#my writing is getting lamer and lamer  i need to get a hold of myself
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bykalopsia · 11 months ago
agito 31-5, "a new transformation" special, & 36-40 notes
it's very funny how much more i enjoyed these episodes.
it was really as simple as i laid it out. 1) more focus on the superhumans 2) make the unknowns talk sometimes 3) gills came back 4) shouichi identity crisis/personal reflection
mana's arc about her powers and feeling alienated from everyone else was so good................. i love mana so much :( i think i will go to war if she's ever hurt ever
literally the second shouichi got the flashback the first time he saw the el of water i said to myself "oh. this is the show i've been waiting for."
also burning form fucks. shining form is a bit lamer but he still uses the cool ass dual sword so it's fine.
the special was soooooooo good. kunieda was such a cool character i wish he was in the actual show.................
i know i've said that shouichi is dumb but i take it back now bc hikawa. mr agito fan number one over here somehow looked at kino's weird ass agito form and thought it was shouichi's agito. how does this happen. there is simply nothing going on up there whatsoever. (mind you shouichi literally transformed like 5 feet away from him in the special and he conveniently was distracted by something else at the time. mind you he should literally know there's more than one agito bc he's literally fought with agito and gills at the same time. good god it's so incredibly stupid) anyway this development paralyzed me with second-hand embarrassment so bad i literally started watching like 30 seconds at a time. like i think the whole "hikawa thinks kino is agito" thing only lasts about like an episode and a half but it took me two days to muscle through it. thank god ozawa has common sense......
also i'm wondering if kino's sudden "no other agito needs to exist but me" complex comes from him being further along in his agito evolution process (like, it's a territorial instinct or smth) or if he's just crazy. [note: after writing all this i'm pretty sure that agito powers may have some corrupting quality to them. that probably checks out]
either way his whole deal with him and his transplanted arm is wild. the spirit of his brother preventing him from killing ryou on the operating table.......................... it's so silly. also the gratuitous shower scenes were so much. like thanks i guess. but jhfskdfhksdhfjshdfskjdfk
also yippeeeeeee hojo is back :))) i need him around being a bitch for my sanity i think.
also the apostle having his judas moment. (i mean he's been in the moment for a while but now he's outwardly said he's going against god so lol) very timely for the season. except tbh Prettyboy Jesus is kind of more like god than jesus actually thinking about it. idk man i was like 12 the last time i actually read some of the bible
hikawa getting stunlocked seeing shouichi detransform was so...... fdhsjfhdjsfksd. idk man whether or not his stupidity lands correctly for me is really at the flip of a coin sometimes it's hilarious and sometimes i literally cannot watch it.
also i have Things To Say about exceed gills but i shant bc i should hold myself to at least the minimum level of tact and decorum in these notes. i have already said too much.
anyway i think the fact that the apostle's name was shouichi (and that shouichi probably took his name bc of the whole amnesia thing) is finally going to be relevant and unless it's super quick (which i can only foresee if shouichi regains his memories again very quickly which i doubt)
also floating god children? they're probably telling us wtf went down on the akatsuki soon i'm exciteddddd. we're in the home stretch!
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lovelylunarwriting · 4 years ago
Jaemin Soulmate!AU
Jaemin has a reputation as a “cool” kind of guy, which is why he wears bracelets to hide the words permanently etched on his left wrist
“Wait- if it’s not butter, then what is it?”
Jisung and Haechan are notorious for giving him shit for having a ‘weird’ soulmate, but Jaemin thinks it’s kind of funny, honestly
Like great question dude but,,, why are you asking me this
Jaemin’s apartment is around the corner from a little family-owned grocery store that he’s frequented since his high school days.
He’s very much a regular, to the point of the owner being like “Jaemin…. Please just work here. You already know where everything is”
To which Jaemin has to respectfully decline, because he wants to focus on his dancing and singing, and working too much would get in the way of practicing.
That, however, does not stop the old man from sending customers with questions to Jaemin whenever he comes in.
Because Jaemin is too polite to be like “uhh I don’t work here, good luck”, he always ends up helping them
But secretly, he doesn’t mind. He thinks that maybe one day, his soulmate will be the next one to ask him a question.
Even after repeated questions about “how much does this cost?”, “when do you guys open tomorrow?”, “when will the next shipment of bok choy be in?”, he still isn’t terribly bothered.
The other employees chastise the boss for sending customers to Jaemin, but the old man is always like “he knows this store better than you all do. That’s why he gets a discount higher than yours”
Employee discount: 15 percent off all merchandise
Na Jaemin discount: 20 percent off all merchandise
It’s an unspoken rule amongst employees that Na Jaemin gets a discount, but they are NEVER to mention it to him! He knows that business has been rough recently and wouldn’t accept the generosity, but the boss thinks Jaemin is too skinny and wants him to be able to afford to eat well.
Now lovely reader, this is where you come in. You recently got a job at this grocery store but you work in the back, so you have never seen the famous “Na Jaemin” that all your fellow employees chat about so frequently.
Coworker #1: “Ugh, he’s like SO dreamy”
Coworker #2: “I know right? He’ll have no trouble becoming an idol at this rate”
Meanwhile you’re like “lol what who? Also where is the printer for printing clearance labels”
You specifically applied for the back of house position because you did not want to talk to people.
It’s not that you’re antisocial by any means- honestly it’s the opposite. It’s just that you have the tendency to say whatever you’re thinking with absolutely no filter.
So in the past when more…. challenging… customers have talked down to you, you gave back the same energy without thinking.
Management was not happy,,, so you were like “mmmm maybe I should just keep to myself and everyone would be happier”
One day though, it seems that you’re shit out of luck.
Your work bestie calls you at 3 in the morning on your day off saying that her kid has a fever and she’s gotta stay home and take care of him.
You have no plans other than generally being a lazy lump at home, and she’s always had your back at work, so you’re like “girl don’t worry about it, I got your shift. I’ll make some chicken noodle soup for him too”
To which she’s like “bitch if I hadn’t found my soulmate already I would’ve snatched you up T-T”
You giggle and tell her to try and get some rest- both her and her kid.
And then sleep another blissful 4 hours before rolling in for the 8am shift.
When you get there, boss man is like “ayeee so you’re covering for her shift which is stocking shelves, are you gonna be okay doing that?”
You: “Ahaha yeah it’ll be fine~ just please don’t send customers to me oh my gosh”
Boss Man: “Don’t worry, I just saw Jaemin walk in. I’ll send them to him”
You: “... who is Jaemin”
Boss Man: “He’s my FAVORITE!! Remember that!”
You: “Oh, okay!! Yes sir!”
You’re like fifteen minutes into your shift and you’re already on edge because all you’ve done so far is dodge all the old ladies who are shopping this early.
No actual products have been put on the shelves yet, or at least not by your hands.
Settling down in the dairy section, you relax a bit and start putting cold products in the cold shelves fixed to the wall.
And of course- things are in the wrong place. Why would anyone put anything back where it belongs?
Picking up a product, you glance at the label out of sheer boredom more than anything.
“Wait- if it’s not butter, then what is it?”, you say to yourself.
Or so you think.
“Yeah, that is like the one question I don’t know how to answer”, you hear a masculine voice say from behind.
You spin around and look up into the man’s face.
And oh boy is that a nice looking face.
“Oh I’m sorry, I- WAIT”, you start, before you realize what he said.
Grabbing his left wrist, you push up the bracelets to reveal what you’d just said. Then you drop his hand out of sudden shyness, and because it’s not cool just to grab people.
“Do… do you mind if I look at your wrist as well?”, he asks quietly.
You roll up your sleeve and present him with your arm. He delicately wraps his fingers around your wrist and flips it over to read the words written”
He drops your wrist and sinks into a squat, flopping his arms over his head and looking at the ground.
“Oh my gosh why did I say something so lame…”
“Umm,,, to be fair,,, I did ask you about butter so by comparison yours isn’t that bad,,,,”, you try to comfort him, and he lifts his head up to meet your gaze.
“You mean that? It wasn’t like the lamest thing you’ve ever heard?”
“Oh I’ve heard much lamer things, don’t worry!”, you say with a cheery smile that contrasts your words entirely.
He stands up again and clasps your hands in his. With a look of determination he looks straight into your soul and asks:
“What time do you get off work?”
You tell him, but let him know that you’ll be busy after work making chicken noodle soup for your coworker and her son.
He’s like “oh you can cook?” and you’re like “lol no but I’m gonna die trying”
He writes his phone number on your arm (next to your soulmate tattoo) and is like “text me when you’re done with work and I’ll swing by and walk you home and maybe I can help you cook”
You’re like “dude,,,, it’s fine, we are literally destined to be together. Also if you try anything I’ll just beat you up so it’s chill”
Looking at his watch, he sprints makes a beeline for the checkout counter, going on about he’s gonna be so later and Haechan’s never gonna let it go if he’s late twice in a row, and something else but by that point he’s so far away from the dairy aisle you can only hear muffled sounds where words should be.
