#mystical penguin experience
melodytaylorauthor · 1 month
Penguins are awesome
No lie.
So when I was about thirteen, I went to visit my father in California. He asked if I wanted to do anything special in California while I was there, and I hesitantly asked about Disneyland.
“Well, it’s pretty expensive,” he said. “Anything else?”
“Seaworld?” I tried.
“That we can do,” he said, and so we went.
I was an awkward new teen, self-conscious and full of anxiety and hopes and dreams. I desperately wanted to have a Mystical Dolphin Experience, and California/Seaworld seemed a likely place to have something like that happen. I was actually more excited about going there than to Disneyland.
Off to Seaworld we went, my father, my stepmom, my grandmother, and me. We saw sealions and seals and killer whales and sharks and fish. Partway through our tour, we came upon an open dolphin tank with about four or five dolphins swimming around. A stand nearby listed prices for handfuls of fish.
My heart leapt. A dolphin feeding tank! My Mystical Dolphin Experience could very well be at hand!
My father went over to the stand to buy some fish. I didn’t even have to ask. My thirteen-year-old face must have lit up like a lamp when I saw the tank.
In just a moment, he came back shaking his head. Around the front of the stand was a big sign that read “CLOSED.” There were three times listed that the stand would be open. The last time had just passed maybe fifteen minutes earlier, and the next time wasn’t until well after supper. We planned to be long gone by then, and even I knew we weren’t going to hang around that late just to feed a couple dolphins some fish. My heart crashed.
The dolphins seemed to be happily interacting with a couple of people, even without fish, so we went to the edge of the tank to see if they would maybe come say hi. I stuck my hands in the water and splashed gently, hoping to attract their attention.
It quickly became clear what was going on. One man, who had a lot of dolphin attention, had a big ZZ Top beard that he was draping into the water, and the dolphins were taking turns rubbing against it and chattering at him. Another man, who was also amusing the dolphins, had an automatic camera (it was 1989, they were very cool), and every time he took a picture and the camera wound the film, the dolphins got all excited and mimicked the sound.
None of them even glanced at the skinny girl at the side of the tank, gently splashing the water and maybe crying a little inside.
After several minutes, my father shook his head. “They’re too busy over there,” he said. “Let’s keep going.”
I knew he was right. So with a heavy heart, and pretty sure I’d never see dolphins so close again, I followed my family away from the tank.
My father and stepmother were scuba divers, and they enjoyed diving the reefs. There was a reef fish display they wanted to see, and I was far more interested in sea mammals than fish, so they told me to go on ahead to the penguin exhibit and they would meet me there after they looked at the reef fish. So I went on by myself.
The penguin exhibit was a big building, air conditioned to keep the penguins happy. A big moat surrounded the outside of the building, ringed by a low wall, and several penguins who didn’t mind the California weather were hanging out on islands in the moat. There was no one else hanging around but me.
I walked over to the wall to look at the penguins.
They instantly looked back at me. All ten of them, their little beaks like compass needles pointing at me.
I laid down on the wall and cautiously reached my fingers down to the moat. I had never heard that penguins were especially friendly, so I had no idea what would happen. I wasn’t expecting much.
The instant my fingers touched the water, all ten penguins jumped off the island. They swam right for me. Have you ever seen penguins swim? The fly in the water. They are fast and graceful, and they swim nose-to-tail in formation.
Again, I wasn’t sure what might happen, but figured if the penguins were aggressive or bitey, they wouldn’t be so easy for people to reach. I also thought that they might be expecting food, and I didn’t have any, so they might leave as soon as they figured that out. I left my fingers in the water and waited to see what they would do.
They swam over and surfaced just enough to rub against my fingers, one after the other. Then they swam to the other end of the moat, where they U-turned and came back. Emboldened, I stuck my hand further in the water and spread my fingers. The penguins wriggled under my fingers, nuzzling me with their heads as they went by, rolling so I would rub their tummies, lifting wings so I could rub their armpits — wingpits? Then they U-turned at the other end of the moat and came back again.
Penguins are soft. They feel like those stuffed animals that are super light and fluffy. They were extremely pleasant to pet.
They U-turned and came back, U-turned and came back, U-turned and came back. I stuck both hands in the water to pet them better. Not once did any of them even make a motion to nip at me. They rolled under my fingers, lining up so all of them could have a turn, then swung back for more.
I think I stayed there petting the penguins for twenty minutes. Half an hour. Something like that. Then my family came up behind me, done with the reef fish and ready to see the penguin house.
“Look!” I said.
They looked. They pet the penguins too. The penguins seemed to enjoy every second of the attention.
When I got up off the wall, the penguins all hopped out of the water and watched me leave. I waved at them. They were penguins, so they just watched me go.
But my little thirteen-year-old heart was full.
And that is where I learned that just because someone is loud and acts like a big deal doesn’t mean they’re actually cool. Sometimes it’s the folks who aren’t making a fuss who are the best. And that if you let an experience just be what it is with no expectations, it will probably wind up being even better than you thought.
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norwegianfantasia · 2 years
How to support international stories coming out in English!
I've seen many English speakers ask when they see something not out in their language commenting "Will it ever come out in English?" "[…] Can't wait for for it to be available in English :) I bet it will be a success! 🎉" "I'm having a hard time finding these in English - are they available anywhere?" "I hope your books comes to the US! Looks cool!" "I've heard great things about your book! Is it translated to English? I was having trouble finding it, but I'd be interested in reading it ^_^"
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Well, on their website Seven Seas Entertainment has a monthly survey where you can send in stories, this is seemingly the easiest way although you can only usually send in 4* a month/survey (which I won't link directly to as they are monthly and we are already at the end of April and I don't know when May's will show up, so just scroll down to it). So it can take a while, and preferably no repeats, so have a list you can check off those you have already requested. You can also ask people you know to fill it, or borrow their devices, maybe even use the computers at the library, airport, school, etc. You can also send in all the ones you are interested in to Dark Horse Comics for example, but in my experience are the ones replying to this email address on their Instagram account: contestATdarkhorseDOTcom to be much nicer although they don't really reply if they are considering the suggestions or not, nor do they appear to take regular novels which is a bummer.
There's also OniPress which are going to publish Snøkattprinsen, and Arctis who has published Ravneringene, and while claiming to bring the best from all over the world to the US have they mostly taken from their German branch's library (and seem to be mostly taking novels only, but you can try convincing them to broaden their horizons). There's Yen Press, which seems to be going pretty international or at the very least East Asian, as well as Scholastic and Penguin although the latter two might not take much comics/graphic novels compared to the comic and art book exclusive Dark Horse. Apparently these prefer suggestions done by tweeting at them, so this depends on you wanting to use twitter or not. But I'd avoid DC and Marvel as then the stories might have to become part of their established universes which might be difficult for the creators, and honestly unnecessary. There's also Tokyopop that was revived in English recently with Disney and GL&BL stuff, but with their history, do I not know if I want to trust them... Especially since they are proudly showing off the stories which rights they stole from their original underpaid creators...
