#my version is better + claire is not creepy + she will enchant you with her choice of conversation topics + shes a being of whimsy and joy
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hsslilly-blog · 6 months ago
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claire on the hunt
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eleventhdoctorsangel · 4 years ago
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
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Summary: Living in Arcadia I never thought that living below the city was a city of trolls. Now it seems that everyone or everything trying to end to the world in Arcadia. But despite all of that i knew that I could always count on the friends in my life to help me. But now the world is coming to an end again but this time it just might actually happen.
“I don’t know Claire. It was just the past Douxie that called me pretty.” I said. “If the past Douxie thinks you’re pretty than I’m sure our Douxie thinks you’re pretty too.” Claire said. “When we get back to our time I’ll talk to him” I said. The party kept riding until we reached Killahead Bridge where we came to a stop. Lancelot got off his horse and drew his sword as he started to look around hoping to find one of the escaped prisoners. I looked over to Claire who had the same look that I did. Hoping that Lancelot wouldn’t find anyone. Then Lancelot started making his way over to a tree when Jim was pushed out from behind a tree. “Aha! Oh he-hello!” Jim said waving at us “Get them!” Arthur yelled. Everyone started to chase them. Claire and I chased them. Then I say Douxie and Archie ride past us. My horse came to a stop in front of a creepy looking woods. “They’ve entered the wild wood. Abandon the horses. We head on foot.” Arthur said. I swung my foot around hoping down from my horse. “Forget him. Stick to the plan.” I heard Douxie say as I saw Merlin walked past me. Well this could be better. “I’ll take the king.” Douxie said as he hopped down from his horse. “I’ll cover Morgana.” Claire said. “I’ll keep us all from dying.” I said. “And let’s just focus on getting these royal siblings to hug and make up.” Archie said. “And not die.” Claire said. “Uh yes that too.” Archie said. “How could you have forgotten that Archie.” I said as I helped Claire down from her horse. Archie jumped down for Douxie’s shoulder as Douxie walked up to Arthur and Steve finally caught up to us. “About time Steve.” I said as Claire followed Morgana. “What are those two doing?” Steve asked. “Trying to get Arthur and Morgana to make up.” I said. “Easier said than done.” Steve said. “You’re telling me.” I said.
No Ones POV
After and try and fail from both Claire and Douxie. Douxie had to think up of another way to the Morgana and Arthur to make up to save the timeline so the four of them can get back to their timeline. “Mm not much love left between them. If only you could make him remember that good old days.” Archie said as he a Douixe came across a tree with Arthur, Gwen and Morgana names carved into it then jumped off of Douxie’s shoulder. “Maybe I can.” Douxie said putting his hand on the tree as magic came from his cuff and turned the carved names glow blue then went back to normal. Douxix turned around to face Arthur. “Say my liege didn’t you used to spend time in this wood?” Douxie asked but already knowing the answer. “Yes. As a boy. Much time was lost in this accursed forest. I often fled to these woods to escape form growing responsibilities.” Arthur said walking over to tree. Douxie moved closer to Claire as Arthur had touched the tree so it would start to so the enchantment that Douxie put on it. Arthur let out a gasp as blue light emerged from the tree causing the other knights to cry in fear. The sounds of children laugher could be heard. Merlin looked over to Douxie knowing that he must have been the one to cause this. Douxie looked at Merlin giving him the sign of the horns while sticking his tongue out. Merlin rolled his eyes and let out a scoff. “Stand down. We’re not in danger. Uh my lord.” Merlin said as he walked up to Arthur but Arthur had put his sword up stopping Merlin from coming any closer to him. The three children came out from behind the tree. “Gwen. My betrothed. My beloved. She was the heart of me.” Arthur said as the children chased each other around then the little brother carved the names into the tree. The two little girls ran through Morgana. “Mm we loved these woods. The freedom they offered. The wood showed us kindness for our courage. Gwen and I were never scared. ” Morgana said. As everyone watched the children version of Gwen and Morgana as they went up to Nari. Nari smiled kindly at the two as she hopped down from the rock she was on. “Arthur however.” Morgana said as the child version of Arthur went after Nari. “I knew what danger lurked in the darkness. As we grew older and duty kept me inside Morgana encouraged Gwen brought her out when she should have stayed safe within Camelot.” Arthur said as older