#n 26
felinefractious · 2 months
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🐱 Jungle Cat, F1 Chausie [AAFP Position Statement: Hybrid Cats]
📸 Renata Semeráková [Ammyodskal]
🎨 Black Ticked Tabby, Black Grizzle [Grizzle]
Note: I always include the link to the AAFP Position Statement in these posts featuring early generation hybrids but since this post features fully wild cats I wanted to bring extra attention to it.
This blog does not condone or support the production of early generation hybrid breeds, which means we are opposed to any cat bred within less than 4 generations of their most recent wild ancestor.
We absolutely do not condone the keeping of wild cats as pets, regardless of size or conservation status, nor do we support the commercial breeding of them. These cats should only be bred for conservation purposes by accredited facilities in accordance with the Species Survival Plan.
These images are being shared for educational purposes only, to demonstrate what drastic changes can occur to phenotype with only one generation of outcrossing.
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qweenofurheart · 11 months
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oldest 🦇 youngest 🦇
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xinanigans · 4 months
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Rest in piece to my hopes of a Unova remake (especially to my baby girl N </3)
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— flufftober (day 16) —
Warnings: fluff, dad!bucky (he’s a warning), sexual tension, a bit of sad!Bucky, pregnancy
Prompt: Fireplace
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
@flufftober || flufftober masterlist
A/N: these are going to be veryyy late submissions. but it’s not my fault writer’s block hit me now. i mean kinda but not really. i’ll be posting these randomly here and there when inspiration comes. enjoy!
Bucky surveyed the living room with a small frown adorning his lips and a small twinkle in his eyes. His eyes trailed over the couches covered in crayons and papers before falling to the action figures and toys laying on the floor like casualties of a battlefield. The smell of chicken nuggets and fries lingered in the air, mixing in with the vanilla scented candle he had lit after the boys were sent to bed.
He heard you before he saw you, the telltale creak of the second step alerting him before you could remember it existed. He saw you step up beside him with a sigh and send a long glance at the pile of dishes in the sink. He smiled softly at the adoring smile that had somehow, in amidst of the chaotic closing of the night, appeared on your lips.
He nudged your shoulder with his. "Think we'll survive this?" He joked when you turned your head to look at him. The teasing tone in his voice made you giggle, lowly so that you didn't wake the sleeping boys.
"We always do, don't we?" You replied swiftly, looking at the family portrait you had managed to take last month at Disneyworld—a gift from Tony. You and Bucky were at the center, holding the one of two-year-old twins each, Grant & Thomas, while the four-year-old Grayson was held in the middle by Bucky. The smiles on each of their faces were adorable enough to have you slightly hazy with the memory.
With a huff, you looked at Bucky and said, "Let's split up."
"Toys or dishes?" Bucky raised his eyebrows and waited for your answer. You smirked and looked at the floor covered in Legos, action figures, and blocks.
"There's no way I can bend down for that long, Buck," you answered, placing your hand on your swollen belly. Bucky chuckled and nodded, a rare grin on his face that lit his face and flashed his dimples.
You two were done with kids—you really were done after having three boys—but you knew Bucky had wanted a girl. And you secretly did, too. Especially after seeing him with Morgan, you both starting trying again. It wasn't as if you weren't opposed to having another boy either—all three boys were such mama's boys that it made both you and Bucky all warm inside.
When you had brought that up, Bucky had laughed and kissed your concern away, adding in a simple, "If this one turns out anything like the boys when they grow up, I'll be more than happy. Boy or girl." That was the end of your worries. When you two learned that you were having a girl, it became apparent that Bucky's phrase third time's a charm turned out to be true.
"I'll get cleaning here then," Bucky said while reaching out to grab your hand and kiss your knuckles. "But you gotta promise me that you'll sit down if your feet hurt. And you—" his eyes flickering down and his metal hand coming to your stomach— "don't give your mama a hard time, 'kay?"
A soft kick landed on his hand and his smile widened. "I hope that was an 'okay, papa' and not a hard no," he teased with a wink at you.
"Yeah, okay. I promise." You smiled up at him and tilted your head as an invitation. He leaned in to peck your lips and then you two split up as planned.
He quickly gathered the bigger toys first, knowing he would trip over them or not see a Lego piece before it was too late. After dumping those to the side, he bent down and started piling the Legos together and then dumping them into its container. He fell back to sit on his butt after noticing that he had been balancing on his toes. He sat with his legs bent and elbows resting on his knees.
He had barely begun and he was already tired of cleaning up. He glanced around the couch to look at you. You were almost finished with the dishes, wearing an apron to reduce the water from staining your clothes. Well, they were his hoodie and sweatpants, but he was pretty sure you wore them more often than him. He never minded it, even if he complained about never having his clothes with a playful glare aimed at you.
Bucky got up and walked over to you silently, purposely missing the creaky board. He wrapped his arms around you, feeling you jump slightly in his arms before settling into his chest.
"Thought I told you to sit down if—"
"If my feet hurt," you cut in with a chuckle. "I know, but I'm okay right now. Promise." He hummed and pulled you closer to him. He kissed the curve of your neck and made his way up to the sensitive spot that made you squirm away.
"Hey," Bucky protested with a boyish smile. He tightened his arms around you with mind to the swell of your belly and the baby girl inside to keep you in place as he kissed that spot again.
"Bucky!" You squealed, but pressed your lips together the next moment with his little hush.
"The kids are sleeping," he murmured against your skin, causing a shiver to seep through your body. "Don't wanna be too loud—"
Your hiss made him pause and move away, suddenly scared that he had hurt you with his strength. It wouldn't be the first time that he had, but those times were under different circumstances and controlled. Just as he was moving away with his arms loosening around you, you grabbed his forearm and leaned back into his chest.
"Doll?" He whispered, afraid to speak. He swallowed when your breath hitched again.
"She's kicking my ribs again," you mumbled, eyes closing and head tilting onto his shoulder. He relaxed a little, wrapping his arms around you again, and slipped his hands under the hoodie to rub little circles into the soft skin. "She's strong, though. That much is obvious."
Bucky kissed your neck. "Just like her mama."
"Pretty sure it's that super-soldier serum."
"Don't drag my wife down." He bit your neck playfully. "You're the one who gave birth to our boys. We both know I'm not that strong."
"There's other complications with that, anyway," you remarked, relaxing when you realized that the kicking had ceased.
"Just take the compliment, doll." Bucky saw you smile and open your eyes, placing the last dish on the rack to dry and turning in his arms. You grinned and an idea sparked in his head. "What d'you say we turn tonight into a date night?"
"What?" You laughed slightly and placed your hands on his chest.
"Just—" Bucky let out a breath— "Just go sit down on the couch, the only one not covered in papers and crayons, and relax and wait for me to clean up. Then we can watch a movie with the fire going. What d'you say, huh?"
"I say," you started, moving your hands around his neck and tangling them between his locks, "it sounds like we'll be watching what I want to." Your eyes sparkled with amusement and mischief.
Bucky rolled his eyes, but nodded. "Sounds about right."
"Well, then, get ready to watch Scream."
You backed away and walked into the living room. You hopped over the toys still scattered with a smile and flopped down on the couch. Bucky followed you and grabbed the remote to pass to you before he started to clean up the remaining toys. He started the fireplace and watched it blaze for a second. Then he realized that the lights had been turned off.
"You ready, Jamie?"
Bucky sat down next to you. Your presence seemed to warm him more than the fireplace.
"'Course I am."
Taglist: @pinkposttragedy
add yourself to the taglist >here<
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teenytinyapprentice · 9 months
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lots and lots of teddy bears 🧸💙
I still have my childhood teddy bear that I adore... I inherited him from my older brother, who decided a few days in he didn't want him, and he had already named him "Master Teddy" - so I was to be this teddy bears butler. A prestigious role for a little kid ... anyways I call him Ted for short
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starrysharks · 5 months
real savory heads will remember savory's giant handcuff era of 2021... perhaps we should bring it back (i have no clue how to develop his design)
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onceuponastory · 8 months
the day i lost you - bucky barnes x reader
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Still remember how you taste Somewhere in the bitter and the sweet dream Do you think of me standing in a summer haze? When we were gonna be okay? - january rain by PVRIS
Plot: In the aftermath of The Blip and her boyfriend Bucky turning to dust, Y/N finds a voicemail from him... sent the day she lost him. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of death, or at least Bucky is presumed dead (obviously we know Bucky isn't dead but we all thought he was after Infinity War, let's be honest) and grief. And of course, some angst. But as always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know. Notes: This is for @whumptober Day 24. I used the prompt: "Goodbye Note". I also combined it with the @angstober "The Day I Lost You" prompt. I was once again sad and listening to PVRIS as I wrote this, so now you can be too :)
Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
Stepping over the threshold into her apartment, Y/N drops her bags to the floor with a tired groan. The rain still pounds down outside, the sound echoing through the building. As a personal assistant to Tony Stark himself, Y/N’s working life is extremely busy. And since The Blip, she’s busier than ever, constantly being pulled into meetings with little time for herself. For the past few weeks, she’s been away at a conference with the surviving Avengers, working on a solution to The Blip. This is the first time she’s had to breathe in about a year. And that also means it’s the first time she’s been home since it all happened, since her boyfriend and some of her best friends turned to dust.
And she’s never felt so alone.
Of course, Y/N knows that dating an Avenger, let alone the Winter Soldier himself, comes with its own risk. Especially the risk he may never come home. But although it’s always been at the back of her mind, seeping into her every thought whilst he’s away on a mission… Bucky came back safe so many times that the worry dissipated. Foolishly, she believed he was indestructible, and that he’d always come home to her.
Until he didn’t.
Tears spring at her eyes then, and she furiously tries to wipe them away. She’s done enough grieving over the last year. Enough hoping that he’s coming back, only to end up disappointed. There’s only so much pain you can take before you can’t go on anymore. And Y/N crossed that line a long time ago.
The red light on her answering machine blinks back at her, and she sighs, rubbing her temples and closing her eyes, hoping that when she opens them, the light will be gone. But no matter how hard she tries, it’s still there, and she groans. The last thing she wants to hear right now is more “I’m sorry to hear about Bucky” and “We understand how much it hurts, but he’s in our thoughts.” Nobody will ever understand how much it hurts. Even the other Avengers. 
Because Bucky isn’t just in her thoughts. He’s everywhere. He still occupies the empty space in her bed, his laughter still fills the halls, his singing echoing from the shower. He’s the whisper in the wind, the faint scent of his cologne whenever she enters a room, and that still clings to her clothing like a safety blanket. He’s the shiver up her spine, the faint feeling of a hand holding hers, an arm wrapped around her waist.
It’s like he never even left.
Y/N presses the button, bracing herself for the onslaught of messages to come. “Hey sweetheart. It’s me-” As soon as she hears her mother’s voice, Y/N deletes the message. She’ll deal with her and her incessant questions later. She means well, of course, they all do. But the last thing she wants is to be pestered, reminded of her pain over and over again. They may mean well, but there’s nothing they can do. There’s nothing anyone can do. The other message is boring, a message about her car’s extended warranty that gets deleted almost immediately.
But when she hears the voice in the next message, she collapses to her knees. “Hey doll.” Bucky speaks. It's the first time she’s heard his voice - actually heard it - since he left. As soon as she hears him speak, she can see the smile on his face, and hear the laughter in his tone. Her presence always brought a smile to Bucky's face, even on his worst days. Because he loves her. …Loved her.
Hearing Bucky’s voice again, so soon after losing him, causes all her pent-up emotions to erupt, a year's worth of pain spilling over. As the first of her sobs break through, Bucky’s voice continues. “Just checking in to see how you are and keep you updated. Steve and the others are here…”
“Why didn’t I answer the call? I could’ve stopped them!”
“... and we have a game plan now to stop this asshole. Before you know it, I’ll be back home in New York with you, my favourite girl.” Her chest heaves, and she sobs even harder. “I miss you so much, though. The guys keep pestering me about it, but I don’t care. I love you, Y/N, and I want the entire world to know.” That sends her over the edge. A painful, anguished wail rips through her, the sound filling the room. Y/N’s full body shakes, and she clutches at her chest. “I hope you’re doing well and staying out of trouble.” Bucky chuckles. “Keep me updated. But I’ll see you soon enough, anyway.” 
“Why didn’t I answer? Why didn’t I answer?!”
“I better go, Steve’s shouting at me. Think the mission is about to start.” 
Y/N sits up, trying to grab the phone to dial Bucky’s number and tell him she’s still here, that she still loves him. Hoping that he’s there on the other side, waiting for her.
