#my zoo keeper is so good at brushing my teeth but my zoo keeper forgets to give me pumpkins for long stretches of time
goatsandgangsters · 2 months
one thing I think would help me is like. I don't need a habit tracker that's geared towards daily tasks, building routines, streaks, etc
I need something for the Forgets To Have Fun Sometimes problem, where it's not about frequency but about "how long has it been since you did it." something that'll nudge me like "hey it's been a couple weeks since you got together with a friend" or gone on a little outing or made time for creative projects
because I'm good at routines! in fact I'm too good at daily routines, which is why I forget to do things OUTSIDE the routine specifically because it's not already routine-ified
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fruitcoops · 4 years
could you write a coops getting a piercing or tattoo (one or both of them)?
Part 6 of the Coops wedding fics! Thank you to everyone who has read this series--it’s been so much fun writing these, and hearing everyone’s thoughts made the past week an absolute blast. Hope you enjoy!
Check out the rest of the series on the Series Masterlist!
If someone had told twenty-year-old Sirius that in a few years, he would be walking into a tattoo parlor, hand-in-hand with his husband as they prepared to get their wedding date permanently inked on his skin…well, he probably would have laughed in their face. He had never been a big fan of tattoos—they looked cool, sure, but he never understood the point of going through all that hullabaloo for something that would stretch and fade.
Now, though, he saw the point. Wedding rings were amazing, but they were easy to lose; tattoo ink, on the other hand, was a permanent reminder that he had scored the most wonderful person on the planet as his husband.
“Right this way,” Jaya, the young artist with bright blue hair said, smiling as they waved him and Remus into the back. “Congrats on the wedding, by the way. How long has it been?”
“Three weeks.” Remus squeezed his hand and Sirius smiled, running his thumb over the ring. God, he would never get tired of seeing it there.
“It went well, I assume?” Jaya asked as they began setting up.
“It was perfect.” Sirius felt a jolt of fear in his stomach when he saw the tattoo gun, but quickly quashed it down; they had done their research and worked on the design with Jaya even before the actual wedding. He wanted to do this.
“We talked about the process over the phone, but do you have any questions? I’ll go over aftercare again once we’re done.” Jaya paused for a moment, but neither of them spoke up. “Alright, then, which brave soul wants to go first?”
Best to get it over with, Sirius thought. “I can go,” he said, much quieter than intended. Remus raised his eyebrows and he kissed his forehead quickly in reassurance before settling into the chair. He let go of Remus’ hand for a second to pull his shirt over his head, then took it once again and tried to stop the fluttery nerves in his gut.
“Right in the center, yeah?” Jaya leaned down with a stencil, their silver-lined eyes flicking up to Sirius’ face.
“Alright.” He swallowed hard at the cold feeling of the paper on his skin, just below the hollow of his throat. His neck felt bare without the necklace, but it would be back soon enough. Jaya held a mirror up to show the small numbers. “Look good?”
Sirius nodded. “Let’s do it.”
His heart hammered in his throat and he let out a shaky breath as Jaya cleaned the area and cleaned up their drawing, then picked up the tattoo gun. “Je t’ai,” Remus murmured as he closed his eyes in a last-ditch attempt at relaxing. “You’re alright.”
“Oh, fuck,” Sirius hissed when the needles touched his skin. He clenched his teeth and tightened his grip on Remus’ hand, breathing slowly as pain prickled all across his chest. It felt like a million bee stings, or the last week of his broken ribs healing.
“Do you need a break?” Jaya asked without looking up.
“Just keep going,” he managed, blinking rapidly at the ceiling. The buzzing sound wasn’t quite as frightening as the strange kind of pain, but it certainly didn’t settle his anxiety.
“You okay, baby?” Remus folded his other hand over Sirius’ and traced a pattern into his wrist.
“Lily and James invited us to dinner next week. Harry’s been asking to see the new baby lions at the zoo with you specifically. He’s also learned the word ‘lame’ and won’t stop using it on James.”
“Yep. Lily says it was her fault, but she told James it was me who taught him to say it.” Remus rolled his eyes, but he was smiling.
“It’s karma. You taught him to actually swear, after all.”