Whichever you decide to go for, do I personally recommend pasting the urls from the links below or write them as "[story] by [author]" to make them easier for them to find, they are only human after all.
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Picture from Alena Pons' Instagram
Want an inclusive story about a magical school that isn't written by a recist TERF? Or perhaps a comedy about monster children attending school and their shenanigans? Or about a non-binary ash elf and their dragon friend? Or about how a prophecy ruins the lives of the chosen ones as they have no choice how to live their lives? Then we have stories for you!
Arkin - Lysets Vokter 🗨️♿
Born from Death 🗨️♿
El príncipe de la calamidad📖🗨️
Dinokid 🗨️🏳️‍🌈🖤
Dragens Øye🗨️♿🏳️‍🌈🤍
Donde los Árboles Cantan 📖
Krypto 🗨️🖤
Gryphoon 🗨️♿
Leyendas de Parva Terra🗨️
Mia Myhr og barna som forsvant 🗨️
MiniMonsters 🗨️♿
Mørkalven 🗨️♿
Nordlys 🗨️♿🖤
Oppfinneren 🗨️♿🖤
Phenomena 📖♿🤍🏳️‍🌈
Ragnarok 🗨️♿🤍
Royalty Witches📖🏳️‍🌈❤️
Strawberry Moon 📖❤️♿
Underbyen 🗨️
Under Regnbuen 🗨️🤍🏳️‍🌈
The Urban Legend 🗨️**
Ville Poter 🗨️♿
보지도 못하고 듣지도 못해도 사랑해🗨️❤️♿
외발로 살다🗨️🤍♿
Legend: 🗨️=comic/graphic novel, 📖=novel, 🏳️‍🌈=lgbtqia+ characters***, ❤️=romance is a central theme, 🤍=some romance but not the focus, 🖤=no romance what so ever, ♿=disabled character(s) in a good light (counts by @cannondisabledcharacters rules), (some may change the more I read or as the story continues).
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Art by @cha-c-san
That thing from that country vs just another movie
So since 2012 has Innovasjon Norge where they gave money to fund an animation movie by a little unknown animation company known as Disney over a Norwegian series, that have continued doing that. So Norway's top 3 ways of making money are:
So because of the environment, they want to phase out the oil and find ✨𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔢𝔴 𝔬𝔦𝔩™✨. So first they tried increasing the salmon "farming", which led to fleas and birth defects. After the seemingly huge success of Frozen, they funded the side stuff and the sequel. Then they funded a Mission Impossible movie, to have a scene on Preikestolen, the scene was so brief and didn't really add anything to the movie so they had to beg so it wasn't cut. Then in one of the latest James Bond movies they funded it to pretend that a Norwegian mountain is in India. So why do they fund so many American productions? Well, to put it simply, tourism. If they sneak in a little of Norway into these, they hope people will want to go to Norway.
But not everyone watching know that Arendelle is based on Norway, and it goes over to being just another Disney movie doesn't it? The clip of Prekestolen, I haven't heard anyone mention that scene as standing out, honestly, I haven't heard anyone talking about that movie. The James Bond movie, they are told that beautiful mountain is in India, India has many beautiful mountains, but pretending that mountain is in India in-movie will increase tourism there, disappointed when they don't find it. So unless you read interviews or the credits closely, you probably wouldn't know that you were lied to. And if hopefully the pandemic taught them anything, do not rely on tourism too much!
So after a while they just become another movie among many others. But if they support a Norwegian story making it as big as they deserve, it'd be remembered among people as "that Norwegian thing" wouldn't it? This is why I want to support stories not only from my home country but also from others. Among the ✨𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔫𝔢𝔴 𝔬𝔦𝔩™✨ they've tried is timber, which Sweden is known for, and like oil, is finite. There's no end in creative people, and they deserve support. Here they get only 10% of what they poored their soul into while the publisher last time I checked get 70%. This the result of a print shop strike where as they only got 5%, where the boss took 90% of that and the actual workers got the remains. I don't blame the print shop workers, they deserved more. But that the publisher snuck in and took the hugest percentage, is just BS as they do the least (here at least, most authors have to advertise in their own free time themselves).
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Vegetarian vampires done right, comic by David Ramírez
* This April one asked for at least 1 Manga from Japan exclusively, 2 Manga/Graphic novels/Comics from wherever, At least 1 light novel from Japan exclusively, and 2 any kind of novel from wherever. [edited in April: they want 1 manga from the 90s or older] [edited in by the end of January as they were asking for these specific genres then] For the manga and light novels from Japan: 1 fantasy/isekai manga and 1 light novel 🐉, 1 of each with lgbtqia+ topics, 1 of each with comedy🤣, romance, or drama🎭, 1oe action⚔️, horror👻, or supernaturalψ, 1oe with fanservice, smut, and stuff like that, 1oe from the 90s or older💾, 2oe Chinese (or Taiwanese or any other country they publish stories in Chinese probably), 1oe Korean 🇰🇷 (the two on the bottom of the previous list are Korean, will add some novels here), 1 Hiveworks Comic, 1 International web comic (will add some below the Korean novels), and 1oe international comic/graphic novel and novel.
If you don't read much manga but want to suggest any do I recommend (these have no "fan service") 五色の舟🗨️📖♿🏳️‍🌈🐉 (Goshiki no Fune , about a found family of Japanese disabled people during WW2 as they try to survive, none of the opposing forces are demonized and just they trying to live their lives), I S―男でも女でもない性🗨️♿🏳️‍🌈❤️ (IS - Otoko Demo Onna Demo Nai Sei, about different intersex people and their lives), 斉木楠雄のΨ難 (Saiki Kusuo no PSI Nan/The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 🗨️♿🤍🤣ψ A comedy about a seemingly aroace guy with supernatural powers he takes all too seriously), 放浪息子🗨️🏳️‍🌈❤️ (Hourou Musuko, about trans children and their lives, not perfect but also sweet, had an English translation that was sadly dropped due to lack of sales), Ballad of a Shinigami 📖🤍♿ψ (one of the first light novels Seven Seas published, but was cancelled as it was in the years light novels and visual novels weren't taken as seriously in the west, hopefully we can uncancel it), もののけ草紙🗨️🤍♿👻 (Mononoke Soushi , well, it has some nudity but not pervy nudity. It's about a young girl Tenome growing up right before WW2 and as an adult during the war, it's a love craftian inspired horror manga with Japanese folklore and she's really badass, and even if you are a coward like me is the art, story, and characters stronger than the horror so you'd probably like it,
+アニマ🗨️🤍♿🐉(+Anima, a darkly cute series about children gaining animal powers, was officially in English once, but deserves more love again), Luck Stealer 📖⚔️🤍♿ψ by Hajime Kazu (story about an assassin taking lives by stealing their luck by coming near them, really satisfying and badass and understandable why he does it. There's one annoying character shoehorned in by an editor it feels like, but he doesn't appear much fortunately), 心霊探偵八雲📖🤍♿ψ (Shinrei Tantei Yakumo, a mystery series about a guy who can see ghosts, can get really dark), and finally 恋の神様 古味直志短編集🗨️❤️🤍🖤ψ🐉🤣 (Koi no Kamisama, a collection of Komi Naoshi one-shots before he went mainstream with Nisekoi, a collection of weird and kind of psychological one-shots that are a lot of fun within few pages). P.A. (プライベートアクトレス) ❤️💾♿🗨️🎭 about a "private actress", pretending to be people's lover, daughter, themselves, whatever is needed, seeing her act and grow as a person, not perfect and shows it age some places but mostly surprisingly accepting. アノニマス🤍🗨️🎭 (Anonymous, about some Japanese teens from the 20s, raised without names or purpose other than to follow orders, but they meet some other teens they to their surprise befriend and so they decide to live for themselves). 周刊少年Girl 🗨️🤣🤍ψ(Weekly Shounen Girl, an absurd and wacky manga that takes full use of it's medium, it's amazing). スミレ♡16歳!! 🗨️🤣(Sumire♡16 years old!! Weird manga about a puppet attending school and somehow getting friends. Oddly sweet).
