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peodavies 5 years ago
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While reflecting on the year, I got this sweet note from my friend and brother @ojerryofficial, he knows am a shy person but he called me out. We all have the opportunity to make the world a better place. Thanks Jerry for the #hostility (#hospitality), I will definitely #retaliate (#reciprocate) #Shoutout #Thanks #Peodavies #PRConsultantlagos #MyPRlife #PRlifestyle #Prlife #agencylife #Trustedadviser #Promoterofgoodworks #liveyourpassion #Culturaladvocate #Christmas #Reflection https://www.instagram.com/p/B6TPiFSJ3_C/?igshid=1ewt4afh1n6d9
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pappythrill 8 years ago
Maximum Respect Famo 馃檹@officialchrisay Repost from @officialchrisay using @RepostRegramApp - Press Play 馃幖馃帳. EXCUSE ME 鈽濓笍 Everyone... @pappythrill released his new single "Bless Up" I can't stop listening to it 馃檶馃従 Click Website In Bio To Watch Video. 馃檹 Straight outta Naija! . #StartOver #thisisYOURyear #pappythrill #NewSingle #blessupbypappythrill #Billboard #pressplay #goodmusic #abuja #lagos #musiclover #musiq #instamusic #concerts #music #musician #letsgo #newvideo #myfavoritesong #HipHopSoul #nigeria #entrepreneur #newmusic #MYPRLife #listentothis #myfavoritesong
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jackhsu1030-blog 8 years ago
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銆奌ouse of Tiffany銆媔n Taipei 2016 #fall # masterpieces #myprlife
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oseipr 9 years ago
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PR is a thankless job. There's so much that goes into securing client interest, let alone a placement, and most times efforts go unnoticed. So we were pleasantly surprised to receive a note from a colleague of a client recognizing our hard work. #PoweRgirl #prgirls #press #pitching #placements #results #OseiPR . . . . . . #fashionpr #beautypr #accessories #handbags #emergingdesigner #paris #nyc #dc #acreativedc #womeninpr #myprlife #prgirlsdoitbetter
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peodavies 5 years ago
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Having gone through the year, it's been a remarkable year for many people but nonetheless, God is still in the business of surprising people. There would be new stock in your barn this new month. In fact, for some, what they will have this month will surpass all that have had since the beginning of the year. It's my Novel- Barn! It's my full barn! It's my November! Am set to give thanks! #November #Peodavies #Promoterofgoodworks #liveyourpassion #prconsultantlagos #prspecialist #publicaffairs #PRlifestyle #myagencylife #agencylife #Prlife #MyPRlife #thanksgiving #mediatrainer #mediastrategy #communicationstrategy #Communityrelations https://www.instagram.com/p/B4U6WGXlNZ5/?igshid=105y6ccpx18vu
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peodavies 5 years ago
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My big brother, Dapo Ipadeola, had imbibed in me years ago that succeeding together is the way to prosperity. This was reiterated by Noo Saro-Wiwa in the book, "Silence will be Treason: last writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa. In our dealings this week, 'let's not be the only rich man amongst six persons' as said by the Yorubas. Let's share success!! #Mondaymotivation #Success #Prosperity #Individual #Promoterofgoodworks #liveyourpassion #MyPRlife #prlifestyle #Prlife #agencylife #PRConsultantlagos #PR #publicrelations #publicaffairs #reputationmanagement #mediatactics #reputationmanagement #communicationsstrategist https://www.instagram.com/p/B4KeJJ0FiNQ/?igshid=l9ab1z7c3ube
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peodavies 6 years ago
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As an Arts Enthusiast, I celebrate artistic feat always. Regardless of what March looks like, we are Marching forward to the stage to enjoy the feast of "Our Husband has Gone Mad Again" written by Ola Rotimi and prepared by @mosaic_theatreng. Join us #Theatre #StageProduction #TerraKulture #OlaRotimi #Peodavies #Arts #Creative #Actor #MyPRLife #TrustedAdviser #Promoterofgoodworks #MenwithStyle #LiveYourPassion #ArtEnthusiast https://www.instagram.com/p/BuGYfX4HzgY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hk1k5jtrrsml
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peodavies 6 years ago
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There are various brands that have been able to walk their way into the heart of people and all competitions are called by their own brand. This shows that if you will want to capture the heart (interest and attention) of a person speak to him/her in a language that he/she understands. A translator into any Nigerian language, will add to your desired mileage. There are lots of Nigerians who will patronize your brand if you speak to them about your brand in their language #translation #Brand #Dominantbrand #Languages #Creative #Promoterofgoodworks #culturalexponent #culturadvocate #Competition #Peodavies #Translator #PRConsultant #Media #TrustedAdviser #LifestylePR #MyPRLife #publicist #Quote #OlutayoIrantiola https://www.instagram.com/p/BpO5HQJnqQz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dxsa439qnl4
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peodavies 6 years ago
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When you see people at a desk like this, they are doing all these at once... brainstorming, synergizing, networking, ready to pursue a common cause & granting opportunities to others to be a part of it #Networking #synergy #Brainstorming #Cause #Goal #Roundtable #Peodavies #Teamplayer #MyPRLife #PRLife #PublicRelations #PublicAffairs #publicist #TrustedAdviser #Lagoslife https://www.instagram.com/p/BpdBFPgnzSp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kikj1kgxj69e