The next several hours could not go by ANY SLOWER.
Starting off today, you figured the day would go by quickly because you’d be preoccupied figuring out how to do something new, but now all you can think about is pretty soulmate boy.
And how he never mentioned his name, but to be fair, it was a rather quick exchange.
What feels like centuries later, your shift is coming to a close so you grab the ingredients you the internet tells you you need for the soup and head to your favorite cashier.
Somehow the front of the store is both quiet and abnormally loud for this time of night.
“Jaemin’s been waiting there for fifteen minutes? Do you think he’s waiting for someone?”
“Maybe he needs to talk to the boss? Usually he’d just ask one of us to grab him but he’s just standing outside”
“Ugh it’s so cold, should we tell him to come inside?”
You glance over to the crowd of coworkers towards the entrance and break out into a smile.
“Just keep ringing me up, I’ll be right back!”, you tell the cashier and fast walk past the small crowd.
Peeping your head out the door, you greet him.
“Are you cold? Come inside, I’m almost done”
“Oh okay, should I wait by the door though?”
“No, come with me. I wanna show you off~”, you instruct and he raises an eyebrow, but plays along.
Holding open the door for him, he scuffles his way in and shyly offers his hand.
Gladly, and with a pounding heart, you lock your fingers between his.
“Your hands are freezing, dude”
“Shhh it’s fine. I was trying to be cool, okay”, he jokes with you as you walk back to the register
Ringing up your items, the cashier is looking at you and him with raised eyebrows, and you’re just like “shut up jessica I’ll explain tomorrow”
The two of you walk back to your apartment and spend the rest of the night cooking and talking about everything and nothing.
The more you learn about Jaemin, the more confident you are that the universe got this one right.
Even when most things feel unclear, you know this person is someone you can always rely on.
(also when you bring your sick work bestie the soup, Jaemin insists on tagging along and she’s like “omg Y/N that’s JAEMIN” and you’re like “I KNOW” and he’s like “hi here’s some soup, also why do you know my name”
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dylanxmin · 5 years ago
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A Little Serendipity
part 21 - Final
before /
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pairing; min yoongi x reader
genre; fluff, smut, slight angst, strangers to lovers au
rating; M
warnings; fingering, slight dom!yoongi, slight sub!reader, cum play(f), pet names, light dirty talk, aftercare, mention of having sex once again, soft yoongi, 
word count; 5k+
a/n; okay,, i’m little emotional ‘cuz this is the first time im ending a series, and i don’t know what to say,,, thank you for reading and waiting for me to drop another episode all this time. i’m thankful to who read and enjoy this fic. i really like to write this fic, even tho it’s not be my best one, but it’s my first fic so, i really like this fic,,, thank you for being here with me on this journey!!! ♡ ♡ ♡
btw; feedbacks are always appreciated
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After all these times, waiting for him to notice me -which it was really hard not to feel pity for myself-, finally, we were a 'thing'. An actual thing. Despite me calling it a 'thing' and not giving this situation a proper name was all on me, and my anxiety to be honest. Well, if I have to defend myself, he didn't say anything, neither did I. It was just casual meetings, eating and going out, just the two of us. And, obviously, I couldn't call it as a 'relationship' as he didn't do it, either. Aish...
I couldn't be lamer than this, and still, can put it in my logic that how he got feelings for me. First of all, I was anxious about everything, shy around everyone, and not that beautiful. If he wants, he can be with someone way better than me, but still, he was here, giving the best kiss I ever had, poting before pull me into a hug because he misses me a lot, and being a big fanboy over me. It was a big surprise for me that he was reading my works from the first time I saw his bookshelf, having all of my books. Even, he had a private spot for placing them in order. Both because I never thought of him as a fan of science fiction, and because they were my book, my works.
Later that night, when he came to my door while wasted and heavily smelling alcohol, we both confessed our feelings, curled in each other on my bed, and talked about every little detail. Mostly it was about how we were so stupid for not confessing these feelings before. Not to be dramatic, but he literally kissed every inch of my face and told me how he was dreaming to do this, over the past weeks. And then, out of blue, his drunkness occurred once again, and he started to blabber about how he was into my works, and make me swear that signing them all.
He said that he was still upset about that day when I only signed one of them and he couldn't ask me to sign the other ones, due to his nervousness. He was nervous around me all the time and irritated how I was close with Taehyung and Hoseok, but not with him. He spilled all of these things that night, and mostly because his filter on the mouth was all blocked by the drunkness. But I couldn't be happier to hear all of these things from him, remembering how my eyes were wide open in astonishment.
And I did, signed them all by the way, and write little fun facts for every one of them. Which he responded to these things by whimpering and giving me lots of kisses and hugs, after reading all of them.
Instead of what I think about him, and how he was so distant and cold. They were all become false news. Because he was the softest person that I ever met, and he couldn't take his hands from me for even one second. Yes, I did have no idea about what was this thing between us, but for the past three weeks, he always finds an excuse to come over or making me going over his place.
Sending glowering looks over the boys if they try to hug me or, pull me from him. And I can't lie that I enjoy these things. He even let me bleach his hair, and for god sake, I didn't burn them all and make him bald. And for the records, he would look amazing even after becoming a bald man.
He even showed his new mixtape and played for me. Oh god, his voice was angelic, and after a couple of times, me insisting to hear his voice live, he even sang. I was stunned to hear his music, how he could open up his feelings, and show his true himself in music, just amazed me. And, of course, I cried after he told me his past memories.
This man, I have right beside me, who I waited for almost five months, was the strongest and the softest person that I ever met, without any exaggeration. All the struggle, and all the pain he had in his past, just made me fall in love with him harder, deeper.
And the best part about being with this man was hearing his laughs, seeing the cutest gummy smile and his hand clapping but in tiny. I did surprise and confused at first, as he was acting like a stranger, rather than himself. Because I never see him like this before, not this lively, and giggly.
''Okay, where is your mind again?''
''Oh god!'' I had no choice but to scream after him getting near me sneakily and scaring the hell out of me. ''Yoongi-ah... you scared me,'' his mischievously shining eyes gazed on mines, his cocky smirk standing on his lips. Even though, I know that he was doing this all purposely. Scaring, and teasing me while having lots of fun with that.
''Well, I have to jump here and yell at you because your attention was nowhere to be found. So, what were you thinking?'' he pulls me after wrapping his arms around me, putting a soft, but long kiss on my cheek. Heaven. This must what heaven feels like, as I feel the butterflies in my stomach, divine peace right beside him, and of course security, as well. Whenever he was around me, the anxiety that eating me, and old habits of thinking too much would just go away, when he is around.
''It was nothing. I just... just lost in... thoughts, you know?'' after responding with a very low voice, just trying my best to give him a reassuring smile, but it was weak, and probably worried him more than before. ''Hmm... what kind of thoughts?'' he inquired, smile starts to fade.
''Well, just thoughts. Nothing serious or important and-''
''If these thoughts taking my girlfriend's attention from me, then I would like to know about them.'' he was looking serious, while all I could do is, gulp. I tried to hold back the urgent needs to look behind me and seeing the 'girlfriend', but even I shouldn't be this dumb. So, I hold back and stare at him with wide eyes.
''Your g-girlfriend?'' palms start to get wet with the anxiety sweating, and mouth dried while watching his face, eyes examines mine with furrowed brows. He gives a 'hmph' as an answer before leaning and taking me in a kiss. Overwhelming feelings start to grow in me, as my heart was overjoyed at the moment, beating at speed of light.
''What did you take you by surprise this much? Am I not your boyfriend?''
Boyfriend. My boyfriend. Starting to nodding my head in slow motion, as this was all too much at the same time. More, his hands cupped my face, thumbs rubbing by the cheek. It is obvious that he was trying to kill me. In a need of a moment, I closed my eyes, taking three deep breaths before opening them again. The heat spreading from his hands, turning my cheeks pink between them.
''Yes. Yes, you are... my- my boyfriend.'' his face covered with a blissful smile. The gummy smile that I adore so much, and dreamed so many times. While my cheeks start to burn under his touch with the sudden confession, his eyes now stated on me once again, questioning something. I could understand that as his eyes now narrowed, knitting one brow.
''You were thinking about us, right? If we were in a relationship, or not?
''No! I mean, yes. Uhh, I don't know... You didn't say anything, and I couldn't ask anything. And I was... you know?'' now I was talking nonsense, babbling as the tension start to confuse my mind, and I was expecting him to make fun of me, saying how stupid I was, but he just stood inches away from my face, softly smiling.