“Bye doll. See you soon. Love you always.” And then, the line goes dead, the dull beeping noise going right through her. Picking up the phone, she dials Bucky’s number, holding it to her ear as her heart pounds.
“Please… please…” she begs. "Just answer me Bucky... please."
“Hey! This is Bucky. I can’t talk right now, and I don’t really know how these things work.” He chuckles, the sound forming a small glimpse of warmth in her belly, and Y/N even laughs softly too. She was there when he recorded that message, her best efforts to teach him the wonders modern technology still not sinking in. Not that it matters now, though. None of it does. She just wants him back. “So I guess if you leave a message, I’ll call you back?”
And he always called her back. Even if it was a day, a week or even a month late. Bucky always called her back. But he won’t call back. Not this time. 
She tries to speak, to say something, anything, to Bucky's voicemail. If there's even a chance he could hear it, she wants him to know how much she loves him, and how much she misses him. Yet she can't say anything through her tears.
When the call disconnects, Y/N sinks to her knees, huddling into a ball as the sobs rack through her entire body. 
She’s alone again. 
And she always will be.
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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damn-stark · 5 months
Chapter 26 Sweet Gojo
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Chapter 26 of Sugar
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, FLUFF, talks of death, cigarettes, spoilers!!, SLOW BURN, heavy pining, NFSW, wrap it before you tap it, kind of rough sex, handjob, long chapter
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Takes place during- Chapter 211 of the manga
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
It can’t be true, it still can’t be true.
The fight with Kenjaku has concluded and he came out victorious, leaving Choso alone to wallow in his denial and disappointment over his loss. And yet you still haven’t woken up, you still haven’t moved a muscle.
Your eyes are still partially open and that glimmer he always saw in your fire-kissed eyes is gone, leaving your eyes dull. Your chest hasn’t moved with the motions of your breath, and you haven’t reacted to anything, not even to call out for your daughter who he has yet to see. But he refuses to accept the cruel truth that would bring forth a bleak darkness within him.
“Y/N,” he keeps pleading and leans closer to your face. “It’s over. It’s all done. You have to wake up now.”
Your head lolls to the side and hangs off the edge of his arm. At first, he thought you were waking up, but you remain incredibly still and quiet, the only thing that moves is the worm-cursed spirit as it slithers off your neck and balls up on the ground, so he then gently cups your cheek and moves your head so he can look into your eyes.
“You’re okay,” he whispers as he brushes his thumb over your cheek. “I’ll just call your doctor friend and you’ll be okay.”
What would life be without you in it? He has Yuji, but he knows that he’ll be an adult soon, he’ll want to live his life, and what brother would he be to refuse him to live it? And it’s true he hasn’t given much thought to his future, but what little he does imagine of it you’re always there, shining like the bright sun. You’re always there with him and his brothers, you’re always there to make him laugh in ways he never knew he could, and you’re always there to give him hope. So life without you would be depressing, glum, and lonely.
Life without you would be like living without the sun, or oxygen itself. He needs you in it. So no you can’t be gone.
“Y/N,” he whispers and waits for a response. When he doesn’t get one he moves on.
“I’m just going to feel your heart, okay?” He asks first because he doesn’t want to startle you or make you uncomfortable.
However, when he brings his palm close to your chest, he suddenly stops and notices that his hand is trembling just a bit, and he’s feeling hesitant. In the back of his head, he knows that he won’t feel the lively rhythm of your heart. Even if a part of him is stubborn to the fact that you’re dead, his subconscious still overpowers him to spare him of the misery he’s about to feel.
But he can’t go on like this, he needs to reassure himself that you’re okay. Even if it's delusion he ignores the reality of this situation and presses his palm against your chest and waits with his breath in his throat.
A second goes by and he feels no thump. Yet he still holds onto hope.
A minute goes by and he refuses to accept that you’re gone, but tears well in his eyes and it starts getting hard to breathe.
Two minutes go by that seem to have been eternal and he can’t help the sob that escapes him as he finally grasps that his father took you away from him and left him without hope.
“Y/N,” he sobs shakily and feels his whole being completely shatter. “Please.”
First his brothers and now you.
“You…” he mewls as he presses his forehead against yours. “You said you’d take us home, remember? Last year, I remember. I remember you, your eyes. I held onto that…So please, we have to go home…”
You stay quiet and your eyes remain lifeless, so he cries again. But this time this sob robs him of his breath and hurts his entire chest.
“Please, please bring her back,” he pleads to whatever higher being that exists as he gently caresses your jaw. “Please come back…please.”
He presses you against him to keep you close and cries into your shoulder until he hears paws pattering on the ground followed by small but quick footsteps approaching him.
“Mommy,” he hears a breathless whisper and freezes for a moment not wanting to show your young daughter your body. But he also can’t shield you from her, so even if it aches him he pulls back and slowly reveals you to Satori; seeing at that moment the tiger-cursed spirit you mentioned, protectively standing in front of her with its eyes piercing in him.
“I’m sorry,” he immediately tries to make her understand as he ignores the protective guardian with her. “Your mother…” his voice quivers. “Your mother is gone.”
Satori whimpers, but refuses the truth and runs over to fall on her knees beside your body.
“Mommy,” she calls out shakily. “Mommy stop playing around.”
Choso slowly puts your body down to give your daughter space.
“Mommy?” She asks for your attention and lets the backgate to Satoru’s prison go to grab your arm and gently shake it in hopes that would make you react. “Mommy!”
Tears stream down her cheeks and she looks over at Choso with fear and pain in her eyes before she looks back at you and shakes you again. “Mommy,” she cries. “Get up. We have to go home and get Uncle Satoru out. Wake up!”
She sees that you keep still so she once again snaps her eyes over to him. “You have to help her,” she interjects helplessly. “You have to restart her heart.”
Choso exhales deeply and has to break her little heart with the truth. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Satori glares at him for a second before her anger falls, and she starts sobbing again before she drops her head on your chest and wraps her arms around your neck, making her guardian wrap its body around her to comfort her as she cries into your chest.
“Mommy,” he hears Satori mumble. “Please don’t leave me alone…”
It’s dark, but you don’t need to see to recognize that voice. It’s soft, soothing, and not strained.
Can it be?
You peel your eyes open and immediately gasp when you see him…a dream, a hallucination, or actual flesh and bones. Whatever your current state, you don’t give a damn, you’re over the moon and overwhelmed with tears.
“Suguru,” you mewl before you run over the sandy terrain and throw your arms around him to keep him from leaving.
“It’s me,” he whispers just to reassure you considering who’s been possessing his body. “It’s really me.”
But you don’t need it, even wherever you are his calming scent clings onto him. Even after a year of longing for him, you can recognize his gentle embrace that secures the back of your head as if he feared something would happen. You can recognize the sound of his soft breathing as if it were your own. You don’t need him to tell you it’s him, you knew the moment you heard him speak.
“I know,” you let him know. “I know.”
You laugh softly with tears streaming down your cheeks from all the relief, joy, and guilt that rushes through you.
“Suguru,” you whisper so softly and sweetly as if honey oozed with the name. It’s a way you often said it, but it never fails to make his heart skip a beat as he also felt comforted by such simplicity.
“I’m right here,” he doesn’t stop his comfort, “I’m right here my darling.”
Rather than feeling content by the fact that you’re finally hearing him call you that after not hearing it for a year, instead, your guilt begins to agonize you.
“I’m sorry,” you can’t keep in anymore. “I’m so sorry.”
He pulls back and grabs your tear-stained face to look at you with confusion.
You look into his deep brown eyes, but you can’t look long because you feel shame looking at something that brings you so much joy when you’re so far from deserving it.
“I…couldn’t dispose of your body the proper way, I…couldn’t be a good friend or a good wife, and because of it, everything bad that happened happened because of me. I’m sorry, Suguru.”
Suguru scoffs and tilts your head up so you have no choice but to look into eyes that reflect a beautiful blue sky, and a blue glimmering ocean.
Perhaps you should have asked where you were before, now you’re starting to grow curious as well as upset because Suguru fails to even show a flicker of anger on his beautiful face.
“Don’t apologize for something that’s not your fault. It’s not your fault, y/n.”
He’s not agreeing with you, he’s being honest. If this was in your head he’d agree with you because that’s what you believe and because you want him to blame you.
“But it is,” you argue. “I should have burned your body, I should have given you a proper burial, but—”
“You couldn’t,” he cuts you off. “You went through a tough situation and you couldn’t do it, I understand. Everyone does.”
You shake your head, refusing to comprehend that. “No. It’s not okay. And if it was you, you would have done it, you would have buried me properly, but I…” you stammer and grab his wrists to look at him with a heartbroken look. “I couldn’t. I was weak.”
Suguru sighs and pulls you closer to drill into you what he feels and what he knows. “Stop. Stop doing that. You’re strong because you kept going, darling. You’re strong because even through it all you’re still fighting, and you’re raising our daughter. What ifs don’t matter because they don’t exist, do you understand?” He presses and narrows his eyes.
“I don’t blame you. No one does,” he adds softly. “So stop beating yourself up, smile instead, I miss your smile.”
He misses it. As in currently?
So those bloody memories that flash through the back of your head are real? This isn’t some trick or some dream?
You’re dead and this…beautiful tropical paradise is the afterlife…
Oh, Satori…
“Suguru,” you whisper breathlessly and get caught up in all you wanted to say.
“He would’ve gotten me one way or another it seems,” he continues to press so he can make you understand, even if it's just a bit. “So please stop…” he trails off and offers you a faint but charming smile. “For me. Do it for me.”
You can’t say he completely changed your mind, your guilt will probably linger for a long time, but you’ll try, for him.
“All right,” you agree.
Suguru grins and leans in to the point his lips graze over yours. “I missed you so much my darling.”
You flash a wobbly grin and show him how much you’ve longed and missed him with a deep and passionate kiss that Suguru doesn’t hesitate or question deepening as he pulls you closer to mesh his lips against yours and pump you with the most pleasurable euphoria. It’s like completing a puzzle that has been missing a single piece for the longest time.
You feel complete…and tingly…
So before you rip his clothes off you pull back, bringing with you a string of his saliva that connects between your lips.
You cut him off before the string of saliva can break by pressing a gentle kiss on his bottom lip before you tease him by slowly sucking on his bottom lip. He then pulls back slightly but goes back in for a short open-mouth kiss to satisfy your desire for now.
“I missed you,” you murmur against his lips.
A grin tugs on his lips and you lean towards one of his palms to nuzzle your cheek against his soft touch, making Suguru smile in awe before he wraps one arm around you to hold you close as he kisses your cheek.
“Hey, when are you going to stop being so greedy with her, Geto?”
You lift your eyes to meet his gaze with surprise as you recognize that girly voice and speechlessly question if it’s really her, even if you knew it was. You’re just in disbelief and a bit overwhelmed.
Suguru catches that right away and assures you with a soft smile before he steps back, letting you come face to face with Nanako and Mimiko. Your girls.
“Mimiko, Nanako,” you whisper shakily as happy tears once again cloud your eyes.
“Y/N,” their voices quiver as their lips tremble, and their eyes fill with tears that they thought they could hold back, but at the mere sight of you broke down just like you.
“Oh,” you coo before you break into a sprint and meet each other halfway with a group embrace.
“Oh my, Bunnies,” you cry and hold them both tightly against you to remind yourself of the warmth of their embrace, and show them how much you’ve missed them.
They both then tighten their embrace, but rather than demonstrating their own bliss, they instead express their regret.
“We’re so sorry,” Mimiko cries. “We’re sorry.”
“We shouldn’t have hidden that Kenjaku was in Geto’s body,” Nanako says for her sister. “We should have told you. I’m sorry.”
You pull back immediately and hold their cheeks to press them just like Suguru had pressed you moments ago. “No, you guys thought you were doing the right thing. I just wish I could’ve paid more attention,” you share your own shame. “But don’t blame yourselves all right?”
You offer them a warm smile, and unlike you, they take in what you told them without a fight, so it brings forth a silence you want to fill by saying how much you wish you could’ve seen them grow up and become into the beautiful women they wanted to be. You want to tell them that they were brave and that you wanted them to grow bonds with the other sorcerers like you did with your friends. You want to tell them that there are still so many things left for them to see, but you failed them as a mother to guarantee that future.
However…you don’t want to burden them, or ruin such a peaceful moment, so you admire them for a lingering minute before the sight of your best friend steals your attention.
“Kento,” you call out quietly and take only a step away from the twins as he approaches you with a smile.
