#n i don't think it's bad it just feels unnatural even tho this is like. what polite mature adults do
rubberbandballqueen · 2 years
just talked to my sister abt an issue i had w/smth she did just like i would w/anyone else n for some reason it felt so strange. like, being whiny and accusatory to your siblings when they do something you don't like is so normal. i did it for like twenty years, even after i stopped doing it to people outside the family.
it just feels so weird to just be like, "hey. i appreciate that you decluttered the bathroom n stuff, but i think you threw away my pen cleaning tools. can you tell me next time you declutter one of my spaces so that i can help instead?" like.
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Long post!
I have been thinking
a little
not at all little
Actually I've thought a lot about
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(more art ltr)
An Idea I've had for a while for a cryptid Y/n au
Came up with most of it when I saw some other ideas for cryptid y/n au
- Little kid 
- cryptid that craves warmth (not hearts or organs, just any living being warmth gives energy)  (don't know how they'd look)
(why they can't get a pet or smthn idk)
Cryptid y/n at some point: pspspsps *whistles* 
The werewolves: ... 
(But fr they'd probably end up killing living beings and humans only so they could get the warmth of the blood. Imagine a cat with catnip and you got cryptid y/n) 
when blood cools and dries:  
cryptid y/n:   :(    
1) Bad meeting 
2) Mix (Possession gone wrong) 
Results: Y/n. Much to their confusion 
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(old art I made when I first thought of the au)
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They still have a heartbeat 
The demonic cryptid with a beating heart. A pretty weak heartbeat but a heartbeat.
And at least partial mind of a human. Their bodies are fused together but mostly look human enough on the outside. But their heart can't keep them going alone, this applies to either party. So they both have to continue cryptid life necessities. Since y/n fused at a young age, their body grew to adapt with the cryptid traits and years after they are stronger and more accustomed to it.
don't question it
Roommates in the same body and become similar to Cryptid Eclipse in terms of how they think and work together. They pretty much become the same person.
I imagine any injury would be very very frightening. I mean the heart's pretty weak from this unnatural fusion so generally they go after anything that can't deal too much damage to them
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Many MANY years after becoming cryptid, y/n meets Sun and Moon who offer to help them out. I think they wouldn't suspect them too much since they originally believe they were covered in blood since they were hurt by a cryptid. Moon is more suspicious than Sun tho.
I think it'd be interesting if Sun and moon weren't separate animatronics (yet at least). Y/n grows to trust in them and really does care about them deeply. Especially since they are the best relationship they've had in a while. They aren't warm enough to sustain y/n, but it's closer than any other non living thing has gotten.
Cuddles are vry important here.
Y/n feels safe around them in a way they hadn't in a long time. And Sun and Moon would also care deeply about them just like Cryptid Eclipse and Cryptid hunter y/n. They have plenty of reasons to be concerned over y/n too! Like... why aren't they eating like a human should.
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So when someone hurts their sweetie, no matter how scared y/n normally would be, they are def protective over their hunters. Their light. Their warmth.
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Lore connection? Idk I came up with the idea b4 series finale and I think an episode prior to it 
It'd be interesting if they were a follower of glitchtrap at some point 
Most of this idea was baked before some lore clarifications, even then it's only half baked 
agdxhxgdfdydg for FUNNYS!! (tho only naff can confirm or deny)
I think Hunter y/n, ngl, kinda would want to put Cyptid Y/n under a microscope and study them, and Eclipse is confusion (and bombastic side eye). Actually, both of them are confusion 
Cryptid y/n is scared of both. Mostly of Eclipse, even falls over in fear the moment they detect them.
Run Y/n Run! And leave Eclipse VERY CONFUSED!! 
Cryptid y/n @ seeing eclipse: WOAH! DAMN. I don't know what the hell you feeding him but he is TOO DAMN BIG
Vanessa: y'know what's worse than a cryptid?
Vanessa *takes away paper*: BOOM. 
The whiteboard: "cryptid child" 
Glitchtrap: a CHILD 
Vanessa: NO
Anyway, just wanted to toss in what I've thought of for cryptid y/n
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biggerbetterbat · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x OC (Charlie Reed)
Summary: The group has to fulfill Jim's last will. Charlie and Daryl get closer to each other on the rode. The CDC is not what they expected.
Warnings: language, death, mostly fluff tho
Song: Snow On The Beach Taylor Swift&Lana Del Rey
A/N Hello! Short chapter today, because episode 18 of season 10 just destroyed me. And absolutely hate this chapter... Next one will be much better and longer, I promise. Feel free to comment and I hope you enjoy this one.
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The RV? A mess.
White smoke was coming out of the hood, while Rick and Dale tried to come up with an idea of how to fix it.
