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doumekiss · 2 years ago
doumekiss 2023 fanfic masterlist
A Song of Ice and Fire
When You Were Young - 3/9 - (Lyanna/Howland)
Beyond Duty - 2/2 (Stannis/Catelyn)
Switched Fates - 4/? (Multiple ships and characters)
I am ash from your fire - oneshot (Elia/Rhaegar)
runs in the family - oneshot (Daenerys)
but I'll see you in my holiest dreams - oneshot (Sansa/Mya)
Be more like the man you were made to be - oneshot (Ned/Ashara)
I Can See You - oneshot (Cersei/Lyanna)
Four Girls Sansa Stark Could Have Loved - oneshot (Multiple pairings)
Adventure Time
ten more minutes - oneshot (Marceline/Bonnibel)
Anne with an E
one single thread of gold tied me to you - oneshot (Diana/Anne)
Boy Meets World
Jump Rope Gazers - oneshot (Eric/Jack)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2 A.M. - oneshot (Buffy/Faith)
Holding Hands at Disneyland - oneshot (Annie/Jeff)
The Art of Saying Goodbye - oneshot (Conrad/Christopher)
A Missed Oportunity - oneshot (Vimes/Vetinari)
Doctor Who
Placebo - 2/2 (Rory/11th Doctor)
Baby It's You - oneshot (Barbara/Ian)
Dungeon Meshi
Oh...oh no - oneshot (Laios/Kabru)
Fairy Tales
I’m not a queen, I am a woman take my hand - oneshot (Aurora/Snow White)
Father Ted
Priests Do Not Feel Jealousy - oneshot (Ted/Dougal)
Gilmore Girls
I no longer feel I have to be James Dean - oneshot (Rory/Jess)
Good Omens
Practicing Gratitude (Aziraphale/Crowley)
Gossip Girl
after all that we've been through I know we're cool - oneshot (Nate & Blair)
Greek Mythology
he is not midas (you have always been golden) - oneshot (Ariadne/Dyonisus)
Most Beloved - oneshot (Penelope/Odysseus)
I Know love is mean - oneshot (Aphrodite/Helen)
I look up at the gaps of sunlight (I miss you more than anything) - 2/2 (Clint/Kate)
How I Met Your Mother
The Canine Excuse - oneshot (Robin/Barney)
Invader Zim
Hot Chocolate - oneshot (Dib & Zim)
just like heaven - oneshot (Richie/Eddie)
He is with You - oneshot (Bill & Mike)
Kobayashi-san Chi No Dragon Maid
Lingerie - oneshot (Tohru/Kobayashi)
Managing Expectations - oneshot (Fafnir/Takiya)
Just a Cold - oneshot (Tohru/Kobayashi)
The Beauty of Shadows - oneshot (Maleficent/Aurora)
Mob Psycho 100
I could even learn how to love like you - oneshot (Mob & Reigen)
Mean Girls
Come as you are - oneshot (Janis & Regina)
Are we out of the woods yet? - oneshot (Morgana/Gwen)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Inside your head - 33/? (Dokja/Joonghyuk)
Private Message - oneshot (Maina/Eripiyo)
Princess Tutu
Fairytale Logic - oneshot (Ahiru/Fakir)
Ranma 1/2
When a Curse Stops Being a Curse - oneshot (Ranma/Akane)
Red Dwarf
comfortable thoughts - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister)
frankenstein - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister + Frankie)
mutual benefit - oneshot (Rimmer/Lister)
Positive Reinforcement - oneshot (Seraphina/Glisselda)
Stardew Valley
Happy Wife, Happy Life - oneshot (Haley/F!Farmer)
Stargate Atlantis
The Kirk Routine - oneshot (John/Rodney)
Star Trek : Lower Decks
hits different 'cause it's you - oneshot (Mariner/Boimler)
Star Trek: Voyager
James T. Kirk is Not Trying to Steal Your Boyfriend - oneshot (Icheb/Q Junior)
love is a losing game - oneshot (Roman/Gerri)
girl in the war - oneshot (Charlie/Jo)
the altar is my hips - oneshot (Dean/Castiel)
Dean Winchester’s Amazing Transparent Closet - oneshot (Sam & Dean, Castiel/Dean)
The Breakfast Club
Pretty in Black - oneshot (Allison/Andrew)
The Goldfinch
loving him was red - oneshot (Boris/Theo)
The Locked Tomb
About Last Night... -1/? (Gideon/Harrow)
The Mighty Boosh
Colour my life with the chaos of trouble - oneshot (Vince/Howard)
Let's Buy a Zoo - oneshot (Vince/Howard)
The Office
I know who I want to take me home - oneshot (Oscar/Andy)
love is natural and real (but not for such as you and I, my love) - oneshot (Doumeki/Watanuki, Doumeki/Kohane)
A Kinder Life - 4/? (Watanuki & Sakura & Syaoran & Touya, Doumeki/Watanuki)
For Good Luck - oneshot (Doumeki/Watanuki)
first love/late spring - oneshot (Taissa/Van)
Lady Lazarus - oneshot (Lottie/Laura)
I was only gonna post this at the end of the year but I think it might be best to just keep it pinned and updating as I post
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OCtober Day 10: Silence
This one... hurt a lot. Mya’s my oldest oc, I’ve been working with her for over three years and she’s been put through the ringer. She’s an assassin, and this short scene is a look into her experience in prison after getting set up by the leader of the Assassins’ League with the same trap that killed her best friend. I’ll be kind to her now that I’ve finished writing this. She deserves it.
