taleswritten · 5 days
for astarion !
05. what are the top kinks that your muse enjoys? 06. what some/a kink that your muse wants to explore? 19. how does your muse feel about eye contact during sex?
astarion's kink is being loved.
the serious answer: astarion is pretty adventurous however he has to trust someone deeply to get to more intense things like bondage and bdsm and such. He's okay with it but you def have to ease him into it. One of his kinks would def be blood play, probably a given, but there's something so incredibly pleasurable about feeding when he's right on the brink of orgasm.
Honestly, Astarion doesn't have an answer for that one. So much of his life has been spent catering to the needs and whims of others, he hasn't actually sat back and thought about a kink he wants to explore. He's open to most things if his partner brings up a kink, though.
He's fine with eye contact, enjoys it really, eye contact can be sexy and Astarion knows how to use that eye contact to drive someone insane, he enjoys it a lot.
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bloodyarn · 16 days
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                                           𝚆𝙸𝚉𝙰𝚁𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚅𝙰𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽 .
          @mysticrosed [Rolan]: rolan is here as advised by babsi. he's a good boy
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      An excited series of tiny claps,      just as the tiefling arrived. Ah, how wonderful he made it in time   !   ( There was never a clear time or date, though. )  Not waiting for him to make his way deeper to camp by himself, the little lady insisted leading him on   —   small hand resting on his back, giving the tiniest gesture of a push.
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     ❝ I was not expecting you to show up   !   Do not worry. I made enough room for you too. This way, please. ❞     Was Babette's tent big enough for a literal tea-party with more than three visitors   ?   No. They would all have to cuddle with each other at the end of the day.
  Which was very much fine with the hexblood   !
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demonwebs · 24 days
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↳ @mysticrosed : "there's no harm in cuddling." from rook!
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oh , why had lolth forsaken him ? of course he'd be the one who got stuck sharing a tent with romeo , over here . the drow shifts slightly , pulling himself away onto the cold floor , only to find the other moving along with him , refusing to give him an ounce of personal space . his brow twitches with barely contained irritation , his forcefully closed lids threatening to pull open as he growls . ❝ - there will be if you don't stop moving . ❞ the drow warns him , their fussing and bickering while confined to that narrow mattress keeping everyone at camp awake at this point .
spindly fingers reach blindly in the dark , feeling its way down rook's arm to grab it , forcefully , and yank him forward , draping the obnoxious little creature over his back ; if he insists on this madnes , then he'll just have to serve as a blanket . ❝ now stop talking or i'll bite . ❞ he warns , closing his eyes and letting his muscles gradually relax so his consciousness could properly fade .
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tryckthebard · 26 days
@mysticrosed continued from here
"I can't help it; it's just how I'm wired," he said with a sweetness that felt almost rehearsed, his frame swaying like he was caught in some private rhythm only he could hear. A finger idly between his teeth, his eyelids fluttered in a way that should have been absurd but wasn’t —not on him, not in this moment. "So, what do you think? Will you do it?" The question came with a cheeky smile that curled at the edges, and he moved closer, closing the gap like it was nothing. "It would mean the world to me if you helped me out," he added, and his hand found its way to the other bard's chest, a gentle touch that lingered just long enough to leave an imprint.
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He started to circle around him, slow and deliberate, like a predator with all the time in the world. "And you know," he whispered, his voice dropping to something hushed, almost conspiratorial, "I can make it worth your while… a reward you won’t soon forget." His words were barely audible, but the promise in them was unmistakable. He stopped behind the bard, leaning in just close enough that his breath brushed against the other’s ear. "A reward you'd be left very pleased and satisfied," he murmured, the growl in his voice soft but undeniable. "So, what do you say? Will you lend me a hand?" His lip brushed against Tryck’s ear, the touch fleeting but electric, before he let his head rest on the other’s shoulder, crimson eyes wide with that too-earnest hopefulness that bordered on something more, something dangerous.
There is something simply wickedly attractive about Quil that Tryck can't seem to escape from. The other bard intrigues and entices the more dark and wily side of Tryck in a dangerously alluring way. It doesn't help that he's absolutely enraptured by Quil's beauty and skillful tongue. He appreciates someone who can seduce him as well with his words as he can with his body.
The predatory performance Quil gives as he's circling around Tryck has him electrified with anticipation, and he doesn't even attempt to hide the pleasured shivers that run through him when Quil's breath is on his ear.
A con knows a con, however, and Tryck knows exactly what Quil is doing to him. Does he really mind, though? Not at all. With the way Quil's lips leave his, the way he rests his head against Tryck's shoulder and looks at him with those hopeful and dangerous yes... how can the blue bard resist?
"Well, my dear, I am rather fond of receiving rewards," Tryck's voice drips with his own seduction an innuendo as he let's a hand wander up and down along Quil's back, almost like petting a pampered and attention seeking cat. "Especially if the reward is a sizeable one. What exactly is it I have to do for your... reward?"