"I told you we'd never get far on that hose," said Dale. "I said I needed the one from the cube van."
"Can you jerry-rig it?" Rick asked.
"That's all it's been so far. It's more duct tale than hose." Dale shook his head. "And I'm out of duct tape."
"I see something up ahead. A gas station if we're lucky." Shane said as he put down binoculars.
"Y'all, Jim...It's bad. I don't think he can take anymore." Jacquie gasped as she ran out of the RV.
"Hey, Rick, you want to hold down the fort?" said Shane. "I'll drive ahead, and see what I can bring back."
"Yeah, I'll come along too and I'll back you up." he nodded and headed into the RV to talk with Jim.
"Y'all keep your eyes open now. We'll be right back." Shane informed everyone.
There was no saving Jim. The ride was just killing him faster. He felt every bump, the smallest rock was causing him pain. Besides, he was like a bomb, ready to blow and it was just dangerous to have him around. Charlie knew it. Shane knew it. Daryl knew it. And Rick had to face it. There was no way he would make it to the CDC, and he probably didn't even want to.
"It's what he says he wants," said Rick.
"And he's lucid?" asked worried Carl.
"He seems to be." nodded Rick. "I would say yes."
Dale looked around. "Back in the camp when I said Daryl might be right and you shut me down, you misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man. I was just gonna suggest that we ask Jim what he wants." he said. "And I think we have an answer."
"We just leave him here?" Shane asked. "We take off? Man, I'm not sure I could live with that." he shook his head.
Charlie furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him. He was acting all good and pure, he couldn't live with that...But there was no problem sleeping with his best friend's wife.
"It's not your call, either one of you," said Lori.
Eventually, Rick and Shane helped to carefully walk Jim out of the RV. They placed him under some tree, so he could lean his back on it, and everyone gathered around him- Charlie a little at the back, hiding behind Daryl.
"Hey." Jim breathed with a smile. "Another damn tree."
But nobody laughed or even smiled.
"Hey, Jim." Shane leaned in. "I mean, you know it doesn't need to be this."
"No. It's good." he shook his head. "The breeze feels nice."
"Okay. All right."
Jacquie kneeled beside him and sniffed as she looked at his pale face. "Just close your eyes, sweetie. Don't fight."
After that, she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and smiled to make him feel better- if a smile could make someone feel better in a situation like that.
"Jim, do you want this?" asked Rick, showing his gun to Jim.
"No," he said. "You'll need it. I'm okay."
Charlie said nothing to Jim. She looked as everyone were trying to come up with something nice, but it was just unnatural because they didn't know him. He was a stranger. He was always keeping his distance from the group and nobody really knew him. His family was dead and he was the only one that made it alive.
And she didn't want to be fake and say things she didn't mean or just to make him feel better. He was dying for God's sake. Probably the most painful death that was killing him slowly.
Her eyes met his. She stopped furrowing her eyebrows immediately and she felt uneasy on the inside. Charlie remembered his words from before and now with how he looked, they were even more scary to her. So she just turned around and sat in the car, waiting for Daryl.
"You didn't like Jim?" Daryl asked as soon as he got inside and started the engine.
"He didn't like me," she answered.
Daryl hummed.
"You are still sad?"
"I wasn't sad." she sighed, not looking at him.
"That's a shame then because I wanted to give you this."
She looked at him and saw the small package in his hands. She gasped. He was shaking small bright red package that screamed to be opened. "No way! Where did you get them?"
He shrugged, giving her sweets.
Once she felt the sweet taste of chocolate, she had to close her eyes. It was the best she felt since a long time. Sugar overflowing her body, she could almost feel how it already gets to her blood. First little square was to just tease her, but soon she just stuffed whole fist of it.
"And you?" she asked with a mouth full of little KitKats.
"You didn't like Jim?" Charlie asked.
"I guess he didn't like me, either," Daryl answered.
She smiled and stuck her fisted hand, waiting for a bump. He looked at her hand and then in her eyes, big question marks inside.
"Come on," she said. "Welcome to a club."
"What club?"
"People that are not liked." she encouraged him. "Well, we will come up with a better name." she shrugged.
"You are liked," he said. "Shane seems liking you more than others."
"Please," she rolled her eyes. "Now give it to me. I now you want to." Charlie smiled and moved her brows.
"You are lame," he said.
"I guess we're lame together."
He shook his head in disbelief, but finally, he fist-bumped her and saw even bigger smile on her face.
"You're my brother now!"
"I'm not your brother," he said.
"Best friend."
He looked at her skeptically.
Daryl grimaced.
"Man that saved my life...oh, no. That's Glenn," she said. "Umm...A man that is driving a car."
"Mmm. I liked you more when you were sad and looking out the window."