The Cordanian prisons were all underground. It made it harder for the criminals inside to escape, but also harder for them to find a hope of seeing the outside world again. All they knew was the four walls of their cells, and perhaps another more dangerous room if they resisted. After her third escape attempt, Mya had given up on resisting. In turn, the prison guards had eventually given up on provoking her. They weren’t going to get a confession or whatever else it was that Roberts wanted them to extract, but they weren’t going to get anything else either.
Now, she didn’t even give them the entertainment of a weakened walk around her tiny cell, testing the boundaries of the short chains that prevented her from touching the opposite wall. Something inside her knee had bent or cracked wrong during that last escape attempt, and it hurt to put weight on her leg for any more than a little while. The newly reopened scars on her back hurt even more—Roberts’s punishment for the escape attempt. It was easier to stay where she was, slumped against one wall and staring vacantly at another.
Her thoughts were more than enough to occupy her mind, often for hours at a time. On the good days, she thought about all the ways she’d like to rend Roberts limb from limb, or what jobs she might be on if she hadn’t gotten captured and thrown down there, and she was too lost in thought to notice when the guards pushed a plate of food through the bars of her cell. On the bad days, she thought of the torture she’d been put through and was still yet to come, or the fact that Roberts had so clearly bought the prison guards out and remained comfortable in his power over the Assassins’ League, and she felt too sick to eat.
On both the good and the bad days, she thought about Laena.
Roberts had come in to gloat a few days after Mya had been imprisoned. He’d told her so gleefully of the trap that had been set and the fact that Mya had doomed her by ignoring orders in some fruitless rescue attempt. He’d savored her reaction when he’d told her that there wasn’t enough left of Laena’s body to bury. He’d enjoyed her tears, every last one, until they’d run dry and she was left with lonely silence.
The tears had come and gone many times after that. The silence always remained.
Sometimes, when the guards weren’t bullying her and the only light was a flickering lamp, Mya could close her eyes and imagine those nights when she and Laena were together again. She couldn’t tell when it was day or night after spending so long underground, but that hardly mattered when it all felt like the dead of night, and the stale, damp air of the prison felt like a particularly muggy spring midnight when she closed her eyes just right.
Laena would have sat beside her on the roof of the Assassins’ Manor, and Mya would’ve released her posture and leaned against her shoulder, weary from the day’s work. Laena would’ve been tired too, but she would’ve wrapped her arms around Mya and gently brushed her hair away from where it had fallen in her face. On colder nights, they would’ve huddled close together under a blanket and watched their breath form tiny clouds, and if they were both exhausted enough, they both would have fallen asleep until the sun rose and they had to crawl back into bed without getting caught. They rarely said anything, because the silence was comfortable back then. Silence was always more comfortable with company.
But there was no company in her cell. Laena wasn’t there, and the blanket around her shoulders was too thin and moth-eaten, and the air was too moist and too cold to fall asleep with only her own body heat for warmth. If she slept, there were nightmares, but then, there were nightmares when she was awake, too. There was no difference, really. She could close her eyes and pretend that she wasn’t imprisoned and alone, but there was no changing that she was, and there was no changing that Laena was dead and wouldn’t ever come back.
The silence wasn’t comfortable anymore, but it was all Mya had left.