He’s smiling with so much happiness behind his eyes. There’s not even tension on his shoulders anymore, he looks relaxed. And it’s sad that only after death can he find peace, but you’re proud that he looks so much more relaxed. It’s a good look on him.
“Itadori said you died,” he breaks his silence.
You laugh softly and manage to not cry this time. “Did you cry for me?” You tease him.
Nanami scoffs. “Does anger count?”
You grin and skip over to him to throw your arms around him. “Yes!”
“You’re stupid by the way,” he doesn’t hold back from saying, making you pout and slide to one side to keep an arm slung around his shoulders—“you almost had him.”
You roll your eyes and groan. “Yeah, but the bastard snuck up on me and actually stabbed me in the back.” You huff.
You look over Nanami’s shoulder and stiffen when you see Haibara walking over.
“Haibara,” you greet breathlessly after you’re completely struck with shock. Even though you should’ve suspected it, this is the afterlife.
“Y/N!” He greets with more excitement.
You don’t let Nanami go to be able to pull him with you so he can be a part of your embrace with Haibara.
“It’s been so long!” You point out with glee and step back to show Nanami a playful smirk. “You won’t ever know peace now since we’re all together again.”
Haibara chuckles, and Nanami keeps an arm around you while the other one hangs around Haibara as he flashes you a prideful smirk. “Well, I will know it for a while. Hopefully.”
His eyes fall on you and his grin falls to a hopeful smile. “Don’t you feel it?” He asks.
You blink in confusion and part your lips to ask what he means but then the sound of a different voice interrupts you.
“Damn it!”
You slide your arms off your friends and turn to face the newcomer. And that's when you come to realize that much to your surprise you see Yuki.
“Tsukumo?” Nanako points out with just as much shock as you.
“Huh?” Said woman queries and snaps her head up. When she sees Nanako, her eyes then dart to everyone on the beach and lastly fall on you before she groans. “I am dead.”
You scoff and shoot her an annoyed look. “Hello to you too,” you remark.
Yuki shoots you a pointed look and quips. “What are you still doing here? Choso pulled the knife out of you, you can still live—no, you will live.”
Is that it then? Is that what Nanami was referring to?
Is that why you’ve been feeling like something has been tugging at your soul?
Since there's so much going on, and so many different emotions have overwhelmed you, you’ve brushed it aside, but now that you can organize your thoughts and feelings, you can no longer hide that pull trying to take you back to life.
However, right now as you look at Yuki a few feet away from you you ignore that pull to rush over to her and press her for details. “Yuki—”
“Don’t cry,” she abruptly cuts you off as she sees how red your eyes are, and how much they glisten as more tears fill them. “I mean I do want you to cry for me, but not right now. Right now,” she pronouncatates that word with aggression. “You go back and fight that fucking bastard. You and everyone else have to kill him. You have to kill him in my honor.”
How could she be so ignorant of your grief? She was your master, your most trusted friend. She was like a big sister. How can she tell you not to cry or grieve for her?
“You’re being mean and selfish.” You argue, making her roll her eyes and grab your arms to make herself known.
“You can grieve after, for however long you want, but when you get back, you kill him, or plan to. Whatever it is, just don’t let him get what he wants. Do you understand? I am leaving you with that last mission.”
You take in a deep breath to counter, but she’s right and you can’t fight that. So instead you bite your tongue and offer her a soft smile. “All right.”
Yuki lets out a deep sigh and this time she hugs you first. It’s usually you who initiates the embrace, but this time she’s the one who threw her arms around you first.
“You were a great student and even better friend,” she whispers and lets you hear the tear in her nonchalance. “Look out for Aoi, hm?”
No matter how much you try to fight it, your emotions get the better of you and tears come out. “I will,” you assure her. “I will master…I…you were special to me. I love you.”
Yuki laughs softly and holds the back of your head as she presses you against her. “I love you too. Now,” she grows quieter and pulls back. “You take care of that little girl. Don’t let her forget me.”
You laugh and shake your head. “Never,” you whisper.
“And…always keep your heart.” She says one last time, causing tears to well in her eyes.
And this time instead of holding back she lets them break out before she pulls you back and whispers in your ear. “Be happy. You deserve it.”
You clutch onto her and wish to hold onto her forever, or at least pull her back with you so you can always have someone to turn to when you’re facing problems only a mentor can help with. You don’t even want to think about the impossibility of her going back…but you have to face reality.
“Now I know you don’t want to waste what remains of your time here with me, so, my dear y/n this is goodbye for now,” she cuts the moment short and pulls away because she knew it’d be hard for you. “I’ll kill you twice if I see you here soon.”
You chuckle through your tears and let your gaze linger on her for a moment longer before you offer her one last smile and turn.
Only when you turn around you’re welcomed by the beautiful sight of Suguru and the twins smiling at a baby in his arms. Which only makes you fight against leaving to stay here forever.
You don’t want to leave them or your friends. You don’t want to go back and risk feeling loss again. You want to be at peace at this beach afterlife with Suguru, the twins, and…your baby, that’s who it is. The baby you never got to hold….
But…how can you leave Satori behind when you have a chance to go back to her? She doesn’t deserve to grow up an orphan because you want to be selfish and live in paradise. You can't let her grow up without you, at least not now or anytime soon, she still needs you…
Thus after a deep breath, you slowly walk over and join the twins, Suguru, and the baby. “Suguru?”
Said man turns around and you gasp as you see the baby in his arms with short but thick black hair like his, with eyes like yours—or the color you used to have before they changed. And a goofy little smile as his eyes brighten when he sees you.
“Kiyoshi,” he reveals the baby to be a boy. “That’s what the twins and I picked.”
You smile with tears prickling in your eyes, and touch your chest as you feel your heart ache with pure bliss. “Can…I hold him?” You ask as you meet Suguru’s gaze.
“Of course,” he scoffs and carefully hands you the little bundle.
“Oh,” you coo shakily. “Look at you. You look like your daddy. You’re so beautiful,” you fight your tears so he doesn’t see you cry and caress his chubby cheek, making the baby coo and reach his tiny little hand to grab your finger.
“It’s almost time,” you share hesitantly at him, Suguru, and the twins. “I’m not here to stay. I’m sorry,” your voice quivers as you look up.
Nanako and Mimiko then share a look before Mimiko cuts in for the both of them. “Good, if you have a chance, take it, and come back later.”
You don’t know whether to cry or smile over how mature and understanding she sounds.
Maybe both?
“If that’s what you want,” you whisper.
Nanako scoffs. “No, we want you here with us, but…it’s not your time yet, so.”
You smile at them and hide your tears when you give them one last tight embrace. And now since you can see a hue taking over everything you see, and feel a harder pull on your soul, you know time is desperate to take you back, so you turn to Suguru one more time and grin at him with a soft and adoring look.
“Y/N,” he whispers as he steps forward and caresses cheek.
“Hm?” You probe and nuzzle your cheek against his palm as you lift your baby and press him against your chest to feel his little heartbeat against your chest at least one time.
“You know that there’s nothing that can be done about what we have done,” he interjects, making you open your eyes but stay mere inches away from him.
“Yes, I know,” you let him know you understand.
Suguru sighs. “Then what’s wrong?” He asks, making your heart nervously skip a beat.
“What do you mean?” You feign a breathless laugh.
“You know what I mean. I told you to be happy. Why are you running away from that? I can’t go back. Unless…you regret what we did.”
You look at him as if he offended you. “No, I don’t. We fought for our cause, for our goal,” you clarify. “A goal that means nothing without you…” you trail off and a small smile tugs on his face.
“Then?” He presses and grabs your face. “What’s wrong?”
You let out a shaky sigh and glance down at the baby Kiyoshi falling asleep on your chest. “I've done bad things, things I don’t regret. But that’s why I don’t deserve good things. I don’t deserve a second chance. I don't.”
Suguru lets out a deep breath and an assuring smile tugs on his face making you grow a bit confused, but you don’t question him, you let him interject.
“You just feel remorse, that’s it. That’s the difference between you and me. That’s makes you worthy of good things.”
You laugh softly and look at him to shake your head. “You’re biased,” you retort.
He chuckles and nods. “Yeah, I am because I love you and because you are the love of my life.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat, and your smile softens as you look at him with awe.
“I’m sorry I never got to tell you when I was alive,” he says.
“You said it now that’s all that matters,” you assure him before you lean in to tease him. “Are you saying it because you're jealous?”
Suguru averts his gaze and shrugs. “Just a bit,” he tries to act cool. “But,” he says and looks back at you with a charming smile. “I'm saying it because I also mean it. That’s why I want you to be happy, baby. I want our daughter to see you be happy. You deserve a second chance.”
How could you argue with him now? With all these nice things he just said. With things that probably hurt him a little to say. Besides, you can’t really argue now after you were hit with that realization when you thought Choso died. You just needed a push and Suguru was that much-needed motivation.
“I understand,” you let him know before you grab his face with one hand and offer him a last smile as everything around you is beginning to fade away. A soft smile that he mirrors and that lets him know that you will always love him and no matter how much time passes you will never forget him or the life you shared.
“Here,” you whisper and hand back Kiyoshi. “Take care of him for me please.”
Suguru’s eyes fill with tears and he looks more sad than comforting now. “Tell Satori I love her, and I will always look out for her.”
You nod. “Of course, I’ll tell her.”
“I love you,” he reminds you softly. “I always will.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and lean down to press one kiss on Kiyoshi’s head. “I love you my little one.” You then tilt your head up and nuzzle your head on Suguru’s chest. “I love you,” you whisper and hold onto his warmth tightly.
He presses one last kiss on the top of your head and tightens his hold around you, letting you feel only the comfort of his strong arms wrapped around you and the softness of his hair draping over your shoulder until…there’s a cold breeze brushing over your face, stars painting the dark sky overhead, a weight on your chest, and hair…in your mouth.
You’re alive and as you lower your gaze you see Satori draped around you.
She’s okay, and so are you!
“Satori,” your voice sounds hoarse and quiet. “Your hair is in my mouth.”
The little girl shoots up and looks at you bewildered, so you quickly offer her a comforting smile before you sit up and groan as your body feels sore.
“Y/N,” you hear Choso murmur.
You look at your other side and see him with his eyes widened and watery as well.
You had an assumption that he didn’t die, but still seeing him in the flesh with a working heart actually makes you feel relieved. Before you felt comforted by the fact that he wasn’t killed, but you were so worried about him because the fight hadn’t ended. Now that it is, you can breathe properly again.
“Mommy!” Satori exclaims once her surprise passes and throws herself on you to pull you into an embrace. “I thought you left me. I was so scared.”
You cup the back of her head to secure her against you before you leave a small kiss on the side of her head. “I’m sorry, my little love. But I’m here now because Choso saved me,” you let her know. “I’m here.”
Satori lets out a deep shaky breath and pulls back, letting you caress her cheek.
“Never do that again,” she scolds you with tears streaming down her cheeks and a shaky pout.
You laugh softly. “I will try not to.”
Satori nods in comprehension with such an aching look in her eyes, as if she still couldn’t get past the shock that you were actually alive.
“Oh my girl,” you coo and wipe away her tears. “I’m okay. I’m here, breathing. We can go home together now. How does that sound?”
“Good,” she mumbles as she rubs her eyes. “I’m tired.”
“Hm. Yeah, I bet…let me just do one more thing,” you trail off and turn to look at Choso, but he’s already on his feet, so you quickly get up and face him with a soft and relieved smile.
When he meets your gaze though his breath hitches and he slowly parts his lips as if to say something, but he adds nothing.
“Are you okay?” You ask and avoid checking him out because he’s still shirtless, and still very much tempting.
Choso nods speechlessly and finally manages to study you carefully to make sure you’re real and not a dream his head is making up to be cruel to his heart.
“Good,” you whisper and step closer to wrap your arms around him and just let yourself have that last piece of reassurance.
He, however, doesn’t return the embrace at that instant, he’s stiff. For a moment he’s stiff and still in disbelief until he feels the beating of your heart against his own flesh and finally breathes. He’s finally able to breathe as he assures himself that you’re in fact here.
“Your heart’s beating,” he muses breathlessly and gently presses his palms on your arms before he slowly wraps his arms around you and tightens his embrace as if afraid you’d somehow disappear.
“Yeah,” you laugh softly. “I hope so.”
Choso chuckles and digs his head in the crook of your neck, catching you off guard but not making you dislike it. You relish in the feeling of his lips against your skin, and the feeling of his arms holding you tightly against him in such a way that makes you feel safe and only his.
