#my venus goes uses all pronouns doesnt understand the concept of gender and usually goes by Alexandros
fizzle-faz · 2 months
So the mutagen is a natural resource on planet Neutrino, but it's typically in a gaseous state. It's not dangerous at all to the people there by the way, it's just kinda there. SO. Zayton Honeycutt, AKA the Fugitoid, discovered how to liquify the substance and was running some cool science experiments and junk and all way fine, ya know? Until Kraang somehow heard about the experiments and thought hey! I could use that to make my armies stronger! So he went and demanded pretty much the entire planet's supply.
Honeycutt wouldn't give it to him since he was still conducting experiments on it and he didn't want anyone to get hurt because he'd handed over unstudied chemical junk. This pissed Kraang off, he attacks the professor, but some neutrinos step in [Kala, Zak, and Dask. Honeycutt was pretty much a father figure to them cuz why not], blah blah blah war. He barely escapes in the body of the Fugitoid with most of the mutagen and his experiments: five baby turtles.
Okay so my dude goes and hides out on Earth because absolutely no one is going to go check for him on that dumb primitive planet. He hides out in the sewers and continues his experiments as best as he can. One day tho, he was hanging out in his little area when this random twenty or thirty-something guy came wandering down the tunnels hanging out with these four [yes four] little kids.
Quick little background on Hamato Yoshi! He was shamefully kicked out of the Foot Clan and was being hunted down in Japan so he moved to America in attempt to escape. He was homeless and lived in the underground sewer tunnels with a few other families, and he often ended up watching the kids [at the time an infant, one and a half year old, a two year old, and a four year old].
He accidentally bumps into the robot, vial of mutagen cracks, and spills all over the turtles and the humans. In this world, the ooze can work in two ways. 1.) If the mutagen comes in contact with just one creature, said creature will just become weird and fucked up. 2.) If it comes in contact with two or more creatures, those creatures will essentially be mutated together.
Donnie and Leo were created with separate turtles but the same human, so that's how they became twins. The rest were rather straight-forward.
The Fugitoid tried to collect the turtle tot baby whatevers, but Yoshi was reeeeeally protective over those kids. However, in his compromised state, it was hard to fight back, so he managed to flee the planet with one of the five turtles [Venus, AKA Alexandros], which he proceeded to raise in a spaceship while running from galaxy to galaxy.
Splinter decided that these mutant things would be hunted down by society, and he still felt this paternal protectiveness over them, so he decided to stay in the sewers and raise them, just away from his old community. He also decided that since they were all different entities now, they all needed new names. Conveniently, the Fugitoid had labeled all of them already, and those little stickers stayed on even after mutation, hence the new names.
Anyway yay!!! Parental Honeycutt for the win!!!
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