#my wrist started killing me towards the linework
flaysmen · 2 years
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𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 & 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐭: 1 / ???
ft: @whoneverwas
❝  Lord  Bolton,  I  have  news  in  regards  to  Erica.  ❞      ❝  She’s  fat?  ❞  ❝ Even better. ❞       ❝ She’s dead? ❞  ❝ She’s blind. ❞       ❝ Poor thing. ❞ 
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samwrights · 4 years
Love Bites - Punk!AU [Terushima]
ASDFGHJKL oh my god, these chapters killed me. But we’re finally at the actual show for Elixir--hooray! If you haven’t read the prologue to this mini-series, I’ll leave a link for you right here, and if you haven’t read the previous chapter titled Bricks, you can go ahead and click here. Artwork is not mine so if we can find the artist, let me know so I can properly credit them! 
Lyrics are italicized and sang entirely in your voice.
Warnings: Cheating and Language. Minor mention of nicotine.
Song Used: Love Bites (So Do I) by Halestorm
Word Count: ~3.5k
A complementary playlist can be found  »  here
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“Baby, wake up,” is the first thing you hear in the morning, brought to you by the raspy voice of Yūji Terushima. Squeezing your eyes shut as you try to filter out sunlight, you surrender to your surroundings, opening your eyes one at a time to see Teru resting with his bare back on the headboard of his bed. His serene expression gives you heart palpitations. Even more so when you realize you’re just as bare as he is and that you’re cradled into his chest with your arms lazily resting on his stomach with his around your back and that you’re in his bed, rather than the other way around. No matter what transpired between the two of you, it was an unwritten rule that you never stayed at his house. His parents, though they loved you dearly, had no idea what was going on between the two of you and vaguely knew that Terushima was dating someone else. It was harder for the two of you to keep things a secret under their roof, which was why the rule had even been agreed upon in the first place. “We should probably get the van loaded up at some point.”
“Can we have breakfast first?” The incessant rumbling of your stomach adding further validation to your plea. Terushima let’s out a laugh before pressing his lips gingerly into your hair as if you would shatter from the contact. Honestly, the only thing that could potentially shatter your bliss right now was Minami walking into his house right now, and that was far from likely.
Speaking of bliss, Yūji Terushima is on cloud nine. Even after suffering the cold sweats of coming down from his high at some point in the middle of the previous night, he could say with resounding confidence that waking up next to you was probably going to be the pinnacle of his life. It was probably going to come crashing down after this, he figured, as what goes up must come down as it often did for him. Terushima knows his life patterns quite well. So for now, he was going to soak in every second, every inch of your bare skin, for as long as he could. “Mm,” the blonde hums, “not quite yet.”
In a matter of minutes, Terushima has you on your back, suspending himself with locked arms before his lips latched onto yours. The blonde sucked on your bottom lip, taking the flesh between his teeth before snaking his tongue to intertwine with yours. Slow and steady movements that greatly contradicted the man’s persona was his course of action the tip of his tongue traced over every tooth, every fiber of your being, as he commited all of it memory. He had to make sure this was real. Resting on one palm, his free, ink-laden hand travels down your bare body, feeling every curve your and scar that came with life, down to past the dip of your belly button before cusping your cheek. “You’re really here,” comes his broken warble when he pulls away, as if yesterday was a cocaine-induced delusion.
“I’m really here.” You parrot affectionately, mimicking the action he made with his hand to your cheek, though the tip of your fingers graze the dermal on his left cheekbone. “I’m here, and I’m hungry.” A breathy, half-hearted laugh escapes him as he fights the urge to make a sexual innuendo.
“Alright, alright. I’ll go make food.”
“Actually, I should probably go home and shower and get ready.” A pout forms on the drummer’s face at the suggestion, as if letting you leave would somehow change everything that occurred in the last fifteen or so hours. But as his resolve, and his pout, weaken and falter, a devilish grin comes out to play.
“Or,” immediately, you don’t like where this is going, “I make food and you go load up the van, then we get ready at your place.” Subconsciously, your jaw clenches for a brief minute before relaxing once again, finding no flaw in his logic but one.
“Or,” you copy, “you go load up the van and I make breakfast so that you don’t burn down your parents kitchen.”
