#myc inside
maximwtf · 2 years
“Hidden thoughts.”
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                                              Myc x reader
google docs pages: 4
warnings: mention of drugs, stress, mentions of trauma idk Myc being horrible at trying to help :”D
opening: Late night at work, and you’re alone with Myc. He ends up reading your mind and finds a lot of things he never knew about. 
Not Proof Read!!
AN// I have so many unfinished fanfics, like from the office- but I wanted to get this out and I'm thinking of writing something for Rand as well. Oh and hi, I’m back from the dead :”D
                                  “Hidden thoughts.”
You sat on your chair in your office, with your laptop in front of you. There was quite a lot of unfinished work you had totally forgotten about, and the more you thought about it the more you kept telling yourself you had to get it done as soon as possible. So now you were still in your office, after hours working on some unfinished documents that should have been done most likely months ago. You had no idea how your colleagues managed to act so calm, when they seemed like they were doing even less work than you. Did they not care that someone would find out how much they slack off?
Myc had also decided to join you, because he had seen you enter your office earlier. So not only were you stuck with your over the deadline work, but also with a talking magic mushroom…thing? But to your surprise he wasn’t as annoying as you had prepared for him to be. Somehow he was acting a little different than he acted when the whole group was together. He seemed kinder in a weird and in all honesty creepy way. But you didn’t mind. Myc had maybe the easiest job from the group, so your judgemental brain didn’t blame him for slacking off so much and acting like he didn’t care. 
You typed away on your laptop, trying to get all the work done so you could leave. You knew if you left now and told yourself you’d finish that at home it would never happen. You would know, because you had tested that multiple times in the past. That might have actually been the reason why all the work you were doing now was so late. 
“You gonna be here all night? It’s quite late.” Myc said, his orb’s pink light bringing some color into the otherwise dark room. His comment brought you back from your thoughts. “What..? No! No, of course not. If I had a choice I would have left early…Jesus…” You mumbled a reply before you went back to speeding through your work. Myc’s orb lit up again. “Just leave it undone and come watch my machine. It got some upgrades.” He said, putting one of his tendrils on your shoulder to peak at what you were doing. You cringed at his comment, showing his tendril off your shoulder. “No thank you, I’d rather work my ass off with these documents than watch..that..” You replied, shaking your head after to get the image of him in the machine off your mind.  “You seem so tense. Surely you want to get your work done well if you’re staying here so late?” Myc spoke again, now looking at you. You sighed, turking to look at him finally. “Yes, and as of right now the only thing not allowing me to finish these is you. No offense.” You mumbled the last part. “Let me ease your mind. No way you can work efficiently when you’re so tense?” The mushroom pleaded, hoping you’d give in. “No, you’re not reading my mind.” You huffed, turning back to your laptop to continue working. “Fuck you, I just want to help for once.” Myc replied to you, pulling your chair further away from the table with one of his tendrils. “Stop! I need to get these done or I wont get peace in my mind!” You exclaimed, trying to stop him by pressing your feet against the floor. “See, even your subconscious is screaming for help. Now, just chill out man.” Myc hummed, totally ignoring the way you were protesting. He pressed two of his tendrils on your head. The tips of them turned pink, as he began to go through your thoughts.
You tried to get away but whatever the fuck he was doing was working. You leaned back on the chair with half lidded eyes, staring at your laptop’s screen and the light it is illuminating into the dark room. You had no idea what Myc was doing, but it felt like hardcore drugs. 
You sat there for a good moment, before your mind began to wonder on its own again. Could he hear your thoughts even now or was he looking at something else. Could he see your bad memories as well? Like all the traumatizing stuff from the past? If he could, you just had to not think about it, right? No…No this was just making you think about it all again…
You bit your teeth together, and fully opened your eyes. You leaned forward to get Myc’s tendrils off of your head. While staring at the floor, you didn’t hear anything from your mushroom buddy. You covered your eyes with your hands, and leaned against your knees. No way in hell he just saw all of that. 
“What in the hell did you just bring up.” Myc’s voice said from behind your chair. The floor illuminated the colors of his cap as they changed from pink to purple. “Are you like mentally doing okay?” He kept talking and walked in front of you with two of his tendrils on his orb. “Wow, thank you.” You mumbled, still not breaking your staring contest with the floor of your office. Myc was quiet for once for a moment before he began talking again. “You know, I’m sorry I didn't mean to go that far. Your mind is a mess by the way.” The mushroom said as he let go of his orb. Because you didn’t reply he poked you with one of his tendrils. “You know I'm not good at this.” He then said, coming a little closer. You looked up at him with the front of your hair now messed up and the whites of your eyes now a little red from trying not to cry. “Yeah, fuck you.” You sniffed, and wiped your eyes with your sleeve. “Deserved, I guess. But you’re still stressed.” He replied, while one of his tendrils closed your laptop. “Mhm, because that helps.” Your gaze turned to him. A couple tears were trying to escape your eyes, but you were fighting for your life to not let that happen. 
You stared at the mushroom in front of you for a moment before you spoke again. “Can you…do the mind reading again. You already know everything so…” You murmured, not daring to look at him. You knew if he could grin at you he would at the moment. “Now you’re getting it.” He replied and scooted close enough that he could place two of his tendrils at the sides of your head. You leaned to the back of your chair again. This time you closed your eyes. It didn’t take long for your mind to start to wonder again. Though this time it felt like something was blocking the thoughts of the work you were stressing over. Could he only read the memories you were thinking about? If so you should be fine if you just relaxed. “I don’t know…can I read memories as well?” Myc’s a little lower voice commented smugly. You or your thoughts didn’t reply, but your breathing had evened out. Myc looked at you, before letting his tendrils fall off. The pink color on them faded away. “Well you’re coming with me…” Myc hummed to himself before lifting you up with a couple of his tendrils.
“You know, I’m sorry for..what I did.” He mumbled to himself, knowing that you most likely couldn’t hear him. “And I’m already sorry for when you wake up tomorrow, because we’re going to my place.” The mushroom added, while making his way to the exit. He was just happy you weren’t overworking yourself anymore.
//I feel like this didn’t turn out too good but it’s almost 6am and i’m kinda tired so we’ll go with this :”D!!
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m0ch4-cup · 2 years
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Inside Job Memes!!! Everyone is insane
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thespacehatter · 1 year
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This is my protest for Netflix to bring them back, I need my emotional support dinguses
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cryptic-m0ss · 2 years
My beloveds-
I wanna see them all hang and do cute shit together so BAD BRO-
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simplyender · 2 years
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Inside Job + Dogs
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p41nkillers · 1 year
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slightly nsfw⚠️⚠️⚠️
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Oh yes, The Muppet Show
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lakesparkles · 8 months
Old art! Old art!!
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This is from the beginning of 2022. I'm still feeling nostalgic about Inside Job - even that the time I was into the show was one of the worst of my life, I was so sad all the time,,
But, if I don't look too close, I still like this comic!
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insidereagan · 2 years
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sin-sidejob · 1 year
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alright, we’re hunting down Netflix executives
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sk3tchysakuraa · 4 months
Heeeyyy… imma post art from when I was absent here! (I have to delete the app sometimes for storage </3)
First is my Inside Job infection au! This is an ongoing project! ^^
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daiseception · 2 years
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nightmare blunt rotation
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shutupcrime · 2 years
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The genre is platonic soulmates your honour
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gintoki23 · 9 months
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Parody of "Body Rock" Movie poster.
Inside Job is really good and you should all watch it! ☆ ~('▽^人)
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sagwa397 · 2 years
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limeelime · 2 years
i did all of this for the joke at the end
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