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alyssabaratheon · 7 years ago
100 Temas para 2018 (Carol)
1. Acampamento
2. Anjos
3. Aquário 
4. Azul 
5. Balanço 
6. Bar 
7. Biblioteca 
8. Caçada (Mya e Robert - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
9. Café 
10. Camareira
11. Câmera 
12. Campo
15. Coroa 
16. Corda 
17. Creme
18. Delinquente 
19. Diário 
20. Disfarce 
21. Empurro 
22. Enterro 
23. Entrevista
24. Escada 
25. Escritório 
26. Espada (Harry/Domeric - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
27. Estrada 
28. Estrelas 
29. Euforia 
30. Fantasia 
31. Fantasma
32. Fogos de Artifício (Raven/Chelsea - Raven’s Home) 
33. Fogueira 
34. Garras 
35. Gelo 
36. Guarda-Roupa 
37. Hierarquia 
38. Hospital 
39. Ídolo 
41. Incêndio 
42. Informal 
43 Insônia 
44. Irreconhecível 
45. Irmãs 
46. Isolação 
47. Janela 
48. Jantar 
49. Jardim 
50. Julgamento 
51. Lã 
52. Lago 
53. Lanterna 
54. Lareira 
55. Leve 
56. Luar 
57. Madeira 
58. Madrugada
59. Maternidade
64.Noivo (Albus/Scorpius - Harry Potter) 
70. Outono (Doumeki e Kohane, xxxHolic) 
71. Paralelo 
72. Pedras (Penélope/Odisseu, Mitologia Grega) 
73. Pirata 
74. Pizza 
75. Porta 
76. Praia   (James/Alyssa (The End of The F***ing World)
77. Quase 
78. Quatro
79. Queda (Lyanna Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
80. Reflexo 
81. Rival 
82. Sacrilégio 
83. Salto 
84. Selado 
85. Seleção (Evgenia/Wakaba, Figure Skating RPF) 
86. Separação
87. Soco 
88. Tarde 
89. Taxi 
90. Tela 
91. Tempestade 
92. Teoria 
93. Terra 
94. Textura 
95. Traição 
96. Trio 
97. Último 
99. Véu
100. Vinho
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OCtober Day 7: Cliff
Thanks to @oc-growth-and-development!
Laena was intended to be just a backstory character for my oc Mya, an assassin currently employed on a pirate ship. In canon, she’s dead by now, but every so often I still like to flesh out her story. It’s not a happy one, though. (CW: kidnapping.)
To set the mood, listen to Fear by Sleeping at Last.
They’d been assigned to the midnight patrol again, though it was well past midnight by then. Mya was wearing multiple coats, one of which was Laena’s and far too big for her, yet she was still shivering. Laena stood close to her for warmth, though she was largely unbothered by the cold or wind or snow. Mya had pointed that out jealously.
“How come you’re not shivering?”
Laena just squeezed Mya’s hand, rubbed it between her own to put more feeling in the younger girl’s fingertips. “I grew up here. I’m familiar with this.”
“Hmph.” Mya was quiet for a little while, but another thought occurred to her soon enough. “Wait. Here, meaning here here? With the League? Or just in the mountains?”
“Just in the mountains,” she repeated quietly, lifting her gaze slightly. The snow was swirling so violently that she couldn’t make out most of the craggy peaks, but the tallest and nearest few weren’t completely hidden. “But I’ve been here most of my life, yes. Since I was six.”
“Damn.” Mya swore, softly and appreciatively. It was a strange sequence from a twelve-year-old. “How’d you end up here so little? They didn’t find me until I was eight.”
Laena fell silent, listening as the wind howled around them. It was beginning to pick up. Sleet like shards of ice pelted her bare cheeks, and beside her, Mya pulled her hood nearly down to her nose. An errant curl fell out from behind Laena’s ear, and she raised a gloved hand to replace it, then extended that hand to Mya.
“Come with me. We’ll be back by morning.”
They hadn’t taken her in the dead of night. The sun was shining the way it did at high noon, except it was already hours past. Days were much longer under summer’s warmth, and Laena relished every moment of sunlight she could get.
Those moments had become fewer and farther between as her mother had fallen ill. Not the plague, the village healer had said, or at least not the most recent one that had swept over the lowlands. But if it wasn’t the plague, he didn’t have anything to treat it with, and her brother had signed up to defend the village with the other young men, so Laena had been relegated to care for her mother, though she didn’t quite know how.
She did what she could. She knew where to find fresh snowmelt for the cloths that went on her forehead and behind her neck, and she learned how to climb onto a chair to ladle some soup into a bowl when her mother could stomach a small meal, and she knew when to pull the curtain over the door to prevent an early ice wind from entering their home. Sometimes her brother came home with news from the healer about some new cure the lowlanders were trying, for other diseases that weren’t quite the plague but fell over the villages in a very plague-like manner. None of the details mattered to Laena, only the desperation that came as her mother failed to get better.
When her mother was asleep, she snuck out into the village to listen to the adults talk. They spoke of mysterious illnesses that weren’t illnesses at all but disappearances into the night, and men hiding in the woods dressed in snow leopards’ skins with knives sharper than teeth, and miraculous medicines that would cure any ailment. One particular rumor captured Laena’s attention, and she ran to find her brother when she heard. He jumped when she snuck up behind him, like he did every time. If Laena had been less concerned about things, she might have poked fun at him for it, especially since he was guarding the village with the other young men, but as she was worried about their mother, she did not.
“The men in town, they were talking about the healer—they didn’t know I was listening—they say he’s talking to a mysterious man, one who has the riches to buy the entire village and the power to kill us all!”
“Be quiet, Laena,” he snapped at her, taking on the air of superiority and impatience that only older brothers could. “You probably heard wrong, and you shouldn’t have been eavesdropping again. What if Mother woke up and you weren’t there?”