''Do you have any idea how much I love you, Y/N?'' his words have left me with wide-opened eyes, heartbeats flinching as his voice echoed in my mind, euphoric feelings sending tears to my eyes. He said the word. He did not only admit that we were a 'thing' but also he said the word. The 'L' word where I could only hear it in my dreams, sliding from his lips. This wasn't a dream.
He was standing an inch away from my face, and saying the word.
''I know. I know that its too soon, but I do, Y/N. I do love you, and I waited for this moment for months. So yes, I love you.'' once again he proclaimed, searching my face with his radiantly sparkling eyes to see any kind of response from me. Besides wanting to tell him the exact same thing, my throat goes dry, words gathering on there only to cut my breath.
Do I love him?
If getting all hyped up whenever seeing him, -breathing gets hard to achieve, only with a glimpse to his face heart goes crazy, beating in an incredible speed, and butterflies twinkling on the stomach-, means love, then yes, I love him. I never felt this relaxed and free around someone, and never had been cared from someone like him. His affections, cares were real, and I was more than thankful to him.
''Although, you don't have to say it back. I promise it's okay.'' his soft, caring smile appeared on his face, still rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs. But I did want to say it back. I don't care if its too soon, even if he is wrong, misunderstands his feelings and thought that he is in love with me, but not. The only thing that matters for me at this moment, his blissful gaze on me, telling me that he is in love with me. I need to push aside all these depressed, anxious thoughts and say back that I love him, too.
''It is really too soon, and probably others would think that we are all stupid for telling this, but I love you, too, Yoongi. In a way of more than you can imagine.'' His grip tightened around my face, letting a sigh in relief. Despite his words, I knew that he hopes for me to say it back, hearing me while I confess my love, as he is such a soft soul.  ''Oh, just come here,''
His lips pushed to mines, hands of him start to trails to my waist, gripping there tightly to pulls me to him. I opened my legs to give him better access, to become more and more closer because it never feels enough.
''You are... so beautiful,'' he whispers between in the kiss, not stopping it completely. Both because of his words, and his rim touching my core, grinding between in my legs, I start to heat on my cheeks and all over me. Sudden thirst starts to build in my stomach, melting to lower parts.
''Yoon-gi,'' a whimper slips by my lips, as the kiss gets deeper and deeper, his tongue conquering over my mouth, and feeling his hands everywhere, the mind starts to get numb with this overwhelming situation. As the intensity stirring up in both of us, his thrust starts to get harder. ''Fuck,'' he growled while covering his arms around my waist, and changing the position.
With the new angle, now I could feel his member clearly. ''Much better,'' although hearing his words, the passion now I felt both in my core and my mind, blurred my sight. Only thing I want to do now, grinding on him, and giving him more joy and satisfaction. His grip, loosen up from my waist to landing on my legs, very close to my nook, dangerously close. ''Give me a kiss, angel.''
Without hesitation, I let my body to lean on him, giving him a wet, yearning kiss. Shame is now long forgotten, as the pleasure takes all over my body. ''Y/N,'' a grumble left his lips, after moving my body on him, pressuring enough to make him moan.
He fixed his posture, holding me with one hand on my waist, another finds my breast and cupping it, softly. When his finger starts to rub against the nipple, with a sob, I push my head to the back, and immediately his lips meet with my neck as if he planned this. Sucking, twitching with his teeth, sending shivers to my core viciously.
''Ahh.. shit,'' a sob gets out by my lips, as his fingers find their place on my entrance, rolling them on there one time.
''Imm, you like this?'' he chuckles, repeating the movement once again. While struggling not to lose myself and fall from his lap, I opened my eyes lightly, which couldn't realize that they were close until now.
The scene under my sight was very delightful to look at. His completely ruined hair, lips all red because of the harsh kisses, and eyes full of lust. Looking so mesmerizing, all hungry for me which filled my heart with love, and desire. My attend to lean on him to give another kiss, cut by his fingers, taking my short and panties aside to earn better access. When his fingers played with my slit, intentionally moving far from the clit, I gasped.
''You want this angel, yeah?'' I hissed when his fingers teased my entrance, pushing them only inches, and it was enough to give me a shiver, stimulating my greed.
''Yoongi... j-just.. please,'' begging, the only thing I could manage to do now, as his thick fingers teasing, and driving me to my edge.
With the sudden moves of his finger, I clenched his shirt's collar, head falls on his shoulder. One of his hands, holding my waist, keeping me at the place, which I couldn't appreciate it less, as my legs were unable to hold me.
''Does it feel good, angel? Do you want me to stop?'' he leered, keep thrusting his fingers inside, stretching my walls.
''N-no don't... don't stop,'' I cry out. There is no way that I want him to stop right now. His instant pokes start to burn, but it felt pleasingly good. ''All wet, all greedy for me, yeah?''
His words only provoked me more, building the climax on my lower stomach. But I wanted more, wanted to feel more of him. ''M-more,'' my grip, tightened around his collar, as he adds another finger inside of me, and his thumb finds my clit. 
''Good?'' I only gave him a quick 'hmph' and a weak nod. It was unbearable.
''Close... I'm close,'' his three fingers inside of me, dipping and moving deeper, while his thumb pitilessly assaulting my clit, everything felt so much for a moment. His severe fingers, the pressure he applied on my clit, brings me on the edge of my euphoria.
''Mmm, cum on my fingers baby. You'd like that, yeah?'' His filthy whisper, hot breaths was enough for me to sob in delight, clenching for one time before leaking around his fingers, legs shaking viciously. His names fall from my lips, constantly in a whisper, eyelids filling with tears with the sudden relief.
''Imm, all creamy,'' he chuckles once again, but his fingers won't leave at once. He takes his time on there, playing with my ruined pussy. Moving his fingers for a couple of times, while I struggle, and pant under his lap, only able to say his name.
''Yoongi-aah!'' a cry leaves my lips, when he touches bruised clit, causing me to shiver with my whole body. Hasty sting appears where he touches to the stomach. ''Too sensitive, huh?'' he mocked, but his fingers stayed there.
''It stings, Yoongi,'' his fingers immediately leaves there, and relief takes over me after that. The other hand cups my chin to pull me up, face me with him. Thirst starts to awaken in me once again, as his fingers find their way to his mouth, while my drip still leaking on them. His tongue licks his fingers, cleaning all of the remainings of my cum from them.
Oh, boy. It was so aphrodisiac, and suddenly I start to feel hungry all for him. 
''You like what you see, huh?'' his brows moving, teasing me with the grin on his lips. Under his shady gaze, cheeks feel hot again, and desire starts to build once again, even though I did cum for a second ago.
''Then we should take this to bed right, angel?'' after I nod, his arms wrap around my waist once again, and I was grateful that he embraced me, rather than making me walk because my legs were all sloppy. While taking us to his room, he puts soft kisses on my shoulders, whispers how he loves me so much, and patting my hair softly.
Urgent tears start to fill in my eyelids, both because of his aftercare and the intimate scene we just played. ''I love you,'' sniffled, while my head resting on his shoulder. It was true. I never loved someone this much. He was the only man who didn't find me weird or far too anxious.
He did really love me with all of these things, bad and good.  And made me sure of this with every word, move and look. I wrapped my arms around his neck, squishing him until he starts to laugh. ''H-hey, what is now?'' he protests, but won't stop laughing.
''Nothing,'' I simply shrugged one of my shoulders, ''I just love you so much.'' he giggles once again, putting a kiss on my forehead, hand still patting my hair.
''I love you, too, angel,''
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''Wake up, sleepyhead,''
I normally hate when someone tries to wake me up, turn into a grumpy person. But, hearing his whispers, feeling his kisses all over my cheeks is just a blessing. How could I hate this, or be grumpy about it? His hand brushing against my hair, caring and putting little kisses, just felt like waking up a Christmas day. Where you know that you’re going to have a present and lots of cookies with milk. Peace. It was definitely felt like peace, but of course, no one would feel that Christmas feeling at my home, just like me. Because there was none.
It was always horrible to be around, where my own family always criticized and told me how lazy I was. How I need to study more to be a good doctor and represent our family name. I couldn't think about that possibility of me, never running away from here and going far from my home. What if I become a doctor, choose to stay here? Would I meet these people earlier than this, or would Soobin never meet them if I hadn't left?
Would I meet with Yoongi earlier than this?  But what if we wouldn't last together, like right now? Would he still love me? Who am I kidding? Of course, he wouldn't love me because I was the weirdest person ever, even weirder from today. Oh god, why he is with me now?
''Okay, I can see how your forehead all wrinkled. Stop acting like you are sleeping and depressing yourself, baby. C'mon, open your eyes and kiss your boyfriend, huh?''