version of Gwen and Morgana appeared. “Arthur always blamed me for our moonlight trips. But that night it was Gwen pulling me out of the door.” Morgana said as Gwen tripped over a root and fell into a hole below. Douxie had glanced over to Y/n who was standing by Steve watching the story unfold. “We’d stumbled into a stalking nest. It was afraid.” Morgana. “That night Gwen went into the woods and never returned. You sister should have known better.” Arthur said. “You never forgave me. And when my own gifts blossomed you saw yet another abomination. Ordered Merlin to teach me to control that part of me though Gwen loved magic as I did.” Morgana said as she walked up to the projection of Gwen creating a flower with her magic. Arthur following behind her. “Yes. Yes she did. I. I miss her terribly.” Arthur said as the projection that Douxie casted faded. “As do I brother.” Morgana said as she and Arthur looked at each other. Arthur gave her a small smile in return. Douxie and Claire quickly turned around to check the time map. The timeline were both Arthur and Morgana lived was still up. “It’s working.” Douxie said. At that moment Lancelot came running back. “Troll! We found one!” Lancelot cried out. Arthur let out a growl. “I will lose no one else to those creatures. To arms.” Arthur said walking away from Morgana. Then the time map went back to show the timeline where Arthur will die. “No no no no no! Not now!” Douxie said. “Oh no! Jim.” Claire said as she ran forward. Right as Douxie was about to close the time map another timeline showed up. This one now showing Y/n with the Arcane Order. Y/n no longer looked like herself. Her face was sunken in some and void of any emotion. Her eyes looked dead and almost black not the green that Douxie always loves looking into. “No no no. Oh fuzz buckets.” Douxie said. “How are you going to stop that?” Archie asked. “I don’t know Arch.” Douxie said closing the time map. “Are you going to tell her?” Archie asked. “No. I’m going to stop it so I don’t have to tell her.” Douxie said. “Yes because keeping something like this from her will definitely get her to like you more.” Archie said. “Wait do you know something I don’t Arch?” Douxie asked. “I guess they were right true love is blind.” Archie said walking away. 
End of No Ones POV 
I was standing behind Steve and Claire was next to me. I looked around to try to find Douxie but I didn’t see him. “Where’s Douxie.” I whispered to Claire. Claire also looked around. “I don’t know I could have sworn that he was right behind me.”  Claire whispered back right as Douxie and Archie caught up to us. “Steady men! Remember your training. Kill the beast!” Lancelot yelled. As the knights ran forward. “Wait kill? I thought this was catch and release!” Steve yelled as Morgana, Claire, Douxie and I ran following the knights to stop them from killing anyone. I looked to see one of Gunmar soldiers as one of the knight shout an arrow at it making it grunt out in pain. Three other knights started to put chains around it. “Take the best down.” Arthur said. “Arthur no!” Morgana cried out. “Squire Steve will you do the honors?” Lancelot asked as he threw a sword to Steve. The troll lunged at Steve making him scream as he fell back. Arthur had stepped in between them. “Careful young. Show these beats no sympathy.” Arthur said. Then Arthur kick the troll in the chest making it step backward into the sunlight. “Huzzah! Huzzah!” Arthur and the knights said lifting their swords in the air. I started to hear growling I looked over to see Bular coming out for where Steve. “Steve look out!” I screamed. Bular picked Steve up by his shoulder and threw him. “Bular the Butcher!” Lancelot call out. “The Gumm-Gumm prince himself!” Galahad said. Bular ran at Arthur. Arthur tried to hit Bular with his sword Bular jumped over him bringing out his sword swinging it at Arthur. Then everyone tried to fight him. “I’ll drink your blood out of a goblet made of your skull!” Bular said as he fought Arthur. Bular knocked Arthur sword out of his hand then knock him to the ground. Bular walked over to Arthur picking him up by the throat and slamming him against a tree. “I’ll crave you open let your guts spill out!” Bular said. “My king.” Galahad yelled. “Arthur!” Lancelot yelled. Bular drew his sword back then tried to stab Arthur but I used my magic to stop his sword and Douxie was using his to keep Bular’s arm in place. “There’s no spilling anything today!” Douxie yelled. Merlin used his magic to create a seal as Douxie pull Bular back trapping him in the seal. Bular they to get out but didn’t. “Finish it then fleshbag!” Bular yelled. “The spwan of Gunmar. I won’t dull Excalibur’s edge with you.” Arthur said as he picked up his sword walking over to Bular and kicked him in the face. Bular let out a grunt. “Drag this monster back to Camelot! I have plans for him. The rest with me! My blade hungers.” Arthur said putting Excalibur up in the air. “As you wish milord. Onward!” Lancelot said. “Who’s the monster here?” Morgana said.
