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April Buddie Fic Wrap-Up
a list of my favourite fics from this past month
[ ✓ complete | ☆ series | ☼ one-shot | ☾ multi-chapter]
October | November | December | January | February | March
this crown of thorns upon my liar's chair by @tripleaxeldiaz (spinningincircles) [N/R | 1.2k | ✓ | ☼]
He slides the bat out of Eddie’s lax, battered hands, and Eddie makes the mistake of looking him in the eyes again. They’re bright and sad, and the echo of the crack in Buck’s voice when he called out his name has made a home in his head, among the gunshots and shrapnel. He’s hurt someone he loves. Again. Because that’s all he’s good for, it seems.
getting warmer by @rewritetheending (withoutthetiger) [G | 1.4k | ✓ | ☼]
His phone wakes him with a text, and while Eddie can’t deny the instant flare of panic when he fumbles to lift it from the nightstand, he lands somewhere between concerned and far too fond when he reads the message from Buck.
Need nyquil
You need nyquil now? At 2am?
It’s everywhere
Eddie isn’t sure what Buck means by everywhere, though he knows there are drug stores open 24 hours, and he can easily grab a bottle for Buck, especially with Christopher gone for the night.
Okay yeah I can bring some over
i'm not too far (and you're my favourite place) by @hattalove [T | 1.4k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck shakes his head. "Stupid," he tells the tabletop, and then hides his face in his hands with a groan. "Love makes me stupid." "Love?" Hen asks, taking a breath to say something else that's cut off when Chimney jumps in his chair and slaps her on the shoulder, spilling her coffee on the table. "You took that picture for somebody," he says, pointing at Buck. or, the one with the thirst trap shenanigans.
keep it sweet in your memory by hattalove [T | 1.7k | ✓ | ☼]
“I miss her,” Buck sighs. “I mean, I always miss her, but it feels—“ “Different,” Eddie nods. “Her world’s about to get so much bigger, and we’re still just her boring old dads.” “I didn’t even cry when we dropped her off,” Buck says, curling into Eddie’s warmth, hiding his face in the familiar crook of Eddie’s neck. “I thought I had it handled.” a hairbrush, a lasagna, and two dads just trying to make it through the first day of school.
like it's only you and me by @probieravi [T | 1.9k | ✓ | ☼]
Which like—yeah, Buck’s had this dream. Buck’s definitely had this dream, the one where Eddie realizes that he’s head over heels in love with Buck, and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with him, but it’s never been more than a dream. It’s never been more than—than Buck nodding off on the station couch with Eddie’s feet in his lap and thinking, right before he drifted off, that he’d be happy doing this for the rest of his life.
It wasn’t supposed to be real. If it’s real, if Eddie’s standing across the dining room table from him, one had wrapped around the stem of the wine glasses they’re cleaning, the other flexing on top of the table like he wants to reach out but isn’t sure he can.
And Buck—Buck is standing in a pile of broken glass, and he feels like his heart is beating out of his chest, because Eddie just looked up from his polishing cloth and said I think we should get married.
Buck thinks, absently, that breaking the glass was a pretty valid reaction. or, eddie proposes. too bad him and buck aren't even dating yet.
the warmest bed i've ever known by @clusterbuck (lecornergirl) [T | 1.9k | ✓ | ☼]
He slips in carefully, quietly, but the shifting in the bed tells him Buck wakes up anyway. “Baby?” Buck murmurs, and in the dim light Eddie can see him blinking, his curly hair rumpled and pillow creases etched into his cheek. “Yeah, it’s me,” Eddie whispers. As if it would be anyone else quietly entering their house at just gone five on a Sunday morning. “C’mere,” Buck says, voice still thick with sleep as he holds up a corner of the blanket. Eddie slips in and Buck reaches for him, immediately, tugging him closer and wrapping his arm around him. “I missed you,” he says, voice half-obscured by the fact that his lips are pressed against Eddie’s shoulder.
it's just goodnight not goodbye by lecornergirl [G | 2.0k | ✓ | ☼]
In the end it’s simple. In the end it comes down to the fact that he’s had one beer, just enough to loosen his tongue, and Eddie keeps looking at him like he knows something, and every time he shifts like he’s about to leave Eddie puts a hand on his arm to keep him in his seat. “I mean—unless you want to leave,” Eddie finally says, the fourth or fifth time this happens. Buck stopped counting after two. “I don’t—I’m not trying to keep you here against your will or anything.” Buck sighs, tipping his head against the back of the couch, and the words pour out before he even knows he’s saying them. “Every time I leave, it carves out a little piece of me.”
all of my secrets releasing pieces of me alone by @capseycartwright (wafflesofdoom) [G | 2.1k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck liked to think that he was good in a crisis. His whole career - it hinged on him being cool, and calm, and collected in a crisis. He had to be able to think on his feet, and react, and be there for people in the worst moment of their life, and he prided himself on being good at it. But it was different, he supposed, when it was someone you loved.
In the aftermath of Eddie's breakdown, Buck begins to pick up the pieces and find a way to help his best friend heal.
next to your heartbeat (where i should be) by lecornergirl [T | 2.2k | ✓ | ☼]
“You always look at Buck like that.” Eddie swallows. “Like what?��� “The same way you look at me,” Christopher says and flips to the next photo like it’s nothing. Only it’s not nothing, because the next photo is from the aquarium, Eddie reading the sign and Buck next to him, and Buck is— Buck is looking at Eddie the way Eddie was looking at Buck. “Yeah, he does it too,” Christopher says and flips to the next one. And the next one, and the next one, and in every single one it’s the same.
...i was following you by @queerpanikkar (archerincombat) [G | 2.2k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck thinks he could kiss this man. But the only thing that comes out is, “Are you a libertarian?”
Eddie’s face changes to one of abject horror. “Why would you even ask me that?” he demands. “Oh my God, Buck. What about me—please tell me what made you think I was a libertarian so that I can never do it again.”
i watched it begin again by wafflesofdoom [G | 2.4k | ✓ | ☼]
Eddie deserved to be happy too. He didn’t believe that, every day, but he told himself that every day in the hopes that one day, believing it would come more easily. He wanted to believe he would be deserving of Buck's love, too, one day, but he wasn't quite there yet either. One day, he knew, he would be - but that day wasn't today. - or, Buck and Eddie share a dance at a wedding, and begin to address the elephant in the room that is their feelings for each other.
just like that, take me back (to the places we used to go) by tearsricochets [T | 2.5k | ✓ | ☆ | ☼]
It’s the one and only picture Buck has of Eddie. He’d taken it with the last piece of film in his polaroid camera on some random morning. Buck had just woken up, turning over to look at Eddie. Eddie, completely golden, wrapped up in white sheets with the morning sun washing down on him. His hands were lost under the pillow, and his face was looking in Buck’s direction, but his eyes were completely shut. Buck remembers the feeling of needing to capture that moment. Remembers knowing it was love, and never wanting to lose it. He had picked the camera up off the bedside table and took the picture without even thinking about it. The click had woken Eddie up, but the end result was worth it. (Especially when Eddie just smiled and grabbed a sharpie, signing the bottom ‘for mi amor’.”) OR: the one in which they were in love, and even after Buck left, the feelings never did.
