mieczyhale · 24 days
coexistence isn't "you can stick around as long as you conform"
it's "you are welcome here as you are"
any christian that wants jewish people to change so we can "coexist" is either 1. dumb, 2. not being genuine about wanting to coexist, 3. a piece of shit, 4. all of the above, 5. here is a fifth option because my ocd will not allow only four sorry
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mieczyhale · 24 days
"to a christian the story of exodus is a chrisrian story" "exodus, along with the rest of the old testament, was stolen from the news"
how about sometimes these stories crossover and exodus, in this case, is a story for anyone who follows a faith that reads it??
it's not a strictly christian story, and maybe it was stolen idk i'm not jewish but i wouldnt be surprised, but that doesn't change the fact that it is a part of christianity. we read it, study it, teach it to our kids just like every other book of the bible, old and new testament alike.
we can't do shit about the fact that a section of our holy book was probably taken, what we can do is not claim it and be assholes about it.
there is no fight to be had here. unless you like picking fights just for something to do, in which case maybe take your religious text of choice outside and touch grass while you read.
don't claim to know everything when you don't. you don't. i don't care who you are. there is 0% chance you do. you might see exodus, or any of the books, one way but nothing is set in unbreakable stone and everyone is entitled to their interpretations no matter how much we might think it's shit
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mieczyhale · 3 months
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noticed as i was leaving work on friday that the sign in our parking lot had been updated since the week before
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mieczyhale · 19 days
conservatives are so against felons doing anything, having any rights, and they talk about them like they're lesser people. deserving of no respect, better off locked up forever or dead-
until that felon is the orange man
now they're all for a felon
they're proud to support a felon
because god forbid they make sense or show any emotion that isn't based in the actual seven deadly sins
the fact that so many of these people are the same ones who claim to be christian too is as laughable as it is disgusting
"though shalt not worship false idols / false gods" ringing any fucking bells, you empty headed & empty hearted fuck?? no?? so you don't know the sins or the ten commandments (the thing you want in classrooms btw) but oh boy you sure love your church huh?? would that be a mega church by any chance??
conservatives supporting felons only when it's the orange motherfucker or the police checks out with their beliefs but jesus christ i wish they'd pull back even a little on being so awful ad embarrassing
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mieczyhale · 2 months
"how do you know God exists? can't answer that?? gotcha!"
... my idiot in christ we don't know
not really
we all have our things that make us believe, and there are people who have talked to her, but the rest is just faith
not sure how anti-religious people forget about that part. especially since.. y'know.. they know everything about us
(though the ones who do remember think the only kind of faith is entirely blind faith, which it's not, and even if it was - that's not necessarily a bad thing is it?? to trust someone so much?? the bad is in how people weaponize their faith, but that's a them problem. not a faith problem)
stop trying to "gotcha" christians, you fuckin weirdo
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mieczyhale · 4 months
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mieczyhale · 9 months
"You know, as a white, ordained, 6 foot tall man of a certain age, it's pretty easy for me to just ignore the ways in which power and power imbalances can affect my ministry. Because frankly, most of the time, that power imbalance is in my favor. My Safe Training has been critical in helping me to be aware of how my power can be misused to the detriment of others. Not intentionally! But my intention to not harm does not mean I'm not harming. I need to be mindful of that." - H. Mark Smith
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mieczyhale · 8 months
"The whole reason I believe in God, the whole reason I'm proud to call myself a Christian, is because its an entire belief system dedicated to helping human beings become their best self so they, in turn, can help each other and make the world a better place. Or, at least, that's what it should be.
The Reverend though is just using outrageous claims so he can whip up hate and tear people apart. When he praises 'the real Americans and the real Christians who are fighting the war to redeem our country for Jesus' the crowd around me bursts into applause and I've never felt more alone or more disgusted in all my life."
-“Milo and Marcos at the End of the World” by Kevin Christopher Snipes
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mieczyhale · 9 months
atheists commenting on religious posts to make fun of, and talk down to, people for having beliefs STOP FUCKING DOING THAT challenge
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mieczyhale · 9 months
"you’re not supposed to know much about christianity as a christian, it’s all about blind loyalty and faith"
that is absolutely incorrect but thanks for playing!
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