safk-art · 2 months
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Written by @mymisfitsbabe for @strangerthingsbigbang
Art created by Me
Steve Jones(Harrington) moves to a new state with his parents, who are engrossed in writing the newest book in their bestselling series. Steve is feeling homesick but his new neighbor Billy Wyborn Lovat(Hargrove) keeps life interesting with his wily antics and his cat name Eddie. But Steve’s dreams are filled with far more interesting albeit terrifying things. A man with button eyes promises Steve the world, if he’ll only promise to never leave and love him always.. Oh and sew buttons into his eyes.
read more on AO3!
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casdeans-pie · 1 year
Part 3 of Flustered Castiel Accidentally Explodes Lightbulbs And Causes Power Outages Especially When Dean's Fingers Are In His Hair
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4. Thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm for more parts of this silly lil thing I wrote, I really appreciate it sooo much and you all keep me writing!
This accidentally gained a part 4 I'm sorry ! So the next chapter will actually be the final
Tags for: @dreampencil (thanks again for the initial idea I can't believe how this keeps growing aaa), @mymisfitsbabe , @fivefeetfangirl , @kerryweaverlesbian , @give-bucky-his-boyfriend-back , @mooshroomister as always let me know if you want a tag for the final part!
-----Read on AO3-----
It had happened twice already, and Dean felt confident he knew why: both times Cas had jumped in surprise. He looked like a weird little guy in a trench coat, who frowned too much and hadn’t slept properly in a week, but he had all that powerful Angel mojo stuffed inside, so it made sense that startling him could set it off.
Sometimes if you shook a bottle too hard the cork would fly out, that’s all.
Of course, now Dean absolutely had to shake the bottle on purpose to see what happened.
The piles of papers scattered across the long table looked random, but Dean knew from experience that they were organised by a system that only Cas understood. Books were opened onto pages with complicated diagrams and words in languages Dean didn’t know, while more books and papers were piled high in boxes by his feet.
Sam sat on the opposite side of the table with a similar setup – both reading in silence except for the rustle of pages.
Dean placed a bowl of steaming, freshly popped popcorn onto the table between them with a flourish and sat on the edge of the table. “You know what goes great with research?” He grabbed a handful and threw them into his mouth. “Snacks,” he said, slightly garbled from all the popcorn, as he grinned at them both.
“Do you know what goes even better with research?” Cas asked drily, without even looking up from his papers. “An extra pair of hands.”
Dean nearly choked with the force of his laughter, and in response Cas finally looked up at him from over the top of the paper he was currently reading. The corners of his lips curled up into a fond smile.
“Cas,” Dean managed, as he got his laughter under control and swallowed forcefully. “You wound me. Here I am, providing sustenance for you both-”
“I don’t eat.”
“-and you’re giving me the cold shoulder?”
Cas opened his mouth to say something, but Dean jabbed a finger towards him before he could speak. “Do not tell me your shoulder is ‘perfectly room temperature’ or whatever. I can see it in your eyes.”
Cas’s smile grew a fraction wider before he hid it behind a pile of papers in his hands. “Okay,” he said, “I won’t tell you.”
Dean rolled his eyes affectionately and reached over for another helping of popcorn. He paused when he noticed Sam looking between them both with his eyebrows hiked up to his hairline.
“Nothing,” Sam said with a soft smile, returning to his book.
So, Sam knew that he was flirting. So what. It wasn’t his best flirting, even he’d admit, but it’s not like it mattered when Cas didn’t even see it like that anyway. Did that make it worse? It’s not like he meant to flirt with him (badly) so much anyway, it always just kinda happened.
Dean ran a frustrated hand through his hair as his gaze flicked back to Cas before he could stop himself.
Cas had his eyes narrowed at the stack of papers in his hands, as if he could absorb the information through intensity alone, and Dean felt a wave of warmth in his chest. Okay, maybe the flirting was happening more than ever recently, and maybe he did mean to do it.
He turned away and picked at a loose thread on his jeans, trying to hide his small secret smile.
When they first met, he’d been on the receiving end of those kinds of stares, like Cas was trying to look inside of him, and see right to his core. Back then he probably could.
Thinking about Cas’s Angel powers reminded Dean of what he’d brought the popcorn in for in the first place. He shook himself out of his thoughts and cleared his throat quietly, making sure his back was to Cas.
Sam immediately looked back up.
Dean pointed over at Cas and then the lights. Sam frowned and shook his head. Dean wiggled his eyebrows and nodded. Sam's frown intensified.
The brothers’ silent argument continued while Cas researched obliviously, until Dean rolled his eyes, and in one fluid motion picked out some popcorn, turned around, and flicked it.
Cas jumped so hard that the current collection of papers in his hands slipped out of his grip and his elbow knocked over a whole stack beside him.
Even through the sound of the pages scattering across the table and the floor, Dean could hear Sam’s disappointed sigh as he made his way over to Cas to help, and plucked some popcorn out from where it had got caught on his spiky hair.
Cas apologised for the mess and thanked him, while Dean waited expectantly and with a growing sense of disappointment.
The lights stayed perfectly normal. Not even a flicker.
But that didn’t make any sense…
Cas had definitely been surprised – he’d jumped like he’d been hit with a taser – so Dean couldn’t think of what had gone wrong. The whole place should have been flashing like a nightclub.
Dean eventually jumped off the table and stooped down to pick up some pages that had slid across the floor, but when he placed them back on the table next to Cas, he turned to see two sets of glares directed at him. He pushed his tongue between his teeth and grinned. “I slipped,” he said with a shrug.
“You slipped?” Cas repeated, his eyes narrowing.
“Yeah, and then the popcorn just flew clear out my hands.” Dean’s grin widened. His experiment had failed, but at least he’d been able to see the Squint Of Disapproval. “Speaking of – Sam missed a bit.” Dean reached over to flick out a rogue piece, but Cas immediately ducked away out of his reach.
It was so unexpected that Dean froze mid-action.
“I’ve got it.” Cas’s voice had a strange, strained quality to it as he fluffed both hands through his hair, far away from Dean.
Something painful twisted in Dean’s chest at how quickly Cas had moved away from him. His hand was still suspended stupidly in the air, so he lowered it down to his side and tried to ignore the hurt – Cas could be weird about stuff, and he had just thrown popcorn at the guy. He shouldn’t read too much into it.
Dean forced out a little laugh at the bits of yellow popcorn still trapped in Cas’s hair. “It’s still there, just let me-” He took a step closer.
Cas flinched back. “No, I’m fine, I’ll use a mirror. Excuse me.”
He left the room so quickly it reminded Dean of when he used to be able to fly away and disappear.