“She’s asleep, I checked,” she protested, but there was hardly any force left in it. “I only thought… if this man is visiting our village, and if he’s really that rich—he could find a cure.”
His face didn’t change, but he puffed out his chest a little in a way that made Laena want to kick him. She was tall enough to reach the best place for it, too. “Then I will find him and talk to him, and you will go back home and do what you’re supposed to do.” All her previous energy vanished, Laena only nodded, rounding her shoulders in as she turned away and began the long trudge back home.
 Her brother returned later than usual that night looking rather fearful, but more importantly, looking very annoyed. “You were wrong. There’s no rich and mysterious man with a cure for Mother. I bet you made it all up.”
“I didn’t! I heard it, I really did!”
“Then why did I look all throughout the village and not see anyone new?”
Laena quieted at that, and stared down at her bowl of soup. Their mother had only woken for a brief meal, and had fallen asleep again before Laena had finished. Now she wasn’t hungry anymore, and she pushed her bowl over to her brother for him to finish off. “Maybe I’ll find him,” she said quietly, hardly a whisper. “I’ll find him on my own, without your help.”
“I hope you don’t,” said her brother, equally quietly. He didn’t meet her eyes, but Laena had already looked away.
The next day, she made sure to rise with the sun, and crawled out a window so she wouldn’t disturb her brother. He would be furious to find her gone, as that meant he would have to stay with their mother for the day until she returned, but it had never ended badly before. He knew she always came back with her head down at the end of the day.
But the sun was shining, and she was determined to find that mysterious man.
Their village was too small to support a stranger, even for a night, so Laena took to the surrounding woods. The ground was rocky and full of mud from the melted snow that trickled down from the peaks of the mountains, and it took a considerable effort to make any progress. Yet she couldn’t bring herself to give up, so she searched for many hours, often getting herself lost and then found in the process as she regained her bearings, until she found herself carefully tiptoeing along the edge of a narrow cliff that opened onto a verdant valley. 
There on the other side was a fortress that her entire village could have fit inside. People that looked smaller than toothpicks stood at attention all around the structure, and even on the roof. One, seemingly on a whim, shot a passing bird from out of the sky with expert aim. Laena gasped, and a gloved hand covered her mouth.
She couldn’t draw in a breath, not even to scream, with the hand restricting her airways. The hand’s owner laughed softly. His voice was a low croon that had it not sounded so cruel, might have sung a lullaby for peaceful sleep on the nights she tossed and turned with nightmares.
“You’re a pretty little thing,” his voice said, and Laena tried to push his hand away, but he only held her tighter. “Spirited, too. Perhaps more than I’d like, but beggars can’t be choosers.” That horrible laugh again. “Sick mother, headstrong brother, and nowhere to go for you, hm? No one has any idea where you are, or when you might return. No one gives a shit.”
Her eyes went wide at the curse, one even her brother tried not to use around her. She tried to bite down on his hand, but the glove was there for a reason. Laena squeezed her eyes shut. “Please let me go,” she whimpered against his hand, and though she couldn’t see it, she could feel him begin to smile in a way that was even more horrible than his laugh.
“Oh, I certainly could… but now that you know I was here, I’m afraid I can’t.” Faster than she could react, he slipped a length of fabric over her eyes and another into her mouth so she couldn’t speak. She didn’t know what secrets he spoke of. The only thing she was aware of was the way he ever so carefully flicked her tears off of her cheeks, one by one, and so wasn’t ready for when the back of his hand struck the side of her face.
Laena fell to her knees, tears flowing faster, but only managed to crawl a few feet before he latched onto her wrist and pulled her upright again. “You’ll be coming with me,” he promised with a sneer. “And if you think me a monster, think again. Your mother will be healed by month’s end, and your brother will be thanking me for it. I knew what medicine you needed, and my price was fair, you see. I only needed another initiate. But don’t worry. He and your mother will forget about you soon enough.”
He dragged her away from the cliffside, and unable to fight back, she went quietly with him.
Atop the jagged cliff, with snow blowing sideways and fading into a fog, Laena couldn’t see the fortress that was the southern Assassins’ League base, but she knew it was there. Mya’s gaze fixated on the same point, and hesitantly, she pulled Laena into an embrace. Laena wrapped one arm around Mya’s shoulders, holding her close as the younger girl buried her frozen face into her side.
She’d wanted to tell the real story, the one that Roberts had most certainly laughed about with the more senior assassins after he’d brought her to the League and left her to fend for herself amid the much older trainees, but when she’d opened her mouth, nothing had come out. She wasn’t ready, not even for Mya.
So she’d abridged the truth, said she’d grown up in a village that had been buried by an avalanche in recent years, and that the cliff they stood atop was where she’d been found and brought in for training. It wasn’t a lie, not really. Only a single piece of a much more extensive truth, one that she resolved to keep locked deep inside like she did with all other truths.