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” Remus complained. “The line is, ‘that’s so unfair, sweetheart, and we need to get revenge’.”
“Right, sor—ow.” Sirius blew out a harsh breath as the needle skimmed over a sensitive patch of skin and bit the inside of his lip.
Jaya made a sympathetic noise. “Just a couple more minutes in this area and then we’ll take a break.”
Sirius turned his head toward Remus and quirked an eyebrow. “Were you trying to distract me?”
“It worked, didn’t it?” He moved one hand up to brush the hair off his forehead; Sirius melted into the touch, channeling his attention into the tingly feeling of Remus’ fingers in his hair. “Almost done, love.”
“I’ve got most of it done,” Jaya said, sitting back at last. “Just cleanup work now, and that’ll only take a few minutes. You’re lucky with all the muscle on your chest. It would hurt like a bitch if it was closer to the bone.”
“It already hurts like a bitch,” Sirius laughed, grimacing as Jaya flexed their hand and leaned in again.
“When you two told me your placements at our first appointment, I was a bit surprised,” they murmured, back in the zone already. “Most first-timers don’t choose such sensitive spots.”
“The placement was the important part,” he said, wincing.
“With your necklace, right?”
“I always like it when people have cute meanings.” Jaya swiped their cloth over the small tattoo before continuing. “I mean, I got most of my ink because I thought it looked cool, but hearing people’s stories is the best part of the job.”
“Would you say the wrist or the chest is more painful?” Remus asked.
Jaya bit their lip. “Depends on the person. The chest area has more bone, but wrists are notorious for hurting.”
Remus hummed, but Sirius heard the edge of tension and kissed the side of his hand. “You’ll be fine.”
“You’re one in the chair,” he laughed. “I’m supposed to be reassuring you right now.”
Jaya glanced up at him. “Count down from thirty for me?”
Sirius frowned in confusion, but obliged; as soon as he reached ‘zero’, Jaya set the tattoo gun down and stretched their back out. “Was that—is it done?”
“Yep. Congrats, you’ve got a tattoo!” Jaya grinned as he sat up, then handed him a mirror. There, in black ink covering a space the size of a quarter, laid a perfect ‘6/12’. The skin around it was bright, angry red, but Sirius was more focused on the familiar slant to the six and the curl of the two; he had seen it written on the PT room whiteboard countless times and, more recently, their mock-up wedding invitations. “Do you like it?”
Sirius cleared his throat as a lump tightened it. “It’s—I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” Jaya handed him his shirt as he stood. Remus took his place, looking a little pale as he rested his hand on the small table Jaya had set up next to the chair. “Still okay with the inside of your wrist?”
Remus hesitated, then set his jaw and nodded. “All good.”
“Are you sure.”
“A hundred percent,”
“Alright, let’s get that stencil on.” Jaya worked with clear intent and smooth ease—that had been one of the main reasons they decided on this shop above the others in the area. The cleaning was quick, Remus approved the stencil, and then they got to work.
“Holy fuck, you weren’t kidding about the wrist,” he half-laughed, gripping Sirius’ hand in a white-knuckled hold. “Now would be a good time to start talking, baby.”
“Oh! Um, we need to pick up eggs from the grocery store.” Jaya had to sit back as they both burst out laughing; Sirius put his face in his free hand to hide his blush. “Sorry, I panicked.”
“Why don’t you tell me about your day with Tremzy?” Remus suggested, wiping tears from the corner of his eyes as he settled back down.
“Yeah, okay,” Sirius said lamely. “Uh, I kicked his ass in Smash Bros.”
“You’ve got yourself a keeper,” Jaya said as they started working on Remus’ wrist again.
He smiled up at Sirius. “I know.”
The next fifty minutes passed much the same as they had while Sirius was getting his tattoo—he chatted almost nonstop, rambling about Logan’s terrible cooking and the standing invitation to bring Regulus along for a ‘we survived the Dumais house’ party. Remus scrunched his face up every few minutes, but Sirius kept their shoulders pressed together as he toyed with his free hand. Jaya gave him a thirty-second countdown as well before wiping away the last of the stray ink with a smile.
“How’s it look?”
Remus’ breath caught when he looked down, running his thumb along the lower edge. “That’s exactly what I wanted, thank you so much.”