sun is coming up ahead by @markofalover [T | 3.4k | ✓ | ☼]
One piece of paper slides towards him. Eddie stops it with his hand, lips tilting when he sees one of Christopher’s famous cat drawings surrounded by hearts. I love you, Dad. You are doing so good and you’re so brave. We will always be here for you no matter what. Like you said, you will feel better soon. You are my hero. …or, the drawings keep coming.
doing the things that animals do by @trippedandfell [T | 3.8k | ✓ | ☼]
“Hey,” Buck says, reaching out to grab Eddie's hand. “How do you feel about red carpets?” “Tacky in a bedroom, decent in a living room,” Eddie deadpans, because he likes to think he’s funny. or: Buck's still a zoologist. Eddie's definitely in love.
hate to say i spent it all on masquerades by hattalove [M | 4.2k | ✓ | ☼]
“It’s also that I like sex,” is what he says instead, and hates how pathetic it sounds. “And it’s fun, but it’s like—unless it’s with someone really important, it’s kind of the same level as going to the movies?” Eddie smiles at him. Somehow, impossibly, it’s even softer than the last time, sweet at the edges. “What if it is with someone really important?” he asks, and squeezes, his fingers pressing into the hollows between the bones of Buck’s hand. or: buck picks up a pamphlet, has an existential crisis, and shows up at eddie's door, in that order.
my sense of wonder's just a little tired by @mellaithwen [T | 4.9k | ✓ | ☼]
“You stayed,” is all Eddie says a little dumbly, a little in awe, and Buck’s quiet soft rambling comes to a sudden stop.
“Yeah, I was just—” he starts to explain about the mail again, gesturing to the door, when he seems to get the gist of what Eddie’s really saying, and his shoulders slump down a little then with a release of tension; “Eddie, of course I stayed.”
Of course.
Of course, because his son called him. Christopher called Buck, and Buck came running. Buck busted down the door. Buck got Eddie on his feet. He got Christopher settled, and reassured, and then he led Eddie out of the rubble of his room and over to the dining table.
help me piece it all together, darling by probieravi [T | 5.1k | ✓ | ☼]
He pulls himself from Christopher’s doorway and pads into the kitchen. Buck knows that sleep will evade him, because the exhaustion he felt when he left the station after they got back from the scene of the accident left him as soon as he got home. Something vibrates under his skin, buzzing next to the blood in his veins. He can’t sleep, but he can cook. (or, buck spends the day with the diazes.)
hold on, let go by @kitkatpancakestack [M | 6.0k | ✓ | ☼]
“You love each other,” his therapist had told him, “That will be enough.” He never asked her the thing picking at the back of his mind: what do they do if it isn’t? He should have asked. He always runs away from the hard questions. in the aftermath of his breakup with Eddie, Buck explores the repercussions of holding on and letting go.
it was you, love by @henswilsons (hammersmiths) [T | 6.7k | ✓ | ☼]
Eddie doesn’t realise the pattern until Karen says, “You’re collecting us like Pokémon.”
“What, Wilsons?” Eddie says. He’s mostly distracted by Christopher on the couch, who is with Denny showing Miles, Hen and Karen’s newest foster, how to play Animal Crossing on his Switch. Miles is already developing the same starry-eyed look in his eyes Christopher himself gets around Buck. “You certainly don’t make it hard.”
“Not Wilsons, dummy,” Karen says. “Lesbians.”
Which is—not what Eddie was expecting her to say. “Uh. What?”
or, Eddie befriends May and Linda at dispatch. Then realises some stuff.
all we can do by @adamsparirsh (catching_paper_moons) [M | 7.2k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck holds an arm out, and Christopher takes it, stepping toward him. “Why aren’t you asleep?” “Can’t.” Christopher sighs heavily, and Buck pulls him close, and Christopher clings to him, like he’s done so many times before. “Is Dad…is he asleep? He’s okay?” “He’s not hurt,” Buck settles on. “Not physically.” (or, the aftermath of the breakdown.)
in you, darling i trust by hammersmiths [T | 10.1k | ✓ | ☆ | ☼]
“Oh my God,” the girl says. It’s not the oddest exclamation Eddie’s heard from a person who’s just crashed their car into a telephone pole, but more the way it’s said: something dizzied and a little resigned, as though she is both concussed and mostly just inconvenienced by it. It’s enough for Eddie to peer into the window as Buck heaves at the car door with the jaws of life, armed with a penlight. “Ma’am, can you tell me your name?” “You’ve got to be kidding me,” the girl says, which doesn’t quite sound like a name to Eddie. He’s just about to tell her as much until she goes, “You’re LAFD Updates man.” or, five times someone recognises Eddie as the LAFD Updates man.
life is just the way you hold me by @littlespoonevan (allyasavedtheday) [T | 10.1k | ✓ | ☼]
The combination of recently moving house, finally truly living as a single parent – who hasn’t managed to set up appropriate childcare yet – and beginning a new job as a firefighter has meant the walls he’s so steadfastly built up around himself to hold himself together since he first came home are starting to crumble. And of course, because the universe is always looking for new ways to fuck with Eddie, all of this stress and anxiety has decided to take the form of the worst possible symptom a single father who works 24 hour shifts could experience: Insomnia. It’s past 3am and Eddie is scrolling mindlessly on his phone when he first stumbles across the ad. Some people, when they go online shopping at night, buy things they don’t need. Like a Fitbit or a novelty t-shirt. Eddie… Eddie buys a professional cuddler. Eddie needs a hug and some sleep. Buck, quite literally, offers his services.
by act of grace by hattalove [T | 10.4k | ✓ | ☼]
“Oh,” Greg says, his face falling, “that’s Lucifer.” Buck lets out something between a laugh and a cough. “Lucifer,” he repeats. “It's a long story,” Greg says, tugging on the collar of his polo, his name tag clinking. “He's—not exactly well socialized, and he really, really hates—“ he starts, except he’s interrupted by Eddie’s voice, the first words Buck has heard him say since they dropped Chris off at Hen and Karen's. “Hi,” Eddie says, crouching right under the bright red sign – which, now that Buck’s close enough to read it, says DO NOT PET – and reaching his fingers toward the bars. “—men,” Greg finishes, his voice weak, frozen mid-step like he’s not sure if he should be hauling Eddie away while there’s still time. “He hates men. Usually.” or the one in which healing looks a little like ten pounds of dog with a mean streak.
