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errorpoint777 · 2 years ago
In my opinion law shouldnt be forced to anyone, I love neville and his stories he actually inspired me to know law more but i feel neville wasnt only teacher of this law and you guys should know there is also book about power of subconscious mind, we truly in law where everyone is thinking their way is best but baby everyone is different you can’t say red is like 💚, I manifested things by affirming and also imagination only person that can truly help you is only yourself, not void not affirm not imagination if you didnt even try believe in you, It sucks see people now says put their belifs and hate on other when we can respect each other tbh but honestly do what works for you love
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elliereynarojas · 3 years ago
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I don’t need anyone’s open I’m living happily in my own reality and I’m not planning on changing it to a lesser vibe. You either lift me up or I move on. #mylifemyway #myownrules #betruetoyourself #uplift #unconditionalsupport #bereal #betrue #beunlimited #beadventurous #beaccepting #benonjudgemental #simplybe (at San Antonio, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRpcA-1sK_Y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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anthonyvcrivello · 5 years ago
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Here’s how I play #Monopoly! I’m a #slumlord, and just tore down #TheGrandOleOpry and put up my #mansion ! That’s my #limo parked out front!! #styling as #imakemyownrules #myownrules #! #1 #yeahbaby ! #FCoronaVirus ! https://www.instagram.com/p/B90WV9sJucy/?igshid=1rlury1j69j35
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diyanadnan · 7 years ago
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My own self. #nanaquotes #pinterest #loveyourself #life #myownrules
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susanneeskens · 4 years ago
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HI MOOIERD! Vorige week deelde Inge @deliefdesdokter een blog over corona als haar eigen life coach en twee grote hobbels die ze de afgelopen tijd heeft genomen. Één daarvan was haar vrees voor de camera. En dat herken ik wel. Ik heb nooit echt moeite gehad om videocalls te doen. Wat ik wel altijd vervelend vond was om mezelf de hele tijd te zien. Alsof er een vergrootglas op alles ligt waar je zelf niet blij mee bent. Lekker confronterend... Maarja, het kan nu niet anders. En dus spendeer ik sinds maart uren per week voor de camera met coachgesprekken, meetings, trainingsdagen en interviews. Langzaam maar zeker begon ik aan mijn eigen gezicht te wennen. Na een tijdje viel me tijdens een training ineens op hoe mijn ogen spreken en bij het terugkijken van een interview kon ik ervan genieten hoe ongedwongen ik zat te lachen. Zo zag ik steeds meer van wat me eigenlijk best bevalt. En zaken die me eerder dwars zaten, zoals mijn onderkin, daar maakte ik me niet zo druk meer over. Mijn irritaties werden minder, mijn waardering steeds meer. Ik kon mezelf gaan zien zoals mensen om me heen dat doen. Zoals ik ben, zonder overtuigingen van vroeger. En toen ik vorige week het stuk van Inge las, dacht ik: ik ben niet alleen gewend aan mijn eigen gezicht... Ik kan nu ook zeggen: Ik vind mezelf mooi! Foto: @nielsvinck . . . . #mooierd #selflove #zelfliefde #lekkermezelf #acceptance #curvy #loveyourself #bodypositive #mindmatters #mindful #selfacceptance #freeyourself #myownrules #lifecoach #liefdesdokter #inzicht https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaTwy3jX3L/?igshid=qt2eve9c9l77
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iambrandongunderson-blog · 6 years ago
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Play the game and you’ll end up at the top. 🧐😏🌎🤴🏻 #livehappy #laketahoe #myownrules #peacebewithyou (at Emerald Bay State Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHn8aBlQOP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uh7yvsty4iq8
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bathroomshutin · 7 years ago
squiped!starter for @imake-myownrules
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“You look like someone who knows how to have a good time,” he said, putting an arm around the other’s shoulders. “I’m going to have a party at my place tonight, and you should definitely come. I mean, you can come over right now if you want -- I just stocked up on everything we’re gonna need.”
