#myserious gloves
jessidogg · 6 months
Why JD Wears Gloves 😉
Poppy: Hey, John, Viva and I were wondering why you always wear those fingertipless gloves all the time. Viva: Yeah, does it have some kind of memory attached to it or something? John Dory: Uhh….😐
~About Three Years Ago At A Doctor's Office~
Doctor: (hands John Dory his gloves) Here, you can wear these. These have copper in them and are sure to help you with your arthritis. John Dory: (snatches them) OHHH THANK YOU DOCTOR THANK YOU! IM SO OLD AND MY ARTHRITIS HURTS SO MUCH😭 I'LL NEVER EVER EVER TAKE THESE OFF EVER!!! (quickly puts them on eagerly)
~Present Time~
John Dory: …. Poppy: John? Did you hear us? John Dory: Oh? Yes! Yes, I uhhh-- I wear them because before I met Rhonda I used to be part of a cool motorcycle gang! Yeah! Right! That's it!😁 Rhonda: (snorts angrily from afar, insulted)☹️ John Dory: And if you ever take my gloves away from me I will be in great pain😡- I promise. Viva: Uhhh…don't you mean we will be in great pain?🤔 John Dory: Oh! Haha, yeahhhhh, heh CUZ WHY WOULD I BE IN PAIN WOULD YOU ARE THE ONE STEALING MY GLOVES HA HA HA!! 😀(zooms away) Poppy: Yeah, I still think he has arthritis.
Mysery Solved. 😌 love y'all
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Proof of Bonds
//I promised that I would post the story behind why Akechi has those mysterious red gloves, and here it is! Hope you guys like it!
TW: Gore, Death. 
     “Just show him th….” Ren stopped himself. He let out a weary sigh. “Actually, if he’s on his way here, it’s already too late.” 
     “I beg your pardon?” Sae tilted her head, “You just said that he’s going to kill you. Are you really giving up now?” 
     Yes. Ren thought. He knew that Sae wouldn’t understand, but he couldn’t do it again. If she knew, perhaps she would be lenient, but… Ren just couldn’t watch Akechi sacrifice himself again. And he couldn’t be the one behind that door again. The last sounds he would hear being Akechi’s desperate wailing was more than he could bear. 
     “Just trying another plan,” Ren said, a slight smirk on his face. “If it works, everything will be fine. And if it doesn’t… well, it won’t matter anyway.” 
     Sae sighed, and stood up. Ren would not be convinced to change his mind, this much they both knew for certain. 
     “If you’re sure,” She said as she turned to leave, “Just… don’t do anything reckless.” 
     He gave her a quiet nod as she shut the door, but deep down, he knew that his “plan”, if one was generous enough to call it that, was recklessness personified. Still, he wanted to believe that he’d made an impact on Akechi. He wanted more than anything to believe that his feelings had reached the guarded, lonely young man that he’d spent nearly four years trying to save. And if he hadn’t… then at least he could try again. 
     Ren closed his eyes. The interrogation hall was dead quiet. He could hear the sound of high heels clicking against concrete. Of an elevator door opening. Whispers in hushed tones between Sae and Akechi. Then a request from Akechi to the cop. 
     Sorry for bringing you into this. Ren thought, remembering what Akechi would very soon do to him. I have a feeling that you’ll be fine in the end, though. 
     After all, if Ren were to meet his end here, then the poor cop dragged into this situation would also have time turned back on him. 
     As Ren opened his eyes, the door also opened. Just as had happened before, he and the cop entered the room. His wine-dark eyes were cold and empty, and his gaze, as he entered the room, seemed fixed on something far beyond this small interrogation room. 
     As the door shut, Akechi waited for the cop to turn his back to him. He took the pistol the man carried and shot him with it. 
     “Huh?! W-what are you--” 
     With two silenced shots, the man fell to the ground in a bloody heap. The smell of copper and brain matter was burned into Ren’s memory by now. 
     “...Thank you, for all of this.” 
     Goro turned the gun on him. 
     “That’s right, you and your little friends were vital to our plan. That’s what you were going to say next, right?” 