by the cracks of skin by hammersmiths [T | 10.9k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck moves out of his apartment in the spring, and into Eddie's place on a Saturday. or, Buck and Eddie fix up the house. And in it, each other.
give me five more minutes, baby (i'm not finished loving you) by lecornergirl [T | 12.7k | ✓ | ☼]
This is a mistake. Buck has made a giant fucking mistake, because he’s kind of catastrophically in love with his best friend—who, apparently, wants someone else—and now he’s about to spend an entire day with him looking like that and pretending to be his boyfriend. He barely survived Eddie calling him hot, patronising and obviously joking as it was. He doesn’t know how he’s going to get through the wedding ceremony, and the reception, and another night in the same bed lying so close yet so far away. He’d woken this morning with his arm draped across Eddie’s waist, nose pressed against Eddie’s shoulder—they’d fallen asleep facing away from each other but come together in the night regardless, and there’s something poetic about it that Buck can’t think about too hard or the words stuck in his throat might spill out.
forever is the sweetest con by stayeven [T | 12.9k | ✓ | ☼]
After multiple failed employment attempts, Eddie and Christopher are living in LA with barely any income and measly insurance. When Eddie is introduced to the world of swindling Southern California’s elite, he knows his life has been changed. He just doesn’t know if it was for better or worse. Or, a conman/cowboy like me AU
book to tax (the difference is timing) by maybeamystery [M | 15.1k | ✓ | ☼]
“I wasn’t kidding,” Buck insists. “I’m coming back tomorrow, and we’re going to do your damn taxes. I don’t care how much you complain or how hard you struggle. We will at least get through the income section, mark my words.”
Eddie sighs. “This is going to be a weeklong saga, isn’t it?”
“Maybe,” Buck says with an infuriatingly smug smile. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
maybe love won't let you down by @sibylsleaves [M | 15.6k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck tells Eddie he’s in love with him. Eddie pines. or, five times eddie watches buck leave, and the one time he goes after him
a thousand words (and then some) by @tawaifeddiediaz (tkreyesevandiaz) [E | 25.3k | ✓ | ☼]
When Buck and Eddie get roped into a photoshoot for the friend of a friend, neither of them expect what they'll have to do.
Or what it'll cost for their relationship.
Or, the photoshoot fic that got a little angsty, then a little sexy.
if i told you all my secrets (if you knew the truth) by withoutthetiger [E | 28.0k | ✓ | ☾]
"He’d once reminded Chim that tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone, and while the past couple of years have only proven him correct time and time again, Eddie’s spent a lifetime running from his own good advice, and he’s barely learned how to slow down long enough for it to catch up to him now. And arguing with Frank about it – Chim and Maddie were actually dating, Buck and I are very much not – had only earned him a tired stare in response, one lasting long enough for Eddie to admit that his heart hadn’t bothered with that same distinction. So, yeah, he knows he’d been right to encourage Chim then, and thinks maybe Frank’s right to do the same for Eddie now, but however much progress he’s made in the past several weeks of therapy, whatever trauma he’s begun to untangle, being honest with Buck about this might be the only thing more overwhelming than being honest with himself." When Eddie tells Buck how he feels, it's only the beginning, both of them having work to do before they're finally ready for happily ever after. Still, they're never very far apart while they wait. Set at the end of (shortly after?) 5b.
so throw away your baggage and go forward by unintentionalgenius [T | 31.3k | ✓ | ☼]
“Hey, dude, you’re not supposed to be back here. Yeah, you, c'mon, this area’s employees only.” “Wait… you can see me?” The guy’s hands come up, defensive, and he rushes, “It’s just - mostly the people who see me look sicker.” And something passes over his face that Eddie’s not quick enough to discern, but it leaves a tension around his eyes and mouth that never quite goes away. “What do you mean, the people who see you? Is that not everyone?” “Usually they’re - sick. Nearer to the veil than those who are healthy. More able to perceive - the other side.” Great, now he’s talking like a county fair psychic. Eddie furrows his brow, not sure he’s tracking. Does this guy seriously think he’s a - “I’m a ghost,” he says, like he’s bracing for a reaction. That answers that question, then.
Thank you so much to all the authors who are on this list! I loved reading your works, and I'm always grateful for the time and effort you put in to writing these fics. MWAH!!!
Also, this wrap-up is shorter than normal, just because I had exams, and then I had to move, so I didn't have time to read as much as I would have liked. I think the next few might be about this length (or shorter), just because I'm coaching two teams this year and I've got a full-time job and I just joined a new board. So I am #busy.
Anyway! Thanks to everyone for checking this out, I know there's a few of you that find it useful, and I'm always happy to do them <3 (also, if the links/tags don't work please don't tell me tonight i Will cry because the post editor was a giving me SUCH a problem)
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March Buddie Fic Wrap-Up
a list of my favourite fics from this past month
[ ✓ complete | ☆ series | ☼ one-shot | ☾ multi-chapter]
October | November | December | January | February
< 3k
all the reasons we'd be mad by @rewritetheending (withoutthetiger) [G | 1.3k | ✓ | ☼]
"There’s a stretch of silence while Buck snuggles even further under the three layers of fleece blankets covering them now, Eddie following his lead, the two of them still on the couch in Eddie’s living room where they’d landed after Buck had driven them home from the hospital. Christopher is with Pepa for the night, which is just as well when midnight rolled past them a while ago and neither Buck nor Eddie has made an attempt to move.
They should be in bed by now. Their own beds, probably, though Buck has his doubts about that tonight.
'Who told you?'
It’s Eddie’s turn to snap his head toward Buck, and it’s far too sudden for a body that remains partially frozen from head to toe. He winces, then fights to come back – again – his eyes asking questions before he’s said anything at all.
'Nobody told me anything,' Eddie whispers. 'What am I supposed to know?'"
Because I adore 3x15, written for the prompt "I love you - said with a hoarse voice, under the blankets."
driving slow on sunday morning by @queerpanikkar (archerincombat) [G | 1.3k | ✓ | ☼]
“Doesn’t count,” Buck tells him softly, reaching out to draw a finger over the line of his eyebrow; a painter and his muse. “You’re still dreaming.”
Eddie’s eyes flicker open, hair mussed and hardly there. Half of his face is still hidden and he gazes at Buck like he hung the stars in the sky for them to look at together. “Yeah,” he replies, giving Buck a sleepy grin. “Must be.”
not yet (but someday soon) by @probieeddie (intotheblue) [G | 1.4k | ✓ | ☼]
Eddie’s instinct is to deflect, but he’d promise Buck and himself to talk about the things that bother him so– “You keep telling everyone you love them,” he blurts.
Buck’s brow furrows, and he takes a step back. “And that’s… a bad thing?”
“No, god, of course not,” Eddie says, catching Buck’s wrist and tugging softly until Buck steps back into his space. “I just…”
A small frown appears on Buck’s lips. His head tips ever so slightly to the right. “Just what?” he asks.
