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dorkhellbside · 11 days ago
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egg2k16 · 5 years ago
40 Fanfic Q’s Answered
the server wants answers, and they want them now!!! from this post
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Smut and pining all the way. Also, falling in love via laughing
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Eh...I don’t think so, I’m always 100% self-indulgent, so what u see is what I want
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Anything that has to do w mega sadness, I just Don’t. I can’t write anything sad, and if I do, there’s certainly gonna be A Lot of comfort afterwards
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
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I have 91 wips, motherfuckers!!! My latest wip is a daddy month fic!
5. Share one of your strengths.
I think, since I’ve been trying to be sparser in my words, I’ve been able to better emphasize what isn’t being said
6. Share one of your weaknesses.
No action scenes from me are ever good, lmao
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
It was late at night, when he started to cry.
He didn't want to cry, but he did.
It's been years since he's last let himself feel, or was it since he was last allowed to feel?
He choked on his sobs, uncomfortable with his tears. He's forgotten how to properly cry. His entire body is shaking, and the connections between flesh and wire hurts.
He stops crying. He starts crying again.
This continues for another few minutes, until he feels as if he can't possibly have any more tears.
He wipes his face, pulls the covers up to his chin, and falls asleep.
(from Twilight on the Sea) I really like this bcus I don’t think I’ve ever really typed out crying in this way, n I tried to make it feel like it was a lot
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Cass was quiet for a moment. “... you know what? Maybe I’ll just go up there and surprise you.”
“If you do, then you already ruined the surprise, haven’t you?”
“Eh, I dunno about that. Seeing my beautiful face is a shock for many people.”
“Oh, I’m sure of it.”
“Hey, Koda? I don’t know about you, but it’s really late here.”
“Really?” Koda asks, then remembers that time zones exist. “Oh crap, what time is it over there?”
“It’s midnight. What about you?”
“It’s eight o’clock. Only four hours difference?”
“Oh hey, that’s not so bad.”
“It reduces our time,” Koda said, a bit whining.
“Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“What are you going to do? Move here? Send for me?”
“You’ll see.”
(from Together) This was a gift for one my best friends on here, @suncatchr​ , and it’s about his ocs!!! I love this a lot bcus while it’s a soulmate au, it’s not ur average soulmate au, and I tried making it as original as possible! And this blurb, I just wanted them to effuse so much love w/o having to say love...cries
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
If this is by posted fics, then I remember writing Look What You’ve Done to Me was very very difficult, bcus, since it’s also a gift, for @daniel-bryan​ , I wanted to write it Good, n since my buddy usually wrote from the love interest’s pov, I felt a weird pressure to write Daniel Bryan’s pov as good as I could
10. Which fic has been the easiest to write?
2 of my fics in Spanish!!! My oc centric one, Rayos y Centellas, and my shyan one, oye cariño, solo pienso en ti ! Turns out writing in ur native tongue makes everything easier
11. Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
It’s a very passionate hobby!!! I just!!! try to pour all of my love into everything I write!!!
12. Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
I’m not sure!!! I just watch movies n quietly scream to my gay lonesome bcus No One Ever Watches Movies ;-;
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
To just keep writing n not stop for details or forgotten lore, bcus it’s important to write down what’s firing u up Right Now. Of course, it’s very difficult following that ;;-;;
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
“No adverbs!” “No ‘said’!” “It has to make grammatical sense!” sometimes things Need those
15. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Was gonna say my rewrite of the end of The Rover, but actually, my SPN fic Ube . Shit was peak inspired
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Eridirk (Eridan Ampora/Dirk Strider from Homestuck) all the way. The one otp that’s stayed thru thick n thin <3
17. Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
A little mix of both, and tbh it depends on the fic, but I tend to write chronologically
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
I’ve started bullet pointing my ideas out before writing my fics, and so far, it’s been helping me be more streamlined n get my things written out faster n clearer!
19. Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Is the need for representation in all the niche movies I keep watching a muse?
