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Opinion on;
Character in general: I, like most people, have a sort of love/hate opinion on  Katherine. I really do like her character, though. It’s just some of the things she does really piss me off.How they play them: From what I can tell, your portrayal is fairly spot on. I like the wittiness you include and the way you can read it in her voice and it’ll sound exactly like something she’d say, and you can read it in her tone of voice and everything.The Mun: I haven’t had the pleasure of mun to mun interaction yet, but you seem sweet cx
Do I:
RP with them: I don’t think I have yetWant to RP with them: Of course!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: I really love the character portrayal, and the mun seems to be a sweetheart, in general the blog is something I could stay on for hours cx
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deathsiren · 10 years
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A N S W E R Favorite Thing: Idk brah, amazing katherine + you can't relaly go wrong with a sassy badass bitch like Katherine One Suggestion: This is just an opinion but i don't personally like the green and purple color scheme on the pop up thing for your blog. Question for You: Favorite Month of the year???
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