“You keep telling everyone… except me.”
(Or: Buck starts throwing out casual 'I love you's to everyone except Eddie)
the stars shine for the two of us by @clusterbuck (lecornergirl) [G | 1.7k | ✓ | ☼]
“So you hate kissing booths then?” Hen asks, fixing him with a curious glance that darts to Buck and back so fast he thinks he might be imagining it.
Not exactly. But there’s a reason he doesn’t want to do the kissing booth, and it’s not a reason he’s about to say out loud to his entire team. So he jumps on it.
“Yeah,” he says. “I just think—kissing should be for a reason, you know?” Which isn’t even untrue.
“Cute,” Chimney says. “I always knew you were a romantic.”
“Is raising money for charity not enough of a reason for you?” Hen asks.
“I just—” Eddie says and chances a look at Buck, hoping no one catches it. Buck’s face is impassive, revealing nothing, but Eddie’s pretty sure Buck hasn’t looked his way since he said the words kissing booth.
So that’s something.
i can't numb this heart full of splinters by @capseycartwright (wafflesofdoom) [G | 1.7k | ✓ | ☼]
“You know,” Eddie’s voice was quiet, as he spoke – quiet, and tired, and reserved in a way that Buck hated. “It’s usually nice to follow with an explanation when you say something like, Eddie, I’ve done something terrible, and I can’t take it back.”
or - a post 5x11 coda where buck confides in his best friend about the taylor-and-lucy of it all.
even though we changed (i'm still here with you) by intotheblue [G | 1.8k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck sighs and tips his head back against the sofa. “Things are good,” he says, abandoning all pretext. It’s not like he was fooling Maddie anyway. “I’m not going to mess that up.”
Maddie takes his hand in hers and squeezes. “You’re right, you’re not, because he loves you too,” she says.
“You don’t know that.”
“Buck,” she says flatly, “everyone who’s ever met either of you knows that.”
“Shut up,” he says, but there’s no bite.
“Answer one question,” Maddie says, “and then I’ll drop it, I swear.”
He sits up and chews on his lip. “Fine, one.”
“When’s the last time Eddie asked you how the apartment hunt was going?”
third row back by withoutthetiger [G | 1.8k | ✓ | ☼ ]
"Still. Here he is. Exhausted after his first session. Or first session this time around, anyway.
Eddie’s eyes snap open when he hears a child cry on the far side of the parking lot, and the shock of sunlight is enough to make him wince, though the kid’s misery keeps him company for a while. When everything quiets again, he thinks he should start the truck and drive home, but his arms don’t quite cooperate, his hand tight around his phone.
He isn’t ready to talk, but if there’s anything Eddie learned today, it’s that he can survive having someone else nearby.
He isn’t ready to talk, but he can’t stop himself from tapping Buck’s name, a text sent before he wonders what else he can survive."
Set in early 5b, offered as the loosest possible interpretation of the prompt "writing each other love letters."
is this body even mine? by @onward--upward (r_holland) [T | 1.9k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Eddie doesn’t wake up screaming on his first day back at the 118 after the shooting – he gets up like normal, eats a piece of welcome-back cake, falls into his place in the firehouse like nothing ever happened.
Life moves on. What’s that saying? Time heals all wounds. He’s healed – everything is fine.
Except that the more time that passes, the more Eddie’s grip on himself breaks.
first i want a kiss (and then i want it all) by lecornergirl [G | 1.9k | ✓ | ☼]
Except it’s five a.m. on the morning of December thirty-first, he’s sitting on the couch in the firehouse loft, and for the first time in his life he’s thinking about making a resolution.
He’s sitting on the couch in the firehouse loft, the one just starting to be worn-in enough to be comfortable, and he’s looking at Buck. When is he not?
It’s not the kind of resolution he can put into words. It’s not the kind he’d put on a list or painstakingly etch in calligraphy in a bullet journal or hang up in his house in cross-stitch, or however it is that people document their resolutions in the age of instagram. Maybe it’s more like an intention than a resolution.
But Eddie looks at Buck, and he knows. By this time next year, he’s going to have figured out how to tell Buck about—all of it. About the fact that he’s in love with him, and the fact that he dreams about a life with him, today, tomorrow, five years from now. Ten years from now, twenty, fifty, if the good lord allows him to make it that far.
the best of your dreams cannot grow by @probieravi [T | 2.2k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck remembers it all, and it should be a good memory, it should be the best memory of Buck’s fucking life, except—
Except Eddie is gone.
(or, buck wakes up alone.)
i wonder if she knows that i touched your skin by sunshinexbomb [M | 2.2k | ✓ | ☼]
“Do you want to stop?” Eddie asks, words slow and surprisingly steady.
The thing is that he doesn’t—Buck really, really, doesn’t want to stop and that’s the problem. He searches Eddie’s face, not exactly sure what he’s looking for, but Eddie’s impossible to read at the moment. All Buck sees is familiar brown eyes, pupils blown with want, and Buck can’t deny that he wants too.
Buck swallows thickly against the lump in his throat and shakes his head.
In which Buck and Eddie both make some bad decisions.
when we're on the phone and you talk real slow by lecornergirl [E | 2.3k | ✓ | ☼]
“I miss you too,” Eddie says, soft. “But I’ll be back soon.”
“I know,” Buck sighs. “And the sooner I fall asleep, the sooner it is.”
“Is that how time works?” Eddie asks.
“Time is fake,” Buck says. “It feels sooner. That’s what matters.”
“Okay, I see your point,” Eddie says. “But, counterargument—what are you wearing?”
wearing me out this time by @adamsparirsh (catching_paper_moons) [E | 2.8k | ✓ | ☼]
“I have a girlfriend,” Buck protests, albeit rather weakly. Lucy shrugs.
“Break up with her,” Lucy purrs into his ear, “and this can be a regular thing.”
(or, Buck has a breakdown.)
note from drew: this contains a bucklucy sex scene, if that's not your jam, click away. and if i see anyone say rude things to grace about it, i'll simply just stop making the wrap ups. don't like, don't read, people <3
keep me on fire by @henswilsons (hammersmiths) [T | 2.9k | ✓ | ☼]
It’s—enough, to have him blinking out of his reverie, the second between the give of the bat against something, the sound of broken glass against the floorboards, and then he’s no longer on the street, or in the helicopter, or the ambulance, and he’s just back in his living room, his dark blue living room, and—
And Buck. Buck is here.
Buck, hands raised above his head. Buck, eyes wide. Buck, the same colour as the dusky floorboards.
Buck. Is here. And Eddie nearly hit him with a baseball bat.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie breathes, and the bat slips from his grasp.
or, Eddie breaks down. Buck is there.
devotion (defined by you) by @tawaifeddiediaz (tkreyesevandiaz) [G | 3.1k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck’s making a cup of tea when the sound of the lock reverberates into the apartment.
