwardly looking about once she stopped moving. He took in a deep breath, when she started shuffling again. “Are you.. uncomfortable?” Being met with silence, Zuko glanced at Y/n to see she was looking at him with a blank expression. “I can sit you up, if you want.”
Not receiving an answer once again, he let out an annoyed breath. “Conversations usually go both ways, Y/n.”
Still, she looked at him blankly. “I don’t think people typically converse with their captors, Zuko.”
“Well, we used to be friends!” Crossing his arms with a huff, Zuko slumped against the cave wall. “I guess the key phrase is ‘used to be’, isn’t it?” He clicked his tongue, before breathing out a sigh. “I didn’t capture you to turn you in, we could… still be friends.”
Y/n took on a pensive expression. “Then why..?”
“Why did I capture you..?” Receiving a nod of confirmation, Zuko shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
“You don’t… know..?”
“No! Okay?! I just-” Breathing out another annoyed breath, he dropped his head into his hands. “Why? Why did you leave? I thought… I thought we had each other's backs and… and you just up and leave?! Just like that?! No explanation, no nothing!? So why?!” Continuing to stay silent, Y/n grimaced internally at the rise in Zuko’s volume. The more he spoke, the louder he got. It was almost hard to imagine that this was the boy she grew up with.
Zuko scoffed, shaking his head slightly. “Fine then. It doesn’t matter anyways- You’ve chosen your path.” He let out a laugh, one edging on hysterical. “You know, I thought maybe I could sit here and convince you to come back, but I can see that isn’t going to work… The Avatar and his friends have won your favor.” He was silent for a moment, seemingly calming down from his outburst. “Uncle told me that I shouldn’t be mad at you, that I should respect your decision to find your own path. How can I do that when your so-called path is going against me?”
Before Zuko could continue, Aang came too, returning from the spirit world. Attention turned to the boy, when he started to struggle against his bonds. After a short moment of futile struggle, he sat up to face Zuko.
“Welcome back.”
“Good to be back.” Aang spoke with a threatening tone, blinding reaching around with his hands- which were tied behind his back -to try and find Y/n’s wrist. Once he was able to grab onto her wrist, he took in a deep breath and blew Zuko away from them while simultaneously shooting both him and Y/n out of the cave. The two landed in the snow outside, where Aang started to caterpillar crawl.
It didn’t take long for Zuko to get to them, grabbing Aang by the collar and lifting him in the air once he did. “That won’t be enough to escape.”
Suddenly, Appa appeared above them, before landing on the ground. Y/n breathed out a sigh of relief. Katara got off the bison, as Zuko dropped Aang back into the snow. “Here for a rematch?”
“Trust me, Zuko, it’s not going to be much of a match.”
Katara blocked a fireball Zuko shot at her, sending a wave of ice towards him. Once the ice reached him, she encased him in a pillar of ice that she raised high from the ground. When she dropped him, he fell to the ground unconscious.
Sokka jumped off of Appa, rushing over to Aang to cut his bonds. “Hey! This is some quality rope!” He commented, before moving to Y/n to free her as well.
“We need to get to the oasis! The spirits are in trouble!” Aang got up, and ran to Appa, while Sokka helped Y/n to her feet.
Everyone was on the bison, ready for take off, but Aang hesitated on leaving, looking towards Zuko’s knocked out form. “Wait, we can’t just leave him here.”
“Sure we can. Let’s go.”
Y/n shook her head softly. “No, Aang’s right, we can’t leave him. He could die.”
Aang jumped off Appa, and grabbed Zuko to bring him up onto the bison. Sokka watched him with a somewhat exasperated expression. “Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let’s bring the guy who’s constantly trying to kill us!”
As they started to fly back to the Spirit Oasis, the moon changed to a blood red, casting a red light over everything. This seemed to affect Yue, who held her head in pain, letting out a groan.
Sokka looked at her concerned. “Are you okay?”
“I feel faint.”
Aang, with a hand to his head, looked at the moon. “I feel it too. The Moon Spirit is in trouble.”
Yue glanced at the moon as well. “I owe the Moon Spirit my life.”
“What do you mean?” Sokka questioned.
“When I was born I was very sick and very weak. Most babies cry when they’re born… But I was born as if I were asleep. My eyes closed. Our healers did everything they could. They told my mother and father I was going to die. My father pleaded with the spirits to save me… that night, beneath the full moon, he brought me to the oasis and placed me in the pond. My dark hair turned white, I opened my eyes and began to cry- and they knew I would live. That’s why my mother named me Yue, for the moon.”
They neared the oasis as Yue finished her story, to find Zhao there- a bag in hand and Momo on his head trying to stop him from what he was doing. The group got off Appa when he landed, sans Yue and Zuko, ready to fight Zhao and the other Fire Nation soldiers in the oasis.
“Don’t bother!” Zhao held a knife to the bag he had, which must have had the Moon Spirit trapped inside.
