#my wisdom tooth decided to be a bitch and give me an reaction with pain 24/7 but it’s all good now
ignify-caligo · 2 years
For the character ask, if you don't mind: Foltest! :D
First impression:
My first impression of him got tainted a little, by the Netflix adaptation as of first. Like I was sceptic to his character based on that but when i came to the Last Wish? I was pleasently suprised! Like he turned out much better when i was aspecting. I definitely got the prince charming from shrek vibes when it came to his appearance description lmao. 
Impression now:
One of my faves when it comes to the royals in all honesty. Like I don’t see him as a perfect role model for a leader/government official/parent/ or anything in general - he’s more of a “fun” dude to see be tormented/torment other characters with his psychopathic and sadistic tendencies I suppose? 
Favourite moment:
Definitely all the scenes at the start of Witcher 2! Haven’t played the whole game bc I suck at games but the cutscenes with Foltest are hilarious. Especially the one where he greets the knights when you finally start attacking the castle, where’s his like “wassup my soldiers” and they “wassup” him back lmao. That mixed with the polish dub cracked me up and I almost died because of a laughing fit at the start of the level. 
Also gotta mention the one at the end of Lady of the Lake where they meet in Cintra and he basically roasts Henselt’s angry fit lmao. 
Idea for a story:
Don’t really have anything Foltest - centric story for him, tho I may have some plans related to him and Roche & Marceau pre-Witcher 2 assassinations tho around the same time that Geralt has been around the Temerian Court. Something with him being all Foltesty to his two attack dogs and all that fuckery that comes with including Foltest in AO3 tags. 
Otherwise definitely some PWP if I ever get some guts to finally write somethin’
Unpopular opinion:
Mhm, don’t exactly know if I have any? From what I have seen the general premise on Tumblr is that Foltest’s the “want to see what makes him tick” kind of character and I have the same thoughts lmao. 
Favourite relationship:
The one I have mostly interacted with is Roche/Foltest so that’s my go-to when I want something dark to read tbh. 
Favourite headcanon: 
From my own HC, I think I like the one about him being a little Stephen King wannabe writer of most fucked up things ever seen by the temerian maids
Also love both your and @deimosx headcanon’s for him bc their so accurate!
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