"Yeah, you gave me sugar. I'm like a child when I eat sugar." Charlie replied and put even more KitKats into her mouth. "And I haven't had it since forever, so..."
That made him think about a question that never entered his mind before. "How old are you?"
"Twenty-four. You?"
"Double your age."
"You're forty-eight?!" she gasped, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Just forty," he said.
"Woah," she said. "You look good for your age...for a Merle brother...for a man who spends most time in the woods...for a person that whole life went to shit. Is it because you never smile?"
Daryl sighed. "What happened to your face?"
Charlie looked in the mirror as if to remember what happened to her. After all the events from the last days, the fight with Ed seemed to be forever ago.
"Cool, right?"
"No," he said. "Somebody just beat the shit out of you."
"Yeah and now I look cool." she smiled. "Laundy can be dangerous. Especially when Ed Peletier is your husband."
"Hitting his wife was too boring for him?" he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"You knew? Why haven't you done something?"
"'Cause she's not my wife," Daryl answered as if that was the most obvious answer.
Silence fell in the car again, but only for a minute. "Did you have a wife?" she asked.
"No. Why?"
"Nothing. Just curious."
"Curiosity killed the cat," he mumbled.
"Are you a dog person or a cat person?"
"Stop," he said.
"But don't." he cut her.
Charlie sighed and looked out the window. But she was in a much better mood than a moment before. She knew he was just acting, he loved her presence...well, maybe he didn't love it just yet, but he enjoyed it more than he thought he would. Daryl on the other hand, was content, too. For a strange reason, he was really happy that he was able to make her feel better. Besides, it was the longest conversation he ever had with any person from the camp.
"Did you have a boyfriend?"
"That's a complicated question," she said.
"You either had or ain't." he shrugged.
She sighed.
But it wasn't that easy. Charlie wasn't a person everyone took her for. She wasn't gentle and sweet like a porcelain doll that needed protection. All she cared about before the turn was money and a comfortable life in luxury, that's all. That's how she was choosing her partners. Charlie didn't expect this big love from romantic comedies with butterflies and sleepless nights when only the touch of your person can calm you. And of course, they could read each other's eyes, what the fuck?
Now, sitting in a stolen car with some stranger man, made her realize how shallow she really was. How heartless for everyone she really was.
"I was seeing someone. And the relationship was more from his side. I was his girlfriend and he was...just a boy to me. Someone I could talk to in the gaps of my schedule." she confessed.
"You weren't in love?" Daryl asked.
"No. In fact, I never was in love." she shrugged. "Feelings are...complicated. They make your life complicated." She looked at him. "Say it. I'm a heartless wrench."
"No, you ain't," he said. "You just haven't met your person yet."
"Like you?" she asked and looked at him. "Haven't met your person?"
"Merle was my person," he answered.
Then she rolled her eyes and made him smile lightly at that. She clearly forgot about whatever was on her mind, which made her feel uneasy.
"Yeah. I haven't met her yet."
"Well, then good luck to us," she said. "Population is getting less and less."
As to confirm her words, they drove into the city and Charlie put back the pack of sweets, sitting up straight on her seat, because nothing could prepare them for what they saw...or smell.
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet || Katsuki Bakugou
I had so much fun with this! Vodka may or may not have been involved in the making of this little ditty. 🍸 I hope you shameless hussies enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. 😩
*Exhibit A:
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like he gets clingy asf, but plays it off like it's something he's doing for your sake. He'll probably never admit that he feels so vulnerable after sex, but he does. If it was a rough session - which it usually is with him - he'll ask if you're okay, if you're hurt anywhere, kiss any marks he left on you - he's such a protective hero boi.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: he's not gonna lie, he's fully aware of how well-endowed he is. He really is proud of his cock, the way it makes you sing when he works it - and he knows how to work it okay? Favorite non-sexual body part - his arms. He works hard to keep them cut (as in lifting, not cutting). 😬
Yours: listen, Katsuki is an ass man through and through. Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong, I'm 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 listening 👏🏼. He loves to watch the subtle ripples he sends through your ass cheeks when he's driving into you from behind. Also, our big scary boomboom man appreciates a nice, thicc pair of thighs. Bonus points if they're muscular/toned - he loves the way it feels when your thighs have such a strong grip around him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Let's just say our boy's orgasms are explosive. He cums hard and loud, shooting long ropes of his hot seed. Consistency is about average, not too thick, not to thin, but there's a lot of it. He doesn't taste too bad - salty, but not too bitter. You're more likely to gag from the sheer volume and force of his cum hitting the back of your throat than the flavor.