The sun’s rays peeked over the horizon at last, and Laena looked away. “Let’s go back,” she whispered to Mya. She stared at the cliff’s edge for a moment longer, but like every other time, she backed quietly away.
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(And so it goes, and so it goes, and you’re the only one who knows.)
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— “You see? Even death has a heart.”
Markus Zusak, The Book Thief
Quotes in edit and caption are not mine.
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— “I won’t say that I never intended to hurt anyone, because at the time, I did.”
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— “Perhaps hope wasn’t such a useless, cruel thing after all.”
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And another Spotify playlist for my oldest oc Mya, who is very much in need of a hug and also therapy.
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doumekiss · 2 years ago
doumekiss 2022 fanfics masterlist
A Song of Ice and Fire
- Five Queens Robb Stark could have had - Oneshot (Multiple pairings)
- right where you are, that's where I am   - Oneshot (Ashara/Elia)
- Persona - 1/? (Sansa/Mya)
- Nice to see you again - 2/2 (Lyanna and Howland)
- Beyong Duty - Oneshot (Stannis/Catelyn)
- I know places we can hide - Oneshot (Sansa/Mya)
- Against The Tides - Oneshot (Daenerys/Doreah)
- Keeping The Oath - Oneshot (Lyanna/Howland)
Anne with an E
- I’m only me when I’m with you - Oneshot (Anne/Diana)
Black Swan
- and in the end in wonderland we both went mad - Oneshot (Lily/Nina)
Cobra Kai
- be good to me, it isn't a game - Oneshot (Lawrusso)    
- Going Gray - Oneshot (Britta/Frankie)
- I think I've seen this film before - Oneshot (Rue/Jules)
Ghost World
-are you really ready to grow up already ?  - Oneshot (Enid/Rebecca)
Greek Mythology
- born to die - Oneshot (Apollo and Hector)
- Three times 'cause you waited your whole life - 2/? (Reddie)
Jennifer’s Body
- Prom Song (Gone Wrong) - Oneshot (Jennifer/Needy) 
Kevin Can Fuck Himself
- and you can use my skin to bury secrets in - Oneshot (Patty/Allison)
Kinou Nani Tabeta (What did you eat yesterday?)
- Boyfriend - Oneshot (Kenji/Shirou)
Little Women
- Seeing and Been Seen - Oneshot (Amy/Laurie)
- Date Night - Oneshot (Maze/Eve)
- I Only See You - Oneshot (Maleficent/Aurora)
Mean Girls
- honey I rose up from the dead I do it all the time - Oneshot (Regina/Janis)
- Ghosts of Past Girlfriends - Oneshot (Regina/Janis)
- what a rainy ending given to a perfect day - Oneshot (Regina/Janis)
- tried to change the ending peter losing wendy - Oneshot (Morgana/Gwen)
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
- Inside Your Head - 32/? (Joongdok)
- All my roads lead to you - Oneshot (Joongdok)
- patch you up - Oneshot (Joongdok)
- maybe I just wanna be yours - Oneshot (Joongdok)
- That Classic Two-Person Love Triangle - Oneshot (Joongdok)
- Stuff Kids Ask - Oneshot (Kim Dokja, Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung)
- one more variable - Oneshot (Joongdok)
Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
- Social Lubricants - Oneshot (Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua)
- I wanna be your endgame - Oneshot (Moshang)
- Marriage Announcement - Oneshot (Moshang, Bingqiu)
Squid Game
- Lilac - 33/33 (Sangihun)
- any comfort - Oneshot (Saebyeong)
- 213 days - 2/2 (Saebyeong)
- Back to The Start - 5/? (Sangihun)
- Living with the Consequences - 4/? (Sangihun)
- Unnie - 1/? (Sangihun)
- Haunted Places - Oneshot (Sangwoo and Saebyeok, Sangihun)
Stardew Valley
- If it’s the right person - Oneshot (Penny/Female Farmer)
 - Worth Keeping - Oneshot (Haley/Leah)
- Special Requests - Oneshot (Shane/Female Farmer)
Steven Universe
- and everytime I close my eyes it's like a dark paradise   - Oneshot (Jaspis)
The Magicians
- White & Red - Oneshot (Fen/Margo)
The Untamed
- only mine, only yours - 2/? (Xuexiao)
- half agony, half hope - 11/? (Chengqing)
- you and I are a story that never gets told - Oneshot (Chengqing)
- what once was ours is no one's now - Oneshot (Amanda/Lily)
Xena Warrior Princess
- Threshold - Oneshot (Xena/Gabrielle)
- divorce day - Oneshot (Doumeki and Kohane, Douwata)
- Things you say only in the dark  - Oneshot (Douwata)
- An interesting Theory - Oneshot (Watanuki and Yuuko, Douwata, Watahima)
- you’re my waterloo - 2/2 (Douwata)
- Asking him out - Oneshot (Douwata)
