naturallyelizabeth · 9 years
words i didn't write
Update: This is supposed to be a Read More, but doesn't seem to work that way on mobile so I hella apologize for that bullshit p>When I was in 8th grade my best friend pointed me in the direction of someone on YouTube who made some pretty decent covers of songs I loved. One day he posted a 30 minute video, broken into two parts, titled “What Love is to Me.”
At 13 or 14 or whatever I had never been in love. I thought it was impossible to be until you’re, like, 23 (a lot has changed since then). However, the video struck a cord. My friend typed out the whole monologue, emailed it to me, and it has sit in a binder in my closet for the past 5 years. Two or three times a year I dig it out and reread the quotes I copied and pasted into a separate paper. I was going through all my old crap today so here are my favorite quotes. The quotes  I have read for the past 5 years, that have become increasingly more relatable and understandable as I have loved and lost multiple people in my life. Read if you please. 
“….And love isn’t that I am hers or that she’s mine. Love is not always a relationship. Love is something a lot more encompassing than that. Love is friendship and love is my best friend. Love is how I wouldn’t be any of the person I am if you subtracted her from the story my life…And love is my memories and the sad fact that they disappear from me all the time. Love is that I could write them all into existence, but I can’t sit down and read them. And love is that even if I did sit down and read the millions of pages I have written and printed, that I can’t go back no matter how hard I want to. 
Love is taking an incredibly long time to move on, because I did. Love is that nobody filled a hole, and love is that nobody, nobody can fill that hole. Not all the way. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t date or move on or try to be happy or fall in love with somebody else. But I don’t know, it just creates holes you can’t fill.
I mean, love is that I’m a fool. And love is that that’s OK.
Love is that you can’t be what she needs, though. Love is that you still want to try to be, and love is you fighting reality. Love is you fighting everything. Love is you losing everything. Love is you feeling the happiest you’ve ever felt and being exactly the place where you want to be. And love is you wanting to kill yourself with your parents’ gun under your bed. But listen, love is you not killing yourself. Love is you knowing it’s not that black and white. And love is that lie you told yourself that ends up being true. Love not being a quitter. 
Love is that they saved you, and love is that you saved them. But, love is that they didn’t need saved forever, and love is that you did. 
Love is saying you don’t need saved when you do.
Love was you leaving, and love is that I still miss you a lot, even if you don’t miss me.
Love is that it’s probably going to be a very long time until we see each other again. 
And love is you telling yourself you’re done feeling that…Love is losing her. Love is one of you loving the other more, and love is the most imperfect perfect I have ever known. Love is that you need her. Love is something that can kill you. Love can build you up, love can erase you, love can blind you, love can separate you from reality at the same rate it does the opposite. 
And love really is like Sarah said: love is watching someone die. Love is the less literal translation of that - love is watching you leave me. Love is hoping we come back, and love is that nobody wants you two to be together. Love is that it’s really everybody but the people who’s opinion actually matters to you. Love is watching you fall in love with somebody else. Love is letting you. And love is being happy for you. But love is not being happy for you two. Love is breaking every bone in my body. Love is that I’m there for some things, even if I can’t be there for everything. Love is that I am open to anybody coming in and taking me away… Love is that people stray and love is that sometimes you want to fix it so bad, and other times you don’t. Love is reverse, love is forward, love is a lot of things I cannot write or say. 
Love has vast spaces and in those spaces you can sink. Love is the Captain going down with his ship. Love is that I would go down with you.”
—Jarrod Matthew; Mydearjuliet on YouTube
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jasonalexander97 · 10 years
My goal is to one day have a voice as wonderful as jarrodmatthew's
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capitansteve · 11 years
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No se necesita un día especial para decirle a la persona que amas lo que sientes por ella #MyDearJuliet #instacollage
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c4t-feathers · 11 years
  "Sing me something soft,
sad and delicate, 
or loud and out of key,
sing me anything."
  I cant stop watching this. Ive been watching Jarrod's videos since I was like 13, I love him so much & most of my favorite songs Ive found from him covering them 
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Well of course
you will say all of those things, to make yourself feel better. I know you will never feel guilt. It is a part of your disease, I believe. The lies have just become reality. But don't ever say that I didn't do Everything and anything that I could for you. That I didn't love you more than anyone. You can say that I caused pain, but if you want to talk about abuse you need to look back on who you have been, what you have done to me, physically, emotionally, mentally. Trust me, I don't need or want sympathy from anyone. Go ahead and tell yourself and those around you what you have to, to continue living your lies. I did everything I could to build you up. You did everything you could to break me down. But I don't blame you, I just blame myself for trusting you. From the minute I met you, I loved you. You were everything I wanted & everything that I needed. But all you know, is a life of destruction, chaos, and pain. I truly hope you find happiness, and wisdom, and strength. You will always have a piece of me. But I will no longer allow you to bring me down to such a pathetic state, to which you have become accustomed to. Take care Romeo.
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Im The Type Of Person To Take It Personal on We Heart It. http://weheartit.com/entry/6875435/via/LoveIsntYourWeapon
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c4t-feathers · 11 years
still up watching Jarrod Matthew videos and singing along, guess im not sleeping
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demoiselle-lunaire · 12 years
Too relevant. The part he cries at. . .err.
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b0ney-knees-blog · 12 years
Love cannot always be good to us. Love needs to be bad to us or you can’t feel it. If its all good, how do you know its there? When it hurts you, you know its real. God, you know its real. But when you come down from there, when you finally see how high up you really were . But how can you know how tall a skyscraper is if you always just look from the top, down. You have to get down and look up too. Love hurts so much, and it weighs so much and it costs so much and it just is so much.
jarrod matthew
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mister-pilgrim · 12 years
Scene One - James Dean & Audrey Hepburn (Acoustic) - Sleeping With Sirens (by mydearjuliet)
omg he finally covered SWS. his voice is sex. seriously though. he’s so beautiful.
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lack-of-emotion · 12 years
i barely make text post okay but i'm tearing up because jarrod matthew is married to rodney and aw i'm just really happy for them because they are so cute together just aw
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adorablyem · 12 years
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roaminwkoda · 12 years
first jarrod matthew replied, then damon fizzy c: im probably going to die soon of fangirling..yeah
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as-youwere · 12 years
Love hurts so much, and it weighs so much, and it costs so much and it just IS so much.
Jarrod Matthew
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