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
In my dark room, w music blasting from my laptop, the TV w a soft hum, I have the perfect playlist to get the mood right, curled up in my blankies, n my plushie Sweet Pea by my side
21. How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Zero, we rely on autocorrect & editing while typing and die like men
22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
Del Rio shrugs. “Working as a cop, it makes you numb to some things. It’s good, it lets you react to things as you should, and not how you’d want to.”
He makes a noncommittal noise. “It is what it is.” He eats another spoonful of his ice cream, then gets a thought.
“Can you show up?”
“Can you,” he tries, waving his spoon around, “Manifest?”
“I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” Del Rio assures, and he can feel the air around him smile. The...world, he thinks, around him shifts just slightly, and there seems to be a chink in the armor for a moment before it goes away, as if someone had wiped the glass clear. He realizes that this is her, trying to show up in a physical form, step out of the phone.
He doesn’t know where to look, but then his confusion wanes when a butterfly shows up, fluttering towards him. It lands near his phone, skitters a bit, flaps its wings.
“Lucy?” he asks, transfixed on the butterfly. Its orange wings are bright under the sunlight.
“Well, you certainly nailed it.” He smiled warmly at the butterfly, and he had the crazy notion that it smiled back at him.
(adapted from The Policeman , the first fic I posted!)
23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Yeah, probably The Policeman lmao, I remember it today n I cringe a little at the very obvious refs to other fandoms I made. Despite that, it continues being one of my best hits!
24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
25. What do you look for in a beta?
I’m just thankful to have gotten a beta in general in life at all
26. Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
I beta’ed once, and since English is my 2nd language, I pointed out syntax confusion, typos, n continuity errors
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
Can be done, it’s just that I am frightened. Tried doing that, it fell thru, n the new thing that came up, I still have to hold up my end of the bargain ;;-;;
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
cries omg ok so!!! Chancy_Lurking ( @lurkerviolin​ ) is one of my faves, n we’ve become friends, n their Felix+ Sense8 series is the reason for it all, and u know it’s good if it managed to make a friendship that’s last its good while, and also they’re so nice, and we vibe so well!!! thegoatz ( @daniel-bryan​ ) is also now one of my bestest friends ever, and I wuv him so much, he is such a good kid, n he’s so enthusiastic about writing, and I hope that spark never goes out!!! And adamwhatareyouevendoing ( @skatingthinandice​ ) bcus she’s doing a rewrite of The Last Kingdom where it’s all gay where it should be and vnjkdfsnvkd God, what a wonderful friend!!!
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
I actually technically am working on a sequel to @rettaroo​ ‘s A New Kind of Touch ! Another promise I have to hold up eventually ;;;-;;;
30. Do you accept prompts?
31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
I try to follow canon as much as I possibly can!
32. How do you feel about smut?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
33. How do you feel about crack?
Eh, it’s alright. I don’t normally look for it, so I don’t really have a solid opinion on it
34. What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
I don’t want to read it, but I have so far encountered it twice very amicably: once here in a ficlet, and another in a longer fic on AO3, and they were both very good
35. Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Probably not, I don’t like sad things!
36. Which is your favorite site to post fic?
AO3! I’m RedLlamas on it!
37. Talk about your current wips.
Lmao which one. The one I’m currently working on is an impregnation kink turned “oh no I actually do wanna have a family” feelings fic!
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Gonna be real w u, the best comments I’ve gotten have mainly been from my friends, who either write a paragraph or two going into detail of the fic, or just send a one sentence comment that’s just “screams!” I’ve gotten very few paragraphs from other people, n they’re always so!!!
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My friends are the realest :’)
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
The perks of being a rarepair writer is that the only people who read my fics are the ones actively looking for content!!! And they can’t complain about my work because No One Else Is Writing For It!!!!!!
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40. Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
All my fics are masterpieces, so I’ll do a summary change! For don’t you just know (exactly what they’re thinking?)
Dakota finds himself in unexpected heartbreak, and the universe decides to bring him in the direction of a night club with a dancer with stars on his skin.
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recentanimenews · 8 years ago
Monthly Manga Review Index: March 2017
This month, I’m launching a new feature: the Monthly Manga Review Index. My motivation is simple. When I started writing ten years ago, link-bloggers such as Brigid Alverson, Tom Spurgeon, and Dirk Deppey played a big role in helping me find a readership. In the spirit of paying it forward, therefore, I’d like to shine a light on the good work that my fellow manga critics are doing at personal blogs, big corporate websites, newspapers, and everything in between.