These don't quite follow the rules but are 💾: F. Compo (weird trans manga from the 90s, a cis man's desperate attempt at being "accepting", interesting to look back at), クロノクルセイド(Chrono Crusade, has some unnecessary fan service but is still my favourite manga. Is about a nun and a demon hunting demons in USA in the 1920s), ストップ!! ひばりくん! (Stop!! Hibari-kun! I remember some problematic moments, but a impressively progressive trans manga from the 80s!).
The promised Korean novels:레지나레나 - 용서받지 못한 그대에게 📖❤️♿(Regina Rena: To the Unforgiven, has a webtoon on... Webtoon and a region locked translation of the novel), 필리아로제 - 가시왕관의 예언🗨️🤍♿(Philia Rosé: The Prophecy of the Crown of Thorns, the WebToon is translated but not the novel), 마땅한 살인📖🤍♿⚔️ (Justified Murder, novel about a doctor forced to kill the father of a patient in self defense when he doesn't want her to tell authorities that he abused the patient. Her cop husband helps her dispose of the body by drawing a lipstick heart on him, the signature of a serial killer only going after the worst, it works a little too well as the killer contacts her and recruits her as the killer is actually a group). International webcomics/WebToons (those i do not know where are from don't have flags, some are already in English): City Vamps 🇪🇸, Heartblood🇫🇮, I Want to Be A Cute Anime Girl, Born From Death 🇮🇩, @XXIII, Angel's Quest 🇪🇸, Watermelon 🇸🇦, Seed 🇹🇷 (I think), Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell 🇨🇭, The Witch and the Bull 🇹🇼, Project Novos 🇦🇹, The World Where I Belong 🇹🇭(I think), and more. Remember that the ones further up are the ones struggling to come out in English.
** Self published, but has been looking for an official publisher forever according to interviews.
*** a work not marked with this still could have some later, is not clear enough, I haven't read enough yet to know, or I haven't asked the author. But even if one seemingly does not have any does it not mean that the author is phobic or not part of the lgbtqia+ themselves, and as far as I know, no one on this list are phobic as far as I've checked.
Feel free to reblog with stories from different countries that aren't translated into English. The ones I suggest here are in languages that I understand or have accessed by other means. Also, many thanks to @godteri-takk for encouraging me and @ittibittium for making this post (which is very much have been the reason the series came out look at slide 2) and inspiring me. If you have any questions about the stories I've included here, feel free to ask ^^. If you wonder why I didn't link to Phenomena, Mørkalven, Under Regnbuen, The Urban Legend, and Underbyen on the booksfromnorway website is it that they're simply not there, the publisher haven't added them. I'd also link to Norway Comics more often as the website looks good, but haven't been updated in about 2 years, maybe they started to give up? I don't know. Thank you for your time and hopefully we can give more than a few authors a cool gift before the end of the year.
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1cat200 · 2 months
Rise kids:Next gen-part 5
This is now going to be about my rottmnt ocs Cathy Hamato (bengal tiger mutant) and Tanjiro Takahashi (human samurai vigilante). For more info about them you can check it out on my Tumblr and my rottmnt Tiger Sister au. Next week on Tuesday will be about April and Sunita's kids. Enjoy!
•Cathy and Tanjiro's adopted son.
•Used He/They pronouns.
•15 years old.
•Cathy found him as a baby when she was investigating about an illegal government lab making illegal experiments and found Oliver inside of a test tube and took him home.
•Cathy named Oliver after one of her favourite classical novels "Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens".
•Oliver looks completely human but is actually an artificially made mutant with multiple powers abilities and even has blue blood.
•Oliver's powers include electric manipulation, fire control, healing factor, shape shifting, crystal shields and night vision.
•Oliver can only shape shift into a few type of animals such as a wolf,puma,otter,gecko,fox,turtle even a Harpy (he only has falcon wings and talons whenever he shifts into his Harpy form).
•This is what Oliver looks like as a turtle:
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•Oliver is bisexual and is a complete mama's boy.
•He can even meow like a cat thanks to him being so close to Cathy.
•His weapon of choice is a wakisashi.
•He's the oldest of his siblings and loves them a lot.
•Is a My Hero Academia fan boy (and totally does not have a fanboy crush on Deku 😏).
•Wants to be a hero like his mom someday.
•Oliver's birthday is May 18th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological son.
•Uses He/him pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Transmasculine and gay as a rainbow 🏳️‍🌈.
•Is the second oldest of his siblings.
•Acts like Leo when he was a teenager and Makoto can be a little cocky and overconfident at times.
•Came out mostly human except for his tiger ears and tail and his stripe birthmarks on his shoulders down to his elbows.
•Athlete and is the fastest kid you'll ever meet.
•Has been recently having a few nightmares and weird sensations which feels like their from.....another life?
•He and Casey are besties and love causing occasional chaos.
•Often is a bit of a punk.
•Has an extreme fear of needles and the smallest mention or sight of a needle will make him scream so loud that glass windows will shatter into pieces and will pass out for 2 hours.
•Makoto still doesn't currently have any mystic powers of his own yet which upsets him a bit.
•His weapon of choice is a katana.
•Makoto's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses She/Her pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Complete goth gal.
•Makoto's identical twin sister.
•Autistic twin while Makoto is the undiagnosed ADHD twin.
•Is a little shy at times and didn't speak until she was 5 years old.
•Her mystic powers are ghost like and similar to witchcraft.
•Loves horror films.
•Halloween is like a second birthday to her.
•Heather can also speak to ghosts which sometimes scares the crap out of her family.
•Her weapon of choice is Kamas.
•Do NOT under any circumstances leave her and Makoto alone for more then 1 hour or they will get bored and plot chaos in less the 2 minutes!
•She and Makoto are like the junior Disaster Twins if the family.
•Heather's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses she/her pronouns.
•11 years old.
•Artistic sweet heart with a heart filled with pure gold.
•Her mystic powers are wind manipulation and control.
•She adores penguins and is absolutely crazy about penguins.
