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kajishin · 2 years ago
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"you are amazing " #hygge#koselig#mysig#gezelligheid#gemütlichkeit#Ikigai#surfing#sun#tsuyazaki https://www.instagram.com/p/CqcsXX7Skbq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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knappharvel · 1 year ago
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Vante två är igång! Sällskap får jag av @mesterspets julkalender. Självklart ligger jag flera avsnitt efter, men kanske kan komma ikapp nu när jag har en stickning igen.
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sleepysera · 1 year ago
"The Swedish word mysig loosely translates to 'cozy,' but the meaning is larger: a warm kitchen to welcome you inside after you've been out in the winter snow; Friday night curled up on the couch with a cup of tea; a cute café with big cups and oversize chairs."
-Anna Brones, Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break (2015)
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neapeaikea · 3 months ago
Här är en konstig grej! En julnovell på svenska! Jag har inte skrivit på svenska på sjukt länge, men jag skrev en julnovell som julklapp till min bokklubb och tänkte att va fan, jag prövar att posta den till Ao3 utifall att! Kanske nån vilsen själ som kan läsa svenska känner för en novell om att inte fira jul, men ändå ha det rätt bra och tycka om sig själv!
För två-tre jular sen läste min bokklubb en sån där mysig julbok om en kvinna som åkte till landet och fann kärleken lagom till jul. Vi pratade då om hur det aldrig handlar om nån som åker till storstan och upptäcker vad kul det är med karriär. Det där dröjde kvar i mig. Efter ett antal falskstarter, är detta vad som hände! Jag gillar den, och tycker den är en fin historia som ändå passar i juletider, och inte dissar julen helt, även om det faktiskt inte firas jul "på riktigt" i historien.
Skriver om det även här utifall att nån skulle trilla över ett behov att läsa en julnovell utan krusiduller.
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f-rg-tmigej · 3 months ago
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Hemåt åter passerade jag den årliga lilla Julmarknaden. Mysig vibe och strålande väder.
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strangerdeer · 1 year ago
mysig sång, typ i en tjejfilm från 2000 talet <3
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awesomedurraworld · 1 year ago
Tag game day! Yay! Was tagged by the wonderful @gooseberryfox 💖 thank you so much! and from what they said, we share 10 opening lines from our fics, so here are mine! ( these are 10 out of my 50 published fics)
Mysig: ( Fma, Parental Yuri and Ed, featuring my own headcanon.)
Yuriy let a deep sigh when he saw the rain falling heavily, he looked at the full trash bags that lay beside him and groaned. 
Not wanting to get an earful from his mother or wife, he went out. his green, short-sleeved, over shirt getting wet a little, his blond hair getting a little matted. Trash bags in both hands, he quickly jogged to the trash cans that were sitting at the end of the road of the driveway of his home. 
He dumped them in quickly, and started to turn around only to make something catch his eyes. 
2. O Dandelion: ( fma, Parental Royai and Ed. )
Riza woke up suddenly when she heard uneven, hurried steps in the hallway that led to the bedroom that she shared with her commander officer, Colonel Roy Mustang. They both, alongside their team’s major, Edward Elric, shared an apartment for their undercover mission. 
Edward. What is going on? 
She raised herself from her bed, her movement waking Roy from his deep slumber, “ Ed?” he whispered with a knowing tone, his eyes trained on the door, making her nod, “ God, what time is it?” the man whispered as he rubbed his eyes making them focus. 
3. Sweet Pease and Daisies, for sweet Al: ( Fma, parental Royai and Ed.)
He hiccupped, his Eyes staring dimly at the three graves in front of him. 
The one in the middle was familiar, have been seeing it and visiting it for the last decade. 
Trisha Elric.
1878 - 1904
Loving mother, friend and wife.
Next to it, was another grave. One he never thought would see or visit.
Van Hohenheim.
??? - 1915
Father and husband.
His mother’s grave was in the middle, which means that there is another one next to it, on the other side. A grave that was new, fresh and clean. It wasn't touched yet. It was the one that he was crying about.
Alphonse Elric.
Armor Boy, the Alchemist. 
1900 - 1915
Loving son and brother. 
4. Labor: ( Fma Royai, small line that had parental Roy at the end.)
Her body felt so painful, from what exactly, Riza Haw- er, Miller, didn't know. Was it because she was starving? Was it because of the beating she received? Or was it because she started labor?
Oh baby don't come out yet. 
At least, that is what she is thinking. On the little info she had, labor could start from 24-48 hours before the Child’s birth. She had very strong and long stabbing pain- contractions ( right that is what they are called.). They are stronger and more frequent. 
5. One… last… time, Kiddo: ( Fma Parental Royed.)
When Edward got out of the bathroom, in the dim 7 am morning he was shocked to see his father in the kitchen making breakfast. The blond sighed slowly as he walked to sit on the counter, his gold eyes landing on the ironed uniform. He let out another sigh. 
His father didn't turn around to see his disapproving face, “ Al should be here by 9.” the younger of the two broke the silence, earning a ‘ hmm ’ as a response, “ and you should be in bed.” he said as he stood up and went to the coffee machine to find a cup of hot steaming coffee waiting for him all ready to be consumed in one gulp. 
6. Coffee run: ( Fma, parental Royed.)
Coffee runs were something Team Mustang enjoyed doing and needed to do in order to survive.
Especially on those hard, slow days where nothing seems to be working out. And today happens to be one of them. It started out very chaotic, and very busy. Many files and papers were coming into the office and out of it, alongside their old cases that started to pile up, things were going smoothly and They thought they were doing great that is until a New case was suddenly dropped on them making them skip lunch. 
Which was a bad idea. 
