#n!dracula fanart is uniquely painful
beevean · 1 year
Actually if anything the worst part about Netflixvania is the fact that it’s unfortunately a billion times more popular than the games so you constantly see really cool, unbelievably amazing, downright gorgeous, all natural, no added preservatives fanart… For Netflixvania and you just stare at it like >:[ because it’s so fucking good why did it have to be fore the show?! And then you can’t even FIND Castlevania fanart because it’s less popular and whatever is out there it’s buried under a hundred other Netflixvania fanarts
I knowwwwwwwwwwww
Nothing worse than playing "spot the differences" with fanart I find splendid 😭
"Oh look at this Alucard, look how luscious his hair is, how ethereal he looks! ... does he have the stupid scar GODDAMNIT he has the stupid scar that's not my Alucard shoo shoo you imposter"
"Yay, Hector! Some good fanart of Hector! ... does the hair look like a badly cropped wig YEP IT DOES oh wait the fanartist also called him a sad little puppy yeah no get this shit away from me"
I suppose that now I'll have to learn how to do the same with Richter and Maria :\ eh with maria it's easier: does she look like someone who'd call richter a wanker? yeah that's not my girl
And then there are just the absolutely wonderful fanarts with the characters who are more obviously from the show, like detailed gothic art of Trevor vs. Dracula, or loving studies of Isaac, and then there you are, digging through literally 10 year old trash to find some quick sketches taken from Pixiv if you want to find fanart of the games.
the pain. it is immense.
(and then there are the horny fanart of Lenore and Drolta on main who give me another kind of psychic damage 🙃)
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