•Is more of a lover then a fighter.
•Isn't into violence and prefers cuddles.
•Because of this,Kana doesn't do ninja training and instead practices art with Mikey.
•Is an absolute menace to her siblings.
•Looks a lot like Cathy.
•Can be mischievous and has an extreme sweet tooth (be very careful with sugar around her!).
•Surprised everyone when she was born as a white tiger. After some tests it turned out that it was a hidden genetic from Cathy's tiger DNA.
•Is super friendly which leads to her older siblings being very protective of her.
• Kana's birthday is April 8th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological child.
•Uses she/him pronouns.
•10 years old.
•Is usually shy and reserved.
•Is a huge fan of cute and fluffy animals.
•Is a vegetarian and if he sees meat then he will faint.
•Can shift from tiger mutant to human at will like Cathy.
•His mystic powers are to communicate with animals.
•Often sneaks stray pets into the house.
•His brothers and sisters are very protective of her and will destroy anyone who tries to harm him.
•Is in ninja training so she doesn't have any weapons of his own yet.
•Loves his family a lot.
•Is a sensitive kid and usually goes to Heather and Kana for comfort whenever he feels down or has a bad day.
•Sam's birthday is coincidentally the same day as Kana's (Kana refers to her and Sam being semi twins sometimes because of it).
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Felt the sudden urge to dump random Skylanders biology headcanons so here you go
Sky-Fauns have innate magic that allows them to walk on clouds, hence their name. Itt's a very trace amount though, so most can't cast spells. Buckshot is the exception due to the whole maze thing
There's different types of sphinxes that vary in temperament, element, and appearance depending on where they live. The two most known species are Harvest Sphinxes and Great or Enchanted Sphinxes. This is because sphinxes are so attuned to the elements their bodies will drastically change depending on the elemental energies of the place they were born (i.e a sphinx born in a Magic zone will always be an Enchanted Sphinx, even if they weren't born in the Enchanted Desert)
This does mean sphinxes can't be elementless, nor can they survive without magic.
Ambush is a one-man species. His species doesn't really reproduce as much as it does rebirth: a single specimen lives for 1000 years, and close to the end of the current Tree Knight's lifespan, a special seed appears in the Mystical Bamboo Forest. When the old Knight dies, a new one emerges from this seed, matures for a little bit, then takes up guarding the forest for another 1000 years
Tidepool is a humanoid mollusk I will die on this hill
King Pen has weird knees akin to actual penguins. The Senseis have collectively agreed to never mention this, lest they all remember this fact and experience immense discomfort
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round 0 (yes, we are starting at 0 just like computers do) will start on march 2 at 12pm EST. the round will be spread out across 4 days to avoid a shadowban, and posts will be tagged as #round 0. the matchups were randomized, so sorry about that! matchups in text form are under the cut:
match 0: Ami Enan (Lupin III Part 5) vs. Harold Finch (Person of Interest)
match 1: Barbara Gordon (Batman) vs. Saburo Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
match 2: Hackerman (Kung Fury) vs. Piconjo (Newgrounds)
match 3: Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain) vs. Dr. Alphys (Undertale)
match 4: Sollux Captor (Homestuck) vs. Lucyna Kushinada (Cyberpunk: Edgerunners)
match 5: Breanna Casey (Leverage: Redemption) vs. Saeyoung "707" Choi (Mystic Messenger)
match 6: Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost In The Shell (1995)) vs. Bentley Wiseturtle (Sly Cooper)
match 7: Kururu (Keroro Gunsou) vs. Mei Hatsume (Boku no Hero Academia)
match 8: Nomi Marks (Sense8) vs. Tulip Olsen (Infinity Train)
match 9: Tae Joon "Crypto" Park (Apex Legends) vs. Penny (Pokémon)
match 10: Tux the Penguin (GNU/Linux) vs. Hieronymous "The" Hacker (Cyberchase)
match 11: Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot) vs. Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi (Digimon Adventure)
match 12: Vanessa A. (Five Night's at Freddy's: Security Breach) vs. Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
match 13: Donatello Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs. Aloe Cookie (Cookie Run: OvenBreak)
match 14: Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!) vs. Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (Cowboy Bebop)
match 15: Spock (Star Trek) vs. Roxy Lalonde (Homestuck)
match 16: Rita (The Penumbra Podcast) vs. Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
match 17: Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) vs. Mickey Smith (Doctor Who)
match 18: Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland) vs. Alter Ego (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc)
match 19: Urushihara Hanzo (The Devil is a Part-Timer!) vs. Alec Hardison (Leverage)
match 20: Root (Person of Interest) vs. Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (Mass Effect)
match 21: Katie "Pidge" Holt (Voltron: Legendary Defender) vs. Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
match 22: Carla Dosa (The Hex) vs. Nicole the Holo-Lynx (Sonic the Hedgehog)
match 23: Dendy (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) vs. Toshiko "Tosh" Sato (Torchwood)
match 24: Yasuho Hirose (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: JoJolion) vs. Ezekiel Jones (The Librarians)
match 25: Ritsuko Akagi (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
match 26: Robert "Bob" Johansson (We Are Legion (We Are Bob)) vs. Maya Ibuki (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
match 27: Neo (The Matrix) vs. Trinity (The Matrix)
match 28: James T. Kirk (Star Trek) vs. Player Bouchard (Carmen Sandiego (2019))
match 29: Shiang Sun (Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2) vs. Raimu "Rhyme" Bito (The World Ends With You)
match 30: Susie (Kirby) vs. Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog)
match 31: Mikado Ryuugamine (Durarara!!) vs. Fuuka Yamagishi (Persona 3)
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juniaships · 2 years
Assigning squishmallows to the Wonderful Ones + Immorta & Vorkken
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Reasoning under the cut
From top lefthand corner: Cardinal/Wonder Red, Peacock/WonderBlue, Apple/WonderGreen, Fox/WonderPink, Cat/WonderWhite, Lion/WonderYellow, Penguin/WonderBlack, Cardinal/Vorkken, Pink Cat/Immorta
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Octopi is a symbol of creativity and overcoming challenges, a major theme of the game. Who better than the lead hero to have this plush? Being a teacher and all Wonder Red is already pretty smart, can think outside the box and gets everyone to cooperate for the best results. Octopi is also said to show willpower coincidentally Red's civilian name is Will
Wonder Blue is one of the most prideful members of the team. He also likes to show off his power and good looks, similar to a male peacock. Peacocks represent protection and sisterhood; Blue learned the importance of brotherhood and protecting others. The irony is the peacock squishmallow is actually a girl named Priscilla 😂
Apple represents plus the irony of a fresh fruit for a charcater obsessed with sweets (it's even said in canon that junk food is his forbidden fruit)
I was going to give Wonder Pink a cat but a better animal for her would be a Fox. Because of her beauty, teasing and temper, a fox embodies those traits. But is also means protection, which we see in her career as a hero and her caring behavior towards Luka. And tbh I know she got a shirt to match the tiedye patterns!
On the other hand, a cat fits Momoe's personality perfectly. Specifically a white cat. Besides symbolizing good luck something the team had a lot of it also represents purity and Momoe is one of the least flawed members of the team.