“Any time, dude. Both of you have good pain tolerance.” They slid their cart to the side of the room again and stood, gathering some gauze and plastic wrap.
Remus leaned his head on Sirius’ shoulder with a sigh. “You have the prettiest handwriting.”
“And you have no excuse for forgetting our anniversary,” he teased, kissing his cheek. “How’s it feel?”
“Like I just got stabbed by a bunch of needles.”
Jaya snorted as he held his arm out for the bandages. “This might shock you, but…”
The three of them broke down laughing and Sirius shook his head, fiddling with the edge of the tape that he could feel under his shirt. A dull ache had begun spreading warmth over his skin and he knew the itching would drive him half-crazy over the next two weeks, but it was an easy price to pay for having his husband’s handwriting on him for the rest of his life. A permanent ‘I love you’, he had said the night after they decided on the design. Sirius smiled to himself as Jaya outlined the aftercare procedures. Permanent. Permanent sounded good.
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simiriicc · 5 years
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Animal Care Career for Sims 4 (3 Branches)
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You need the Cats and Dogs expansion
Do you love animals of any kind? Then this career is the one for you. Whether the critters in question run, swim or fly you'll be taking care of them and educating the public along the way.
Level 1 - Bird Watcher
The best way to learn about animals is to watch them in their natural habitat. So get some binoculars and a thermos of coffee, because you'll be out early in the morning come sunshine or rain.
Level 2 - Kennel Cleaner
That's right you're scooping poop, it's not enjoyable work but someone has to do it. At least you get to see all those cute animals every day so it's worth it...Right?
Level 3 - Dog Walker
Well, now you get to be out in the fresh air getting some exercise with your favourite furry friends...Although you'll still have to clean up poop occasionally when the dog does their business in a public park.
Level 4 - Pet Shop Employee
So you're working in retail now... Which is better than picking up poop...Marginally.  At least you're rewarded with the smiles on sim's faces when they find their forever friend, even if you don't understand the appeal of a voidcritter as a pet.
3 Branches: Exotic Animal Specialist, Pet Specialist and Equine Specialist
Exotic Animal Specialist:
Level 5 - Zoo Keeper
And you're back to scooping poop, boo! But it's elephant and lion poop instead of dog poop so... Yay? Be sure not to confuse the penguin and polar bear exhibits, and please don't forget to shut the gate behind you.
Level 6 -  Circus Trainer
I hope you're not afraid of clowns because you're off to join the circus! Make sure those lions can jump through the hoops and stock up on peanuts for the elephants.
Level 7 - Safari Tour Guide
Time to get up close and personal with wild animals, and there are no fences this time. And on top of that you're educating other sims on these majestic beasts, so make sure you can tell the difference between a Bengal and a Siberian tiger.
Level 8 - Dino Researcher
So it turns out some billionaire called Roger Hamster has a plan to bring dinosaurs back to life! Something to do with mosquitoes and amber? It doesn't matter, he's offered you a generous salary to come work in his labs. It probably won't work but it should be interesting at least.
Level 9 - Raptor Trainer
Well, it actually worked, who would have thought it? But there's a problem...The three raptors who just hatched imprinted on you so now you're moving out of the lab to train and take care of them. Now Roger wants to turn the island into a theme park, what could go wrong?
Level 10 - Park Administrator
The good news is Roger's plan worked, and the park is open for business. The bad news is that there was...An incident on the day of the opening...Involving Roger and a T-rex. But wait, good news again, you were the only candidate who wanted to take his place, so now you're the boss...Congratulations?
Pet Specialist
Level 5 - Groomer
It's time to brush those knots and trim those nails, make those coats shimmer and shine. Just watch out, not all pets enjoy their time at the vet, so keep some treats on hand for when Mr Fluffles gets grumpy.
Level 6 - Pet Trainer
"Sit" "Roll Over" "Paw" These are all commands that you'll become very familiar with. Have patience because even the most difficult of students will get there eventually.
Level 7 - Pet Show Judge
Who has the shiniest coat? The cleanest teeth? The best walk? These are all question's you'll need to consider as you decide who deserves that coveted trophy. And watch out because some of the competitors may not like your decision.