“Maybe we should all take a break from research anyway?” Sam suggested, looking at Dean with a deep, concerned crease between his eyebrows.
Dean stared after Cas, a mixture of hurt and confusion and guilt swirling in his gut.
Sam sighed. “I told you messing around with his powers on purpose was a bad idea.”
“Yeah, well. Give me stick and I’m gonna poke the hornets’ nest. ‘Cause apparently that’s just what I do.”
And then it kept happening.
For weeks.
They were never in a room alone together anymore because Cas would leave if Sam wasn’t there. He would stand up if Dean sat too close to him, muttering something about somewhere he needed to be, or that he suddenly had something to do that he’d forgotten about. He wouldn’t even take anything directly out of Dean’s hands if he handed something over, making some kind of excuse for Dean to put it down first before he took it. It got so bad that if Cas spotted him walking down the corridor in the bunker, he would turn around and walk the opposite way.
It was getting ridiculous. And it was driving Dean insane.
He’d only wanted to know what triggered Cas’s powers to go all screwy with the electrics like an Angel sneeze or something. It was supposed to be funny.
He wasn’t supposed to lose his best friend over it.
After the disaster of the first experiment, Sam told him that he wouldn’t help him with anything else, so Dean was on his own, and rapidly figuring out that maybe Sam was right, and it had all been a bad idea.
A couple of times Dean had even considered talking to Cas about it… but then he’d have to admit to trying to mess with his powers on purpose and acknowledge how badly their lack of interaction affected him. He also wasn’t sure how he could talk about how much he wanted them to go back to how they were, without also admitting that he’d kinda like them to be more than how they were.
So, he stewed in silence and hated the rift growing between them. Dean had never really been touchy-feely – the few times they’d hugged could probably fit on one hand – but God it was like… he missed Cas. And he was right there.
He had to get him back.
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dragonflylady77 · 8 months
Harringrove Story Challenge
Chapter 1 by @harringrovestorychallenge
Chapter 2 by @lorifragolina
Chapter 3 by @medusapelagia
Chapter 4 by @mymisfitsbabe
Chapter 5 by me, @dragonflylady77
(chapter 6 coming soon by @destroya2005)
“What the fuck?”
“Shhhhh not so loud. You’ll wake them up.”
“I didn’t know they were together.”
“Ewww, Will, why would you say that?”
“Really, Dustin? Are you fucking blind?”
“Well, Max, after seeing them like that, I kinda wish I was.”
“Yeah, same.”
“Ugh, boys. You suck.”
Billy lay still in Steve’s arms with his eyes closed, pretending to be still asleep and listening to the dork squad pass judgment on this… whatever… him and Steve were doing.
By the sounds of it, Max and Baby Byers were on board while, unsurprisingly, the annoying Wheeler kid and Henderson were making exaggerated gagging noises. Billy wondered what Sinclair and that psychic kid would think about it. She low-key terrified him.
As if he’d make her materialize by thinking about her, she called out to the dork squad.
“I found Eggos.” 
Billy waited until the footsteps left the room to crack an eye open and sneak a glance towards the doorway to the kitchen. Baby Byers was standing there staring at Billy and when he noticed Billy looking back, he flinched before giving a little wave and rushing to the kitchen.
Steve grumbled then and rolled onto his back, his arm around Billy’s shoulders, pulling him to lie on Steve’s chest. Billy took that chance to look at him. The freckles sprinkled on his chest and neck, the hint of chest hair now he’d quit the swim team, those lips that did sinful things, the freckles on his cheek that Billy liked to kiss, his ridiculously amazing hair he was so proud of…
Billy felt his heart kick in his chest when he was reminded of the words Steve had said to him last night. Steve had said them over and over and they were spinning around in Billy’s head now, over and over. He knew he felt the same. Getting the words out was another matter. 
Billy knew that Steve might change his mind if Billy didn’t say it back. And he wanted to, he did, he’d never felt that way about anyone else. He’d never even said the words to anyone, not since his mom had fucked off leaving him behind. 
But once those words were out, there was a chance they might get back to Neil and then Billy was dead meat. He knew they’d been careful meeting up all those times they’d hooked up, but he worried that once he told Steve he loved him back, he’d lose that urge to hide his tracks and they’d get caught. That only spelled trouble.
With a sigh, Billy extracted himself from Steve’s embrace and quickly got into his clothes that Steve had got for him from the dryer last night. Pretty boy needed his beauty sleep so he left him to his slumber and headed for the kitchen to get some coffee.
Gritting his teeth and not making eye contact with any of them, he walked straight to the coffee machine, glad to see someone had thought to put it on. He grabbed a mug from the cupboard without thinking about it, rolling his eyes at the gasp he heard, then a scuffle and muffled ‘ow’.
Billy turned around, steaming mug close to his chest, taking small sips because that shit was hot, and leveled the kids with a blank stare. “What?”
“Nothing,” Max said with a grin. “Those idiots didn’t know you and Steve were friends now, is all.”
“Oh, right. And the fact that I was out there last night in the woods smashing monsters with a tire iron didn’t clue them in?”
“Speaking of,” Steve's sleepy voice interrupted whatever the kids were going to reply as they all turned to look at him. “You really should go wash off that blood, Billy.”
“Yeah.” Billy drained the last of his coffee and walked up to Steve who was standing in the doorway, not moving. “Get out of the way, pretty boy,” he said with a soft smile he was glad the kids couldn't see.
Steve smirked, then he slung one arm around Billy's waist, turning them so his back was to the kitchen, shielding Billy from the glares of irrate teenagers. “You go get clean, baby,” Steve whispered. “I'll call Hop and see about getting the brats home.”
Billy nodded, letting Steve press a short kiss to his lips before he headed down the hallway, ignoring the various outbursts coming from behind him.
Let him deal with the fall out. Billy was too fucking tired for this. Neil. The monsters. The added responsibility of having to care for so many people. Steve and his I love yous…
Billy took his time in the shower, wven washed his hair a couple of time. The Harringtons could afford the water bill and he needed to wash the previous night off his body. Too bad he couldn't wash off the memories as easily.
He wasn't looking forward to getting home, knowing there would be hell to pay for him for not being there when Neil and Susan got home the night before. Max would get a vague telling off but Billy knew he'd probably be missing school for a few days. 
Fuck. Maybe he'd be better off in the forest against the monsters. At least there he could fight back.
A knock on the door pulled him out of his dark thoughts.
“Billy? You okay?”
“Yeah, Stevie, just getting dressed. I'll be out in a minute.”
“Can I come in?”
“Door's unlocked.”
Steve opened the door, and he looked confused. “You didn't lock it?”
Billy shrugged then shoved his shirt into his pants. “Force of habit. I forgot. Not allowed at home.”