- Pictures of You - 3/? (Douwata)
- Just eat your cake - Oneshot (Douwata)
- Commitment - Oneshot (Douwata)
- all I know is everything has changed - Oneshot (Lottielee)
- and I never wanted anything from you (except everything you had and what was left after that too) - Oneshot (Shauna/Jackie)
- eden - Oneshot (Lottielee)
- Truth or Dare - Oneshot (Lottielee)
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doumekiss · 7 years ago
Livros : 
1 - A Odisséia de Penélope - Margaret Atwood 
2 - Juliette Society - Sasha Grey 
3 - O Mordomo - Robin Maugham 
4 - Fifteen Dogs - André Alexis 
5 - Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur 
6 - Wild Seed - Octavia E. Butler 
7 - Wishful Drinking - Carrie Fisher 
Filmes : 
1 - I, Tonya (Craig Gillespie - 2017) 
2 - Tickled (David Farrier, Dylan Reeve - 2016) 
3 - Bobby Fischer against the world (Liz Garbus - 2011) 
4 - Battle of the Sexes (Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris - 2017) 
5 - Tabloid (Errol Morris - 2010)
6 - Professor Marston and The Wonder Women (Angela Robinson - 2017) 
7 - The Servant (Joseph Losey - 1963) 
8 - The Great Gatsby (Baz Luhrmann - 2013) 
9 - Pride and Prejudice (Joe Wright - 2005)
10 - The Room (Tommy Wiseau - 2003) 
11 - The Disaster Artist (James Franco - 2017) 
12 - The Postman always rings twice (Tay Garnett - 1946) 
13 - Postcards from the edge (Mike Nichols - 1990) 
Temporadas de séries/cartoons/animes : 
1 - Dirk Gently - S2 
2 - The End of the F***ing World - S1 
3 - Runaways - S1 
4 - Bob’s Burgers - S6
5 - Archer - S2
6 - xxxHolic : Kei 
7 - The Mighty Boosh - S1
8 - The Mighty Boosh - S2
Fanfics : 
1 - 2018 (Raven/Chelsea, Raven’s Home) 
2 - O Dia do Divórcio (Doumeki e Kohane, xxxHolic)
3 - Outras Vidas : Primeira Briga (Harry/Domeric , A Song of Ice and Fire)
4 - A Seleção de Flores (Evgenia/Wakaba, Figure Skating RPF)
5 - A Única resposta possível (Albus/Scorpius, Harry Potter)
6 - Outras Vidas : Patinação Artística (Lyanna Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire)
7 - Natureza & Nobreza : Capítulo 1 (Mya e Robert, A Song of Ice and Fire)
8 - Amada (Penélope/Odisseu, Mitologia Grega)
9 - As palavras certas (James/Alyssa, The End of The F***ing World)
10 - I know what a prince and lover ought to be (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
11 - Batom (Karolina/Nico, Runaways) 
12 - too much kindness can be a cruel thing (Hermes/Hestia, Mitologia Grega) 
13 - Outras Vidas : Primeiro dia de aula (Lyanna e Howland, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
14 - Outras Vidas : Cemitério (Loras/Tommen, Loras/Renly, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
15 - Xeque-Mate (Ron/Viktor, Harry Potter) 
16 - O melhor que todos nós podemos fazer (Betha/Egg, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
17 - Divergências (Harry e Teddy, Harry Potter) 
18 - seu coração ainda te traí (Nico/Alex, Runaways) 
19 - uma noite divertida, e uma chance perdida (Ginny/Neville, Harry Potter) 
20 - O começo de uma conversa vitalícia sobre camisas (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
21 - Coisas de Valor (Harry e Luna, Harry Potter) 
22 - Depois do fim (Helena/Salazar, Harry Potter) 
23 - A taste of spring (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of ice and fire) 
24 - Lugares Encantados (Edric/Shireen, A Song of ice and fire) 
25 - Matching Hats (Shane e Ryan, Buzzfeed Unsolved) 
26 - Pequenas Lesões (Fafnir/Takiya, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon) 
27 - Paternidade (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter)
28 - Outras vidas : Na beirada do ponto sem retorno (Lyanna/Howland, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
29 - Outras Vidas : Viva-voz (Howland/Jyana, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
30 - A Lâmina e o Pescoço (Davos/Stannis, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
31 - Outras Vidas : Apoio Moral (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
32 - Acuidade Visual (Doumeki/Watanuki, xxxHolic) 
33 - O Barbeiro da Meia-Noite (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
Livros : 
8 - The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald 
9 - The Disaster Artist - Greg Sestero 
10 - Juliet, Nua e Crua - Nick Hornby 
11 - De Profundis - Oscar Wilde 
Filmes : 
14 - Blue Valentine (Derek Cianfrance - 2010) 
15 - The Shape of Water (Guillermo Del Toro - 2017) 