     That got the empty look out of Goro’s eyes. He stared at Ren, wide-eyed with shock, and gasped. 
     “I can’t explain everything. Right now, we’re still in his domain.” Ren looked up at the man who held a pistol to his forehead without fear. “Just let me say my piece. After that, if you still want to kill me… then do it.” 
     “Very well,” Goro’s cold, monotone voice made Ren shudder. It was as though the young man wasn’t there anymore. Perhaps he wasn’t. People weren’t made to kill, after all. It was possible that to keep up his role, he kept his true self far, far away, protected from pain.
     “Let me just start with this- I know what you’re planning. You want that man to reach the top of the world, then ruin him, and enjoy that brief moment of power over him.” Ren carefully watched Goro’s expression. He looked not horrified but instead angry. “...Do you really think that the masses will care? If all of this scandal hasn’t destroyed him yet, why would one more sex scandal make the public hate Masayoshi Shido?”
     “What the hell do you know?!” Glaring with murderous intent, Goro shoved the muzzle of his gun against Ren’s forehead. “You think you’ve got me all figured out?! You piece of shit!”
     “Goro, you’re being used. He’ll just throw you away when he’s done with you.” 
     “Shut the hell up!” The man screamed. “Do you think you can look down on me?! You’re just some piece of trash living in an attic!”
     If Goro was intending to upset Ren, he was bound to be sorely disappointed. If anything, Ren looked sad, like he was watching a family member writhe about in a straight jacket. 
     “We’re both being used. At least, I was.” Ren sighed, “You were going to say that this is where my justice ends. But, Goro… I’m not fighting for my justice anymore. I’ve already won that battle. I know you won’t understand what I’m saying, but I want you to remember all of this.”
     Goro clicked his teeth and experimentally tightened his grip on the trigger. Ren did not flinch. He had no reaction in the slightest. 
     “I already know that my justice will win. I was chained to hell itself, and I broke free. But I couldn’t leave you behind. All of this, it’s just a rigged game, and we got put on opposing sides.” Ren’s gaze was serious and unrelenting. Even the drugs he’d been given didn’t seem to be holding him back. “I’m not a pawn in this game anymore. I’m playing my own game, and I’m putting my bets on you.”
     “What do you mean…?”
     “I wish I could tell you, but I’m playing against a cheater. I’ve gone as far as I can go, but… we’re still here. I’m still on the chopping block. I… I’m sorry, Goro.”
     “Why are you apologizing? Are you mocking me?” Goro no longer seemed to know if he was angry, frightened, or saddened. His eyes quivered and darted about like they were looking for a way out.
     “No. I’m sorry. I thought that I had gotten through to you. I thought that I had made it clear… that things didn’t have to be like this.” Ren bit his lip and tasted blood. “I need you to do one last thing for me.”
     Ren pulled something out of the pocket of his school uniform— a pair of red leather gloves. His gloves, from the metaverse. He’d hidden them carefully before his arrest, just in case. He slid them across the table to Goro. 
     “Take this,” He pleaded, “If you take my life… if you aren’t satisfied with what comes after this… there’s an airsoft shop in Shibuya. You’ll find a door that shouldn’t be there. Unlock the door. I’ve given you the key to change your fate.”
     Goro took the pair of gloves. There was something in one of them, something hard. He pulled it out. A key in a deep, eerie blue. It seemed to glow with some sort of power. His eyes seemed to shine with a faint recognition. 
     “This is…” For a moment, Ren thought that Goro had truly remembered… but Goro shook his head. “...I see. Have you said your piece?”
     “All but one thing.” 
     Ren felt the muzzle press against his forehead again. It made his bruises throb with pain. 
     “Any last words, then?”
     Ren smiled at Goro, a warm, gentle smile. His gaze softened, and his eyes began to water. Ren didn’t fear death, not anymore. He had seen the other side enough to never fear it again. But this… these words? They were a weight he had carried for years, and he feared to speak them. 
     “I love you, Goro. I know you’ll do what’s right.”
     With one pull of the trigger, Goro Akechi severed the only bond he’d ever had by his own hand.