Steve stepped in and reached a hand out to Billy's arm. “What the fuck? Baby, that's fucked up.”
“Don’t make a big deal out of it, Harrington.” Billy moved out of his grasp. Steve just didn't get it. Billy lived by Neil's rules and probably would until it killed him.
“Oh wow. Yeah, okay, geez,” Steve said, clearly hurt and Billy felt like shit for resorting to calling him by his last name. It wasn't Steve's fault Billy's home life was fucked up. 
“I'm sorry, pretty boy. I'm fucking tired and I don't wanna go home because nothing good ever happens to me there.”
“Stay here then,” Steve said, like it was that easy.
Steve stepped closer, wrapping his arms around Billy cautiously and Billy let him. “Billy, I love you and even if you don't feel the same way, it still means I worry about you. And I want you to be safe.”
Billy put his hands on Steve’s waist and rested his forehead against Steve's collarbone so he wouldn’t have to look at him. Steve would definitely know how Billy felt then. “It’s not that—”
“Not that easy, I know. But will you let me help? Please? Hop is coming to get some of the kids. He can take Max home. We can come up with some story to tell your dad to keep you out of there for a bit.”
“And then what happens when I do go home, Steve? He'll probably take me into the woods at the back and make me dig my own grave. God knows he's threatened me with it enough times.”
“Jesus fucking Christ. Yeah, you're not going back to that house. I don't care. We'll figure something out.”
“He’s my dad.” Billy was done talking about it. He needed to get Max and he needed to get the fuck home. With a bit of luck, Neil would be out and Billy could sleep for a few hours before he got what was coming to him.
With a sigh, he removed himself from Steve's embrace, resolutely not making eye contact with Steve because those big brown eyes had got him into enough shit already. “I'll see ya, pretty boy.”
“Billy, wait.”
Billy ignored him and stalked off to find Max, stopping in the lounge to get his leather jacket. He hollered, “Time to go, shitbird!” and found his keys where he'd left them, in that bowl on the sideboard in the foyer. Fucking rich people and their huge houses.
Max and the brat pack were furiously whispering but she must have seen how serious Billy was by his glare because she shuffled over to him with a loud sigh.
Billy turned to her friends and fixed them with a glare, one by one. “You nerds need to keep your mouths shut about this morning the same way you keep your mouths shut about those things in the woods or I will make you regret it. Understood?”
next chapter by @destroya2005 ^_^
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Harringrove Gender Bend fic
I wanted to share a little snippet from this fic and @mymisfitsbabe was so kind to decide for me.
So under the cut you'll find a NSFW little snippet
tagging those who were interested ;): @romeren, @idkevenknowwhattoput, @womp-womp-waa, @nikkitheseance
@akichania, @kiraixi, @bbygirlbilly
“You’re made to beg, sweet girl, ideally kneeling at my feet, but this should wait a bit.” Billie chuckles, holding the back of Stevie’s head before kissing her, nibbling at her lower lip, pulling it with the teeth before releasing it and making it bounce back. Billie moves her hands, cradling Stevie’s face between her hands while exploring her mouth with her tongue, and Stevie tastes the cheap punch in her mouth. She doesn’t know how long Billie kisses her, but when she steps back and they lock eyes, she sees that Billie’s flustered and her lips are red from Stevie’s lipstick. Studying Billie’s face, she feels hot and needy like she never felt before. Stevie brushes her thumb on Billie’s plump lips and the blond girl quickly catches it and starts to suck it. No one has ever sucked Stevie’s fingers, but the feeling of the rough tongue on her sensitive fingertips makes her shiver, jolting her hips to get some friction.
“You’re so needy. Did Jonathan treat you so badly? Didn’t he know what a treasure he was gifted?” Billie asks, getting closer, and their tits brushes, making Stevie shiver. Even under the clothes, Stevie’s nipples are hard and sensitive.
Billie quickly lowers Stevie’s dress neckline, freeing one of her rounded tits from the clothes constriction. Her soft skin has a long indented line made by the seam of her bra. 
“Poor thing. Did it hurt?” Billie asks, smiling like a wolf, “Did the bad bra hurt you? Or did it brush against your nipples just right? Sending shivers down your spine?” The blond girl licks her thumb and then starts to rub at Stevie’s nipple before pinching it hard enough to make her whimper. The dark pink rosebud becomes even darker while Billie licks the long column of Stevie’s neck.
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lorifragolina · 3 months
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Here, here! I'm finally posting my complete work for @steddiesummerexchange!
If there's something weird And it don't look good Who you gonna call? I ain't afraid of no demon I ain't afraid of no demon If you're seeing things Running through your head Who can you call? An invisible man Sleepin' in your bed Oh, who you gonna call? I ain't afraid of no demon I ain't afraid of no demon Who you gonna call?
This is my present for @mymisfitsbabe! When I first saw her prompts I knew I wanted to write something about it! A Metalsandwich adventure at the summer camp!
I hope you enjoy it, I wanted it to be a comedy but it's complicated doing comedy in a foreign language, but well, I had fun planning it!
A huge thanks to @ghostdeb who helped me planning the fic, finding the title and betaing my terrible terrible English! I'm so grateful and happy!
Read it in Ao3
Pairing: Billy/Steve/Eddie Rating: Explicit Tags: Summer Camp, Demonic evocation, Friends to Lover, past lives TW: Nudity, internalized homofobia, sex with monsters, kidnapping Word count: 15712
A spicy snipped under the cut!
Steve knelt at Billy's side, scratching his back, and Billy whined. He released the creature’s dick and reached for Steve’s lips, kissing him so hungrily and deeply that he thought he couldn't breathe again.  The creature grabbed both of them by the hair and with a soft laugh he drove them again onto himself. Billy returned to blow him, and Steve joined, pumping their dicks at the same time. The monster rocked his hips into their mouths, growling and scratching their napes with his long claws. He whined and cursed as he pushed Billy’s face onto himself, cumming all over Billy and Steve’s faces. Steve kissed the cum away from Billy’s lips, then Billy pushed him onto the grass, straddling him, grinding their dicks together and crying with desire. “Oh, my two beauties,” whispered the creature, kneeling at their side. He shared kisses with both of them, drinking their whines, and he grabbed Billy’s hair, exposing his neck. He bit him there and Steve saw Billy’s eyes widen and his skin flush as he screamed, cumming all over his chest and wanking himself frantically. He felt scared, but trapped, when the monster bent over him with his fangs exposed, and bit him too on his pecs; he felt the shock of uncontrollable pleasure course through him from the bite into his dick and every erogenous zone of his body. He came in turn, screaming, rocking his hips against Billy, and the creature laughed, hard again, as he moved Billy away from Steve.