We walked for a bit before Lancelot found some tracks. “These tracks are fresh! The other beasts can’t be far milord. Best we spread out flank them!” Lancelot said as he got up. “Go.” Arthur said as the knight that were left started to go looking for the other trolls.  As Morgana and Claire walked past him Arthur stopped them. “And you time to pick a side. You would do well not to return with a clean sword.” Arthur said. Morgana glared at him as she walked away. Morgana, Claire, Douxie and Merlin went one way while I went with Steve, Lancelot, Galahad and Arthur. For some reason they had let Steve take the lead. “Great we’re going to die,” I said quietly to myself as we came to a path I didn’t like to look of. “This area is dangerous but there’s no way around.” Lancelot said. Steve cleared his throat. “Fear not for Steve will scout the enemy base.” Steve said walking forward. “Hold squire. Watch out for the.” Lancelot said. But Steve had went ahead walking forward setting off traps that sent Porcupine like needles shooting at Steve. I heard everyone wince. Then it turned into laughter from Lancelot and Galahad. Arthur looked done with this all. I was just used to Steve being well Steve. Steve finally fell face first into the ground. “That one’s gotta hurt!” Galahad said as he and Lancelot with up to Steve each one grabbing an arm. “Well done Squire Steve. Now the path’s clear.” Lancelot said as he and Galahad start dragging Steve along. “I love you guys. You guys are my best friends.” Steve said. After we got through that path came getting those needles out of Steve. Which they looked to me to get them out. Lancelot and Galahad got Steve into a standing up position. I let out a breathe as I cross my arms into a x form then quickly broke them apart as my magic ripped out a the needles at once making Steve whimper in pain. “Sorry about that Steve I tried to make it as painless as I could.” I said. “No no. I get it.” Steve said still in pain. Lancelot walked away. Steve and I followed him. From where we were I could see Jim with that female troll that he escaped with. “But you see? They’re not all bad.” Jim said. “Shh I’ve got one in my sights.” Lancelot said to Steve and I. “This one’s sort of sweet.” The female troll said. “uh oh no what do I do, what do I do?” Steve said. Making me roll my eyes. “Such conflict. Oh snap! Uh mosquito!” Steve yelled smacking Lancelot in the face. Which made Lancelot release the arrow. But the time I tried to use my magic the change the direction to the arrow it had already hit the female troll. “Clumsy jackanapes!” Lancelot yelled at Steve. Lancelot tried to shot another arrow but Steve did the same thing. I took that to sneak away. I had jumped down to the ground below using my magic to soften the fall and not break my legs. I ran toward where Jim and the female troll ran to. I saw Jim on the ground. “Jim.” I said. Jim had turned to look at me and I saw that his eyes were red.  
Taglist: @cinamonroll-uwu16​ @nerlea​ @wondermia69​ @lovedouxie​ @purplesinnerw​ @sitherin-mxschief​ @douxiesdamsel​ 
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer
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