#mysteries of thorn manor
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marrogerson · 3 months ago
On the darkest day of the year, I bring you a winter’s tale! This short story is set between Sorcery of Thorns and Mysteries of Thorn Manor, told from Silas’s perspective about a week after his return. It will be posted online in five installments, with a chapter per day leading up to Christmas.
I borrowed the idea of using AO3 as a platform from the magnificent @what-eats-owls, who paved the way with her collection of Little Thieves short stories, The Fallow Year. The Fallow Year is bookmarked on my AO3 page for anyone who hasn’t checked it out yet, which I highly recommend.
Please note, since I don’t want to disappoint anyone, this story is Silas-focused and doesn’t feature on-page appearances by Elisabeth and Nathaniel, though they’re often in his thoughts. I can’t wait for you to meet the glamorous dressmaker Lady Tremayne, who sprang to life in my imagination as I was writing Mysteries of Thorn Manor and hasn’t left me since.
An additional thank you to @glitterghost whose last minute AO3 invite allowed me to share this with you all in time for the holidays.
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Visit emmagilletteart for some fun dialogue between the 3 during the portrait sitting.
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todaysanother · 3 months ago
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thewiddershinsme · 5 months ago
Finished Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson! Full spoilers below:
-I knew I was going to like this book by the end of the first chapter. It’s basically as though the author knew my favorite part of Lirael (in fact my favorite part of the Abhorsen series) was the Library, and decided to write a book just on that. Perfect, it’s just what I wanted.
-Nathaniel is hilarious, I was kinda rolling my eyes that Elisabeth was not picking up that he was teasing her, and had to chalk it up to her growing up as a feral librarian.
-Elisabeth being tall and super strong due to spending her formative years with magic books and dust was such a fun reveal. I had started to notice that she seemed to be a good deal more physically durable than everyone else, but it was so subtle I was thinking it was an author oversite.
-as soon as Ashcroft was introduced, he just screamed “Here is the villain! Right here!”
-Ashcroft’s great-great-grandfather must’ve been inspired by Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood to design the country around the BIG END OF THE WORLD PLAN
-Elisabeth was a great character. Logical steps in her problem solving (if sometimes a bit more idealistic than should be which again fits her solitary circumstances growing up); eager to swing a crowbar or sword at any foe; suspicious of magic (at first) but still practical enough to use the tools she has available; direct in her interactions; and not whiny at all. That’s pretty big actually, there could’ve been so much drama and angst with her falling in love with Nathaniel and having torn loyalties between her place with the Library and her potentially being forever banned for becoming involved with a sorcerer. Instead, their relationship was refreshingly easy: she spent time with him, fell in love, and simply accepted that fact without bemoaning the possible costs. As she said, “they suit each other” (which is one of my favorite romantic tropes, two people who just quietly became accustomed to the other and now are inseparable). Once Nathaniel became dear to her, that was that, and there was no internal monologue doubting her choice or wishing she had fallen in love with someone else or any relationship drama which was refreshing. And of course, it was obvious Nathaniel had fallen for her from almost the get-go.
-Silas was the best character. Loved every interaction he had with Elisabeth and Nathaniel. And I adored the Epilogue (that is how books should end, not suddenly after the action stops but with breathing room to show how everyone ends up). And the final summoning? I was just grinning realizing that it worked
-I enjoyed this book more than Enchantment of Ravens, mostly cause magical Libraries are right up my alley, and I felt more satisfied with this ending than with Enchantment of Ravens’ ending. It’s a great standalone that doesn’t need another book, but am still slightly disappointed that there isn’t a whole series about Elisabeth and Nathaniel and Silas and this entire very cool world.
-there is the sequel novella I’m reading next (Mysteries of Thorn Manor) which I know I’m gonna enjoy
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year ago
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She would battle villains, demons, monsters to keep him safe. If she could, she would even battle his memories.
Mysteries of Thorn Manor
(2023 favorite reads)
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lily-from-fire · 2 years ago
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"It was no use listening to demons, Elisabeth told herself. They were liars. Deceivers. Untrustworthy to the core. Except when they weren't."
- Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
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booklover-s · 2 months ago
Nothing is more fun than Nathaniel and Elisabeth thinking their kisses are disturbing the mansion's magic
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theravenflawed · 2 years ago
nathaniel thorn and cardan greenbriar really said "wow, a girl who wakes up and chooses violence <33"
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booktineus · 2 years ago
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haveyoureadthisfantasybook2 · 4 months ago
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vote yes if you have finished the entire book. vote no if you have not finished the entire book.
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asteromata · 1 year ago
I want a Vespertine/Sorcery of Thorns crossover simly because I think Silas would combust if he met another teenager that has trouble talking care of herself
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marrogerson · 3 months ago
The final chapter is now live! I've so enjoyed going on this journey with you, and I hope this story has helped brighten your holidays even just a little. Merry Christmas if you celebrate, and my warmest wishes to all.
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pipperoni32-blog · 4 months ago
Mysteries of Thorn Manor
by Margaret Rogerson / 5 stars
This book was everything.
I'm so glad we got to see more of Nathaniel and Elisabeth, because I don't think I will ever have enough of them. This was romantic, sweet, banter-filled, and magical.
We got to learn if Silas really came back, and of course saw even more teasing secrets about him. There were more magic filled grimoires, and Elisabeth staring down magical objects.
I almost feel like I love this one more than the original? It's precious in a way I can't quite explain, and I was able to just enjoy every minute of it.
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todaysanother · 3 months ago
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thewiddershinsme · 5 months ago
Finished Mysteries of Thorn Manor by Margaret Rogerson! Spoilers below:
-it was heartwarming that Silas only took one day from each of their lives as payment
-omg this is fantastic the house is literally cockblocking them. I was cackling.
-you want to know something I appreciate? This is the slowburn lover in me, but it’s refreshing that Elisabeth and Nathaniel don’t go from first kiss to sex immediately (like many romance couples do). They actually take the time to become physically comfortable with each other over months, which is so realistic cause this Elisabeth’s first ever relationship (and at the very least Nathaniel’s most serious one).
-so much sexual tension between them I could not stop grinning
-and Silas is the biggest Elisabeth/Nathaniel shipper of all and started it of course that was perfect
-this novella is so sweet, but there’s a fair amount of melancholy depth to it that makes this (in my opinion) less of an optional sequel novella but definitely something that needs to be read to finish the Sorcery of Thorns series. It really reads like an extended epilogue to Sorcery of Thorns, it’s such a satisfying place to leave these three characters. Yet I wish there was more!!! I want a novella to see Silas plan their wedding and know what Elisabeth decides to do in the Great Library! Or have a companion book 100 years from now on the new Thorn sorceress and Silas alluding to Elisabeth and Nathaniel sometimes.
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year ago
“I am not pulling you on a sled!”
“Why not? I dare say you’re strong enough.“
She sputtered. “It would get into the papers.”
“I hope so. I’d want to save a clipping. I could put it in my scrapbook…”
Mysteries of Thorn Manor, Margaret Rogerson
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