I opened one of my eyes, wasn't waiting for his face inches away from mines, all staring. Heat starts to reach all over my cheeks with embarrassment. His bleached wild hair fell on his forehead, thick lips slightly curled up. And of course, his warm dark browns focused on me. ''Morning, angel.''
''Hmm, morning,'' instead of opening my eyes, I only decided to keep them shut once again to lean over his arms, getting lost on his hug.
''We need to wake up, baby. I have a surprise for you. You want to see it right?'' he offered, obviously knows that I would be all over the surprise.
''What is it?'' I grunted over his chest. Intense vibrant of marine reaches through my nostrils, only to last on oakmoss. He did smell so good, so fresh and intense at the same time.
''If you want to learn what it is, then you have to stop smelling and start to get ready.'' he mocked, under his chuckles. Heat starts to rise once again on my cheeks, tried to cover my face in embarrassment but he was fast to hold my wrists.
''Hey, look at you. All blushed and looking cute,'' he told before leaning to kiss on my forehead, then continuing to kiss my face through taking a track. He always finds a way to distract me from being embarrassed over his jokes and my attitudes. All worries would slide away, leaving only good feelings and serenity on my chest. Never had to overthink about our relationship or, his feelings because he would easily understand what I am thinking at the moment and would be there to brush them away just like before.
''Okay, okay. I'll get ready but I want something in return,'' I said with a fond smile.
''Surprise isn't enough, I guess.'' he chuckles, eyes narrowing before continuing. 
''What if I get down on here, and make your day a little bit brighter, huh?'' His fingertips start to play with the sleeve of my shirt, reaching the skin on the stomach. The idea of wanting something in return wasn't exactly this on my mind, but his touches awakened the desire, sending shiver to my spine. His sheepish smile and keen on his gaze, only push me to the edge already. And how could I say no to this, even if it's not what I meant at the beginning. The damage has already been done.
''How stupid I look that you think I would say no to that?'' his loud laughter filled in the room, head dropped to back, serving his neck and collarbones to my sight. Fair skin lightening under the sunlight, looking so fascinating and unreal. His beauty causes me to quiver every time I stare at him. And, the biggest twist about this, he doesn't know how handsome he is. He has no idea about how he could make someone flinch by only his look and it is so frustrating sometimes.
And, as a side note, he looked very attractive between on my legs, lips all wet by the touch of his tongue. He is one charming man, and he has no idea.
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I may, or may not bother him with all of my questions during the car ride. But in my defense, I wasn't good with surprises. Both preparing and receiving.
Patience just isn't my best quality. 
''Remind me to not prepare any surprises for you, baby,'' he said with gentle remonstrance while trying to find a good parking space.
Even though I know that he had his reasons to say this, little pout takes its place on my lips. Yes, I did ask a lot of questions about where we were going, or what was the surprise, but still, I had zero patience. That's why I always had those moments before we got together. I hate for waiting for something, or someone.
''Maybe you should say before preparing me a surprise,'' I uttered innocently while playing with my nails.
''You just can't hold your curiosity, don't you?'' he lets out a chuckle, before stopping the car, and taking the handbrake off.
His brows raised in sympathy, eying me with a smile on his lips. I would love to stare at him, watching his soft hair, plumpy cheeks, and sheepish smile all day. But he cuts the exchange look, leaning for a kiss instead. 
Familiar soft-lipped kissing, feeling his press, brushing my lips like an artist, smooth, intense, and head-spinning kiss. His thumb throbbing at the hollow of my neck, pulse beating under it. It always felt so mesmerizing, and too good to be real. But in the end, it was real. He was there kissing me and weakening me on the knees.
''Does the view looks familiar to you?'' he announced, after breaking the kiss, breaths of him still close enough for me to feel against my skin.
With a knitted brow, I take my eyes from him. Still feeling little lightened because of the kiss but I gasped after what I saw.
It was beautiful, looking eternal, and the best way of mixing the colors of blue, white, and grey. Heavy blue sea sparkling under the dim sunlight, hitting to the wide grey coast of mountains. Nude sands laying on the ground, an uncrowded place filled with the voice of seagulls. Wonderful beauty, rolling on and on to the end of my sight.
''Oh my... god,'' I hardly take my gaze from the sight to Yoongi, which he was looking at me with wide-spread eyes, waiting for me to understand. ''It's almost the same beach from my-''
''Your book, yes!'' he rejoiced, end my sentence for me. I blinked for a couple of times, couldn't believe his thoughtfulness. He did not only read my books but also remembered the beach that I described.
''You have no idea how I wanted to take you here when I first met you, Y/N. That was all I could think,'' he continued, while I could only stare back at him. ''After I found this place, all I could think was your description. They fit each other so good. Look at this sight, you must have seen here before.'' his eyes were shining while talking, lips opened wide with a pout, excitement can be read by his gestures. He looked like a child, who was talking about his favorite game or a toy. So cute, and irresistible.
''Do you want to go down?'' he asked, and I nod immediately. Of course, I wanted to go down there and feel the hot sand on my feet, kissed by the sun.
''You go. I'll follow you.'' he notified after we both get off from the car. He disappeared from my sight, heading to the car trunk. And I obeyed him. It was hard for me to jump from the little bump, but luckily I did it without breaking a bone. Fortunately to my judgment, I wear my purple floral sandals. As I wanted to feel the sand, sandals left my feet swiftly.
Uhh, felt so soft!
It did really felt so good to feel sand on my bare feet, dipping them under it.
''Little help over here!'' after hearing Yoongi's call, I turn my back to him.
''What are... these?'' I hesitated while taking the basket from his hands. It was heavy, but not much. Covered with red and white tartan, having little daisies on the handhold, separately placed.
''Well, it's a picnic?'' he sends a look that saying 'what were you thinking', and I decided to bury my surprise. He planned a picnic, for two of us? Yes, I got a good one over here.
It was such a surprise for me to see him like this, preparing a surprise picnic for us, driving all the way here to show me this place, only because he knew that I would love here, as I exactly described here in my book. He was the sweetest, caring boyfriend ever. Not the cold-hearted, rude person I thought who he was, and he never stops surprising me with his gentle heart.
''Another one?'' his voice distracted me from my thoughts, shaking the wine bottle in front of my face. ''Yes, please.''
''What were you thinking again?'' he exposed, smiling while filling my glass.
''How lucky I am.'' but this time, I didn't try to hide my thoughts. ''I am the luckiest girl in this world as I have you by my side. And I'm so happy about it.'' Normally, I would go shy, blush all over after saying these words, but today, after realizing how he was trying to make me happy, I couldn't hold myself.
''I think we are both so lucky to have each other,'' he said in a soothing tone, thumbs caring against my palm. ''I have to admit that I dreamed about meeting with you after finding this place. I literally stalked you for thousands of times but never had to courage to reach you. And then, bam! You came here, all looking so beautiful and innocent. I waited for you for so long, angel.''
Pet name softened my heart, melting through my stomach. His sudden confession fired up the butterflies, sending wriggles to my chest. I wasn't the only one who suffers through these times. Actually, he did wait for more than me, but it was all so unreal.
Numbing the mind, causing a shake on the body, kind of a way unreal.
Nonetheless, I couldn't open my mouth to say a thing. Anything that would match his words. So, I decided to go with a kiss. Pulling him by the sleeve of his shirt, feeling his warm, soft lips on mines, kissing him passionately, open-mouthed. Delight blossomed like a flower on my chest, hand of him heating my cheek, from where he cupped.
''I... love you, Yoongi,'' breathlessly, I manage to talk, cutting the kiss. I did love him so much and wanted him more than anything. I loved how his hot breaths brushed over my face, fingertips cared my hair, my cheeks. How he pouted when he was talking excitedly or simply, how he looked at me in the eye and told me that he loved me. Every memory, both sweet and bad ones, every word and every gesture of him, made my knees weak. The heart starts to beat fast and strong, every time his gummy smiles appeared on his face.
''I love you so much, angel.''
His hands cupped my cheeks, pulling me into another kiss. This time rougher, tongues conquering each other, soft moans leave both mouths as the kiss deepened. He cuts the kiss one more time, for saying something that would leave me totally shocked and amazed. Heart flinches with his words, but won't let me give any response, and pulls me into another kiss. Only his words beat in my mind, over and over again.
''We will marry in here, Y/N,'' he said with determination, and I believed him.
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tags; [ @mochiloverbts ]
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emilyplaysotome · 5 years ago
Chapter 1 - Down the Rabbit Hole (fix)
Lately it seems that everything I write ends up never seeing the light of day so I wanted to write something fun, that might actually get read. If you guys like it I’ll continue the story.
Let me know what you think!