Wonder Yellow's strength doesn't just come from his muscles but from his heart. So a lion best fits that. Lions also go with military power and it seems that Wonder Yellow has that sort of aesthetic. Plus it would be so cliche to give the Russian guy a bear and it doesn't fit him anyways.
It was challenging finding a squishmallow for Wonder Black that isn't a cat or a bat. But I figured a penguin fits, as that animal symbolizes adaptability, a trait Wonder Black utilizes in his crafts. And being a gamer you have to adapt to whatever level you're playing. Plus the irony of an apathetic person carrying around a cheery lookin toy is freaking hilarious! XD
Now I wanted to make cardinal Wonder Red's plush since it goes with his story, but it fits Vorkken more. Someone trapped by his tragic past and had to learn to let it go.
We got another feline everyone! Immorta would love a cat because of its elegance, but also it is usually a symbol of femininity (her heart motif) and independence.
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BONUS! My self insert Wonder Lavender/Wonder Angel would have a stingray to show her struggles with choosing a path in life but learning to simply experience life; her/my high sensitivity and valuing peace and harmony over blind chaos. Plus I had a stingray squishmallow! Or a unicorn, representing mystery/mystical, purity health and joy, which are also traits my SI have being the "shield" of the core team.
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outcast-thingz · 11 months
Allllrighty everyone here we had today the 4.2 Special Program! First and formost, the codes. This one is kinda a doozy since it has *everything* new events, characters, areas, items, you name it it's probably there. You have until 12am Nov 4 to get those codes in. Y'all know the deal rest of the info is below the cut
VA97KJNF24UV (100 primos 10 mystic enchantment ore)
NTQP2KPEJMUH (100 primos 5 adventurers exp)
9T96KJNE2LVM (100 primos 50,000 mora)
Phase 1: Furina & Baizhu (5 star) Charlotte (4 star)
Phase 2: Cyno & Ayato (5 star)
-Hydro sword
-Each member of her little Hydro entourage has a name! Maid -> Mademoiselle Crabaletta :: Housekeep -> Surintendante Chevalmarin :: Conferencier -> Gentilhomme Usher
-Passive Talent can decrease the CD on the abilities gained from Xenochromatic Fontemer Aberrants
-Defults to Ousia charged attacks changes the alignment and it will change how her elemental skill works
-Ousia: Elemental skill will summon "Salon Members" which deal hydro dmg it looks like.. didn't really hear them talk about this part much
-Pnuema: Elemental skill will summon "Singers of Many Waters" to provide Healing to nearby party memebers. They will stay out for some time even *after* Furina is switched out.
-Elemental Burst deals damage to surrounding opponents. When party's HP increases OR decreases she will accumulate fanfare points. The more points the more Furina increases the DMG and incoming healing bonus of near by party members.
-SUPER COOL FACT! Whenever Furina's summons are out -She- gains the ability to walk on water
-Cryo Catalyst
-her camera has a name apparently and its Monsieur Verite *how cute*
-Elemental skill applies "Snappy Sillhouette" to opponents caught within the viewfinder of her Kamera, during the effect's duration it will intermitedly deal cryo dmg. Holding the skill strenghtens these effects and applies "Focused Impression" to opponents instead
-Elemental Burst creates a field that continuously restores HP to party members within its range. Monsieur Verite will intermitedly deal cryo during the burst's duration.
-When paired with Fontaine characters she receives a healing bonus
-When paired with nonfontaine characters she receives a cryo dmg bonus
-Zoom lens is an item for her but is further discused in an event section below (first person camera opportunities) "First Person Shutter"
-Furina story quest
-New Weekly Boss: has phases it looks like 2 could be 3?? 1st phase will have large AOE attacks
-Struggling with the new boss and can't move on with the archon quest because of it? Worry not. If you fail there will now be an option to lower the difficulty during the main quest.
-World Quest "The Wild Fairies of Erinnyes" should be involve the Melusines
-New Daily Boss: hydro thing that can throw spears it looks
-New update to the "Narzissenkreuz Adventure" questline!
-Travellers that are at Adventure rank 40 or above will have the option to "Quick Challenge" a weekly boss. all of them except Storm Terror and Boreus
-3 new character cards and 3 new action cards in TCG
-Accelerate Duel feature will be added
-Deck sharing codes will also be a thing
-you can now save 20 decks
-you can now *choose* if you want to accept a story quest after unlocking it
-prerequisite quests have been made clearer
-Thelxie's Fantastic Adventure~ Earnable Freminet! STAGE 1: repairing circuits fun puzzle stuff STAGE 2: use echo conch to find parts for le penguin STAGE 3: domain levels the penguin will help and provide buffs
-FUNGI EVENT IS BACK (they hope to make it permanent but don't think it's ready yet!! a note from the devs)
- Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log (say that 10x fast...) -> a photo event and might be able to share with friends. At the end of the quest the travelers will get the *Zoom lens*. The Lens can be used with all Kamera's obtained in the game up to this point BUT can't be used in combat. ***However*** As discussed previously holding Charlotte's skill you can snap pics while fighting and in domains!
-Misty Dungeon: Realm of Water -> Domain leyline thing that has Trial and your characters to choose from if what you have doesn't meet the buffs
-ley line overflow will happen again at the end of 4.2
~New Area~
~Erinnyes Forest~
-Loch Urania -> strong wind storm rising from the middle of the lake, looks interesting
-Foggy Forest Path -> has an ethereally epic water tree looking thing
-Weeping Willow of the Lake -> looks withered and may need us to clean it up like in Sumeru but it's contaminated bacterial mats instead of 'withered areas' ooo~ *Honestly I'm just excited to have a big Weeping Willow*
-New Fontemer Aberrant, the Xenochromatic Ball Octopus -> gets used to cleanse the mats
-with special device they can uses the Ball Octopus's abilities on land as well
~Morte Region~
-FINALLY SOME ANSWERS ON THAT TOWER ajkfgvbbg (I keep mistaking it for Storm Terrors lair area but it is very much not tha area so I really wanted to see what was up with this tower)
-you need to unlock four seals around it
-seems to have a connection with the primordeal sea???
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the-queerview · 11 months
Huesera: The Bone Woman directed by Michelle Garza Cervera
2022 ‧ Drama/Horror ‧ 1h 33m
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A story about a pregnant women with a hidden past. Followed by her desire for her real, queer love, this lady trying to be someone she's not by having a nuclear family type of situation with a dude, that a. does not believe in ghosts and demons ( always believe your partner) and b. looks like a penguin. During her pregnancy she starts seeing creepy demon like figures, her partner won't do sex with her, she starts seeing her ex gf again from her rebellious past. Occupied between this hot love affaire and being pegeant ( pregananante) she delivers le baby and deals with Postpartum depression, that her penguin man struggles to deal with. Leaving Valeria (her Name) alone once, she is possesed and puts le baby in the fridge???!!! All ends up her seeing witches and in a very beautifully, archaic ritual with witches she gets free from the demon, that possessed her. Seems like she created that demon out of her pain choosing the wrong decisions. A very strong picture and not horror at all I would say about neglect, living in the closet, fear of abandonement, and expectations queer folks face within heteronormative, cultural settings. Cerveras cinematographer Nur Rubio Sherwell was on point with creating mystical and silent atmospheres, and and Natalia Soliáns Performance as Valeria was giving Shelley Duval, Isabelle Adjani (Possession 1981) and a lil bit of Natalie Portmann in Black Swan. I really believe the main character Valeria being in despairand fear.