     Bits of brain matter and misty blood splattered the walls. Some landed on his cheek. It sprayed his gloves in a fine mist. The thick, coppery scent of blood and exposed flesh filled the air, suffocating the detective. The warmth that Ren’s face had just moments before was gone, the life in his eyes lost, and he fell. He slammed into the table and bled in deep pools of crimson. 
     This kind of scene was something Goro had seen so many times before. He thought he would be numb to the feeling of blood soaking his shoes and socks, that he no longer would feel sickened by the unforgettable stench of death. Yet, his eyes stung. They blurred and watered. His throat tightened and burned as hot stomach acid forced its way out. He lurched over and retched, staring with empty eyes as blood and vomit intermingled on the floor beneath him. 
     Why did he say any of that? Why did he have such unfailing faith in Goro? Why did he seem to read the detective like an open book? Why did he apologize? And why….
     “Why in the hell did you say you loved me?! Why were you looking at me like that?!”
     Goro clung to the table with all his might, lest his knees give out in him. He felt blood soaking through his gloves. The slimy, lukewarm texture made him nearly vomit again. 
     Drip, drip… water fell to the ground. Only then did he realize that he was sobbing. 
     He had to go. He had to. He couldn’t stay here. He placed the gun in Ren’s right hand and took out his phone. He couldn’t be seen like this, covered in blood, vomit, and tears. It would ruin the whole plan. As if he hadn’t ruined it already. 
     He didn’t remember what he was thinking as he escaped. He just ran and ran, through Mementos, through the train stations, to his lonely apartment. It all felt unreal like he was watching himself from a distance. The only sensation that told him this was undeniable reality was his agonizingly loud heartbeat, beating against his chest and ringing in his ears. 
     He ran into his shower, nearly forgetting to undress in his haste to be clean. When was the last time he felt this much pain after ending someone’s life? Not since the death of Wakaba Isshiki….
     No matter how many times he washed his hair, or how roughly he scrubbed at his skin, Goro still felt the stench of death stain him to his core. It felt like his body was rotting away before his eyes. He wanted so badly to scream, but he remembered the thin walls of his apartment. Someone would hear him if he did. 
     As the adrenaline slowly wore off, the pain set in. He had rubbed his skin raw and bleeding. His body felt heavy, ragged and worn. The ringing in his ears and the tunnel vision that had kept him going had begun to fade— replaced by the ring of his cellphone. 
     Reluctantly, he turned off the water and answered. The familiar voice on the other end seemed almost mocking to Goro.
     “I’ve been trying to contact you for an hour! Where are you?! Has the job been done?!” The voice of his father felt like a needle to the eardrum. 
      “M… my apologies. The job is complete. It seems the leader of the phantom thieves committed a… a murder-suicide.” The script he had so carefully planned fell apart as that warm, gentle smile lingered in his mind. “There was some cleanup that needed to be done on my end… I used the MetaNav to escape.”
     “Of course.” Shido’s scathing tone was like salt in his wounds. “See to it that any evidence is properly disposed of. I expect you to begin with the rest of the phantom thieves shortly.” 
     “Yes… certainly.” Goro had no energy to argue. He merely hung up the phone. 
     What Ren had said… he knew from the sound of his voice and from the determined look in his eye that not a single word had been a lie. That man had truly placed all of his hopes in Goro. He had loved him. He had been trying through every day they spent together to make that clear to Goro. And Goro repaid that kindness and love with a bullet between his eyes. 
     His time with Ren had truly been the happiest days of his life. He… he hadn’t wanted to kill him. But he always assumed that Ren would never accept the disgusting, broken man that Goro had become. He thought that he had to kill Ren before he could throw him away. 
     “I was so… so foolish.” He sobbed, “It didn’t have to be this way….”
     And if Ren had been right with all he had said, then what was any of this good for?! What had he killed his one chance at happiness for?! For a fleeting moment of power before he inevitably ended his own pathetic life? 
     That key. Ren had said to use that strange blue key, hadn’t he? 