Since it would be a fool’s errand to aim for comprehensive coverage, my goal is to compile a list of thoughtful essays that focus on new releases, classic titles, and buzzworthy series. I’ve divided the list into four broad categories: From the Top (reviews of new and new-ish print series), Digital Debuts (new digital-only titles), Ongoing Series, and From the Vault (a catch-all term for complete series or OOP titles). I’ve deliberately avoided labels such as “seinen” and “shojo,” as those descriptors are less useful for indicating whether a title is of interest to American readers. Additionally, I’ve chosen a review of the month to draw special attention to outstanding manga criticism.
Have a suggestion for improving the organization of this list? Want to recommend a great writer whose work should be featured here? Leave a comment below!
Anime UK News may not be on your radar, but this website has more to offer than just a lively set of forums; it’s also a great destination for manga reviews. This month, Sarah, the site’s editor, posted an achingly good essay about The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún. I finished her review with an acute sense of envy — I wish I’d written that! — as well as a deep appreciation for her description of Nagabe’s elegant, distinctive artwork. Go, read!
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 1 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 1 (Keith Hendricks, NerdSpan)
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 1 (Amelia Cook, Otaku USA)
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 1 (Anna N, The Manga Report)
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 2 (Anna N, The Manga Report)
Big Order, Vol. 1 (Dil, Taykobon)
Blame! Master Edition (Jason Thompson, Otaku USA)
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 1 (Keith Hendricks, NerdSpan)
The Case Study of Vanitas, Vols. 1-3 (Shaenon Garrity, Otaku USA)
Clockwork Planet, Vol. 1 (Ian Wolf, Anime UK News)
Clockwork Planet, Vol. 1 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Clockwork Planet, Vol. 1 (Robert McCarthy, Otaku USA)
Clockwork Planet, Vol. 1 (Michael, Taykobon)
Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody, Vol. 1 (Nick Smith, ICv2)
Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody, Vol. 1 (Helen, The OASG)
Dragons Rioting, Vols. 1-2 (Shaenon Garrity, Otaku USA)
Erased, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
Erased, Vol. 1 (Demelza, Anime UK News)
Erased, Vol. 1 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Erased, Vol. 1 (Nick Smith, ICv2)
Fire Force!, Vol. 1 (J. Caleb Mozzocco, Good Comics for Kids)
The Ghost in the Shell: Deluxe Edition (Ian Wolf, Anime UK News)
The Ghost in the Shell: Deluxe Edition (Brigid Alverson, B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog)
The Ghost in the Shell: Deluxe Edition (Ken H., Sequential Ink)
The Ghost in the Shell: Deluxe Edition (Mark Thomas, The Fandom Post)
The Ghost in the Shell Human-Error Processor: Deluxe Edition (Mark Thomas, The Fandom Post)
The Ghost in the Shell Man-Machine Interface: Deluxe Edition (Mark Thomas, The Fandom Post)
Hana & Hina After School, Vol. 1 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Ichi-F: A Worker’s Graphic Memoir of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (Brigid Alverson, B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog)
Ichi-F: A Worker’s Graphic Memoir of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (Ash Brown, Experiments in Manga)
Ichi-F: A Worker’s Graphic Memoir of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (Amelia Cook, Otaku USA)
The Isolator, Vol. 1 (Matt, Taykobon)
Kase-san and Morning Glories (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Kindred Spirits on the Roof: The Complete Collection (Erica Friedman, Okazu)
Kiss & White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
Kiss & White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 1 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Kiss & White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 1 (DJ Horn, The Fandom Post)
