Our Saving Grace
Love is Contagious, In-surmountable & Unstoppable. There is no antibiotic, no cure, for Love. It cannot be negotiated or destroyed. It Just Is. A self-perpetuating, unending well-spring, that when fed, will break through every dam and drown all that stand before it with it's Never Ending, Life Sustaining, Saving Grace. And to think for most of my life i've not believed in it's existence - In This All Things are Possible!
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Out of The Darkness
And out of the Darkness and Chaos and Disorder has come something Beautiful and Magnificent and Eternal, that cannot be Damaged or Destroyed, existing only in a State of Continual Transformation and Becoming.
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The Twisted Irony of Answered Questions
I have been blessed, finally, with the gift of knowledge of this relationship that has plagued me for what feels like multiple life times now. On one hand, the question & feeling of whether or not I was sane, rational, within reason or a completely cold, uncompromising, unfair bitch has been resolved, which is quite comforting. On the other hand, this however, has been replaced by an entirely new expansive litany of questions that may be as equally disturbing.  
I do find comfort in the fact though, that at least now I know the right questions are being asked. It's the difference between bumping around blind, in the dark in some strangers house and doing so in your own, where you at least have an idea of what the terrain is.  This is what, for right now, I tell myself to keep back any monsters that might be lurking in the shadows. LOL! 
The Enemy you know is better than the Enemy you don't. And it seems, after all is said & done, that this IS VERY FAMILIAR territory and the enemy is WELL KNOWN to me, almost like an old treacherous, intractable friend that lingers only because there is still a message he carries for me (or a torch - ha-ha).
As I have always maintained, god, the universe, who or whatever is 'out there' has an Extremely Twisted, Ironic & Penetrating sense of humor.  And that's OK because I have NEVER been the butt of the joke, but always part of and even some how in on it, which I find absolutely delicious and Life Affirming!
Twisted & Turned Inside Out
I've become one entwined,
carefully woven piece
of a beautiful intricately thrown pattern
the infinite tapestry of life.
Expanding to eternity in every direction,
all at once without end
across the endless expanse of existence,
with a reach that can never be exceeded.
Who could ask for more?
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By The Light of Consciousness
Lately finding the more I see, perceive & understand, the less I seem to 'feel' & react 'emotionally'.  And at the same time, I see, understand & have a clarity of self & emotions that I've never before experienced. While my feelings and emotions have been pared way down, those that I do experience are much more genuine & true.  I am conflicted by this lack of volume that is at the same time much more rich and full in content.  
Along with this, I am also beginning to perceive & comprehend my true nature & being with a clarity & depth never before possible.  I feel aloof, empty, damaged & raw as well as real, actual, genuine, present & clear, without blindness, duplicity, pretenses or faked, forced affect.  It's both bewildering & breathtaking at the same time. A state of Undeniably Broken Perfection.  I think I just might like it here!
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Following is my latest Musical Collaboration with my sons friend, Chris. It sounds much better with acoustical guitar accompaniment as it was written specifically for Chris's musical creation, but I'm posting it here anyway I'll try to come back later to these & for future posts, and attach recordings of the actual songs as they are created/completed, Anyway it went something like this:
Days gone by,
in my mind, lost in time
I see you in my passing dream
long lost to me, soon to be found
You survive and complete all my songs.
In your eyes, I see a summer gone by
beautiful tears, lake so blue,
I long for me, I'm always looking for you.
Girl you make me love,
you make me true,
in me, in you all I know
You make me full, 
swimming your river so deep
I'm up to my neck in You.
T.T. & Chris on Acoustic Guitar 10.31.13
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A Holograph of Mirrors
These Randomly Specific People Wander Through my life,
their tests upon my limits lead to newly found extremes.
cuz what I see in you is what I see in me
A mirror of halls - reflecting endlessly
everything that's ever been and all that's yet to be.
Peering through the Looking Glass,
delivered & returned to a place I've never seen,
In finding You,  I find Me
a glimpse beyond the veiled realm that otherwise is blind & past.
In your eyes is Clarity, I want to Know, I Have to See
that which lingers, hovering - A waiting destiny
only to be found by those
who stare into the Deepest Mirrors
Standing Strong & Brave Enough to find Their Own Pathway Clear.