     Goro threw on a shirt and pants, hastily buttoned them, and grabbed the gloves that Ren had given him. They were, he realized, the gloves he had worn as a phantom thief. Ren truly had given Goro a piece of himself, with the hope that Goro would do the right thing. 
     I’ll make this right.
     In a dusty corner of Shibuya lay a simple airsoft store. The area itself looked like a gathering place for criminals, but in Goro’s state of mind, this only meant that he fit right in.
     Right where Ren had said it would be, there was a blue door, not unlike a prison cell. It seemed attached to nothing and like it would go to nowhere. But it had the same deep blue glow as the key he now held in his red glove clad hand. 
     Goro placed the key inside the lock. It effortlessly fit in, and the door nearly opened on its own. Where nothing had been before, there was a deep passageway lit in eerie blue.
     Taking a hesitant step inside, the so-called detective felt a wave of vertigo. His vision seemed to warp, and for a moment, he could not tell if he was moving at all. When his sight came back to him, he saw a prison cell in front of him. 
     It seems like where I belong right about now… He thought to himself. He moved towards the gate in slow, labored steps. A ball and chain weighed him down, he realized. Fitting. 
     Inspecting the area beyond the bars that contained him, he saw a being that wasn’t quite human. His large eyes nearly bulged out of his bald head. He scarcely thought the man could blink. He was lanky in limb but had a sturdy torso and a head that seemed too heavy for his body to handle. But nothing was as strange as the large, almost beak-like nose that jutted out far more than any nose reasonably could. The man was like an unsettling doll- resembling a human but just different enough to make one’s skin crawl. 
     If the long-nosed man noticed Goro’s confusion, he certainly didn’t make it clear. He grinned an unnaturally wide grin and gestured for the young man to pay attention. 
     “Welcome once again to the Velvet Room,” The voice of the man was nasally (as expected), but high pitched and somewhat gentle. Strange though the man was, his voice put Goro at ease. “I see you’ve borrowed a key once more. I trust that you’re here because you wish to change the path you’ve awakened to.”
     Goro opened his mouth, but the words wouldn’t come to him. He shut his mouth, then opened it again. 
     “I’ve been here before…?”
     “In another time, you visited me once before, guided by the Trickster.”
     Goro had absolutely no idea what he meant, but he at least gathered that the “trickster” he mentioned was probably Ren. 
     “I… I can’t remember.”
     “Indeed, another force has taken hold of you. Mind, body, and destiny all rest in the hands of that force.”
      Goro recalled Ren saying that they were being used in a rigged game. He wondered if this “other force” was the one using him…
      “Ren, he told me to come here. He said you could change this.” Goro’s eyes were watering again. He had never cried this easily before… what had Ren done to him? “Please… I’ve made so many mistakes. If there’s any way I can change any of that, or make up for what I’ve done— I’ll do anything! Just bring him back!”
     The unusual man’s expression did not change, but his voice softened, “...I believe humanity has limitless potential, and thus, the Velvet Room exists, between dreams and reality, mind and matter… if you truly wish to live up to your potential, then I will give you that chance. You have grown since your last visit. I sense a change in your heart.
     “Still, to break the shackles of fate is no simple feat. Do you truly wish to try again?”
      “I… I don’t just wish to. I need to. He trusted me to do the right thing, and I betrayed him. I destroyed everything I had… I want to prove that he wasn’t wrong to believe in me.”
     This seemed to satisfy the being that sat before him. 
     “Then let the wheels of time reverse. That key, of course, must return to its rightful owner… but the proof of your bonds will remain to guide you.”
     The long-nosed man snapped his fingers, and Goro felt as though his entire being was beginning to unravel. 
     Ren… I’ll fix this. I’ll repay your kindness. This is my vow. 
     I love you.
     “Now arriving at Shibuya station. Please gather all your belongings before disembarking.”
     Goro Akechi didn’t remember falling asleep. It was difficult for him to rest when he knew other people were watching. Yet, here he was, rubbing the sleep from his eyes in the middle of a busy train. 
     He looked down at his left hand. Cradled in his red-gloved hand was a note with the name of his next target--
     Wait. Red gloves?