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages (Evan Minto, Otaku USA)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 1 (Ash Brown, Experiments in Manga)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 1 (Ollie Barder, Forbes)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 1 (J. Caleb Mozzocco, Good Comics for Kids)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 1 (Nick Smith, ICv2)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 1 (Evan Minto, Otaku USA)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Vol. 1 (Demelza, Anime UK News)
Magia the Ninth, Vols. 1-2 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
Revolutionary Girl Utena Deluxe Box Set (Amelia Cook, Otaku USA)
Smokin’ Parade, Vol. 1 (L.B. Bryant, ICv2)
Species Domain, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
Spirits & Cat Ears, Vol. 1 (Rebecca Silverman, Anime News Network)
Spirits & Cat Ears, Vol. 1 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Ace of the Diamond, Vol. 1 (Kory Cerjak, The Fandom Post)
All-Rounder Meguru, Vol. 1 (Matt, Taykobon)
Chihayafuru, Vol. 1 (Michelle Smith, Soliloquy in Blue)
The Full-Time Wife Escapist, Vol. 1 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Gleam, Vol. 1 (Krystallina, The OASG)
House of the Sun, Vol. 1 (Matt, Taykobon)
Liquor & Cigarette (Allison Ziebka, Bloom Reviews)
Nodame Cantabile, Vol. 1 (Gabe Peralta, The Fandom Post)
Space Brothers, Vol. 1 (Gregory Smith, The Fandom Post)
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, Vol. 1 (Michelle Smith, Soliloquy in Blue)
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, Vol. 1 (Matt, Taykobon)
Wave, Listen to Me!, Vols. 1-2 (Michelle Smith, Soliloquy in Blue)
Akagame ga KILL! Zero, Vol. 5 (Krystallina, The OASG)
Akuma no Riddle, Vol. 4 (Erica Friedman, Okazu)
Behind the Scenes!!, Vol. 3 (Johanna Draper Carlson, Comics Worth Reading)
Case Closed, Vol. 61 (Kate O’Neil, The Fandom Post)
Food Wars!! Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 16 (Johanna Draper Carlson, Comics Worth Reading)
Forget Me Not, Vol. 7 (Matt, Taykobon)
Fruits Basket Collector’s Edition, Vol. 11 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Horimiya (Allison Ziebka, Bloom Reviews)
Horimiya, Vol. 6 (Helen, The OASG)
Horimiya, Vol. 6 (Matt, Taykobon)
Hunter x Hunter, Vol. 33 (Austin Price, Otaku USA)
Karneval (Zina H., Comics Alliance)
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-Kun, Vol. 6 (Gabe Peralta, The Fandom Post)
My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected @ Comic, Vol. 4 (Keith Hendricks, NerdSpan)
One Piece, Vols. 7-9 (Renay Williams, B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog)
One Piece, Vols. 10-12 (Renay Williams, B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog)
One Piece, Vols. 13-15 (Joel Cunningham, B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog)
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 12 (Richard Gutierrez, The Fandom Post)
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 13 (Richard Gutierrez, The Fandom Post)
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 14 (Richard Gutierrez, The Fandom Post)
Skip Beat!, Vol. 38 (Sean Gaffney, A Case Suitable for Treatment)
Skip Beat!, Vol. 38 (Anna N., The Manga Report)
Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 11 (Keith Hendricks, NerdSpan)
Until Death Do Us Part, Vol. 13 (Kate O’Neil, The Fandom Post)
Vinland Saga, Vol. 8 (Ken H., Sequential Ink)
Welcome to the Ballroom, Vol. 3 (Matt, Taykobon)
What Did You Eat Yesterday?, Vol. 11 (Terry Hong, Book Dragon)
Aventura, Vol. 1 (Greg Hackman, The Fandom Post)
Aventura, Vol. 2 (Greg Hackman, The Fandom Post)
From Eroica With Love (Vrai Kaiser, Anime Feminist)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Megan R., The Manga Test Drive)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Allen Kesinger, No Flying No Tights)
Neo-Parasyte F (DJ Horn, The Fandom Post)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Megan R., The Manga Test Drive)
Senran Kagura: Skirting Shadows (Megan R., The Manga Test Drive)
Shindo (Claire Napier, Women Write About Comics)
Tomie (Mark Thomas, The Fandom Post)
World War Blue (Megan R. The Manga Test Drive)
Anonymous Noise, Vol. 1
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Vol. 1
Dissolving Classroom
Ne Ne Ne, Chapters 1-4
By: Katherine Dacey
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