His precum gets honorable mention here. It's fucking delicious. That is all.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
It took him no less than 2 years into your relationship to tell you this, and if you ever tell anyone he might actually kill you, or at the very least make your ass bleed. He hasn't gotten to the point that he's ready to try it yet, but he's not entirely opposed to the idea of you pegging him. Someday. It kinda does make his balls tingle a little just thinking about it tbh. He hasn't yet, but he thinks he might be ready to try working up to it and is really close to asking you to stick a finger in his ass and stroke his prostate. He's heard how good it feels and he's super curious to find out for himself.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Not very experienced, actually. He's only had 1 or 2 lovers before you, BUT he's determined to be #1 at everything. Couple that with how perceptive he is and you've got yourself a winner of a loverboy. He's going to make damn sure that, even if things don't work out between you two, he will always ALWAYS be the best you've ever had. No other man will outdo him, E-V-E-R.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggystyle all the way, baby. As stated before, he loves watching your booty jiggle every time he slams his hips against it. He gets off on spreading your ass cheeks to watch his slick-coated cock slide in and out of you. God he just loves hitting it from behind, makes his dick so fucking hard.
Bonus 2nd Favorite Position (couldn't help myself): you on your back with your ankles on his shoulders, your ass lifted off the bed, him on his knees and hugging those thick thighs of yours, keeping them closed as he reams into you. (Slight variation of this one: he leans over you, nearly folding you in half, putting you back on your shoulders with his hands pressing into the mattress beside you, angling you such that his prominent corona rubs over your g-spot as he drills down into you. 10/10 you're gonna scream his name when (not if) your liquid gushes all over him.)
Tell me the truth, am I a disgusting human being? Here are all the fucks I give:
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Bakugou is serious asf about his sex game. This is not the time to joke around or poke fun at him, understand me? If you do he will get pissed and either fuck the silly out of you, or if he's feeling particularly ruthless he'll just stop altogether and let you ache for him as punishment until you beg him for release.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He takes care of his body, paying a lot of attention to his hygiene, which includes manscaping to keep his pubic hair trimmed and kempt. The carpet's just a shade darker than the drapes, like a honey blond. If he lets it grow out, it sticks straight out just like his head hair. It's actually kind of funny and he hates it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
*sigh* Let's be honest. Katsuki is not the super romantic type, at least not outwardly. However, if he realizes something he's doing is hurting you - physically or emotionally - he's going to stop dead in his tracks and hold you close, push his fingers through your hair, and tell you how much he loves you and how safe you are. He can be rough and he can be an asshole, but if he thinks he's genuinely hurt you at all, he's all over you, doing everything he can to make you understand that he will never let anyone hurt you, especially not himself. Got that?
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't jack off very often. You two share a very active sex life so he doesn't see the need to. If you have to be apart for more than a day or two, he'll rub one out. Or if the need hits him particularly hard and you're not available or in the mood, he's not above closing his eyes and reaching into his pants to wrap his thick fingers around his cock and start tugging.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lord Baby Jesus, where do I even begin? Kinky, kinky Katsuki. This man should come with warning signs and disclaimers.
First of all, he dom asf okay? Even if he lets you play with his ass someday, he's gonna be bratty about it. He's going to top from the bottom, hashtag facts. And trust that he WILL own you afterwards to securely reestablish his dominance.
Giving and Receiving: Hair pulling. DIRTY TALK - you think he's got a potty mouth in the streets? His mouth is downright filthy between the sheets. Loves it when you dirty talk right back to him. "You love taking my fat cock, don't you princess?" "Mm yessss, fuck me, Katsuki! Your cock feels so fucking good babyyy!" He eats that shit up.
Giving Only: Degradation. Praise. Spanking. Cockwarming. Dom/sub/power play. Shibari/ropework (he tried it bc you wanted to and he fucking loved it). Creampies. Begging. Discipline. Ravishment.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Literally anywhere inside your home/homes - bed, bathroom/kitchen countertops, kitchen/dining table, office desk/chair, any piece furniture is fair game really, up against a wall, washer/dryer, the fucking floor, ugh just all the places to fuck. Not one square foot is sacred tbh.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Wear something that showcases the curve of your butt. Doesn't have to be revealing per se, matter of fact he'll get possessive as fuck if you're showing too much skin in public. At home/privately though? He can't help himself. Dat ass tho...he is going to smack it hard enough that it stings and that's final, understand?
Tease him. You can't be obvious about it though. If he senses that you're doing it on purpose, it'll just backfire. But if you just so happen to brush against his crotch when you squeeze past him, it'll drive him crazy. Go commando in short shorts/skirt and cross your legs just so, his dick will twitch. Even better if you do shit like this in public where you know he won't act on it. But when you get home you best believe he's going to dick you down so hard, won't even bother to take said shorts or skirt off.