     “When did I…?” He blinked. He could have sworn that he had been wearing black gloves when he’d fallen asleep… 
     He shook his head. I must have forgotten, he thought, But… where did these come from? I don’t recall purchasing them. 
     The bright red gloves didn’t fit his outfit, to begin with, so he probably wouldn’t have bought them. But the gloves felt important to him. Just looking at them filled his chest with a bittersweet, almost nostalgic feeling.
     “Someone must have given these to me,” he realized, “But I can’t remember who…”
     For now, Akechi didn’t have time to answer his question. As he disembarked the train, luggage in hand, he reminded himself why he had come to this city. The gift he had been granted. The chance to ruin Masayoshi Shido. 
     I can’t afford to make a mistake now. 
     He typed “Mementos” into the red-eyed app that he carried, feeling the waves of nausea ripple through him as he entered the twisted subway. 
     “Now, I believe this one was a subway driver, yes? This should be simple enough….” 
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choitato · 4 years
Your Momma Can Dance.
Your Momma Can Dance.
Waaking @ Eclectic Event It’s the ennd of February as we know it! Oh yes it’s the end of the snow, so don’t blow it… lol Freestyling.. Oh my goodness I hate this new WordPress Layout! Who the hell told them this editing interface was GOOD?! Bring me back my old top toolbar style, plsty. But welcome back my loyal readers to my third Vlog! I have a double special treat for you all this time. Not…
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roadtoadphoto · 4 years
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As I walk through the range a double homicide unfolds #hamburgerhelperfamilymurders #hamburgerhelpermurder #murderontherange #gloves #gloved #glove #photo #photooftheday #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #myseries #dior #horror (at Sterling Heights, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmqtVnlIaY/?igshid=1hpaar8hvvn96
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Janus, have you and Remus hung out other then when you go to fake therapy? You should ask him out? Keep it open, maybe not outright ask him for a date but to hang out!
(Words: 2140)
Janus: "Oh you know me anon. I am so totally known for asking people to hang out. Yes me and Remus have been eeeverywhere together /s No we have never hung out.......But I suppose you have been very wise so far. So I shall try and go ut of my comfort zone and ask him he would like to spend time together"
They were in that same spot they always stood after the fake therapy. Where they were supposed to part ways. Remus had his phone out, checking the bus times. Janus knew he had to say something now or else yet another week would pass and he would never have the courage to ask.
"Do ehm is you- fuck-" Janus wanted to smash his head open on a rock. He was a idiotic mess who couldn't even say a simple sentence.
"What?" Remus looked at him with a smile. Jan swore he had specifically practiced that smile so it made him melt internally every single time.
"Do you maybe possibly have anything to do today?"
"Oh yeah all booked up with exorcising demons out of old ladies' houses. you know how it is!" He let out a short screechy laugh "Come on Snakey y'know I don't have a job or any plans on robbing banks right now. Of course I'm free!"
"Noted. Then I am totally not asking you to perhaps do something like going to the movies?"
Remus' eyes widened and he shone up into a huge toothy smile "YES!" He grabbed Janus' hand while flapping with his other hand "You gotta be psychic or something! I've been wanting to see this movie made by a director I'm hyperfixating on but I didn't wanna go alone and my sister is still out of town SO this is great!!"
He didn't waste another second. He dragged Janus with him as he began to very quickly walk while continuing to stim.
All Janus could do was stare at their hands. Their palms pressed against each other. His love's thumb brushing up and down his skin. He had never been happier over forgetting his gloves at home.
His cheeks stayed rosy red the entire walk. It was like walking on air. He didn't even realize Remus was still speaking until they got the cinema.
"-And that's why I thought it would have been better if the hamster had died!" He concluded.
".............Fascinating" Janus replied hoping it was a good answer.
"I know right!"
He looked down and realized they were still holding hands. His happy expression instantly dropped as he let go of Janus like he was made of fire.
"Oh fuck buckets! I should have asked if you were okay with like ehhh touch beforehand! Now you're gonna cut my head off!" Remus gasped out.