All in all, a taboo topic, especially when it comes to post baby depression and queers that chose to go back to heteronormative lifestyles for whatever reason, family expectations, family conflicts. I think it's worth seeing. Excited for Cerveras future films, since shes a quite young filmmaker. I think there is room for development within this very traditional filmmaking, that I encountered watching this film. I loved the sensitivity in the scenes, the light, the colors, the way her leading characters where portrayed. Everything within the film felt like it's out of Valerias perspective, we encounter the others with the fear within her. Hard to do with camera. One scene I particulary remember is her being felt from distance taking care of the baby bed in the children room while her penguin man is holding the baby and asking Valeria if he should stay. The distance between Valeria and the baby, we as an audience experience trough the distance of the camera within the room. We see the scene outside of the room filmed in distance, we feel the distance. A strong visual gesture at this point.
I'm grateful for any opinions on this film in the comments below.
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Research Notes
Artists to research:
Marina Abramovic
Joseph Beuys
Chris Burden
David Critchley  
Nan Goldin
Hilma af Klint
Bruce Nauman  
Barnett Newman
Nam June Paik  
Mark Rothko
Martha Rosler
Richard Serra
David Wojnarowicz
Research Interests:
Psychology of, neuroscience of, philosophy of, psychedelics and, the religious experience
Religious Studies, specifically arguments for the existence of God
The Sublime/The Divine/The Vast etc.  
Psychology of Trauma/Generational Trauma
Ritual and Performance Art
Sadomasochism and Endurance
Sensory Deprivation
Hallucinations and Schizophrenia/Bipolar Disorder
Catatonia, excited and stupor  
Political Philosophy
Protest Art
Western Philosophy vs. Eastern Philosophy
Kundalini Yoga and Tantric Sexuality/Energy orgasms  
The Gnostic Gospels
Religions of the Book vs. Eastern Religions, esp. Hinduism and Taosim
Taichi Ch’uan and Taosim
Bible History
Existentialism & English and Russian literature
Horror and horror film theory
Meditation and Mindfulness
Art Education
Alberti, Leon Battista, On Painting.  London: Penguin Books, 1972.  
Allegra, John M., The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross: A study of the nature and origins of Christianity within the fertility cults of the ancient Near East
Bachelard, Gaston, The Poetics of Space.  New York: Peguin Books, 1964.  
Barthes, Roland, Mythologies.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1972.
Bryant, Edwin F., The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. New York: North Point Press, 2009.
Camus, Albert, The Myth of Sisyphus.  New York: Vintage Books, 1955.    
Cavendish, Richard, The Black Arts.  New York: Tarcher Perigee, 2017.  
Deleuze, Gilles, and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Eliade, Mircea, The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion.  Orlando, Austin, New York, San Diego, Toronto, London: Harcourt, Inc., 1957.
Elkins, James, Why Art Cannot Be Taught  
Foucault, Michel, The Birth of the Clinic: An Archeology of Medical Perception.  New York: Vintage Books, 1975.  
Foucoult, Michel, The History of Sexuality Vol. 1-3
Furlons, Monica, Visions and Longings: Medieval Women Mystics. Shambala: Boston, 1996.
Girardot, N.J., Myth and Meaning in Early Taoism. Berkley: University of California Press, 1983.  
Hedges, Chris, War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.  New York: Anchor Books, 2003.  
Jaynes, Julian, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Kentridge, William, Six Drawing Lessons
Kierkegarrd, Soren, The Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Oriented Deliberation in View of the Dogmatic Problem of Hereditary Sin.
Kierkegarrd, Soren, Fear and Trembling  
Kierkegarrd, Soren, The Sickness Unto Death.  New York: Penguin Group, 2004.  
Kushner, Lawrence, Honey from the Rock. Vermont: Jewish Lights Publishing, 1990.  
Laski, Marghanita, Ecstasy in Secular and Religious Experience.  Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tartcher, Inc., 1961.  
Leary, Timothy, Ralph Metzner, and Richard Alpert, The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead
Leloup, Jean-Yves, The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.  Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2002.
Man-ch'ing, Cheng, Master Cheng’s New Method of Taichi Ch’uan Self-Cultivation, Blue Snake Books: Berkley, 1999.  
Martin, David. F., Art and the Religious Experience: the “Language of the Sacred.”
McKirahan Jr., Richard D., Philosophy Before Socrates.  Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1994.  
McNamara, Patrick, The Neuroscience of Religious Experience
McNamara, Patrick, Nightmares: The Science and Solution of Those Frightening Visions during Sleep
Narby, Jeremy, The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge.  New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnma, 1998.  
Pagels, Elaine, Adam, Eve, and the Serpent: Sex and Politics in Early Christianity.  New York: Vintage Books, 1988.  
Pagels, Elaine, The Origin of Satan.  New York: First Vintage Books, 1996.  
Pagels, Elaine, Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, & Politics in the Book of Revelation.  New York, Penguin Group.  
Perl, Eric D., Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Aeropagite.  New York: State University of New York Press, 2007.  
Pinchbeck, Daniel, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism
Radhakrishnan, S., Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1. India: Oxford University Press, 1940.  
Raicovich, Laura, Culture Strike: Art and Museums in an Age of Protest
Richards, William A., Sacred Knowledge: Psychedelics and Religious Experiences
Rosler, Martha, Decoys and Disruptions.  Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2006.  
Sacks, Oliver, Hallucinations.  New York: First Vintage Books, 2012.  
Saunders, Jason L., Greek and Roman Philosophy After Aristotle. New York, London, Tononto, Sydney: The Free Press, 1966.  
Schlain, Leonard, Art & Physics, Parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light. New York: Perennial, 2001.  
Solomon, Andrew, Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity.
Steiner, Rudolph, Colour, East Sussex: Rudolph Steiner Press, 1992.  
Van Der Kolk, M.D., The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.  New York: Penguin Books, 2014.  
Vysheslavtsev, B. P., The Eternal in Russian Philosophy.  Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002.  
Winnicott, D. W., The Child, the Family, and the Outside World.  Cambridge: Perseus Publishing, 1964.  
Winnicott, D.W., Playing and Reality.  London and New York: Tavistock Publications, 1982.  
Wolynn, Mark, It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle.  
Zee, A., Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics
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nzetaonlinevisa · 3 months
Explore Fiordland National Park: New Zealand’s Natural Wonder
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Have you ever dreamed of exploring a place where nature reigns supreme, where towering cliffs kiss the sky, and pristine waters shimmer with every shade of blue? If so, Fiordland National Park in New Zealand should be at the top of your travel list. This natural wonder offers breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife, and endless opportunities for adventure. Let’s dive into the heart of Fiordland and discover what makes this park so extraordinary.