Prompt: untying your lover’s tie, using it to pull your lover into a kiss
wonder what it's like by catching_paper_moons [T | 3.2k | ✓ | ☼]
“Here I am,” Buck says, blinking rapidly. “I, uh. I have a question.”
Eddie’s heart could jackhammer through his chest if he’s not careful. He swallows. “Okay.”
“You don’t have to answer it.” Buck’s voice shakes so minutely Eddie wonders if he made it up. “But if I don’t ask it I think I’ll kick myself forever.”
(or the soft moment they deserve to have.)
the sight that flashed before me was your face by @tenisperfection [T | 3.4k | ✓ | ☼]
Eddie goes to therapy after he has a sleep paralysis episode and hallucinates the Buck from the day Eddie got shot. pre-Buck/Eddie.
forever is a long time (and i want to spend it all with you) by @eddiediazisascorpio [G | 3.7k | ✓ | ☼]
Three moments captured on film. Unfiltered, unscripted, and recorded in the hands of a man who doesn’t want to miss a thing.
Buck buys an old film camera and thinks about his future playing out in the present.
so bad to pretend (only for today) by withoutthetiger [G | 3.8k | ✓ | ☼]
"Eddie is a sucker. Probably in a million different ways and for a million different reasons.
And at least half of the ways and reasons have something to do with Buck.
This afternoon, they’re in Buck’s Jeep, just pulling into the parking lot of some fancy schmancy country club to which they absolutely do not belong, and suddenly Eddie thinks he may have really screwed up when he didn’t push harder for details after Buck told him that he’d be picking him up for a day of innocent fun. And when Eddie spots flower gardens along the side and a gazebo toward the back, it only makes him more concerned because it looks like they’re at a wedding venue and—
'Okay, so, this place is having a massive cake tasting today and the website said there would be all of the traditional wedding flavors like vanilla buttercream and chocolate raspberry, plus red velvet and carrot cake, and then some cupcakes, and even unexpected wedding stuff like cream puffs and cheesecake, and I totally signed us up because, hello, free dessert.'
Cake. Wedding. Wedding cake. With Buck.
'But we’re not engaged.'"
all the remaining breaths by @renecdote [E | 3.9k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck blinks up at him, lips kiss swollen and curls coming loose against the pillow, the picture of sinful temptation. “Eds,” he says, patiently amused. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Eddie replies automatically.
“Right,” Buck agrees, because he knows that, “but I’d really, really like you to fuck me right now, so maybe we can save the ethical discussion for sometime after we’ve consummated our own marriage?”
In which Buck has fun facts and Eddie has opinions on the history of consummating marriages. And also there is sex.
everything's coming up milhouse by hammersmiths [T | 4.0k | ✓ | ☼]
LAFD Updates (@L*A*F*D_Metro) LAFD Alert: Red-level traffic on Gardiner Road this morning. If you are trying to get into the city centre consider taking Westerley Lane.
buck 🔥🔥 (@firebuck) so true bestie
or, Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive.
open the blinds, let me see your face by @trippedandfell [T | 4.7k | ✓ | ☼]
It starts, as most of Eddie’s problems have lately, with therapy.
or: Eddie does yoga, makes some new friends, and falls in love.
ripping all the skin from my bones (have mercy) by @extasiswings [T | 4.8k | ✓ | ☼]
Eddie can’t sleep.
I don’t even think about him anymore, that’s what he said months ago when he landed in the ER with a panic attack. I don’t even think about him anymore.
Not a lie.
Not the truth either. But not a lie. Not quite.
He doesn’t think about the sniper. But he thinks about the shooting. He has hours every night to replay it over and over now that he can’t seem to block it out, the lightning strike of a bullet slamming into him, the icy numbness of bleeding out on hot asphalt.
And Buck.
Buck’s mouth, his face, his white shirt, splattered with blood, eyes wide in shock and horror.
What are you afraid of?
baby, come make me alright by r_holland [T | 5.2k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck’s memory exists in fits and starts. Flashes. Bangs. Colours and voices. Nothing quite coalesces into anything solid. He remembers waking up in the morning, the warm weight of a broad chest at his back, the dry press of lips to his shoulder. He remembers school drop-off, remembers going through the Starbucks drive-thru, a gentle hand on his knee as he rattled off their orders.
He remembers walking through the firehouse doors. Things get a little bit scrambled after that. Like the eggs they had for breakfast.
Holy fuck his head hurts.
i thought i loved you (it's just how you looked in the light) by @breakdowndiaz (asgardiun) [G | 5.3k | ✓ | ☼]
He loves the kitchen sink and the drying rack on the counter, because he always washes and Eddie always dries and sometimes when he dries he chips the grey bowls and breaks the white plates, but it doesn’t matter because he bought the set second hand and really, they don’t need more than three plates, three bowls, three mugs, and three forks.
“Just three?” Maddie asks.
“Yeah, me, Christopher, and Eddie,” he says, like it’s obvious.
Maddie gives a knowing smile. “And Taylor?”
He shrugs. “It’s not like the four of us hang out."
“So who’s plate is she borrowing when they leave?” Buck stays quiet. She sets her mug on the table. “Moving out might help, but no matter where you go, you’ll only have three plates.”
(In which Buck hates his apartment, breaks up with Taylor, and makes a long overdue confession.)
tying you to me by @rarakiplin [T | 5.4k | ✓ | ☼]
The man — and it is Eddie Diaz, Buck can’t not see it now — blinks, and in a split second his expression shutters closed. “Buckley.”
Buck wonders if he looks different without Diaz’s blood on his face.
or, eddie and buck meet each other at rock bottom
in case of emergency by @homerforsure (allisonrw96) [G | 5.7k | ✓ | ☼]
“You spent a great deal of time considering what you wanted for Christopher if something was ever to happen to you. Did you ever once give yourself the same consideration?”
“Well I was going to be dead,” Eddie answers. “So it didn’t seem like there was anything to think about. Either I’d be alive and I’d handle it or I’d be dead and it- It wouldn’t matter.”
Eddie doesn't have an emergency contact. Frank challenges him to do something about that.
i could spend a thousand nights here by wafflesofdoom [G | 6.0k | ✓ | ☼]
It was a silly admission to make, Eddie knew, but he’d honestly forgotten to think about what would come after – after the love confession, after his feelings were out in the open, and so he'd been entirely unprepared for Good Boyfriend Buck.
or - seven times Eddie experiences Good Boyfriend Buck and one time Good Boyfriend Eddie has his time to shine.
i just wanna tell you how i'm feeling by probieravi [T | 7.6k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck thrusts his phone into Eddie’s hand, opened to their text thread, and—oh. It’s a picture that Ravi sent him that Eddie obviously sent to Buck immediately, because it was—actually, he doesn’t really know why he sent it to Buck. Ravi sends him random shit like that all the time, from memes to TikToks, and usually, Eddie just reacts to the messages with a laugh or a thumbs up and leaves it at that.