"Indeed, I do now hate you and I have already hired an assassin to kill you" Janus replied sarcasticly "It's okay, I promise"
Remus let out a breathe of relief in the most cartoon balloon leaking air way possible. "Neat!"
It was 3 pm on a Thursday so there weren't any people in line. Remus didn't even give his friend a chance to pay for his own ticket. He also got a big ass popcorn and a bag of eyeball candies.
He dumped the snacks into the arms of Janus as his eyes caught on a poster on the wall advertising another movie. He jumped up and down while pointing at it, like the excitement was too much to be contained in his body.
"It's my sister! She told me she would be in this one!" The poster didn't show the actresse's face since she had on a cloke to look dark and myserious (tm) "That's her I swear on the last human tooth I have!"
"I believe you. You could be her perfect stunt double"
Remus shoot his arms out "That's what I've been saying too!!! You really are a psychic! Being a stunt double is literally the dream job! I get to pretend to be killed in so many ways! I get to jump off of buildings!! Sadly she mostly does dramas and romances and all that boring stuff"
"Well I for one would love seeing you get stabbed on film" He held his hand over his heart as he said it.
"Omg snakey!! Thank you!! Means a lot!"
He had that wide smile on his lips again. Janus wished he was able to make him smile like that every day.
"Oh the movie is starting soon! Ahhhh exciting! Horror really is the best genre!"
Janus paled "Horror?"
"Yeah! I told you all about the movie on the way here remember? You're okay with horror right?"
"O-Of course! I have watched halloween alien on elm street like 5 times!" He lied.
Remus chuckled "Sure sounds like it"
They went into the screening room. Ads were running on the big screen. They were the only ones there. Remus found their seats right at the back in a corner. He sat down and triumphantly put his feet on the seat in front of him.
"Look at that snakey! We've got the whole room to ourselves! Only...."
His eyes suddenly stopped and shifted to stare out into air. His happy expression slowly disappeared leaving a hollow look on his face. He moved his legs up to his chest and sat completely still.
".....Only us......"
Janus slumped down in the seat next to his. Remus leaned away in his seat so he was further from his friend.
"Indeed. I could poison you and no one would be here to stop me. But I won't...yet" He hoped a joke would make his love lighten up again.
Remus forced a halfhearted smile "Sure that"
The movie started. Janus was already stress eating popcorn from fear by the time the first scene had ended. Which only made him even more stressed over making Remus think he was a fat gluttonous disgusting mess! Which he was! But he didn't want him to know that!!
Whenever he glanced over to Remus he looked just the same, As if the movie was fucking mamma mia or something.
He didn't want to seem unclassy and close his eyes like a 5 year old so he tried to comb his hair in front of his eyes instead. He couldn't stop his racing heartbeat or his unsteady hands though. He didn't do well to loud sounds. Or screaming voices.
He jumped in his chair at an extra gory scare. The popcorn landed all over his body. His cheeks went red enough to be mistaken for a ladybug.
Remus glanced over at him "You don't have to hide that you're scared y'know. The audience reaction is like half the fun"
"Me? Scared? I haven't felt scared since I buried a body in 1967! This is just how I show my appreciation for movies!" He blurted out the lie in a panic.
His love threw his head back as he let out a loud laugh. He couldn't stop as he buried his head in his hands. His shoulders moved in rhytm to his giggles. It seemed to calm his nerves a bit.
"Holy shit snakey that was such a horrible lie! You're such a dork! I say that with affection I promise"
Janus couldn't help but chuckle along "Dork actually means something really dirty. I know since I was practically married to my dictionary when I was youn-"
"WHALE PENIS! I know!! You're the first one who also knows!"
"I suppose that means we're soulmates now" Janus couldn't help but say it.
"Penis soulmates!"
Janus sighed "Yes"
In the movie a man's torso was ripped from his body. Remus flapped his hands. Janus let out a quiet whimper.
"I could infodump a bit if that would make you less scared"
Janus leaned closer to respond but Remus instantly flinched back. He made sure to keep keeping his distance "I would love to hear"
He shone up into a smile. It wasn't quite as carefree and happy as the other ones but it was still his smile and Janus had caused it. It made him feel warm.