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more-than-a-slayer · 1 month
The lakeside next to their camp in the Underdark is a picturesque scene of bioluminescent mushrooms and sharp, colorful crystals. The rock where Erala and Kitty stand at is a colossal, jagged boulder, smooth and cool to the touch. It juts out from the bank, the water below steady, dark and calm. The top of the rock is flat and wide, with lush moss grass growing around the edges.
Erala could feel Kitty's impatience, etched in her posture and expression. She turned to the half-elf, her red eyes reflecting the lights of the mushrooms. "Patience, little one," she murmured, her voice a low, husky purr. "Magic doesn't rush. Neither should you.”
“You were doing so well lately. It’s just a matter of practice now.” Erala’s voice was calm and almost soothing, though there was a subtle edge of patronizing eagerness beneath her words. She could see it — Kitty’s raw potential simmering just below the surface. The girl was filled with anger, untamed emotions, and some powerful feelings that she harbored toward nearly everything around her. Kitty was like a crystal of raw energy, sharp and unrefined, and Erala was determined to shape that power, to hone it into something formidable. If she could just focus all that energy, Kitty could become something… unstoppable.
Erala reached out, taking Kitty’s hand with a firm but gentle grip, just as she had done before. Her fingers curled around Kitty’s, guiding her through the precise motions needed for the Firebolt spell. “Feel the energy here,” Erala leaned in close, her voice low and rasping as she murmured instructions into Kitty's ear. Her arm slid firmly around Kitty’s waist, steadying her as they stood together. The warmth of Erala's body pressed against Kitty's back, grounding her, while the heat of the magic they were conjuring pulsed between them. Each breath Erala took was calm and measured, guiding Kitty's focus, keeping her centered as power crackled at her fingertips. Sparks began to flicker as their hands moved in tandem, the heat building in the air between them. 
“Wield it. Unleash it.” Erala said, her eyes fixed on Kitty’s with an intensity that matched the growing flame. Slowly, she eased her grip, letting Kitty channel the final burst of energy on her own. The Firebolt shot forward, small but focused, and Erala allowed a hint of satisfaction to curl at the edge of her lips.
“Well done, Kitty,” Erala praised, her voice a low rumble, still holding her waist firmly. "Very well done." Slowly, she released Kitty's waist, turning to face her fully. Her gaze lingered on Kitty for a moment, a subtle pride in her eyes, though her expression remained composed, the magic still humming in the air. Kitty had done well — better than Erala had expected — and the thrill of seeing that raw power begin to take shape stirred something deep within her.
With deliberate care, Erala raised Kitty's chin and pressed her lips against hers, a slow and tender kiss that lingered with the promise of more. It was a reward, a sign of her pride, and a taste of the power Kitty was beginning to unlock.
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bloodtwin · 7 days
@mysticrosed liked for a one-liner.
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❝ You'd look nice in a GRAVE. ❞
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starcunin · 10 days
@mysticrosed sent: “i’m ten times funnier and sexier than you.” from quil!
A silver brow arches, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips as he leans casually against a tree, arms crossed. His crimson eyes flicker with amusement, tracing Quil with the kind of lazy, predatory interest one might reserve for a curious insect. ❛ Is that so? ❜ His voice is smooth, silken, the kind of drawl that suggests he's already several steps ahead in this conversation, thoroughly enjoying it. ❛ Well, darling, I must applaud your confidence. It’s always endearing when someone reaches for the stars, even when they clearly belong in the gutter. ❜
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He pushes off the tree with feline grace, sauntering closer, his gaze never leaving Quil’s. ❛ You see, confidence is one thing, but I find that true charm——real allure——is something you can't quite measure. Not by numbers, certainly. ❜ He pauses, tapping a finger against his lips, feigning deep thought. Astarion steps back, hands raised in a gesture of mock surrender, that wicked glint in his eyes never fading. ❛ But please, don’t let my existence get in the way of your delusions. After all, someone needs to be second best. ❜
His smirk broadens, the hint of fangs visible. ❛ And I do so enjoy watching people try. ❜
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h3llslinger · 1 month
plots please!
Kitty and him stealing stuff together. Bonus points if he teaches her how to get on and rob a moving train.
Similar to the above but with Quil bc they give me "match my freak" energy / chaotic duo energy.
Karma teaching him how to swordfight??
Astra teaching him how to read better <3
Finnix teaching him necromancy magic (he hasn't been able to really use magic since the fallout with his patron so this would be <3)
Rook gets robbed by him multiple times. I love Rook so much so naturally I gotta torment him.
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speculor · 13 hours
“ i don’t know how to talk about shit okay? it’s too hard. but i do care. i need you to trust me that i care. ” from his self-proclaimed big sis, karma!
They know this very well by now. She may be harsh at times, may not always say the right thing but... who really does? They know she cares and that's what matters.
"I know, and we don't necessarily have to talk. We can just sit here, and I think sometimes that's enough." They offer her a reassuring look. "I appreciate your attempts nonetheless."
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ambitionsfolly · 5 days
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@mysticrosed sent: ❛  here, i got you something. i saw it at the shop and it reminded me of you.  ❜ from karma!