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peodavies 6 years ago
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Two Kings- Ancient and Contemporary, Kabiyesi and Igwe, Clean shave and bearded, Oldie and Newbie, Father and Son, Men in cap! #Familyties #Homegrown #Men #ACitySetonTheHillCanNeverBeHidden #Okeho #ProudlyYoruba #Promoterofgoodworks #PRConsultant #Media #TrustedAdviser #LifestylePR #MyPRLife #publicist https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo4sKIRnm7b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vvsx644hxon5
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peodavies 7 years ago
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Cross over from being clients to friends, this is the best way of retaining your clients and becoming their trusted adviser. Client Service in today's world has broken the "wall of Jericho" called bureaucracy. I live to delight my clients at all opportunity In conversation with @negedooz #ClientService #MyPRLife #publicist #TrustedAdviser #LifestylePR #Event #Lagos #BrandManagement #Peodavies #ClientRetention #PublicRelations #mediarelations #MediaTraining #MediaConsultant #MediaCoach https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm_NV2MhFsk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1huya4bdg174h
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peodavies 7 years ago
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Medically, some drugs have lost their potency because people do not complete their dosage. As such, the causative agent develops resistance to such drugs. The same goes for a lot of our endeavors as humans, if we don't complete it, we would start all over again. We have a lot to gain from not stopping. For all that you have began, don't stop!!! #Charge #Motivational #Peodavies #culturalexponent #OlutayoIrantiola #Wisdom #Quotes #MyPRLife #publicist #TrustedAdviser #Creative #Promoterofgoodworks #PRConsultant
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peodavies 7 years ago
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I celebrate you today, Sir. Many may see it as your birthday alone but it's another day for me to reflect, "Have I got closer to his attainment, dedication, generous personality, hospitable life and passionate disposition to God and humanity?" Papa Tim to his contemporary in Il茅-Ife; Baba to his many children and my own dearest Uncle Tim! You are another quality product from Okeho that has great relevance at home and abroad. Long may you live while you keep basking in the euphoria of God's blessing. We love you. #Happybirthday #Mentor #Father #Unclesboy #ProudlyYoruba #Promoterofgoodworks #MyPRLife #publicist #ProudlyOkeho #omoOlofin #Peodavies #TimAmosun #qualityspeaks #entrepreneur
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peodavies 7 years ago
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Here is my Uncle, who has well pleased me As a small boy, while I was on holiday at my Grandparent's place, I went with one of my accomplices with the intention of crossing a fence with a plank. He had got on the fence but lo and behold, the plank gave in halfway to my journey to the fence. I fell and the plank hit me some hard on my leg that I had a dislocation. I went into the house & this uncle played with me and I got annoyed, I cried and went to bed. When I woke up, I could not stand up. The details is for another day. At another point in time, he comes around for weekend in Ibadan, I am sure that I will have a plate of cowleg "bokoto" pepper soup. I got overfed on and I lost count of the number of times. Then, I also traced him through his church on one of my adventures around Lagos. I have shared many memorable moments with him. In fact, I studied the same course with him although in different universities. Happy birthday to Uncle Abiola Okesiji. #BirthdayUncle #Happybirthday #Celebration #Peodavies #culturalexponent #EnglishGrads #Ife #Ilorin #Promoterofgoodworks #MyPRLife #publicist #TrustedAdviser #LifestylePR
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peodavies 7 years ago
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The myopic #assumption is that your father's #farm is the biggest, you will #discover the #salient #truth when you see another man's farm. #Traveller #Peodavies #Dubai #TourDubai #Egyptian #MyPRLife #publicist #TrustedAdviser #Creative #Promoterofgoodworks #LifestylePR #PRConsultant
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peodavies 4 years ago
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#PRQuote Who are those that bear the brunt when there is a Crisis? It is usually the Communications department or the PR Agency. Many times, we do not seek to know the business problem first before it becomes a communication problem. Many at times, the comms team would draft a release for the concerned department to review or call a press conference alongside the concerned unit. As advised by Helio Fred Garcia, "Every Crisis is a business problem before it's a Communication problem and you can't communicate your way out of a business problem" Don't just blame it on the Communication team! Let's address the business problem first. Once the society gets wind of the business problem, the Comms effort would not have a lasting effect! Your communicatively, Olutayo #prtips #publicaffairs #PublicRelations #Peodavies #liveyourpassion #Trustedadviser #promoterofgoodworks #MyPRlife #myagencylife #PRlifestyle #ProactiveCommununicator #communityrelations #corporatecommunications #pragencylife #clientservice #crisiscommunications #PRConsultantLagos #communicationstrategy #publicrelationsspecialist (at Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrDulMpUSX/?igshid=hfhzctnam8jo
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