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I woke up, eyes bleary, head pounding in a hospital bed I’d never been in, but could have sworn I’d seen before. As I rubbed my eyes, I racked my brain to try and remember how I’d gotten here, but could only come up with fragmented moments on the subway platform. It was a fair assumption to say that I’d passed out. Something like that had happened to me once before, and upon coming to had left me feeling very similar.
“It’s good to see you’re up.”
I turned to see a man standing over me, wearing a white doctor’s coat, with a pink collared shirt, and simple plaid necktie. He gently pushed his glasses up as he examined my chart, finally offering me a concerned smile.
“You were brought here yesterday after you collapsed, but we couldn’t find any identification on you.”
My eyes began to focus, and I squinted as they adjusted to the sunlight streaming in through the large windows that lined the far wall. The room was a simple hospital room, with multiple beds, all empty at the moment. Separating each bed was a seafoam curtain, and across from me were some yellow flowers that must have been left behind from another patient.
I looked at the doctor again, who leaned a bit closer.
“Can you...understand me?” he said slowly.
My eyes caught the name on his nametag. Irie.
“Yes, I understand. Sorry, I’m always a bit off when I first get up,” I joked.
His face relaxed, and he smiled at me.
“Take your time. You were out for a good 18 hours.”
Irie...Irie. Why was that name so familiar to me? I studied his face as he scribbled some notes down in my chart. He didn’t have any defining characteristic of note - dark hair and eyes, Japanese, a calm demeanor.
“Soichiro?” I muttered to myself, barely audible.
He paused and looked at me, a puzzled expression on his face.
“Do we know each other?”
I looked again at the room once more, and then back at the man standing before me. There was no way. It was impossible. I was...me and he was just a character in a game. However as crazy as it was, before I could stop myself I found myself asking, “I’m at Ebisu General, right?”
Doctor Irie nodded. I could feel my face getting hot, panic setting in. This had to be a dream. There was no other explanation but it didn’t feel like any dream I’d ever had.
“Have we met before?”
“No. Your reputation precedes you,” I lied.
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In actuality, I’d spent hours with Soichiro Irie. I’d been in the man’s apartment. I watched him fall in love. I knew more about him than he probably knew about himself.
Yet here I was, unable to tell him the truth (that he was merely a character in a game) without sounding certifiably insane. Even if this was a dream, the last thing I wanted to do was be shipped off to the psychiatric ward of Ebisu General, so...I lied.
He blushed faintly at the compliment, and crossed his arms just like his sprite did, except in real life he felt closer to the published age of 40 than he ever did in the game. There were slight crow’s feet around his eyes and as he shook his head with a placid smile, I could see the wrinkles hiding behind his hair that fell across his forehead.
“Oh no. I’m sure that’s not true” he said softly.
The Japanese modestly I’d experienced in these games came through loud and clear in that one moment. It was sweet - quite different from the confident and often unwarranted conceit most American men doled out.
“Doctor Irie, I...have a bit of a strange question. I feel ok but...what language am I speaking?”
Doctor Irie cocked his head to the side, “Japanese. You’re in Tokyo after all.”
“I see. You wouldn’t happen to have a mirror...would you?”
As he left to find a hand mirror, I racked my brain at how implausible it was that I’d be speaking Japanese. It had to be a crazy dream, perhaps I was even in a coma, and my mind suddenly placed me in the universe of these games.
In fact, it was entirely possible that I’d been playing one when I blacked out in my world. But...I couldn’t shake the feeling that everything going was far too real to be something entirely contrived by my own brain and its memories of various games I’d played months ago.
Doctor Irie returned with a mirror that revealed that I still looked as I’d remembered. He also brought the items I’d had on me when I’d collapsed - a phone, a coat, and the stupid knit hat I’d stitched in 9th grade and kept for whatever reason. The phone booted up but all my apps were replaced by knockoffs like Skaipe, Tweeter, and Chatsnap. I shook my head, dejected upon seeing this.
I was hoping my phone would be something that would link me to the real world from which I came, but outside of that dumb knit hat, everything else was a gamified version. I sighed loudly and Doctor Irie studied my face with concern.
“So...am I able to leave now?” I asked.
“We’d prefer if you stayed until you’re better. Plus we’ll need your insurance card and -”
“I’m afraid I don’t have my wallet on me,” I quickly cut him off.
“Well, we can look your information up. What’s your name?”
I paused. There’d be no record of me in this world. I thought carefully before replying.
“Naruko...Sasaki,” I said. Or was it Sasaki Naruko? I could never get it straight but it didn’t really matter. Doctor Irie nodded and scribbled her name on my chart before writing something else on his notepad.
“Here,” he said, handing me a paper with a number on it. “If you get into trouble, or need a place to stay, or feel sick again just give me a call.”
For a moment, it crossed my mind that if I called this number, I would be entering Doctor Irie’s route in this world. I wasn’t prepared for that, not because I didn’t like him, but because I had more important things to think about than romancing a fictional doctor. I needed to get home.
I did my best to bow graciously, self-conscious the entire time, and slightly worried that someone would call me out for cultural appropriation.
“Thank you Doctor Irie.”
The first thing I did once I left Ebisu General was pray to the Wishes Gods. When none of them showed up, or even gave me an inclination that they'd heard my wish to be sent home, I formulated a new plan. I found an empty park bench that was shaded by a Revance billboard, and wrote down every single potential guy I’d ever played with the knowledge that I was in the voltage universe in order to figure out what my next best bet would be.
You’d think that being the MC in a real-life-game would be fairly exciting but I promise you, it isn’t. Instead, I found myself fairly stressed out once the realization set in that in order to survive long enough to formulate a plan to get sent home I was going to need to approach the more dangerous characters in this universe. When you’re playing from the comfort of your home it doesn’t matter that your love interest is borderline abusive, or in the mafia, or a criminal mastermind. However, when you’re in the actual game, it’s a lot more stressful than you’d think to approach one of these guys.
I knew what I had to do if I was to survive here. I jogged up to the next nondescript Person 1 and asked, “Excuse me, can you point me in the direction of the Tray Spades?”
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“You mean the Tres Spades?”
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The pixilated version of the hotel had looked pretty good on my iPhone as I played at home, but being there in person was something else.
I’d been lucky enough to travel and stay in some luxurious hotels in my world, but the Tres Spades was like nothing I’d ever seen in my life. It was fair to say that depending on who you asked, it was either a garish eyesore or the most opulent hotel you’d ever laid eyes on. I was still trying to decide for myself as waited in the lobby for my target.
If everything went according to plan my time at the Tres Spades would end in false papers, a temporary job (with housing if I remembered correctly), and no involvement in the auctions. But that was only if things went according to plan and I reminded myself that they rarely do.
I was still mulling it all over when I saw him, or I suppose more accurately, he saw me.
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“Excuse me Miss.”
His maroon jacket was even tackier in person but I found him to be more handsome than his sprite gave him credit for. Sure his real voice was actually a bit smarmy, and his mannerisms reeked of a guy who spent far too long reading Neil Strauss’ The Game, but that was to be expected.
“Are you waiting for someone? Me...perhaps?”
It was impossible for me to hold back my disgusted sigh. Baba in person was so much lamer than he ever read.
“Ahahahaha,” a young man cackled, practically doubled over. “Look at how disgusted she looks!”
“Oh no I didn’t mean...”
I desperately tried backtracking but it was no use. I’d never been good at hiding my emotions and it would seem today was no different. Unfortunately for me, if I was going to have any chance in this world, I’d need to significantly improve my acting skills.
“Don’t apologize!” He exclaimed, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks, “That was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.”
“You don’t need to rub it in Ota,” Baba pouted.
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It surprised me that I liked Ota more in person. He struck me as boyish and mischievous in a way that was far more charming than Baba’s insincere pick up artist act.
As I panicked internally, racking my brain how to get these interactions back on track, the two bantered with each other. Ota teased Baba mercilessly, who in turn desperately tried to recover from the embarrassment of Ota having witnessed him crash and burn in front of a girl.
“Please,” I grabbed the sleeve of Baba’s gaudy maroon jacket all the while putting on my best damsel in distress expression. “I’m actually looking for someone who stays at this hotel. Do you work here?”
The two stopped arguing and Baba looked at me, genuinely surprised. There was silence for a moment and then Ota burst out laughing again
“Ahahahaha! She thinks you work here!”
Collectively Baba and I shared a sigh, and then a smile. He took his hat off and gave me a little bow, then a wink, and said, “At your service.”
“This might sound...a little crazy but I’m looking for a guy, his name is…”
I pretended to rack my brain and my act seemed to be working as Baba appeared to hang on my every word.
“...Lupin?” I whispered.
Baba’s eyes widened slightly, and his cheeks flushed. Ota, still chuckling to himself gave Baba a slap on the back.
