Just Bits and Pieces
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Living, Learning, Musings, and more. Finding ways to make life simple, quiet and worth living.
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
The 3 Best Parenting Tips You Never Knew You Needed to Hear
The 3 Best Parenting Tips You Never Knew You Needed to Hear
Hello my peeps. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve checked in with everyone. So…how ya doing? I hope your doing well and feeling good. I thought we could chat for a few minutes today if that’s okay with you. I’ve had a lot to ponder over the last few weeks. Remember my post about life’s only constant being change? Yeah? Awesome. I have another installment of change coming and I don’t mind telling…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
Three Ways to Stop Thinking Like a Manager
Three Ways to Stop Thinking Like a Manager
Well, it’s been a hot minute since I stopped to chat with all of you. When I say life has been busy, I mean, it has been like a freaking freight train running a downhill route with the breaks malfunctioning. Hold on tight because we’re not sure where we’re going to end up. Ever have times like that? When you can’t seem to stop to catch your breath. When it feels like all you do is work, come…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
Can You Hear Me?
Can You Hear Me?
*Enters slowly carrying a box* Oh Lord, is that a soapbox? *Steps up to the mic, taps it* “Is this thing on? Can you hear me?” Today, I’m going to talk to you about a rather touchy subject. A subject that encompasses nearly every human on the planet, there are exceptions I’m sure, but I’m not going to talk about them right now. Today we are going to talk about retail and it’s employees. Every…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
The Teapot Tale: A Giver's Heart
The Teapot Tale: A Giver’s Heart
Photo by Wallace Chuck from Pexels Hello. Glad you stopped by. Are things going well? No? Well if you don’t mind my saying so, you do look a wee bit weary. Ah, yes. So you’ve run yourself a bit thin have ya? That does happen, doesn’t it? So you ARE a giver. I kind of figured that to be the case. I can usually spot a giver from a mile out. No, no, there’s nothing wrong with being a giver.…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
A Quick Note
I wanted to do a quick check-in with everyone. I hope you’re all doing well and that life isn’t too crazy at the moment. The holiday this year may look a bit different, but I pray you’ll cherish each moment, create new memories, laugh with loved ones, and remember how beautiful and uniquely you, you are! I hope this holiday season is all you’ve ever dreamed of! Merry Christmas friends! See you in…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
One 'Thankful' Can Change Your Life
One ‘Thankful��� Can Change Your Life
Sometimes, the craziest things show us exactly what we need to see. Life in all of it’s glory, is at best, nuts. This year, 2020, has been especially nuts. We’ve been through so much this year. Who would have thought we would go through all we’ve gone through in just 11 short months.
It’s in the moments of chaos that often times we get clarity. Sure, we’ve sacrificed a lot this year. Things…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
Busy Bee
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Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
Hello friends. Just a quick check in to see how everyone is doing. I’ve been working some crazy ass hours at work, 57+ this week so writing has sort of been pushed to the back burner. My work life/ family life balance is all out of whack.
How do you find work/life balance? I need ideas!
Till next time,
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
The Best Self-Care Tip You'll Ever Hear
The Best Self-Care Tip You’ll Ever Hear
I am tired to my core. Have you ever been so tired, not just physically, but emotionally, mentally, and all of the other ally’s? Life can be so difficult at times and my human body can only take so much, ya know? I am not finding much rest at the moment.
I work 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, with 2 hours of driving there and back, do the math folks, that leaves 10 hours in a day to try to…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
In a Mood
I’ve been in a mood lately. So, short and sweet with some words of wisdom, not my words, but wise nonetheless.
NOT YOUR BUSINESS. As I grow older I remember the days of childhood. sixteen, seventeen, sometimes even younger, where I thought I needed to defend what was mine. Or what I thought was mine. I always thought boys and girls couldn’t be just friends and would confront any girl who…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
Change, Life's Only Constant
Change, Life’s Only Constant
October is winding down. I can’t believe we are in the last week of this month. It seems as if the older I get the faster time seems to go. Wasn’t it January yesterday? This year is flying by and what a year it’s been. Ten months of crazy if you ask me.
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For me, it has been a rough couple of years. It all started with my…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
You Are What You Think
You Are What You Think
Here we are at the beginning of another week. That means, we made it through all the challenges of last week. Hooray for us!! It also means, we can face whatever comes this week. Again, Hooray for us!!
Do you ever get a gut feeling? Do you ever have thoughts you just can’t stop thinking no matter what you do? Something that sticks with you and you can’t shake it but you’re not sure why? I have…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
New Challenges, New Growth
New Challenges, New Growth
This week I face some new and BIG challenges as I start another chapter in my life. I know they are going to stretch me and make me a better person, but they are also a bit intimidating and scary. There are times we face challenges without encouragement from others, and that can reallysuck. It’s in those times, we need to remind ourselves, we are more than capable because God equips us when we…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
Why is that song stuck in your head?
Why is that song stuck in your head?
On a fairly regular basis, I have a song stuck in my head. More often than not, I wake up with a song in my head. This morning the song was “Moves Like Jagger” LOL! Yesterday’s song was “Baby Got Back”. Funny thing is, I haven’t heard either of those songs any time in the recent past. So where did they come from and why are they stuck in my head? Those are just the last two, this happens to me on…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
Stupid Questions, Today is YOUR Day
Stupid Questions, Today is YOUR Day
If the #2 pencil is so popular, why is it not #1?
Could someone who has a “fear of long words,” tell people they have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia? Why is the word for this fear so long?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive up ATM?
I’m sure you’ve heard there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Wanna bet? LOL!! If there is no such thing, tell me why there’s…
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bellechienne08 · 4 years ago
Grateful in the Mundane
Grateful in the Mundane
I have been completely absent for about 6 months now, but thankfully, two new emails this last week alerted me to a new follower (so glad to have you following me and for you wanting to read what I have to say) has catapulted me into wanting to get this blog back on track and made me want to start writing again. I’ve missed this. I find it funny how all it takes is one small thing to get us back…
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bellechienne08 · 5 years ago
Your Quarantined- Is it a Menace or Blessing?
March: comes in like a lion goes out like a lamb.
Lion? HA!!! Hardly. More like a freaking virus breathing dragon on steroids looking for fresh meat! Seriously, it has been one crazy year, uh hum, 3 MONTHS!!
Can you believe 2020 is only three months old? That’s right, we are a measly three months into 2020 and, wow, what a ride.
In 3 months there’s been attacks on a US Embassy,…
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bellechienne08 · 5 years ago
Courage is...
Courage is…
Courage is…
Walking around in this life not knowing what’s just around the corner but taking a step anyway.
Courage is…
Being afraid but doing it anyway.
Courage is…
Feeling every emotion, especially the ones you’d rather stuff way down inside and avoid.
Courage is…
Continuing to love in-spite of being hurt.
Courage is…
Facing yourself in the mirror.
Courage is…
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