TT {SpiritHeart67} 10.10.13
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Outside The Storm
In the Eye of the Storm
At the Center of the Whirling Vortex do I Stand,
It's Noxious Dust, Chaos & Destruction beset upon the land.
The Devastation Laid Waste Before It
cannot of sense be made.
When Man has lost all logic,
and thoughts of preservation tossed
thru the endless barren desert 
we must somehow find A Way to Cross.
When Words & Acts are in Delusion carried out
Life into Lunacy it's very Self careens,
our means of Course Correction left in Shaking, Weakened Hands.
A line drawn in the sand is where Salvation's found,
stepping over, a move past must, for higher ground be made,
a surveillance point where the air like our vision is clear,
no longer distorted, twisted, blind
by our own or other's fear.
Only from this place can we look out to see
with Clarity another Future's Possibility.
TT {SpiritHeart67} 10.17.13
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Monster Inside
My son's friend Gavin came by tonight and played something on the guitar that he'd written & I wrote this while listening to his instrumental. To me, it speaks to the heart of most of our children today.
Monsters with many faces
Lost in so many Places
Where has it all gone,
In plain sight
Where am I
Where are You
It all slips away today,
Down down deeper I go
The further I travel the less I know
Inside Outside its all alone
Nothing left, the beginning all over again
 Look to the left, look to me
No matter which way, You’ll never see
A place that exists never to be found
You run & walk but only cover the same old ground
It’s all sad, it’s all true
Nothing old & nothing new
Look at me, can you really see?
  I’m lost I’m found, but never sound
No matter where we go the same is always found
I’m up, I’m down, I’m all around,
In the end it all comes back to me.
I want to know, I want to see,
Thru the mist enshrouding me
Left & right, I struggle, I fight,
Surrounded by the darkest sea & night
Thru the mist I strive to be
The monster inside that fights to be free.
T.T. {SpiritHeart67} with Gavin on guitar 10.03.13
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Many Roads, One Destination, Choosing The Right Path for Our Purpose
“a bad map is worse than no map at all for it engendered in the traveler a false confidence and might easily cause him to set aside these instincts which would otherwise guide him if he would but place himself in their care. He said that to follow a false map was to invite disaster. He gestured at the sketching in the dirt. As if to invite them to behold its futility. The second man on the bench nodded his agreement in this and said that the map in question was a folly and that the dogs in the street would piss upon it.” ― Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing
This brought to my mind the following 'message:
To not know from where you have come, where you are going and then to follow the wrong path upon your quest/journey to your Life's Purpose is one of the most overlook Personal Tragedy's. It leads to much loss; loss of Time, of Direction, of Trust, of Understanding and Completion.  
When One finds himself 'lost' in life, could it really be as simple as a 'False Map', willingness to relinquish that which has served to lead us no where and an openness to set out upon an entirely new & previously unseen road/route which will be our salvation, ultimately delivering us our Intended Destination?
To do so we must cultivate an awareness & faith in the guidance both from our inner selves and from without that is always available, waiting patiently for us to turn our ear it's way and receive it's loving, gentle Grace.  I do know that 'Ask & You Shall Receive' IS Literal & the Law, it is our willingness to do so that determines if, how & what it will manifest in our Life.
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Random Insights by SpiritHeart67
 MAY 9TH, 2013
Regret holds you in the past, Let Go and it becomes a distant memory.
The man who has not discovered the mystic within is akin to a man lost in a dry desert with no life saving water in sight.
  ‎November ‎8, ‎2011
The only Faith a Man need have is Faith in his Own Self
  ‎January ‎15, ‎2012
For those who Believe, no explanation is needed. For those who do not Believe, no explanation is sufficient
  ‎Sunday, ‎January ‎15, ‎2012
Everyone thinks god is here to answer all our prayers & Save Us. No. god is here to help us learn to stand on our own.  Our prayers don't go unanswered, they get 'Prioritized'. It is in those moments that we become strong and god is there to do the heavy lifting when we need it most.  I cannot think of a single thing done alone that I was not strong enough to bare.and I know the impossible things that would be left undone had I been carrying the weight on my own. Nothing is ever left unanswered; God will always be found in those empty places of space which we ourselves cannot fill.
  Thursday, February 9, 2012
We either Become or Overcome those things that happen to as Children.
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