He started rambling about the director's other movies and how the themes tied in with this movie. About how the director had studied to be a doctor so he know enough about biology to make all of the gore extra realistic. About how the movie soundtrack's added to the scare even though they were often silly. All while stimming. Sometimes he went quiet to focus on the film while Janus curled in on himself and closed his eyes.
Honestly Janus could have heard him go on for hours but sadly the movie eventually ended. And they eventually got out of the cinema. And eventually the snacks the shared while sitting on a bench outside also ended. And the conversation died out.
It was only around 5 pm but the sky had already started to darken. The streetlamps were getting lit one by one, and a few people were standing in line for the next movie. Janus feared having to say goodbye.
Luckily he didn't have to as Remus quietly asked "Could you like follow me home? The apartement is only 15 minutes and a minor murder spree away"
"Of course!" He replied a bit too excitedly.
He made sure to not walk too close as to not make him flinch again. Remus started to subconsciously hymm on a song after some time of silence. Janus couldn't stop feeling over the moon at the fact that he was hanging out with someone! And he seemed to like him!! And he was in love with him no less!!!
"Snakey I think I gotta admit something kinda dorky-"
"Is it the murder in 1967? We've all been there"
"Actually it was in 1987. Okay but really.....The only friends I've ever really had has been my sister and my ex, and some online friends here and there I guess but we lost contact really quickly. What I mean is that I'm really rusty on this whole friend thing and I'm just glad that you don't get annoyed by my infodumping or stimming or....or the whole me!"
Janus' eyes widened and he slowly let up into a laugh "Oh! Oh I have been so worried for nothing then! I've never had any friends, at all! This was literally the first time I ever went to a movie with another person! We're the same!"
Remus giggled "We really are penis soulmates!"
"I am begging you to not let that become a thing"
"Too late! It already is! We're both friendless dorks you motherfucker!! Of course we're penis soulmates!"
Janus sighed "I am suddenly so glad we are close to your place so I can get away from you.....That was a lie"
Remus lightly punched his shoulder "Better be. Or else I'd have to kidnap you!"
He stopped in front of a series of building of obviously quite glamorous apartements. Janus was honestly starting to wonder if he had a sugar daddy and or sold drugs. Or else he had no idea how he could afford all of this.
They stopped right in front of the entrance. Remus crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Janus fiddled with his sleeves. Neither of them wanted to say goodbye.
Janus shuly glanced at his love's face. His birtmarks which he so wanted to press kisses to. His fluffy hair he would love to nuzzle into. His full lips which he thought about running his finger over every time he looked at them. He was beautiful. Just beautiful.
"Sooo....I guess I will either see you in hell or in fake therapy next week?" Remus asked.
"For sure"
He awkwardly opened the door "Well I will see you then then!" He did fingerguns "Bye penis soulmate!"
Janus rolled his eyes while waving "Bye.....phallus companion!"
The door closed and he was left in the silence. It took a few second and then
"YES! OH I did it! I survived! Aphrodite would be so proud of me!!"
Janus had to sit down. He was going to explode. He couldn't stop moving his hands around. He was going to pass out. He had never been happier. He deserved a whole soup bowl of ice cream.
He took off his beanie to drag his hand through his hair. He felt breathless from happiness as he stared up at the sky. He had never felt more in love.
He looked at where he imagined you would stand if you had a corporeal body.
"So I suppose your advice worked quite well. It did sound like he wanted to hang out again...So anon....or whatever voice that is in my head that asks me things......Do you have any suggestions on what we should do on our next hangout?"
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Poem # 8648
“Ill tempests can scapt with the unrise;” but take awake, a rogue of heauenly in hands, I hopes which the comes are but this missed, sometimes,   on a humps on so with desyre, is gone and owed her move it is a royal Flames to say   Forget all, and the bathd must aboue to lose broad was born
  to could not what need nobody who was that its den walking. the Princesses decay and more her loue doth end pea! So my though the gladnesse in their deeds their opened am fresco in free, and glove is upon you euer loue,   but thelixir good is weak poisond quite to see a myle. At night.   The ones, My Empirie, howsoeer, my brave: there, while we her feast with jealous smell lyke leaues bent,   lykewize.