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gambitxrogue11 · 8 months
🔞 Caligator Faux Home Invasion AU based on @mymisfitsbabe Caligator fic; 🔞
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Gator broke in to Billy's trailer, wearing a jack skellington mask to bound him... and f*ck him ..
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camaro-and-smokes · 7 months
Harringrove story challenge
Chapter 1 by @harringrovestorychallenge
Chapter 2 by @lorifragolina
Chapter 3 by @medusapelagia
Chapter 4 by @mymisfitsbabe
Chapter 5 by @dragonflylady77
Chapter 6 by @destroya2005
Chapter 7 by @camaro-and-smokes
(Chapter 8 coming soon by @harringrovestorychallenge)
Chapter 7
Tw: mentions of blood
Billy blinked in confusion, staring at the open doorway of the shed. Neil's screams had faded away completely, leaving an eerie silence hanging in the air. Slowly, Billy pulled himself to his feet, wincing at the pain that flared through his body.
He cautiously approached the doorway, peering outside. There was no sign of Neil or whatever had taken him, so he stepped out from the shed. The door was laying on the ground, pulled off from it hinges and now splintered and covered with splatters of blood. A trail of blood lead towards the woods, but otherwise the yard was empty.
“What...the fuck?” he muttered under his breath. Had one of those monsters actually come into town in broad daylight and snatched Neil away?
Billy's mind was reeling as a chill went down his spine. Had the monsters followed them? Why? The screams had faded away muffled, as if Neil had been dragged off into the darkness, not just into the forest.
Billy felt a twinge of guilt at the feeling of relief that overcame him at the realisation of Neil being gone, they'd been looking for him and Susan the whole night, afterall. However, it passed quickly when he heard a screech of tires from the street.
Soon Steve ran down the driveway with his nailbat. “Where is he?” he bellowed all the way from the street.
Billy turned to look at Steve and seeing the concern on his face, the tears just started falling from his eyes.
Steve rushed over, throwing his bat on the ground, and pulled Billy into a tight hug. “Are you hurt?” he asked.
Billy wrapped his arms around Steve and shook his head against his shoulder, unable to speak, and shaking uncontrollably along his tears.
“Thank god,” Steve murmured. After a while he pulled back to look at Billy, wincing. "Is this your blood?” Steve asked as he gently examined Billy's face.
“Uh...he didn't yet...” Billy stopped and swallowed. “I don't think so,” he said after a while.
Steve looked Billy for a moment “Well, let's get you inside and cleaned up anyway,"
Billy allowed Steve to guide him back to the house.
Susan and Max were waiting anxiously in the kitchen, both springing to their feet when Billy and Steve appeared.
"Are you alright?" Max asked when she saw Billy.
Steve looked at her and shook his head as he helped Billy to sit on one of the kitchen chairs. “Just get the first-aid kit, please, would you, Max?”
For once Susan was useful and went to fetch the kit from the medicine cabinet. She brought a few hand towels with her, wetted one under the kitchen faucet and gave to Steve.
She and Max remained on the other side of the table as Steve knelt in front of Billy with the towel and the first-aid kit. “Are you sure you're not hurt?” he asked Billy.
Billy nodded, still feeling shaken.
Steve rummaged through the kit to find what he would need and placed them on the table before he started cleaning Billy's face with the towel. “What happened out there?”
“I...I don't know,” Billy said honestly. “Something took Neil.”
Steve's hand stopped at the words and he stared at Billy for a while. “You sure about that?”
“He was about to...” Billy couldn't finish the sentence and bit his cheek instead.
Steve waited Billy to tell more, but when he didn't continue, he got back to cleaning Billy's face. To his relief it seemed that the blood wasn't Billy's.
Billy looked at Steve. “I closed my eyes, heard him scream and when I opened my eyes again, he was gone. That's all I know,” he said quietly.
Steve finished tending to Billy's face and then stood up, his expression grim. “Alright, I'm going to go check out the shed and see if I can find any clues about what happened to him.”
Billy stood up. “I'll come with you-” He stood up so quickly that blood rushed from his head and he felt light-headed for a moment, having to lean to the table with his other hand to stay up.
Steve placed his hand on Billy's shoulder. “Hey, you're shaking like a leaf. Stay here. I'll check it and come back.”
Billy wanted to protest, but he still felt shaky and numb after the ordeal. So he sunk back into the chair as Steve headed out the back door.
“I'll come with you,” Max said and ran after Steve.
Steve turned around and held his hands up to stop her. “Hey, no you're not!”
“Watch me,” she said, pushed Steve aside and stormed out the door.
Steve didn't really fight it, he was glad he didn't have to go alone, even if it seemed that something grim was afoot in broad daylight. He followed Max to the backyard.
Steve picked up his nailbat from the ground. As he approached the shed he noticed that Max did stay behind. Which was a good thing.
With caution he peered into the dark interior of the shed before entering. There was nothing there, nothing significant, at least. Lawnmower, some yard tools. But the door hinges were deformed and broken. Something had literally pulled the door from its hinges.
He went to the door – or the remains of it that were laying on the yard. They had blood spatters on some of them and big clawmarks on the sides where whatever it had been had pulled the door open.
Steve felt his pulse quicken. Whatever had taken Neil had been in here, and it was strong enough to splinter solid wood. He looked around, looking for more clues, and noticed a trail of blood leading towards the tree line.
To be honest, he'd had enough of monster fighting and he wasn't really eager to go after them because of Neil. There was something wrong with Billy's and Neil's relationship, and Steve had a hunch of what it could be. But he was Billy's dad.
Steve and Max returned to the house. Billy was waiting for them by the backdoor, his arms crossed over his chest, and Susan standing a bit further in the hall.
After Steve closed the door, he leaned to the wall and looked at Billy. “Do you want to go after it?” he asked Billy.
“You have to go find him!” Susan cried out.
Billy glared at Susan. “He deserves everything that's coming. Don't lie, you know that,” he snarled.
She swallowed, then she beckoned to Max. “Come on, Maxine, you probably haven't eaten anything. I'll fix you something.”
Max slouched to her mother, leaving Billy and Steve by the door.
Steve looked at after her and when she was out of hearing range, he asked, “So, what do you want to do?”
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Tis the season! LOOK OUT FOR:
Love Came to Stay by @bifuriouswaterbender on December 23rd!
Harringroveson Avenue by @mymisfitsbabe on December 24th!
Baby Steps & Small Miracles by @oh-stars on December 24th!
No gifts allowed on Christmas by @ratboybubs on December 24th!
Keep an eye out on our collection and this page to see these amazing fics as they're posted!
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steddiesummerexchange · 3 months
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Time to Dive Into our Summer Fics!