“You’re okay,” you whisper and can’t help but find comfort in the crook of his neck. “You scared me. I thought you died.”
Choso’s hold falters and you hear a soft gasp before you feel his lips turn to a smile. “I’m sorry,” he of course says.
“No,” you correct him. “Don’t apologize, I’m just saying. I’m happy you’re not.”
You pull back but keep your hands on his biceps, and fight the need to look down at his toned chest only inches away from you.
However, you fill your temptation by glancing at his lips. Which isn’t a good alternative because more than ever before you just want to kiss him.
“We’ll get you to your friend so she can check on you, make sure you’re okay. Or just heal you just in case,” Choso interjects while his own eyes flicker down to your lips.
“Choso,” you try to argue. “I'm okay. I'm healing now.”
He narrows his eyes and shakes his head. “But you’re weak right now, you won’t get back to your full strength anytime soon. And what Kenjaku did was heavy on your body. You died, y/n. I’ll feel better if she helps you too.”
Your heart begins to race and his concern makes your face red and only feel a heightened need to just kiss him. But you don’t, you just give in since he actually might be right. “Fine, but why don’t we go home first? We need to eat, take a shower, change, and sleep. We can go in the afternoon.”
Choso parts his lips to argue, but you assure him. “And if I feel even one ounce of pain I’ll call her. Yes?”
He scoffs but nods in agreement, making you smile and rub his shoulders before you pull away and turn to face your daughter who’s watching you and Choso with a narrowed look.
“Can we go home now?” She sasses you.
You scoff softly and nod. “Yeah.”
“Yay, I’ll finally get to see Nanako and Mimiko.”
Damn it…
Now you have to go from one disaster to another. And it’s not like you can go on hiding the fact that her sisters are dead, you can’t let her go home expecting to see people that will never go home. Plus you can’t hide it anymore.
Oh, but the thought of telling her hurts you.
“Satori, listen to me,” you interject and walk over to her to crouch down to be at her level. “Baby I have something to tell you.”
Satori looks unfazed since she’s unaware. Which only makes this harder.
“Satori…” you pause and lick your lips before you have to go on. “Nanako, Mimiko, Uncle Kento, and Belinda…” you pause and swallow thickly. “They’re gone. They’re dead,” you outright say it so she doesn’t find some way around it, so she understands fully what you mean.
“But…” she whispers and blinks repeatedly in disbelief. “But…”
She looks around at the ground with her eyes quickly filling with tears, and you feel her body stiffen in your hold.
You wait for what she has to say before you comfort her since it seems she’s building up to it, but she stays quiet and keeps her head down.
“Satori,” you interject softly now and tilt your head down to look at her face. “Talk to me.”
Satori lifts her head and you fully see how distraught she looks now. She can’t even speak, her body shakes as she cries, so you immediately comfort her with an embrace.
“I know my love, I know.” You coo and caress the back of her head.
Yet she doesn’t hug you back, she stays in your embrace for a moment before she pulls back forcefully and looks at you with her eyebrows furrowed.
“This is all your fault!” She cries out, catching you by surprise. “First…first Daddy, and now all of them. This is all your fault! I…I just want my daddy!”
Regardless of what she threw at you, you try to reach over for her, but she pushes you back and storms away, making her cursed spirit guardian follow after her, and leaving you in complete disarray.
“Y/N,” Choso inputs right away.
You try your best not to break into tears and defend Satori whilst also reassuring yourself. “She’s just processing.”
Choso steps towards you and reaches over to grab your shoulder. “That’s right,” he assures you softly. “She didn’t mean it.”
Your bottom lip trembles as you nod in comprehension. “I know.”
Choso holds your gaze and repeats himself. “She didn’t mean it.”
You slip and have to question him. “And what if it is? What if she’s right?”
“But it’s not, you couldn’t have stopped anything that happened. It’s like you said she’s just…trying to understand what’s happening. It’s not your fault,” he insists.
You hold your hands together as you have a hard time believing him, so he doesn’t go on this time, he gets close and whispers. “Can I hug you?”
You nod and he carefully wraps you in an embrace that you melt into as if it’s something he always gave you.
“Choso,” you whisper shakily.
Choso’s hold falters at the way you utter his name, but he doesn’t let go, he keeps you in his embrace until you pull back. “Thank you, Choso. I just need a minute now, I don't want her to see me cry. I don’t want her to feel bad. We can go then, I'm sorry.”
Choso shakes his head and is, of course, understanding. “That’s fine.”
He steps back, and you stay where you are and watch him walk away before you quietly cry into your hand to let it all out before you have to go back to Satori.
You know she didn’t mean it—or she partially meant it but, you still don’t want her to feel bad for expressing her grief, so you just shed a few more tears before you wipe your face and take a deep breath.
In that moment your worm-cursed spirit crawls over to you, so in your wait for your face to clear up from all your tears, you pick it up and sigh. “I wish Suguru was here,” you have to share even if it’s to a cursed spirit. “He’d know what to say to her.”
The Worm crawls on your arm and hangs itself over your shoulders, leaving you to look at the stars in the sky and just take a few more minutes to yourself before you think you’re good enough to rejoin your daughter.
And when you do find her you notice Choso talking to her, so as to be a little nosy and not make them stop mid conversation you just get close enough to hear.
“…I don’t have many memories with them but I cherish the happy ones we made. Don’t you have happy memories with the people you lost?”
He’s talking about his brothers…
“Yes,” she mumbles. “A lot.”
A faint smile tugs on his lips and he looks over at her as she looks down at the ground. “Then cherish those,” he tells her. “Whenever you miss them you think of those memories.”
“But I want them here,” she argues as she holds onto the prison realm's backgate close to her chest. “I don’t want them in my head.”
Choso sighs. “They’re always with you. Not physically, but they are always with you. In your heart.”
Satori lifts her head and wipes her eyes. “I’m sorry for being mean to you,” she says, making him blink in surprise. “You’re nice.”
You smile in awe and choose to come out of hiding now.
“That’s fine, Satori,” he assures her, bringing a smile to her face before they both see you now.
“Mother,” Satori whispers with a long frown on her face before she runs over and hugs you. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean it.”
You crouch down and grab her shoulders. “I know, baby. You’re just sad, it’s normal.”
Satori's eyes glimmer with unshed tears as she fights so hard to hold them back. “You won’t leave me now will you?” She asks. “I don’t want to be alone.”
You scoff and shake your head. “I’ll fight so hard for you, okay? There’s still battles we have to fight but I will fight so hard to stay with you. Okay?”
Satori exhales shakily and nods softly. “Okay.”
You offer her a sweet smile and hold her cheeks to share something that will make her happy. “I saw your dad when I was…dead.” You laugh, and her attention gets piqued.
“He told me to tell you that loves you, and that he will always look out for you,” you finish sharing.
Satori smiles while happy tears also roll down her cheek, making you comfort her with a hug and sweet praise of your own. “You did good today Satori. Your father would be so proud. I know I am.”
“You did good to Mama,” she redirects sweetly, making you grin at her before you smirk mischievously.
“I want to show you something before we leave,” you change the subject. “It’s close by, it won’t take long.”
Before she can answer, you get up and grab her hand to rush over to the tree by the pond you would train close to, where you’d hang out at with Suguru and the others. Your special tree that is forever marked with the love Suguru and you shared.
You’ve told Satori about it a couple of times, but she doesn’t seem to recall, or probably care like you do.
“Look at that,” you exclaim happily as if you aren’t exhausted.
“A tree?” She sasses you.
You reach the tree and brush your hand over the engraved heart holding the initials of Suguru and you. “A tree your dad and I marked when we started dating.”
Satori hears the context and finally shows interest.
“Now that we have you, your initial can go on there too,” you let her know, causing her eyes to widen and her lips to tug to a grin.
“I wanna do it! I wanna do it!” She jumps up and down before she runs over to finally look at the carved memory.
“Go ahead,” you encourage her and make the Worm-cursed spirit turn small to put it away and pick Satori up so she can reach the markings. “Just your first initial.”
Satori shoves the backgate in your other hand to be able to use her cursed energy to summon a dagger to use to sloppily carve her initial under yours and Suguru’s.
“After we made this your Uncle Kento and Shoko caught us kissing,” you tell her as she concentrates. “We were so scared that they’d tell Satoru, but,” you muse as you think back to that day. “They kept it a secret.”
“Done,” she ignores you and looks at you proudly. “Now do I put Nanako and Mimiko’s initials too?” She queries.
You swallow back your sorrow and nod. “Of course.”
Satori grins and goes back to doing as she said, making you watch in an emotional silence as you fight hard through to not cry.
Once she’s done all you can think about is that 11 years ago you never expected to have this life, or share children with Suguru. You wanted forever, but you were young too, you knew sometimes things didn’t work out. But after you’ve shared half of your lifetime with him you wouldn't want it any other way, he’s gone and so are the twins, but you’re happy—no, honored, to have had this life with him and shared three amazing daughters with him.
“Now it’s complete,” you tell Satori as you brush the access bark off the tree.
Satori lets you carry her and lays her head on your shoulder whilst she wraps her arm around your neck.
“Now that will show what your love gave you…me,” Satori says, making you laugh.
“Yeah,” you agree and leave a kiss on the side of her head before you turn away from the tree. “Now, why don’t we go home?”
“Yes please.”
You share a breathless laugh before you descend the hill and find Choso patiently waiting for you.
“Sorry,” you interject. “Just needed to do one last thing. But we can go home now.”
Albeit when you get home. When you’re in front of that door you hesitate to even grab the doorknob because you know Nanako and Mimiko won’t be there to greet you. Nor will Belinda. You’ll walk into an empty house with only the memory of them haunting every corridor.
But you can’t stay out here forever, nor can you make Satori and Choso wait, so you push your grief aside with a deep breath and grab the doorknob to open the door and walk into your estranged house.
“I’m going to tell you the truth…you healed fine.”
You roll your eyes at Shoko, and even if you weren’t very concerned you finally manage to drop your shoulders to ease up.
“You are in no shape to fight though,” she adds as she slips her gloves off her hands. “Take it easy for a couple of days until your cursed technique is fully recovered, or,” she scoffs. “You’ll die this time.” She throws the used gloves at your head and you rub your head as if it hurt.
“Well,” you mess around. “I did die. I actually died that time. In Shibuya it was different, there was a four-minute window and I used that to focus on healing, this time…” you pause and sigh deeply. “My heart stopped, I saw the light,” you laugh breathlessly. “I saw him.”
Shoko stops walking and looks at you with slight curiosity.
“I saw Haibara and Nanami too.” You smile in admiration. “I didn’t talk with them for too long, but It was nice seeing them again. I miss them.”
Shoko leans back against the counter and whispers. “Yeah me too.”
You drop your head and shamefully admit a truth that’s been stuck in the back of your head since you came back from the dead. “I was at peace, you know…even if I knew my daughter was here all alone, for a single moment, a lingering moment I wished I could stay dead to be with all of them without having to be here.”
A moment of silence passes as Shoko ponders your confession before she queries. “What changed your mind?”
“Satori,” you put it simply. “I didn’t want to leave her an orphan. If she wasn’t here I wouldn't have let myself come back.”
You swallow thickly and shake your head. “No.”
“Well,” Shoko breathes in and walks over to the gurney you’re on. “I’m thankful for her then.”
You look over at her and smile. “It’s not that I didn’t want to come back to you, I just—”
“Don’t worry, wouldn't anyone choose peace over suffering?” She cuts you off to assure you. “Especially in a time like now.”
You look at your hands with a pitiful frown after having to admit that and having to hear her response. Which you have to say you admire her for, after such a hard life, after you were estranged, she’s still understanding.
“Whatever the case,” she adds and lifts her head to peer over at you. “I’m glad you chose to come back to the living.”
You beam at her and can't help but throw your arms around her neck and rest your head on her shoulder, letting her lay her head on your head.
“How have you been Shoko? After all that’s happened here?” You have to ask her.
“Well,” she scoffs. “Besides starting to smoke like a pack a day…”
Is she being sarcastic?
You hope that she is.
“…the work is a bit heavier with all these students fighting, but it’s been…quiet without Satoru. I mean I’ve been seeing Utahime a lot more, but I would see Satoru a lot more often, so…I miss him.”
You laugh and she joins you with a quieter laugh.
“And when he’s here we’re going to wish there was some way to shut him up,” you comment with a smirk.
“Yeah,” she sighs and lifts her arm to hold your arm. “I mean what will he say about you and the Cursed womb?”