16 - What we do in the shadows (Taika Waititi - 2014) 
Temporadas de séries/cartoons/animes :
9- The Mighty Boosh - S3 
10 - One day at a time - S2 
11 - The Good Place - S2 
12 - Lucifer - S1
13 - Lucifer - S2
14 - Crazy Ex Girlfriend - S3 
15 - Red Dwarf - S11
16 - Red Dwarf - S12
17 - Nathan Barley - S1
18 - Flowers - S1
19 - Dr Katz - S3 
20 - Blackadder - S3 
Fanfics : 
34 - Aceitação (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh)
35 -  I'm losing you and it's effortless  (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh)
36 - Trazendo as cores de volta (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
37 - Vamos comprar um Zoológico (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
38 - Outras Vidas : Loja de Animais (Bran/Jojen, Bran e Lyanna, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
39 - Fólie a un (Vince/howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
40 - O que está em um nome (Ginny/Harry/Luna, Harry Potter) 
41 - A última canção (Maleficent/Aurora, Maleficent)
42 - 1 de Novembro (Jessica/Trish, Jessica Jones)
43 - O silêncio da música (Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
44 - O que vem depois (Doctor e Narvin, Doctor Who) 
45 - Sometimes the universe gives you lemons (Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
46 - Las Vegas (Simon/Alisha, Misfits)
47 - Todos nós aqui somos loucos (Alex/Piper, Orange is the new Black)
48 - A Janela (Zach e Reid, Criminal Minds e Bones)
49 - I gaze into your eyes of blue but their beauty is not for me (Sansa/Jon, Sansa/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
50 - bitterness looks good on you (Georgina/Dan, gossip girl)
51 - I didn’t knew we were just a highschool romance (Rebecca/Enid, Ghost World) 
52 -  No it's not love but my body's reeling to move closer next to you (Julieta, Romeu e Julieta) 
53 - Campeã (Julieta, Romeu e Julieta)
54 - Ligação (Michael/Lindsay, Arrested Development) 
55 - Coming Out (Nico e Amy, Runaways)
56 - Nós dois merecemos mais (Kochanski e Lister, Red Dwarf)
57 - Beneficio Mútuo (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
Livros : 
12 - Discworld : The Amazing Maurice and his educated Rodents - Terry Pratchett 
13 - Jeeves & Wooster : The Code of The Woosters - P. G. Wodehouse 
14 - Jeeves & Wooster : Joy in the Morning - P. G. Wodehouse 
15 - A Profecia - David Seltzer 
16 - Sem Recreio - Suzana Vargas 
17 - A Casa das Lembranças Perdidas - Kate Morton 
18 - O Piano - Jane Campion e Kate Pullinger
19 - Elogio a Madrasta - Mario Vargas Llosa
20 - O Clube dos Oito - Daniel Handler
21 - Kissing The Witch - Emma Donoghue 
22 - A day in the life of Marlon Bundo - Jill Twiss 
23 - Um de nós está mentindo - Karen McManus 
24 - Estamos bem - Nina LaCour 
25 - O livro do juízo final - Connie Willis 
26 - Interferências - Connie Willis 
Filmes : 
17 - The Heartbreak Kid (Elaine May - 1972) 
18 - Mr Roosevelt (Noel Wells - 2017) 
19 - Pet Sematery (Mary Lambert - 1989) 
20 - The Florida Project (Sean Baker - 2017) 
21 - Chily Scenes of Winter (Joan Miklin Silver - 1979) 
22 - Gothic (Ken Russell - 1986) 
23 - Mikey and Nicky (Elaine May - 1976) 
Séries : 
21 - Red Dwarf - S4 
22 - Blackadder - S2 
24 - Archer - S3
25 - Archer - S4 
26 - Father Ted - S1 
27 - Archer S5
28 - Archer S6 
29 - Archer S7
30 - Archer S8
31 - Father Ted - S2 
32 - Santa Clarita Diet - S1 
33 - Derry Girls - S1
34 - Fargo - S1 
35 - Fargo - S2 
36 - Sanra Clarita Diet - S2
37 - Fargo - S3 
Fanfics : 
58 - Constantes Universais (Arlene e F!Ace, Red Dwarf)
59 - Um pequeno empurrão na direção certa (Arlene e Rimmer, Red Dwarf)
60 - Os componentes essenciais de um romance de acordo com Arnold J. Rimmer B.M.C (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
61 - Pensamentos confortáveis (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
62 - Falas, frases e significados (Gert/Chase, Runaways) 
63 - o pânico (que não apareceu) e as cerejas (que apareceram) - (Mark/Jeremy, Peep Show) 
64 - Amortentia (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster) 
65 - O Espetacular Agora (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
66 - Padres não sentem ciúmes, exceto quando eles sente - (Ted/Dougal, Father Ted) 
67 - Destinos Trocados : Jeyne Lannister (Jeyne/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire)
68 - Sua alma é mais sábia que a sua mente (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster)  