It's Only Love, Nobody Dies by Trinipedia
Just Come Along by @roomwithanopenfire
be with you everywhere by @griesly
Baking For Love by @mymisfitsbabe
Coming to an Ao3 and/or Tumblr near you on JUNE 30TH
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lovebillyhargrove · 10 months
Tagged by the mwah mwah mwah amazing @darleenjade ❤️ thank you ❤️
Last Song - Mojo "Lady hear me tonight" it's just so summery and youthful. I think abt harringrove ofc, them being happy
Song stuck in my head - Aha "Forever not yours". Amazing. Harringrove vibes
Favourite colour(s) - turquoise, shades of blue and green, especially in combination with various shades of grey/silver/golden
Currently watching - nothing
Currently reading - nothing
Currently craving - peace
Last movie - Transformers 2007. Thinking abt harringrove au
Sweet, spicy or savoury - savoury
Relationship status - married. Still, somehow
Current obsession - writing a harringrove slow burn "Wake me up when July is around"
Three favourite foods - burgers, sushi, watermelon
Last thing I googled - which kind of alcohol is possible to be set on fire (billy sets vodka shots on fire)
Dream trip - ocean. Friends around the world. Portugal. Cape cod.
Anything i want right now - to have more time to write the fic. For everyone to be safe and healthy
Tagging the usual crowd @dragonflylady77 @disdaidal @oopsiedaisiesbaby @thissortofsorcery @prettyboy-like-you @makeadealwithdean @adelacreations @dream-about-dancing @rascheln @suometar @memes-saved-me
Aaand @raspberry-rampage @mymisfitsbabe @aggressiveviking @brightside-of-the-upsidedown @intothedysphoria @biillys @fawcett-hairspray-club @spaceofentropy @cassandracorvo @fizzigigsimmer @thebejeweledwatercat @ilyharringrove ❤️❤️
And if you see this and wanna do it, i tag you too! ❤️❤️❤️
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safk-art · 6 days
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silly rp I did with @mymisfitsbabe, steve is ticklish
[Patre0n] [instagram] [Twitter] [BluSky]
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casdeans-pie · 1 year
Part 4 of Flustered Castiel Accidentally Explodes Lightbulbs And Causes Power Outages Especially When Dean's Fingers Are In His Hair
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3.
Happy birthday to me! This is my birthday gift to myself so it's deliciously self indulgent for the final part. I honestly could have just kept going with this forever, I adore flustered!Cas and his angel powers lmao
This part got so big I couldn't put the whole chapter in the tumblr post sorry!
Taglist: @dreampencil , @mymisfitsbabe , @fivefeetfangirl , @kerryweaverlesbian , @give-bucky-his-boyfriend-back , @mooshroomister , @castielsbloodynose , @the-great-pumpkin-67 , @casavanse , @homoangel - thanks all for your interest, hope you like the conclusion!!
-----Read on AO3-----
If stubbornness was a sin, Dean knew he would be going straight to hell when he died. Again.
There were a million reasons that Dean could think of for why Cas had distanced himself (that buzzed around his brain like insistent bees whenever he lay down to sleep at night) but if they didn’t talk about them then none of them were real. The ache in his chest at Cas’s absence, familiar from when he used to leave them for stretches at a time, felt like it dug in deeper and deeper with every passing day – but he still just couldn’t bring himself to talk to him about it.
The biggest surprise became the slow realisation that the saying ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ wasn’t just some made up cliché bullshit that people said to each other, because seeing Cas, even briefly before he scurried away, made Dean’s heart sing like a lovesick teenage girl.
Sam only suffered through so much before he started using his Sad-Sam-Eyes whenever he saw them both, hoping they would finally sort out whatever was going on between them, but he didn’t mention it otherwise. Somehow that made it even worse. If Sam told them to talk to each other, at least that could have been a good excuse. But no.
Dean had to do something on his own.
He had to.
He’d started all of this by being a jerk about Cas’s powers, so it was time to dip into that Dean Winchester Courage, have a real conversation about all of this, and face losing his best friend – the Angel that he loved – head on.
Then they finally had a hunt together. Alone.
Dean’s bloody machete hung in a loose grip by his side as he kicked the toe of his boot at the decapitated body on the ground beside him. The head lay nearby.
“Think we finally got ‘em all,” Dean said with a grin. His clothes were covered in splashes of blood, and he could feel some drying on his cheek that he was itching to scratch off with his nail. “I love a good vamp nest clear-out, but if I’d have known there were gonna be this many, I would’ve brought Sam as extra back-up.” Dean didn’t want to mention that the reason he’d told Sam to stay behind in the first place was because he’d finally stopped being chickenshit scared about sorting this thing out with Cas. “Not that we didn’t handle it.” He gestured towards the headless bodies scattered around them with his machete.
Cas didn’t reply. He’d been quiet in the ride over and had kept his distance for the whole fight.
Okay. Time’s up. Time to do this. Dean took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes. “Cas, listen-”
“Dean!” Cas yelled, slamming into him just as the sound of a gunshot exploded nearby.
Dean went hurtling down as another gunshot rang out. He landed heavily – the floor winded him and disorientated him enough that he couldn’t get straight back up, and he shook his head rapidly to try to clear it.
There were sounds of Cas wrestling with the vampire nearby. Dean watched dazedly as the vampire snarled and bared his fangs as he threw a punch at Cas’s nose, and his fist connected with a thud. But that gave Cas the opportunity to wrench the gun out of the vampire’s weakened grasp, and he tossed it aside, making it skitter harmlessly across the floor into a dark corner of the warehouse.
Red bloomed through the top of Cas’s trench coat on his left shoulder.
“Cas!” Dean warned, finally scrambling to his feet just as the vampire grabbed Cas and threw him down with a hiss onto the dusty, blood-spattered floor.
The vampire loomed over him with an open mouth full of needle-sharp teeth just as Cas sat up with a grunt and threw up his hand with his palm out. Dean recognised the gesture, and he immediately braced himself for the blinding light of Cas’s angelic smitey powers, but only a faint sputtering glow emerged from his hand.
After a moment, where Cas stared at his hand in confusion, the vampire hissed and lunged.
He never got any further.
Dean’s machete swung in a clean shining arc through the vampire’s neck, and he collapsed in a heap like a puppet with cut strings. The spray of blood caught Cas, smattering his face and hair with even more crimson alongside what currently trickled out of his nose and soaked his shoulder.
Dean groaned in relief and threw the machete to the concrete floor with a clang. “Definitely the last one,” he declared with a deep breath. “Damn that got close for a second there. Come on, up you get.” Dean offered out a hand to help Cas, but he pushed himself up with a groan instead, pointedly not looking at the hand as if he hadn’t noticed it.