“Babe, I’m literally a quarter of a century old, I know how to fucking cook.” Yūji deadpans, making you laugh heartily. You don’t believe him for a second. The two of you are up and getting dressed to move about your day, though your leggings and cut off tee are less than appealing to wear at the moment. Not that you ever scowled at the thought of rewearing clothes but you had been sweaty from practice and there were bound to unfavorable fluids on last night’s clothes. Terushima notices the disgusted grin on your face at the thought. He tosses you a clean, spare shirt and some boxers while the two of you dressed as if you weren’t in some strange, domesticated version of the twilight zone.
“Sweetie, I lived with you for four years. You could literally burn water.” After the clothes were on, you stepped towards the drummer, placing a kiss just under his dermal, before flitting off down the stairs towards the kitchen. Whether he wanted to argue who was doing the work, you won solely based off of the fact that he was left stunned in his room at the sight of you wearing his clothes—his boxers, no less. If this was a dream or he was in fact in the twilight zone, please please please nobody wake him up and bring him back to reality.
Despite you never staying over at Yūji’s house before, you knew exactly where everything was, thanks to you being the unofficial mom of the crew. You grab what you need to make a small meal for the two of you, knowing that time wasn’t necessarily on your side at the moment. While it may still be just before noon, there was still so much to do before arriving at the venue at six. Off in the distance, you can hear Terushima disassembling his drum kit in his basement and, for a moment, an ounce of pride swelled within you—he finally remembered to do that first before lugging everything off to the van. It was a small victory, one that hardly warranted praise but, after so many shows, you’d think he would finally remember to make his job easier on himself.
However, the clattering noises begin to fade into the background as your mind wanders into autopilot mode. Sure, you’re cooking food and your hands are occupied, but the once therapeutic activity seemed to take a back burner to what was currently plaguing you. The only thing that could shatter your bliss at the moment was if Minami were to walk in right now. You tried your best not to think of that very scenario as you finished plating up your meals. “Teru, come eat!” You called out from the top of the stairs that lead to the basement. The blonde hustles up the staircase, stopping briefly to press his lips to yours before chowing down on his food.
Minami could shatter your guys’ little bubble of domestic peace, but she would have to go through you first. And you would absolutely be lying to yourself and everyone else if the thought of her fighting you for the drummer didn’t bring you sick satisfaction.
“The vans all packed up,” Terushima announces in between bites. “So I can grab clothes and shit and get ready with you at your apartment.”
“Yūji, you clingy little shit,” you joke, “maybe I want some time to myself!”
“Do you?” There’s a flash of hurt in eyes for a moment, and you knew that you probably shouldn’t have said it. Considering the fragile circumstances, he was still vulnerable after everything that transpired. Terushima was still afraid that all of this was going to shatter the minute you were free of him.
“No, Teru, I was kidding.” You try to convince him, but he’s not buying it. A sigh leaves you as you set down the plate on the island counter you were standing in front of before you look at the drummer with full, earnest eyes. Reading your body language, he does the same before you grab his hands in yours. As if drinking in every charcoal grey line of his tattoos, you trace up the linework starting from the wrist of his left arm, moving in painstakingly slow glances until you followed where they ended at his clavicle before you looked at him square in his almond eyes once again. “It’s you and I, right?” You ask cautiously, echoing the conversation from last night.
“For as long as you’ll have me.”
“Then let’s go get ready,” you do your best to offer a reassuring smile, pecking him just under his dermal once again, “finish up eating. I think we need a shower.”
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Yūji has finally calmed down, or rather as calm as he could be, after having a long, warm shower with you back at your apartment. Did it make sense for him to leave his home to get ready when the two of you were going to be coming right back? No. But at the moment, a lot of things between the two of you didn’t seem to make sense and that was okay. By the time the two of you returned, Makki and Kuroo were already present, donning confused looks as to why Terushima got out of your car rather than his parent’s home. In lieu of a response, the aforementioned blonde only shrugged before climbing into the back seat of the van with Makki, leaving Kuroo to drive as usual with you in the passenger’s side. Everyone is situated and you and Kurro are holding cigarettes between your lips, but the gutiarist doesn’t move otherwise. “Alright, I’m just gonna say it,” the driver announces after turning the engine, “we’ve known that you two are boning but this just weird. What’s going on?”
“Oh thank god,” Makki breathes out in reprieve, though neither you nor Terushima speak. To be frank, neither of you really had a clue. You knew that he wanted to be with you and you with him, but there was no clear definition in the sense that there were still a few kinks to work out. Minami, for example. “Are you two, like, actually together now?” Your eyes lock with the drummer’s bronze ones, wondering who’s going to be the first to say it out loud. Knowing his insecurities, you decided it had to be you.
