#my yuusona rose lopez
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The only circumstances under which they would not have a whole ass foot height difference XD
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kawaii-queen-kaiju · 1 month
Yuu: Ramshackle has a core value too-! Literally like, half of the main student cast: Arson is not a value. The other half of the main student cast: It is too! Yuu: ... I was gonna say chaos, but arson works too :D
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Rose: Okay, I'm ready! Jack: ... Jack: What in the name of the sevens is on your feet? Rose: That line is hilarious to me for some reason I can't quite put my finger on... They're tennis shoes, obviously. Jack: No, those are stilts. You're gonna break an ankle if you try to run in those! Please, go change them. Rose: Bullshit, I do it all the time! Jack: Rose. Rose: No. >:( Jack: If you don't change them now, you're gonna have to after getting called out in front of a whole crowd of people and hold up the race. Rose: ... fine. Jack: Thank you.
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blood-red-bumblebee · 10 days
normally my home screen buddy is Jack in ceremonial robes, but I wanted to see what his other voice lines were so I looked thru all the Jack cards I have and I noticed three things.
A.) he is more tsundere than I remember :| like I always saw him as brash and blunt, but not really the type to hide how he feels, where the hell did I pull that from? XD (still love him, words are overrated, it's all about the vibes behind em)
B.) personal space, he has several voice lines about it and it makes me feel bad, cus if I knew him fr, I would never want to let go of him. there are a couple ways I can fix this with jackrose; relationship obstacle, or he's only okay with her being in his personal space (cus he wants to be in hers :>) if you can't tell, I don't like drama and will go with the fluffy smooth fix every time :)
C.) he's ticklish and I would hate to take advantage of the trust he lends; letting me into his personal space, but Rose would definitely tickle him when she wants attention (she gives kisses in recompense <3)
thank you for coming to my TED talk
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It took two days and I feel like an actual shrimp BUT IT TURNED OUT SO GOODDD I'M SO HAPPY WITH ITTT
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I saw this ^ while scrolling thru couple references on google and it felt too JackRose/Cactus Flower to not draw (OG Patreon credit left on because artists respect artists)
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kawaii-queen-kaiju · 1 month
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[writing: (yuu) Rose, "Who's the handsomest man?"]
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blood-red-bumblebee · 15 days
Should I make an event for my birthday (and Jack's, since WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY :D)?
It wouldn't be nothing fancy with cards or something, just a big ass slumber party :D Yuus/OCs and canon (Jack and Rose - my Yuu, featured)
(it'd be in October btw, the 11th specifically)
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First unfinished piece post!
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I wish I could say it's still a sketch as a test of letting go of perfectionism or whatever but in reality I finished all the linework and then closed out without saving, thinking it was the reference I pulled up for colors :'| This is just a screenshot I took T^T
I came very close to crying and I don't have the patience to do it all over again, but I also absolutely love this pose (pulled off Google) and can't stand for it to never see the light of day :')
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Task failed successfully
Rose swiped through her new contacts and scanned the Mirror chamber. It was simple, she was just going to ask Jack for his number. It was a completely normal, friendly gesture; she'd already gotten Ace and Deuce's. She'd like to think they were friends despite never having voiced it. She was one of the few people he voluntarily went near and talked to. Maybe she should leave the ball in his court, though? Yeah, she'll just give him her number, that way he can decide what he wants to do. Totally friendly.
Steeling herself, she caught sight of him, silver hair and ears, towering over the rest of the room.
"Jack!" She called his name, pushing through the restless students eager to get home for the holidays. His ears twitched and he turned back to her, stopping just in front of the portal that the Dark Mirror had conjured for him.
"Just in time!" She laughed, waving at him as she approached. "I have something for you!"
Oh gosh, he was adorable. His ears swiveled toward her and his tail wagged lightly, his face turning red. Damn, she hoped she wasn't misreading these signs. The way he seemed to perk up when he noticed her, the pretty little blush, not to mention the way his tail wagged (despite how he denied it).
Ooh, she loved the way he said her name. His deep, rumbly voice, the way his lips formed the letters... sheesh, when did she start thinking in romance novel? He certainly had pretty lips though, that's for sure. Thin but full. Probably warm and soft. She was staring now, look away! She was doing something! ... She couldn't remember what now.
When did she get this close to him? She had something to do! Something...
"I... I have something... to give you." She muttered, now only inches from him. He was even brighter red than before, but he wasn't pushing her away. Did he...?
Her hands landed on his chest. He was warm. "Rose? W-What exactly are you giving me?" His ears were forward and she could see his tail wagging fast in her peripheral vision. Did he want this too? He wasn't pushing her away, he...
She was on her tiptoes, her nose brushing his. He was standing completely still, panting slightly. She'd come this close, no way was she chickening out now. She pressed her lips to his.
The noise of the bustling boys seemed to die out around them, her awareness of the world around her falling just to them. The feeling of him against her, warm and solid. His hands had drifted to her waist and back, pulling her flush against him.