But Frank’s been telling him to express himself without words, since Eddie is, according to Frank, emotionally constipated sometimes, and so—he just sent it without thinking.
Eddie glances at the picture, mouth quirking a little in the corner.
“It’s a meme,” Eddie says, raising an eyebrow at Buck. “I know you know what that is. You’re the one who taught me what they were.”
(or, healing through shitty memes sure is cathartic.)
in the drive way with the engine running by @hattalove [T | 8.2k | ✓ | ☼]
It’s a recent development, is the thing. Buck didn’t know to look for this; didn’t know to recognize it until Eddie was smiling about his breakfast date and it felt like the bottom was dropping out of the world.
He didn’t know to look for it, and there’s not much he can do about it now.
or, eddie goes on dates. buck spends his nights babysitting and waiting for him to come home.
accidentally killing an octopus is just fishing by @hmslusitania [T | 8.6k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck gets injured on a call and winds up taking some time at the hospital. Fortunately, his hospital roommate makes it much more bearable.
it's golden, like daylight by rarakiplin [T | 8.7k | ✓ | ☼]
“Hmm,” Buck hums, and Eddie feels the vibration of it under his mouth. Buck’s nose nudges against the side of his head. “Have you thought about that?”
Eddie laughs against Buck’s shoulder, unwilling to lift his head. “Thinking? Right now?”
“Shut up,” fingers dig into his ribs, “I mean, would you want to? Be married again?”
or, the sun comes up
if i'm honest, it felt like love by @littlespoonevan (allyasavedtheday) [M | 9.3k | ✓ | ☼]
“I- it felt good, right? And neither of us are really in a place to want to date right now but maybe. You said you needed comfort so maybe that’s all it has to be?”
“You mean this could be a…regular thing?” Eddie looks confused but not at all opposed to the idea which is more than Buck expects, honestly.
He nods. “Just. When we need it, y’know? Because I don’t want to go back to how I was before but sometimes it’s nice. To spend the night with someone. Or- or be close with someone. And I trust you. I mean, you’re my best friend.”
The few seconds it takes Eddie to think it over feel like the longest of Buck’s life but then his grip tightens imperceptibly on Buck’s waist and he nods.
“I don’t think I could imagine trusting anyone else with this right now.”
Buck and Eddie try friends with benefits. It's great, easy, exactly what they need. Except for the fact they're in love with each other.
the stick-around by derryfacts2 [T | 9.7k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck takes it to the grave.
He doesn’t mean to. It’s just—with all that time he spent teasing death, all the motorcycles and factory fires and blood-coated grenades—death gets impatient, in the end. Right as he’s starting to take life seriously. After he puts his name on the lease, buys life a ring, like, I’m in this for the long haul. Death gets jealous, and Buck falls through a second-story floor onto a derelict wrought-iron stair rail, and his femoral artery begins the quick but methodical work of leaking out the next fifty or sixty years of his life onto the charred tile floor.
keep going, keep going come what may by @evanbucxley (iriswests) [M | 10.7k | ✓ | ☼]
Buck doesn’t remember the details. It’s all foggy, mostly – how he got here. He barely remembers the events leading up to this: almost like he’d gone to sleep one night and woken here, a cruel reality, a prison of his own making. He thinks it could be hell: Eddie had warned him of hell, once, but then there are times where he’ll feel a brief sting in his arm, or the wind run through his hair, and it feels less like he’s a wayward soul and more like an asshole who got the short end of the stick, all things considered.
or; buck is the last man on earth. he’s dealing with it.
say you were made to be mine by @elvensorceress [T | 11.7k | ✓ | ☼]
Eddie’s never believed in soulmates. Sure, people have them. It’s a thing. The first touch of one soulmate with another leaves behind remnants of that meeting — the color belonging to one soul, and the color belonging to another, swirling on the surface of someone’s skin where they’ve met.
But the colors disappear upon second meeting. So, what does it even matter?
It might have bothered him as a child when all his friends had found at least one person. Abuela would sit him on her lap and tell him someday. Someday he would meet a person and he’d know that person would be in his heart forever. She was the only one who knew the truth — that Eddie did feel left out. That he did wish for love.
It's Valentine's Day 2018, and Eddie saves a man from choking to death in the middle of a restaurant. It's only after the man is rushed away by paramedics that Eddie realizes his hands are green. The man he saved is his soulmate. And he doesn't even know his name let alone how to find him.
once, twice, right by @thatbuddie [E | 13.4k | ✓ | ☼]
The first time is unexpected but convenient. It's fun. Eddie's still technically married, and they're just learning how to become friends.
The second time is comfortable but exciting. It's warm. They're best friends, and Buck starts to believe they can maybe become something more.
The third time is inevitable but convulsive. It's heartbreaking. They're further apart than they've ever been, but Buck's heart is in it all the way.
(or Buck and Eddie try being friends with benefits three times during the course of their friendship. It works and it doesn't.)
your heart of gold by @woodchoc-magnum [G | 15.6k | ✓ | ☼]
Christopher's POV, in which his Dad is sad, and all he wants is to help - and maybe play matchmaker, a little bit.
right on time by @henwilsonmd (tuckergreen) [T | 22k | ✓ | ☼]
Eddie’s been back at work for about two weeks—his time after quitting had passed in a seemingly idyllic week of spending time with his son which got rudely interrupted by a full-scale mental breakdown that ended with tears and hugs and Buck lovingly bullying him into going to therapy again. Then therapy had brought even more tears and confusion and slowly ballooning financial concerns that culminated in Eddie undertaking the frankly painful process of reapplying to the LAFD and completing an equally painful remedial training course.
And everything was fine until—Eddie started having a problem.
(summer break, queer awakenings, and learning to let yourself be happy: a story in four acts)
breathe by @kitkatpancakestack [M | 33k | ✓ | ☆ | ☾]
After Eddie Diaz has a breakdown in the middle of a grocery store, he's forced to face the fact that he might not be dealing with his PTSD as well as he thought. At the urging of his aunt, he leaves to spend the summer in a small California beach town, where he meets a bright-eyed, blond-haired surf instructor who reminds him what it feels like to be alive.
circles all the way down by archerincombat [M | 70.4k | ✓ | ☾]
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bobby,” Buck bites out. “He took three months off. Saw a physical therapist. Did a few sessions with Frank. Clearly, he’s doing great.”
Bobby chews his lip. “If you’re sure,” he says finally. “He just looked a little off at that car crash, is all.”
“I would have noticed,” Buck insists. “It’s Eddie. I would’ve noticed.”