His ears and neck are his most sensitive erogenous zones. Whisper in his ear or kiss his neck and he's going to grit his teeth in an effort to fight back the shudder that threatens to rattle his bones.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Let's get one thing straight. Katsuki Bakugou does not share. This is non-negotiable. He will not agree to anything involving additional people - cuckolding, threesomes, orgies, exhibitionism, voyeurism (unless it's him watching you pleasure yourself - that he will gladly do, and probably start palming himself in the process).
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves giving and receiving. Giving puts him in full control of your pleasure, receiving makes him feel like you're worshipping his cock, which you probably are. Have you seen this man's cock? Of course you have. Gatdamn.
Y'all, Katsuki's so good at eating pussy. Like how does one get that good at eating pussy? I don't even know, but god the way he flicks his hot tongue over your precious, tiny bud before wearing it down like a fucking feed bag? It's unnatural. Like it could be his backup quirk if blowing shit up doesn't work out. You've seen the way he licks his lips when he gets excited, everyone has.* He doesn't even bother swallowing while he's feeding on you so you just be dripping in slick and saliva and he's just slurping away. It's lewd.
*See Exhibit A above.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
You already know this, but I'll say it anyway. His go-to fucking style is fast and rough, dominant and relentless, hard and dirty. But every once in a while he'll want to take you slow and deep and passionate. He'll hold you so tight in his arms and chest, you'll have to tap his shoulder sometimes to let you breathe. And he'll just roll his hips so fucking thoroughly both of you will feel every last inch, his pubic bone rubbing your clit so hard. You've told him so many times how much you love it when he makes love to you like this, but he maybe makes it a rare treat on purpose. 😈 Little shit.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are difficult for our boy. It's not that he's against them, it's just that he savors every drop of sensuality, he has a tendency to draw the pleasure out as long as possible. He can’t help it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
The idea of having public sex turns him on, but he's only done it with you a couple of times when he was 10000% sure you wouldn't be caught. He can't risk doing anything that would tarnish his reputation and goal of becoming the #1 Hero. He might be freaky as hell, but he needs a sex scandal like an Alaskan needs a refrigerator.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He loves you long time. He's a Taurus for fuck's sake (well, Aries/Taurus cuspie, but that just sweetens the deal). Great stamina. Grinds you down like a whetstone. Can last as long as he needs to to ensure you cum for him as many times as it takes for you to beg him to stop. If he feels himself getting too close while you're blowing him, he'll stop you and go down on you instead. If he's inside of you, he'll pull out and start kissing all over your body, sucking, nipping, licking until his urge to cum passes, then he pushes it right back in and keeps going.
If on the off-chance he does cum before you, he'll be ready to go again in about 20-30 mins. Just give him some motivation, he deserves it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He didn't own any toys when you first got together, but you did. He hated the idea of you using them though, especially when he's right there with you. You've since assured him that you don't want to use them to replace him, but to enhance the pleasure. So now you do use them from time to time.
The first time you managed to coax him into using a toy together, it was a small wireless bullet with a remote. When you brought it out and showed it to him, there was a wild glint in his eye. He carefully inserted the vibrator into you, his cock slowly following suit. He loved the fact that he had complete control over this thing, but later complained because the sensation of it against the head of his cock made him cum too fast. He still wants to use it sometimes though. 😏
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh he can be so unfair. He loves teasing you until you're begging him to put his cock inside you. He's not so much into orgasm denial per se; he just loves to hear you beg him for shit - to let you cum, to suck his dick, to stop fucking you when you're overstimmed, etc.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Lol he's fucking LOUD! And he's going to make you cum so hard that you're screaming his fucking name. There was a time when one or both of you lived in an apartment and the neighbors would bang on the wall behind your headboard.
Shit, what sounds does he NOT make? He growls, moans, grunts, groans, yells, swears, fucks you so hard you can hear the wet sound of slapping skin, hell even the bed protests. Another reason he doesn't fuck in public - he can't stay quiet enough to be discreet about it.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Okay, as much of a wild sex beast as he is behind closed doors, he gets embarrassed so easily when your sex life is so much as hinted at around others. It's legit funny how flustered he gets about it.
If he goes into work real tired and Kirishima says, "Hey Bakubro, you look like shit this morning. You and (y/n) stay up too late?" while doing the finger in the hole gesture, Katsuki will just "Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair, or I'll blast your ass right through that fucking wall!"