“Yeah, if that’s what you wanna call it.”
“YES! Cough it up, Kuroo, you owe me fifty!” The sudden crescendo in volume coming from your normally quiet bassist makes you jump.
“Dude, the fuck?” You look at the driver with narrowed eyes. “You bet against us?”
“Oh, don’t say it like that,” Kuroo defends, “I just bet that you were going to date someone else first because you couldn’t wait for Terushima to get his head out of his ass.”
“Y’all can fuck off,” You grumble before climbing into the back seat. Your anger was satirical, but at the moment, all you wanted was to be curled up with Yūji now that the cat was out of the bag. However, with the van in motion and you being buckled in the passenger’s seat, you decided to sit tight, flicking the collecting pile of ashes out the window before bringing your cigarette to your lips once again. “Now enough analyzing our relationship, we got a show to play.”
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In hindsight, you should have known that being with Yūji Terushima wasn’t going to be as simple as “yes, we’re dating now” and that was no fault on his part. If anything, it’s as much your fault because you’re just as reckless and never check for lose ends before committing to anything. And, in hindsight, you really should prepared yourself in the event that Minami attended your show because, considering last nights events, Teru didn’t even think about telling her to fuck off and not show up tonight.
What a mess.
Even more so when the girl immediately flanked to give the drummer a hug before reprimanding him for wearing a tank top. Yes, a tank top. God did you hate her. From what you could hear of the conversation, Minami had told him to grab a spare sweat or jacket or something to cover up his shoddy, apprentice-done, experimental tattoos and that he looked like he rolled right out of bed. The worst was her asking how he could have pride as a man when he showed up to “work” as a slob, and how she was almost embarrased to be here. But she’s playing coy as she says all these things, her lips curling in a flirty grin to attempt to convince him that she’s just teasing. You knew better. Nobody just says that about their partner nonchalantly and if they did, they were just a bit fucked up in the head. “Hey, Yūji, we’ve got to go set up.” Your voice is soft yet direct as you try to all but pry her away from him.
“Yūji?” Minami has never heard you call him by his first name, you realize.
“That’s his name, isn’t it?” The retort left your lips before you could stop it, earning you a nasty look from Minami. It didn’t matter, you decided, before putting a guiding hand on your drummer’s shoulder. “C’mon, we’re running behind.” Without another word to Minami from either of you, you bring him to the back of the venue and into the staging area. He didn’t need to say it, nor was he going to because the sudden anxiety piling in his chest was drowning him, but he was thankful for your intervention. Each comment his girlfriend made cracked his tempermental heart just a little bit further, even if her opinion didn’t necessarily matter to him because he couldn’t help but wonder if you had felt the same way she did. Terushima shakes away the idea instantly. You were the one that always stopped the nagging voices in his head, the ones that told him that if Minami could speak such things about him into existence then it must be true. You were his peaceful meadow in the middle of a storm. Its just another thing he’s indebted to you, he supposed, one he hoped to be able to rectify by the end of the night.
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It’s hot.
It always is when you play a show which usually contributed to the fact that you and Terushima always wore tank tops when performing, despite the conversation you heard earlier. Coincidentally, the two of you were matching with white tanks and ripped up black jeans, accented by a thin red tie that had no place being worn except to hide the hickies the two of you had given each other the previous night. It was a coincidence, but was not a detail that the audience, specifically Minami and the other girlfriends, had overlooked. 
“How the fuck is everyone doing tonight?” Growing Pains, the third song in Elixir’s setlist, has just ended, meaning that you were a third of the way through your set. At your question, the audience, which was larger than normal, you gathered at screamed in response. The sheer volume made you smile and laugh with the small fan base that you had as it reminded you that, at the end of the day, whether you four were successful or not, you still touched people’s lives. “That’s what I like to hear! You guys seemed to be having a lot of fun with our newer songs and we thank you for that, but right now we’re gonna throw it back real quick.”
After your brief intermission and the introduction of your next song, Terushima gave his starting count in addition to a few hits on his cymbals, leading the rest of the band to start the snappy rhythm of the next song. As the opening lines begin to swirl in your head while listening for the moment you were supposed to jump in, it dawns on you that this very well could turn catastrophically ugly—the thought excited you.