Level 8 - Professional Breeder
Puppies, kittens and chicks oh my. You'll be surrounded by the cutest of animal babies, try not to get too distracted by playing with them. And try not to get too attached because unfortunately, all these cuties have to go to new homes eventually.
Level 9 - Veterinary Student
It's time to hit the books and brush up on the difference between Swamp Mouth and Lava Nose. You'll also be shadowing a fully qualified vet so be sure to pay attention, they may well have some words of wisdom for you.
Level 10 - Veterinarian
All your hard work finally paid off, you're now a fully qualified Veterinarian, congratulations! But don't put your feet up just yet, there's still a lot of hard work ahead of you. So put on your rubber gloves and get your thermometer it's time to diagnose and treat those cuddly critters.
Equine Specialist
Level 5 - Stable Cleaner
Mucking out stables is your primary task, but you also have to groom and tack up the horses ready for lessons. It'll be hard work but on the plus side, you get free riding lessons.
Level 6 - Riding Instructor
The student has now become the teacher, it's time to pass your skills on to others. Get ready to brush them off and patch them up if they fall off. But remember the number one rule is to get back on the saddle after you fall off.
Level 7 - Groom
You've been hired as the groom for a competitive showjumper, Poppy Fundell. This job is a lot more complicated than it sounds, you're not only responsible for grooming the horses to make them look perfect for showtime, but you're also responsible for making sure the rider has everything they need and running any errands that they need doing.
Level 8 - Excerciser
Title Description Your employer now trusts you enough to exercise their horses, that means riding or lunging them every day before competitions to keep them fit and sometimes warm the horse up before competitions. It's a big responsibility so make sure they don't regret it.
Level 9 - Professional Showjumper
You've learned a lot from your time with Poppy, she was selling one of her horses and you leapt at the chance to start your own showjumping career. Who knows maybe you'll end up competing head to head with Poppy herself.
Level 10 - Olympic Showjumper
A huge congratulations to you, you've been picked to join the Olympic showjumping team! Now's the time to work hard and go for the gold.
Download HERE Check out my Patreon HERE Made using Neia’s career tool
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Colour Me In (Part 5)
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Eliza gasped as a blue butterfly landed on her nose and giggled when she looked over at Calum. He had a yellow butterfly in his dark curls and his mouth was hanging open, eyes wide as he fed several others from his hand. He'd brought her to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
They'd started in the butterfly jungle and Eliza swooned at Calum trying to be extra careful with the tiny delicate creatures.
Next was the aviary where Eliza stared at the birds the zoo keeper brought out one by one following along with the script on Calum's phone. He seemed a little more skittish around the birds as they were brought up close, but he tried to play it off.  She marveled at the colors, and judging by the way Calum flinched when it opened its beak she guessed it was very loud.
Calum bought behind the scenes tickets so they learned about kangaroos for about an hour, even holding and feeding a baby roo. The park employees teased Calum about being a natural, being from Australia and all. Eliza noticed the side glances cast her way, some girls nodding at her and smiling in appreciation of the man she was on a date with. Other females shot her looks of pure envy and venom, but Eliza ignored them, she was too happy to care what anyone thought.
They grabbed a quick snack before Calum took her on a caravan safari through the Asian and African savannah. Calum had preloaded the guides script into his phone so Eliza could read along, but he kept poking her and pointing, signing “What's that?”
She'd sign back “lion, rhino, antelope,” and so on and the tour continued. A couple of kids sitting in front of them turned around to watch the impromptu lesson and were soon asking their own questions.
Calum grinned watching Eliza answer every one while still paying close attention to the animals they were there to see. He brushed a curl off her cheek tucking it behind her ear earning him a smile that made his heart catch in his throat. He took a video of her teaching the kids to sign “giraffe” and he couldn't help but think she'd be such a good mom someday. The thought unnerved him for a second, but he squeezed her knee and smiled back. The kids got distracted by their parents who felt bad intruding on what was obviously a date, and Eliza snuck in a quick kiss, pressing her lips to his briefly, just long enough to let Calum know he was already in too deep.