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ourpsychicfg · 5 years ago
My Hot Coffee Worthy Rule - Coffee Princess Chae Song Hwa 👩‍⚕️
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When I personally brewed a hand drip coffee using my favorite set of personalised coffee mugs, it will be for someone very special to me whom I care and he will not be uncomfortable receiving it ❤❤❤
- Coffee Princess Chae Song Hwa👸
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Hot Coffee Worthy Cr. to BoD
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jaidaaphotography · 7 years ago
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Confession: I'm a rebel. I like to do what I want, when I want, and anyone saying it can't be done just makes me go harder and do it better than I originally planned. : By far the most rebellious thing I've ever done was quit my job as a prosecutor to go volunteer info Costa Rica. It was amazing and life changing!! : I have a couple more things up my sleeve (like this purple hair) and can't wait to see them all happen. However, I'm interested in knowing what is the most rebellious thing you've ever done and how did it transform you? : : #jaidaaphotography #rebel #rebellious #ididitmyway #fiercelyfeminine #fierce #myownrules #photographerlife #purplehair #photograpHER #rebelblackgirl #attorneylife #versatility #randomconfession #random #confession #dcphotographer #dccurvymodel #dcportraitphotographer #curvygirl #blogger #dccurves #bodypositive #heycurves #curvymodel #dmvphotographer #dcblogger (at Temple Hills, Maryland)
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ankarastreets · 8 years ago
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I have to remember I'm chasing my own dreams, we get caught up in other people's success, things other people have, and accomplishments other people have achieved. We begin to play the comparison game. But that only makes us more stagnant. Get out of that vicious cycle of comparing your life to others. Turn your focus to your gifts, your natural talents, things that flow out of your spirit with ease, and you'll immediately get inspired, and then- GET TO WORK 💪🏽 #momboss #myOwnRules #myKindOfSuccess pic by @jkdowdmedia location @clubedendc hair @bobbiboss_hair by way of @love_samsbeauty
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errorpoint777 · 2 years ago
Hello, I came here from twt taking break from it honestly if anyone had questions about law of assumption let me know btw this isnot based on neville goddar ❤️
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dondiesel · 8 years ago
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Dey dnt know how I'm comin'...but dey kno I'M COMIN' #NoCompEP😡 #SwitchDaGameUp #MyOwnRules #ONE💯
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moonpvwers · 7 years ago
@imake-myownrules commented for a starter
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it was almost too obvious for john to say he was confused. sure, he accepted some fantastical things since neverland, but this was just too much. one minute he was home the next he was here in a body that didn’t belong to him, a female body at that. it was a bit of a disappointment. it really did have the opportunity for being a real adventure and fun, but without michael or wendy what was the point? he would just have to stay calm and work on getting home. with a sigh john approached the first person he saw. “pardon me sir, would you happen to be able to point me in the direction of the nearest police station? i believe i’ve gotten myself rather lost.”
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thesumedhramteke-blog · 5 years ago
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#idontcare #whatotherpeoplethink of me. #ienjoymylife with #myownrules
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fabarmybeauty · 8 years ago
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È partito un contest speciale: in palio 30 flaconi #LiveIrresistible di Givenchy e una giornata irresistibile! Basta votare il proprio video preferito, questo che vedete è #BeAnIcon. Gli altri su http://ift.tt/2mmD4z1 #MyOwnRules #GivenchyBeauty @givenchybeauty
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advent93 · 9 years ago
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Haii instagramers semua, selamat berbuka puasa ya ? Gimana puasa kamu semua nya ? Mudah2an lancar dan berpahala ya teman2 :) Oia, untuk kamu2 semua yg dari kemaren minta di follback, maaf banget kalo belum di follback karna gue selaku punya akun ini paling males kalo dibuat privacy. Ya emang sih itu hak teman2 semua, mau dibuat privacy atau ga nya. Dan gue juga selaku yg punya akun ini juga berHak untuk tidak nge-follback dan berHak untuk ngeBlokir untuk setiap akun yang isi nya SPAM. Maaf, bukan sombong atau gimana, tapi ya emang inilah peraturan yang gue buat sendiri untuk akun gue. Mohon teman2 bisa ngerti yak :D Lagian kenapa sih harus pake privacy ? Emang ada foto Nude ya :D hehehe Sekian info nya ya #peraturan #rules #myownrules #hateprivacy #akungue
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