Or, healing doesn't happen in tandem
Okay, so first things first: Thank you SO much to each and every author on this list. Every month when I’m making these lists, I’m always reminded how much high quality fic this fandom creates, and how grateful I am that I get to read it. You put so much time and effort into creating something, and I can’t believe that I get to be so lucky as to read it. So, thank you, I cannot tell you how much I love and appreciate you for it!
If you’ve been paying attention to my wrap-ups, you know I’ve been including a submission link on the past few, and that it’s missing from this one. That’s because I literally haven’t gotten around to reading the fic that was already submitted, and I want to eventually, but I just don’t know when that’s going to be. If there’s a fic you really want me to read, or one you think I would really like, feel free to shoot me an ask, or tag me in it!
Anyway, I hope this wrap-up is helpful for anyone looking for new fic! MWAH and happy Sunday <3
(as always, if any of the links aren’t working or are incorrect, please let me know and i’ll fix it asap!)
#drew speaks#mywrapup#fic wrap up#buddie#buddie fic#buddie fanfiction#evan buckley#eddie diaz#911 on fox
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Buddie Fic Wrap Up: Christmas Edition
a list of my favourite buddie christmas fics from the past month or so
> 10k
i just want you for my own (more than you could ever know) by lecornergirl (@nogamediaz) [1.7k]
Eddie bites down on the urge to say I remember everything you say, because that’s not the kind of thing you tell someone in the middle of a Christmas party at your captain’s house. Also because he’s not sure it’s the kind of thing he should tell anyone at all. He’s a little concerned it makes him seem like some kind of unhinged stalker.
He’s not. He’s just desperately in love with his best friend.
Which is where the regrets come in, because Eddie is very very sure that mistletoe and unrequited love is not a combination that’s worked out well for anyone, ever.
But here he is, knee-deep in both.
you'll be here in every memory by kitkatpancakestack (@kitkatpancakestack) [4.9k]
Eddie never thought the thing that would break him and Buck would be the words, "I love you," but then it's Christmas Eve and Buck is gone, and all he wants for the holidays is his family of three back together again.
where the love light gleams by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) [5.4k]
The lights are Christopher's idea.
you remind me of home (oh, baby, merry christmas) by catching_paper_moons (@adamsparirsh) [7.2k]
Buck has to live with Eddie for a month, which would be fine if he wasn't in love with the guy.
invisible strings and other metaphors by spiritsontheroof [11.2k]
Buck feels like his whole life is a waiting game now. Waiting for whatever is going on with Eddie to come to a head or work itself out, waiting for his sister to come home, waiting for being with Taylor to feel right. Sitting, waiting, wishing.
looking at you, looking at me by catching_paper_moons [11.6k]
“Taylor told me she loved me,” he says, so rushed it all blends together like it’s one word. When he opens his eyes, Hen’s eyebrows have hit her hairline, and Eddie just blinks in his direction.
“Um, congratulations?” Ravi tries, and Buck and Hen wince simultaneously. Ravi immediately backpedals. “Oh, not congratulations. Anti-congratulations, then. What’s the opposite of congratulations?”
baby, won't you take me home for christmas by wafflesofdoom (@capseycartwright) [18.9k]
eddie didn't think lying to his parents about still dating ana would backfire so badly - but suddenly, it was christmas, and his parents were begging him to bring his girlfriend home. so, eddie did what any logical person would do - he pretended he was dating his best friend, buck. buck, who he might be secretly in love with. buck, who agrees to come to texas for a week and fake a relationship with eddie.
what could go wrong, right?
(lots, apparently.)
i'm here (i'm yours for the taking) by farfromthstars (@buckactuallys) [19.1k]
at the winter wedding of an old friend, buck and eddie pretend to be married to each other. the plan has no weaknesses, obviously, not even mistletoe or anyone’s secret feelings…
california wishing on these stars by hattalove (@hattalove) [21.4k]
She’s been a roadblock for the longest time, a hard stop that cut off so many of Eddie’s thoughts halfway.
What if—but Buck’s with Taylor.
He could’ve sworn—but Buck’s with Taylor.
Sometimes he wonders—but Buck’s with Taylor.
And now he isn’t.
this christmas (i'm gonna risk it all) by bievanbuckleys [27.9k]
Here, in the safety of the snow-covered mountains, where they’re separate from their lives out there and all the complications and intricacies that come with them, he’ll find the words. He’ll hand Eddie his bleeding heart, let everything spill out of him, and if Eddie doesn’t want it?
It can stay right here in the cold, and Buck can leave it behind and learn to go on without it.
must be some kind of twist, i could get used to this by soyxunxperdedor (@christmaselfbuck) [38.8k]
He doesn’t remember much from last night, even less after the fourth or fifth tequila shot. So he certainly doesn’t remember bringing someone back to his room.
He steels himself for the lancing pain and cracks his eyes open.
Oh. Oh no.
This is either really bad or… Well, not really good, but just. Not really bad, and that’s probably all Buck can ask for it to be.
Because Eddie is in his bed, Eddie’s arm is wrapped around his waist, Eddie’s legs are tangled with his. And he has no idea why
[just want to say a big thank you to all the authors for putting the time and energy into writing and sharing these. christmas has been a weird vibe for me this year, but your fics have really helped with the spirit. so yeah. thank you, and merry christmas]
[to anyone else who's just here for recs, thanks for checking mine out! i hope you enjoy reading them as much as i did, whether you celebrate christmas or not! merry christmas, happy holidays, and i hope you have a lovely saturday <3]
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October Buddie Fic Wrap-Up
a list of my favourite fics i read this month
[ ✓ complete | → ongoing | ☆ series | ☼ one-shot | ☾ multi-chapter]
[note: this list is pretty long, so there are a bunch of fics that i didn't include, but if you see an author on this list with a fic i haven't rec'd, chances are that i enjoyed it, too! also, i didn't include tumblr only fics solely because i didn't decide to make this until a few days ago, so i didn't bookmark them]
< 10k words
at the kitchen table by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) [word count: 1.5k | ✓ | ☆ | ☼ ]
Post-5.03. Eddie's single. Buck's not. They talk about the elephant in the room.
in my eyes, my heart, my soul by lecornergirl (@nogamediaz) [1.9k | ✓ | ☆ | ☼ ]
“We made you pancakes for Father’s Day,” Christopher says.
Eddie watches the expressions that cross Buck’s face. Surprise, confusion, then a careful kind of joy like he’s beginning to put together exactly what Christopher means.
“For—for me?” Buck asks, so quiet Eddie barely hears it.
“Yeah,” Christopher says. “I want you to be my other dad. If… if you want to be.”
for all that we've got (don't let go) by spiritsontheroof [2.2k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Eddie swallows hard and stares straight down the barrel of the gun pointed right between his eyes.
He’s tired of this. He’s tired of ending up here, face to face with his final breath, looking his last moment in the eyes and wondering if this is the last time anyone will see him before they see him in a casket.
solemnly, freely, and upon my honor by asgardiun (@astronautdiaz) [2.7k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Bobby handpicks a partner for Buck in the form of Eddie Diaz.