A Majestic Introduction
Fiordland National Park, located on the southwestern corner of New Zealand's South Island, is a world unto itself. Covering over 1.2 million hectares, it’s the largest national park in New Zealand and one of the largest in the world. Fiordland is renowned for its dramatic scenery, from the deep, glacial-carved fjords to the lush rainforests and alpine lakes. The park is part of the Te Wahipounamu UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its outstanding natural beauty and significant geological features.
The Allure of Milford Sound
When people think of Fiordland, Milford Sound often comes to mind first. Dubbed the "eighth wonder of the world" by Rudyard Kipling, this fjord is a must-see. Imagine steep cliffs rising from the dark waters, with waterfalls cascading down their faces. On a sunny day, the sight is nothing short of magical. Even in the rain, the sound transforms into a mystical wonderland, with countless temporary waterfalls appearing as if by magic.
Adventure Awaits
For the adventurous spirit, Fiordland offers a plethora of activities. Hiking is a favorite, with trails ranging from short walks to multi-day treks. The Milford Track, often referred to as the finest walk in the world, takes you through lush forests, over mountain passes, and past roaring waterfalls. If you prefer water-based activities, kayaking through the fjords offers a unique perspective and a chance to get up close with nature. Keep an eye out for dolphins, seals, and even penguins as you paddle along.
Wildlife Encounters
Fiordland is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. The park is home to a variety of native birds, including the endangered takahe and the cheeky kea. In the waters, you might spot bottlenose dolphins, fur seals, and Fiordland crested penguins. The lush forests and rugged mountains also provide habitats for many other species, making every hike or boat trip a potential wildlife adventure.
Scenic Flights: A Bird’s Eye View
If you want to see Fiordland from a different perspective, consider taking a scenic flight. Soaring above the fjords, mountains, and lakes gives you a sense of the park’s vastness and beauty that’s hard to grasp from the ground. Many operators offer flights that include a landing, allowing you to experience the remote wilderness up close before taking off again.
Staying in Fiordland
When it comes to accommodations, Fiordland caters to a range of preferences. In Te Anau, the gateway to the park, you'll find everything from luxury lodges to budget-friendly hostels. Staying in Te Anau gives you easy access to the park and its many attractions. For a more immersive experience, consider staying in one of the remote lodges within the park. Waking up to the sounds of nature and the stunning scenery right outside your window is an unforgettable experience.
Sustainable Tourism
Fiordland National Park is a pristine environment, and preserving its natural beauty is a top priority. Visitors are encouraged to follow the principles of Leave No Trace, ensuring that the park remains unspoiled for future generations. Many tour operators in the area are committed to sustainable practices, helping to protect this natural wonder while providing incredible experiences for visitors.
Final Thoughts
Exploring Fiordland National Park is like stepping into another world. Its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and endless opportunities for adventure make it a destination like no other. Whether you're an avid hiker, a wildlife enthusiast, or simply looking for a place to unwind and reconnect with nature, Fiordland has something to offer. So pack your bags, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready to discover the magic of New Zealand’s natural wonder. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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thecrimsonfeather · 10 months
City of stolen magic cover design
This was a mini project given to us as an end of term task and it was for us to redesign one of three books from penguin and I chose the city of magic for it's more fantastical themes.
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This is what I came up with given the short notice and everything and overall I wouldn't say it's too bad. I really wanted to highlight the girl as the focus of the story and the city as a more mystical backdrop, I also wanted to experiment with the colours and I think I did that very successfully.
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waitforit2418 · 11 months
Digital Bonds
Crackling Connections: How Social Media Ignites Digital Bonds
The Digital Tapestry: Unveiling the Psychology of Online Bonds
In the digital universe, connections aren't just fleeting moments but threads that weave our online existence. Shared interests, common values, and similar aspirations form the cornerstone of these virtual alliances. Social media platforms have metamorphosed into bustling hubs where kindred spirits find solace, building vibrant communities of mutual understanding and support. Our digital bonds cater to our deep-seated hunger for validation and belonging, painting a portrait of shared identity that makes us feel heard, understood, and appreciated in this buzzing online world.
The Digital Alchemy of Similarity: How Social Media Forges Stronger Bonds
Homophily, the secret ingredient fueling the digital sphere draws us closer to those with similar inclinations and interests. Social media platforms act as the catalysts that intensify this phenomenon, connecting us based on our shared likes, beliefs, and habits. As we come across like-minded individuals, a symphony of validation and kinship ensues, reinforcing our sense of belonging. Homophily within the realms of social media nurtures an ecosystem of empathy and unity, allowing us to share experiences, celebrate common ground, and reaffirm our digital identities. In this virtual cosmos, our shared experiences contribute to a profound sense of acceptance and recognition among our digital compatriots.
Decoding the Digital Spell: How Algorithms Shape Our Online Realms
Enter the stage-stealers of our digital drama: the intricate algorithms that dictate our online experiences. These tech wizards, armed with a trove of user data, wield their magic to curate tailored content that aligns seamlessly with our preferences and habits. By deciphering our digital footprints, social media platforms serve up an irresistible platter of recommended content and connections, fueling the fire of homophily. Picture this: Facebook's strategic nudges towards groups and pages that share our interests or Instagram's mystical Explore page, beckoning us with content tailored precisely to our tastes. Through these digital gatekeepers, our encounters with like-minded souls and resonant content deepen, crafting a digital sanctuary that nurtures our shared identities and passions.
McPherson, M., Smith-Lovin, L., & Cook, J. M. (2001). Birds of a feather: Homophily in Social Networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 27(1), 415–444. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.soc.27.1.415
Pariser, E. (2011a). The filter bubble: How the new personalized web is changing what we read and how we think. Penguin.
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victourscostarica · 1 year
Enjoy Customized Eco-Friendly Boat Tours Costa Rica!!!
In an era where sustainability and eco-consciousness are paramount, eco-friendly boat tours have emerged as a beacon of responsible tourism. These tours combine the thrill of wildlife boat trips with the personal touch of customized private jungle tours, offering an immersive and environmentally sensitive way to explore some of the world’s most breathtaking natural wonders.
Eco-Friendly Boat Tours: Eco-friendly Boat Tours are a testament to growing commitment to preserve the planet. These tours prioritize minimal environmental impact while delivering unforgettable experiences. Sustainable vessels are carefully designed to minimize emissions, reduce noise pollution, and protect fragile ecosystems. Solar-powered boats, electric ferries, and hybrid engines are just a few examples of the innovative technologies being employed in these tours.
As you embark on the one, you’ll immediately notice difference in the atmosphere. There’s a sense of peace and harmony with nature, amplified by the quiet propulsion of the boat. It allows for an intimate connection with the environment, without disrupting the natural rhythms of wildlife. The stunning landscapes unfold before you, from pristine coastlines to tranquil mangroves and vibrant coral reefs.