Don’t listen what your girlfriend says
You had written this song for Yūji so long ago, never once considering that maybe, just maybe, one day performing this song was going to come back to bite you in the ass. And yet, considering Love Bites was one of your most revered and streamed tracks on your band’s Spotify, you can’t find it in yourself to feel an ounce of remorse. Especially as you lock eyes with Minami for a brief moment and you swear she knows. She knows exactly who this was written for, and she knows the war you’re declaring, and she knows you don’t fucking care.
I know a thousand ways to help you forget about her
You couldn’t bring yourself to care about her opinion as you pace around the stage, your hair swinging wildly as you cradle your microphone to add to your stage appearance. For a moment, you take a look at your guitarist, watching the way Kuroo’s knowledge and expertise of the riffs he had played time and time again came to life on his signature Stratocaster. The raven-haired man was grinning, tongue peaking out a little bit and he licked his dry lips—he was in his element.
Love bites, but so do I.
You bring your attention to your bassist, Hanamaki echoing your vocals as you did so. He looked calm as ever with a knowing, glassy look in his stoned eyes. Knowing, in the sense that he could tell you were a little more enthusiastic than usual due to the nature of the song. Knowing, like he was preparing for trouble because he could practically rip the ever growing tension straight out of the atmosphere between you and Minami despite dozens of people standing between you.
You’ve suffered in the darkness I’ll suck the pain right out
And finally, you bring your attention back to your drummer. The matching outfits, that were coincidental, were a nice touch. Terushima is bobbing his head, mouthing words in sync with you as the red tie around his neck is swishing back and forth wildly like a pendulum as he moves. For a moment, the two of you lock eyes, prompting you to give a mischievious smile before transitioning to the second chorus.
I kiss you in a way you’ll never forget about me
Coming full circle, you were faced with the crowd once again. Though the others in the band may not have felt the same way, or maybe they did, you weren’t entirely sure, one of the most satisfying feelings in the world to you besides having Terushima’s arms around you, was watching your audience lose their shit. The way young teens and adults would fight for the front closest to the small barricade of the venue for your attention; the way crowd surfers were thrown on stage, their lips moving in sync with yours as they sing along before flipping back into the crowd in a stage dive; the way everybody was just having a grand old fucking time—there was no greater feeling.
I was down and out, got up and said, “hey love I’ve had enough” I’ve felt pleasure without pain
It wasn’t often you did this—this being you jumping off stage, microphone still in hand, and walking on the safe side of the barricade while Kuroo did his little guitar solo. At the first line of the final chorus, you weren’t even singing; not alone at leasst, and Yūji would be lying if he said it didn’t cause him to panic in the slightest. He knew how crazy the crowds could get and even with security, people could still push on the gates themselves and hurt you and oh god Minami was right at the edge of the stage and what the fuck were you—
The blonde’s mind was reeling as you sauntered over towards her corner off to the side of the barricade but he had never in his ten years of knowing you seen you so confident with your movements as you veered away from his line of sight. Not even in the way you told him you loved him time and time again, not ever in the way you held him countless times while he was in a bad high. You had never been so sure of your actions as you swiped a finger under Minami’s chin, singing directly to her, serenading her.
Love bites, but so do I
You were goading her, aching for her to swing. The fire in her eyes as the realization set in Minami’s little brain—you’d been dying to see it, dying to do it. You’d had enough of the way she treated Terushima, the way she knocked down the most wonderful person you knew. No more. No more taking this shit lying down—he was yours and you wanted to make sure she understood that.
Yūji Terushima: the twenty five year old man covered in shitty basement tattoos with more healed over holes of retired piercings who still lived with his parents so he could live comfortably and chase after teenage dreams, was yours. And as much as you wanted her to react, the song was over and you needed to make your way back to the stage and move about with your day.
As soon as the song finishes, Terushima stands up from his drum set while the audience is giving their applause. As wonderful as it is to hear that sound, he was panicking at the fact that he wasn’t able to see everything happening down below as soon as you had moved out of his line of sight. He’s standing before you, his hands gripping your forearms, eyes in a deadlock with yours to make sure you weren’t hurt. Laughter flickers in your eyes before a smile works it’s way to your lips, thinking of other ways you could make your declaration loud and clear.
If Minami didn’t know then, she knew now by the way you pressed your lips onto Teru’s with your fingers threading into the base of his undercut in the middle of the stage.
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[ Bricks « Love Bites » Critical Mistake ]
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