The safari was about two hours long with Eliza alternating between signing for Calum and the kids and holding his hand enjoying the scenery. Every now and then resting her head on his shoulder so her hair tickled his face, and he noticed it smelled like honeysuckle flowers and coconut. Cal couldn't remember the last time he'd taken a girl out on a date and he'd never done anything like this before.
By the time the tour was over they were both hungry and the parents of the two kids offered to treat them to lunch at the restaurant on that side of the park. They wandered back through the park deciding to try the zipline even though Eliza objected not wanting Calum to spend any more money. He overruled her objections and flying above the animals she was glad he'd insisted. He'd gone first so he was waiting when she landed. Eliza was so overwhelmed at the days experience, and this gorgeous man grinning at her with his arms out, she couldn't help but throw her arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. His hands tangled in her hair and his tongue parted her lips when they were asked to move along. Calum frowned as he pulled back, leading Eliza back down the trail.
They held hands as they made their way out of the park, stopping occasionally to look at an exhibit and even popping in to feed some colourful lorikeets. Eliza laughed when Calum seemed to finally be warming up to birds until one pooped right in his hand. He looked so embarrassed and grossed out, she felt bad for him but laughed harder as she handed him a wet wipe. They stopped at the petting kraal so Calum could brush a goat which Eliza just had to get video of.  
They made their way to Calum's car, and he acted like he was gonna reach around to open the passenger door for her. Instead his hands found her waist backing her against the car. Eliza stood on her toes tilting her head up as his mouth came crashing down on hers continuing where they'd been rudely interrupted. The kiss was deep and passionate, his hands running down her sides gripping her hips, her fingers pulling his curls as her teeth grazed his bottom lip. He started to dip down to kiss her neck and Eliza pushed him away, suddenly.
“I'm sorry I'm sorry” she signed, wide eyed and shaking her head. She grabbed her phone.
I can't have marks on my neck. Where my mom and boss could see them.
Calum backed up and nodded before leaning in and kissing her lips again.
If I ever leave marks, they'll be where no one can see them.
Eliza's jaw dropped and Calum burst out laughing. He opened the door for her, before walking around and getting in himself.
I'm still hungry, let me buy you dinner
That's not how this is supposed to work ya know
Calum was using voice to text so he could talk to her while driving.
Don't care, you just dropped several hundred dollars taking me out today, I can buy you a pizza.
Okay fine, but let's go back to the hotel and let me get a quick shower before we get dinner.
Shower? Where?
I got a room this morning because I figured I'd be too tired to drive back tonight after getting up that early to drive down
How much is this costing you?
Don't worry about it, I can afford it and it was worth it to come see you.
Eliza got freshened up in her room and changed into a yellow sundress with sneakers and a white denim jacket over the dress. Calum was at her door looking handsome as always in a black tank top with an unbuttoned red shirt over it. Ripped black jeans and boots with his hair still wet from his shower, Eliza had to fight the urge to forget about dinner.
The desk clerk was a fan and insisted they try her favorite restaurant about twenty minutes away. The menu was California cuisine with a Greek twist. Eliza skipped it and went straight for the kebab, the smell of the lamb meat already had her mouth watering. Calum followed her lead and it was a slow night so the owner was also running food. He stopped to chat them up and they had a laugh how international the table was, a Maori-Scottish man on a date with an Portuguese-Iranian woman at a Greek restaurant in a Mexican named city eating Turkish food.
He insisted they take a shot of Ouzo on the house, only relenting when Eliza explained she was Muslim, insisting Calum take two in her place.
Calum texted her can you drive a stick? Eliza nodded with a wink and he took the shots. He nursed a beer for the rest of the night not wanting to get silly around Eliza. The liquor got him feeling a bit loose and he couldn't stop touching her. He kept playing with her fingers, rubbing her shoulder, bumping her knee with his, Eliza wasn't drunk but felt intoxicated by the attention.
The food was amazing finally breaking the spell as they concentrated on their meal.
Afterwards they were absolutely stuffed but the owner insisted they take some of his wife's famous kourabiedes, Greek walnut sugar cookies, with them to go.