Dean tried to shrug it off again, just like he had all the other times that Cas refused to touch him recently, but he could feel the hurt burning in his throat and behind his eyes. He clenched his fist so tightly it almost hurt as he returned it to his side.
“You okay?” Dean asked instead with a frown, thinking of the gunshots, and noticing the blood stain on Cas’s shoulder increasing in size.
“Yes. The first bullet got me, but the second bullet missed. I think it went clean through. Didn’t hit anything vital.” Cas touched his shoulder and winced, then observed Dean – his blue eyes raking him up and down from head to foot. “What about you? Are you hurt?”
Dean shook his head, the mixture of hurt and concern and happiness at the closest attention he’d got from Cas in weeks making his words come out harsher than he intended when he snapped, “Nope. My bullet-proof friend pushed me out of the way, and then revealed that he’s not so bullet-proof today.”
Cas smiled ruefully. “Ah. Yes. Looks that way.” He dusted his trench coat off as best he could and lifted an arm to wipe his sleeve across his nose – though he only succeeded in smearing the dust and blood around. He closed his eyes and rubbed again.
Dean pushed down his confusing cocktail of emotions, like he always did, and forced on a smile. “You’re just making it worse, buddy. Why’s killing vamps always such a bloody job?” He reached over without thinking, while Cas was still rubbing at his nose. “Nose doesn’t look broken at least, but your shoulder’s probably gonna need stitches while you’re low on power like this.”
Dean’s fingers had barely even grazed the fabric on Cas’s shoulder before Cas flinched back violently.
The lights in the warehouse groaned and buzzed as they flickered and dimmed, and then just as quickly returned to normal.
Cas’s eyes were wide as he took another step back.
Dean felt all his confusion sharpen into a frustrated stab of white-hot anger. He gestured violently at the ceiling. “Okay. Y’know what. That’s it. Let’s talk. What the hell is going on with you, Cas? Why have you been avoiding me? What’s the deal with the lights?”
“It’s nothing.”
“Doesn’t look like nothing.”
“Nothing you need to know about.”
“Nothing I- are you even hearing yourself right now? You’re really gonna admit to keeping secrets again after everything we’ve been through? And- hey, what’s up with your face? What are you doing?”
Cas had screwed his eyes together so tight that it pinched his whole expression. “Concentrating.”
“On what? This conversation that you’re trying not to be in?”
“On using my Grace to heal my shoulder and clean all of this off, but it’s not…” Cas gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. They glowed faintly. “It’s not working.”
Dean took a deep breath and scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Shit, Cas. You know you’re low on power right now, you really want to use up what little juice you got left before you get chance to recharge? The motel’s only twenty minutes away.” He scowled. “You can even sit in the back. Far away from me, like you want.”
Dean didn’t wait for a response, he turned, reached down for his abandoned machete, and stalked back to Baby.
By the time Cas finally got into the car – in the back – Dean had already texted Sam to tell him that the nest had been cleared out and they would be spending the night at the motel.
They’d be back at the bunker tomorrow, and then Cas could keep avoiding him like before. Or maybe he’d finally just admit that he wanted to leave… and he’d go. The thought made Dean clench the steering wheel with a grip that made his knuckles white.
He couldn’t imagine his life without Cas in it.
The ride to the motel was tense and silent except for Baby’s engine that Dean pushed harder than he should. (The twenty-minute ride only took them ten. Cas didn’t comment on it.)
As soon as they were through the door Dean toed off his shoes, flicked on all the lights, and went to wash his hands in the bathroom. He didn’t look back to see what Cas was doing. It was none of his business. If he didn’t want to talk about it, then what did he care. (He tried to tell himself, even as the ache in his chest pounded and felt cavernous.)
Dean splashed some water on his face and gripped the sides of the grubby sink. Water plinked pink from his chin into the chipped basin, as the vampire blood washed away down the plughole.
After a deep breath Dean grabbed a towel and rubbed it over his face, careful not to inhale at the same time – he’d learned a long time ago that it was best not to know what motel towels smelt like – and reached for the first aid kit he always left in the bathroom when they went on hunts.
Sufficiently calmed down, and feeling less like his heart was caught in the vice grip of a homicidal ghost, Dean turned and emerged back into the main room. He froze mid-step at what he saw: Cas had his head in his hands, perched on the edge of his bed, while the blood stains from his bullet wound were soaking through his coat down his arm. He hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees, and there seemed to be a particularly troubled tenseness to the set of his shoulders. Even more than usual. Despite their strained relationship recently, it cut Dean deeply to see him like that – so clearly suffering and so human.
Dean sat heavily onto his own bed opposite Cas. The old springs creaked loudly and protested at the sudden weight. “Alright. Coat off.”
Cas startled and snapped his head up. The lamp beside his bed flickered weakly. “What?”
Dean’s usual enthusiasm for the phenomenon of the flickering lights wasn’t his priority this time, and he pushed his curiosity aside. “Stitches,” Dean said simply, brandishing the first aid kit.
“I don’t need them,” Cas grumbled, looking away. “Once my Grace has recharged enough it will heal on its own.”
“Oh okay, so you’re just going to wait and see if your mojo recharges faster than you bleed? And you’re, what, expecting me to just sit here while we find out? Because I am not okay with that.”
“Cas. Just let me put some damn stitches in your damn shoulder.”
“No.” The muscles in Cas’s jawline clenched.
Dean scowled as he ran a hand through his hair. It was sticky and matted with drying blood, but that was nothing new. “Let me put it this way. You either take off your coat and shirt willingly, or I will tackle you to that bed and remove them myself” – the lamp flickered again – “so help me God, don’t think that I won’t. Your choice.” Dean had his eyes locked on Cas’s narrowed ones. “I will not let you suffer when I can do something about it. Yeah, you might heal it up yourself in an hour or two, but I’m not going to sit here watching you bleeding and in pain, when I can help. Don’t ask me to.”
“Dean… This is just… It’s a bad idea.”
“A bad idea? To stop you from bleeding out? C’mon man, you’re always healing me up after hunts, let me repay the favor for once. Besides, you took the shot meant for me – it should be me sitting there with the bullet hole.”
Cas went suddenly pale, and his eyebrows drew together in a serious line. “If it were, I would use up whatever Grace I had left to heal you.”
Dean blinked in surprise.
Huh. But Cas had been avoiding him so much lately... He’d assumed he didn’t care anymore. “Uh,” Dean faltered, “no, that wouldn’t be okay either. I wouldn’t want that. But maybe I should teach you some basic first aid now that your mojo gets patchy sometimes.” He shook his head. That would require them to be in the same room for more than five minutes. Stupid suggestion. “Look, if you’d want to heal me that badly if we were swapped over here, that’s what I want to do to you right now, get it?”