“The old man finally catches a break.”
With that, Ota strolled out through the double doors of the hotel lobby, and I found myself being offered Baba’s arm.
“Follow me.”
There was no turning back now. But if I was going to have any chance of getting myself home, taking his arm was my only option.
So I took it.
Continue reading - Part 2
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chikabiddy · 7 years ago
Chapter 9
All the writing this past week really got my creative juices flowing. So I present: Chapter 9 of Building Bridges. 3300 words devoted solely to LoVe. Enjoy! :D
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13766574/chapters/32373339
Veronica banged her head against the steering wheel in her car, frustrated with the entire mess that was her date with Troy. She’d flinched away from him when he leaned in to kiss her, and the reason why made her entirely uncomfortable. Through the whole date her mind kept drifting to Logan: what Logan would think of the debacle her last case had been, which dessert he’d get and inevitable surrender to her, or what funny stories he’d regale her with. It was nearly impossible to focus on Troy, and there was no way she could kiss him when she really wanted to kiss Logan. I do not want to kiss Logan! …why do I want to kiss Logan?? Her cell phone buzzing startled her from her musings. Logan. Leaning her head back in frustration, she debated denying the call, seriously wanted to considering the last two hours she’d spent trying not to think of Logan. He hadn’t called her in over a year, though, and her damn curiosity couldn’t take not knowing exactly what was so important.
“Logan.” She tried to keep her voice more chipper than she felt.
“Hey, you okay?” Not chipper enough, I guess.
“Yeah, sorry. Just got a lot on my mind. What’s up?”
“It’s nothing, really. I wanted to check in, see if you’re doing alright.”
For a moment, she was speechless. He’s really just calling to check in? Does that make me the thing that’s important enough to break the yearlong phone silence? Veronica wasn’t sure if she was reading in to the situation, but the thought that she was still important enough for Logan to call and check in made her feel a little giddy. She blamed the giddiness for why she debated telling him everything, all the things she thought about during her date with Troy. She could see herself telling him, lightening the load a little bit, but she couldn’t bring herself to be so vulnerable until she had all the facts. Ah, but I do have a hole free story I can share.
“Well, I tied up a case today!”
“Really? Do you… uhm, do you wanna tell me about it?”
“I was thinking I might.”
“I can come to your place,” his voice was quiet, and more hesitant than Veronica had ever heard him.
“Oh, uh… sure. I’ve. I’m not there right now.”
“Oh yeah, your big date. We can talk later, sorry”
“No, no,” Veronica was quick to protest. Too quick. “He just left. I was headed home alone anyway.” Why’d I have to throw that in?
“Okay,” he was hesitant again. “As long as I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Nope, nothing to interrupt.” God, could I get any lamer?
“Good. …So, I’ll see you at your place?”
“Yeah, yup. Thanks!” Oh my god, just stop talking.
Veronica hung up the phone with a groan, resuming banging her head against the steering wheel. God, what is wrong with me? Zero interest in Troy, an actual nice guy. But Logan calls me, so I turn into some stereotypical schoolgirl with a crush? Ugh. She pulled herself together enough to drive home, but half prayed the whole way home Logan would decide not to come. The embarrassment she felt at her behavior was stark. He asked to come, she reminded herself. It was his idea. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. She could almost believe it. 
Her dad was sitting on the couch, flipping absently through channels, when she walked in the door. He gave her a soft smile.
“You’re home early. Date not go so well?”
“Uh, it was fine. But, uhm… Logan’s coming over.”
“Fine dates don’t usually end up with you going home with another man.”
“Ugh, dad. Stop.” She closed the door and settled next to him on the couch. “He called me after, wanted to check in. He’s gotten… protective since, well you know. And we just decided it’d be easier to talk if he came over here. So. Don’t be weird.”
“Weird? I’m cool,” he protested. “I’m the cool guy dad. Ain’t nobody cooler than me.”
“See, this is what I mean.” She gestured toward him in explanation. “Weird.”
“Ah, fine, fine. I’ll sequester myself in my room. Good enough?”
“You don’t have leave,” Veronica objected.
“Not leaving, strategically retreating.” He winked at her with a nudge. “Hey, it’s been a while since we had a daddy/daughter check-in. Are you doing okay? How’s your head?”
“I’m fine, dad. Headaches are mostly gone, nothing else hurts. Honestly, I’m basically back to normal.”
He gave her his best skeptical face, but a soft knock on the door rescued her from further questions. With a chuckle and a wave, her dad made his way from the room. Veronica rolled her eyes and answered the door, ushering Logan into the apartment. She set back on the couch and offered Logan the spot next to her. He ended sitting close enough their thighs touched and Veronica’s mind flashed to her recent and reoccurring Logan-featured dreams. She shifted away uncomfortable, entirely unprepared for the electric shock their contact caused. His lips pulled down at the corners, moving to the far end of the couch. God, this is so frustrating. Veronica wanted to get back to a comfortable place with Logan, but it was hard enough to trust him as a friend without her subconscious complicating matters. She darted her eyes around, unsure where to focus or how to ease the tension in the room. Logan, mercifully, broke the silence.
“So, you said something about a case. I came expecting to be entertained, you know.”
Veronica was grateful for the reprieve from her thoughts. “Oh, yeah! You sure? It’s not actually that entertaining.”
“God, would you spit it out. I’m on the edge of my seat, here.”
Veronica rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms playfully. “Go ahead, be patronizing. Maybe I won’t tell you.”
“Hold on, that’s false advertising.” Logan leaned toward her, eyes flashing. “I drove all the way out here.”
“Nope, you missed your shot.” She turned her knees toward him, smirking.
Veronica’s mind took that moment to remind her how affectionate Logan always was when they were younger. Almost unconsciously, she moved closer to him bumping him with her elbow. He reciprocated by knocking his leg against her, sending warm tingles throughout her body. Rather than moving away, like she was so used to doing, she leaned into it.
“Well, I expect a refund then.” He rocked closer, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Sorry, no refunds. That was expressly outlined in the contract.”
“Hmm, I guess I’ll have to be compensated another way.”
Logan stared at her, eyes dark. Veronica swallowed drily, unable to look away. Is he going to kiss me? He’s going to kiss me. She was pretty sure she'd kiss him back. Then his hands flashed to her sides and he began to tickle her.
“Logan!” she squealed. She pushed at his hands, unable to get him to budge. She jerked forward, attempting to free herself. “Sto, oh… ow.”
Logan jerked his hands back as if burned. She cradled her head and closed her eyes against the shooting pain the jerky movements caused.
“Oh, god Veronica. I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think.”
She felt him jump up from the couch and heard him start pacing around as her dad rushed to the room.
“Veronica?” her dad slid next to her on the couch, wrapping an arm around her. “Veronica, honey?”
“Sheriff Mars, I’m so, god, I’m sorry. I just, I forgot.”
Veronica tried to respond, but she didn’t trust herself not to throw up if she opened her mouth.
“Logan, sit down.”
“It’s fine, dad,” Veronica hissed out. The pain was receding slowly, and she opened her eyes tentatively. “My fault, really.”
“Veronica,” Logan groaned. “Stop. I should’ve realized –”
“It’s okay, Logan. I’m alright.”
“You sure you’re okay, honey?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Her head hurt about as bad as it had that first day, but she didn’t want Logan to worry. “Uhm, I might take some medicine though.”
“I’ll get it,” Logan offered. “Uhm, where…?”
“Back in my bathroom.”
“Oka –”
“I’ll get it,” her dad interceded.
He moved off to grab it and Logan took her dad’s spot on the couch, studying Veronica’s face.
“Veronica, I’m so sorry.”
“Seriously, stop. It’s fine.”
“How can I help?”
Veronica paused a moment, knowing what would really help but unsure if she could ask it. She decided she could, since he was offering.
“Can you… would you stay? Until I fall asleep?” Logan’s face was blank, and Veronica felt the need to backtrack immediately. “Sorry, I mean, it just helped last time. But don’t worry, my dad’s here…”
“No, god, of course I will. You sure your dad won’t mind?”
“Just leave the door open, he’ll be fine.”
“See, you say that, but I’m the one that gets the bullet.”
“Promise I’ll defend you.” Veronica winked up at him; Logan rolled his eyes.
“My hero.”
“Got ‘em here, honey. Logan, would you get her some water?”
“Sure.” Logan moved to the kitchen and her dad handed her the pain pills.
“So, dad. Logan’s going to hang out until I fall asleep. We’ll leave the door open, it’s all above board. Promise.”
He gave her a hard look, but she batted her baby blues at him and he softened.
“I’ll just be in here, then. Cleaning my rifle.”