Or if you two go out together with friends and the girls are talking about sex-related stuff, Katsuki will just roll his eyes and try to ignore it. But if one of them is all "So, (y/n), does Bakugou ever like accidentally let off explosions while you're doing it?" and you wink and say, "Only when he's especially *cough* frustrated *cough*". Katsuki will go red from his neck up to his hairline and start stuttering, sparks flying from his palms. "H-hey, d-don't tell them sh-shit like that! I-it's none of their god-goddamn b-business, (y/n), what th-the f-fuck?!" Meanwhile, you and the girls are in stitches while he stomps away, just mortified, bless his heart. When you catch your breath from laughing you'll follow it up with, "Looks like tonight's gonna be one of those nights", and you all lose it again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
As has been mentioned, Bakugou's well-endowed. I figure he's packing about 7.5-8" in length x just under 2" wide. He takes some getting used to, that's for damn sure. Oh, and he's more of a shower than a grower. Like around 6" long x 1.5" wide when flaccid. Katsuki + sweatpants/basketball shorts = swinging dick print, alright sis? Take notes, this motherfucker visibly jumps when he does, class dismissed.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Eh, he's surprisingly not ridiculously horny. Maybe a little above average sex drive? A lot of times hero work just takes it out of him and he comes home utterly exhausted and just needs a soft place to land, and you provide him with all the love and nurturing in your heart. ❤
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends, really, on the time of day and what type of day it's been. If it's late (like past 9pm lol) and he fought more villains than usual that day, he's probs gonna pass out pretty soon after. If it's earlier in the day - especially first thing in the morning - it gets him pumped and almost comically genki.
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artjungwon · 3 years
unnatural ⭞ ni-ki
nishimura riki x gn!reader
featuring besties!sunoo & jungwon
enemies to lovers
fluff, light angst
song recommendation: unnatural by wjsn
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you never liked ni-ki, and ni-ki never liked you
it therefore wasn't very convenient that you had the same friend circle, sunoo and jungwon were tired (to say the least) of your constant bickering
you really tried to make efforts when you had to hang out with ni-ki around but it seemed like every word going out of his mouth made your blood boil for some unknown reason and he felt the exact same about you
but your friends still loved to tease you saying it's because you like each other. and everytime they did, the both of you would get overly offended over it making jungwon and sunoo laugh at you
you always told yourself that; no, you do NOT like ni-ki, but you had to remind that to yourself a tad bit too much for your liking
and to make the situation worse than it already was, right now you were trapped in the same room as the person you hated the most, after jungwon and sunoo, because your so called best friends had the, oh so fabulous, idea of leaving you in an empty classroom so you could finally get along
when sunoo and jungwon disappeared and you couldn't scream at them, it got really awkward. no one knew what to say or what to do until ni-ki finally spoke up
"so... why do you hate me?"
"why do i hate you? more like why do you hate me? you're the one who wouldn't speak to me and would look at me weirdly when you first moved"
"huh? i mean... i didn't know how to act around you at the time, i really didn't hate you"
you really hated yourself for jumping into conclusions like that, ni-ki must have been super confused about why you were acting cold towards him
"i'm so sorry ni-ki"
"no, i'm sorry, i'm not good at expressing my feelings and i freaked out because i kinda liked you"
"hold on, what?"
"i'm bad at expressing my feelings?"
"no not that, the second part"
"i have no idea what you are talking about right now y/n. do you hear voices or..."
"you said you liked me"
he took a few seconds to answer that seemed an eternity to you
"yeah i did, i don't think it really matters right now"
it felt like someone else took control of your body when you tiptoed to press a light kiss on ni-ki's lips, your own self was surprised by your sudden boldness
needless to say ni-ki was even more shocked than you were but he still responded to your kiss after a second
the way his lips felt on yours just felt right, you just couldn't explain it, you also kinda hoped that ni-ki felt the same way about it
obviously, it was at this exact moment that jungwon and sunoo decided to check if you weren't trying kill each other. they were stupefied to see a sight at the exact opposite of what they thought they would see
"are we... interrupting something?"
"well, it looks like they get along just fine now"
✉💗 my apologies for any typos i wrote this at midnight (but it was fun tho)
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kaptain-k-pop · 3 years
The K-List: Day #37
Kaptain K's K-List Pride Event: #11
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Hey look! I'm actually talking about a b-side again <3 today I wanted to go back and pick something from Gatcha! since I ended up going with a ONEWE track back on the actual double comeback day, didn't wanna leave my other beloveds out!
I actually had the opposite problem that I usually have! A lot if the time I'm like 'ooooo! I like this song!' But I don't really know what exactly to say about it to like express in words what I like about it, this time there actually was at least something that I felt like I could say about all the songs on this release (as opposed to, 'I like all of the, but which one do I actually have something to say about'), so trying to pick one was a little hard for that reason, plus I had a lot of thots (tho still not very eloquent and coherent thots...) so this time it was a matter of trying to organize those thoughts and word them properly which was my challenge, as opposed to trying to wrack my brain for things to say
Anyway, here it is 😌:
I am a Strings Loving Bitch so ofc I fell in love with LUCY and ofc I always have to keep my ears open to pick up all the good good violin bits when I listen to their music. I always have to have a listen when I sit and Just Focus on the violin.