“Choso,” you correct her without thinking and only then realize what she's trying to hint at. “And I don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s my friend.”
Shoko peers back with a side eye and parts her lips to retort, but you pull away and slide off the gurney. “Who’s apartment complex is this anyway?” You try to avoid her insinuation that she’s of course right about. She wouldn’t be your best friend if she wasn’t. “It’s huge.”
“Y/N,” she presses sharply.
You walk to the door and peek back with a smirk before you walk out of her temporary office, making her follow after you to try and get the gossip. Which she’s gotten a portion of in your talks on the phone, but she's good either way, she sees the tension you hide beneath the surface.
“You’re 28 now you know that? He can’t say anything,” she tries to persuade you to just give into what your heart wants. “And he practically confessed.”
“Practically and actually is not the same thing,” you remark and pick up your pace, but she only picks up hers to fall beside you. “Careful you’ll cough up a lung if you run any faster.” You taunt her.
Shoko rolls her eyes and counters. “We’re in the same situation. You have a pack in your coat pocket.”
You drift your gaze to her but you can’t argue with that.
“Kira!” You exclaim as you see them helping Satori with some arts and crafts project.
“You can’t ignore me,” Shoko throws at you. “And you won’t avoid him either.”
You spare her a glance and smirk. “Who?” You joke.
“I know.”
“Master!” Kira exclaims and steals your attention.
“Kira!” You laugh with joy before you jog over and meet them halfway where they greet you by jumping on you to trap you in an embrace.
“You’re alive!” They say with an excited laugh.
You put them down and argue. “I told you I was alive.”
They scoff. “Yeah, and I didn’t believe it until now. You could’ve been part of the undead, or worse you could’ve come back with stitches on your forehead.”
You gasp in horror. “That would’ve been worse than death. Good thing it’s me.”
Kirara grins. “Yeah, good thing.”
You glance around for the person they’re usually stuck to the hip with. “Where’s Kinji? I thought he’d be here?”
Kirara sighs. “He’s out with Panda. Everyone probably won't come back until later.”
You pout. You really wanted to meet all the new sorcerers that joined the students' side. Especially the cute lawyer Shoko mentioned.
“Oh yeah, Shoko mentioned Itadori, Fushiguro, and that angel person were out…well,” you groan. “I guess I’ll meet everyone tomorrow.”
For now, you’ll just fill in the people that are here about what happened earlier
When they all gather up that is.
“Shouldn’t you be home, master? Resting?” They worry about you.
You head toward the living room with Kirara trailing at your side. “As long as I give my technique and my body a break I’ll be fine. Besides, there's so much to do. Oh and,” you clap your hands. “After I have given my body a break I would like to train with you and Kin. I don’t know when we’ll fight Kenjaku again, but I’m certain it’ll be soon after we get Satoru out. And I know you guys are strong, but still, the more prepared you are the better.”
Kirara's eyes brighten. “Right on!” They exclaim and hook their arm around yours. “I like the sound of that. And I know Kin won’t mind.”
You offer them a relieved smile, but that only lasts for a moment because you then catch Choso on the couch hunched over with his head down.
“He’s been like that since I got here,” Kirara whispers in your ear.
“Choso,” you call out and walk away from Kirara's grasp to approach him with growing concern. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Choso lifts his head and you notice how distraught he looks now since the last time you saw him, which wasn’t long ago. And yeah, ever since you left the school at night you noticed that his relief for you coming back to life slowly began to fade to anger and despair. In the morning he looked even more down, but he brushed you off when you tried to ask him.
You won’t let him do that now.
“You can tell me,” you try to assure him before you sit closely by his side.
“It’s just…how could I let Noritoshi Kamo live?” He finally shares with tears prickling in the corner of his eyes. “After what he did to you, after we had him there in our grasp, how could I let him go? I let my brothers down, I was too weak.”
You sigh deeply and gently rest your hand on his back to rub it for comfort. “Choso, you can't beat yourself up. It wasn’t just you who lost, I did too. The blame goes to the both of us. And it’s not like we have the experience he does, he has centuries of experience over us. He outsmarted us and that’s okay.”
Choso shakes his head. “No, it isn’t. I promised my brothers I'd kill him. He killed you. I should’ve killed him.”
You offer him a gentle smile and lean closer towards him. “Cho, I’m alive. And you’re alive. You would have failed your brothers if you had died and let him live,” you admit, making him look at you with slight surprise—“but you didn’t. You’re here to live another day. You’re here to plan and fight another day.”
Choso sits up and even if you don't see him convinced he still offers you a soft smile to let you know what you said made him feel better.
“Y/N,” Kirara cuts in, making both Choso and you look over at them.
“Hm?” You probe.
They part their lips and quietly ask the question you dreaded answering, only because of the weight it adds to your aching heart. “What happened to Tsukumo?”
You and Choso share a knowing look before you look back at Kirara with a sorrowful frown. “Yuki gave her life fighting Kenjaku.”
Kirara falls quiet and shocked. After all, how could one of the strongest fall to the hands of Kenjaku?
But that’s it isn’t it? You all went to fight him blind, thinking that he didn’t have plans upon plans after all his years of living. He outsmarted all of you and Yuki died because of it, but it’s because of this fight, because of her sacrifice that you know more about how he fights and what technique he hides up his sleeve.
“I’m sorry,” Kirara directs at you with pity. “I know what she meant to you.”
You swallow thickly and manage a faint smile. “Thank you, Kira.”
They offer you a soft nod before they choose to stay in the living room and sit close by you as if trying to keep an eye out on you and the man next to you.
“Y/N, what did your friend say? Is your heart fine?” Choso finally gets to check on you after nagging you all morning about coming to see her earlier before you what? Just dropped dead or disintegrated?
“She’s fine,” Shoko interjects, making you slide your hand off Choso’s back so she won’t tease you about it.
“I hear I have you to thank for that.” She smiles. “Thank you for saving my dearest friend.”
Choso smiles at you and then directs it at her. “Of course. Always.”
You avert her gaze and hide your face so she won’t somehow see your face getting all warm.
“Just make sure she doesn’t use her technique and takes it easy for a couple of days,” Shoko tells him, and will only make him more overbearing.
“I'm not a child,” you remark and face her with a pointed look.
“No, but you sometimes act like it and you won’t listen to me.”
You part your lips but you can’t argue because it’s true.
“Well, I wasn’t planning on doing anything. I’m planning to hang out at home and be with my animals,” you argue as if that won you any points. “So.”
“So, you still like to train with your kids.”
“She did just say she wanted to train,” Kirara sells you out.
“Ha,” you feign a dry laugh and snap your eyes over to them to shoot them a glare before you shake your head at Shoko. “Not soon of course. After we get Satoru out.”
“Hm,” Shoko hums with her lips pursed.
You mirror her look and hum back. Soon thereafter nevertheless finally the other sorcerers that are here finally join you to hear the intel.
“Kusakabe!” You greet him with a charming smile.
Said man greets you with a frown and an annoyed look.
“Whatever you have to say Gojo, say it.”
You begin to tease him cheekily. “So bitter. Whatever for? I’ve only been nice to you.”
Unbeknownst to you Choso sits up straighter and narrows his gaze as watches your interaction with your fellow sorcerer.
“You know what for,” Kusakabe quips.
You huff lightheartedly and nod in comprehension. “Well then…” you drag out and sit back. “Did you guys know I’m the interim clan leader for the Gojo clan?” You don’t dive in just yet for the fun of it. “My brother changed his will to leave my daughter as his successor for all the Gojo riches and the title of leader. And since she’s too young to lead, it falls to me for the time being.” You show off proudly.
“What does that have to do with us?” Kusakabe immediately remarks.
You shrug. “Just wanted to share it. And say I might go terrorize my family before we let Satoru out. Might give my father an aneurysm or simply sit in the throne room.”
“You have a throne room?!” Kirara quickly asks.
You smirk. “Oh yeah.”
It’s not extravagant like a royal throne room, but it does have a special seat at the end of the room dedicated for the clan leader to sit on, so you call it a throne room.
“Just get on with it, Gojo. We don’t have all day,” Kusakabe cuts in annoyed.
You laugh softly and nod. “All right. All right. Let’s start.”
“….he flew over the canal and saw three beautiful swans. As he landed, the ugly duckling saw himself in the water. He was not an ugly duckling at all. He was a beautiful white swan! “Come with us.” Said the other swans…And he did...the end.”
“That’s my favorite story,” Satori mumbles tiredly.
You close the book and smile. “So was last night's story.”
Satori laughs softly. “Well, I like almost all of them.”
You grin and reach in your pocket to pull out the glass swan figurine Choso had given you. “Look at that,” you show off to Satori. “A little swan.”
Satori gasps softly and lifts her head off her pillow. “Ah, that’s so cute! Can I have it?”
You snicker and shake your head. “No. It’s mine, Choso gave it to me. You can hold it though.”
Satori reaches over and takes the figurine from your hand to study it closer. “The color reminds me of your eyes.” She points out. “Hey, you know I made something for him because he saved me.”
You smile in awe and probe. “Really? What is it?”
“You have to wait to see it,” she teases you. “I was going to make him a purple scarf since he wears that neck thing, but I wouldn’t have enough time,” she rambles as she fiddles with the glass swan. “So instead I made him something else. Kira helped me. And I was going to give it to him when we got home today, but I got shy, so could you help me do it tomorrow?” She asks and looks up at you.
You tuck loose strands of hair in her braid and nod. “Yeah, I can. And that’s very nice of you, I’m sure he’ll love it.”
Satori smiles proudly and gives you back your glass swan. “Okay, well I’m tired now. Can we talk tomorrow?”
You giggle and nod. “Of course my little love. Did you say goodnight to your daddy and your sisters?”
“Of course!”
“Good,” you whisper and press a last kiss on her forehead before you get off her bed and turn off her lamp. “Goodnight, Chipmunk.”
Satori yawns and mutters. “Goodnight, Mommy. And you know if you get lonely you can come sleep in my room.”
You grab your chest in awe and whisper as you head out. “I will keep it in mind, thank you.”
When you walk out of the room her Tiger cursed-spirit jumps on the bed to sleep with her. Which is annoying, but whatever. You digress.
Now perhaps you can get some sleep. You hardly slept last night, you were in your head so much that it got hard to sleep with all your thinking, but tonight you will, you’ll get all 8 hours—
You come across the staircase and see that the light from one of the patios is reflecting inside. You must’ve left it on earlier.
Shit. Now you have to walk down there in the dark…
You’ll make it fast.
You put the book you have in your hand down on a nearby table, and then run down the staircase. When you reach the hall you ignore looking at the shadows and solely focus on the porch.
Albeit just as you’re going to turn the light off you see that Choso is using it as he sits outside with his head down. Once again. So it must be about the same thing as before…
And if it is you can’t just let him dwell in it alone. He’s not the only one to blame. If there’s blame to even spread in the first place.
Regardless, you slowly slide the door open and make yourself known.
“Y/N,” he whispers when he sees you. “I’m sorry, does the light bother you?”
You laugh softly and close the door before you sit on the bench he’s on. “No. Of course not. I just thought I had left it on, but you’re here…with your head down. Are you okay?”
Choso sighs and hesitates burdening you, but he also couldn't talk to anyone else. Plus, he does confide in you, so he chooses to answer honestly. “I just can’t get over the battle.”
You exhale deeply and grab onto the edge of the seat to lean forward and look at him with the softest assuring look you can give him. “Is it about Yuki? Or your father?”
“I didn’t know Tsukumo long,” he says. “I feel bad that she died because of my father, but I’m more mad at him because he didn’t die, but it’s not about her. I’m sorry.”
You shake your head. “It’s okay. I understand.”
“She was nice,” he adds to defend his case. “I’m sure she would’ve been a good friend if she lived longer, but…she didn’t because of Noritoshi.”
You stay quiet and let him continue.
“I failed them y/n. My brothers,” his voice quivers. “I couldn’t kill him and I let him get away! That was our chance and I couldn’t stop him.”
“Choso,” you sigh with pity. “If you’re looking for blame then you need to blame me too.”
Choso blinks in disbelief and shakes his head. “But it’s not—”
“It is,” you cut him off to counter. “I’m a special grade and I’m strong, but he got away from me too. I was there too, Choso. You weren’t alone, you didn’t fight alone, I was there, and Yuki was there, his escape isn’t not your burden to carry alone. Not that it is a burden, he has a thousand years of experience on us. He outsmarted us, but you know what? You,” you point at his chest. “Got him to reveal a technique that he probably would have surprised us with after. We have that knowledge now because of you. We got the way to get my brother out, and yes we lost, but now we learn from our mistakes and do better.”