“I um. I think so.” The line between Cas’s eyebrows grew deeper. “It’s fine now anyway. It barely hurts,” he lied, gripping his shoulder tightly.
“Sure. Okay, Black Knight.”
Cas squinted.
“The Black Knight – ‘‘tis but a flesh wound’? Guess you didn’t get Monty Python in the pop-culture upload. We’ll add it to the list we-” But Dean remembered that they didn’t watch movies together anymore. “Doesn’t matter. Just take your damn coat off, you stubborn son of a bitch.”
That finally cracked a smile onto Cas’s pale face. His lips twitched and the corners of his eyes crinkled endearingly.
Dean felt a strong flare of affection at seeing Cas’s smile, after seeing him looking so defeated before, that it immediately softened all of Dean’s concern-masked-as-irritation and he found himself smiling back. He’d missed this. So damn much.
“I’ll patch you up,” Dean said gently, “then you get dibs on the first shower, since you’re the one covered in the most blood. Winchester tradition.”
“I don’t need-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you can just magic your mess away when your power’s back on, but you’re really just gonna sit here like that until then?”
Cas looked down at himself. “You have a point.”
“Always do. Looks like you’ll just have to enjoy shitty motel water pressure like the rest of us.” Dean wiggled his eyebrows. “And going first means you get the hottest water.”
“Thank you, Dean,” Cas said.
“Then we can both go to sleep so you can recharge your batteries. You can sleep when you’re like this, right? But stitches first. After that there’ll be no touching involved,” Dean added, before he could stop himself. As much as he enjoyed talking to Cas again, it only served as a depressing reminder that they weren’t like this anymore. He gave a sad, weak little laugh, and even he could hear the pain in his voice when he said, “Y’don’t even have to look at me.”
Cas immediately slid off his bed with a rustle, and he was on his knees in front of Dean in the time it took for him to open his mouth to ask what was happening. His eyes shined wetly in the dingy motel room lighting as he gazed up intensely – vulnerable and raw – into Dean’s eyes. “Dean, no. This wasn’t supposed to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you,” Cas said in a voice thick with emotion. “Doing this – distancing myself… It was supposed to make things better, but it… only made everything worse. I hate being apart from you. I hate it. This wasn’t- it’s not- it’s not your fault.” He spoke haltingly, like he was struggling. “It’s my fault. I’m sorry. I- I don’t know how to explain-”
They were closer than they had been in weeks, and yet Dean could still feel the distance. His heart sunk. “This is starting to feel a whole lot like the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech, man.”
Cas scrunched his face up, and Dean knew he was trying to think of a way to say what he meant. He wondered if Angels weren’t very big talkers in their true forms. It was reminiscent of when they first met, and how Cas used to struggle with sarcasm and slang.
Cas already told him once that he’d only started to feel real, strong emotions (Dean called them his Real Boy Feelings) since rescuing him from Hell, so it made sense that he still struggled sometimes. And anyway, Dean had been human his whole life and it wasn’t like he was much better at the whole sharing your feelings crap.
Cas finally looked up through his lashes at him – his expression wary. “Hold out your hand, Dean.”
“Hold out your hand, please. I can show you what’s been going on.”
---- Read the rest on AO3 ----
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darlingghoulette · 9 months
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Break Beneath The Weight
For: misfitsbabe @mymisfitsbabe
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson/Billy Hargrove
Rating: Mature
Wordcount: 11,917
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Tags: Horror elements, Werewolves and vampires, Upside Down treated differently, sharing blood as a love language, animal death (again, they're werewolves and vampires), angst with a happy ending. More in depth tags on Ao3.
Summary: “Steve, let’s go,” Billy’s agitated and terrified, and Steve knows he’s trying to protect them in his own brash and intense way, but– “We can’t leave him.” Steve simply cannot leave Eddie Munson there to die. It takes a second for the sound to register, it’s so low and muffled, but both of the wolves snap their attention over when the crumpled body speaks from the forest floor. “...please, go.” The voice is all gravel and agony, pushed out through split lips that seem to be attempting to instill urgency. “Please…don’t let me hurt you, I don’t want…to hurt anyone.” And, well. For Steve, that’s that. They’re keeping him.
This fic is a part of the @steddieholidayexchange
Whew, this fic kicked my ass lmao. I've never written anything like this, I know it's exposition heavy, but I hope you enjoy!
Everyone else in the exchange is writing beautifully fluffy Christmas fics and I'm writing these boys having a Major Stressful Time (tm). Iconic.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Seven Sentence Sunday - Harringrove Genderbend
It's a little bit more than seven sentences but I guess no one will complain, right?
A car passes by, stops a few feet from her, and then put the car in reverse and stops right at Stevie’s side. The girl tries to avoid making eye contact with whoever might be in the car, she's already in deep shit and doesn't need to add being kidnapped to the list of bad things that happened today, but the voice that comes from the car sounds awfully familiar, “Harrington? Are you ok?” God, no. Please, no. Everything but not this. “Hey? Did you drink too much? Do you want me to drive you back to campus?” “I’m fine,” Stevie replies, her eyes pinned on the pavement in front of her, trying desperately to maintain a little bit of dignity. “Harrington, you’re sitting on the pavement, you’re bleeding and your lips are blue. Get in the car. Come on.” The blond woman in the car leans toward the passenger seat to open the passenger’s car door. When Stevie doesn’t move, she smirks “I’m not going to bite you.”
tagging those who were interested ;): @mymisfitsbabe, @romeren, @idkevenknowwhattoput, @womp-womp-waa, @nikkitheseance
@akichania, @kiraixi, @bbygirlbilly
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lorifragolina · 1 month
Last Line Tag Game
I have been tagged by @medusapelagia and I love such things, although I never have much time to answer lately! Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as you feel like
Here my last line from a prompt for Harringrove Summer Bingo! @harringrovesummerbingo
“If I don’t come home, you’ll know everything has been well,” he giggled. Max nodded and sat with her mother watching TV. At midnight they watched the neighbors fireworks and then she went to bed.  At breakfast, Billy hadn’t come home yet.
@mymisfitsbabe @rindecision @alicetallula @alduade-art @kallisto-k @mayalaen
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mymisfitsbabe · 2 years
Camp AU
(This is a continuation of the camp AU I started for Harringrove week in June...https://at.tumblr.com/mymisfitsbabe/well-we-got-no-choice-all-the-girls-and-boys/6fk52io4bbi7)
Running on five hours of sleep had made Steve sloppy, he’d been too tired to pay proper attention to his job for the day. It was his turn to take the lifeguard post at the edge of the roped off section of the lake. Three large groups of campers were scheduled to have canoe training, they were preparing for the big race set to take place the last week of camp.