7. Cut it and dye it, please: ( Fma, main focus parental Royed but it does have more relationships.)
He hadn't known how to process the news. 
His chest felt tight as he looked in the mirror that night. His body was clad in his black and blue stars pajamas, and his very very long blond hair was down. 
His beautiful, gold shiny hair, long and brushed and washed. 
He made up his mind. 
Edward is going to cut it. 
8. Hey Hey, little fighter: ( Fma, part of the PAFD au, parental Royed)
“ Shshshsh, Baby. Daddy has to study.” 
The tired, 16-year-old father, took his 6-month-old son in his arms, patting his back gently hoping the baby will go to sleep, “ Daddy has a test tomorrow, Eddie.” 
The teen sighed as he walked towards his small kitchen, he opened his almost empty fridge to take a bottle of milk that he made earlier this night and started the process of heating it, and while he worked with one hand his mouth didn't stop shushing the crying baby gently. 
Soon, 20 milliliters of formula milk was heated up inside its clear and red bottle, Roy Mustang sat down on the bed that he shared with his son, Edward, and started the process of trying to feed him the warm liquid, he hoped that the baby can sleep for a bit while his dad goes over his study notes for his test in the next morning. 
9. Dirt covered me and I couldn't breathe: ( Fma, Royai.)
Her hands were tied using a very rough material that her father used, it was itchy and made her skin feel weird, she is pretty sure that they were bleeding slightly there. It wasn't the only place she had blood pouring out and it was itchy. 
Riza’s earloops were torn, or at At least, they felt like it. Her bare shoulder tried to itch them and reach them but it didn't do anything. Her movement made her back stretch, making her wail into the harsh big gag that her father forced into her mouth. 
All because I was not careful.
10. My hand on top of yours: ( Fma, my first ever fic in the fandom. Parental Royed.)
“ there you go bastard.” wrinkled papers were thrown on top of the sheet paper Roy Mustang was currently was working on, “ what is this?” 
“ my damn report,” the older male looked at the younger’s amber eyes, “ you are lucky that Al had threatened to feed me milk for dinner if I didn't deliver it by 3 in the afternoon.” 
“ I thought he is the  baby  brother, and won't let your little brother have a say in what you do,” Roy smirked as he pushed the report to the side in favor of finishing the pages that were in front of him a minute earlier.
anyone is welcome to jump right in! I am going to tag my lovely friend @dragon-queen21 💖 and shoutout to Lynn for helping me chose these fics hehe
If you were interested to read any of my fics, this is a link that will take you to my ao3 account
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grapehyasynth · 4 months ago
my neighborfriend who speaks some swedish likes to say things are mysig and every time i want to vibrate out of my brain bc of the wilmon of it all
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yieldfruit · 1 year ago
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Friday evening. Hygge (Danish), or the Swedish term "Mysa":
Mysa: to be cozy | Mysighet, Mys: coziness | Mysig, Mysigt: a cozy environment or situation.
I was named after my Swedish great-great-grandmother Johanna Maria Bernhardina (omitting her last name and married last name). She had 13 children and one of her sons, Lambert Gabriel, is my great grandfather who settled in Hollywood in the early 1920's.
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abigailroseco · 10 months ago
New items have arrived! Save now,
#supportsmalibusiness #smalibusiness #smallbusinesscheck #fy #foryou #foryoupage #fyp #shopping #varya #hygge #mysig #shawl #shawls #wraps
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kajishin · 2 years ago
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"field of canola" #hygge#koselig#mysig#gezelligheid#gemütlichkeit#Ikigai#surfing#sun#tsuyazaki https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWbl6tPu_7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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littlehenrikehd · 1 year ago
Yeah ganska generisk, men den är mysig och animaticen i mitt huvud är en banger
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raynepigeon · 1 year ago
Så glad att jag ser nån annan som vet om mysteriet på grevleholm, blev slagen med den värsta nostalgin (på ett bra sätt då)
Nånting jag måste se igen, eller tjuvarnas jul
ÄLSKAR TJUVARNAS JUL en sån jävla banger.
Pelle svanslös är också skit bra, den är så mysig. Tror den sändes året efter orginal greveholm.
har sett 3 julkalendrar från 90 talet (sunes jul, mysteriet på greveholm och pelle svanslös) och de är några av de bästa jag sätt.
tycker de nyare julkalendararna är hit och miss (det har de alltid varit) några nyare som jag gillade va Mirakel(2020) och Kronprinsen som försvan(2022)
kollade inte på förra årets, tittade på ett avsnitt och tyckte den va för tråkig haha
förlåt för min julkalender rant lol
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tjurenfrangubbangen · 2 years ago
Vilken är bästa planeten och vilken är bästa varelsen?
Kul fråga!
Spontana tanken är Filione (skogsplaneten) och skogsvarelserna (Femman och hans familj). Känns som en mysig planet och ett roligt (om än lite busigt) folk. Kul med en galaktisk hattparad 👒🎩🎓🧢⛑
Men du kanske menar enskild varelse? Jag gillar skarpt det lilla vi fick se av Ursus (den gula björnen som är fångad med Mira i säsong två) och Broschnyj (storkoiden som Gaia lurar dem är människoätare, men som sedan blir kidnappad av fifunerna och sen hjälper alla forna fångar att lämna planeten. King behaviour)
MEN måste ju säga att femman är ikonisk. Allt som nämner 5 blir förknippat med honom av mig, så måste nog säga han ändå, även här.
Så Filionefokuserade svar jag hade. Vad skulle du svara, vad är dina favoriter?
(Denna fråga går också ut till alla som ser detta)
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theleekmafia · 1 year ago
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f-rg-tmigej · 1 year ago
Idag gick kissarna Agrias Kattparad 🐱🍂💛! En mysig liten tradition.
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