They got back and Calum walked her to her room. Eliza stopped and pulled out her phone
I want you to come in and hang out, but I don't want you to think this is an invitation to fool around
Okay but you're looking really pretty tonight so I can't promise I won't try and kiss you
I'll consider myself warned
They ended up sitting on the bed holding their phones to chat. Calum was sitting up with a pillow behind him with Eliza sitting between his legs, her back resting against his chest. They were both fully clothed although she'd changed into yoga pants and an oversized t shirt with a sports bra underneath and Rocket and Groot knee socks.
If you're trying to look unappealing, it's not working, but what's with the socks
Maggie is Rocket and I am Groot
He giggled and she looked back at him receiving a kiss before settling back against him.
They stayed that way until after 2am. Cuddling and texting eventually putting one phone one the charger while they passed the other back and forth. Calum talked about his two girlfriends in high school and how awful he'd been to them. He'd had sex for the first time at 15 and he was embarrassed to admit he honestly couldn't tell her how many girls he'd slept with. After that he told her about the girl who'd convinced him he was finally in love. She'd been a drummer and a tattoo artist about a year older than him. He'd become jaded when that fell apart piece by piece until they hated each other. He never missed them as a couple, but sometimes he still missed her.
Eliza nodded she told him about her first boyfriend, Miguel who'd been deaf like her. They'd met at school, as there was only two high schools in the district that had ASL interpreter. They'd dated from sophomore to senior year, and he'd been the one to take her virginity, convincing her they would marry after college and live happily ever after. She found out he was cheating a week before graduation. Her second serious boyfriend was Patrick who she met in literature class her first week of college. They'd been together a little over a year despite Maggie and Kevin never being fully happy with the relationship.
As far as sex was concerned she and Miguel had been kids, sneaking around, figuring things out together, and it had been enjoyable. Patrick had been boring in bed, she knew enough to know that. When she'd gotten the courage to suggest trying something different he'd turned it around on. Patrick had blamed her extra weight and her lack of experience for his poor performance. Their relationship crumbled quickly after that.
Eliza felt suddenly bashful explaining her limited sexual experience and prowess.
I hope if something ever happens you won't be disappointed
Eliza felt Calum's whole body tense up as he read that.
You could never disappoint me, don't ever think that.
He turned her head so she was looking at him and mouthed “Never” before pulling her into a kiss.
Soon they were tangled together in a flush of heavy breathing, roaming hands and passionate kisses. Calum stopped and pulled away watching her face. Eliza was still unsure if she was ready for this and Calum understood that. He got up of the bed and helped her up.
“Not yet” she signed.
“I understand” he signed back before kissing her forehead. “I should go get sleep.”
He kissed her goodnight and went to the desk to see if he could keep his room until Monday.
The next day Calum slept till 10 but Eliza was already up and ready with a bagel sandwich and a coffee for him. She'd decided that since Calum had planned yesterday, and it had been expensive, that today would be the opposite.
They went to Balboa Park to explore the gardens. She only expected to be there a couple hours but the place was huge and breathtakingly beautiful. They marveled at the stunning Spanish-Moorish fountains in Alcazar Park, took pictures at the lily pond in front of the Botanical Building and delighting at the rare orchids inside. They grabbed a light lunch before heading to the carousel.
It was a gorgeous historic menagerie carousel with many animals to choose from.  Calum picked a horse but Eliza wanted the dragon. She smiled the entire ride her eyes kept wandering around taking it all in. Calum's heart was in his throat, and he couldn't stop staring. Reputation be damned, he liked this girl, and he had to make sure she knew.
The rest of the short day was spent wandering hand in hand through the Memorial Rose Garden, Calum memorizing which flowers were her favorites. Then the Japanese Friendship garden where they enjoyed strolling through authentic buildings and reading the exhibits.  He stole kisses walking down the paths before standing behind her holding her and resting his chin on top of her head while they silently watched the koi ponds.
Calum stepped back and turned her around to face him and raised his eyebrows carefully signing “want girlfriend my will.”
It took Eliza half a second to realize what Calum just asked her.
“Of course” she signed back at him beaming before raising up on her toes to kiss him.\
@wildhearthood @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @cal-puddies @biba3434 @babygirlcashton @angelbabylu @itstheholls @5sos-ficssmut @cal-pal-cuddles @calumh-excess @1dthewantedlove
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