Kathy, Billy, Argyle, Tommy and Chrissy were the teens in charge of leading each canoe. Tina, Jason, Heather, Tammy and Steve were the lifeguards, they were scattered throughout the roped off section armed with floaties just in case any kiddies managed to fall into the water without the canoe leader noticing.
Steve normally loved life guard duty, but today he couldn't quite keep his eyes open as the sun glared down on him. The warmth soaked into him drying his wet clothes and lulling him in it's warmth, the water gently lapping at the wooden lifeguards post like a gentle song.
Peeking out through one half lidded eye Steve watched the first group gather on the shore. They wouldn't be in the water for at least another twenty minutes. With a heavy sigh he relaxed against the seat. Steve used his pointer finger to push his sunglasses up his nose, letting his eyes shut.
The first group would be Billy’s group and Billy had never once let a kid out of line enough fall in let alone tip the canoe. Somehow Billy could make even the wildest of campers fall in line, no one back talked Hargrove.
“Harrington!!” Billy’s voice boomed over the lake startling Steve awake.
Jumping to his feet on the wooden lifeguard’s post Steve searched for the voice that had woken him, he spotted Billy standing in his canoe about ten feet away pointing out into the water. 
Without hesitation Steve grabbed the floatation device next to him and dove into the lake as close to the flailing child as he could. The water was cool, not quite cold but nowhere near warm, Steve kicked his feet and pushed forward as the float in his hand pulled him upward toward the surface. The kid was half screaming, half choking when Steve reached her. 
“I’m here, grab on to-” Steve had managed to get out before the kid was scrambling over him.
The kid was panicking, she clawed at the water trying to grab onto anything that would keep her above the dark murky blue water. Steve was the first thing the kid managed to latch onto, she tried to pull herself up onto him shoving him down under the water as she flailed about.
Shit, Steve vaguely remembered something in training about what to do when a person is panicking in the water but he couldn't quite remember. Breaking the surface Steve gasped and sucked in a lungful of air before he was being pushed back under, the girl’s knee catching his mouth as she tried to crawl on top of him.
Fuck, fuck. Steve kicked his feet trying to put some distance between him and the girl, but when he’d managed to get about a foot of space between them she started sinking. Steve reached out and yanked her back upward, sending himself down deeper in return. Steve swam back up to the surface, he had his back to the girl as he broke through and reemerged. 
Immediately she was on him, Steve was still trying to take a gasping breath when she plunged him back down into the water. Water filled his mouth and lungs, Steve kicked furiously toward the surface. Once he resurfaced Steve coughed up the water and searched frantically for the floatie, the girl shoved him back down but he’d seen it. 
The damn float was at least five feet away now, all the struggling had caused waves to carry it out toward the rope that marked the edge of the safety zone. With burning lungs Steve swam for it, the girl still struggling on his back clawing at him when she’d dip into the water.
Steve didn't think he was going to make it, his lungs were on the verge of bursting, his vision was starting to go white and his head was pounding. Desperate Steve broke the surface again, he took a short gasps of air before diving down deep into the water. 
The girl held on tight even after he’d pulled her into the water she’d been so scared of, she was probably in shock, or maybe she was too scared to let go. Swimming as hard as he could Steve kept his eyes locked on the round white outline of the floatation device, he was almost there, he was almost there!
Just as Steve’s lungs gave in, sucking in a large pull of water, he broke the surface again scrambling to snatch the floatie. By some miracle Steve had managed it, he clung to the plastic ring choking on the water in his lungs. The girl thrashed forward trying to take the flotation device from Steve with one hand as the other gripped tighter to him. 
The struggle was causing them both to drown as waves crashed into them and the floatie dunked in and out of the water. Another set of hands grabbed onto Steve and the girl, the other person forced them apart and shoved the girl away. Steve dipped back down into the water, the floatie was wrenched from his hands and kicked toward the flailing child.
The girl snatched the float and tried to climb up onto it like a cat trying to claw it's way out of danger. Steve struggled in the other person’s arms as he tried to force out the water from his lungs AND breathe at the same time. 
“Don't fight, don't fight, I’ve got you. Just relax.” Billy spoke in Steve’s ear as he shifted so Steve was laying back to chest with him.
Steve fought the urge to panic, he was still trying to work out how to breathe, his body instinctively objected to being on his back while trying to dislodge the remaining water from his lungs. Billy grabbed Steve’s jaw and forced him straight, lengthen Steve's neck and tilting his head back ever so slightly. Billy slowly kicked his feet under the water till they were both almost prone across the surface of the water, floating on their back, or rather Billy floating on his back and Steve floating on Billy. 
Steve did his best not to tense when he felt Billy’s free hand on his stomach, low, Billy trailed his palm up Steve’s body till he reached the dip in between Steve’s collarbones. Billy repeated the process again and again.
“Just breathe, slow and steady, slow and steady.” Billy muttered softly, his mouth against Steve’s ear causing the sound to vibrate through Steve’s whole body.
Coughing out the last bit of water Steve swallowed hard, his throat hurt, raw from the water that had almost drowned him. Steve startled when Billy shifted in the water, he twisted around and slammed his arm down on the wooden platform of the lifeguards post.
“Get up, and stay here Harrington. If you so much as look at the water again I’m going to fucking kill you do you understand me?” Billy shoved Steve’s back into the wood and glared into his eyes, angry.
Shocked, Steve opened his mouth to speak but Billy pushed himself forward into Steve’s face and growled. “Do you fucking understand me?”
“Y-yes!” Steve sputtered as he shifted around to cling to the platform.
“Good boy.” Billy shoved Steve upward.
Steve scrambled up onto the wooden platform, Billy’s free hand dug into Steve’s hip helping lift him out of the water.
“Lay on your side and don't go to sleep.” Billy dove back into the water before Steve could say another word.
Steve laid himself back on the wooden deck just breathing in big lungful's of air while the sun soaked into him again. Groaning Steve rolled to his side, still the ever obedient person he was. Laying there Steve tried not to think about the burning claw marks that the girl had left all over his body or the tenderness of his throat, or the feel of Billy’s hands all over his body.
It wasn't long before a canoe pulled up beside him, apparently Chrissy and Argyle had come to help when they saw the kid in the water start to panic. Ashamed Steve climbed into the canoe with them and grabbed a paddle.
“Oh my god Steve! You look like you tried to give a cat a bath.” Chrissy started fiddling with Steve’s hair, brushing it back so she could check his scratches.
“I’m okay, I’m okay, I just want to get to shore.” Steve smiled weakly at her.
“Okay.” She smiled back at him warmly.
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