Whatever this is (I won't let go) by justhockey [3k | ✓ | ☼ ]
“Okay, Captain America,” Buck laughs. “How about we get you into your pj’s, then your dad and I will read you a story?”
Christopher hums. “Okay.”
They move quickly and efficiently, like they’ve done this a thousand times before. And they have - they have, and the reality of that settles in Eddie’s bones like something heavy. The way Buck has so seamlessly fit into their lives, the way he’s carved a space for himself and now Eddie can’t even imagine a time before he was here. Doesn’t want to ever have to.
pin all my hopes to your handlebars by spiritsontheroof [4k | ✓ | ☼ ]
The top of the fire truck is as good of a place as any, really.
He can climb up, lay on top of the hoses, and be left alone. No one follows him up here, or comes looking for him, and no one who walks by in the truck bay can see him. It’s peaceful and it’s quiet and sometimes it’s the only place Eddie can get one moment’s peace in this place.
He does it for about six months after the tsunami before anyone finds him.
And the person who figures it out, of course, is Buck.
tell the whole wide world and this room by hattalove (@hattalove) [5.2k| ✓ | ☼ ]
in which we learn about fermented milk products, discover that dolphins are sex fiends, and realize that sometimes, it really is all about knowing and being known.
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand by justhockey [5.3k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Suddenly there are arms wrapping around him, pinning his own to his sides so he can’t do any more damage. And it’s Eddie’s voice whispering in his ear, and Buck just - breaks.
His legs give way and he falls to the floor but Eddie doesn’t let go, he just falls right along with him.
it's funny 'cause i've always dreamed of you by wafflesofdoom (@capseycartwright) [5.9k | ✓ | ☼ ]
after getting shot, eddie spends a day in an alternative reality where he is very happily married to buck, and has a it's a wonderful life-esque experience.
Up Where We Belong by zarah5 [8.3k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Canon divergence. After the lawsuit, Buck gets placed with a different firehouse. This is how he finds his way home to the 118—and Eddie.
got me feeling like it's all gonna be okay by wafflesofdoom [ 8.4k | ✓ | ☼ ]
eddie struggles to voice his want for physical affection to buck as their relationship turns romantic, and buck helps him embrace his clinginess again.
to be found by ZainClaw (@zainclaw) [9.2k | → | ☾ ]
After being mistreated by his alpha for the last time, Buck abandons his pack and heads for the city where he’s found by Eddie - another werewolf who’s nothing like the ones Buck is used to. Eddie is gentle, kind, and has made a pack for himself and his son that Buck desperately wishes he could be a part of.
Note: this is a werewolf fic, not a/b/o
10k-40k words
Melt Series by extasiswings (@extasiswings) [10.4k | → | ☆ | ☼ ]
Note: A series exploring sub!Eddie, but with feelings, too.
if you're watching this by disaterbuckely [12.9k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Buck is falling apart after his best friend is killed. But he has to pull his shit together when he comes across a video of Eddie telling him that, in the case of his death, Buck is to become his son's legal guardian. Or, Eddie actually dies in 4X14, and this is what happens after.
a touch of someone else (to save me from myself) by allyasavedtheday (@littlespooneven) [19.4k | ✓ | ☾ ]
In which Eddie joins the 118 during season 1 instead of season 2 and Buck has a lot to say about it. AKA Eddie meets Buck 1.0.
Close Your Eyes and Stumble (Right Into Your Love) by HMSLusitania (@hmslusitania) [21.6k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Eddie's PTSD is just that little bit worse and when he moves to Los Angeles, instead of joining the LAFD, he joins dispatch.
Which is all good and fine, except for this one firefighter he keeps ending up talking to.
no kingdom come by waywardrenegades (@waywardrenegades) [23.1k | ✓ | ☾ ]
Family, FaceTime, guilt trips, phone calls, church, heart healthy meals, and learning how to let yourself be happy. Whatever that looks like.
or; when his father experiences a health scare, Eddie flies to El Paso.
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove [32.4k | ✓ | ☼ ]
eddie cooks, chris domesticates a slug, and buck tries to figure out why he hates his best friend's girlfriend. to everyone's immense shock and surprise, it goes badly.
when i was shipwrecked (i thought of you) by catching_paper_moons [35k | ✓ | ☼ ]
Eddie needs to learn how to let himself feel, and one step at a time, he learns how to do just that. (And he falls in love with Buck along the way.)
Halloween 2k21 by HMSLusitania [38.1k | ✓ | ☆ | ☼ ]
A collection of prompt-fills for the week leading up to Halloween
40k+ words
Your Fingerprints Smeared on My Heart (Lead Me Back to You) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels) [48.2k | → | ☾ ]
In 1880, Evan Buckley of the arriviste set is sent out west to oversee his family's railroad and recover from a broken heart - and meets Eddie Diaz, cowboy. When fate tears them apart, they make a promise: find each other again.
In 2018, Buck walks into his fire station in Los Angeles - and meets Eddie Diaz, new recruit.
Note: I'm a sucker for the soulmate trope, and this is probably in my top three of all time, across all fandoms. It's a really unique take on soulmates and I love it to pieces.
The Monsterfucker's Symphony by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [57.2k | ✓ | ☾ ]
A collection of smutty oneshots featuring Buck or Eddie (or both) as a non-human creature.
I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) by extasiswings and letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [68.1k | ✓ | ☾ ]
When Buck is forced to confront the truth about his breakup with Abby, having casual sex with his hot new coworker seems like the best rebound idea.
Unfortunately, that hot new coworker turns into his best friend. But best friends can keep having sex with each other, right?
There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
Note: This is my third time rereading this fic and it's still just as good as the first two times
Kinktober 2021 by sirencalls (@lesbianbuck) [ 68.6k | ✓ | ☆ | ☼ ]
Note: Includes other pairings like Buck/Taylor and Buck/Ali, but primarily Buddie
Kinktober 2021 by prettyboybuckley (@prettyboybuckley) [80.8k | ✓ | ☆ | ☼ ]
Note: Includes other pairings like Buck/Taylor and ships from Teen Wolf, but primarily Buddie
Leading with the Left by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [84.8k | ✓ | ☾ ]
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico."
And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?"
In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
Note: Another older fic, but one I absolutely adore and reread this month
If you've made it this far, thanks for checking out my recs! And if you have any of your own recommendations that you want to send me for next month, or you want to tag me in your own fics, please feel free!
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Hi, just wanted to let you know that the redirect on mobile to your fic wrap ups doesn't work anymore. I love them all so much and thank you for all the work you put into them
yeah i know! i just recently changed my url and i’m not sure if i’m going to stick with it, so i don’t want to change all my links only to have to change them back a couple days later. but you can find all my wrap ups here, or if you search the tag #mywrapup on my blog!
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