And this track of course does not disappoint 😌
(GOD am I bad at using words to describe the things that I mean, but damn I sure am gonna try huh? <3)
The part in the first chorus where Yechan is holding a note and then as it rings it gets really unnatural? Like an alien sound?? (Idfk what I'm talking about. just go with me agdhahs like. 0:22-0:28 (same thing happens at 1:46-1:48)) idk. It sounds cool 🤷 The violin part in the second prechorus when it picks up and helps drive it? <3 the part that supports the bridge(? I think the section I am thinking of is a bridge, but I am also An Idiot <3 so who knows?) <3<3 and the lil extra flavor helping to finish out the last chorus <3<3<3 (ahdkahdj okay. We get it Kjersten, there are multiple violin parts in this song by a band one quarter of which is a violinist)
The part at 0:33 where everything drops out and it's just very minimal drums and bass under Sangyeop's voice? <3<3<3 (as a side note: the bass and drums in general in this song?? Oooooo yummy yummy yummy, Wonsang, Gwangil, u really outdid yourselves kings 😌💗)
The completely unaccompanied "time to wake time to wake me drop(up)"
That, and the distortion on the "U N ME A N D I N U N US W E N I N U N U N ME" section
(Something something about electronic influences and also violin, a classical instrument, both being used in the same songs, something about modern technology and traditional classical sound coming together, new and old, combined on a track. I am not a coherent intellectual person but there is Something to be said here, even if idk how to say it... please chew on this with me..... 👀)
Gwangil's B-section(? Is that what it is?? It's not a bridge because it's Too Early (before the second chorus) and there is Something Else later that I'm pretty sure is the bridge.....is it just part of the second verse?? But it has a completely different melody from the first verse... 🤔 who knows?) It is very pretty! We love tasty bits of Gwangil vocals in this house <3
This song just gets me very hyped up, I love how it builds
In the words of Choi Sangyeop: Oh feel like vibing feel like vibing
!!!!! He's right!!!
The vibes of this song are immaculate <3
Please do yourselves a favor and go check it out, along with the rest of this 'single album' and LUCY's entire discography
As always, ily all 😘
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Ali & Carly
Ali: 😭 Ali: BITCH I'M SOBBING Ali: Why are you the purest of all time? Carly: dont cry baby Carly: its not that shit like i did try Ali: It isn't shit at all Ali: it's the best Ali: when can I come get it Carly: I'll bring it youre hurt Carly: anything else you need? Ali: s'all good, Lene is bringing bandages but honestly Ali: frozen peas helped loads, not even that bad now Ali: I can hop to you 🐰 Carly: cute as youd look Carly: i wont make you k Carly: should i not come over if she is? Ali: probably not Ali: i want you to but she would be awks if not rude n i don't wanna do that to you Ali: she's just stressy rn Carly: yea hmu when she goes Carly: ill bring you good shit for the pain Ali: you're my 😇 shortcake Ali: never over how cute the gift is either Ali: hidden talents Ali: imma have to think of something good to give you now, least I'll have time if I can convince Ma that I need to rest this shit Carly: w such a talented boo i had to step it up Carly: cant lose you Carly: you dont need to do anything for me tho youre the one hurting Carly: & the cute one Ali: you won't Ali: less I make a habit of rolling down the mountains, which I ain't planning on Ali: stop at a nice grassy hill, like Ali: you can kill me with kindness tho 😊 into it Carly: yea dont k Carly: but do bring me flowers if youre in that grass for a while Carly: wanna feel the love Ali: I so will Ali: not from the garage either Ali: proper romance Carly: aw Carly: youre the best Carly: never had flowers before Ali: that's an outrage Ali: imma fix that so fast Carly: youre gonna make me sob Ali: not the goal just 'cos you got me first Carly: cuz i love you bitch Carly: it scared me when you hit the ground Ali: i love you too bitch Ali: i'm soz, swear i'm usually more capable and less dramatic Carly: my bad for having parents that make us run to the mountains Ali: it's chill Ali: adventures are the best Ali: mad we didn't find a cave to live in but there's always next time Carly: make it homey & cute aw Carly: gonna need it if your gf or fam are mad at me Ali: cavegirl chic Ali: only come down for the good times Ali: nah, my fam just laughed Ali: tah for the sympathy 🖕 twats 😂 Carly: my hair looks better uncombed like i can make that work Carly: when you gonna b party ready? Carly: my fam going away Ali: Again? Ali: I'm always ready to party Carly: i kno Carly: we have a few days to make it good Carly: ma needs to hit the salon before she can go like Ali: Naturally, gotta start your pre-tan now amirite Linda Ali: but so up for this Ali: this town needs a good party Ali: and so do we Carly: unnaturally blonde too Carly: o ma Carly: yea itll be fun Ali: we do have more fun 💅💄👗 Ali: as dubo gon' know Carly: ha Carly: me first tho Ali: obviously Ali: party planning party Carly: you bringing your gf this time? Ali: nah Ali: her idea of planning ahead is getting in double the cases, like valid but what are we wearing Carly: bored of my clothes Carly: we gotta shop Ali: 🙌 ugh Ali: marry me again Carly: k set the date Ali: obvs gotta have a 3 in it Ali: for the 🍀 Carly: & 🔮 Ali: exactly Ali: baby gets it Carly: you get me Ali: i hope so Ali: 'cos you're cool and fun and sweet Ali: i like you Carly: aw Carly: i love you 👼 Carly: cutest Ali: 🤭 Carly: gotta make you blush for each ⚘ Carly: thats my plan Ali: Can count that as 2 but Imma start making it harder from now on Carly: yea? Ali: Can't be giving 'em away Ali: plus intrigued to see what you come up with Carly: but youre so pretty when you go pink Carly: trying to change my fave colour Ali: damn, you're good 😜 Ali: what is your favourite colour Carly: 💙 Ali: Good choice Ali: the sky, the ocean, can't go wrong Carly: liked it more since i met you Carly: the eyes be like Ali: girl, you killing me Carly: sorry Ali: you ain't and i ain't Carly: facts Carly: wish you were here its boring Ali: same Ali: but Lene will be here soon, don't think I can move that fast Ali: also feel more guilty even though I ain't actually doing anything wrong Carly: i kno Carly: ill go see if ronans still in a mood Carly: if she gets too much you can say she has to come be chivalrous for me cuz hes kicking off Carly: probs will no lie Ali: don't let him be a dick Ali: more than his usual and expected, like Carly: bored of his tantrums hes like a kid Ali: yeah Ali: gotta learn he's not that much of a ride Carly: like sorry you want my wife more than me not my bad Carly: & same boy Carly: shes the ride here Ali: nah, just pissy you banged his cousin, sure Ali: you hush 😘 Carly: but i banged bartley cuz ronan didnt pay me no attention Carly: your own fault lad Ali: let him know Ali: if it weren't me it'd be some other girl, yeah? so he needs to get over it if that's how he wanna play or start apologising now, like Carly: yea Carly: ill tell him Carly: dont let your girl be a dick either tho Ali: I don't Ali: esp. not about my baby Carly: waiting for her to slide in my dms to warn me off Carly: gonna smack me w that gay scale Ali: 😂 Ali: least you can clap back like Ali: bitch i'm a 1 Carly: yea Carly: & not my bad the boo is magic Carly: cant resist Ali: exactly Ali: only human Carly: true Carly: any1 who dont like you is proper weird Ali: awh baby Ali: can i put that on my tinder Carly: gotta Carly: but you kno where to bring the dick pics Ali: DCI Carly Carly: only way im getting letters round my name Ali: I'd make you queen Ali: but lizzie ain't budging and fuck the royals yeah Carly: aw babe Carly: im blushing if you keeping score Carly: gonna be like i own this place after our party Ali: hell yeah Ali: 👑 Ali: bow down bitches Carly: gonna rule w me yea Ali: you sure you don't want prince ronan by your side? Carly: im sure Ali: then of course Ali: lemme fetch my crown Carly: id make you one but youve seen my lack of talents Carly: could maybe do ❀ Ali: ain't seen nothing but, thank you Ali: always a look Carly: you wanna see something k Carly: ill remember you said that Ali: what you planning Carly: nothing w your gf on her way Carly: but you kno Ali: shame Ali: wife ain't meant to be the fun one 😉 Carly: but when you marry me tho Carly: nother time baby Ali: i know, i wifey'd too well Ali: so 🍀 Carly: me too Ali: Oh she's here Ali: chatting up my Ma in the kitchen Carly: fun Ali: Truly Ali: She'd have booted Ronan so far down the road if he'd tried Carly: ha Carly: he doesnt do older no offense to your hot ma Ali: 😂 Ali: can't be doing much younger now, creeper Carly: thatll be why hes so moody Ali: gutted, babe Carly: but no need for you to be Carly: go get your girl Ali: heaven forfend i get up Ali: gotta play invalid Carly: aw babe Carly: take the perks & make it good tho Ali: yeah Carly: be fun Ali: always Carly: ill be here trying to make mine Ali: can take my new good luck charm as long as you keep it safe Carly: nah its yours Carly: gonna keep it safer than that for my baby Ali: 💚 Ali: just keep yourself safe then yeah Carly: aw Carly: yea k Carly: for you boo
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