Veronica snorted at Logan as he froze on his way back with the water. At her laugh, he handed over the water. Veronica swallowed down the medication without hesitation this time, passing the glass off to her dad when she finished.
“Well, gents. I think that’s my que.” She held a hand out for Logan to help her up. “Night dad, love you.”
“Love you, sweetheart. And Logan. Don’t forget. I’ll just be sitting out here. With my rifle.”
“Noted.” Logan lifted Veronica from the couch, and she kept hold of his hand as they moved to her room. What am I doing?
She sat awkwardly on the edge of her bed and Logan watched her curiously.
“So, where do you want me?”
On the bed, on the desk, against the wall. Whew, e-brake Veronica.
“Uhm,” she let out dumbly.
“Just, I don’t know what will help the most.” He lifted their clasped hands gently.
“Oh, yeah. Uh.” Veronica moved back on to her bed, breaking their hand contact, and settled into her blankets. “Can you just sit by me?” She patted the bed next to her.
“Uh, under or over the blanket?”
“Either is fine. Whichever way you’re comfortable.”
He slid under the covers with her but kept his distance. Veronica closed the distance and snuggled into his side. Nothing weird about this. Just friends helping each other. She relaxed into him, but that made her arms uncomfortable because she didn’t know where to put them. Keeping them down by her sides felt awkward; tucking them under her put them to sleep, and she wasn’t sure where else was safe to put them. After shifting her arms back and forth multiple times she let out a frustrated huff and rolled away. Logan grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back and tucking her lower on his side. Then he pulled her arm over his torso and patted it gently.
She didn’t respond because she was already drifting off to sleep.
Logan waited until Veronica’s breathing deepened to signify she was sleeping. He shifted out from under her and tucked the blanket tightly around her. She looked more peaceful than she had last time he’d seen her sleeping. All the hard edges softened: her hair curled rather than spiked, her clothes flowed rather than protected, and her arms draped around her openly rather than crossing her defensively. He had the sudden urge to smooth the worry lines lingering on her forehead, but instead stuffed his hands in his back pocket and stepped back from the bed.
“She asleep?” The sheriff was standing in the doorway, arms crossed.
“Yeah.” Logan backed from the room and followed the sheriff into his living area. He stood in the middle of the room, shuffling his feet.
“So, uh. I’m going to go.”
“Wait a second, Logan. I think you and I should have a quick talk.”
“Uh, okay.” He pulled at the ends of his sleeves, darting his eyes around the room. “What’s up Sheriff?”
The Sheriff shook his head slightly, then stepped toward Logan putting a hand on his shoulder. “Well, for starters, call me Mr. Mars. I haven’t been the sheriff in over a year.”
“And I want to know, is there something going on between the two of you I should know about?” Mr. Mars resumed his interrogator stance, arms folded across his chest.
“Uhm, no? I… uhm. I think we’re just friends?”
“You don’t sound sure.”
“Well, to be honest, I have a hard time figuring her out. One day she’s friendly, one day she won’t hardly look at me.”
“That’s my girl.”
“If you knew anything about where she’s at…”
“I’m am not getting in the middle of this. You kids have a lot of issues to work out, so maybe do that before you try for anything other than friendship.”
“Yeah, uh, thanks. Friendship was kind of my goal.”
“Glad to hear it. Veronica could use more friends.”
Logan looked down, face flushing with color. He knew it was his fault Veronica lost her friends, and he had no idea how he would ever make that up to her. It was surprising Mr. Mars even let him in their apartment. Hell, it’s surprising Veronica lets me in. There were a lot of things about his current situation with Veronica that didn’t make logical sense, but he was grateful for it anyway.
“Anyway.” Mr. Mars interrupted his train of thought. “I appreciate you looking out for her now.”
He clapped Logan on the shoulder. “It’s getting late, Logan. Why don’t you head home?”
“Yeah, uh. Thanks, Sher… I mean, Mr. Mars. I’ll see you later.”
Logan nodded in parting and went home.
He woke early in the morning, excited for a chance to spend more time with Veronica. He felt they made real progress the night before and he wanted to see where that led. He was halfway to his car, book bag in hand, before he realized it was Saturday. Well, fuck. Every ounce of spring dropped from his step and he kicked himself mentally for not realizing it sooner. Usually, he could tell you down to the second how long it was until the weekend, but this week threw him off his normal routine. If he was being honest with himself, he stopped counting down to the weekend the minute Veronica became a fixture in his life again. Weekends meant he didn’t have a good excuse to see her. He slumped against the side of the house and dropped his bad to the ground, trying to come up with a believable reason to call her at 7 in the morning. Nothing sprang to mind.
I used up the “just checking on you” excuse to spy on her date. I don’t think she’ll buy that again. Calling Veronica last night was a momentary bout of insanity cleverly disguised as friendly concern. He’d pretended he hadn’t realized she was on a date, and she seemed to buy his excuse. The last thing he expected to come of his snooping was a late-night trip to her apartment. And that wasn’t touching the way the trip ended. Which reminds me, I never did get that story. Logan broke into a grin. I’ve just found my plausible excuse. He picked his bag from the ground and decided to play some video games until it was acceptably late enough in the day to give someone a phone call.
Notoriously impatient, Logan only made it to 8:00 before breaking down and calling Veronica.
“Hullo?” Her voice was groggy and full of sleep. He felt bad almost immediately.
“Uh, hey Veronica.” His guilt put him off kilter. The conversation was quickly diverting from the track he intended. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I’ll call you later.”
He moved to hang up as Veronica’s voice came through the phone.
“No. Wait. I’m already up now, least you could do is tell me why I've just been woken up.”
Guilt put him at a disadvantage, though he should have expected her to still be sleeping. Waking her made him feel he needed a real good reason to be calling, and he wasn’t sure “you owe me a story” cut it. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to come up with a better excuse.
“Well,” buck up, dude. You can’t make it worse now. He decided to go for broke. “I was promised a story yesterday. A very entertaining one, at that, and I left disappointed.” Veronica’s soft chuckle put him at ease. “I think I deserve another chance to get that story out of you. Maybe over breakfast?”
“If I recall correctly, it was your careless behavior which deprived you of the story.”
He could hear the laughter in her voice, which took the sting out of her words. “What do you think the breakfast is for? Otherwise you’d be responsible for the food.”
“Hmm, would this breakfast include bacon?”
“You can’t call it breakfast if it doesn’t include bacon. You should know that better than anyone.”
“I had to make sure you didn’t lower your standards for breakfast food the same time you lowered your standards for friends.”
“Ouch, low blow, Veronica. Food is much more important than the company we keep.”
Logan didn’t miss the fact that Veronica had not agreed to breakfast. But she also hasn’t said no.
“So, what do you say? I buy you a huge stack of pancakes to make up for causing you to get a migraine and you can tell me that story I drove all the way to your house to hear?”
He was proud his voice kept the aloof, jovial tone of their earlier banter.
The clear hesitation in her voice made his guts clench uncomfortably. Relax. You’ve been nice for 3 whole days. Give her some time. The last thing he wanted to do was give her time, time meant she could change her mind and go back to warring with him. But he restrained himself, with difficulty, and waited for Veronica to respond.
“Yeah, okay. But I want, like, the biggest pile of pancakes. It was a massive headache, after all.”
Logan laughed long and light, truly excited for the first time in a long time. “Pick you up in 30 minutes?”
“Um, you may end up waiting a minute once you get here. I know I said I’m up, but I have yet to roll out of bed.”
“Take all the time you need.”
Now that she’d agreed to breakfast, Logan lost the desire to snark at her. Their battle of wits was fun, but he felt it necessary to be serious with her and make sure she understood he would give her whatever she needed. Veronica’s subsequent silence told him she was taken off guard by his sincerity.
“I just mean you don’t have to rush on my account,” he tried to bring levity back to the conversation, which still emphasizing his flexibility. “I’m used to waiting on beautiful women.”
“Awe, you think I’m beautiful?”
“Always have.” Well. I need to shut my damn mouth before I scare her off for good. She was silent again. “So,” he cleared his throat. “See you in half an hour?”
“Yeah,” her response was barely audible.
Logan didn’t give her the chance to change her mind and hung up the phone.
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emilyplaysotome · 8 years ago
Part 1 - Down the Voltage Rabbit Hole
Lately it seems that everything I write ends up never seeing the light of day so I wanted to write something fun, that might actually get read. If you guys like it I’ll continue the story. 
Let me know what you think!
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I woke up, eyes bleary, head pounding in a hospital bed I’d never been in, but could have sworn I’d seen before. As I rubbed my eyes, I racked my brain to try and remember how I’d gotten here, but could only come up with fragmented moments on the subway platform. It was a fair assumption to say that I’d passed out. Something like that had happened to me once before, and upon coming to had left me feeling very similar.