Choso sniffles and wipes away the stray tears that fell on his cheeks, whilst he also sits up as he gains a bit more confidence from what you’re saying.
“And I told you already,” you repeat yourself and reach your hand over to caress his back once again. “You didn’t fail your brothers. You would have failed them if you died, but you didn’t, you lived, you got them out of the warehouse, and you came back to Itadori. You made them proud. And I know you made Itadori happy to know you’re back.”
Choso swallows thickly and expresses some doubt. “You think so?”
You smile at him and nod. “I know it.”
Choso drops his shoulders with a deep breath and thinks about what you said in silence.
“We have to make Yuki’s sacrifice worth it by killing Kenjaku,” you add. “That’s what we do now against him.”
Choso drifts his eyes over to you and takes a second before he nods in agreement, making you flash him a wider smile. “Good.”
Choso hums and holds your gaze for a moment before he grows concerned. “You should be resting. Get some sleep.”
You slide your hand off his back and roll your eyes. “I have been. I have taken it easy. But you know after being away from home for so long leaves a lot of chores.”
He laughs softly. “Then sleep now.”
You glance at him before you look out at the lake in the distance, and frown. “I…I try, but…it’s quiet. At night it’s quiet now…I mean in general it was typically quiet at night, but now without the twins here…it’s deafening,” you confess shakily. “Before I had the knowledge in the back of my head that they were in their room, or out with friends, but now…their room will always be empty and quiet. And it hurts.”
A moment of silence passes with Choso not knowing what to say exactly, but that’s it, he couldn’t really say a thing. This sadness was something he wouldn't be able to cure. You felt grief and you’ll always feel it, he knew that. Even if he wasn't a father, he was a bother, so he knew that ache. So there’s only one thing to offer you.
“I’m sorry,” he says gently and carefully cups your hand resting on the bench, making you finally look over at him with glossy eyes.
“Thank you,” you whisper with a genuine grateful smile.
He didn’t say a lot but his words still meant a lot.
“Of course.” He says and keeps holding your eyes with such intense softness that triggers your heart to race, and the butterflies to flutter wildly.
It all makes you want to give in. After you thought he died, everything you once thought of changed, and the walls around your heart were shattered.
However, now doesn’t seem like the right time with him all sad and upset, and you sad and upset. So you bite your tongue and instead lean towards something else. “How are your wounds healing? You still have scrapes,” you point out as you lean over to grab his jaw with a touch so light it’s like a ghost touch.
“I…I’m fine,” he stammers as all he can focus on is your touch. “Nothing hurts anymore. The scars will take longer to heal, that's all.”
You hum and narrow your gaze on the scrapes you can see to make sure there’s nothing suspicious. “And that scar around your arm, is it temporary? Or?”
“It’s a part of my technique so it will stay,” he says and watches you pull away with discontent. He wishes he could feel your touch for just a bit longer.
“Ah, cool. I actually thought that was pretty cool,” you let him know with a smirk. “You surely surprised your father with it.”
Choso laughs softly. “He was being too smug.”
You chuckle and nod. “Yeah, he was. We put him in his place.”
“For a while anyway,” he contemplates.
“Hey!” You exclaim. “We did good even if we lost. You were great, I mean the way you used your brother's techniques was strategic and awesome.”
Choso turns shy but he manages to direct some compliments to you. “Your beasts were amazing. I was surprised, and Noritoshi surely shit his pants.”
You giggle. “Well, what can I say? I’m pretty awesome.”
Choso chuckles. “Yeah.”
Your face grows hot so thankfully he can’t see that.
“Anyway,” you interject after a few minutes of silence. “I should probably go and try to get some sleep.” You get up and he mirrors you. “You should too,” you snap before he can say something.
“I’ll try,” he says nonchalantly.
You smile as you head to the door. “And if anything, we meet in the library, have some tea, and watch the morning come from the inside because it’s cold out here.”
Choso scoffs and retorts. “I wouldn’t count on it. I won't be up with you this time, you need to sleep.”
“Pft!” You complain as you open the door and walk inside your warm house. “See, I knew it was a bad idea for Shoko to tell you anything.”
Choso closes the door behind him and leaves the hall dark as he turns the porch light off. “Your heart stopped, y/n,” he rebuttals your attempts to brush him off. “I felt it at a standstill. Of course, I’ll be worried. Even if it annoys you.”
You look at him over your shoulder and can't help but smile sweetly. And it’s because of his sweetness that you don't keep arguing, you walk up the stairs in a comfortable silence, and dread going into your room when you reach your door.
“Good night y/n,” he says sweetly. “Sleep all right?”
You grab your door and then look over at him with longing for more of his company, but you bite your tongue and just respond with the same thing. “Goodnight Choso.”
He offers you a smile and lets his gaze linger on you for a moment.
And it’s in that second that you notice that his smile widens as he holds your gaze for that lingering moment before he turns away. And once his back is turned you turn to walk in your lonely room. You step inside, but then come to a halt and think you know what? Screw it. You won’t suffer here alone. You can’t suffer alone. So you quickly walk out and call out to him before you lose him in his room. “Choso wait.”
Said man comes to an immediate halt and peers back with concern.
You part your lips and draw in a small breath before you exhale and actually give in. “Could you…stay with me until I fall asleep? I don’t want to be alone.”
Choso’s breath hitches in surprise, but his eyes seem to gleam with joy.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to,” you quickly let him know in his silence.
He then quickly shakes his head. “No, no, I do.” He assures you.
Howbeit when the door closes and you’re climbing in bed it’s quite awkward, only because he doesn’t want to pass any boundaries.
“It’s okay, Cho, you can lay with me.” You assure him and throw his side of the blanket open so he knows it's okay.
Albeit he still hesitates, and when he does move he does so slowly and very carefully, as if he was ready to jump if you changed your mind out of the blue.
It almost makes you want to laugh, but you don’t want to make him feel even worse, so you keep quiet and just show your amusement with a smile. Once he’s finally on his back, you throw the blanket over him and whisper ever so softly so he can relax. “Thank you.”
Choso nervously swallows thickly and slowly turns his head to look at you. “Of course.”
You keep your eyes on him for a lingering moment that helps to make him relax and drag himself further down the bed so he’s not so upright.
“Okay, now, goodnight,” you interject sweetly.
Choso watches you as you close your eyes and can’t help his awe-struck smile before he whispers, “Good night, y/n.”
Nevertheless, sleep doesn’t actually come quickly at all. Your thoughts aren’t a pest, but your eyes don’t get heavy, you just keep them closed and your mind is, like, at a standstill.
Not that Choso would know, he watched you, and occasionally scanned the room in case something was going to pop out, and then went back to watching you and completely forgot that you said only until you fell asleep.
He could watch you like this all night and not grow bored. He’d grow tired, but he’d keep himself awake to watch how gracefully your back rose and fell with each breath, especially after he almost lost you a day ago. He’d even come back the next night if that’s what you wanted.
He’d come back every night if it meant being near you. He just wants to be with you, protect you, hold you like he did last night, and be the one to wipe the tears off your cheeks every time you’re sad. He wants to be a reason you smile, he wants to help you accomplish every dream you have. He wants to be selfish and know you in an intimate way.
But you told him that you’re not worthy of him or what he has to offer, which is stupid. He wishes he could’ve had the balls to tell you that when you told him…
Wait…maybe he can now. Even if you’re asleep he’ll say it so you don’t feel pressured by his other confession.
“Tsukumo told me to just say it,” Choso startles you by breaking the silence. However you don’t open your eyes, you keep them closed and listen so he doesn’t hold back.
“…she said to rip the bandaid, but,” he sighs. “It's not easy, even after all I’ve told you because what I feel is strange. It’s new, and you make my heart feel so…full, so happy, excited, hopeful, and scared. But,” he quickly adds. “It’s only because I can’t fathom losing you…”
Damn, damn you’re going to cry. You’re going to reveal that you're awake. And he can’t know yet because it doesn’t seem like he’s done.
You have to stop yourself and hold in your tears.
Just hold them in.
“I almost lost you last night y/n, and I swear I almost went mad,” he whispers and the next thing you know you feel his fingertips graze over your cheek. And that only makes your pounding heart skip a beat.
“And when you came back, that relief, that joy I felt is something that I’ve never felt before,” he continues softly, making you swoon. “I have never felt anything like what I feel for you before, it’s strange, but I welcome it with open arms just to feel your warmth, just to continue seeing you. Because you are my hope, my sun, my moon, and my stars. Ever since that day I first saw you last year. You’re all I could think about, and you’re all I think about now. You and your big heart that only drives me crazier, and I don’t know why,” his voice quivers, “you’re so nice to me, or why you smile at me the way you do ever since that day? But even still I want to keep seeing it, I want you to keep stealing my breath away until I physically can’t breathe and my heart stops beating. That's what I want, that’s what I feel. I love you.”
If you hadn’t changed your mind before, you would have at this very moment. And if it was possible you would have some kind of heart attack or something over the sweet words he just whispered as he thought you were asleep.
Which! You’re so glad you had trouble sleeping or else you would have missed hearing him pour his heart out.
Now albeit how do you go about it? Do you just open your eyes? Kiss him? Open your eyes and confess that your world came to a complete stop when you thought he died, but when you saw him fight back it was like you were breathing for the first time.
Yes, you’ll—wait, no, your tears beat you to everything. You can’t even open your eyes before tears roll out and your smile slowly appears on your face.
Thus before Choso could react, you open your eyes and whisper the only thing that you can utter. “Choso.”
Said man’s face grows a deep crimson and he quickly pulls his hand off your cheek as he realizes you caught every word he just said.
“I…” you stammer between tears. “I love you too.”
Choso’s breath hitches and you see him grow stiff with disbelief.
“But…I…I’ve done horrible things, I’m not a good person,” you say as if it’s a warning. “I don’t deserve this.”
Choso scoffs and gently presses his hand on your cheek again, and this time he leans in closer. “I don’t care. I love you every which way. Besides, I've done bad things too. I’m not a good person either. I can’t judge you for it, I never will.”
You glance at his lips and have that urge to just feel the fireworks when you finally get a taste of his lips, but as you lean in you stop and bring something up that’s important to you. “And I have a daughter, she comes before everything, she’s my entire world. And I know there’s people out there who don’t like when their partners have kids from someone else, so if you’re that person tell me now I don’t want to waste my time on someone who’s going to turn on her later on.”
“No,” Choso says sharply. “I never would do that. Your daughter is precious to you, so she’s precious to me too. I will protect you both with my life.”
You meet his gaze and press him to reassure yourself. “You swear? Swear to me on your brother's lives, Choso. She’s a part of me, just as much as she’s a part of Suguru Geto. Do you understand?”
Choso nods and whispers against your lips. “I swear.”
You offer him a wobbly smile before you finally do it. You finally clash your lips on his and it’s more than you expected.
There’s fireworks, your heart dances, and your body burns with desire, but most importantly as you taste his soft and sweet lips for the first time it feels like you’re in heaven.
While Choso feels like he’s on an incredible life-changing high. It’s like he was pumped with adrenaline the moment he finally felt your lips, every part of him was on overdrive, he could even taste the colors, that’s how good and gratifying it felt kissing you. He never wants to get off this high, it’s worth the chase.
When you pull away he leans in for more, but you press your thumb on his lips and grin.
“Choso, honey, wait,” your voice oozed with the very thing you just called him. “Telling you that I love you is that okay? I don’t want you to feel pressured or you know, like you’re being forced.”
Choso chuckles softly. “I just told you I loved you. Is that too soon for you?”
You scoff and shake your head. “No.”
“Then,” he whispers against your lips. “There’s your answer.”
You grin and cup his jaw. “You know I never thought I would love someone again. But then I saw you that day in Shibuya and it felt like my heart came back to life. And when I got to know you, when I saw how big your heart was it’s like you brought the colors back to my black and white world.”
Tears slip down his cheeks and you feel how fast his heart is thumping even if you aren’t pressed against him.
“You make me ache in the best way possible, you make my heart happy, but also scared because I tend to lose what I love, so promise me you’ll fight for your life to stay by my side. Please,” you ask in a shaky voice.
Choso swallows thickly and nods softly. “I promise.”
You beam at him and lean in again. This time he’s not as reserved with his kiss, he deepens the kiss right away and grabs the back of your neck to tilt your head so you’re better molded together. He grabs your face as if forbidding you from pulling back, and before you know it he shoves his tongue in your mouth as if he has done this before.