She had no idea what she was doing, and she was fairly certain he didn't either. She moved her mouth against his, brushing her tongue along his lips. He responded in kind. It was clunky and sloppy, and their teeth were knocking together, but it wasn't unpleasant. She definitely didn't want to stop.
A wolf whistle (hah) rang out from somewhere in the hall and all at once the world resumed around them. Rose almost fainted from the speed at which blood rushed to her face. "Right! Have a good holiday, say hi to the fam for me, I'm gonna go light that bitch on fire!"
Jack opened his mouth to say something, his own face resembling a tomato, but she was already speed walking away in the direction of the whistle. Whoever did that better already be gone or they were eating embers.
Shit. She didn't give him her number. She turned back around, but she didn't see him where he was before. Dammit.
Now she was going to have to go the whole break with nothing but that moment on repeat in her mind.
I've been staring at this too long, take it away from meee
@screamintoad, @babyghoul138, @skriblee-ksk (you guys have all said cute stuff about JackRose but if you don't want me to tag you just say so)
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JackRose have three shippers and it makes me so happy.
I also remembered that @skriblee-ksk thought of Cactus Flower when she saw a post about them and that is one of their ship names now :)
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blood-red-bumblebee · 11 days
Target acquired. Zeroing in. Locked.
Jack grunted when she ran into him but stayed standing. "Dammit!" Rose complained, sagging against his back. "It's not fair. I can never seem to catch you off guard. Could you hear me coming?"
Jack snorted. "Like I'd tell you."
She pouted, letting go of him and circling around to his front. "Really?"
Crossing her arms she stepped closer to him, squinting up at his faux-smug expression. "Y'know," she took a step back, looking him up and down. "You really are unfairly tall. Like, there's a whole ass foot between us. It's uncool dude, that you're this tall and have never offered me a ride."
He blinked, his face turning bright red. "W-What?"
"You're plenty strong enough," she tilts her head, gesturing at the tree she'd been hiding behind when she attempted to tackle him for the fourth time. "Honestly Jack, for shame."
He fully resembled a tomato now, his hands held up in front of his chest as he took a step back. "We- wha- I, Rose-!"
Maybe this wasn't as funny as it had seemed in her head. "I-I'm sorry Jack, that was a very not funny joke, seriously, it's completely fine, I'm so sorry!"
She was panicking now, feeling shaky and nervous. She made him uncomfortable, and now he was gonna get freaked out and never talk to her again. Smooth, real smooth. "That was weird, I- what kind of 16-year-old asks for a piggyback ride? I'll just go, I'm sorry-"
"N-no!" He was looking away, his tail wagging. "It's fine, you just caught me off-guard."
Rose could feel her face heating up, but she smiled excitedly. "Really? I-Is that yes?"
He nodded, his tail wagging a bit faster. She felt awkward and embarrassed, but the excitement was overwriting the lingering anxiety.
She walked back behind him and he stooped slightly so she could climb on. She couldn't remember hardly anything from her life before, certainly not the last time she'd had a piggyback ride, but she definitely knew it was not this awkward. Then again, she was also fairly certain that the last person to give her one had not A.) had a tail or B.) been someone she's been harboring a massive crush on.
Deciding to just go for it before he changes his mind, she braced her hands on his shoulders and hopped up.
He caught her easily, and she clutched his shoulders tighter, squealing lightly. She was... so high up!
She adjusted her grip on his shoulders to be more comfortable and giggled. Not just from her sudden altitude but because he was holding her under her knees and her skirt was riding up a bit... no, bad! Bad thoughts! Jack is sweet and amazing and deserves a good friendship. Don't make it weird!
"How do you not get on a power trip, towering over everyone like this?"
He had started walking again, his ears twitching at her voice, brushing her cheeks. Damn, they were soft. "It's not that big of a deal. It's not a challenge, people can't control their height."
She hummed, resting her chin on the top of his head, and crossing her arms over his chest. His hair is so soft... "That's a tall person mentality. Everyone knows height is a challenge. Well, except for the tall people, apparently. Ooh, Jack, let's go to Mostro, I wanna be taller than the twins. Lorde it over their heads."
"Yeah, no. We have class."
"Then on we go, noble steed! To class! Then Mostro!"
"I'm gonna drop you."
@screamintoad, @babyghoul138 :)
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blood-red-bumblebee · 12 days
Frens. I beg. Send me OC interaction asks TvT 🙏 I think playing with our dolls will help me get back into my writing groove
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blood-red-bumblebee · 14 days
Mootis and others (I only have like ten mootis TvT), I have a proposal!
The lore is loring, me and @screamintoad have been building so much for our Yuus and their boys (Silver and Blanche, Jack and Rose)!
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blood-red-bumblebee · 16 days
So, so, Jack and I and therefore my Yuu have the same birthday and I am melting cus I love him so much and I can draw JackRose art on my birthday holy shit ahhhhh-
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kawaii-queen-kaiju · 1 month
My motivation can't keep up with my desire to create for Twisted Wonderland, send help (asks, please send asks, listen to me rant about my Yuu and I will do the same)
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blood-red-bumblebee · 25 days
Ask me about my Yuu, I'm begging
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