“It’s good to see you’re up.”
I turned to see a man standing over me, wearing a white doctor’s coat, with a pink collared shirt, and simple plaid necktie. He gently pushed his glasses up as he examined my chart, finally offering me a concerned smile.
“You were brought here yesterday after you collapsed, but we couldn’t find any identification on you.”
My eyes began to focus, and I squinted as they adjusted to the sunlight streaming in through the large windows that lined the far wall. The room was a simple hospital room, with multiple beds, all empty at the moment. Separating each bed was a seafoam curtain, and across from me were some yellow flowers that must have been left behind from another patient.
I looked at the doctor again, who leaned a bit closer.
“Can you...understand me?” he said slowly.
My eyes caught the name on his nametag. Irie.
“Yes, I understand. Sorry, I’m always a bit off when I first get up,” I joked.
His face relaxed, and he smiled at me.
“Take your time. You were out for a good 18 hours.”
Irie...Irie. Why was that name so familiar to me? I studied his face as he scribbled some notes down in my chart. He didn’t have any defining characteristic of note - dark hair and eyes, Japanese, a calm demeanor.
“Soichiro?” I muttered to myself, barely audible.
He paused and looked at me, a puzzled expression on his face.
“Do we know each other?”
I looked again at the room once more, and then back at the man standing before me. There was no way. It was impossible. I was...me and he was just a character in a game. However as crazy as it was, before I could stop myself I found myself asking, “I’m at Ebisu General, right?”
Doctor Irie nodded. I could feel my face getting hot, panic setting in. This had to be a dream. There was no other explanation but it didn’t feel like any dream I’d ever had.
“Have we met before?”
“No. Your reputation precedes you,” I lied.
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In actuality, I’d spent hours with Soichiro Irie. I’d been in the man’s apartment. I watched him fall in love. I knew more about him than he probably knew about himself.
Yet here I was, unable to tell him the truth (that he was merely a character in a game) without sounding certifiably insane. Even if this was a dream, the last thing I wanted to do was be shipped off to the psychiatric ward of Ebisu General, so...I lied.
He blushed faintly at the compliment, and crossed his arms just like his sprite did, except in real life he felt closer to the published age of 40 than he ever did in the game. There were slight crow’s feet around his eyes and as he shook his head with a placid smile, I could see the wrinkles hiding behind his hair that fell across his forehead.
“Oh no. I’m sure that’s not true” he said softly.
The Japanese modestly I’d experienced in these games came through loud and clear in that one moment. It was sweet - quite different from the confident and often unwarranted conceit most American men doled out.
“Doctor Irie, I...have a bit of a strange question. I feel ok but...what language am I speaking?”
Doctor Irie cocked his head to the side, “Japanese. You’re in Tokyo after all.”
“I see. You wouldn’t happen to have a mirror...would you?”
As he left to find a hand mirror, I racked my brain at how implausible it was that I’d be speaking Japanese. It had to be a crazy dream, perhaps I was even in a coma, and my mind suddenly placed me in the universe of these games.
In fact, it was entirely possible that I’d been playing one when I blacked out in my world. But...I couldn’t shake the feeling that everything going was far too real to be something entirely contrived by my own brain and its memories of various games I’d played months ago.
Doctor Irie returned with a mirror that revealed that I still looked as I’d remembered. He also brought the items I’d had on me when I’d collapsed - a phone, a coat, and the stupid knit hat I’d stitched in 9th grade and kept for whatever reason. The phone booted up but all my apps were replaced by knockoffs like Skaipe, Tweeter, and Chatsnap. I shook my head, dejected upon seeing this.
I was hoping my phone would be something that would link me to the real world from which I came, but outside of that dumb knit hat, everything else was a gamified version. I sighed loudly and Doctor Irie studied my face with concern.
“So...am I able to leave now?” I asked.
“We’d prefer if you stayed until you’re better. Plus we’ll need your insurance card and -”
“I’m afraid I don’t have my wallet on me,” I quickly cut him off.
“Well, we can look your information up. What’s your name?”
I paused. There’d be no record of me in this world. I thought carefully before replying.
“Naruko...Sasaki,” I said. Or was it Sasaki Naruko? I could never get it straight but it didn’t really matter. Doctor Irie nodded and scribbled her name on my chart before writing something else on his notepad.
“Here,” he said, handing me a paper with a number on it. “If you get into trouble, or need a place to stay, or feel sick again just give me a call.”
For a moment, it crossed my mind that if I called this number, I would be entering Doctor Irie’s route in this world. I wasn’t prepared for that, not because I didn’t like him, but because I had more important things to think about than romancing a fictional doctor. I needed to get home.
I did my best to bow graciously, self-conscious the entire time, and slightly worried that someone would call me out for cultural appropriation.
“Thank you Doctor Irie.”
The first thing I did once I left Ebisu General was pray to the Wishes Gods. When none of them showed up, or even gave me an inclination that they'd heard my wish to be sent home, I formulated a new plan. I found an empty park bench that was shaded by a Revance billboard, and wrote down every single potential guy I’d ever played with the knowledge that I was in the voltage universe in order to figure out what my next best bet would be.
You’d think that being the MC in a real-life-game would be fairly exciting but I promise you, it isn’t. Instead, I found myself fairly stressed out once the realization set in that in order to survive long enough to formulate a plan to get sent home I was going to need to approach the more dangerous characters in this universe. When you’re playing from the comfort of your home it doesn’t matter that your love interest is borderline abusive, or in the mafia, or a criminal mastermind. However, when you’re in the actual game, it’s a lot more stressful than you’d think to approach one of these guys.
I knew what I had to do if I was to survive here. I jogged up to the next nondescript Person 1 and asked, “Excuse me, can you point me in the direction of the Tray Spades?”
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“You mean the Tres Spades?”
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The pixilated version of the hotel had looked pretty good on my iPhone as I played at home, but being there in person was something else. 
I’d been lucky enough to travel and stay in some luxurious hotels in my world, but the Tres Spades was like nothing I’d ever seen in my life. It was fair to say that depending on who you asked, it was either a garish eyesore or the most opulent hotel you’d ever laid eyes on. I was still trying to decide for myself as waited in the lobby for my target.
If everything went according to plan my time at the Tres Spades would end in false papers, a temporary job (with housing if I remembered correctly), and no involvement in the auctions. But that was only if things went according to plan and I reminded myself that they rarely do. 
I was still mulling it all over when I saw him, or I suppose more accurately, he saw me.
“Excuse me Miss.”
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His maroon jacket was even tackier in person but I found him to be more handsome than his sprite gave him credit for. Sure his real voice was actually a bit smarmy, and his mannerisms reeked of a guy who spent far too long reading Neil Strauss’ The Game, but that was to be expected.
“Are you waiting for someone? Me...perhaps?”
It was impossible for me to hold back my disgusted sigh. Baba in person was so much lamer than he ever read.
“Ahahahaha,” a young man cackled, practically doubled over. “Look at how disgusted she looks!”
“Oh no I didn’t mean...” 
I desperately tried backtracking but it was no use. I’d never been good at hiding my emotions and it would seem today was no different. Unfortunately for me, if I was going to have any chance in this world, I’d need to significantly improve my acting skills.
“Don’t apologize!” He exclaimed, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks, “That was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.”
“You don’t need to rub it in Ota,” Baba pouted.
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It surprised me that I liked Ota more in person. He struck me as boyish and mischievous in a way that was far more charming than Baba’s insincere pick up artist act. 
As I panicked internally, racking my brain how to get these interactions back on track, the two bantered with each other. Ota teased Baba mercilessly, who in turn desperately tried to recover from the embarrassment of Ota having witnessed him crash and burn in front of a girl.
“Please,” I grabbed the sleeve of Baba’s gaudy maroon jacket all the while putting on my best damsel in distress expression. “I’m actually looking for someone who stays at this hotel. Do you work here?”
The two stopped arguing and Baba looked at me, genuinely surprised. There was silence for a moment and then Ota burst out laughing again
“Ahahahaha! She thinks you work here!”
Collectively Baba and I shared a sigh, and then a smile. He took his hat off and gave me a little bow, then a wink, and said, “At your service.”
“This might sound...a little crazy but I’m looking for a guy, his name is…”
I pretended to rack my brain and my act seemed to be working as Baba appeared to hang on my every word.
“...Lupin?” I whispered.
Baba’s eyes widened slightly, and his cheeks flushed. Ota, still chuckling to himself gave Baba a slap on the back.
“The old man finally catches a break.”
With that, Ota strolled out through the double doors of the hotel lobby, and I found myself being offered Baba’s arm.
“Follow me.”
There was no turning back now. But if I was going to have any chance of getting myself home, taking his arm was my only option.
So I took it.
Continue reading - Part 2
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