27 - Blackout - Connie Willis 
24 - Twins of Evil (John Hough - 1971) 
25 - The Last Five Years (Richard LaGravenese - 2015)
26 - A Gray State (Erik Nelson - 2017)
27 - Out of thin air (Dylan Howitt - 2017) 
28 - Annihilation (Alex Garland - 2018)
29 - The Discovery (Charlie McDowell - 2017) 
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doumekiss · 8 years ago
Desafio Fanfics 2018 - 100 Temas
1. Acampamento
2. Anjos
3. Aquário (Bran/Jojen, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
4. Azul (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire)
5. Balanço (Doctor e Narvin, Doctor Who) 
6. Batom (Karolina/Nico, Runaways)  
7. Biblioteca (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster) 
8. Caçada (Mya e Robert, A Song of Ice and Fire)
9. Cela (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire)
10. Câmera (Lyanna/Howland, A Song of Ice and Fire)
11. Cereja (Mark/Jeremy, Peep Show) 
12. Cochichos (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
13. Concessão (Hermes/Hestia, Mitologia Grega)
14. Convite (Ginny/Neville, Harry Potter) 
15. Coroa (Julieta, Romeu e Julieta) 
16. Corda
17. Creme
18. Delinquente (Ted/Dougal, Father Ted) 
19. Diário
20. Disfarce (Rimmer e Arlene, Red Dwarf) 
21. Empurro (Arlene e Girl!Ace, Red Dwarf) 
22. Enterro
23. Entrevista
24. Escada
25. Escritório
26. Espada (Harry/Domeric - A Song of Ice and Fire) 
27. Estrada
28. Estrelas (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
29. Euforia (Alex/Piper, Orange is the new black) 
30. Fantasia
31. Fantasma (Helena/Salazar - Harry Potter) 
32. Filhas (Percy/Oliver - Harry Potter) 
33. Fogos de Artifício (Raven/Chelsea - Raven’s Home) 
34. Fotografias (Dan/Georgina, Gossip Girl) 
35. Gelo
36. Guarda-Roupa (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
37. Hierarquia (Jeeves/Bertie, Jeeves & Wooster) 
38. Hospital (Luna/Ginny/Harry, Harry Potter) 
39. Ídolo (Ron/Viktor, Harry Potter)
40. Ilha (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
41. Incêndio
42. Informal
43. Insônia (Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
44. Irreconhecível (Enid/Rebecca, Ghost World) 
45. Irmãs (Claire + Dan/Jones, Nathan Barley) 
46. Isolação (Loras/Tommen, Loras/Renly, A Song of Ice and Fire)
47. Janela (Reid e Zach, Criminal Minds e Bones) 
48. Jantar
49. Jardim (Edric/Shireen, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
50. Julgamento (Percy/Oliver, Harry Potter) 
51. Lã
52. Lago
53. Lanterna
54. Lareira
55. Leve (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
56. Luar (Harry e Luna, Harry Potter) 
57. Madeira
58. Madrugada (Michael/Lindsay, Arrested Development) 
59. Manipulação (Jeyne/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
60.Mensagem (Nico e Amy, Runaways) 
62.Música (Maleficent/Aurora, Maleficent) 
63.Natureza (Betha/Egg, A Song of Ice and Fire)
64.Noivo - (Albus/Scorpius - Harry Potter) 
66.Óculos - (Doumeki/Watanuki, xxxHolic) 
70. Outono (Doumeki e Kohane, xxxHolic) 
71. Paralelo (Kochanski e Lister, Red Dwarf) 
72. Pedras (Penélope/Odisseu, Mitologia Grega)  
73. Pescoço (Davos/Stannis, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
74. Pizza (Jessica/Trish, Jessica Jones) 
75. Porta (Gendry/Aegon, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
76. Praia  (James/Alyssa, The End of The F***ing World) 
77. Quase (Gert/Chase, Runaways) 
78. Quatro
79. Queda - (Lyanna Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
80. Reflexo (Harry e Teddy, Harry Potter)
81. Rival (Ryan e Shane, Buzzfeed Unsolved) 
82. Sacrilégio (Sansa/Jon, Sansa/Robb, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
83. Salto (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
84. Selado (Simon/Alisha, Misfits) 
85. Seleção (Evgenia/Wakaba, Figure Skating RPF) 
86. Separação (Howard/Vince, The Mighty Boosh) 
87. Soco
88. Tarde (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
89. Taxi
90. Tela
91. Tempestade
92. Teoria (Rimmer/Lister, Red Dwarf) 
93. Terra
94. Textura (Vince/Howard, The Mighty Boosh) 
95. Traição (Nico/Alex, Runaways)
96. Trio
97. Último (Romeu/Julieta, Romeu e Julieta) 
98.Verdade (Howland/Jyana, A Song of Ice and Fire) 
99. Vídeo Game (Takiya/Fafnir, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon) 
100. Vinho (Lyanna/Howland, A Song of ice and Fire) 
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