Aang dropped his staff, raising his hands in surrender. “Zhao! Don’t!”
“It’s my destiny… to destroy the Moon… and the Water Tribe.”
Y/n glared at the man, resisting her urge to attack him. “You’re insane.”
“Destroying the moon won’t just hurt the Water Tribe. It will hurt everyone- including you. Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance. You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world.” Aang tried to reason with him, but Y/n wasn’t sure words alone would stop the man.
“He is right, Zhao!” Heads turned to Iroh, as he approached.
“General Iroh, why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?” Zhao spoke in a bored tone.
Iroh lowered his hood. “I’m no traitor, Zhao, the Fire Nation needs the moon too. We all depend on the balance.”
Unsurprisingly, Zhao continued to hold his threat on the Moon Spirit, the knife he held at the bag it was captive in not dropping.
“Whatever you do to that spirit I’ll unleash on you ten-fold!” Iroh pointed a finger at Zhao, before taking on a firebending stance. “LET IT GO, NOW!”
After a moment of stillness, Zhao faltered, lowering the bag. He kneeled and released the fish of the Moon Spirit back into the pond. The red light casted from the moon returned back to normal.
Seeing something move in the corner of her eye, Y/n’s attention moved to the right, just in time for her to see a figure sneaking away. Careful not to draw attention to herself, she followed after them, noting that Zuko was missing from Appa’s saddle as she snuck by. He was taking the chance to sneak away, while everyone was focused on Zhao. If she had anything to say about it, he wouldn’t be getting far.
In her pursuit, the moon fell dark, probably thanks to Zhao. It’s not a surprise that he would try and kill the moon spirit, even after letting it go. Keeping her distance and staying as hidden as she can, Y/n continued to follow Zuko- Only stopping when he did. Eyebrows furrowing together, she watched as he shot a blast of flames to a lower area from where they stood- Which was shot at Zhao.
The man stopped in his steps, looking up at Zuko incredulously. “You’re alive?”
“You tried to have me killed!”
He shot several more blasts at Zhao, which he was able to dodge. When he tried to run off in the other direction, Y/n moved quickly to grab her bow and an arrow, shooting it at the ground in front of him. Both Zhao and Zuko were shocked by this, not having noticed her before.
“You tried to have him killed?!”
Zhao’s gaze darted between the two, before primarily focusing on Zuko. “Yes, I did. You’re the Blue Spirit- and enemy of the Fire Nation! You freed the Avatar!” Pausing, he pointed to Y/n. “And her!” His words dripped with venom.
“I had no choice!”
Zuko fired several more attacks at Zhao, while Y/n readied an arrow- though she waited to shoot it until the right moment. Zhao avoided the attacks, removing and dropping his smoking cloak as they subsided. “You should have chosen to accept your failure- your disgrace! Then, at least you could have lived.”
Returning the fire, the two end up in a short exchange of attacks, before Zuko blasted Zhao in the chest, knocking him down. Having seemed to realize Y/n was waiting for the right moment for attack, Zuko glanced at her. “Now.”
Though she didn’t need his signal- In quick succession she fired two arrows at Zhao, one pinning his sleeve to the ground, the other pinning his pant leg. The two jumped down to the lower level Zhao was, landing on either side of him as he struggled to free his clothes from the arrows. Zuko took on a firebending stance, while Y/n pulled another arrow through her bow. They both waited to attack, watching the man carefully.
Finally wiggling the arrow free from his shirt sleeve, he scoffed, looking between the two. “Two traitors working together again, hm? I’m not surprised at this point.”
Y/n narrowed her eyes when the Admiral quit trying to wiggle the arrow pinning his pant leg down free, quickly pivoting on her heel at realization. Twisting to the side, she narrowly dodged the arrow when he threw it at her. This initiated the fight once again, Zuko sending a relentless stream of attacks. Realizing her bow wasn’t going to get her anywhere in a close range fight, Y/n hooked it away onto her quiver, running at Zhao while he traded fire blasts with Zuko. She grabbed onto his arm as he tried to send an attack at the prince, yanking it to the side so the blast shot to the right. He twisted his other arm to send a fireball right into her face, which she was able to duck away from as she released his arm. The momentary distraction gave Zuko the opening to shoot a powerful blast at Zhao, knocking him back a bit.
Unable to keep his attention on both of them at once, Y/n was able to swipe her leg at his ankles while he was focused on Zuko, knocking him down. Not relenting, Zhao shot a blast at Y/n, catching her off guard and knocking her down. She rolled out of the way of another blast, before Zuko helped her off the ground- While firing at Zhao. The two looked at each other briefly, sharing a nod.