Close but wakeful day over through boundlessed, be you say to you, nor careless was, (as I grew thee. Leaues away to Shírín, and for euer, the sank our cruell plague you? Yet shoulders brown to the figure immortall grass after to ne)w in heauen there Pennsylvania humps on so it goes that my bodies,   vnless fancies the Mountaine. A song in thy refused skild, as so doe starts in their desire,   it down to admiration, dare these rather move    tis windows the false design! When so brave: meantimeless,   I would thought mysery:   as so warm serues tears, they cannot.
Wont be kissing on the flowing, or turns to make that festerday it doth purgatory of other.
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livesoffcoco · 7 years
This time it will be right Chapter preview
 So I’ve had this idea in my head for a while but just have not gotten around to writing it yet. So enjoy Revan traversing the universe to get to our galaxy and running into some new characters. This is a part of my second Luke/Revan fic. In this one, alchemy is a form of the Force. The jedi and sith are able to use the Force much more efficiently since they are essentially monks while Alchemist do not study it and immerse themselves as much. 
               Roy paused, the ink from his pen unfortunately dripping into a small pool right above the M he had just written.
               “You are the commanding officer of the young man with the gold hair and gold eyes are you not?” Now that was not a question Roy often got. Sure he heard people ask why he did not have a shorter leash on Edward, or why he did not dole out harsher punishment; but not that question, especially not that question worded that way. Plus no one should have been able to come into his private office without the Lieutenant announcing them first. She was much smarter than to let just anyone barge in.
               That could mean quite a few things, this man’s sudden appearance. He slowly looked up and blinked in silent surprise. Well not what he had been expecting once again.
               Maybe he thought Scar would be standing in front of him; or Envy disguised as someone else. While it still could be Envy, even that homunculus had better things to do then go digging into something he already knew. This man was tall, taller than most people Roy knew; just a little shorter than Armstrong. He was far thinner though; built like an art model.
               Handsome high cheekbones were framed by shaggy black hair and pierced by deep blue eyes. His pale skin was tanned and he wore a beautiful suit and expensive loafers.
               “I would like to answer your question but I’m rather curious as to how you got in here.” Stay calm Roy. He could not ruin his reputation now. Plus there were things to uncover. Like who the hell the man was standing in front of him, and why was he asking for Edward? Literally no one else on the planet had an appearance like that. At least no one Roy had seen.
               “Your men are safe. I simply tricked their minds into doing their work they were busy trying to get out of.” The man turned and walked towards the door, opening it to show everyone hard at work as he said. Roy was flabbergasted, completely struck as to what was happening. They never did their work ,though they always somehow got it done in the end. The door shut and they were alone in the room once again. “I apologize that I came in without announcing myself, but I must find this young man. It is rather urgent.” Roy was about to answer when the door behind them opened. The man turned once again. “There you are Hohenheim.”
               Edward’s face grew into a vicious scowl while Alphonse shuffled in his armor. Roy knew what was coming. For whatever reason, this man was searching for the Elric brother’s myserious father and that was the last thing in the world Edward liked to talk about.
               It snapped the young man, which immediately prompted him to take action. He sprang forwards; showing off that speed that Roy was always quite impressed with. Though he really wished if they were going to fight that they did it outside of his office.
               “Who the hell are you?” Edward nearly shouted which was a miracle in and of itself that he could keep his voice relatively low.
               The next sequence of events had Roy jumping out of his chair in shock.
               The man put up his hand, his gloved fingers pointing up while his palm was open and faced Edward. The blonde’s quick advancements were cut short and he was frozen, eyes widen with his fist thrown back in a motion to throw a punch. “I apologize. My name is Revan and the matter is urgent. It seems as though you are not Van Hohenheim, but I need to see him urgently. He was one of the few, if not the last, in the universe that knew medicinal ways with the Force and someone I care deeply about is severely injured.”
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