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Wildlife Boat Trips: For nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers, the opportunity to witness animals in their natural habitat is a dream comes true. Wildlife boat trips are carefully curated to take you to the heart of biodiversity hotspots, where you can observe creatures of all shapes and sizes, from playful dolphins to majestic humpback whales.
One of the most iconic destinations for wildlife boat trips is the Galápagos Islands, where you can encounter unique species like the blue-footed booby and the giant Galápagos tortoise. Alternatively, explore the icy landscapes of Antarctica, where boat tours allow you to witness penguins, seals and whales against a backdrop of glaciers and icebergs.
These boat trips are led by experienced naturalists who offer insights into the behaviours and habitats of the wildlife you encounter. It’s an educational experience that fosters a profound appreciation for the delicate balance of ecosystems and the importance of conservation efforts.
Customized Private Jungle Tours: Customized Private Jungle Tours provide the ultimate flexibility for travellers seeking an intimate connection with nature. Whether you’re exploring the dense jungles of Costa Rica, the mystical rainforests of Borneo, or the ancient woodlands of the Amazon, these tours can be tailored to your specific interests and preferences.
You can choose the pace of your journey, deciding whether to hike through the undergrowth, paddle down tranquil rivers, or simply sit back and absorb the sights and sounds of the jungle. Your experienced guides will share their knowledge and adapt the itinerary to your interests, whether you’re passionate about bird watching, botany, or simply unwinding in a secluded jungle lodge.
Moreover, responsible operators of customized private jungle tours emphasize the importance of sustainable travel practices, ensuring that your journey leaves a minimal footprint on the environment and supports local communities.
Among all, Vic-Tours Costa Rica is a premier eco-tourism company known for its exceptional guided excursions in the stunning landscapes of Costa Rica. With a focus on sustainability and authentic experiences, they offer travellers the chance to explore lush jungles, pristine coastlines, and vibrant wildlife while promoting responsible tourism practices. For more information, you can check the details given below:
Name: Vic-Tours Adventures & Travel
Website: www.victourscostarica.com
Phone: (506) 87233008
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heavenboy09 · 1 year
Happy Belated Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
A Very Outstanding & Distinguished Actor Of Great & Iconic Performances 🎭  & Has Been Through Alot Since WW2
Born On July 2nd, 1948
He is a German-born Canadian actor, director, producer, and playwright.
He was born in Föhrenwald, a displaced-persons camp in Allied-occupied Germany, in 1948. His parents, Frania and Israel Rubinek, were both Yiddish-speaking Polish Jews who had been hidden by Polish farmers for over two years during World War II. The family immigrated to Canada the same year He was born. He attended Camp B'nai Brith in Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, Quebec.
He wrote the book So Many Miracles (Penguin Canada) on his parents' experiences in the war.
He is a five-time Genie Award nominee, winning Best Supporting Actor for Ticket to Heaven (1981), and a two-time Gemini Award nominee. His directorial film debut, Jerry and Tom (1998), was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival. He was previously a stage actor and director, working with the Stratford Shakespeare Festival and Theatre Passe Muraille, and co-founding the Canadian Stage Company.
He starred his most recognisable Role on Television in the Syfy series Warehouse 13 as Artie Nielsen, a covert agent employed by a secretive council to recover mystical artifacts with his team. The series finale was aired on May 19, 2014, on Syfy.
He is A Legend In Acting & I would like for you all to please wish this German 🇩🇪 Born Canadian 🇨🇦 Actor A Very Happy Belated Birthday 🎂 😊
You Should Know Him & If You Dont. You Will Learn To Love Him
The 1 & The Only
MR. SAUL HERSH RUBINEK aka Artie Nielsen Of Warehouse 13
HAPPY BELATED 75th BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 TO YOU MR. RUBINEK & HERE'S TO MANY MORE YEARS TO COME. #SaulRubinek #ArtieNielsen #Warehouse13
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I've been a bit busy this week so sorry for the late start to this round, but here is the bracket! same as last time, the matches will be spread out. matches will be tagged under #round 1 and will start on march 8 at 12pm EST. matchups below the cut:
match 0: Ami Enan (Lupin III Part 5) vs. Barbara Gordon (Batman)
match 1: Hackerman (Kung Fury) vs. Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
match 2: Sollux Captor (Homestuck) vs. Saeyoung "707" Choi (Mystic Messenger)
match 3: Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost In The Shell (1995)) vs. Kururu (Keroro Gunsou)
match 4: Tulip Olsen (Infinity Train) vs. Penny (Pokémon)
match 5: Tux the Penguin (GNU/Linux) vs. Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot)
match 6: Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) vs. Donatello Hamato (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
match 7: Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivruski IV (Cowboy Bebop) vs. Roxy Lalonde (Homestuck)
match 8: Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) vs. Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
match 9: Alter Ego (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) vs. Alec Hardison (Leverage)
match 10: Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (Mass Effect) vs. Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
match 11: Carla Dosa (The Hex) vs. Toshiko "Tosh" Sato (Torchwood)
match 12: Yasuho Hirose (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: JoJolion) vs. Ritsuko Akagi (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
match 13: Maya Ibuki (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Trinity (The Matrix)
match 14: Player Bouchard (Carmen Sandiego (2019)) vs. Raimu "Rhyme" Bito (The World Ends With You)
match 15: Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs. Fuuka Yamagishi (Persona 3)
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roysviewfinder · 1 year
Penguin Photography in USA
Capture the Perfect Shot with Penguin Photography in the USA
Step 1: Research and Preparation (Penguin photography)
Before embarking on your penguin photography adventure, it’s essential to conduct thorough research. Start by learning about the different penguin species found in the USA. The two species commonly encountered in the country are the Humboldt penguin and the African penguin.
Step 2: Determine Your Desired Species and Season (Penguin photography)
Step 3: Select Your Location (Penguin Photography)
Monterey Bay Aquarium, California: The aquarium’s Splash Zone exhibit features a lively group of African penguins. Capture their playful behavior and interactions in a controlled environment.
Mystic Aquarium, Connecticut: This aquarium houses a colony of African penguins. With its diverse range of exhibits and interactive experiences, Mystic Aquarium offers a great chance to photograph these charismatic birds.
Philadelphia Zoo, Pennsylvania: The Philadelphia Zoo is home to Humboldt penguins, and their Penguin Point exhibit allows visitors to observe and photograph these captivating creatures.
Step 4: Pack Your Gear (Penguin photography)
To ensure you capture stunning penguin photographs, pack the right gear. Consider the following:
Camera and Lenses: Carry a DSLR or mirrorless camera with a fast autofocus system and good low-light performance. A telephoto lens in the range of 70-200mm or 100-400mm is ideal for capturing close-up shots of the penguins.
Tripod: A sturdy tripod will help stabilize your camera during low-light situations or for long exposure shots.
Accessories: Bring extra memory cards, batteries, lens cleaning kits, and a lens hood to protect against glare and lens flares.
Learn More: https://roysviewfinder.com/penguin-photography-in-usa/
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