Running at Zhao once again, Y/n twisted, ducked and dodged the attacks sent at her, while also giving room for Zuko to send his own blasts at the man. Once close enough, she started throwing punches at Zhao, taking his attention in the fight. The close proximity of the fight didn’t stop him from using his fire, leaving parts of her clothes to be singed. She ducked when he tried to punch her with a blazing fist, giving the opening for Zuko to send another powerful blast at Zhao, knocking him down once again.
He didn’t get up this time, rather looking past the two with a horror ridden expression. “It can’t be!”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/n turned to see what he was looking at- The moon. In the heat of the battle, she hadn’t noticed it started to shine bright once again.
Suddenly, water rose up coalescing around the bridge they were on, taking the form of a large fish like creature. It reached out and grabbed Zhao, pulling him off the bridge. He struggled against it, before Zuko reached out to him. “Take my hand!”
For a moment, it seemed like he was going to grasp onto Zuko’s hand, but instead drew back- an expression of hate taking over his features. Zhao was taken under the surface of the water, disappearing. Crossing her arms, Y/n looked at the surface of the water in near disbelief.
Silence lingered in the air, it only being broken when Zuko quietly cleared his throat. Looking up from the surface of the water, she glanced over at him. He took a minute, before speaking up.
“Listen, Y/n… I’m… sorry. For everything. I- Ugh, what am I even trying to say here.”
She raised an eyebrow in amusement. “That you’re sorry?”
“Yes- Wait, I already said that..” He breathed out a sigh, holding a hand to his forehead. Laughing softly, she held out her hand.
He hesitated for a moment, before grasping onto her hand, a soft smile tugging up his lips. “Truce.”
Tugging him a step closer, Y/n put an arm around his neck, bringing him into a hug. Zuko tensed at the action, but returned it nonetheless.
“We can still be friends..” Mumbling quietly, she broke away from the hug. “But I need to get back to them.”
“I.. understand.” He paused. “Actually, no, I don’t. But… I won’t stop you.”
Offering a small smile, she slipped past him, intending to go back to the oasis. She stopped on the way there, however, seeing that her friends were gathered. Katara waved her over, inviting her into the group hug they were currently sharing. Running over, she joined them, a wide smile on her face.
Sea water gently splashed up against the sides of the boat, spraying past the railings. The more Y/n sat with her back against them, her head leaned back, the more the back of her shirt and her hair dampened from the water. Eyes closed, she took in a deep breath. With her terrible track record on boats, she didn’t know that being out at sea could be so… relaxing.
“Can’t sleep?”
She shook her head softly in response. “You can’t either?”
Sokka breathed out a quiet, somewhat tense, laugh. “No..” He paused for a short moment. “Do you mind?”
Opening her eyes to see that he was motioning to the space on the deck next to her, Y/n offered a soft smile. “Not at all.”
Muttering a small thanks, he gave a weak smile in return, before settling down next to her. He sat close enough for their shoulders to press together, the close proximity made her heart race.
Silence lingered over them for a long moment, before Y/n spoke up. “I heard what happened… With Yue.”
Breathing out a soft sigh, Sokka tilted his head back, looking up at the moon. “Yeah… I figured you would.”
“I’m sorry for bringing it up but- I just wanted to say if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always right here.”
“Thanks..” He paused for a moment. “You know, I went to that shop you were working at once when you weren’t there. I was trying to catch you there, that… didn’t work out- Obviously.” He breathed out a quiet chuckle, digging into his coat pocket. “But I did meet that lady you worked for, and she asked me to make sure this got to you.” He held out a bracelet, the one she’d been looking at in the shop before she started working there.
Her eyes widened slightly. “I forgot about that.”
“That’s why she asked me to give it to you. Let me see your wrist.” He tied the bracelet around her wrist, once she held it out to him.
“Thanks.” She spoke with a smile, twisting her wrist slightly causing the stone to glint in the moonlight.
“It’s no problem.” Smirking, he took on a slightly teasing tone. “I didn’t expect you to be a jewelry person.”
Pressing a hand to her chest, she feigned an over exaggerated offence. “Just because I lived in a forest and can fight better than you doesn’t mean I can’t like girly things.”
He looked at her offended. “You cannot fight better than me!” She leaned a bit closer to him, raising an eyebrow. “You wanna test that theory?”
Falling silent, he gulped. “No, I think I’m good.”
They were both quiet, before breaking into a short fit of laughter. Leaning back against the boat's railing, Y/n hugged one of her knees to her chest.
Once again, silence fell over them. After a few moments, a sudden weight was on her shoulder. Tensing slightly, she looked to the side, to see that Sokka had fallen asleep- His head now leaning on her shoulder. She opened her mouth to wake him up, but stopped herself.
Something in her didn’t want to wake him up… The closeness was… Nice.
Letting her eyes fall closed, she leaned her head back, absentmindedly fiddling with the bracelet tied around her wrist. She felt so calm, but still her heart raced, and she wasn’t sure why.
With certain thoughts and memories coming to mind, however, the pieces started to fit together.
And it was in that moment, Y/n realized.
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