You almost have to wonder if he has.
Regardless, it’s not like you do anything to stop his fever, you press yourself closer and tangle your fingers in his hair, causing his buns to loosen. And when he pulls back to catch his breath you whisper his name in such a seductive way that he quickly comes back and continues to devour you, causing you to finally moan his name in his mouth.
When he hears it slip past your lips he pulls back to look at you surprised like he wasn’t the cause of your reaction, and you just smirk before you pull yourself against him and feel a hard bulge press against your thigh, causing your blood to be pumped with feverish desire.
“Choso…I want you to make me yours,” you say between breaths. “Can you do that?”
“Hah,” he breathes out and clutches onto the back of your head before he answers by kissing you roughly and sliding his hand down to your back.
You pull on his hair and it falls over his shoulders, making you then slither your hands down his back. When you reach the waistband of his pajama pants you pull your face back and ask for permission. “Can I touch you?”
Choso licks his lips and you feel his tip twitch behind the warm material. “Please,” he says with his eyes meeting your darkened gaze.
And with that, you slowly slide your hand in his pants as he starts to litter kisses on your jaw. You then push your hand past his boxers and when you wrap your hand around his tip you already feel it leaking.
“Y/N,” he moans breathlessly against your neck and without waiting he rocks his hips forward, making your hand slide down his shaft, and causing him to shudder and hide his face in the crook of your neck. While you can’t help but clench at nothing at the mere feeling of his satisfaction.
But before he can finish himself off you slowly slide your hand up and only now manage to realize how girthy he is. He’s not long, but what he lacks in length he makes up for in girth.
It only honestly makes you impatient to feel him inside you, so before you can come undone with your clenching over the ghost of his touch, you start pumping his cock, making Choso part his lips and sink his teeth into your flesh.
“Choso,” you try to yelp but it comes out of breath so it’s more like a moan.
“Ah…d-damn!” He opens his mouth and grips onto your throat as his tip twitches before warm and thick cum oozes out and pools over your fist.
“Sorry, I’m…so…sorry.” He quickly sputters and meets your gaze with an endearing look.
“It’s okay, Cho,” you assure him as you slip your hand out and lick his salty cum off your hand, making his eyes widen and his cock grow hard once again.
“Now…” he pauses to swallow thickly. “You. I want you.”
You giggle and before you climb on him, or before he climbs on you, you get off the bed and rush to the door.
“Y/N?” He calls out.
Just to make sure no little goblin walks in later, you lock the door and walk back to let Choso see you. “Just locking the door,” you let him know before you run back to him and basically jump over him.
“Do you want me Choso?” You tease him, making him sit up and grab your waist.
“I need you,” he says softly and lovingly. “Please.”
You smile and press your forehead against his. “I’m all yours, now, tomorrow, and forever.”
Choso grins so sweetly and takes a moment to admire you before he leans in and dominates your lips again. This time his body is in tune with his eagerness because before you know it with what seems to be like ease, he tears your shirt off and leaves you exposed since you have no bra on.
It’s just too uncomfortable to sleep with.
“Choso,” you giggle, and without shame, he laughs with you before he pulls back and falls silent as he sees the shape of your breasts, and your nipples perked up.
“You,” he stammers and blinks repeatedly with disbelief before he meets your gaze, letting you see how his sun-kissed brown eyes gleam with awe. “Every part of you is beautiful. You’re so beautiful.”
Those are simple words, but it’s the way he says it that makes your already-soaked panties drown with your own desire for him.
“Now let me see you,” you coo and reach down to grab the hem of his shirt. He places his hand over yours and you pull his shirt off together. And even if you’ve already seen him shirtless, your breath still hitches, and a pulse starts throbbing in your core.
“Look at you,” you redirect sweetly, making his blush blaze. “You’re very beautiful. Like the last time. And you know,” you flick your tongue and lean in to talk against his lips. “When you were fighting, when you were on fire with courage and determination all I could think about was how sexy you were, how much I wanted you.”
“Hah,” he breathes out and presses the tip of his hard cock against your eager core.
“Will you fight for me like that?” You whisper up to his ear with your lips grazing against his flesh. “Will you be strong for me, Choso?”
“Always,” he says breathlessly.
You smirk and start to leave a trail of kisses on his neck up to his jaw, while you lift up a little bit to let him pull his pants and boxers off before he eagerly undresses you as if it’s something he’s done before.
“Just promise me something,” he manages to say between the trance you put him in. “You’ll live for me too. I can’t lose you. Not again.”
You slide your hands down to his chest and slither them back up to cup his jaw and assure him. “I will. As long you're alive there’s a reason to keep going.”
Choso can’t help his smile or the sloppy kiss he initiates. And you can’t wait anymore, you lift your hips once again and reach one hand down to grab his cock and line it up with your entrance, making him pull away from you and groan.
“I’m going to put in,” you let him know.
Choso nods and can’t help himself; he helps you by pushing up and penetrating his tip through your tight entrance. And since all you’ve felt is your own fingers for a while, the feeling of a thick cock entering you stings. And since he doesn’t stop as he lets his pleasure take control you kind of ache as he fills you up completely.
“Ch—choso,” you whine and throw your head back as that sting slowly turns to pleasure. “Oh…Choso.” You moan as you can now think about how this was a much more sensational feeling than his cock in your dreams.
And Choso…well he was taking time to collect himself as he got lost in the feeling of your warm gummy walls squeezing him and taking him so well. It’s like you were made for him.
“Y/N…” he trails off and whispers part of your name before he whines and drops the back of his head on the pillow.
“Choso, baby,” you break your silence. “I’m going…hm…I’m gonna start moving.”
“Mhmm,” he moans. “Please.”
You smirk and rock your hips slowly, making his nails dig into your hips and a hand slap over his eyes.
“Choso, honey, look at me,” you plead and rock your hips forward again.
Said man groans and you have to be the one to peel his hands off his face.
“Choso look at me, please,” you beg and lift up, causing his eyes to snap down to your weeping pussy, and he loses himself and gasps with awe.
“Beautiful, my love,” he mumbles, making your heart stop and your hips halt halfway over his cock.
“What?” You gasp with disbelief.
Choso’s eyes find yours and he sees how soft and bright they look, and smiles. “My love,” he whispers with adoration before he ruts his hips up to meet your core with his tip, making him and you see stars as your worlds collide.
“Say it again,” you command and lift your hips halfway up his cock. “Please.”
Choso sits up, letting you press your warm bodies against each other. “My love. That’s what you are to me. Is it wrong?”
You shake your head and push down, making him mouth your name as his eyes roll back.
“No,” you answer in his mouth. “I love it. I want you to say it again.” You let him know as you rock your hips. “And again.” You day and rock your hips again, making him slide his hand to your hips.
“If it…pleases you, I will say it always.” He says softly and thrusts up, pulling a chant of his name out of you that only triggers him to thrust in out of you with complete control even if you’re the one on top of him.
“Choso,” you moan in his mouth and he shuts you up by kissing you passionately while he thrusts in and out of you all the way, making you meet each thrust by rocking your hips.
He wants to keep kissing you until you cum, but he can’t help it, he’s lost in the stars by the feeling of your warm pussy swallowing him so damn good. He can’t help the whimpers and groans that come out of him whilst he also chants your name in your mouth.
“Choso,” you groan and press your forehead against his as his tip hits a heavenly place. “You…fuck…fill me…mhmm, so good.”
“Mine,” he sputters out as he drags his fat cock in and out of your warm and gummy walls that feel like heaven to him. “I…I…love…you.”
He ruts in deeper and faster, meeting each thrust with a delicious squelching noise as your wetness blankets his cock and spills out of your core, soaking him and you completely.
“Harder,” you cry and he listens obentientedly and without hesitation fucks you at a rougher pace, causing your headboard to hit the wall, and the mattress to creak.
“Choso,” you whine, and he groans and buries his face in the crook of your neck and moans into it as he keeps his brutal pace.
“So close,” he muffles in your neck.
You cry louder as he fucks you to a different dimension where all you feel is a bright sensational euphoria.
“Kiss,” he groans and throws his head back. “Please. My love.”
You whimper and throw your hands up into his hair and pull back as he brings you close to that delicious edge. And that feeling of your fingers tangling in his hair drives him overboard, a wave of ecstasy washes over him, and his hips stutter, and his tip twitches, but his thrusts are brutal in such an amazing way that drives your hands down to drag your nails up his back, making him groan while his knuckles turn white as he grips onto your hips and shoots up robes and robes of his hot seed deep into your pussy.
“Y/N! Ah…fuck…damn. Ah!” He cries and keeps thrusting up.
At the sound of his own pleasure and the feeling of his tip hitting your g-spot, you sob out your euphoria and cum over his cock.
“Choso,” you whisper breathlessly as he comes to a stop and drops his head on your shoulder.
When you stop spilling out you loosen your grip and caress his back with your nails, making him groan softly.
“That was amazing,” you praise him in his ear before you kiss the side of his head. “Want me to get off now? We can take a shower,” you coo.
Choso stays quiet for a moment before he lifts his head and presses a gentle kiss on your cheek. “You were incredible, my love.” He assures you and pecks your lips. “But,” he mumbles. “No. I want more of you. Please give me more.”
You pull back and look at him eagerly. “Are you sure?” You check in.
Choso caresses your face making you lean in his touch. “Yes, I’m more than sure,” he lets you know.
You giggle and lean in to take him in for an open mouth kiss while he grips onto your hips and pulls out to flip around. However, just as you were going to complain at the emptiness you realize he’s turning the wrong way.
“Choso wait—” you don’t finish your warning before you hit the ground with a loud and harsh thump.
“Oh damn,” Choso hisses.
“Ow,” you groan and reach for the back of your head.
“Y/N?! Are you okay?” He immediately grows concerned.
You open your eyes and look at him with quivering lips, and before he knows it you burst out laughing.
It takes him a moment to realize you’re not upset that he dropped you and joins you.
“Ow that did hurt,” you say between laughs.
Choso caresses your head and smiles. “I’m sorry, I got carried away.”
You snicker. “It’s okay. I get it.”
He calms down and looks into your eyes, making you go quiet and speak thousands of words in your lingering look before you start laughing again over nothing now.
“Hm,” he breathes out lightheartedly and drops his face in the crook of your neck, letting you gently caress his scalp with your nails.
“Mhm…I love you,” he muffles and kisses your neck, causing goosebumps to crawl down your spine, and a happy smile to spread on your lips.
“I love you too,” you coo and wrap your arms around his neck to keep him pressed against you.
Choso and you don’t move from the ground just yet, he keeps his face buried, and you keep thinking how happy you are that you took this leap and confessed and that you let yourself have this pleasure of being with Choso. Until you realize he didn’t wear a condom…which should worry you a lot more, but oh well!
You’re having too much fun and throughout the entire night, you're both too busy with each other to remember anything but wanting more of one another.
A/N: 🤭
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest @natakina
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Yandereaffections Golden Masterlist of masterlists
a master list for all the masterlists? is it confusing? hopefully not.
all thats crossed out im no longer taking requests for, but you can enjoy what ive already made for it in the past❤
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Amnesia (Otome)
Arcane (Netflix)
Attack On Titan
Black Butler
Death Note
Demon Slayer
Detroit Become Human
Creepy Pasta
Doki Doki Literature Club
Fruits Basket
Game of Thrones
Hellsing Ultimate
Joker (2019)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Marvel (Cinematic Universe)
My Hero Academia
Mystic Messenger 
Nameless, The one thing you must recall
Oran Highschool Host Club
Peter Parker (MCU)
Red Dead Redemption 2
Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse
Spy x family
The way of the house husband
Toilet bound Hanako-kun
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My OC’s!
Javier Adolfo
Agapito Adolfo
Nia Barnes
Aiden Cooper
Jamari Blackwood
Agapimari (Agapito x reader x Jamari)
Multi OC posts
YA’s OC Art
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 26
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
Oystein had spent the week thinking about what had happened with Varg and Y/n. Hellhammer was right. This place wasn't safe for her. Hell, it wasn't safe for anyone that wasn't in the Black Circle. Varg had beat the shit out of some people he deemed posers on the spot and he didn't care who had something to say about it.
Between the random girls that came in to get fucked and the hardcore anti-human guys that came in spouting off about one superior race or some other bullshit, Oystein spent more time in his office with the door shut than he did downstairs. The energy was too tense and toxic for him to think.
He jumped at the sound of the phone while he was in the middle of reading through some music.