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Gale stared at the battered little book, probably far longer than he should, than what was appropriate. It was a worn volume, a generous term for such a small thing, the cloth that covered the spine near fraying, and the formerly embossed letters nearly gone completely.
To the outside observer, he could be mistaken for being offended -- here he was, an Archmage, Mystra's former Chosen, fabulously educated and learned, and he was given this small and aged book of poetry found on the shelves of some village merchant in the middle of nowhere.
But though he didn't smile, Gale's eyes softened, "Thank you. This is... extremely thoughtful." His fingers stroked down the book's spine slowly, feeling over the impressions of the lettering there. "You know, my mother used to read these very poems to me. I could read it myself of course, but it was... different, when it was her, I suppose." He fell silent again, keeping his brown eyes on the book for another long moment, bracing himself to finally look up at Karma.
"Thank you again, friend," Finally, he smiled, a small and gentle thing, "Really. It's a bit of home, out here in the wilderness. A reminder of what we're fighting for."
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taleswritten · 10 days
hc about astarion and rook's sleeping arrangement!!!
At first, Astarion would have wanted his space but the deeper they get into a relationship together, Astarion wants to sleep by his side There are plenty of times where Astarion has to be alone and I feel like Rook is very understanding of that but by the middle of the night, he's usually climbing into bed with Rook.
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musezieren · 7 days
kink for sirius: 5!! @mysticrosed
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Sirius hummed a soft, amused tune, his fingers dancing through the air as if conducting an orchestra, directing the ropes that artfully coiled around Enver's limbs. The red rope wound around him in a perfect fishnet pattern, arms bound tightly behind his back, and forcing his legs to spread wider. His beloved partner knelt before him, a vision of restrained power, beautifully vulnerable.
The Tiefling moved closer, circling him with slow, deliberate steps, his hand slipping into Enver’s dark hair, combing through it gently as his eyes admired the scene. ❝ You are beautiful... ❞ Sirius whispered, leaning down to press his lips near the nape of the artificer's neck, letting his fangs graze lightly against the sensitive skin.
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❝ I wish I could keep you like this forever... ❞ With a sudden, forceful tug, he yanked Enver’s head back, baring his throat completely. ❝ Close to me, unable to leave, beyond the reach of even gods... ❞ His voice was a low, intimate murmur, dark yet tinged with an unmistakable warmth.
Sirius' fingers traced over Gortash’s lips before slipping into his mouth, feeling the warmth of his tongue as a shudder ran through him. ❝ I want to ruin you, ❞ he whispered, his tone husky, fingers slipping deeper, prying the man's mouth open. ❝ Make you think of nothing else but me... ❞
He leaned closer, his breath hot against Enver’s ear, while his free hand began to massage the inside of his thighs, creeping torturously slow toward the center. ❝ Tell me... ❞ Sirius breathed. "Beg me for what you want, and I will give you everything you desire, my dearest tyrant. ❞ And with that he slipped the hand out of the other's warm and wet mouth, waiting for his answer instead.
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demonwebs · 11 days
" he's a 10 but has his nipples out and won't let me bite " rook said 😢
♢      —        send  [ THEY’RE A 10 BUT … ]  and finish it in my muse’s inbox.
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❝ absolutely not - the role of biting creature of the night has already been filled . twice . ❞ a beat . ❝ if you ask nicely , i might be persuaded to let you cop a feel . maybe . ❞
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fellbless · 8 days
[ standing over a body ] " oops. " from quil
"Oops." Lithos would repeat, giving Quil a rather unamused look as he crossed his arms. He clearly wasn't buying any claims that this had been accidental. "Just get rid of it before you draw a crowd." Though, somehow he feels the bard wouldn't mind that.
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devilgirrrl · 11 days
“you think i really give a fuck? i can’t even read!” from kitty! (its a true story btw)
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katarina's mouth opens , ready to yell a retort in equal fervor , and then she stops , and her face twists into an expression of sheer bewilderment . ❝ you're joking . ❞ that is to say : please tell me you're joking . perhaps these mortals are onto her , and they've secretly been conspiring to drive her insane . yes . surely , that must be it . ❝ kitty - ❞ she's nowhere near ready for a reveal - yet she feels like her hair's about to be engulfed by flames , and smoke is going to blow out of her ears . ❝ you have the maps ! ❞ she chides with clenched fists , her usually composed voice straining into something thin and exasperated . ❝ where in the hells have you even been leading us for the past hour ?! ❞
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whomuses · 15 days
you don't look so good - astra
Send "You don't look so good!" for receiver to collapse into sender's arms!
"Oh, don't worry about me." Gale mumbled, although, truth be told, he rather wasn't feeling good. Perhaps some kind of mental fatigue, after the fighting and casting - something he was quite expert at, funnily, so it was unexpected for such a heavy feeling to be upon him. "Although I must admit I am - I am feeling somewhat, uh..." he grimaced. "Perhaps I should - sit down, just for a moment, just -" he didn't mean for his legs to go out like they did, surely not, but in a breath he was down, a messy bundle of robes directly into her arms.
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