mysimplethought · 1 year
it hurts that i have to reassure myself that i’ll find someone one day
because you were supposed to be that person
and i wasn’t supposed to have been in this position hoping to find someone because i would have already had you
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adindazaar · 1 year
a plan and a failure
I often wonder. Wander about what my future looks like. What if I go back to the past for once to fix things that led me to some past failures? But sometimes I also wonder, if I didn’t experience that failure in my past, would I have a far better life? Or even worst? At twenty-two years old, breathing the oxygen in this world made me realize how ‘alone time’ is crucial. It made me realize how…
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My name is Me, and I am just an ordinary guy living an ordinary life in an ordinary city.  I am pretty observant and am a thoughtful person.  I often wonder what happened to the art of thinking, the ability to take a lot of information and create an original opinion.  That’s where this blog comes in.  I will take some events and package them into a simple concept.  MySimpleThoughts Blog came from the idea that I don’t need a mainstream media outlet to tell me how I should feel.  I own my own feelings.  I find there are a great many people who are too lazy to form an original thought and it takes a media outlet to energize them.
About me.  I am a Republicrat (or maybe a Demacublican).  That simply means that I subscribe to both schools of thought.  I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative.  For those who may be confused, my fiscal conservatism is not at the detriment of our society.  Money collected by the Government should go to the general welfare of the people and not to for-profit corporations. 
I am not a fan of the current administration.  I think President Trump will end up hurting the United States of America far worse than he will help.  That will be a recurring theme.  Another theme will be my harsh criticism of the Republican Party to not censure the President.
I hope you enjoy my posts.
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mysimplethought · 1 year
today’s act of kindness is someone’s warmth in the winter, someone’s shirt in their next interview, someone’s chance at normalcy. i helped them today and that was such an amazing feeling.
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mysimplethought · 1 year
i continue to create scenarios of us in my mind. all the ways that we could coincidentally run into each other, the possibility of you coming back for me, the potential conversations we could share, all of which is a pointless waste of my time
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mysimplethought · 1 year
he’s not coming back
he’s just going to continue dating girl after girl til he finds someone he deems fit
hurting each girl that he treats as a stepping stone
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mysimplethought · 3 months
i know why it ended, i know we weren’t meant to be, but why do i still miss it, why do i still miss him
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mysimplethought · 4 months
they say that they always come crawling back. well why didn’t he?
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mysimplethought · 4 months
is him not coming back a reflection of me or of him?
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mysimplethought · 6 months
we’ve been doing this for years now
are we somehow more than we’d like to admit?
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mysimplethought · 6 months
what if he’s my one day
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mysimplethought · 6 months
there’s always going to be some part of me that will have love for you, love for what we had. i think that’s the hardest part about moving on. is knowing that the amount of time i spent with you will always be less than the time i will spend thinking about you
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mysimplethought · 6 months
the thing is, if you ever came back, if you ever told me that you changed your mind, that you wanted me. i think it would be too late. the damage is done. you chose to have a life without me in it and i would never be able to look past that.
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mysimplethought · 6 months
i want to be the person you think of when you’re lying next to her doubting your choices, asking yourself if you’ve made a mistake, realizing you regret letting me go
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mysimplethought · 6 months
sometimes i like to look at old pictures of us to see if i was actually happy or not
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mysimplethought · 7 months
you’re supposed to support me. but you don’t even believe in me.
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