"Helvete." He said without much enthusiasm.
"Hey, I didn't hear from you for lunch so I wanted to call and make sure you weren't dead...or a sudden vegan." Y/n laughed on the other end of the phone.
"Hey- yeah no I'm not really hungry today but I'm glad you called. I wanted to talk to you about something." Oystein said with a sigh.
"Oh no...did you get kicked out of the club for fucking a Jewish girl?" Y/n teased but Oystein didn't think it was humorous. His silence made her clear her throat.
"Is everything okay? Did something happen?" She was concerned.
"I don't' think you should come by the shop anymore." Oystein didn't want to piss her off but that's not what he was getting. She seemed saddened.
"I mean...if that's what you want." She was somber.
"You didn't do anything wrong baby. I just don't want them to have access to you like that anymore. The people that we've been attracting through here, it's just not safe." Oystein explained.
"I mean...are you upset with me about what happened-" He cut her off quickly.
"Absolutely not. Varg's a fucking asshole and you always stand your ground to anyone who comes at you like that. I just don't want to put you in a bad situation where there's only one exit and I'm outnumbered." Oystein could hear a chuckle.
"What? You gonna fight for my honor?" She teased.
"If I have to...I probably won't survive it but it would be worth a shot." Oystein was glad she understood and wasn't upset.
"I just don't trust anyone with you. You're too important too me." Oystein clarified.
"Yeah I hear that you kinda love me or something." He smiled hearing her say it.
"Shut up asshole." He rolled his eyes as she laughed.
"Well if you aren't going to let me bring you lunch, why don't you come by and have lunch here. It's not like you're in the next town over you stalker." Y/n joked.
"The building was vacant!" Oystein defended.
"So is a lot of other real estate you freak." She yelled making him shake his head.
"Are you going to come over tonight?" He asked changing the subject.
"No I'm working a few extra hours tonight and I promised to hang out with my dad. We can spend some time together this weekend if you aren't hosting the dickless militants in your basement." Y/n suggested.
"That sounds good. I'll see you for lunch in a few hours, I've got a shipment coming in and I imagine the people I pay to work here won't actually do shit so I need to label and stock it myself." Oystein heard a knock on the door and Faust started to walk in without an answer.
"Sounds good, I'll see you in a few." She hung up the phone and Oystein removed his glasses.
"Yeah?" He asked seeing Faust look around.
"Is your girlfriend hiding in here or something?" He asked curiously.
"Why the fuck would she be hiding in here?" Oystein asked defensively. Faust put his hands up.
"She usually brings you lunch. I didn't mean anything by it." Oystein relaxed and gave him a nod.
"I'll be going to the shop to get lunch later once I get the shipment off the truck and tagged. Anyone downstairs?" He nodded his head towards the door.
"Um yeah a few of Varg's hangarounds are waiting for him. He's supposed to be here soon I think because at least two chicks have already come in here looking for him." Faust explained. Oystein made a face of disgust.
"This place is turning into a fucking nightmare." He raked his hands down his face and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Hey I wanted to ask you..we haven't really talked since the other night...when I told you guys about that guy..." Oystein looked at Faust and didn't want to think about that night. He knew his freedom relied on everyone keeping their mouths shut but Varg wasn't someone who could be controlled.
"Are we good? I mean...you aren't like..." Faust pressed.
"Faust, I couldn't careless. Fucking do what you want. I'm just trying to run a record shop." Oystein tried to make it sound minimal which seemed to appease him but Faust had literally murdered someone. The amount of stress and fear that Oystein held onto while he was at work made his stomach sick. What was once his dream, quickly crashed and burned into this stupid desire for people to fear them. All he wanted to do was get back to what he loved, which was the music.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 8 months
Flufftober Day 26 | Love by the fire
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Pairing | Boyfriend!Iron Man!Tony Stark x Civilian!Girlfriend!Female!Reader
Word count |1.4K
Summary | Tony has taken you for a weekend away to a small cabin in the woods where it'll be just you two, and no one around for miles to interrupt either of you. The weather outside is cold, but the atmosphere inside the cabin is perfect. During this getaway, Tony is planning on taking the next step in your relationship, and he can't wait to see how you'll react to it.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Established relationship (boyfriend & girlfriend), use of pet name (Angel), smut (dirty talk, begging, sir-kink, edging, fingering, cockwarming).
Prompt(s) | 26. Fireplace | @flufftober
A/n | This one shot is written for day 26 of Flufftober 2023 Challenge. I want to give a big thank you to @ccbsrmsf1 for proofreading and drooling along with me on this one! I hope you will all enjoy it as much as I did when writing it 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🧡
Divider is made by @cafekitsune | GIF-credit to the owner
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | Flufftober Masterlist
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You're somewhere between awakeness and slumber but feel very comfortable in this state. Yesterday evening, you arrived in this cabin with your boyfriend, Tony, and now you're waking up in his arms.
Soft kisses along your shoulder peacefully bring you back to the land of the living, and you can most definitely feel him poking you in your thigh.
''Hmm, someone's excited this morning,'' you croak softly as you're finally pulled into full consciousness. The chuckle escaping Tony's lips doesn't go unnoticed by you, and in all fairness, you wouldn't say no to an excellent, slow session of lazy morning sex.
''It's a good thing I'm always excited for you, my Angel,'' Tony whispers in your ear before nibbling softly on your earlobe, earning himself a soft moan.
It's a good thing you don't have any panties on right now because if you did, they sure would be ruined entirely, especially when Tony's thick, long fingers find their way between your thighs, rubbing small, tight circles over your clit as you gasp loudly.
''Fuck!'' you exclaim as you move your thigh, giving him more room to work with.
''Look at you, Angel, so perfect for me,'' he keeps whispering in your ear, only pushing you towards the edge further.
''So soaked for me already, dripping even, and I haven't even been inside you yet, Angel! Look at this desperate pussy, such a perfect slut for me, aren't you? Letting me use you whenever I want?'' he asks.
''Y-Yes, Sir! Please, I'm close!'' you pant out, but much to your dismay, he doesn't give you what you want yet. He wants - no, he needs - you to beg for it because it will send him over the edge as he's rutting against your thigh.
Those delicious thighs of yours have been his weakness from the beginning, either spending endless amounts of time between them as he's eating you out, nipping or leaving bruises all over them, or just resting his hand there when he's next to you.
''Beg for it, Angel, show me how desperately you want to cum for Sir,'' he growls in your ear, and just when you're about to fall over the edge, he holds back, and you come down from the high he created.
''Sir, please! Wanna cum, 'm a good girl for my Sir! Can I cum, please? I'll be so good for you. Do everything you want me to do,'' you beg, but it isn't enough.
''P-please, I'm such a desperate slut for you, Sir; all I want is to cum on your fingers. Need it so bad, please!'' you try again, and he's finally satisfied as he speeds up his fingers, making an obscenely wet squishing noise as he moves his fingers in and out at a bruising pace, your clit stimulated by your fingers.
''Cum!'' he orders, and you feel him shooting his seed against your thigh. Your head is reeling with the intensity of your orgasm so early in the morning, but you can't deny that this is one hell of a way to wake up.
Your thighs still tremble after he worked both of you through your orgasms. Your eyes are still half-lidded as you turn over, not caring about the mess underneath you, just in need of some cuddles and kisses right now.
''Doin' perfect for me, Angel, you're doing perfect for me,'' he whispers, among other sweet words.
''Shall we move this party to the living room? I'll start the fire before making breakfast, and after, we can have some more fun?'' he asks as he rubs soft circles over your back, and you hum softly in agreement.
The clean-up was quick, and while Tony works on breakfast, you take a shower before moving to the living room, wearing only his shirt and glasses.
''Damn, Angel, I didn't think you could look any better than you did when you came earlier, but you've proven me wrong once more,'' he tells you, and you twirl a few times.
''What're you making?'' you ask as you walk up to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him from behind.
''Your favorite, Angel, as always,'' he says before turning his head and letting his cheek rest against your head. He still finds it hard to believe he has gotten so lucky that he can call you his. His girl. He can never get enough of saying it.
''How about this, you get comfortable by the fire, and I'll bring your breakfast in a few minutes, along with a hot cup of tea, and we can eat it together by the fireplace,'' he asks, and once again, you hum in agreement.
You've never been a woman of many words, and Tony is perfectly fine with that; he has enough to discuss for both of you anyway. He always loves it when you get excited and talk his ear off about every last detail.
He smiles as he thinks about the first time you told him about your Harry Potter obsession. You didn't stop talking about it for a few hours, and he listened patiently, giving you every last second while listening intently.
That's precisely why he might be ready for the next step in your relationship. To most people, it doesn't seem like much, but he's been thinking about these three words for a long time and doesn't share them lightly.
But with you? That's an entirely different story. He has wanted to shout it from the rooftops since day one, but you're still getting used to his fame, so the two of you are keeping it on the low for now. And he's perfectly okay with that as long as he'll have you in the end.
''Breakfast is served,'' Tony says as he brings the food on a tray, but you're looking at something else. You're looking at the V and happy trail right above his sweatpants, hanging dangerously low on his hips.
The dark trail of hair leading into said pants will bring you to your happy place, and you can't wait to be right there again soon. Being gone in a cabin in the woods means there's no one around for miles and miles, and you can be as loud as you want.
''Looking perfect as always, thank you, Tony,'' you say with a big smile, and he takes his place next to you on the couch in front of the fireplace. The crackling of the fire gives a lovely ambiance to the room, and the TV is playing a re-run of a sitcom.
But neither of you pays any attention to that, only having eyes for one another. You feed each other bites of breakfast when Tony suddenly gets an idea.
''Angel? Please keep me warm while eating breakfast. He's a little lonely and loves to be buried inside you,'' Tony says, and you happily agree, straddling his thighs without hesitation.
He's already hard again, just from the thought, and the pleasurable stretch is still perfect. You can't help but let out a small groan as you feel your walls accommodate his size.
''F-fuck,'' you moan out, and Tony looks at where you're connected, unable to take his gaze away from it for even a second. When you're wholly sunken down onto his cock, he can't help it, and the words just slip out.
''I love you, Angel,'' he says, and your eyes grow wide as you let it sink in what he just said. Did he tell you he loves you?!
''I love you too, Tony, and thank you for this amazing weekend; I didn't want to spend it any other way than with you,'' you sigh contently before giving him a small peck on the lips and settling down.
You two keep feeding each other breakfast between more kisses, and I love you. Now that the words are finally out, you can't stop saying it, and your love has reached a new height. Not that either of you thought that could have been possible.
The two of you stayed like that for a while; Tony buried deep inside you as you settled in against his chest, just enjoying being in his presence; the fire crackling in the background was the cherry on top.
''I love you, Tony.'' ''I love you more, Angel.''
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felinefractious · 1 month
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🐱 Chausie
📸 Bloom House Cattery
🎨 Black Grizzle [Grizzle]
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icedmetaltea · 2 months
PMDD my beloved (kill me)
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jewbeloved · 1 year
hi! i'm new into this stuff so idk how to ask, but could you do Kyle with a hispanic s/o who calls him nicknames like "Amor", "Corazon", "Cariño"? and how would he react the first time they called him that? Ofc you don't have to do it if you don't want to:)
Kyle with a Hispanic s/o🥮❤️❤️
Got my motivation back! Let's see if I can knock some requests off 😎😎
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💚 Kyle Broflovski 🌲
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I feel like he would be confused at first why are you are calling him those words, probably because he didn't look much in Hispanic/Spanish language at all.
When you explain it to him or he finds out on his own he's gonna be a blushing mess for not noticing sooner.
Idk about y'all but he would probably be even more flustered at the fact his s/o is calling him cute nicknames in Spanish.
He might look up a nickname in Spanish and practice it for hours so when the time comes he can say one right back at you.
Cartman would be annoyed at how he always sees Kyle blushing every time you call him a nickname in Spanish.
"Why does them calling you a nickname in Spanish make you blush even more then ones in English, is your brain fried or something Jew?"
"cállate Cartman" Cartman immediately turned his gaze to you.
"You shut up you fucking bitch!" Kyle decks Cartman in the face, knocking him out.
"Thanks Amor <3"
"gracias (Name) 😊"
"You 100% looked that up didn't you?"
"Nooo...? Why would you think that?" Kyle was sweating nervously.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm only teasing"💚💚💚💚💚
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Bro I am excited for south park season 26 to come out👌💖💖💖✨✨
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brittlebutch · 1 year
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daily-kinitopet · 2 months
Day 28
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I just wanted to give you an easy option.
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